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ThunderVerse 2014 Platinum Release Thread

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I think the AI can be a bit too eager to cut guys who are in time decline, for example in my PWI game I'm in December 2014 and just got the news that Drake Richards contract is coming up and the AWF aren't making him an extension offer.


Now sure Richards is 43 years old and his skills in the ring are starting to decline, but he's still a fantastic performer and his matches in the AWF average an 80 which is as good as anyone else in the company aside from Jean-Claude Giroux and Timothy Hawk; and this is with most of his matches being against Nick Hart and Towerblock who aren't quite at the main event level popularity. That's ignoring an even bigger factor in a company like the AWF, his entertainment skills which are world class and won't start to decline for many many years. His angle grades tend to be in the high 80s, and his angles with Hawk are doing mid 90s grades so it seems odd the AWF would just let him leave.


On the other hand getting Drake Richards without having to get in a bidding war with AWF is great news for me. I'm planning on having Vance Cole hype a mystery signing for a few weeks, and then debut him by having him interrupt (the Heel) Shay Kinsella cutting a promo about how he was the first ever champion and he isn't getting the respect he deserves. After beating Kinsella in a TV main event Richards announces he wants World Champion Eli Morton in the main event of the next PPV.


I'm not sure how much time decline will hurt Richards in the ring, Sebastian Curtis is in decline and doing fine, but if nothing else giving him and Guy Lothario time on the microphone should generate some ratings. My long term plan for Richards is to have him feud with the Lothario Standard for a bit before settling into a gatekeeper type roll where he can help pass on his skills to younger guys on the roster.

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I think the AI can be a bit too eager to cut guys who are in time decline, for example in my PWI game I'm in December 2014 and just got the news that Drake Richards contract is coming up and the AWF aren't making him an extension offer.


If the AWF are cult and PWI are at national, it might be that he's too popular to re-sign, rather than them not offering him a contract.

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If the AWF are cult and PWI are at national, it might be that he's too popular to re-sign, rather than them not offering him a contract.


Richards is at 79 pop in the US, which as far as I can tell shouldn't mean he's too big for the AWF given that they were able to re-sign Nikita who is at 80 pop in the country.


I suppose cutting Richards makes some sense from a economic standpoint as they have a lot of expensive big name stars and they've lost almost 2 Million Dollars over the last 4 months; though based on how they've done so far they should reach national long before money becomes an issue. It certainly doesn't help that in the US the economy is at E and falling and the wrestling Industry is at a F- and also somehow still falling. :p

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So here's a question, do you think it would make sense for PWI/Shane Allman to buy the RAWA title belts and bring back the RAWA Name for a brand split?


I ask because I've been planning a brand split in my PWI game and I was having trouble thinking up a name/identity for the 2nd brand that would feel different than PWI, but not be a betrayal of Shane Allmans ideas. Do you think having RAWA as the second brand would work out?

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Do you think having RAWA as the second brand would work out?


It could, particularly if Guy Lothario and/or someone like Richie Santana was involved in the running of the RAWA brand. To be honest, I'd expect Allman to create his own brand (particularly as he's going on an anti-SE crusade and most of RAWA's top stars ended up in the WWWE).


How about turning Showcase into the second brand? It could focus on slightly younger talent in faster-paced matches. It all depends on why you're running a brand split really.

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It could, particularly if Guy Lothario and/or someone like Richie Santana was involved in the running of the RAWA brand. To be honest, I'd expect Allman to create his own brand (particularly as he's going on an anti-SE crusade and most of RAWA's top stars ended up in the WWWE).


How about turning Showcase into the second brand? It could focus on slightly younger talent in faster-paced matches. It all depends on why you're running a brand split really.


Well my idea was to have Eli Morton lose the PWI Championship to Scott Hart in somewhat controversial manner, and have Guy Lothario come out the next week and insist that Morton is the real Heavyweight champion, but Vance Cole refuses to negate Scott Harts win or grant an immediate rematch. This leads to Guy Lothario coming out and unveiling the RAWA World Title (which in Kayfabe he still has since he was the final champion) and giving it to Morton, proclaiming him the Real American World Champion.


Of course, while that storyline could be fun the logical outcome of the story-line would be a "unification" between the two rather than a brand split, so making Showcase the 2nd brand is probably a better idea anyway.


Since PWI has International and North American belts available but not in use perhaps I could strike a working agreement with some big foreign market companies to bring in some top talent who wouldn't otherwise work in the United States to compete for the international belt against some of my own younger guys on the 2nd brand.

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Well after talking to some monster at #tew (join plz), i decided to make some t-verse render. And it dawned to me. I have no idea how to do t-verse render. So what should i use and how should i use em. I have rendered if you are wondering.


THUN-DER MON-STER! *clap clap clap* THUN-DER MON-STER! :p

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I created a little group of painted Asian-ish wrestlers in AWF with Prophecy, ONI and Chance managing them both... Prophecy ended up having excellent tag team chemistry with ONI. Heck yeah. They're all feuding with Hawk (in the awesome Sting facepaint alt from the alt thread) and Warrior in a storyline I'm calling "War Paint"...


Love this mod boys, also love the guys doing the insane creative job of making all the crazy alts. That thread adds so much to this data. Bravo guys.

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I was sick of trying to figure out how to use Casey Skym in the AWF, so I've started a new AWF game with Terry Thunder as my avatar. My first move - fire Casey Skym. I figure that the Thunder/Prophecy authority struggle would have more juice than Skym/Prophecy, or at least that's what my game's version of Dax Deekins is thinking. If I can get the characterizations right, this one may be worth writing up as a diary.
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I created a little group of painted Asian-ish wrestlers in AWF with Prophecy, ONI and Chance managing them both... Prophecy ended up having excellent tag team chemistry with ONI. Heck yeah. They're all feuding with Hawk (in the awesome Sting facepaint alt from the alt thread) and Warrior in a storyline I'm calling "War Paint"...


Love this mod boys, also love the guys doing the insane creative job of making all the crazy alts. That thread adds so much to this data. Bravo guys.


ONI's great, glad to see someone get some use out of him. Glad you're enjoying the mod, and you're right - the alt thread is a lot of fun to watch! :D


I was sick of trying to figure out how to use Casey Skym in the AWF, so I've started a new AWF game with Terry Thunder as my avatar. My first move - fire Casey Skym. I figure that the Thunder/Prophecy authority struggle would have more juice than Skym/Prophecy, or at least that's what my game's version of Dax Deekins is thinking. If I can get the characterizations right, this one may be worth writing up as a diary.


Funnily enough I had the same problem with Prophecy (mainly because I now can't see him in any other gimmick than the one mentioned earlier in the thread). An AWF diary would be great - if you start one up feel free to post in here to let everyone know (which applies to everyone else for that matter!).

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Just started my first proper save hoping to finally write a diary at some point. Playing as ILL in Mexico. Some great characters and rivalries really helping when writing the storylines. This mod is brilliant.


Btw, one minor nitpick: CLLM's TV show is Guerreros del Anillo, and anillo is the spanish word for ring, but as in wedding ring. Guerreros del Ring would be fine since the english word is used in wrestling and boxing anyways. "Cuadrilátero" could also work, although I think it's more commonly used in boxing.

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Just started my first proper save hoping to finally write a diary at some point. Playing as ILL in Mexico. Some great characters and rivalries really helping when writing the storylines. This mod is brilliant.


Btw, one minor nitpick: CLLM's TV show is Guerreros del Anillo, and anillo is the spanish word for ring, but as in wedding ring. Guerreros del Ring would be fine since the english word is used in wrestling and boxing anyways. "Cuadrilátero" could also work, although I think it's more commonly used in boxing.


Sounds great, and glad you're enjoying the mod :)


Thanks for the note regarding the TV show too - I'll fix that for a future update.

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I can't find anything to do with Derrick Rollins. What are you guys doing with him?


I had him cost Immortal Warrior his rematch against Cross for the United States Title. Rollins' reasoning: What better way to become immortal than take down the Immortal One? It fits Rollins scratching his way to the top and also give Warrior something to do.

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I had him cost Immortal Warrior his rematch against Cross for the United States Title. Rollins' reasoning: What better way to become immortal than take down the Immortal One? It fits Rollins scratching his way to the top and also give Warrior something to do.


Thanks. Good idea.


What else are you doing?

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Thanks. Good idea.


What else are you doing?


I'm rolling with the stock storylines pretty much. I've also added Jean-Claude Giroux vs. the debuting Nick Hart (Giroux can't stand Hart's impending debut being given so much airtime), a simple tag / Television title feud with Buff 'n' Tuff and the Enemies of the State, and an authority storyline which I think I discussed earlier.


Quick mod maker question - what is Claudia's pic named in the database. It may be that I'm bleary eyed after watching the Bills crap away another season, but I can't find it for the life of me.

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Quick mod maker question - what is Claudia's pic named in the database. It may be that I'm bleary eyed after watching the Bills crap away another season, but I can't find it for the life of me.


Mia Costello. It was her very first name, and I keep forgetting to change the pic filename.

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Since Spirit Wolf has developed really good promo skills in my save (C+/C/B-) and I wanted to use him from the start, I've been thinking about bringing him in with a new controversial gimmick but I'm still not 100% sure yet.


To keep it short, I'm using the WWE's Muhammad Hassan character as inspiration because I still feel like that idea had enormous potential. Unlike Hassan, I wouldn't screw up its execution in the worst way imaginable. I'd bring Wolf in as vocal advocate of Native Americans: talking about their continued mistreatment, how they're portrayed culturally, about how fans expect him act like a cartoon mascot because of his appearance, etc. He would be very in-your-face and confrontational, accusing the fans of booing him because of his views.


Despite his unpleasant attitude and the way he goes about expressing his views, I would actually book him as a face (the biggest departure from the Hassan character) by having him wrestle only heels and save other faces - even ones he has had issues with - from post-match beatdowns, etc.


I like it but I'm not entirely sure if it "works," so to speak. I was hoping to get some input from you guys...


It was essentially what was World Elite, turned face. Go further with your idea.

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I'm rolling with the stock storylines pretty much. I've also added Jean-Claude Giroux vs. the debuting Nick Hart (Giroux can't stand Hart's impending debut being given so much airtime), a simple tag / Television title feud with Buff 'n' Tuff and the Enemies of the State, and an authority storyline which I think I discussed earlier.


Quick mod maker question - what is Claudia's pic named in the database. It may be that I'm bleary eyed after watching the Bills crap away another season, but I can't find it for the life of me.



I have really turned over the roster. Gotten rid of several. Opened up a Developmental territory and signed a bunch of young guys to bring up.


I'm really working on VIP. I want him to eventually be one of the biggest Heels in the company. Theo Barkley is his bodyguard (Mr. Theo), and Miss Valentina is his Valet.


Running a feud with Derrick Rollins and Core where Rollins is trying to remove his mask.


Working on building up Bryce Christensen and Mr Hawaii to be major Face contributors.


Had to fire Cool Chris for drugs and will probably have to fire Garrett South for steroids.


I also let go of Mo Fury and a few others to improve the locker room.

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