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<p>In the very early stages of a June 2016 save with WWE and having a huge amount fun with it. Turned off the face and heel divide; I can work it out in my own mind, it's easier that way.</p><p>

MITB was a tremendous success with Seth Rollins defeating Roman Reigns to win the WWE Championship; John Cena defeating AJ Styles in the main event and Dean Ambrose winning the MITB briefcase.</p><p>

Ambrose may well cash in at Battleground or in the leadup to Summerslam; regardless, he's walking out of Brooklyn with the strap. He's improving very quickly particularly with his mic skills.</p><p>

Going to do the Lesnar/Orton thing as the latter is back from injury in a week's time. Hype at Battleground, match at Summerslam. Thinking about a sequel at Mania if it goes down well.</p><p>

Owens/Zayn's going to be the post-MITB feud I'm most excited about, they took each other out on the ladder at MITB allowing Ambrose to pick up the case.</p><p>

The Club are putting big pressure on Cena, who's responding with a couple of veterans as backup - Beeg and Kane. Going to do Cena vs Styles II and III at Battleground and Summerslam with Styles going over in the final one for sure. Anderson and Gallows to see off the old warhorses.</p><p>

Got the Usos and the New Day in a feud at the moment based on oneupmanship; two teams with great respect just wanting to see how far they can push the other along. The Club will come into this post-Battleground and planning on giving them the belts as they're getting over nicely under AJ's tutelage.</p><p>

Charlotte defeated Nattie by shenanigans to retain the Women's title in a strong match. Sasha up next for Charlotte once the former's over her slight jaw injury although Becky Lynch and Paige (#1 and #2 in my hot prospect list) picked up a tag-team win at MITB and are very much in my long-term plans. Asuka and Bayley are looking good in NXT and when the time is right they will have a huge part to play too. Maybe Emma when she's back from injury, who knows.</p><p>

Miz defeated Jack Swagger thanks to Maryse's interference to retain the IC title. Goldust is putting himself forward at the next challenger, think they can put on a good match. In the long-term, new call-up Finn Balor (no Demon stuff here, just Real Rock) is going to get the big push towards the belt. Will pair him up with his pal Becky so she can sort Maryse's interfering ways out once and for all.</p><p>

Rusev saw off a spirited challenge for his US title from Zack Ryder. Apollo Crews his next challenger to build him up a little. Feeling a Rusev/Cesaro program down the line or throwing someone like Zayn or McIntyre in the pot.</p><p>

Wyatt and Neville are back from injury in a week. Good stuff.</p><p>

Ryback got himself suspended for roids, his contract is up in three months or so, so he'll be jobbing until his contract is up. Plenty of menacing lads on the roster that can fill his spot, although some are a more long-term project.</p><p>

Brought back Drew McIntyre to fill out the midcard and see how well he can do second time around. Shelton Benjamin's back to help out the lower card, and Hawkins and Mahal are in to eat pins for now at least.</p><p>

As for NXT? Balor may be gone but I've been busy bringing in the next wave. Bobby Roode is working there now, and I've signed Eric Young and DIY full time to work there too. Also brought in Candice LeRae, Roderick Strong and Kassius Ohno. Joe's coming up after Summerslam, to do what I'm not sure. But it feels like the right time for him.</p><p>

Sent Bryan down there to train the next generation with Regal. McGuinness and Corino too. They can't possibly fail!</p><p>

Been getting some of my future NXT stars involved in some main roster segments for the night, as well as hyping some up at MITB. Want them to get to a respectable level when they're called up. Also, monthly TakeOvers! Following on from The End, it's Bash at the Beach in July. Let's see what Joe "AI booker" Belcastro can do.</p><p>

And the big news of the month...Vinny Mac is settling down to a quiet life in a months' time. Did his thank you and farewell at MITB. He did it his way.</p><p>

Holding off on the draft until after WrestleMania 33, already got it planned as to who's going where. Likewise, bringing in a Cruiserweight division at that time also.</p><p>

Having real fun with this save and I'm barely a month in!</p>

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Bruce Wayne in Batman. I finally went a bit nuts.


Money in the bank 2018 brought me my 2 highest rated matches yet. Things are going up all over, I feel. Ronda and Paige had a 75.


Nakamura defeated Jericho in 88.


AJ Styles successfully defending in a fatal four against Samoa Joe, Rusev and Roman Reigns. It was booked as a 3 on 1 going into it sort of thing. All 3 had a beef with Ru Ru. 89.


The ending is where we go Nuts. Vince McMahon recently retired from my game. So I made somebody buy all his WWE stock. Is such a thing even possible? Aliens. I don't know if such a thing is possible but it definitely is on TEW. Lex Luthor is now in the game. He bought control.


He's playing a businessman character. The number one thing that kept coming up on his searches was.................... The Bullet Club................ All about giving fans what they want. Trying to sign the best of the best.


He also gave Conor McGregor a mention. haha


Let me start by saying that knowing there is a Bullet Club is as far as my knowledge goes.


Back to the match. Reigns give superman punch to AJ and then the music comes from the Luthortron.


The crowd goes nuts as Cody Rhodes, Kenny Omega and Prince Devitt (what a night for this guy. Won mitb as well) come in from the crowd to face Reigns. Reigns then beat the crap out of them all and the Roman empire stands tall. haha Nah, they beat him down, Rusev and Joe are taken care of by Adam Cole, Tama Tonga, and Matt Jackson (Nick is on two-month injury. )


I couldn't fit Anderson and Gallows in. :D


AJ Styles then gets up and has the ol shocked look on his face. He's obviously with them, right? Wrong. The beat him up as well, throw him on top of Reigns and he retains.


A cash-in is teased but Prince Devitt is playing the old I'd rather make him suffer, knowing that I could be anywhere at any time. Behind you, AJ......


We then have a promo. Decent 83 rating. They introduce themselves. I was happy that Cody got a control of the crowd bonus. Sure he had a lot to get off his chest. Omega's in-ring ability looks very good. His egomaniac gimmick came in at legendary so that was cool.


Going to make them feel as special as possible. Have them attending tennis tournaments, showing videos from matches from other promotions. Cody Rhodes watching old clips of legacy. etc They are not going to be there wrestling on Raw.


Lex Luthor will take care of the Devitt, Anderson and Gallows contracts.


The main event of Battleground will be Cody Rhodes, Kenny Omega, Adam Cole, Prince Devitt and Matt Jackson vs AJ Styles, Roman Reigns, Samoa Joe and 2 I'm not sure of yet.


I keep hearing ''we are the Nexus.'' Trying to brainwash me into having Bullet Club lose here.


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<p>Question</p><p> </p><p>

Hi Guys!</p><p>

Just wanted to ask a question before I started posting updates on my game here.</p><p> </p><p>

Basically I still only play TEW 2013 as for some reason, I enjoy it much more than TEW 2016 (which I just can't get into, I dunno why). I'm just wondering if you guys would mind if I started to post screenshot updates of my current WWE 2004 save that I'm running in TEW 2013?</p><p> </p><p>

Cheers in advance!</p>

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<p>My small company (Chicago Championship Wrestling) is plugging along with shows every other month to save/make money.</p><p> </p><p>

Meanwhile, SOTBPW is taking over the wrestling world. In addition to stealing Valiant from SWF a month ago, they just signed Nicky Champion and Remo in the same week. So the clock is ticking for them to go Global now, in my book at least.</p>

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<p><strong>Disclaimer: </strong>Everything is self-made, except the graphics. I am using generics in the picture folder for the wrestlers (or in some cases, using an alt. But it's just personal games, and I can't possibly track down hundreds of people who might or might not still be findable to beg for permission to "publish" anything with their wrestler-face or logo or belt. So, I just keep it all to myself. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Introduction</strong> Global Kings of Wrestling, GKOW has been through some tough times ever since rising from cult to national. We're a "Pinky and The Brain" style of booking team; the owner is "Sharky" Marvin Lund, co-owned and booked by the millionaire herself, Zoe Diamond. Marvin is the brains, Zoe is the money. She's already been paid back her loan plus interest but is still on board because it's profit. Sharky decided to fire her after paying her back, then she set up a shell company, and used it to buy half the ownership then revealed herself on TV as the co-owner. That really got under Sharky's skin!!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Politics:</strong> We aren't the bottom player but we might be if TCW and SWF fall out, and they're both starting to crumple. Mighty USPW has been on a tear, and I am hoping they implode. I keep a strong eye on them, and who they're negotiating with, and I always make a bid to make them pay more in the counter offer. We're also looking at building an alliance with TCW because they're popular and have a lot of talent we like, but we don't wanna sent out our top row to TCW events where they will get so much wear and tear they will retire before 35. We have no enemies. Our child companies are successful, one in every game area; two reached regional size and the rest are small but growing fast. We rarely sign developmental talent, we just use the child companies for more revenue and fun. We want them to rise to glory under our banner and help us dominate the world! It's a slow climb. We're thinking about who might make good allies or enemies out there. We've built a big war chest and are ready for the fight, bring it on!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Feuds:</strong> We have two brands, Storm Kings and Storm Queens. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Storm Kings: </strong></p><p>

<em>The Hellfire vs Ultraviolent Horror Show vs The Bonewalkers.</em> </p><p>

Hellfire is a hoss tag team with dyed red hair and cultist gimmicks, managed by a James Mitchell type figure. They attacked The Bonewalkers, furious about losing their tag titles. This is when, shocking the world, Jason Slaughter and Chainsaw Charlie make their promotional debut, saving The Bonewalkers. When the Hellfire were driven away, The Bonewalkers attacked the Horror Show, angry that they were "saved" by their old enemies from overseas.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Astro vs Zach vs Old School Mafia</em></p><p>

Zach Jones and Lukas Astro have fought over the title for some time. In the middle of their spectacle last month, at The War to Settle the Score 12, they were attacked by Alexander Williams and Arnie Thatcher. They call themselves the Old School Mafia - Arnie is 42 and Alexander is 46, both are respected retired wrestlers who dominated their era as enemies. Why are they teaming up? Arnie and Alexander are angry that what they call "The Corporate Era" is responsible for PG movements, SJWs taking over wrestling, "The Hardcore Movement", these guys hate everything about modern wrestling and decided to do something about it, setting aside old issues to reclaim old glory, and challenge the new generation. "Hey kids, we're the ones with the torch! We're not passing anything! We're going to use that torch to burn down your safe space and bring REAL wrestling back!! Tell 'em, Arnie!" - "I'm not here to entertain you losers, and I got my millions, I don't care what you... what? Did you just shout "What", you little dweebs? How cute!! Go ahead, if you like donkey nuts in your mouth, chant "What" again!! Yup, I knew it. You guys are losers, and we're here for two reasons. ONE: To bury your indy darlings, I said it! I am going to bury them!! TWO: Well... Just because it pisses you off!! Watch this!!"</p><p> </p><p>

-Then they bring out two 40 year old non-athletic jobbers who have an intentionally boring match. They "guard the ring" to force the fans to endure this crap they call "great wrestling". Then, Lukas runs in through the crowd, and clears the ring!! When the Old School Mafia turn around, they slowly enter the ring. Zach runs down the ramp and pulls Alexander down, he chokes him from behind and handcuffs him to the guard rail!! They double team Arnie!! Arnie is in trouble! "HE JUST ATE THE ASTRO COMET!! OH MY GOD, ANOTHER ASTRO COMET!!" That's when Zach brings out the brass knucks, catches Lukas on the button, and laughs. He then punches out Arnie, then the handcuffed Alexander to stand tall.-</p><p> </p><p>

. Can Lukas and Zach set aside their animosity? Will these rivals form an alliance against these invaders? Will old tensions flare anew between the Old School Mafia? What will happen at Battlezone! next month when Arnie and Lukas team up for the first time ever? What destiny is in store...?</p><p>


The Soopa Villains vs Hott & Jazzy.</em></p><p>

In our comedy attraction, Angry Happy Madd and Nuclear Ned are facing off against Hottie Scottie and Jazzman Jasper. To start this fight, The Jazzman became obsessed with his hatred for clowns after losing to Happy, and the next week, ran down and helped Jazzman score a dirty win. The following week, the two attacked Happy on his way into the arena, and used an alcohol-soaked rag to wipe the makeup off his face on camera. Then, they beat him down in the middle of a match with Dawson Harris the next week and smudged his paint. The next week, Nuclear Ned joined Happy in a tag team match to avenge a loss against The Jazzman who used dirty tactics. The Soopa Villains want revenge; Hott & Jazzy are just having a great ol' "heel new age outlaws" style of fun. Who will prevail in this comical madness?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Great Giant Gregg and The Behemoths vs The Diamond Studs</em></p><p>

Paul Hunter Diamond was brought in by Zoe Diamond to give her a voice in the ring against Marvin's Madness. Marvin brought out a Croatian giant who can move! Hopefully he gets good in the ring, but for now, Paul is carrying this one. Paul and Gregg are both regulars in the world title picture, and Paul has an uneasy rivalry/friendship with Lukas Astro; who he respects the talent of but covets the title of. He was beat down by Great Giant Gregg while Marvin Lund ordered security to hold back the other wrestlers from helping break it up. Paul's younger brother, Dave Diamond and his best friend Lenny Diamond jumped into the ring to make the save. The next week, Lund booked a handicap match for these younger up and comers against his giant. After the Great Giant Slam was delivered to both men, he motioned to the back and The Behemoths made their promotional debut: Marek Kovak and Matas Kovak. Both are Hoss guys. In this feud, everyone's flaws are covered by someone else and it gives Gregg and Paul some much needed time away from the world title picture.</p><p> </p><p>


Storm Queens:</strong></p><p><em>

Monica, Inc. vs Lucile Astro</em> </p><p>

Monica is good friends with Eve Runcord, and has agreed to get her into the company to help her get experience so she can get noticed by the big leagues, looking at you SWF!! Nakano the Great from Japan has joined the company as the muscle and Lucile is in trouble! Can she protect her Storm Queen's Championship from this threat?</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Slaughter Sisters vs Sour Sensations</em> Shaka Khan and Sabrina Midnight are having a great time as tag team champions, they are both athletic and built like Chyna; they're basically the female Road Warriors here. The Sour Sensations are very skilled, technical, solid performers who're capable of helping the Slaughter Sisters gain that technique they need. The Sour Sensations are nefarious villains who gossip about others, destroy people's reputations and lives on social media, and both have made false rape accusations then later laughed about it after the damage was already done. The Slaughter Sisters were hired by several of their victims to get revenge.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

This company likes to use a few trends and current events and offer some social critique about the human condition with its characters. The company steers away from good vs evil storylines, and prefers a morally grey area. Last year, we finally altered the product to a Face v Heel divide to use a Figurehead and we've been reeling ever since. We've recovered and are slowly gaining the benefits of Astro being the company face, he's only 28 and soon to peak, hopefully nothing terrible ruins him! We're building up Paul and Zach behind him just in case, because we can't account for everything. We also signed about 50 new talent to our chain of child companies (something we don't often do) hoping to discover some good ones. I tolerate about 5 "bring me up!" emails from any given talent before I really look at the worker and make a final choice. It's hilarious when I release someone from development then they sign for my development company anyway.</p><p> </p><p>

We actually have 6 storylines on Storm Kings, and 5 on Storm Queens. Yes, I am managing 11 storylines on a roster of about 70 people.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Elsewhere in the world...</strong></p><p>

SOTBPW now has Remo and Champagne Lover.</p><p>

Ricky DeColt and Spencer Spade went to USPW.</p><p>

USPW has been on a tear. TCW is almost minor league, and USPW is becoming WWE. So far, I've forced them to pay very dearly for Remo, Rick Law, Rich Money, and Remo by bidding them up with 15% bonus at 30k, but then USPW offered 20% at 38k!! I hope I stuck it to them. If the game treats the AI the way it treats players, all their roster should be demanding raises which I hope will shake their finances up. I've also seen a few messages about Reverie Network losing lots of money, so I wonder what's in store?</p>

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<p>Kernowverse Money in the Bank</p><p> </p><p>

We just had out joint Money in the Bank PPV, with me booking Raw and my mate booking Smackdown. </p><p> </p><p>

He has all the Cruiserweights on his B-Show CWC, and I have all the Women's Division across Raw and my B-Show The Power Hour. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Raw European Title - </strong></span></p><p>

Rusev, a client of Jake Robert's Snake Agency, beat Dean Ambrose to regain his EU Title, after yet more interference from the mysterious Pindar.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Smackdown MitB - </strong></span></p><p>

Thanks to the sacrifice of his best friend Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn beat Shelton Benjamin & Dolph Ziggler, Kota Ibushi and Carl Anderson to grab the case.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Raw Universal Tag Team Titles - </strong></span></p><p>

Champions Edge and Christian took on Big Day; Kofi Kingston & Big Show, in a title match we should have seen at Mania. E&C retained the belts, but were attacked post match by Team Go3D (Bully Ray and the Guerrillas of Destiny), who made their intention for the titles clear.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#9932CC;"><strong>CWC Match - </strong></span></p><p>

Newcomer to the Cruiserweight division Seth Rollins was defeated by the dominant Hideo Itami. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Raw ECW Title - </strong></span></p><p>

Champion Finn Balor tapped out his hand-picked challenger Christopher Daniels in a technical mat wrestling classic.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Smackdown NWA Title - </strong></span></p><p>

Triple threat action as Samoa Joe defended his NWA Title against Jeff Hardy and Shinsuke Nakamura, ultimately losing when Nakamura pinned Jeff with the Kinshasa.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Raw Women's MitB - </strong></span></p><p>

With the constant aid of her GLOW team mates Sasha Banks and Alicia Fox, Naomi snatched the case over Tamina, Charlotte, Asuka and the Women's Tag Team Champions Paige & Bayley.</p><p> </p><p>

Naomi immediately cashed in on Universal Women's Champion Natalya, who had been watching the match from ringside, and after yet more interference from GLOW pinned the champion to become the champion.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Vince's Prodigal Sons (Roman Reigns & John Cena)</strong></span> went on a rampage of revenge against Bray Wyatt and Erik Rowan to gain a measure of payback for Wyatt's destruction of their master; Mr McMahon. John and Roman both covered Rowan for the win, but Wyatt left the match laughing like a maniac.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Raw Colour Commentator Mick Foley's</strong></span> life has been made hell by the bizarre and delusional Goldust for weeks, forcing Mick to come out of retirement and face his oppressor in a No DQ match. They put one another through horrendous acts of violence and degradation, including Goldust slicing Mick Foley's mouth with a photograph of his daughter Noelle, and eventually Goldust was able to hit the GTS and put Foley away.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Raw World Heavyweight Title - </strong></span></p><p>

Bad News Barrett, with his title back around his waste thanks to his defeat of The Undertaker on Raw, finally has his match with The Big Red Cure, Kane. The Ascension and The Undertaker himself all came to ringside to intimidate the champion, but Barrett's former team mate and new IC champion Amazing Kong fought them back to allow Bad News to retain his coveted gold. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Smackdown WWE Title - </strong></span></p><p>

Former friends and tag partners, WWE Champion Cesaro and the legend killing Cruiserweight Tyson Kidd, faced off one on one for the title. They used every trick they knew from their years as a team, with Cesaro managing to pull out the win after a very hard fought battle. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Raw MitB - </strong></span></p><p>

Following Randy's destruction of John Morrison on Raw, Paul Heyman had no choice but to take the injured Morrison out of the match and substitute his attacker, Randy Orton. Smashed ladders, destroyed tables and potentially ruined careers were the precursor to AJ Styles astonishing victory over Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Damien Sandow, Rob Van Dam and Randy.</p>

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<p>I'm going on my 3rd year in my WWE April 2014 save, so January 2017. </p><p> </p><p>


The Wyatt Family (Bray, Rowan, and Harper) have the WWE (Bray) and the Tag Championships. They are involved in a heel vs. heel feud with the Club (AJ, Gallows, and Anderson) since October. Braun left the Wyatt Family in June by attacking Bray, but Bray beat him quickly at Summerslam due to interference. Bray won the title from AJ in one of my few 100 rated matches. </p><p> </p><p>

The BFFs (Summer, Charlotte, and Sasha) reformed in April 2015. Sasha won the Diva's Championship at Royal Rumble 2016 and Summer kicked her out ala Evolution to Orton. Summer beat Sasha in June for the newly named Women's Championship and then lost it when her alliance with Charlotte dissolved at Survivor Series 2016. </p><p> </p><p>

Sami Zayn won the inaugural Cruiserweight Classic in March and has been Cruiserweight Champion since then defeating the likes of Rhett Titus at WrestleMania 32, Drew Gulak, The Brian Kendrick, Noam Dar, Austin Aries, Rich Swann, and TJ Perkins. He will be facing both the Lucha Dragons in a triple threat match coming up. </p><p> </p><p>

Mark Henry and Zack Ryder formed a tag team in 2014 and got a run with the Tag Championships recently, defeating the New Day. They would defeat the New Day, The Dudleys in their retirement match, and the Ascension before losing them to the Wyatts. </p><p> </p><p>

Cesaro won the US Title from Rusev and Sheamus in a triple threat match to keep the title on Raw. He had a long program with Christian before losing the title to a heel Roman Reigns on the last Raw of 2016. </p><p> </p><p>

I have Kaitlyn, Carmella, Serena Sky (Velvet Sky), and Becky Lynch as top contenders to the Women's Championship. </p><p> </p><p>

Mustafa Ali and James Ellsworth formed a tag team and they are looking to challenge the Wyatt Family. </p><p> </p><p>


Kevin Owens won the Universal Title at TLC after cashing in on Dean Ambrose. Dean was the first ever Universal Champion after defeating Seth Rollins at Summerslam. Seth got embroiled in a feud with Kevin, beating him at TLC before he cashed in. Owens is set to defend his title in a triple threat with Dean and Seth. </p><p> </p><p>

Seth was the sole survivor at Survivor Series, coming back from a 4 to 1 disadvantage (my game decided this, not me). He had just had a lengthy title reign as WWE Champion, defeating Bray, Seth and Roman, Sheamus, winning Match of the Year with Roman in a 1 hour Ironman match, and John Cena before losing the title to AJ Styles and Raw. </p><p> </p><p>

Dean had defeated the Undertaker, Sheamus, Miz and Rusev, and Seth during his reign as Universal Champion. </p><p> </p><p>

Rusev had a lengthy feud with Owens as Lana turned on Rusev at Summerslam and allied with Owens, turning Rusev face in the process. He has a feud going with Miz currently as Miz is divorced from Maryse in my game and he tries to "cheer" Rusev up. </p><p> </p><p>

Paige defeated Emma and Sasha to become the first Smackdown Women's Champion. Emma would soon defeat her and Paige would voluntarily leave due to being unable to defeat Emma after three matches. </p><p> </p><p>

The Usos won the first Smackdown Tag Team Championships, but would lose to the New Day at Survivor Series and lose their table rematch (another 100 match). </p><p> </p><p>

I have Ashley Apex (Madison Rayne), Mickie James, Alexa Bliss, Bayley, Nia Jax, and Sasha Banks as threats to the women's championship. Bayley just won a tourney to face Emma.</p>

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<p>Just into February 2005 in my ROH 2002 save. AJ Styles just lost the ROH title to KENTA, just one month after winning it against Kevin Steen at Final Battle 2004 in the climax of a year long storyline after he signed a contract with the WWE. AJ joins the long list of main eventers to move on to bigger and better things in either the WWE or NJPW along with:</p><p>

Low Ki (WWE)</p><p>

Samoa Joe (WWE)</p><p>

Christopher Daniels (NJPW)</p><p>

Colt Cabana (WWE)</p><p>

CM Punk (WWE)</p><p>

Prince Devitt (NJPW)</p><p>

Homicide (NJPW)</p><p>

Monty Brown (WWE)</p><p> </p><p>

It’s pretty frustrating having my top talent stolen very soon after they win the ROH title, its allowed me to keep my roster refreshed. My main event fueds going into the Summer are:</p><p> </p><p>

KENTA vs Bryan Danielson (ROH World Title):</p><p>

Danielson was the first person to hold the ROH title, defeating AJ Styles for it in March 2002 and losing it to Prince Devitt 11 months later at the 1st anniversary show. Danielson and KENTA have built up a friendship and a mutual respect with each other over the years, they are the only two left on the roster from the very first ROH show back in February 2002. The original plan was for a tag title run but with AJ signing with the fed, plans change and now the two best wrestlers in Ring of Honor will battle it out to figure out who truly is the best in the world.</p><p> </p><p>

Heyman Inc vs Team Friendship (ROH Tag Team Titled)</p><p>

El Generico, Chris Sabin and Cheerleader Melissa joined together as Team Friendship in early 2003. A team built on spreading positivity and making ROH a wholesome environment for fans and wrestlers alike. They have become the most successful tag team in Ring of Honor history, winning the tag titles on 3 different occasions. In April 2004, Paul Heyman debuted on ROH TV, bringing with him two behemoths in Mark Henry and Bison. They absolutely decimated everybody in sight and within 4 months, they were tag team champions. Having just lost the titles to Team Friendship at Styles Clash in January, Heyman’s monsters seem intent on revenge.</p><p> </p><p>

Kevin Steen vs Tyler Black:</p><p>

Kevin Steen had a hell of a 2004; turning on his mentor, Steve Corino, not only taking the ROH title from him, but he also beat him in a loser leaves ROH match. The last few months however has not been too kind to Steen, seeing him lose twice to AJ Styles and to KENTA. On the other hand, young Tyler Black has been on the rise. He enjoyed a short term partnership with Kaz Hayashi, however the two just came up short against Heyman Inc. A series of matches against the Dirty Heels (Bobby Roode & Austin Aries) saw Black grab the worlds attention. He has reached upper midcard level and this should be the feud that can see him into main event status.</p><p> </p><p>

My plan right now is to run KENTA vs Mark Henry for Final Battle 2005. I want to have Henry become my number one heel and completely dominate the company for 6-12 months while building up a new figurehead to overthrow him and take his place at the top. Im not sure who to run with for that though, although I do have just a while to build him up. My options are as follows:</p><p> </p><p>

Harry Smith:</p><p>

Great star quality, already pretty over and talented. Smith is my alliance champion which has saw his skill and pop increase tremendously. Downsides are he cant talk and his babyface rating is only C-.</p><p> </p><p>

Jay Lethal:</p><p>

I was planning to build around Jay Lethal at the start of 2004, however he got injured and has been out for over a year, and will return in a couple of months. He can work, he can talk, he can play a babyface well and he’s got decent pop in every region across the world. I feel he may be who Im leaning towards, however the fear of him getting injured again is holding me back from being 100% certain</p><p> </p><p>

Drew Galloway:</p><p>

He can work, he can talk and has a B+ babyface rating, however refuses to sign exclusively with me due to loyalty to NWA: Wildside. This worries me as I dont want to see another figurehead go to the WWE after it happened with Devitt, Monty Brown and AJ Styles.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cymro99" data-cite="cymro99" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hi Guys!<p> Just wanted to ask a question before I started posting updates on my game here.</p><p> </p><p> Basically I still only play TEW 2013 as for some reason, I enjoy it much more than TEW 2016 (which I just can't get into, I dunno why). I'm just wondering if you guys would mind if I started to post screenshot updates of my current WWE 2004 save that I'm running in TEW 2013?</p><p> </p><p> Cheers in advance!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Go for it dude.</p>
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Disclaimer: Everything is self-made, except the graphics. I am using generics in the picture folder for the wrestlers (or in some cases, using an alt. But it's just personal games, and I can't possibly track down hundreds of people who might or might not still be findable to beg for permission to "publish" anything with their wrestler-face or logo or belt. So, I just keep it all to myself.


Introduction Global Kings of Wrestling, GKOW has been through some tough times ever since rising from cult to national. We're a "Pinky and The Brain" style of booking team; the owner is "Sharky" Marvin Lund, co-owned and booked by the millionaire herself, Zoe Diamond. Marvin is the brains, Zoe is the money. She's already been paid back her loan plus interest but is still on board because it's profit. Sharky decided to fire her after paying her back, then she set up a shell company, and used it to buy half the ownership then revealed herself on TV as the co-owner. That really got under Sharky's skin!!


Politics: We aren't the bottom player but we might be if TCW and SWF fall out, and they're both starting to crumple. Mighty USPW has been on a tear, and I am hoping they implode. I keep a strong eye on them, and who they're negotiating with, and I always make a bid to make them pay more in the counter offer. We're also looking at building an alliance with TCW because they're popular and have a lot of talent we like, but we don't wanna sent out our top row to TCW events where they will get so much wear and tear they will retire before 35. We have no enemies. Our child companies are successful, one in every game area; two reached regional size and the rest are small but growing fast. We rarely sign developmental talent, we just use the child companies for more revenue and fun. We want them to rise to glory under our banner and help us dominate the world! It's a slow climb. We're thinking about who might make good allies or enemies out there. We've built a big war chest and are ready for the fight, bring it on!


Feuds: We have two brands, Storm Kings and Storm Queens.


Storm Kings:

The Hellfire vs Ultraviolent Horror Show vs The Bonewalkers.

Hellfire is a hoss tag team with dyed red hair and cultist gimmicks, managed by a James Mitchell type figure. They attacked The Bonewalkers, furious about losing their tag titles. This is when, shocking the world, Jason Slaughter and Chainsaw Charlie make their promotional debut, saving The Bonewalkers. When the Hellfire were driven away, The Bonewalkers attacked the Horror Show, angry that they were "saved" by their old enemies from overseas.


Astro vs Zach vs Old School Mafia

Zach Jones and Lukas Astro have fought over the title for some time. In the middle of their spectacle last month, at The War to Settle the Score 12, they were attacked by Alexander Williams and Arnie Thatcher. They call themselves the Old School Mafia - Arnie is 42 and Alexander is 46, both are respected retired wrestlers who dominated their era as enemies. Why are they teaming up? Arnie and Alexander are angry that what they call "The Corporate Era" is responsible for PG movements, SJWs taking over wrestling, "The Hardcore Movement", these guys hate everything about modern wrestling and decided to do something about it, setting aside old issues to reclaim old glory, and challenge the new generation. "Hey kids, we're the ones with the torch! We're not passing anything! We're going to use that torch to burn down your safe space and bring REAL wrestling back!! Tell 'em, Arnie!" - "I'm not here to entertain you losers, and I got my millions, I don't care what you... what? Did you just shout "What", you little dweebs? How cute!! Go ahead, if you like donkey nuts in your mouth, chant "What" again!! Yup, I knew it. You guys are losers, and we're here for two reasons. ONE: To bury your indy darlings, I said it! I am going to bury them!! TWO: Well... Just because it pisses you off!! Watch this!!"


-Then they bring out two 40 year old non-athletic jobbers who have an intentionally boring match. They "guard the ring" to force the fans to endure this crap they call "great wrestling". Then, Lukas runs in through the crowd, and clears the ring!! When the Old School Mafia turn around, they slowly enter the ring. Zach runs down the ramp and pulls Alexander down, he chokes him from behind and handcuffs him to the guard rail!! They double team Arnie!! Arnie is in trouble! "HE JUST ATE THE ASTRO COMET!! OH MY GOD, ANOTHER ASTRO COMET!!" That's when Zach brings out the brass knucks, catches Lukas on the button, and laughs. He then punches out Arnie, then the handcuffed Alexander to stand tall.-


. Can Lukas and Zach set aside their animosity? Will these rivals form an alliance against these invaders? Will old tensions flare anew between the Old School Mafia? What will happen at Battlezone! next month when Arnie and Lukas team up for the first time ever? What destiny is in store...?

The Soopa Villains vs Hott & Jazzy.

In our comedy attraction, Angry Happy Madd and Nuclear Ned are facing off against Hottie Scottie and Jazzman Jasper. To start this fight, The Jazzman became obsessed with his hatred for clowns after losing to Happy, and the next week, ran down and helped Jazzman score a dirty win. The following week, the two attacked Happy on his way into the arena, and used an alcohol-soaked rag to wipe the makeup off his face on camera. Then, they beat him down in the middle of a match with Dawson Harris the next week and smudged his paint. The next week, Nuclear Ned joined Happy in a tag team match to avenge a loss against The Jazzman who used dirty tactics. The Soopa Villains want revenge; Hott & Jazzy are just having a great ol' "heel new age outlaws" style of fun. Who will prevail in this comical madness?


Great Giant Gregg and The Behemoths vs The Diamond Studs

Paul Hunter Diamond was brought in by Zoe Diamond to give her a voice in the ring against Marvin's Madness. Marvin brought out a Croatian giant who can move! Hopefully he gets good in the ring, but for now, Paul is carrying this one. Paul and Gregg are both regulars in the world title picture, and Paul has an uneasy rivalry/friendship with Lukas Astro; who he respects the talent of but covets the title of. He was beat down by Great Giant Gregg while Marvin Lund ordered security to hold back the other wrestlers from helping break it up. Paul's younger brother, Dave Diamond and his best friend Lenny Diamond jumped into the ring to make the save. The next week, Lund booked a handicap match for these younger up and comers against his giant. After the Great Giant Slam was delivered to both men, he motioned to the back and The Behemoths made their promotional debut: Marek Kovak and Matas Kovak. Both are Hoss guys. In this feud, everyone's flaws are covered by someone else and it gives Gregg and Paul some much needed time away from the world title picture.


Storm Queens:

Monica, Inc. vs Lucile Astro

Monica is good friends with Eve Runcord, and has agreed to get her into the company to help her get experience so she can get noticed by the big leagues, looking at you SWF!! Nakano the Great from Japan has joined the company as the muscle and Lucile is in trouble! Can she protect her Storm Queen's Championship from this threat?


Slaughter Sisters vs Sour Sensations Shaka Khan and Sabrina Midnight are having a great time as tag team champions, they are both athletic and built like Chyna; they're basically the female Road Warriors here. The Sour Sensations are very skilled, technical, solid performers who're capable of helping the Slaughter Sisters gain that technique they need. The Sour Sensations are nefarious villains who gossip about others, destroy people's reputations and lives on social media, and both have made false rape accusations then later laughed about it after the damage was already done. The Slaughter Sisters were hired by several of their victims to get revenge.



This company likes to use a few trends and current events and offer some social critique about the human condition with its characters. The company steers away from good vs evil storylines, and prefers a morally grey area. Last year, we finally altered the product to a Face v Heel divide to use a Figurehead and we've been reeling ever since. We've recovered and are slowly gaining the benefits of Astro being the company face, he's only 28 and soon to peak, hopefully nothing terrible ruins him! We're building up Paul and Zach behind him just in case, because we can't account for everything. We also signed about 50 new talent to our chain of child companies (something we don't often do) hoping to discover some good ones. I tolerate about 5 "bring me up!" emails from any given talent before I really look at the worker and make a final choice. It's hilarious when I release someone from development then they sign for my development company anyway.


We actually have 6 storylines on Storm Kings, and 5 on Storm Queens. Yes, I am managing 11 storylines on a roster of about 70 people.


Elsewhere in the world...

SOTBPW now has Remo and Champagne Lover.

Ricky DeColt and Spencer Spade went to USPW.

USPW has been on a tear. TCW is almost minor league, and USPW is becoming WWE. So far, I've forced them to pay very dearly for Remo, Rick Law, Rich Money, and Remo by bidding them up with 15% bonus at 30k, but then USPW offered 20% at 38k!! I hope I stuck it to them. If the game treats the AI the way it treats players, all their roster should be demanding raises which I hope will shake their finances up. I've also seen a few messages about Reverie Network losing lots of money, so I wonder what's in store?


This sounds awesome! I love reading write ups like this, as I also really enjoy creating my own environment. Look forward to seeing more updates

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<p>Ugh! Hogan just won his stupid lawsuit and sunk me for 6.4 million.</p><p>

Which sets back my long term goal of creating a global broadcaster back several months. </p><p>

Is there an option where I can have him killed? Sick of that selfish, greedy pile of human garbage winning out in the end.</p><p>

(Only profession in the world where you can get reprimanded for starting fights 4 times inside of 3 months and win a wrongful termination lawsuit)</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Alucidus" data-cite="Alucidus" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ugh! Hogan just won his stupid lawsuit and sunk me for 6.4 million.<p> Which sets back my long term goal of creating a global broadcaster back several months. </p><p> Is there an option where I can have him killed? Sick of that selfish, greedy pile of human garbage winning out in the end.</p><p> (Only profession in the world where you can get reprimanded for starting fights 4 times inside of 3 months and win a wrongful termination lawsuit)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Hogan gonna hoge. Remember, this is the same man who sued WCW because Vince Russo called him bald. You have my sympathies, because the Hulkster, in real life, blocked me on Twitter. I never @'ed him or replied to anything, so I can only assume he took those Santa With Muscles jokes I made very personally.</p>
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<p>Decided to get back into the TEW swing of things by playing a custom game of TEW. Backstory of it is that some federations in Japan wanted to keep the traditions alive. Had it be my federation (HONOUR), All Japan Joshi, Dragon Kingdom Pro Wrestling, Black Canvas Grappling and eventually Japanese Championship Wrestling come together to help prop each other up.</p><p> </p><p>

In Jan 2019 of my game the following has happened:</p><p> </p><p>

2016 and 2017 didn't really have anything of note. A few companies had experienced some difficulties financially, but otherwise everyone was fine. Got to cult in December of 2016 (started as regional).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>March 2017</strong>Youth Energy Pro Wrestling opened.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>August 2017</strong> - I signed PGHW's entire dojo class. I'm still waiting for them to make it out of my minor league, Gateway Action Wrestling, but I figured to deal PGHW a huge blow by doing so. At the time they were at Cult, so they didn't even sign them. I made sure they didn't get the chance.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jan 2018</strong> - Total Championship Wrestling was taken over by Sam Keith. TCW was pushed all the way down to Cult, so they made a change in leadership because of it. Sam's brought them back up, however due to SOTBPW invading the US, all the US companies had issues.</p><p> </p><p>

Natsu Miyamae also took over PGHW as its lead booker, leaving me and hurting the top of my card as he was my lead guy there.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Feb 2018</strong> - Due to my aggressive 2017, Tetsuzan Koneko was out at BHOTWG. I was happy all of two minutes. Yoshimi Musashibo took over and has recovered from the drop to Cult.</p><p> </p><p>

Sadly Pro Wrestling Saisho also closed its doors. It was just one of many issues that PGHW had had that year.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>March 2018</strong> - I left SSWA due to them draining my resources. Pissed everyone off doing that, because I took my 150 wrestlers away from everyone. Well, I might not have had 150 at that time, I do now though (70 in HONOUR, 80 in Gateway Action Wrestling). At this time Youth Energy Professional Wrestling opened up as well.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>May 2018</strong> - Fearing South of the Border Professional Wrestling's invasion of the US market, SWF got drastic. They bought up struggling NOTBPW. Though that did allow me to sign Sean McFly and get him to boost up my awesome star, Logan Wolfsbaine.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sep 2018</strong> - BHOTWG did the impossible and bought up the struggling Pride Glory Honor Wrestling. PGHW is no more and frankly, that helped me out as I'm fighting BHOTWG, WLW and GCG at Cult. One less company to fight is one less company I have to deal with.</p><p> </p><p>

You could almost say that me signing that class was an indication that they were going to die. If you are wondering, I didn't have the resources to buy them out, that was done by BHOTWG.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Oct 2018</strong> - Held my 3rd Final Challenge. While I did set things up favorably, it made me really appreciative to get to this point. I had a surprise Heavyweight champion after I forgot to set the former Champion as the winner. I also did a lot for female wrestling by having the 3 time tag champions retain, while also having the first female to hold a major title as Junior Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dec 2018</strong> - Youth Energy Pro Wrestling close. So short a live I didn't even realize this happened.</p><p> </p><p>

So all in all, while my first 2 years 16 & 17) were pretty uneventful. This last year has just been an all in all barn burner. Unfortunately USPW has gotten the Riviere upgrades, so they're about to lord over everyone here soon. Which will suck. But first, I've got to fight my way out of the 4 way Cult fight between myself, GCG, WLW and BHOTWG.</p>

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<p><img alt="hEz0fZ4.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/hEz0fZ4.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Booking TCW using the CV16X mod. Using Peter Michaels as my booker character has given me an excuse to run a lot more angle heavy shows and they are paying off hugely.</p><p> </p><p>

Feuds that I have going on leading into Total Mayhem are: </p><p> </p><p>

Golden and Wolf feuding, who are the two most over guys in the company. They have that sort of Remo/Steve Frehley feel, where there is always animosity between them. As of right now, I think I'm going to give Golden this feud. Trying to think of ways to keep it going for a few more months.</p><p> </p><p>

Sammy Bach going up against Floyd's Dark Army [FDA], which consists of Jay Darkness and Eddie Peak. Bach has been held back by Floyd and his men since January, having been screwed out of title shots vs former champ Aaron Andrews.</p><p> </p><p>

Chord and RDJ seemed to me like the next logical step to propel Jay into the main event scene. Right now, the International title is on the back burner but the payoff at Total Mayhem for Chord will be great.</p><p> </p><p>

Aaron Andrews and Josh Taylor feuding to determine who is up next for the TCW World Title. AA secretly paid off the ref to fix the match in Josh's favour and will frame Josh for the deed. Peter Michaels will step in and issue a rematch to where AA will win but the same ref will spill the beans, going to a third and final bout. Personally my favorite feud.</p>

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<p>Vince McMahon retired, Triple and Stephanie McMahon divorced. Laura Matsuda brought in from the other database. </p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Danielson has been a face in everything but the label. Patiently waiting for too soon to turn to become probably so I can make him face again. His match with Cena delivered at Summerslam with another 88. </p><p> </p><p>

Miz has returned from Movie duty.</p><p> </p><p>

Top 3 matches I'm looking forward to in my game.</p><p> </p><p>

1 John Cena vs Kenny Omega. That is coming at my next show, Extreme Rules. Cena has lost at Wrestlemania and Summerslam. He will not be losing here. Bullet Club is being booked strong, but winning every single match leads to the death of companies and boredom. Not happening here. There is great respect between Kenny and John. No 9 on 1 attacks or anything. This lead to Cody being mad because he did have an old school 4 on 1 attack on Orton to set up their match. </p><p> </p><p>

2 Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes. This will also be happening at Extreme Rules. Randy's US title on the line. The first piece of gold coming to the Bullet Club. Going to have Bret Hart style parade on the shoulders afterwards. Ratings... Wow. Cody is the man. What can I say? I do read up on some things. I've been hearing about how Kenny is in love with Kota Ibushi. Unfortunately, I cannot get my hands on Ibushi. The written contract with New Japan. In the middle of a Raw right now. Going to see if I can do a business deal with NJPW. Please let me. Also, I believe there is some tension with Cody and Kenny. I'm borrowing ideas, not outright stealing them. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

3 Ronda Rousey vs Laura Matsuda. Ronda defeated Nia Jax in 1 minute at Summerslam. Yep, instant submission. There is no way that they can deny Ronda a title shot at Naomi. Stephanie is pretty much Vince here, her lingo is - 'Ronda will never get her hands on the title on my watch.'</p><p> </p><p>

What I'm going to do is have Shayna Baszler and Laura Matsuda give the first beatdown to Ronda. Not even going to start the Ronda and Naomi match. They will attack as Ronda makes her entrance. Naomi will try to help in vain. </p><p> </p><p>

I've kept Ronda really strong. Only wrestling on PPV and going through all the heels, pretty much. Stephanie is running out of ideas and so was I. Shayna contract was coming up and she had no interest in staying in development. Then I remembered Laura from the previous game I played with all the dc characters and so on. Pretty decent idea. I will probably have Laura win the title first and save Ronda and Laura until Wrestlemania. Long ol wait. I think I'll be able to pull it off. </p><p> </p><p>

Even if my original idea was Ronda vs Asuka. Asuka is still unbeaten and dominating over on Smackdown.</p>

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Not sure how often this happens to anyone else, but I seem to have a knack for having guys get injured for a short time and they come back right after a PPV I had them pre-booked for.


Ambrose getting injured ruined my Ambrose/Rollins/Owens match at Royal Rumble.


I believe that injuries are based on weeks and not days, meaning if Ambrose got injured on Raw (Monday) he would return on a Monday, therefore missing the Sunday PPV.

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<p>I created a stable today.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Steve The Overlord is a Florida native who has been appearing on shows in the south since late 2017. His 'incompetently evil' gimmick is a fun one, and he's never afraid to make a fool of himself for laughs. He is part of the four-man Evil Inc stable which was imported to WAM wholesale from the independents, and also ostensibly the leader, but is always costing both his allies and himself with his bombastic, egomaniacal behaviour.<p> </p><p> Mostly Mad Morrison (full name, Mostly Mad but Mostly Meticulous Medicine Man Melvin Morrison MD) is a youngster from Fort Lauderdale who portrays a crazed scientist character, always coming up with bizarre inventions to get ahead. He is often associated with his friends Steve the Overlord, Henchman José and Henchman Muhammad as Evil Inc. Many-M is probably the worst wrestler of the bunch, and as a result most often appears as a backstage character and occasional manager (which also enables him to use his weird and wonderful invention props more often). </p><p> </p><p> Henchman José (José Espinoza) is a youngster of Mexican descent, although he was born and raised in Florida, so holds dual-nationality. An enormous fan of both lucha libre and American-style sports entertainment, Espinoza dreamed up the idea of a cartoonish group of characters who could appeal to both audiences, and thus was born the stable known as Evil Inc. José, along with Henchman Muhammad, plays the long-suffering lackey who is always ignored, which inevitably results in the group's schemes falling to pieces. When WAM opened in 2018, it was Espinoza who saw opportunity, pitching the stable to owner Carl Anderson and winning jobs for all four members.</p><p> </p><p> Floridan Henchman Muhammad (Muhammad Al-Shakir) is a talented lightweight wrestler who makes up one quarter of the group known as Evil Inc, a stable of would-be villains who turned up together in WAM in 2018. Although his matches have been very good and he's dedicated to his character, Al-Shakir has always been a bit of an odd one out as he's simply not that great at playing a heel. Still, this just means that WAM could easily have a ready-made turn storyline on their hands.</p></div></blockquote>
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<p>Summerslam 2016 is done and dusted, delighted with how it went. AJ Styles saw off John Cena in a 2/3 falls epic to end their feud, and Dean Ambrose retained his WWE Championship in a triple threat match with Rollins and Reigns. (Ambrose cashed in on Rollins at Battleground, he is doing exceptionally well right now). Ambrose and Rollins is going to be the main feud going forward towards HIAC; Styles will feud with Orton, who controversially lost to Lesnar at Summerslam.</p><p>

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn had a fantastic match at Summerslam after Zayn had surprised him at Battleground, Owens winning an incredible Last Man Standing encounter. The feud has done wonders for both guys and I think Owens will be right in the mix come WM season for sure. Zayn might go into the secondary title pictures very soon.</p><p>

Samoa Joe made his debut at Summerslam and he's going to go on a bit of a tear I think now, get him up the card as far as I possibly can. Some big hossfests potentially with him; Rusev, Lesnar, Big E, Wyatt. Looking at Nakamura and Bayley as my next NXT callups, around Survivor Series or so.</p><p>

Balor defeated Miz for the IC title, Becky Lynch sorted Maryse out so she couldn't interfere. Considering this feud for a HIAC match in a couple of months. Balor is going brilliantly since his callup. Cesaro was cheated out of the US title by Rusev, but will definitely be going for another round at Night of Champions.</p><p>

Sasha Banks lost out in a valiant effort to Charlotte Flair in the women's championship match at Summerslam, but will win the rematch on RAW to take the title. Not going to hot potato it like in real life, I don't think. Becky Lynch and Paige are waiting in the wings for their chance down the line, and Emma's back in the division and doing fairly well so far.</p><p>

Tag team picture is looking strong, New Day still the champs having defended against both the Club and the Usos at Summerslam, will look to put the belts on the Club though soon and give the New Day something else to do. Thinking the Wyatts. Put Drew McIntyre in a team with Neville and they're getting over very nicely and quickly becoming key players in the division.</p><p>

Had to let Braun Strowman go as he was unsafe and had terrible selling, injured Enzo Amore (although nothing too serious) and then nearly did the same to Jack Swagger the week after. Can't be having that unfortunately. Rowan will pick up the Wyatts work for a month or so to help Bray until Harper's back from his injury layoff in October. As for other departures, Ryback's on his way and JBL's gone too, replaced by Taz. An upgrade, I'd say.</p><p>

Been getting a lot of positive emails about Apollo, English, Big Cass and Enzo, Breeze, Swagger and Mahal, all are improving when given a chance. Hoping the post-WM brand split will give those guys (as well as a few more) more than they're getting right now in the mid and lower card. Very excited about this save and the long-term.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Everything Ken" data-cite="Everything Ken" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not sure how often this happens to anyone else, but I seem to have a knack for having guys get injured for a short time and they come back right after a PPV I had them pre-booked for. <p> </p><p> Ambrose getting injured ruined my Ambrose/Rollins/Owens match at Royal Rumble.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Happened to me this month with John Morrison. He was booked in the Raw MitB match, got injured in a match with Daniel Bryan on the go home Raw.</p>
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<p>Playing a game with ASWUK, started in 1987 and now in 1988, and just had our first PPV. </p><p> </p><p>

Had been trying to play the long game and build up cash before going to Cult, but two things happened. First, the economy crashed, meaning where I'd been making a big profit before, I was now barely breaking even.</p><p> </p><p>

Second, numerous top talents began to get poached. Mick Foley and Vader just came out of a tag team feud with Owen Hart and Shinya Hashimoto, and Foley got poached, as well as contracts being offered to Shinya and Owen. My womens division has had its top stars stolen by AJW, and going to cult so I could get a PPV deal and written contracts was the only way to not lose my best stars.</p><p> </p><p>

Of course, Foley's last opponent was Vader. And of course, Vader gets injured, the same day he signs a three year contract. So now I've got an 8 month wait to start his singles push.</p><p> </p><p>

Fuji Yamada (Jushin Liger) is the figurehead, and whilst there's still different Main Event titles for weight divisions at the moment, he'll be unifying them as one world title soon enough.</p>

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<p>Started up a 2017 ROH save with Cody Rhodes as my avatar, and man it has been fun. First and foremost, let’s talk about the figurehead of my company, the guy who sells out the buildings, the ace, Colt Cabana. Guy must have hit the random stat roll lottery. He’s up to low 90s across the US, Canada and Mexico and he’s in the mid 80s in Japan. He even got himself in shape and has his SQ in the high 80s. He can do no wrong right now. Another surprise has been Frankie Kazarian, Christopher Daniels was in deep time decline so I split them up and he has become my top heel very quickly. </p><p> </p><p>

Hangman Adam Page enjoyed a nice run with the TV title which saw him successfully defend it 15 times until he finally lost to Tim Donst. Page is now chasing the 6 man titles with the Bucks. He’s also teaming with the two newest members of the Bullet Club, Flip Gordon and Jay White.</p><p> </p><p>

The tag scene has been dominated by Chuckie T and Trent?, they have been absolute gold on the mic and put out some great matches. They just finished their fued with the Bucks and are now set to take on Marty Scurll and Zack Sabre Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

I’m about to run War of the Worlds and the card is shaping up nicely.</p><p> </p><p>

Cabana vs Okada (Colt will pin him clean)</p><p>

Kenny vs Cody (Cody isn’t in Bullet Club, giving Kenny the win)</p><p>

Rey Mysterio vs Kazarian (Frankie can take a loss here and be fine)</p><p>

ROH Tag Title ladder match: © Best Friends vs Briscoes (IWGP Tag) vs Bucks (IWGP JR Tag) vs Angelico and Jack Evans (AAA Tag)</p><p>

ROH 6 man titles: MCMG and Garagno vs Naito, Evil and Takahasi</p>

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<p>I'm playing as Triple H in WWE.</p><p> </p><p>

It's March 2018 and Ronda Rousey is my new figurehead. John Cena left the company because he had 7 wins and 3 losses. More importantly, he lost the elimination chamber match just like he did in real life.... the morale system is way too intense on this game. </p><p> </p><p>

Anyhow, I had to send Renee Young to rehab. I also had to suspend Roman Reigns for 28 days for steroid use. </p><p> </p><p>

Braun Strowman won the 2018 Royal Rumble and is now preparing to beat Brock for the Universal Title at WrestleMania. Nakamura will be facing AJ at WrestleMania for the WWE Championship. </p><p> </p><p>

I reopened WCW as a child company. It's a shame I can't transfer the WCW title belts there... Instead, I created a bunch of new belts. I also signed Conor McGregor and put him in a feud with Finn Balor. </p><p> </p><p>

And Vince announced his retirement.</p>

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<p>Not being able to choose who gets eliminated in elimination matches is so annoying. I just ran a Six-Man Elimination Tag Three times in a row only for the same side to sweep in every simulation.</p><p> </p><p>

What is the point of making it an elimination match then?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

My idea was that the face team would go down to one wrestler who would eliminate the three heels but instead the whole face team just curbstomp'd the heel team for like twenty straight minutes.</p>

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