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TEW2016 Public Beta Reaction Thread

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I'm used to the TEW interface and it's design,. In general you know how it's going to function and along with new features you don't want/need to then get used to the way it's been programmed to work also.


I thought this was a feedback thread, not an "anyone can review and give a random score" thread.


I think most of the look and how it runs section will have been checked in house and by a QA team.


There's very little chance that all of the gripes MrCreative has made will be altered since this Demo is for one week. If it was a BETA it probably would've been released a little sooner to allow for changes.


This week I believe is for ironing out any bugs not cosmetic changes.


Most of the issues raised should've been mentioned in the suggestions section a long time ago when it was noted that TEW 2016 was being built. Complaining about the font now when we should've known from the previous games what it would be seems petty.


Whatever makes you feel better MrCreative, right ;)


I really love the game, much more in depth, many more decisions to make. I'm a little unsure on the Auto Booker in a weird way. In TEW2013 I gradually got bored of booking Events and wished for an Auto Booker but now with TEW2016 I don't mind it so much as you can then tweak matches and add Notes to them before starting the event.


Plus it also gives you an oversight of how an event could be booked in terms of match lengths and road agent notes.


The addition of all of the various events such as wrestlers court and how a wrestler reacts to your refusal of a payrise etc is an extra touch of realism and gives an added dimension.


I'll be playing this much more than TEW2013...and that was alot.

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As someone who is tired of the further dive into idiocracy that websites have delved into in an attempt to look KICK ASS! and EXTREME!; trying to have the entire website on one page; or everyone trying to force mobile design onto everyone else (let's just ignore the fact that you'll still need PCs for day to day use at the office), I gladly welcome the current TEW interface. That's all I'm going to say on that subject as I'm not going to get into a long drawn out flamewar that the mods will have to delete anyway.


That's good that you welcome the current TEW interface. On comparison to last year it is a definitely improvement and I've praised things that I like. I will though, outline things that are bug bears, things I don't like and why I think they can be improved. It might not always be "right" and everyone may not agree, but I think trying to give constructive feedback for a game I'm passionate about is only fair.


I haven't though, mentioned anything about these 'idiocracy' points that you mentioned in my review, not sure what you're getting at there.


But anyway, I always say, attack the post, not the poster -- you won't be getting any "flaming" from me just because you disagree with some (or maybe even all) of my critique. I wouldn't want to avoid a discussion just because of opposing points of view.

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I'm used to the TEW interface and it's design,. In general you know how it's going to function and along with new features you don't want/need to then get used to the way it's been programmed to work also.


I thought this was a feedback thread, not an "anyone can review and give a random score" thread.


I think most of the look and how it runs section will have been checked in house and by a QA team.


There's very little chance that all of the gripes MrCreative has made will be altered since this Demo is for one week. If it was a BETA it probably would've been released a little sooner to allow for changes.


This week I believe is for ironing out any bugs not cosmetic changes.


Most of the issues raised should've been mentioned in the suggestions section a long time ago when it was noted that TEW 2016 was being built. Complaining about the font now when we should've known from the previous games what it would be seems petty.


Whatever makes you feel better MrCreative, right ;)


I really love the game, much more in depth, many more decisions to make. I'm a little unsure on the Auto Booker in a weird way. In TEW2013 I gradually got bored of booking Events and wished for an Auto Booker but now with TEW2016 I don't mind it so much as you can then tweak matches and add Notes to them before starting the event.


Plus it also gives you an oversight of how an event could be booked in terms of match lengths and road agent notes.


The addition of all of the various events such as wrestlers court and how a wrestler reacts to your refusal of a payrise etc is an extra touch of realism and gives an added dimension.


I'll be playing this much more than TEW2013...and that was alot.


Not to nitpick but a dude giving a detailed report of his thoughts on the changes in the games and then a score at the end is, like, the very definition of feedback. ¬_¬

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I'm used to the TEW interface and it's design,. In general you know how it's going to function and along with new features you don't want/need to then get used to the way it's been programmed to work also.


I thought this was a feedback thread, not an "anyone can review and give a random score" thread.


I think most of the look and how it runs section will have been checked in house and by a QA team.


There's very little chance that all of the gripes MrCreative has made will be altered since this Demo is for one week. If it was a BETA it probably would've been released a little sooner to allow for changes.


This week I believe is for ironing out any bugs not cosmetic changes.


Most of the issues raised should've been mentioned in the suggestions section a long time ago when it was noted that TEW 2016 was being built. Complaining about the font now when we should've known from the previous games what it would be seems petty.


Whatever makes you feel better MrCreative, right ;)


I really love the game, much more in depth, many more decisions to make. I'm a little unsure on the Auto Booker in a weird way. In TEW2013 I gradually got bored of booking Events and wished for an Auto Booker but now with TEW2016 I don't mind it so much as you can then tweak matches and add Notes to them before starting the event.


Plus it also gives you an oversight of how an event could be booked in terms of match lengths and road agent notes.


The addition of all of the various events such as wrestlers court and how a wrestler reacts to your refusal of a payrise etc is an extra touch of realism and gives an added dimension.


I'll be playing this much more than TEW2013...and that was alot.


But... It IS a Beta. It's in the title thread! :D

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That's good that you welcome the current TEW interface. On comparison to last year it is a definitely improvement and I've praised things that I like. I will though, outline things that are bug bears, things I don't like and why I think they can be improved. It might not always be "right" and everyone may not agree, but I think trying to give constructive feedback for a game I'm passionate about is only fair.


I haven't though, mentioned anything about these 'idiocracy' points that you mentioned in my review, not sure what you're getting at there.


But anyway, I always say, attack the post, not the poster -- you won't be getting any "flaming" from me just because you disagree with some (or maybe even all) of my critique. I wouldn't want to avoid a discussion just because of opposing points of view.


I think you do have some valid points. Some are user preferences and style.


Some of your valid points though just may have been better to raise previously when we knew this was being built. I guess feedback of how you'd have liked 16 to differ from 13.


Always get feedback/suggestions in early.


Certainly gives them time to prepare and update :)

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But... It IS a Beta. It's in the title thread! :D


How many programmed functions though do you believe will be changed this close to release? If they aren't broken I suspect none. If you click a button and it does as it should then none. All I'm saying is there are some things collectively as a community we could've mentioned(if it hadn't been) in the suggestions forum based on how TEW2013 looked; font, layout, windows etc. To ask for some of those to change for this version is doubtful.


It's a good model for comparison surely?


Maybe for TEW 2019? :D

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I'm used to the TEW interface and it's design,. In general you know how it's going to function and along with new features you don't want/need to then get used to the way it's been programmed to work also.


I thought this was a feedback thread, not an "anyone can review and give a random score" thread.


I think most of the look and how it runs section will have been checked in house and by a QA team.


I have given feedback. It may be in the form of a review, but it is still feedback nonetheless.


There's very little chance that all of the gripes MrCreative has made will be altered since this Demo is for one week. If it was a BETA it probably would've been released a little sooner to allow for changes.


This week I believe is for ironing out any bugs not cosmetic changes.


And that is what a Beta is for, which I know perfectly well. I also know, that a wave of public feedback on a particular point. can bring "cosmetic changes".



Most of the issues raised should've been mentioned in the suggestions section a long time ago when it was noted that TEW 2016 was being built. Complaining about the font now when we should've known from the previous games what it would be seems petty.


Whatever makes you feel better MrCreative, right ;)



Quite possibly should have been raised but I already work 40+ hours a week on a AAA title. It is not a complaint, more feedback. I am personally finding the text a little harder to read and don't think that is "petty" at all. I am though, very much hoping to be more involved around here in the future, as I've said in my post too.


I really love the game, much more in depth, many more decisions to make. I'm a little unsure on the Auto Booker in a weird way. In TEW2013 I gradually got bored of booking Events and wished for an Auto Booker but now with TEW2016 I don't mind it so much as you can then tweak matches and add Notes to them before starting the event.


Plus it also gives you an oversight of how an event could be booked in terms of match lengths and road agent notes.


The addition of all of the various events such as wrestlers court and how a wrestler reacts to your refusal of a payrise etc is an extra touch of realism and gives an added dimension.


I'll be playing this much more than TEW2013...and that was alot.


I love TEW too, if I was really unhappy I would not have bothered spending over an hour typing up my thoughts and trying to convey them in a measured way so they can be posted here.


Don't take my above post as being overtly critical. I have balanced this with praise and already said that I will be purchasing. There is a lot of potential for improvements in the future, for sure.


Thanks for addressing some of my points, appreciated.

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That's good that you welcome the current TEW interface. On comparison to last year it is a definitely improvement and I've praised things that I like. I will though, outline things that are bug bears, things I don't like and why I think they can be improved. It might not always be "right" and everyone may not agree, but I think trying to give constructive feedback for a game I'm passionate about is only fair.


I haven't though, mentioned anything about these 'idiocracy' points that you mentioned in my review, not sure what you're getting at there.


But anyway, I always say, attack the post, not the poster -- you won't be getting any "flaming" from me just because you disagree with some (or maybe even all) of my critique. I wouldn't want to avoid a discussion just because of opposing points of view.


I apologize if you felt I was attacking you. When you see so many people get so focused on GRAPHICS! KICK ASS! instead of the most important part of any game, the actual gameplay (which I believe you gave kudos for), it tends to all run together and can get maddening. I find myself playing current gen video games less and less because developers and publishers are worried about shiny new graphics first to the point that gameplay gets ignored. Don't get me wrong: I love nice and shiny and polished, but not if it means that's all the developers will focus on. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I'm glad Adam has his priorities right in that gameplay comes first, then let's worry about the aesthetics.


In all honesty, I felt your feedback post was more fair than the previous poster's. Again, apologies for wording anything the wrong way. :cool:

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I absolutely love the game. I love how the loophole of hiring a low skill/low popularity worker will demand a pay raise if you go into the editor (and cheat) and improve their skills and popularity, and ask for what they should be paid. It makes you do things honestly.


The only thing I had a slight problem with is the flight costs for international workers. It was like $150 or so. I think that should be dramatically bumped up to $200 for continental flights, and atleast $1,000 to 2,000 for international flights. Since its a flat fee instead of a dynamic fee, I think all international flights should be $1,500, because it would add the extra realism that hiring international workers is a luxury.


I also think the costs of workers ranging from 0 - 100 should be vastly improved. A lot of wrestlers with virtually no popularity often make around $25 - $50 a show even if they're a fairly talented natural. Its apart of paying dues. But top guys in WWE who have a popularity of 90+ can make a few million dollars a year. Someone with a 100 popularity should be getting around $150,000 - $200,000 a month. Maybe there should be a jump after you get past 75-80 national popularity to reflect that, because I believe a lot of people who are ranked 40-60 are paid pretty accurately compared to real life, while people between 20-40 get around $500-$1,000 a show. This whole thing ranks fairly low on my list of improvements I'd like to see because I can more than live with the way it currently is and save myself some money on top stars, lol.


But that flight cost issue was a red alert for me. No one should be able to fly a wrestler from America or England to Australia for $150-$200. I wish that was the case for me when I moved over, lol

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I have given feedback. It may be in the form of a review, but it is still feedback nonetheless.




And that is what a Beta is for, which I know perfectly well. I also know, that a wave of public feedback on a particular point. can bring "cosmetic changes".




Quite possibly should have been raised but I already work 40+ hours a week on a AAA title. It is not a complaint, more feedback. I am personally finding the text a little harder to read and don't think that is "petty" at all. I am though, very much hoping to be more involved around here in the future, as I've said in my post too.




I love TEW too, if I was really unhappy I would not have bothered spending over an hour typing up my thoughts and trying to convey them in a measured way so they can be posted here.


Don't take my above post as being overtly critical. I have balanced this with praise and already said that I will be purchasing. There is a lot of potential for improvements in the future, for sure.


Thanks for addressing some of my points, appreciated.


No problem, I certainly share your enthusiasm.


There are some things I would not have minded to be changed but mainly cosmetic.


TBH your feedback/review was very well thought and laid out :)


I don't agree with the score but hey that's why we all have opinions.

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I apologize if you felt I was attacking you. When you see so many people get so focused on GRAPHICS! KICK ASS! instead of the most important part of any game, the actual gameplay (which I believe you gave kudos for), it tends to all run together and can get maddening. I find myself playing current gen video games less and less because developers and publishers are worried about shiny new graphics first to the point that gameplay gets ignored. Don't get me wrong: I love nice and shiny and polished, but not if it means that's all the developers will focus on. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I'm glad Adam has his priorities right in that gameplay comes first, then let's worry about the aesthetics.


In all honesty, I felt your feedback post was more fair than the previous poster's. Again, apologies for wording anything the wrong way. :cool:


It wasn't that I thought you were attacking me, it was almost as if you said "hey, I disagree, but don't flame me for it" :D


I know sadly some people on forums are just unable to handle people having different opinions and things end up becoming personal but that won't be the case with me.


On a lighter note, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do on the mod scene for this coming year or so. :)

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I'd tend to agree that the text on the buttons is slightly too small. I'd guess it might be it's because there are buttons that require enough text that a size up would be too large, and it looks better for all buttons to feature the same sized text?


That's the only thing that I've noticed about the interface that has bothered me. I think that the decision to stick very closely to 2013's skin and interface was a good idea because it takes less time to get settled in, and I would guess it's why we've also seen a lot less debating about the skin upon the beta's release.

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How many programmed functions though do you believe will be changed this close to release? If they aren't broken I suspect none. If you click a button and it does as it should then none. All I'm saying is there are some things collectively as a community we could've mentioned(if it hadn't been) in the suggestions forum based on how TEW2013 looked; font, layout, windows etc. To ask for some of those to change for this version is doubtful.


It's a good model for comparison surely?


Maybe for TEW 2019? :D


Adam asked for feedback. The dude gave a very detailed amount of feedback. So what if it is too late for some of the changes he mentioned to be made. He gave his feedback and reactions and has every right to do so without you telling him that his feedback does not matter because it's too late for Adam to incorporate any of his changes.

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Adam asked for feedback. The dude gave a very detailed amount of feedback. So what if it is too late for some of the changes he mentioned to be made. He gave his feedback and reactions and has every right to do so without you telling him that his feedback does not matter because it's too late for Adam to incorporate any of his changes.


Chill out and cool down.


I was just saying. I gave a suggestion on some of the things that were cosmetic based on how TEW2013 looked.


We've moved on, it's all good.

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I believe NJPW is on graveyard TV in Japan right now... Though its... well, I am a Japanese historian by trade and in Japan the way they do TV is a bit different from the way we do it here in America. PPV is very diverse, very different, for example, Samurai TV, which used to air and still does, lots of indy promotions, used to be about what would be 29 dollars US a month.. whereas alot of channels are about 8 dollars US a month... Id call it 'subscription' TV really. In the US for years it was CBS, NBC and ABC... later FOX.... but in Japan they have 6 VERY powerful major networks... like in the US where we have CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX and then to a much lesser degree PAX, what was UPN/CW etc... but in Japan the national networks.. and with the concentration of so much power and economics really in Tokyo and Kyoto (which, by the way, for those who dont know, Tokyo means Western Capital and Kyoto means.. well, it means alot of things... it can mean 'City' or 'Central/Capital City' or 'Eastern Capital' er..nevermind) it makes for pretty dynamic situations....Oh and ALL of the Networks headquarters are based in Tokyo. ALL.


And remember, in the US, for example, they had the territorial system for many decades... but the promotions in the US, whether it was Crockett or McMahon, the families started their promotions and promoted cards etc.


in Japan the dynamic has been different from the beginning but it has pretty much always followed one pretty particular pattern. The pattern has been: Wrestling star, TV executive friends/contacts = TV show. Baba did it that way. Inoki did it that way. The issue was polarized with Rikidozan. It repeated itself quite a bit in recent history with NOAH/Misawa/Kobashi and co. as well as Hashimoto/ZERO-ONE.


But NJPW is the only one left on the national networks, even though in the 90s there was nothing as big and hot as wrestling in Japan and it was prime time national TV then but now its been moved down to a half hour at like 1am... despite the 30 year relationship between NJPW All Nippon News Network (aka TV Asahi)


and for anybody interested these are the major networks of Japan


Nippon Broadcasting Co. (aka the famous NHK)


Nippon News Network (NNN)


Japan News Network (JNN)


Fuji News Network (aka Fuji TV)


All - Nippon News Network (TV Asahi)


TV Tokyo Network (TXN)


and for those interested NHK is the oldest, TXN the youngest.

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Chill out and cool down.


I was just saying. I gave a suggestion on some of the things that were cosmetic based on how TEW2013 looked.


We've moved on, it's all good.


Apologies for posting that after yall had moved on. I had not refreshed the page before I posted. My point remains though.

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Apologies for posting that after yall had moved on. I had not refreshed the page before I posted. My point remains though.


Agreed, he did have some constructive feedback in there. I think sometimes some info/suggestions can be posted in the suggestion section but if you're like me, I've not visited the boards much in the last 2-3 years until last month, you may be so psyched for the new release that you forget all about the cosmetic things until you see them again.

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I believe NJPW is on graveyard TV in Japan right now... Though its... well, I am a Japanese historian by trade and in Japan the way they do TV is a bit different from the way we do it here in America. PPV is very diverse, very different, for example, Samurai TV, which used to air and still does, lots of indy promotions, used to be about what would be 29 dollars US a month.. whereas alot of channels are about 8 dollars US a month... Id call it 'subscription' TV really. In the US for years it was CBS, NBC and ABC... later FOX.... but in Japan they have 6 VERY powerful major networks... like in the US where we have CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX and then to a much lesser degree PAX, what was UPN/CW etc... but in Japan the national networks.. and with the concentration of so much power and economics really in Tokyo and Kyoto (which, by the way, for those who dont know, Tokyo means Western Capital and Kyoto means.. well, it means alot of things... it can mean 'City' or 'Central/Capital City' or 'Eastern Capital' er..nevermind) it makes for pretty dynamic situations....Oh and ALL of the Networks headquarters are based in Tokyo. ALL.


And remember, in the US, for example, they had the territorial system for many decades... but the promotions in the US, whether it was Crockett or McMahon, the families started their promotions and promoted cards etc.


in Japan the dynamic has been different from the beginning but it has pretty much always followed one pretty particular pattern. The pattern has been: Wrestling star, TV executive friends/contacts = TV show. Baba did it that way. Inoki did it that way. The issue was polarized with Rikidozan. It repeated itself quite a bit in recent history with NOAH/Misawa/Kobashi and co. as well as Hashimoto/ZERO-ONE.


But NJPW is the only one left on the national networks, even though in the 90s there was nothing as big and hot as wrestling in Japan and it was prime time national TV then but now its been moved down to a half hour at like 1am... despite the 30 year relationship between NJPW All Nippon News Network (aka TV Asahi)


and for anybody interested these are the major networks of Japan


Nippon Broadcasting Co. (aka the famous NHK)


Nippon News Network (NNN)


Japan News Network (JNN)


Fuji News Network (aka Fuji TV)


All - Nippon News Network (TV Asahi)


TV Tokyo Network (TXN)


and for those interested NHK is the oldest, TXN the youngest.

What bring you here, Dave Meltzer? :p

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Agreed, he did have some constructive feedback in there. I think sometimes some info/suggestions can be posted in the suggestion section but if you're like me, I've not visited the boards much in the last 2-3 years until last month, you may be so psyched for the new release that you forget all about the cosmetic things until you see them again.


Just to sign off on my points in here:


In time, I will be posting my suggestions. I'm fully aware some of my feedback is impossible to incorporate now, the vast majority of it. It's just how game development works. I'm very appreciative of the fact that it often takes releasing something out there, playing around with it to get a feel for what needs to be improved.


Its easy to knock UI suggestions as simply cosmetic but a lot can be said for a good user experience. I mentioned (in a previous post on the forum) when I bought the last game that I really struggled to get to grips with things and almost didn't purchase because of my experience. I'm glad I persevered and I hope some of my suggestions I'll post in the suggestions forum go some way to improving things on the next release. Sticky Window was one of the ideas I suggested for this release actually.


Also, not to understate that some of my suggestions are quite probably monumental undertakings too. There's an incredible amount of detail in this game which I recognise and it's a lot of ground to cover game logic and then a UI on top. I'm very much looking forward to getting stuck in come Monday. Already booked the week off :)

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I'm very much looking forward to getting stuck in come Monday. Already booked the week off :)


Exactly, can't wait. It's a bank holiday over here which I automatically have off so the sooner it's out Monday the better.


I do a fair amount of travelling, Guess i'll be taken my laptop to more places too for those long train journeys.

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Started my first full save last night. Went into Japan for the first time in many TEW games, playing as BHOTWG. Have thoroughly enjoyed the addition of match aims, attempting to build heat within a show of matches has been really challenging and fun. Going to slowly play this save out until the full game comes out. Planning to copy New Japan IRL and create a single elimination tournament and grand prix for heavyweights (possibly open-weight, but I have big plans for the Best of the Super Juniors) and a tag tournament.


Had my first major injury last night during a "wild brawl" 3v3 match with NEO. Believe it was a broken leg, and there is now heat on Ino for the botch. Going to post screenshots in a bit when I switch computers. Was glad to see the hard puro style giving me realistic injuries almost off the bat, as I had one minor (brain fog, whatever that is lol) in the first show, which went away before week 2.


Thanks again to Adam and the whole team! You guys have done a great job! :D

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Adam asked for feedback. The dude gave a very detailed amount of feedback. So what if it is too late for some of the changes he mentioned to be made. He gave his feedback and reactions and has every right to do so without you telling him that his feedback does not matter because it's too late for Adam to incorporate any of his changes.


Couldn't agree with this more.


The culture of these forums have been for a long time "if you don't like any aspect of the game, you are wrong."


The community never understands constructive criticism for what it is. I've been negative about certain aspects of the game, MrCreative has been negative about certain aspects of the game. Will it stop us buying it? Probably not, but hopefully Adam will take the criticism for what it is and look at ways to improve in the future.


I hardly think he is sitting on a throne of money looking at a preview of TEW19 that hasn't improved because of some of the suggestions both here and the suggestions forum.

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I just had someone demand a pay raise of $1500 per month. This is a great feature, obviously, but it seems broken. First of all, we can't ask them to take a pay cut, why should they demand a raise? And secondly, I signed that particular worker less than a week ago. He's made one appearance.
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