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Keep Strong. You can trade wins with the keep strong note to build both guys overness. You should pretty much use keep strong in every match either winner(if overness higher than loser) or loser(if overness higher than winner) in any match where the letter grade doesn't matter.


Sorry if I misread that, but keep strong is wasted on the winner of a match.


Keep Strong is designed specifically for people who aren't winning the match. Apologies if this was not clear; it was not specifically mentioned in the description because the name itself should make its intent obvious, but sometimes I underestimate how much people know about wrestling terminology. I think most people in the thread got it spot-on, but I was asked to make a clarification.





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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TeemuFoundation" data-cite="TeemuFoundation" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I actually have a question about block tapings. If I block tape 4 episodes of Superstars, do I still have a taping scheduled for the following week, or is the show on a break for the following four weeks until all the episodes have aired?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've also wondered about that. But also let's say you have a show that airs on Saturday, but you tape on Monday. You can block tape 4 episodes on Monday, but after you finish that taping, can you go back into the schedule screen and change the next taping day to Tuesday(same day) or even to Wednesday, and block tape another 4 episodes, and then again on Friday, to have 12 shows total in the bank before the Saturday show even airs? Will the game know that it has 12 shows finished and draw from that bank of shows the same way it knows it has 4 shows taped and ready to air on the next 4 Saturdays?</p><p> </p><p> I used to do something similar but only 1 show at a time in TEW16, but mostly if I just wanted to finish up a TV contract. You could just go in and reschedule your taping day if you weren't airing live and do another show. I don't remember if it would just air that episode the following week though.</p><p> </p><p> But I'm excited for that feature. I'll use it heavily for a smaller company. I used to love doing 30 minute episodes built around 1 match, but when you have a roster of 12 or so guys you'd get complaints that someone wasn't getting used enough. So I'm curious if you'd still get complaints even when you're block taping shows and everyone appears throughout the tapings at least once, but when the air date of the episodes can be a month apart would you still get complaints from people that they aren't on TV enough?</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Travis" data-cite="Travis" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've also wondered about that. But also let's say you have a show that airs on Saturday, but you tape on Monday. You can block tape 4 episodes on Monday, but after you finish that taping, can you go back into the schedule screen and change the next taping day to Tuesday(same day) or even to Wednesday, and block tape another 4 episodes, and then again on Friday, to have 12 shows total in the bank before the Saturday show even airs? Will the game know that it has 12 shows finished and draw from that bank of shows the same way it knows it has 4 shows taped and ready to air on the next 4 Saturdays?<p> </p><p> I used to do something similar but only 1 show at a time in TEW16, but mostly if I just wanted to finish up a TV contract. You could just go in and reschedule your taping day if you weren't airing live and do another show. I don't remember if it would just air that episode the following week though.</p><p> </p><p> But I'm excited for that feature. I'll use it heavily for a smaller company. I used to love doing 30 minute episodes built around 1 match, but when you have a roster of 12 or so guys you'd get complaints that someone wasn't getting used enough. So I'm curious if you'd still get complaints even when you're block taping shows and everyone appears throughout the tapings at least once, but when the air date of the episodes can be a month apart would you still get complaints from people that they aren't on TV enough?</p></div></blockquote><p> That'd be dope. I'm mostly interested in being able to block tape a month's worth of programming (or using the method you outlined and tape a few month's worth of programming) and then just multi-advance until either the next tapings, or the next PPV. Say, I block tape four episodes of a TV show. Then I could just multi-advance to the final Sunday of the month to do the PPV. After that, I would tape a month's worth of programming again and repeat. This would make it so fast to advance through the game.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BrokenCycle" data-cite="BrokenCycle" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Question about new pushes...<p> </p><p> Could there ever be a situation where a company has no "Major Stars," or is it more graded on a curve in relation to the rest of the roster like the current 2016 system?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what this passage means. I would guess that it wouldn't be that uncommon a situation either, considering Major Star is the very highest level of overness compared to your company pop. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of companies top guy was only a Minor Star or whatever the equivalent is.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Unlike the push system, Perceptions are absolute. That is, how the worker is perceived is not calculated in relation to the rest of the roster. This means that unlike previous games you don't have to have a certain roster "shape" - you could have an entire roster of Major Stars, or only Major Stars and Unknowns and nobody in between. This makes things considerably easier for database makers to put workers in their "correct" place on the roster without needing to fudge values.</div></blockquote>
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<p>I'm really hoping the structure to the shows and grading is completely different and more realistic.</p><p> </p><p>

What I mean is, currently when you get above National, the only way to grow is to basically spam A rated matches. When you get to International and over, the only way to maintain that size is to spam A rated shows. It really pulls away from your ability to be creative, especially in the main event scene, once you increase in size because one little mistake blasts you back down in size. Or if you actually try to push someone who isn't that great in the ring and can't deliver an A rated match, it's impossible to gain in size.</p><p> </p><p>

Now, I know, you can base your product on workrate or popularity. I haven't seen much of a difference in that and I've had my product equally between those. I still can't produce a high-rated match if they have high popularity but low skills.</p><p> </p><p>

The AI has a really unfair advantage as it currently is. I've consistently put on better shows than the WWE, yet I can't overtake the #1 spot or increase my popularity. After awhile of that, it becomes less challenging and more of an aggravation. They can put a ridiculous card on that rates pretty low (for an International company) and it has no effect on their size. I have bad luck on a couple shows in a row and I'm bombed.</p><p> </p><p>

I hope it's more based on competition, such as real life. WWE in real life definitely has not averaged even B rated shows for the past 10 years, yet stay the top wrestling company in the world, mainly because they have no competitor.</p><p> </p><p>

Whereas during the Monday Night wars, the WWF and WCW had to consistently put on good shows or risk viewers flipping the channel to something more entertaining.</p>

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Sorry if this has already been asked, I did do a search and re-read the broadcasting section in the journal, but I could see an answer.


Will there be a limit on which companies can qualify for a TV deal? For example, at the moment you can't get a deal below regional. (if you can, I've never managed it).



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Sorry if this has already been asked, I did do a search and re-read the broadcasting section in the journal, but I could see an answer.


Will there be a limit on which companies can qualify for a TV deal? For example, at the moment you can't get a deal below regional. (if you can, I've never managed it).




That's a database issue, not a game issue. A database can include broadcasters with any requirements, or none.

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Great that the manual is expanded more. Road agent notes are often clear enough, but I for one get the feeling I still don't 100% know what these mean (and I'm playing the game on and off for over a decade :p).


Someone should also explain the relatively new match aims again, as I don't get the difference between all of them and where to place it on a card. I have my own show theory but the game doesn't give feedback whether I "made the most of it".


I think you don't put a technical masterclass or high flying drama first. But the "epic" one, even when used sparingly, didn't really grant bigger results than aim-less matches, even when you're basically putting on Rock vs Austin.

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Hey, so I'm sure this has been addressed somewhere in this near 300 page thread, but I'm curious to know how the database compares between 2k16 and 2k20. Like I heard you can convert from the former to the latter, and then I recently read somewhere that you can turn a save game into a database itself, but what I want to know is will it be a 1:1 transfer between games or will there be gaps in information due to new features being placed into 2k20 that weren't in 2k16.


I ask just for the sake of if I want to prepare a database for a game from 2k16, will I have to make a few adjustments to things based on new features added to the new game, or should I just wait for someone to make a real world mod for 2k20 with everything already set up and play with that?

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I ask just for the sake of if I want to prepare a database for a game from 2k16, will I have to make a few adjustments to things based on new features added to the new game, or should I just wait for someone to make a real world mod for 2k20 with everything already set up and play with that?


There's one or two threads explaining this in the mod section. -> In short: if you're playing a current-day mod, you don't have to change much at all.


I doubt you can convert TEW16 save files into mods for TEW20

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There's one or two threads explaining this in the mod section.


I doubt you can convert TEW16 save files into mods for TEW20


You can't. I'm hoping that with the save to database converter that going forward past 2020 saves could move from one game to another but IDK if that will work or if that was something in mind with this feature

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You can't. I'm hoping that with the save to database converter that going forward past 2020 saves could move from one game to another but IDK if that will work or if that was something in mind with this feature


I'm pretty sure that's one of the main intended purposes of the feature.

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Thanks for the info. I know a 16 save won't be convertible but as long as I don't have to do a bunch of extra work touching up a database after it's been converted then it's all good.



I can't help myself but I do recall some users discussing what would be required to convert a '16 database to a '20 one here: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=544635



I imagine that thread will pick up a bit once the demo is released!

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I went through the journal and found no reference or missed a few things:

1) in Tournaments the penalised for a match with both wrestlers FACE OR HEEL still active?

2) there a bounus in popularity (or special situation) for a wrestler who makes his debut or returns after a long period (injuries etc.)?

3) Do not penalised the ratings of the match if the two wrestlers are not in rivalry but can provide a good match?

4) More options to see who are the top wrestlers in the game and what are the best matches, not just at the end of the year.

Maybe make a monthly summary?

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