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The All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread


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6 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

Well, I hope all the gambling addicts get their brackets busted while they go to bed at a reasonable hour.

Also, don't see why they need all that pre-show and post show stuff. I was checking the schedule, and that stuff starts at like 2 or 3pm. That makes for over 8 hours of basketball.

I agree with you about the long preshow. Not needed. But they pay around $900 million for tournament rights each year so they're gonna load up on tournament coverage. 

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15 hours ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

Man, Anthony Bowens can really work a crowd like few others in wrestling right now. When he's on, his promos are a joy to watch. 

I love The Acclaimed, but I think the money for AEW will be with Bowens as a singles star. He's just on another level than Max. 

Another aspect of the dude that is underrated is that he actually sells, let it be promos or the in-ring moves. That's a rare commodity on that roster. He stands out a lot because of that.

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3 hours ago, SanX said:

Another aspect of the dude that is underrated is that he actually sells, let it be promos or the in-ring moves. That's a rare commodity on that roster. He stands out a lot because of that.

The crowd loves him, and it does my heart good. 20 years ago, maybe even ten years ago, an openly gay wrestler would NOT have gotten the kinds of reactions that Bowens consistently gets.

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- Lots of hate for the opening segment online but Copeland has the right attitude. Tribalism sucks. Just enjoy wrestling.

- Ospreay vs Hobbs was my MOTN.

- Danielson vs Archer was good.

- Don't mind this Jericho stuff if it leads to Hook character development but Jericho could use a long hiatus. Taylor is an underrated promo.

- Jay vs Billy was too one-sided and too long.

- Willow over with the crowd. Heel move from Mone interrupting her.

- Young Bucks vs Best Friends was good. Sue rocking the tracksuit. Trent 😮

- Mariah vs Rosa was good.

- Contract signing was fun but the Diddy reference was unnecessary.

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ROH Supercard of Honor:

Contender for best TK-era ROH PPV. 4 women's matches made it stand out from AEW PPV's. Stardom talent got over in their showcase match. Appreciated the continuity with Mariah, Wardlow and AssClaimed cameos. BCG vs Archer/Suzuki/Zayne was a nice surprise. Mark & Billie winning titles was the right call. Athena still the Forever Champ. A cpouple of matches went too long. Stream quality was a bit poor... Honor Club needs an overhaul.

Props to Billie Starkz & Trish Adora who worked 5 & 6 matches respectively in the last week.


- FTR vs Top Flight was good. Wish TF had won.
- PAC vs Jobber was an OK squash. Another big match set up for Dynasty.
- LionHook vs STP was solid. Ogogo is still employed? I like Shibata being added to this storyline.
- HoB vs Daniels, Sydal & Keith was solid. Brawl!
- Adora vs Yuka was good. Already setting up a story wtih Deeb.
- Claudio vs Butcher was solid.
- Enjoyed all the promos on this show.
- Penta vs Komander was good.

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Couldn't Tony get anyone else other than the heel authority figures to discuss this footage? I think either way (at least) some fans will assume this is an angle. 

If nothing else, AEW shouldn't have the young bucks in their heel authority figure gimmick outfits for the promotional material. 

Wasn't Danielson on the disciplinary committee? Why not have him present the footage?

(I hope this isn't an on-screen angle). 

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26 minutes ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:


Couldn't Tony get anyone else other than the heel authority figures to discuss this footage? I think either way (at least) some fans will assume this is an angle. 

If nothing else, AEW shouldn't have the young bucks in their heel authority figure gimmick outfits for the promotional material. 

Wasn't Danielson on the disciplinary committee? Why not have him present the footage?

(I hope this isn't an on-screen angle). 

Seem to me the point is to bring Perry into the Elite fold. He's even been using Bucks moves in NJPW. Taking a shot at Punk after his interview is icing on the cake for TK, The Bucks & Hangman.

Edited by milamber
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4 hours ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:


Having Matt and Nick on this angle is the perfect opportunity to finally see The Young Bucks in a segment that attracts viewers and doesn't make them change the channel lol


EDIT: And how about we roll the tape on Brawl Out too? 

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If they air the actual footage, that's stupid because it has to appear as though Punk deserved to be fired. If Punk just tried a guillotine that Perry easily slipped out of, nobody is going to think Tony 'feared for his life'. On the other hand, if Perry got his ass whipped they're playing a video that just absolutely buries him...

If they air some dumb thing like The Young Bucks talking to Jack in a locker room, that's stupid because all the sheeties and journos have said this is the actual footage of the incident so then they're just doing a lame bait and switch to create a cheap promotional opportunity.

I am trying to reserve judgment until I see the angle but right now I just think this is a lose-lose situation for AEW and it all seems really stupid to me.

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15 hours ago, Mootinie said:

If they air the actual footage, that's stupid because it has to appear as though Punk deserved to be fired. If Punk just tried a guillotine that Perry easily slipped out of, nobody is going to think Tony 'feared for his life'. On the other hand, if Perry got his ass whipped they're playing a video that just absolutely buries him...

If they air some dumb thing like The Young Bucks talking to Jack in a locker room, that's stupid because all the sheeties and journos have said this is the actual footage of the incident so then they're just doing a lame bait and switch to create a cheap promotional opportunity.

I am trying to reserve judgment until I see the angle but right now I just think this is a lose-lose situation for AEW and it all seems really stupid to me.

Wrestling media often criticizes AEW too much. Bischoff and Cornette are very entertaining, but they're also wrong a lot.

AEW (probably) made mistakes here. 

All promotions do.

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Not once have AEW, Bucks, or TK said this footage is related to CM Punk in anyway. They say it's real backstage footage from All In London, not that it's Punk related. 

Most likely related to FTR/Bucks since they're facing each other at Dynasty.

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50 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

Not once have AEW, Bucks, or TK said this footage is related to CM Punk in anyway. They say it's real backstage footage from All In London, not that it's Punk related. 

Most likely related to FTR/Bucks since they're facing each other at Dynasty.

True. Guess it’s not a bait and switch if they never announce it as Punk related. And the only reason they would release the Punk/Jungle Boy bit would be if Punk lied about what happened, and then likely TK would have come out saying he had a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT for Dynamite.

You would think he would start calling it an EXPLOSIVE ANNOUNCEMENT instead considering the setting.

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13 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

Well, they didn't SPECIFICALLY mention him, though it's pretty clear WHO it was. And having seen the footage, yeah, I don't blame Tony Khan. After Perry and Punk were separated, you see Punk going after Tony.

Punk wasn’t going after Tony he was yelling at him. 

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I was very curious to see what this footage would show. The footage corroborated everything Punk said happened. So feels weird that they decided to release the footage to show that he was telling the truth. I was low key hoping there was something more substantial to add to the drama but it was quite boring.

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7 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

He was going towards Tony and was being forcibly pulled back. If *I* had done that to my boss, I would be fired. I have no doubt of that.

He was being pulled away from Perry and then turned his attention to Tony. He wasn’t going after Tony physically though.

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9 minutes ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

He was being pulled away from Perry and then turned his attention to Tony. He wasn’t going after Tony physically though.

It looked that way to me. And it must have looked that way to others who saw the incident and gave their recommendation for Punk's termination to Tony Khan, a list which include Bryan Danielson.

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10 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

It looked that way to me. And it must have looked that way to others who saw the incident and gave their recommendation for Punk's termination to Tony Khan, a list which include Bryan Danielson.

Not necessarily Punks termination or him quitting whatever it is, could’ve just came from the squabble with Perry. They could’ve acknowledged that the heat in the company was too much and knew Punk didn’t wanna be there anymore. So decided to let him go. 


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