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The official what are you doing while you wait for the 2020 Demo thread

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Eyy paradox games are an awesome set of games to let time fly by! Thanks for reminding me :D


Absolutely love Paradox games! EU4 is my favourite by some distance, but the more I play of CK2 the more I like it - there's so much more room for challenges and role-playing in CK2 (in fact, when Attributes were first announced for 2020 this is the first game I thought of).


Like seemingly my entire Twitter feed at the moment, I've been playing a lot of Animal Crossing. And playing about with my TEW2020 spreadsheet. :p

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Absolutely love Paradox games! EU4 is my favourite by some distance, but the more I play of CK2 the more I like it - there's so much more room for challenges and role-playing in CK2 (in fact, when Attributes were first announced for 2020 this is the first game I thought of).


Like seemingly my entire Twitter feed at the moment, I've been playing a lot of Animal Crossing. And playing about with my TEW2020 spreadsheet. :p


EU4 is the one I have played the most by far! But CK2 is nice too

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Like many here i'm playing Animal Crossing, i've finally found a game that my wife likes as much as me.


I'm also trying to update my dynasty enough to pay off the current storylines before the new game drops.


I haven't played CK2 for a while but I have 485 hours played on Steam, i'm sure i'll be back on it soon enough.

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Beware when playing CK2. It's addictive as hell. Just like booking WWE in TEW, where you'll likely never make it 5 years into the game, the same happens for CK2. It lasts for a whoppin' 670-something years. You'll never get there, especially if you try to take over the world, which also makes it quite a chore (just like booking WWE :p). With all the DLC, your character would have to be a maniac to see your empire collapse. It's like booking Giant Redwood in the main event: why would you ever purposely do it? :p


I got near 1500 hours, but I'm a madman. Judging by the responses here, both games are quite connected in terms of fanbase.


Has anyone touched Mount&BladeII:Bannerlord yet? I heard it's out but am wisely holding off until next year or something. Yet, the best time I've had with CK2 was when there wasn't any DLC yet. It seemed 'simpler' yet was already incredibly complicated to get into.

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Two days ago, I officially choked my first world record pace speedrun in Mega Man X 100%. As in, I can say the run was realistically on record pace going deep into the late game. So, I guess this means I now have three weeks to grind this out - because I'm taking an extended speed break once TEW comes out.
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I see most of us are playing similar games. My favorite of all time and the ones i play the most are:


I generally play Paradox games a lot, CK2 is my favorite, (Waiting for CK3 to come out!!!), EU4 comes next. I do not mind Stellaris as well. I


am a big fan of Football Manager, been playing that since the first version (CM1993). OOTP i am a huge fan of, although i know nothing about baseball, i think it is overall the best Sports simulator/manager game in history (maybe better than FM due to it's speed and flexibility/stats).


I like games like Total War, especially Warhammer 2, Civilization is a good game as well.


I would say that TEW is arguably in my top 5 of all time though, it is up there with all those big budget games. Not much can compare with the detail and flexibility. When it comes to mods and creating your own universe, it is in a league of it's own, only OOTP compares.

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I had this fun idea where we could do a little community prediction game. If some of us shell out a couple of bucks each we can buy a key for the game to give away to the winner of the quiz. The quiz would be about the C-verse and the role of certain workers, the position of companies, etc. Could be a fun way to hype the demo.


That being said, there's no way to guarantee senerity, as several people here will be friends with the beta testers which would obviously compromise the game. But we can still do it for fun, right? If we all propose 4/5 questions. Like:


- Is USPW still the #1 fed?

- Has Fox Mask been on a Japanese tour or excursion?

- Has J-Ro closed out her career with AAA or another promotion (OLLIE? CZCW?)

- Has TCW changed their product significantly following the recent takeover?



and of course:

- Is it finally revealed what the TC in TCW really stands for? :p

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Another football manager veteran here. That is the only game I've been playing recently. Was using the legends database. I started another one recently using the world super league database. Bless those mod makers.


I'll be playing the Final Fantasy 7 remake soon.

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Working from home, which strangely is more draining than going to the office.


In spare time, playing Disgaea, Star Trek: Timelines, Deep Sky Derelicts and International Cricket Captain.


Also running as much as I can before the next stage of lockdown puts a limit on that.


I used to play FM, as far back as CM 93/94, but I've gone off it in recent years. It's just too top-heavy and tactics-focused. I much prefer building squads.

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Another football manager veteran here. That is the only game I've been playing recently. Was using the legends database. I started another one recently using the world super league database. Bless those mod makers.


I'll be playing the Final Fantasy 7 remake soon.


I've always thought about giving a legends database a go. What did you make of it?


EDIT: Also, I'm wondering if there are different ones given a Google search seems to throw up a couple of different things. Got a link to the best one / place to find it?

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Been playing Sims 4 and GTA V as of late, and will be starting on Red Dead Redemption 2 this weekend. I've also been gotten into watching a YouTuber who is actually pretty funny and doesn't overproduce everything, CallMeKevin. First got into him from his Sims 4 videos starring the Dear Leader himself, Jim Pickens. And have grown to enjoying his other videos as well. He's certainly given me ideas of what to do for running a chaotic TEW save whenever I get TEW 2020.
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Working from home, which strangely is more draining than going to the office.


In spare time, playing Disgaea, Star Trek: Timelines, Deep Sky Derelicts and International Cricket Captain.


Also running as much as I can before the next stage of lockdown puts a limit on that.


I used to play FM, as far back as CM 93/94, but I've gone off it in recent years. It's just too top-heavy and tactics-focused. I much prefer building squads.


Loved playing ICC1 and 2 back in the day, last one I played was 2016 which was great fun and built a great Warwickshire side. Agree with you on FM, got back playing into Championship Manager 01/02 recently and it's fun to just be able to blast through seasons. Been using the scouts to find players as against going back to the old favourites (Mike Duff and the gang) which is making for a nice challenge. There is a modern database but I've not checked that out yet.


Giving Eastside Hockey Manager a go with the latest rosters having not played it for ages.

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Recently started a CV97' save with CGC that I'm starting to enjoy and get into that I think I might want to turn into a Dynasty on the boards and finally give it a commitment.

But with 20 on the horizon, I don't want to commit too much and feel bad about giving up the save. Plus, hopefully there'll be fresh data coming from Derek-B too. Torn.

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Been playing Sims 4 and GTA V as of late, and will be starting on Red Dead Redemption 2 this weekend. I've also been gotten into watching a YouTuber who is actually pretty funny and doesn't overproduce everything, CallMeKevin. First got into him from his Sims 4 videos starring the Dear Leader himself, Jim Pickens. And have grown to enjoying his other videos as well. He's certainly given me ideas of what to do for running a chaotic TEW save whenever I get TEW 2020.
haha i watching CallMeKevin too :D
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Recently started a CV97' save with CGC that I'm starting to enjoy and get into that I think I might want to turn into a Dynasty on the boards and finally give it a commitment.

But with 20 on the horizon, I don't want to commit too much and feel bad about giving up the save. Plus, hopefully there'll be fresh data coming from Derek-B too. Torn.


I'm also a bit torn on when I'll do a committed save. I can wait for TEW20 but given I'll need some time to learn the game (I kinda suck since TEW16) I'll probably play something else first. I would play around with the promotions in the demo, which is also great for immersion.


The lure of HGC in the '97 Cverse might be too big to resist, as it feels like you're supposed to play that as it just started out. Yet, it's too early to add "simmering tension" to Tommy and I noticed that - if nothing happens - he'll just stay with SWF for life, which is simply unacceptable! :p


As for keeping occupied: I've gotten Resident Evil 3 which is a completely different game to what people here generally play, but anyone should enjoy it. Keys are 40$ so for a day of fun it's not that extreme.

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