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Cverse 2020 predictions

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Burning Hammer has gone full gaijin and has assembled one of the very best rosters of the history with ones like Cornell, Champagne Lover and so on.


Meanwhile PGHW has become the house of pure puro with Kikkawa and some of the best japanese talent, unhappy with the BH booking


GCG has one of the best young talents since the golden days of Maeda.


Oh, I know it is not what it will happen anyway, but I will mod the DB to make this happen


Please share it when playable 👍

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So putting out all my ideas out in post,




USPW will still be Number 1 but attitude problems are rampant. Not USPW levels, but the old guard and most of the main people are big issues in the company. Steve would have lost his belt and gone down the card a bit as Nicky Champion and a few of his friends have begun politicking there way to the very top. NYCW would become the Developmental promotion.


SWF is still number 2. Theyve lost more stars and are forced to turn Jack Bruce heel to stay relevant in the war. They recently stole Rocky Golden from TCW and are planning a star studding between the two.


TCW are on the downturn. They've lost Rocky, Sammy Bach, Joshua Taylor etc. They fire Kyle, who hasn't done the best job, but he stays on as a color commentator, because he has improved on that front. Ricky Dale Johnson buys out the company and retires. Wolf Hawkins reboots the Cornell Dojo and becomes the booker, staying loyal to his mentors creation


CZCW has stayed relatively the same. Stars leave, new prospects come. Same old here.


PSW is out of business, failing to move on with the times. Notable stars like Ash Campbell and Ernest Youngman get picked up by the big boys. Logan, Acid II, Stuntman, and others head to japan and other international spots while some vets stay on the indy scene.


AAA keeps up there foothold and grow to the#4 spot in America.


QAW falls a lot with a bunch of stars leaving to AAA.


IPW and GSW are still going at it with new stars coming in and stars being stolen by both. Neither can really get a long term advantage.


MAW is still good. They haven't been bought out because all the companies know they are the best at making prospects and Sam should be left on his own pond to make these stars.


FCW has joined COTT and is rising. Carlos has finally turned his life around and is now one of the top stars in the company.

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So going to rehash my predictions from the previous thread so it may be same-ish but I want to keep it current as we get close to the release date.




RAW - RAW is the big dog in Australia and remains as the big dog in Australia. The major changes they undergo is 1. They try and break onto the international stage, targeting UK (UK take a lot of Australian shows already), India (Close proximity), and Japan (Close proximity). This could also include a talent exchange deal as well. 2. They also get a development company to further their stranglehold on Australia. (Could be APW, but hopefully not). 3. Swoop McCarthy jumps ship to America. RAW lose their biggest star and the void at the top is still left unfilled at the start of 2020.


APW - They feel the heat as they lose a lot of stars to RAW in their expansion. I hope McMinister stays as owner, or sells the company to someone else not related to RAW out of bitterness. With the heat of the new company from RAW. APW team up with ZEN as we have seen in many diaries to help their fledgling company. Big losses from the company include God's Gift, and Nathan McKenzie. Alyx Macquarie, Christopher Gerard and Reggie Tate are the main players as well as the newly signed Surfer Dude Lucas who has blown up by APW standards.


ZEN - ZEN get reasonably lucky. While Devilfish moves to Australia to join his tag-team partner and Damian Dastardly gets signed by RAW. They get Pumpkin Jack to sign a long term contract as he gets the "Loyalty" trait to ZEN. Meanwhile Kalliope also stays on, and is in the Main Event picture with Man O'War who is current ZEN Master champion after turning heel and joining the new look F.E.A.R.


DIW - DIW closes it's doors early 2019 after The Comedian calls it time in the industry. Death Ref, and Dumfrey Pinn also retire while Tombstone and Mace Mueller move on to RAW. With Tombstone on the main show and Mace being a star on their development company. APW luckily sign Blitz Simpson and Chopper Rourke.


With the void of DIW another Hardcore/Cult like promotion also kicks start in Australia to make use of the copious amounts of brawlers with a lack of skill. The promotion is most likely the smallest designation making enough money to scrape by each month as they hold monthly shows.

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I expect there to be an AEW-esque promotion, but not in the US. I think it'll be in the UK as as the British scene in the c- verse kinda mimics the US scene, with 21CW dominating with no true competitors. Plus it'd spice up that game region a lot!

Really would not be surprised to see NWF or BPW have just started buisness in the new game. Looking through the current database I'm expecting to see a few promotions who have been in there a while but haven't started, like a Lethal Ring or MHW to be up and going to make room for some new future promotions

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As long as the "traditional" main companies are around and not closed, i will be happy. I hate it when the old school companies that have been with the game 20 years go out of business. In fact, when i am playing the game i always try to buy them if they are in financial troubles and let them run as a child.


Some of my predictions:


-We could see another big company come into the USA market (this will emulate what is happening with AEW) or we could see one of the lower level ones get a boost. Maybe SWF will regain the top spot again, with TCW falling down even further into the late cult areas.


-I think we will see the Canadian scene continue to go downhill, with the orgs there losing their place on the top to USA promotions.


-I also expect that 21CW will go global, moving into the American market and getting a TV deal. They will probably be a top 5 promotion.


-I think that BHOTWG will face more serious competition with a revived PGHW and WLW.


My biggest prediction of all though is that we will see a resurgence of the womens wrestling scene. Maybe another top promotion to push AAA/5 Star or we will see USPW's division will proper push, maybe TCW or one of the other promotions also add women's divisions. We will likely see the women's rosters increase the most and some new stars being born. I will be mildly shocked if the women's scene does not get a proper push with what has happened in womens wrestling in the past 4 years since the last game came out.

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USPW will be the big dogs in a good spot. I think they’ll have brought in some fresher faces to replace some of their main event stars and the biggest challenge is just maintaining the high ratings their popularity expects.


SWF will be 2. While they might have made a few new stars, I think they’ll still be trying to milk some of their big stars for as much popularity as possible. Jack Bruce on a Lesnar-esque contract is a possibility. Biggest challenge is chasing down USPW who have a big lead, and trying to create a new megastar.


TCW will have hit rock bottom hypothetically but will be back in the rebound. The fact they have an owner with money kept them from folding and really, they should actually be in a decent position to push back into the national scene. I’d say they’ve lost a lot of key people but have managed to find a few gems to build around. Plus I can see Wolf being loyal and probably bigger than the company but sticking around.



And while it seems most likely to have a hot new AEWlike company in the UK, I could also see it happening in Canada. Both CGC and NOTBPW had their problems in 2016. Perhaps a new company comes out of nowhere and shakes up the Canadian wrestling scene? Might mean the death of CGC and/or one of the smaller Canadian promotions, but I think it’s a scene that could use some injection of life.


I could see 21CW having their first real taste of competition from USPW, who’ve expanded into the UK through Reverie.

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My biggest prediction of all though is that we will see a resurgence of the womens wrestling scene. Maybe another top promotion to push AAA/5 Star or we will see USPW's division will proper push, maybe TCW or one of the other promotions also add women's divisions. We will likely see the women's rosters increase the most and some new stars being born. I will be mildly shocked if the women's scene does not get a proper push with what has happened in womens wrestling in the past 4 years since the last game came out.


I was stunned that women's wrestling didn't get a big jump in 2016, and I would be really disappointed if it doesn't now.


I'm predict more women's 'divisions', with only one of the top promotions in North America not having any women's wrestling, and one of them being practically 50/50, with a main event female star capable of headlining PPV's from the outset.


I'm not necessarily predicting more talent being available, but definitely more competition for that talent.

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I was stunned that women's wrestling didn't get a big jump in 2016, and I would be really disappointed if it doesn't now.


I'm predict more women's 'divisions', with only one of the top promotions in North America not having any women's wrestling, and one of them being practically 50/50, with a main event female star capable of headlining PPV's from the outset.


I'm not necessarily predicting more talent being available, but definitely more competition for that talent.


I'd be surprised if women's wrestling hadn't become every bit as important to NOTBPW as men's. Duane, McFly & Steve DeColt could all be done, they've got some young women in 2016 with plenty of potential, and they'll surely be paving the way for the return of an active Stone to the promotion, with Lucy a year away from her debut.

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I expect there to be an AEW-esque promotion, but not in the US. I think it'll be in the UK as as the British scene in the c- verse kinda mimics the US scene, with 21CW dominating with no true competitors. Plus it'd spice up that game region a lot!


I think so too. There are plenty of good wrestlers who could carry a number two promotion in 2020. People like Darin Flynn, Mark Adonis, Grave Digger, Michael Gregory and the Red Devils.


They would need a big star to come over too, perhaps Adam Matravers or Jonathan Faust? Or to really spice up the scene perhaps Edward Cornell jumps ship to see if he can escape his brother's shadow?

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If any promotion will reinvent itself, it's probably TCW. There are conflicting signals in the lore, but I'm guessing the toy company will in fact push for a women's division as it's pretty obvious they've acquired this company to make... well... toys. And you don't want to exclude 50% of your audience. Maybe it'll be a different reinvention or acquisition (maybe CILL, after J-Ro moves there? That company just screams for toys). A lot can and will happen in 4 years. :p


It's just a gut feeling but I think they'll eventually rise to the top in the end (whenever that may be). Maybe the route that will present itself is QAW being in trouble and them securing them. I always felt their style fits within TCW. Pair this with the acquisition of Tracy Brendon and you got yourself a women's division ready to go, though far from primetime slots.


If we keep analysing the relationship structure - as that's primary the way needles move the quickest - we might see NOTBPW getting a working agreement with AAA, though that doesn't make sense from the perspective of the latter (so I doubt it).


It's definitely possible we see a big change as the same thing happened to USPW, which rose from C- to B in just 3 years (2010 to 2013) because of the lucrative TV deal (which is also possible to achieve in-game).


On a sidenote concerning the state of women's wrestling: in 2006 (so TEW05), both AAA and 5SSW used to have C- pop. Maybe it's been revised in the case of AAA, because I can't believe they would be losing an full grade of pop in 4 years, but 5SSW and its "big 3" use to be big.

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Japan is going to be hard to predict, but I’m going to try. I feel due to the tsunami, touring companies are going to have a major advantage giving PGHW and BCG get a sort of head start not the MJM. Which makes me think that PGHW will finally surpass BHOTWG and BCG will be 4th in the rankings. And as for workers, I fell that there will be a lot of gaijin leaving Japan and going back to their homeland, Such as workers like Matthew Kieth, KC Glen, William Hayes and Frankie Perez. I think that these gaijin that return to their homeland will be huge successes after running the ropes in Japan for a while
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I want an OTT-style company in Ireland, saving the scene from being totally monopolized by 21cw. (I'm Irish and it doesn't get enough love in the c-verse). So this is more a wish than a prediction.


Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong. I don't have any versions of TEW on this computer. And I don't do a whole lot with the Euro C-Verse to start with. But isn't The Dublin Destroyer getting to an age where he might want to get out of the ring? If a crooked nobody like Mark Carnie can get his own promotion, why couldn't Dublin Destroyer set something up to train the next generation of Irish talent?

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Here's a guess. It might be far-fetched, sure, but here it goes:


Both USPW and Reverie are gone, and Allen Packer is serving jail time. Why? Because Eve Runcord got hired, and despite their original target being SWF, they were able to uncover a major fraud in Reverie's operation scheme, which led to the feds closing it up. As a result, USPW was also either closed by the feds or bought out by another company and is on the downfall.


It won't happen, but Reverie getting to the levels it would actually get by 2020 in the universe would make USPW really broken, and for the sake of game balance I'd hope they're killed off, or else no one would be able to compete with USPW

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Here's a guess. It might be far-fetched, sure, but here it goes:


Both USPW and Reverie are gone, and Allen Packer is serving jail time. Why? Because Eve Runcord got hired, and despite their original target being SWF, they were able to uncover a major fraud in Reverie's operation scheme, which led to the feds closing it up. As a result, USPW was also either closed by the feds or bought out by another company and is on the downfall.


It won't happen, but Reverie getting to the levels it would actually get by 2020 in the universe would make USPW really broken, and for the sake of game balance I'd hope they're killed off, or else no one would be able to compete with USPW

That's pretty wild but feels pretty plausible too

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I think Champagne Lover has been signed by USPW. The reason? Reverie picked up a couple of his movies and they wound up being insanely popular on the network so they offered Champagne Lover a contract to be the star of USPW and it came with a multi movie and or show deal on reverie.
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I wouldn't mind something like that happening, but something I've said before in this thread is I really, really don't want Operation Lullaby to actually somehow be a success. The whole concept is so ridiculous that even succeeding by accident would strain credulity in my opinion.


I 100% agree, But I think it be funny if one of them to get signed by SWF, only to find absolutely nothing. It be hilarious so read their bios if Lullaby fails.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheShabadoo" data-cite="TheShabadoo" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47461" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I 100% agree, But I think it be funny if one of them to get signed by SWF, only to find absolutely nothing. It be hilarious so read their bios if Lullaby fails.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The relevant bios could be fun either way. But here's a thought that could be especially fun if Lullaby fails. What if the dirt sheets have been on to them the whole time and the agents weren't quite the sleepers they thought they were? <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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