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What's Going on in Your Game?

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Restarted (again) my 2004 save, this trying to keep it more simple and i was able to reach WM this time around.


Wrestlemania XX


John Cena def. Big Show to win the United States Title.


Victoria and Daffney def. Ivory and Jacqueline in an Hardcore Match.


Booker T def. Rob Van Dam to retain the Intercontinental Title.


Chavo Guerrero def. Rey Mysterio to win the Cruiserweight Title.


World's Greatest Tag Team def. Basham Brothers to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles and to gain Shaniqua as their manager.


Jeff Hardy def. Tajiri, Billy Kidman and Ultimo Dragon in a Ladder Match to win a future match for the Cruiserweight Title.


Evolution (Ric Flair, Batista, Randy Orton) def. The Rock, Mick Foley and Goldberg.


Chris Jericho def. Christian.


Eddie Guerrero def. Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title.


Chyna def. Trish Stratus to retain the Women's Title.


The Undertaker def. Kane.


Chris Benoit def. Hardcore Holly.


Triple H def. Shawn Michaels to retain the World Heavyweight Title in a No DQ, No Count Out, No Draw Match.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Welp, Shawn Michaels finally forced my hand. It's July 1996, and my World Heavyweight Champion cannot stop being a ton of trouble. And now? It's gotten even worse. HBK has had a hard drug incident three times in the last month, including HBK being unable to perform because of drugs TWICE. I finally pulled the trigger and sent my WWF Champion to rehab, hoping for the best.


And there goes six months of work down the toilet, my Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart feud. HBK beat Hart for the WWF Title at Wrestlemania XII. They were going to have their rematch, a Ladder Match, at Summerslam 1996. Then, I planned their final encounter at Survivor Series 1996 in the first ever WWF Iron Man Match.


And thus begins the 16 Man Tournament for the now vacant WWF World Heavyweight Championship. The tournament will finish up at Summer Slam 1996, where the main event will crown a new WWF Champion.


As for my upcoming July - In Your House show, Shawn Michaels was supposed to defend the WWF Title against the 1996 King of the Ring, Stone Cold Steve Austin. With HBK out with his kayfabe injury, that title match is obviously scratched.


Instead! Stone Cold has been issued a new opponent in the main event of In Your House. After a heated altercation between Bret Hart and WWF Owner Vince McMahon, The Hitman was chosen by Mr. McMahon to be Stone Cold's new opponent! And, it would not just be an ordinary match at IYO. No, it will be an opening round contest in the WWF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament!


And the chaos continues! :eek:


So, after sending my World Champ HBK to rehab, my plan for the finals of my WWF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament was Bret Hart vs Razor Ramon. The main event of Summerslam! This was supposed to set up Ramon as a legit top guy. And while Bret was set to win at Summerslam, I was setting Razor up to eventually get a World Title run.


Sigh....and now Razor Ramon is out with an injury for over a year. What injury you say? Why, it's a "Epidural Intracranial Hematoma," of course!


And now, it's time to go to Plan C for Summerslam! Diesel is not an option because Bret beat him in the tournament already (thanks to heated rival Stone Cold Steve Austin), and they've had plenty of matches in the last year. So, I'm left with one real option, and that is Bret vs The Undertaker in the finals.


Taker had disappeared after a brutal beatdown by Mankind and missed the start of the tournament. Now, Taker is set to win a Battle Royal to replace Razor in the Quarter Finals. Coincidentally, due to the bracket, he'll end up facing rival Mankind in the Semi-Finals.


What a fun time! Can't wait to stop thinking so much and just play! :D

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And the chaos continues! :eek:


So, after sending my World Champ HBK to rehab, my plan for the finals of my WWF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament was Bret Hart vs Razor Ramon. The main event of Summerslam! This was supposed to set up Ramon as a legit top guy. And while Bret was set to win at Summerslam, I was setting Razor up to eventually get a World Title run.


Sigh....and now Razor Ramon is out with an injury for over a year. What injury you say? Why, it's a "Epidural Intracranial Hematoma," of course!


And now, it's time to go to Plan C for Summerslam! Diesel is not an option because Bret beat him in the tournament already (thanks to heated rival Stone Cold Steve Austin), and they've had plenty of matches in the last year. So, I'm left with one real option, and that is Bret vs The Undertaker in the finals.


Taker had disappeared after a brutal beatdown by Mankind and missed the start of the tournament. Now, Taker is set to win a Battle Royal to replace Razor in the Quarter Finals. Coincidentally, due to the bracket, he'll end up facing rival Mankind in the Semi-Finals.


What a fun time! Can't wait to stop thinking so much and just play! :D


Bret Hart vs. Undertaker just might turn out to be the better match. And you seem to have a pretty deep roster if Undertaker is your Plan C! :eek:

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Bret Hart vs. Undertaker just might turn out to be the better match. And you seem to have a pretty deep roster if Undertaker is your Plan C! :eek:


WWF 1996's roster is pretty hefty at the top, especially if you re-sign Razor & Diesel. Not to mention Stone Cold's popularity sky rockets with minimal effort. Also in the process of making Scott Steiner a singles star now that I got his stats up.


Below the stars of the roster is where you find issues with WWF 1996. Lots of meh talent in the under card. Plenty of work there, trying to improve talent or replace lost causes.

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After a couple of tests for a "Dojo" save (basically, creating the -randomly picked- Worldwide Wrestling dojo and booking their alumnis, along with people who at least trained or did a seminar once there once I grow in pop), I'm now starting the save properly but am toying with ideas on how to crown the very first champion.


For now, my first choice would be a round robin 10-man tournament (or perhaps the whole 12 men roster, but then I'd need to use something outside of the game to set it up), and let the AI decide who will be crowned (mostly). On the other hand, even if I had a weekly 1h show, that would mean waiting for 4 months and a half before having enough space on the show to do matches other than tournament ones (+ a women match).

I could probably do a regular "King of the Ring" type, but I always do that when starting from scratch, so I want to do something new that is not a rumble. Any ideas would be more than welcome !


As for the roster, I have a "strong" (based on the workers I'm allowed) main event with Eli Isom, Wheeler YUTA, Shaheem Ali and LSG, while Cheeseburger and Ryan Nova can be outsiders when needed, but a really weak midcard with mostly unknown guys from the dojo (Adam Chandler, Dylan Mesh, Markus Skyler, Smoke Jones, Ethan Wilde and Ric Reese). A couple of them might turn into something useful, but I don't see any of them becoming stars, save for a huge surprise. Also, absolutely no one is going to cut good promos :D

On the women division side, I'm already picking (babyface) Sumie Sakai to be the champion and keep the title until I deem (heel) Vita VonStarr ready (with Gabby Ortiz a strong second choice) but I'll probably need to work a bit before the two other (Damaris Dawkins, a face, and Stella Grey, a heel) are ready to be used as anything else than jobber. And same problem with mic skills, no one is going to be trusted to wow the audience with a microphone...

As for the Announce table, I went with local choices (as it should be at this size, imo) and have a completly unexpected duo of Prince Nana (my user character) and Scott Holladay (the cheapest, competent guy I could find). I could have gone with Matt Striker or Velvet Sky, but Holladay as far as I know is closer to future potential workers on my shortlist, so felt a more natural choice, and he was unemployed as well.

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For now, my first choice would be a round robin 10-man tournament (or perhaps the whole 12 men roster, but then I'd need to use something outside of the game to set it up), and let the AI decide who will be crowned (mostly). On the other hand, even if I had a weekly 1h show, that would mean waiting for 4 months and a half before having enough space on the show to do matches other than tournament ones (+ a women match).

I could probably do a regular "King of the Ring" type, but I always do that when starting from scratch, so I want to do something new that is not a rumble. Any ideas would be more than welcome !


I'm a fan of using the 10 man Mayhem match to crown my first champion in tiny created feds, you can't have your entire roster be in the match but not like you want the two guys you designate to be your jobbers to accidentally win the title anyway.

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I thought about having it in a single match, but I don't think most of my roster has the psychology to be in such a long match, and in real life, I'd be super disappointed to have a 10 men match last 15 minutes.


So, I'll probably make the 10 men round robin tournament and turn it into a meta storyline with small rivalries inside it, and keep the other two guys occupied in tag matches with the women and/or the guys who do not have a tournament match that day.

I mean, Ric Reese is going to be a wrestler/manager so can't fight against his client anyway, and I want Smoke Jones to be booked strong enough to stay a threat due to his size (even though he's not as impressive as Omos for that role :D ). Plus the round robin tournament will help test chemistries relatively quickly, so I guess the audience will need to be patient to know their new champion haha

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You could split it into 2 5-man round robin tournaments, with the winners of each fighting for the belt. It would be over sooner, and save a few brand new matches for after the champion is crowned.


For my small games I usually just give someone a belt. "Here's the local champion, everyone. Just go with it." Or spend a year without a champion, after which the two most deserving should be obvious to the fans.

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I thought about having it in a single match, but I don't think most of my roster has the psychology to be in such a long match, and in real life, I'd be super disappointed to have a 10 men match last 15 minutes.


So, I'll probably make the 10 men round robin tournament and turn it into a meta storyline with small rivalries inside it, and keep the other two guys occupied in tag matches with the women and/or the guys who do not have a tournament match that day.

I mean, Ric Reese is going to be a wrestler/manager so can't fight against his client anyway, and I want Smoke Jones to be booked strong enough to stay a threat due to his size (even though he's not as impressive as Omos for that role :D ). Plus the round robin tournament will help test chemistries relatively quickly, so I guess the audience will need to be patient to know their new champion haha


You could have a series of triple threat or 4 way matches with the winner of each facing off for the title.

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ECW: Madness Rising


Randy Savage left WWF in 1994 when Vince wouldn't put him back in the ring.


The "Macho Man" didn't want to go down south however, instead deciding to take on a controlling stake and the book with Eastern Championship Wrestling, which was trending towards something the Madness could get behind: The Extreme!


Basically, Savage put the belt on himself and is building up new stars in a new promotion. He's carried the show from nothing to medium-sized heading into 1997, getting on television and smartly bringing in assets to challenge the big players WCW and WWF.


I managed to get Mr. Perfect, who is still injured and I have a plan for him to take the belt off Savage early into 1997. The television title has been traded between Tazz, Cactus Jack and Steve Austin.


I'm on the cusp of losing some talent due to costs but I think we'll be okay because Savage alone is worth the price of admission and a great figurehead.


My long-term plan is for Tazz and Hennig to feud over the big belt while Savage eventually puts over rising stars Cactus Jack and Steve Austin for the future.

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Randy Savage left WWF in 1994 when Vince wouldn't put him back in the ring.


The "Macho Man" didn't want to go down south however, instead deciding to take on a controlling stake and the book with Eastern Championship Wrestling, which was trending towards something the Madness could get behind: The Extreme!


Basically, Savage put the belt on himself and is building up new stars in a new promotion. He's carried the show from nothing to medium-sized heading into 1997, getting on television and smartly bringing in assets to challenge the big players WCW and WWF.


I managed to get Mr. Perfect, who is still injured and I have a plan for him to take the belt off Savage early into 1997. The television title has been traded between Tazz, Cactus Jack and Steve Austin.


I'm on the cusp of losing some talent due to costs but I think we'll be okay because Savage alone is worth the price of admission and a great figurehead.


My long-term plan is for Tazz and Hennig to feud over the big belt while Savage eventually puts over rising stars Cactus Jack and Steve Austin for the future.


Save sounds awesome.

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I finally did it! I got to Summerslam ‘96!


Admittedly, I took a break from the WWF game a bit after all the craziness. For anyone who didn’t see my original posts, my buddy HBK would not stop doing drugs! It got to the point that he was sent home from Raw twice in three weeks because he was too intoxicated. I finally had to draw a line and stripped HBK of the WWF World Heavyweight Title and sent him to rehab.


Thus began the 16 man tournament to decide a new WWF Champion! Throughout July & August, the tournament commenced until the final two rounds were set for Summerslam. In the main event of Summerslam, a new WWF Champion would be crowned!


Behold! The tournament results!


Round of 16

Bret Hart defeated Steve Austin

Diesel defeated Shane Douglas

Owen Hart defeated Chris Jericho (IC Title Match)

Scott Steiner defeated Sid Vic ious

Mankind defeated Dean Malenko

Yokozuna defeated The Great Muta (DQ)

Razor Ramon defeated The British Bulldog

Goldust defeated Rick Steiner


Quarter Finals

Bret Hart defeated Diesel

Scott Steiner defeated Owen Hart

Mankind defeated Yokozuna

The Undertaker defeated Goldust

*Razor Ramon was forced out of the tournament due to injury. The Undertaker won a 20 Man Battle Royal to take Razor’s place in the tournament.*


Without further to do, here is WWF Summerslam 1996!


In a battle of former MDC partners, Rick Martel defeated Million Dollar Corporation’s Dean Malenko. Ted DiBiase attempted to help his prized client Malenko, but the Million Dollar Man would be chased away by Martel’s protégé, Val Venis! (79)


The Southern Boys’ Jeff Jarrett defeated The Hart Foundation’s British Bulldog. (76)


In Eight Man Tag Team Action, The Million Dollar Corporation (Mabel, Kama, Tatanka, & Terry Gordy) defeated The Smokin’ Gunns & The Wrecking Machines (Ahmed Johnson & Rikishi Fatu). (67)


In The Semi-Finals of the WWF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament, The Hart Foundation’s Bret Hart defeated Scott Steiner to advance. The Hitman would get some unexpected help, as the young duo of Edge & Christian interfered in the match and attacked Steiner. The next night on Raw, it would be revealed Edge & Christian are the newest members of the Hart Foundation! (97!)


In The Semi-Finals of the WWF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament, The Undertaker defeated Mankind to advance. (99!)


In Tag Team Action, Reality Check (Shane Douglas & Sid Vicious) defeated The Hardy Boyz to RETAIN the WWF World Tag Team Championship. (79)


In a Ladder Match, Chris Jericho defeated The Hart Foundation’s Owen Hart to become the NEW WWF Intercontinental Champion. (80)


In Tag Team Action, Goldust & The Great Muta defeated Rick Steiner & Yokozuna. (76)


In a Street Fight, Steve Austin defeated Diesel. Proving he would do whatever to win, Austin would deliver a low blow just as Diesel attempted to hit a Jacknife Powerbomb. Two Stone Cold Stunners later, Austin walked out of the Street Fight the victor. (96!)


In the Finals of the WWF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament, The Hart Foundation’s Bret Hart defeated The Undertaker to become the NEW WWF Champion! It was all thanks to Mankind, who came to ringside and accosted Undertaker’s manager Paul Bearer. This would lead to Mankind knocking Undertaker out cold with the deadman’s own metal urn! Hart would take advantage and become a 4-Time WWF Champion! (89!)


Unfortunately, the crowd was burnt out by the main event. Nevertheless, I still managed a 88 Overall Rating for the show.

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I am playing Gaz's 93 Mod as Eddie Gilbert booking ECW. I am currently wrapping up 1994 and about a month away from growing to medium.


Anyway, the most interesting thing in my game now is that WWF joined the NWA, so WWF is frequently sending stars like Hogan and Undertaker to WCW through alliance loans and WCW always books them to lose to lower midcard/jobber guys. NJPW guys hold most of the NWA belts, but HBK had one and was traveling to Japan every week.

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<p>CzarKyle's highly modded mod...</p><p> </p><p>

Just about to enter 1972 in Territory Daze. </p><p> </p><p>

Been playing as Vincent J McMahon and the general concept is that Vince K McMahon will not get to take over WWWF when his father passes. Instead, that will go to Gorilla Monsoon until 1990. I also highly modified the existing mod by cramming in Risky Business, Killing the Business, The WHO, and a handful of other things.</p><p> </p><p>

One major rule; no fictional characters. I take any fictional character created by the game and turn them into a celebrity/athlete/personality that existed in that time and <em>could</em> have been in the pro wrestling scene. I have a running list of bodybuilders, colligate wrestlers, strongmen, Olympic medalists, boxers, stuntmen, martial artists that get get swapped in when the game gives me someone random. For example; I threw noted 360lb strongman, Paul Anderson, into AWA (google him, the image search is worth the look) OR that in 1973 I'm ready to add in Dan Gable as a pure athlete that detests gimmicky pro wrestling. Like a proto-Dan Severn or continuation of Danny Hodge. </p><p> </p><p>

Right now;</p><p> </p><p>

Andre the Giant is in his "friendly giant" phase. He's limited to opening the tv shows with the announcers and the event pre-shows in a 3v3 capacity. A nice steady slow build and he never loses. I want to get him a real undefeated streak that runs all the way into the mid-1980s. </p><p> </p><p>

Hired Vince K McMahon to work on announcing skills and try to keep him as low key as humanly possible. I guarantee there will be no Mr McMahon character at any point or any McMahons making themselves highly visible. Behind the scenes only.</p><p> </p><p>

The Destroyer defeated Bruno Sammartino for the World Title in Sept 1971. At this point Gorilla Monsoon, Pedro Morales, and Antonio Inoki are all candidates to take Bruno's place as figurehead should their popularity work out that way. I have a lot of conditionals in place as I'm not picky, but always like to have "plan B" ready should I need it. </p><p> </p><p>

Antonio Inoki has been propping up a dying JWA and appearing in WWWF on the main stage if not as a road agent behind the scenes (when fatigued). In 6 months time his popularity sky rocketed from 12 to 77! I had him at 81, but a tag team loss with partner Karl Gotch stifled that momentum. </p><p> </p><p>

Dr. Wagner is the NWA champion AND junior champion! It's sounds cool until you realize he's been tanking both belt's prestige. I feel like Harley Race isn't ever going to get the 10lbs of gold and I have an even weirder feeling the AWA is going to scoop him up on a crazy contract.</p><p> </p><p>

Which brings me to the AWA. They seem to be attempting to compete directly with the WWWF, but they don't have the finances. I have $30mil, they have $3mil. I tried to get some AWA talent on a fair handshake deal and after that they went nuts and opened up their checkbook. They signed 8 low-to-mid card talents on a $15,000+ monthly contract deal. Now their funds are hemorrhaging as they cut their production to threadbare and continue to pick up the odd exclusive monthly contract. That's insane. Bruno gets $15,000 a month and 50% of his merch and NO gate %. Bruno lost his title, his figurehead status is fading, and is still extremely happy. AWA on the other hand throws Red Bastien (41yr old vet) a 16,000 a month contract, 14,000 signing bonus, and 10% of the gate. They book Bastien on the pre-show and match openers, that is it. AWA has been breaking even all 1971, WWWF is clocking $1-to-2 million per month, and I've played this game as realistic as I can. I'm not even exploiting anything. I run Shea Stadium in the summer at the end of the month. I could be doing that every major show all year long and quadrupling my income, but I don't find that realistic of the game. I don't see things lasting long for the AWA and I'm half tempted to take over AWA as Verne and book that too, but I do not have the time for something like that (but I want to). Everything else in the game has been somewhat similar to their real-life counterparts and I've been having a blast booking WWWF.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CzarKyle" data-cite="CzarKyle" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47520" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just about to enter 1972 in Territory Daze. <p> </p><p> Been playing as Vincent J McMahon and the general concept is that Vince K McMahon will not get to take over WWWF when his father passes. Instead, that will go to Gorilla Monsoon until 1990. I also highly modified the existing mod by cramming in Risky Business, Killing the Business, The WHO, and a handful of other things.</p><p> </p><p> One major rule; no fictional characters. I take any fictional character created by the game and turn them into a celebrity/athlete/personality that existed in that time and <em>could</em> have been in the pro wrestling scene. I have a running list of bodybuilders, colligate wrestlers, strongmen, Olympic medalists, boxers, stuntmen, martial artists that get get swapped in when the game gives me someone random. For example; I threw noted 360lb strongman, Paul Anderson, into AWA (google him, the image search is worth the look) OR that in 1973 I'm ready to add in Dan Gable as a pure athlete that detests gimmicky pro wrestling. Like a proto-Dan Severn or continuation of Danny Hodge. </p><p> </p><p> Right now;</p><p> </p><p> Andre the Giant is in his "friendly giant" phase. He's limited to opening the tv shows with the announcers and the event pre-shows in a 3v3 capacity. A nice steady slow build and he never loses. I want to get him a real undefeated streak that runs all the way into the mid-1980s. </p><p> </p><p> Hired Vince K McMahon to work on announcing skills and try to keep him as low key as humanly possible. I guarantee there will be no Mr McMahon character at any point or any McMahons making themselves highly visible. Behind the scenes only.</p><p> </p><p> The Destroyer defeated Bruno Sammartino for the World Title in Sept 1971. At this point Gorilla Monsoon, Pedro Morales, and Antonio Inoki are all candidates to take Bruno's place as figurehead should their popularity work out that way. I have a lot of conditionals in place as I'm not picky, but always like to have "plan B" ready should I need it. </p><p> </p><p> Antonio Inoki has been propping up a dying JWA and appearing in WWWF on the main stage if not as a road agent behind the scenes (when fatigued). In 6 months time his popularity sky rocketed from 12 to 77! I had him at 81, but a tag team loss with partner Karl Gotch stifled that momentum. </p><p> </p><p> Dr. Wagner is the NWA champion AND junior champion! It's sounds cool until you realize he's been tanking both belt's prestige. I feel like Harley Race isn't ever going to get the 10lbs of gold and I have an even weirder feeling the AWA is going to scoop him up on a crazy contract.</p><p> </p><p> Which brings me to the AWA. They seem to be attempting to compete directly with the WWWF, but they don't have the finances. I have $30mil, they have $3mil. I tried to get some AWA talent on a fair handshake deal and after that they went nuts and opened up their checkbook. They signed 8 low-to-mid card talents on a $15,000+ monthly contract deal. Now their funds are hemorrhaging as they cut their production to threadbare and continue to pick up the odd exclusive monthly contract. That's insane. Bruno gets $15,000 a month and 50% of his merch and NO gate %. Bruno lost his title, his figurehead status is fading, and is still extremely happy. AWA on the other hand throws Red Bastien (41yr old vet) a 16,000 a month contract, 14,000 signing bonus, and 10% of the gate. They book Bastien on the pre-show and match openers, that is it. AWA has been breaking even all 1971, WWWF is clocking $1-to-2 million per month, and I've played this game as realistic as I can. I'm not even exploiting anything. I run Shea Stadium in the summer at the end of the month. I could be doing that every major show all year long and quadrupling my income, but I don't find that realistic of the game. I don't see things lasting long for the AWA and I'm half tempted to take over AWA as Verne and book that too, but I do not have the time for something like that (but I want to). Everything else in the game has been somewhat similar to their real-life counterparts and I've been having a blast booking WWWF.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Edit their contracts and give them some money. I've found giving them money, eventually failing promotions will stabilize.</p>
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I started a save on Bigpapa42's awesome 2013 Yes! mod where I jumped the gun by a few years and started up Game Changer Wrestling. I'm only five shows in, but I'm absolutely hooked on this save, even though I normally don't really like to play as modern companies that I watch.


As Nick Gage is still in prison, I've had to try and find someone else to be our figurehead. In the first shows I've booked Homicide going over bigger stars who I've only signed on 1 show deals to come over and do the job, such as Abyss, Matt Morgan and Scott Steiner. I've also had Matt Tremont and Danny Havoc rack up wins in deathmatches, and even though I wasn't going to push him that hard quite yet Chris Dickinson's matches have been so good and he's gained pop so fast that he's gotten a bit of a streak going as well.


My next show will be Tournament Of Survival 1, where the finals will hopefully be Tremont going over Havoc. I'll then have a show headlined by a 6-way ladder match that Homicide will win, to set up a match between Tremont and Homicide where the winner will be crowned the inaugural GCW Champion. At the moment I'm leaning on Homicide winning so as to not have the title be just about deathmatches, but we'll see.


In the undercard my main story is with Orange Cassidy, Keith Lee, Chuck Taylor and Ethan Page, where the heels Chucky and Page will harass OC and Lee until the feud is blown off in a tag team match between all four.


I don't know what it is exactly, as it's basically your run of the mill super-indie fantasy booking that I've done a million times before, but I'm just loving this save. I think a lot of credit goes to Bigpapa42 for the mod, as the amount of attributes and detail to even the more unknown indie talent really adds a huge amount of depth to the game.

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ECW: July/1997 - The Summer of Madness


Background: Savage left the WWF to go to ECW to wrestle. He wanted to be in the ring and not commentating!


Curt Hennig, with a chip on his shoulder and finally recovered from serious back issues, came in and immediately told Savage he'd outwrestle him unlike every other scrub in the ECW. Hennig told the world that he could put Savage down for the 1...2...3...


This Hennig/Savage is a feud I've been working towards since I brought Hennig on. I knew I wanted to move the belt and turn Savage heel as an outcome and it has worked like a dream.


At ECW: Hardcore Heatwave in July/1997 Hennig stepped into the ring and put on a wrestling clinic that matched the Macho Man's wild antics move-for-move in a steel cage.


89 Rating. Our highest rated match ever. For now!


Savage won't go after the belt as a heel. Instead, he's feuding with another upstart who has called him out for losing a step: Steve Austin, a promoter's dream.


Hennig's first feud over the belt is with Cactus Jack who may have to overcome not just Hennig but Savage losing his mind over losing the belt.


No one is safe in the Summer of Madness.





Hennig/Cactus Jack over the World Title Belt.

Savage/Austin leading up to a Retirement Match

Tazz/Kevin Greene & Tommy Dreamer for the Television Title

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Cornette Takes Over AEW?!


I was running a test on some modifications I made to my real-world database, and accidentally deleted Tony Khan. Imagine my surprise when, sometime in the first week, Jim Cornette became CEO and head booker of AEW!


I kept my test running anyway, just to see how it played out. Two years in, AEW is the number one promotion in the world. The only in-house conflict I can see is that Michael Nakazawa quit in the first month, after a bad incident with Cornette. And the only real change to the company otherwise is that they switched to a "Classic Balanced" product type a few months in.


I'm tempted to turn this into a database, just so I can see the inner workings of the company better...

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Territory Daze slightly modded...1971 WWWF


General concept: Been playing as Vincent J McMahon and the general concept is that Vince K McMahon will not get to take over WWWF when his father passes. Instead, that will go to Gorilla Monsoon until 1990. I also highly modified the existing mod by cramming in Risky Business, Killing the Business, The WHO, and a handful of other things.


Finished 1971 for WWWF yesterday. Here's the best storylines on the year:


How Legends Are Born - This originally was Bruno's starring vehicle for a feud with Killer Kowalski. It's still Sammartino's storyline, but he's sharing the spotlight with Antonio Inoki (face) and Wahoo McDaniel (heel). Antonio is training with Bruno while Wahoo is just a dominant US Champ. I feel all three men are candidates to knock off current WWWF World Champ, The Destroyer.


A competition of sorts... - The Destroyer and Antonio Inoki were (babyface) partners and WWWF International Tag champs for the first part of 1971. That was until Destroyer grew tired of Inoki's JWA commitments and rising star. Once Destroyer turned on Inoki for working injured and almost losing, it was over. The most dominant tag team in the WWWF had imploded in the month of May, and the rights to keep the tag belts and select a new partner were now on the line. Destroyer won, tossed the International Belts in the garbage, and declared his entry into the World Championship contender's pool with new manager Gary Hart. Quickly, a stable formed around Destroyer as The Hart Syndicate became the new heel team on the block. Once fully formed, there was no stopping The Destroyer as Hart's team broke Sammartino down thru attacks. Sammartino aligned with Inoki and Karl Gotch to watch his back, but it wasn't enough. Bruno's 8 year World Championship reign was ended in a brutal 60 minute iron man match at Shea Stadium in the Summer heat of August. Destroyer won 3 falls to 2, with the last being secured via figure-four leg lock. The following rematch in September yielded similar results and Bruno took a time off from singles competition to team with Spiros Arion. Post-Bruno, The Destroyer has been on a campaign and taking out what seems to be the "flavor of the month" club while feuding with Inoki. For the end of the year main event The Destroyer goes up against Antonio Inoki for the first time since their split in May. In a close one, The Destroyer stuck to his guns and won clean to close out the year. Members of The Hart Syndicate: Gary Hart, The Destroyer, The Spoiler, The Great Kabuki, Nick Bockwinkel, Ray Stevens, and Bobby Heenan.


Backs Against the Wall - Gorilla Monsoon & Pedro Morales noticed that their stable, Capitol Sports Group, needed a bit of a reform. On his own Pedro was doing fine as a 3-time Junior Heavyweight champion, but the rest of his peers were struggling somewhat. Due to The Destroyer's shenanigans; Pedro was given an opportunity with occasional tag partner, Gorilla Monsoon, to take a run at the WWWF International Tag titles at the end of May IF he vacated the Junior Heavyweight championship. Pedro vacates after one last defense over Victor Rivera. Monsoon & Morales defeat Ivan Koloff & Nikolai Volkoff in a best of 3 at MSG in June. Later on in the Summer they would feud with Johnny & Jerry Valiant who with Freddie Blassie petitioned for the US Tag Team titles to be reinstated. The Valiants would end up winning the US Tag Belts in an eliminator, but then losing them to Monsoon & Morales who unified them into the WWWF World Tag Team championship. From June to December, Pedro & Gorilla would rule the tag team division with Spiros Arion representing their group as the singles competitor and/or as the third man in 3v3's.


The Iron Curtain - Ivan Koloff is one of the best heels in singles and tags. Winning the International Tag Team gold three times (w/ Karl Kovacs x1, and Nikolai Volkoff x2) and injuring Bruno Sammartino have been his highlights so far. Injuries had plagued his stable mid-year as Ivan forged ahead, strategizing. Taking on Ernie Ladd fresh off of losing his US title, he reprogrammed The Big Cat into monster heel Badd Ladd. Deploying his thumb spike with abandon, Ladd & Koloff dismantled nearly every babyface team on the way up. Just as Ladd & Koloff were set to face off against Monsoon & Morales, Ivan suffers a Potts' fracture and goes out for a month pushing their World Tag Team title shot to the end of the year show, The Final Showdown. In a contender for match of the year, Ivan Koloff & Ernie Ladd win the World Tag team championship with their new tag team finisher The Spike & Sickle (Just a double team finisher where Ivan times a crooked lariat with Ladd's thumb spike).


The Bigger they are, the harder they fall... - This is the white hot Junior Heavyweight division. Since Pedro vacated; Victor Rivera, Pat Barrett, and Emile Dupre had "hot potato'ed" the title in short order month-by-month. Everything wrapped up with Abe Jacobs entering the scene after losing 6 months to injury. The Master of the Kiwi Leg Roll climbed the ranks to dominate Emile Dupre for the win and forge ahead to become the first Jr HW champion since Pedro to hold the belt longer than a month. Now entering his 3rd month as champion, Abe Jacobs just wrapped up a non-title series against hulking heavyweight, Dick Brower, as a title eliminator determined his next contender for his belt. Junior Heavyweight Contender's Pool: Ray Stevens, Nick Bockwinkel, Pat Barrett, and Cowboy Bob Ellis.

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Experimental...Isn't that a Beastie Boys Song?


So...I'm trying something new. I'm running Global Wrestling Entertainment (what I renamed WCW to in 2001) in mid-2002 and we've recently overtaken WWF (who's had some wonderfully, for me, bad luck). And I've just signed Dan Severn, who's 43 and...well...he's Dan Severn. He had a tremendous destiny roll in this game, and he's hot as it gets. So, I'm reading him right now as "Well Known", and I'm thinking of having him work a short program with Raven over the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, which will lead to him losing a "Raven's Rules" match for the title because Taz, who's the NWA North American Heavyweight Champion (did I mention I also rejoined the NWA?), will interfere in the match. Besides, Severn's Well Known and Raven's a Major Star...but Taz is Well Known, also. So, I figure have them have some serious bruiser battles over that North American title. I'm in the process of turning Kurt Angle, who's the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion, heel, so they could feud. I mean...who wouldn't want to see Severn vs. Angle? Especially when they're both super-over?


Anyway, this is the first time I've really tried to book Severn, but I think it'll be fun.



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Junior Heavyweight Contender's Pool: Ray Stevens, Nick Bockwinkel, Pat Barrett, and Cowboy Bob Ellis.


I want you to know that I really enjoyed reading this, and then I read the words "Cowboy Bob Ellis" and my enjoyment went through the stratosphere. I met Cowboy Bob and Fritz Von Erich when I was a kid growing up in east Texas. They were both older guys (and I don't think I'd ever actually watched Ellis wrestle; I just remember him in interviews and stuff on World Class shows from the Sportatorium and when they'd do shots in my hometown). But, both of them were super nice guys to six-year-old me and my dad.


Fritz even put the Iron Claw on me. :D And apparently all the grown-ups present (Cowboy Bob included) thought that was just hilarious. Anyway, just showing my age, but I loved your breakdown.



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Playing a 4-player game with Fleisch's '92 Chronicles mod, playing as the WWF, WCW, GWF & USWA. Please note I took over the USWA over from the AI so I had to work with what was given me, but it is Memphis after all. :p


In the WWF, the winner of the 1992 Royal Rumble and thus new WWF World Champion... well that's obvious...



"Macho Man" Randy Savage! :eek: Yes, I veered away from real life, and I'll be darned if he hasn't become the top babyface of the promotion, even surpassing figurehead Hulk Hogan, barely edging him out in the popularity department by a point or two depending on the region (USA). Ric Flair is my top heel, and he & Mr. Perfect protested that Savage cheated to win the Rumble even though it was Flair who cheated by gouging Hogan's eyes, eliminating Hogan from the Rumble. Savage would defend and retain the title on Saturday Night's Main Event. At WrestleMania VIII, the plan as of now is a double main event: Randy Savage vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts for the WWF Title, and Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair in the dream match that couldn't happen till now. Jake has been popped twice for hard and soft drugs, and I fined him both times because I want him for Mania.


Also in the WWF, I have programmed Sid Justice with Rowdy Roddy Piper, with Piper taking exception to Sid eliminating him from the Rumble. Piper's Pit returns on Superstars, and Piper goes on a tangent about how they called him at the last minute to bring back Piper's Pit to substitute in for the Funeral Parlor as Paul Bearer wants to concentrate on managing the Undertaker's WWF career. Piper is offended that his show, the originator of wrestling talk shows, is deemed to be filler because he plays second fiddle to nobody. He then brings out Sid Justice because he wants to confront Sid about the Rumble elimination. Sid simply says that he was simply following the rules of the Rumble match: every man for himself. And he would've expected Piper to do the same to him and would respect him for it. Piper taunts Sid about not winning the Rumble match after he went through the trouble to double cross Piper, and Sid talks about how he'll climb that ladder and get a title shot soon enough. Piper keeps needling Sid, and Sid has enough and says "This interview is over." As he gets up out of his chair and turns to walk off, Piper picks up his chair and wallops Sid in the back with it. He hits him so hard that Sid goes down, and Piper keeps hitting him with the chair. Piper gets on the microphone and says "About this show... the interview is over when I say it's over." Piper smashes Sid in the head with the mic and then says "It's over" before walking off, turning heel in the process.

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1992-1995, New Japan.


Serious question guys.


I just wrapped up WK2 (I know.. way too early for that, but I hated the weird naming that NJPW did prior) and AJPW is currently tanking. They're 1.9m in debt and are willing to negotiate a takeover. Question is... do I do it? I know I should, from a pure "gameplay" standpoint I should. But it'd be too easy, right? I'd have Kawada, Taue, Kobashi, Steve Williams, Hansen. But like.. that'd severely bloat my main event scene.


My main event scene is quite literally Chono, Mutoh, Fujinami, Tenryu (who just broke his neck vacating the title), and Hashimoto. With the rare appearances by Dave Finlay, Nobuhiko Takeda, Sasaki, Hase, and Onita.


Should I just buy them and use them as a developmental and "borrow" their stars? I don't want AJPW to just outright die. It'd suck. They're still going today and are a huge piece of Japanese wrestling history, arguably more so than NJPW in the 90s.

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