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Just coming up to December in my WCW 2001 game, using my "Here Comes The Money" mod (check it out now!)

Here's the card for WCW Starrcade and I'll break down each title/persons going ons over the last 8-months:

WCW Starrcade 2001

WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Caged Heat Match
Booker T vs. Diamond Dallas Page (c)
- Booker T started as WCW & Shane McMahon's golden child. He defeated DDP at WCW Big Bang, its rebirth event. On the first Nitro after Big Bang, and first Nitro under Shane's ownership, Shane offered DDP a spot at the commentary table, which DDP accepted. However, DDP didnt really want to step away from the ring but did so anyway. After only a short month on the desk, DDP encouraged by Kanyon beat the living hell out of Shane McMahon decreeing he had plenty left in the tank. This led to DDP, with lots of Kanyon help, eventually defeating Shane in a match and capturing the WCW World Heavyweight title. After months battling, Booker T & DDP face off for the ultimate prize. Booker will win this and become a 5-time WCW Champion and DDP will begin to transition down the card.

WCW United States Championship
Rob Van Dam vs. Lance Storm (c)
- The US title was vacated at Big Bang and decided in the "Big Bang Brawl" which a debuting Jesse James won. James had a short reign and was defated by Sean O'Haire (w/Don Callis) who had a slightly longer run before losing the belt in a 4-way match to Storm. RVD & Storm have been circling each other since Big Bang, not having faced off in a singles match. I purposely held RVD out of a singles run, wanting to allow a few other stars to get established as I feel RVD will get established naturally (and has), and instead debut him in a team with Tommy Dreamer and the two had a semi-lengthy Tag Team title run before losing the belts. Dreamer then gave RVD his blessing to go solo not wanting to hold him back. This match is hopefully going to be great!

WCW World Cruiserweight Championship
The Hurricane (c) vs. Super Crazy vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Christopher Daniels
- WCW Cruiserweight belt was around the wast of Daniels for most of the year, taking it from Helms early on. Daniels went on to "rid the earth" of 3-Count, who had reformed as faces with the help his own enforcer "V" (Viscera). Seeing his friends destroyed, Helms retired from in-ring competition to become a backstage interviewer. It was then a mysterious hero appeared, "The Hurricane" vowing to rid WCW of evil and injustice and set his sites on Daniels. He defeated Daniels last month at Mayhem for the belt and this is kind of a "get people on the card" type match. Chavo hasn't really done much besides be a midcard place holder for most of the year, and though Super Crazy debut early on, he too has not done much.

WCW World Tag Team Championships
Roadkill & Tommy Dreamer vs. Billy Kidman & Mike Awesome w/Torrie Wilson vs. Mark Jindrak & Shawn Stasiak w/Stacy Keibler vs. The FBI of Chuck Palumbo & Johnny Stamboli (c) w/Guido Maritato
- The tag belts spent most of the last 9-months around RVD & Tommy Dreamers waists. After defeating pretty much everyone, they lost the titles to the FBI when "The Boss" Guido Maritato debut and helped the Italians win. After the match, Dreamer asked RVD to persue a singles career since he felt he was holding him back, but quickly revealed the young Roadkill as his protege and new partner, vowing to win back the gold. Palumbo & O'Haire started as tag champs, but lost the belts to RVD & Dreamer when O'Haire turned his back on his partner to go under the tutelage of Don Callis. Palumbo stayed face for a whole month when Stamboli approached him and advised him to "come back to the family" the two promptly turned heel and became top contenders. After failing to win the belts, they warned "The Boss" was coming. Guido Maritato did indeed come and has helped raise the team to new heights. Guido thus far has only been a manager but will begin his own in-ring career soon. Stasiak & Stacy again hadnt done much besides lose, Stacy revealed Jindrak as a new client and the tag team is starting to gain a tiny bit of momentum. The longer story here is that of Billy Kidman, Torrie Wilson & Mike Awesome. Mike Awesome became infatuated with Torrie, who had returned to manager her fiance Billy Kidman and began to stalk her. He eventually won her managerial services from Kidman in a ladder match. Through that he forced Torrie to go on various "business meetings" which were clearly Awesome's attempt at dates. Bowling, a movie, canoe trip. Enraged Awesome was trying to steal his love, Kidman would show up and ruin all these events. During these "dates" Torrie would try to explain what love was to an oblivious Awesome. Eventually Awesome also won Billy Kidman's contract and forced Kidman to be his partner. Kidman would refuse and do whatever he could to protect Torrie who kept getting caught in the cross-hairs of matches. Awesome began to understand love and offered to free Kidman & Torrie of their contracts as long as they stayed his friends. Kidman refused citing what Awesome had put them through and instead won his & Torrie's freedom in a final match. It was after this match however Torrie & Kidman revealed they would be Awesome's friends anyway when he protected them from the attacking duo of Jindrak & Stasiak. The angles that made this storyline SUCKED, but I loved it because I could so easily imagine all the pretaped vignettes of Awesome taking Torrie bowling, but Kidman disguising himself as a Pinhead to watch over them before attacking Awesome with a bowling pin... And the idea of Awesome being somewhat... slow... about how relationships worked and learning the value of "true love" through seeing Kidman & Torrie's relationship makes me smile.

Hardcore Match
Shane McMahon vs. Sean O'Haire w/Don Callis
- Callis turned O'Haire on Palumbo and led O'Haire to a quick US title win. After losing the belt, Callis wanted to take his client to win the big one, but McMahon said O'Haire hadn't proved himself a top contender yet. This led to O'Haire prompltly laying out the WCW Owner, and the two entering this feud! This is kind of just a toss-in match. I wanted O'Haire to do something, but felt a 1-on-1 with D'Lo or Morrus wasnt big enough. And I wanted RVD vs. Storm as well as Booker T vs. DDP to be 1-on-1 too, so Shane was really the only "name" left.

Fatal-4 Way Match
D'Lo Brown vs. Hugh Morrus vs. Jesse James vs. Kanyon
-Just a throw in match of the rest of the "midcard" as it were. The roster is very small and tight right now. 2002 is really the year to expand it. D'Lo is the one star I've managed to get from WWF for a reasonable price thus far. D'Lo, Morrus & James are all faces. I'm likely going to turn Morrus heel soon and rebrand him Bill DeMott and probably have him go into a storyline where he hates the "new WCW" and feels overlooked for the new talent both young and old. I imagine D'Lo or James win this one to help initiate that angle. While Kanyon is a great talent, he'll likely stick in a team with DDP and move into the tag title scene.

I am hoping to steal a pretty big talent from WWF soon to come in as my top heel as DDP cant really fill that role, his matches are not good enough. And I dont feel Storm is a realistic top heel. O'Haire can be a top monster heel but I I think you need more than that. There's an outside chance I end up having to turn Booker to run RVD vs. Booker T as my top feud next year, but we will see. I feel like in a real life situation, RVD would not get booed so has to stay face, but I also feel WCW fans would be very attached to Booker and have a hard time booing him as well so I feel kind of forced into keeping them both face.


Edited by MrCanada
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Dean Waldorf Broke his neck!!😥  If it weren't for  it weren't for Findlay O'Farraday finishing his feud with Remo I wouldn't have a babyface Team on the level of Diablo Duvak. I like Marv Statler but don't know what to do with him Midcard Title Scene is already stacked.

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On 8/26/2023 at 5:21 PM, Bartring said:

Just held Total Mayhem 2022. What a difference a year makes! 

I pulled the plug on Nicky Champion as TCW Champion almost instantly. Red flags started appearing when he beat Jay Chord 3 straight months at PPVs and didn't go up in popularity. (He was 88, Jay Chord was 95) Pop cap aside, his first non-Chord defense against Viktor Beskov got dinged for a lack of psychology and tanked the show. I should have noticed neither had the psych to main event, but I didn't. So, I pulled the trigger on a storyline I had been building for later in the year. At the next PPV, Matthew Keith won the World Title. I had started to think I was being too harsh on Champion while booking  that show, but he ended up having terrible chemistry with Matthew Keith and tanked a second show. After that, he lost two more matches to people near his pop and he plummeted below 80 pop. A few months later, I had The Architect (35ish pop) squash him then fired him. I decided if I wasn't going to use him as a star, some other promotion could. He's EILL's problem now. I stole El Leon, El Mitico Jr, and Velocidad from them, so it's only fair they get something from me.

On the TV show immediately after winning the title, Matthew Keith beat Nicky Champion in his rematch. Following the match, Greg Gauge beat him down and posed with the belt, turning Keith face and starting their feud. Matthew Keith spent the rest of the time between then and Total Mayhem 2022 defending the belt against Greg Gauge, Magnum Kobe, and Cameron Vessey. On the back of those excellent defenses, the TCW World Title became the most prestigious belt in wrestling. Keith defended the belt at Total Mayhem in a Steel Cage against Jay Chord in what is likely a MOTY lock. Chord will probably win the belt at some point in this feud, but I wanted to give Matthew Keith his big moment at our biggest show. 

Viktor Beskov was also "punished" following the disaster of a match with Champion. I signed Yuri and reformed The Red Devils, so Viktor's been carrying the matches while Yuri gains popularity in the US. Usually on the lower end of the midcard. A bit of a demotion from his days main eventing TV shows and holding the TV title for months. He's out of the dog house now and will probably win the tag belts from The Real Main Event (Mikey Lau and Bulldozer Brandon Smith) later this year.

Big Meaty Men Slapping Meat (Papa Swoll, Mighty Mo, and T-Bone Bright) got a bit lost in the shuffle as I tried to fix our main event issues. Following Total Mayhem, they'll be starting a feud against The Axis of Darkness (The Architect, a called-up Dreadnaught, and Hellion, who SWF chose to call up and then let go 2 weeks later) I'm hoping this feud will boost both stables up the card a bit. 

Future elevation plans update: 

Papa Swoll is still going to be a solid star for us, but this year wasn't his breakout year.

The CWA imports have started to make their marks. Cameron Vessey is a solid main eventer now and had a great series of matches for the world title. Aaron Knight had a good reign with the TV title. 

Darin Flynn did topple Viktor Beskov. He's now a solid midcard hand and has an occasional tag team with Ricky Storm. He had a pretty short reign with the TV title, which was always the plan. After Beskov's monster reign I wanted to go back to shorter reigns for a bit, to make the long reigns feel more special. 

Magnum Kobe is probably the second most over heel on the roster and had a great series of matches for the world title. Emerald Angel is (finally) on the roster and is being built up quickly, 

The SWF faces are now mostly out of the midcard. Steven Parker and Mikey Lau went up. The rest have fallen down the card. I can live with it.

The Independent Scene: My roster is down to 76. Still a lot, but much more manageable. I decided that if I was going to trim down my roster, I should make sure the departing people have places to work, so I started funding struggling indies. I donated $100,000 each to a struggling FCW, CWW, and WINNOW, CZCW were in worse shape, so I gave them $1,000,000. FCW, CWW, and WINNOW have seemingly turned it around financially. CZCW, however, is now more in debt than they were before. Their biggest issue is that they rose up to Medium, which is also the same level SWF and USPW are at, so they're paying to maintain production levels they can't afford. I'm torn between continuing to bankroll them just to mess with SWF and USPW, or just letting them die. 

Just held Total Mayhem 2023. Side note: I've been playing TEW since TEW 2013 and I think this is officially my 3rd longest save ever. 

Jay Chord did, in fact, take the title off Matthew Keith. However, he lost it in his very next feud to Wolf Hawkins. Jay Chord then won the King of Kings for a second straight year and claimed that by winning the right to the main event at Total Mayhem, he had guaranteed himself another shot at the title. However, Rocky Golden returned that same night to inform him that while he had won the main event of Total Mayhem by winning King of Kings, it wouldn't be for a championship, It would be a one on one match with Rocky himself. This is as close to Rock vs Hogan as I think you can get in TCW and I wasn't going to make the same mistake WWE did. This main evented the show and scored a perfect 100.

After fending off the Jay Chord rematch, TCW champion Wolf Hawkins was beaten down by Tommy Cornell and The Syndicate, which was formed earlier that night. Tommy Cornell is the leader, obviously, but he's starting to hit pretty bad time decline. So, I added Cameron Vessey so he could step up and handle some of the main event wrestling duties for Tommy. He also had excellent tag chemistry with Tommy, which is a nice bonus,. The Syndicate also included The Ring Generals, who just felt right, and KC Glenn. KC Glenn had been on the roster for a few months as a face and was failing to get over as quickly as I would have liked, so I had Tommy become his on-screen mentor and turned KC heel. Wolf defended against Tommy and Cameron throughout the months leading up to Total Mayhem, but every time he'd challenge KC Glenn, Tommy would step in and say no, because KC Glenn was focused on his TV title reign.

KC Glenn's TV title reign was the first reign since Viktor Beskov to hit double digit defenses. The TV title started to look a lot more like a cruiserweight title while KC held it, as he defended against Emerald Angel, Magnum Kobe, El Leon, Velocidad, David Stone, and El Mitico Jr. Finally, KC Glenn and Tommy Cornell issued a challenge to Wolf Hawkins for Total Mayhem. Wolf agreed, on the conditions that 1. KC agreed to vacate the TV title and 2. The Syndicate would never get another shot at the world title if Wolf won. Both sides agreed. So, it was KC Glenn vs Wolf Hawkins. Tommy's former protégé defending against his current one. In a 30 minute instant classic, KC Glenn won and The Syndicate now reigns supreme. While it may appear this is setting up tensions between KC Glenn and Tommy Cornell for an eventual turn by one of them, I don't think it will end up going that way. I like the pairing and I like Tommy Cornell slowly transitioning into a more managerial role as he becomes more limited in the ring, which is why the feud was focused on Tommy protecting KC until he was ready and securing his legacy through someone else.

Greg Gauge, after he failed to capture the title from his brother all those months ago, started to go on a losing streak. He lost the feud to his brother, he lost his next feud to Wolf Hawkins, and it was looking like he was going to lose his feud with Aaron Andrews. Then, Skull Debones, once again rocking his old Vengeance attire, debuted. He offered Greg Gauge the power to get his revenge, and Greg Gauge accepted. (It took all my willpower not to rename him "Majin Greg Gauge") He then won his feud with Andrews and challenged Matthew to a casket match. Matthew accepted, wanting to see his brother return to sanity. However, it was not to be, as Greg won easily. After the match, Greg and Vengeance opened the casket and revealed that Matthew was now also possessed with the spirit of Vengeance and they reformed their tag team They went on to win the tag titles and defend them in consistent MOTY candidates. There have been 10 total 100 rated matches in the entire world since this save began. 3 of them are tag matches involving The Sons of Sam (Matthew and Greg) in the 7 months they've been back together, including their first tag match back. Fun fact: Greg and Matthew both have a 100 rated singles match under their belts as well, meaning the two of them are responsible for half of all 100 rated matches in the world! Since they've been reunited, Greg and Matthew have both scored a perfect 100 in-ring performance score in every single tag match. They lost the belts in a triple threat ladder match to Tommy Cornell and Cameron Vessey at Total Mayhem. This will probably be the beginning of them breaking out of Vengeance's grasp and turning face to give them a fresh set of challengers. Plus, Matthew Keith complained when I asked him to turn heel, as he had been selling a lot of merch when he was a face. I like to think I convinced him to do it by promising him his heel run was going to be relatively brief.

Big Meaty Men Slapping Meat (Papa Swoll, Mighty Mo, and T-Bone Bright) vs The Axis of Darkness (The Architect, Dreadnought, and Hellion) went on for most of the year and filled my cards with fun brawls and great promos from Papa Swoll and The Architect. Papa Swoll, the man this whole feud was meant to elevate, is now very close to being a main eventer pop-wise and won the vacant TV title at Total Mayhem. The Architect scored big points in my book during this feud, though, as he regularly was the best performer in their multi-man matches and he was consistently cutting main event level promos. The tag team of Dreadnought and Hellion are likely to be Vengeance's next tag team after the Sons of Sam break free. 

Magnum Kobe vs Emerald Angel finally happened at Total Mayhem. They had been fighting for a few months in multi-man ladder matches with KC Glenn for the TV title, which helped hide their lack of psychology. At Total Mayhem, though, I said screw it and just let them go out there and open the show with their first one on one match since the WLW days. Even with their lack of psychology, they still put on a very good opener. 

CZCW turned around their finances before I could decide whether or not to send them another cash infusion. All other indies have stayed in the positive this year.

And for those of you wondering about Nicky Champion? He's honestly thriving in EILL. He's been teamed up with Star Master and they're the current tag champions. He's averaging an 87, which is higher than his USPW and TCW work, and he's won more than he's lost.

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We are still alive and we are still doing progress in terms of growing. Our foundation of money and prestige is pretty solid so we won't be going into depth but 1994 was some sort of an up & down year as we lost some centerpieces of our stories...

The new year started with a creation of a new title: The Deathmatch Heavyweight title was introduced to find the most dangerous man in W*ING. A tournament with eight men started, the last two met for the title in January: Mr. Pogo and Mitsuhiro Matsunaga. The two "frenemies" had a brutal Glass & Fire Deathmatch which was won by Matsunaga. The latter became the inaugral champ, a win for the home army against NO RESPECT. Just a month later the home army was victorious again when Matsunaga, Kanemura and Pogo defeated NO RESPECT (Oya, Kabuki & Goto) in a hardcore match, Kabuki challenged Matsunaga to a match in March for the Deathmatch title. And again W*ING had the better ending when Matsunaga smashed the legendary Great Kabuki into a Fire Coffin to retain his title, which lead to Tarzan Goto's brutal beating of Kabuki and his end in NO RESPECT. Unfortunately the latter signed a contract with AJPW before the show, he was replaced by Kendo Nagasaki. Matsunaga was on cloud nine after all those wins but sure it came like everyone expected. Tarzan Goto stopped Matsunaga and gained the Deathmatch title at the Ariake Coliseum to cement his status as NO RESPECT's #1. The following months were not good for the home army as they were on the losing side on multiple occassions. When W*ING held a show at the legendary Ryogoku Kokugikan it was Tarzan Goto who stand tall in the main event after defending the Deathmatch Heavyweight title against Mr. Pogo. In August Goto's reign as the champ continued with a win over Yukihiro Kanemura, he even overcame the legendary "Funkster" Terry Funk in October after provoking him in September at the tour final show of W*ING. It finally came down to Blood X'Mas in December in front of a packed crowd in the Yokohama Arena when Tarzan Goto and Mitsuhiro Matsunaga went toe to toe again for the belt. In a Fluorescent Lighttubes & Glass Board Match Matsunaga regained the title and finished the W*ING year with a happy end. With ending the reign of Tarzan Goto the heel faction NO RESPECT isn't gone, the war isn't over, however a new group rised when Mr. Gannosuke and The Gladiator appeared at the show and layed a FMW flag above the unconscious Mr. Pogo...

1. Ryuma Go, Mitsuo Momota, Rey Misterio Jr. & Poison Sawada d. Hachi Bushu (Jinsei Shinzaki, Taka Michinoku, Dick Togo & Great Sasuke)
2. NO RESPECT (Jado, Hisakatsu Oya & Kendo Nagasaki) d. Hideki Hosaka, Ryo Miyake & Yukihiro Kanemura
3. Giant Goliath, Doug Gilbert & Eddie Gilbert d. Pogo Gundan (Toyonari Fujita, Headhunter A & Headhunter B)
4. W*ING Jr. Title: Super Delfin (c) d. Eddie Guerrero
5. Mr. Gannosuke & The Gladiator d. Shoji Nakamaki & Mr. Pogo
6. Different Style Fight: Salman Hashimikov d. Kim Duk
7. W*ING World Tag Title: Terry Funk & Sabu d. Crypt Keeper & Leatherface (c) - TITLE CHANGE !
8. W*ING World Heavyweight Title (vacant): Shinichi Nakano d. Jason The Terrible - TITLE CHANGE !
9. W*ING Deathmatch Heavyweight Title: Mitsuhiro Matsunaga d. Tarzan Goto (c) - TITLE CHANGE !

NO RESPECT held the tag title and Gedo & Jado ruled the division with dirty tactics. They could beat Kanemura & Jason The Terrible in January and defending the title until the big Sumo Hall show in June. The now reunited Gilbert Brothers won the title to the delight of the W*ING fans. The brothers came back together after a Unit Disband match in April when Eddie teamed up with Crash The Terminator and Jason to take on Doug Gilbert, Crypt Keeper and Leatherface. Speaking of the two horror movie guys, just two weeks later the two took the tag titles of the Gilbert's. Crypt Keeper and Leatherface were able to defend the title against Hideki Hosaka & Ryuma Go and The Headhunters before losing the titles in December to Sabu and Terry Funk.

Sasuke seemed like the perfect junior heavyweight before Sabu entered the ring. The maniac came to Ariake in May and surprisingly dethroned Michinoku Pro's Sasuke in a good match. Sabu went on to beat Solar, El Texano and even Eddie Guerrero before facing Sasuke buddy Super Delfin, who won the W*ING Junior League a month prior, in September. Delfin beat Sabu and even survived his rival Eddie Guerrero at Blood X'Mas to end the year as the champ.

The year started with a shocker when Kim Duk took the title off Crash The Terminator in January. The Zainichi korean even defeated former champ Eddie Gilbert, Shinichi Nakano and Doug Gilbert before facing Crash again at the 3rd Anniversary show in August. Crash won the inaugral W*ING Kiken Na Senshi (Dangerous Warrior) tournament which earned him a titlematch again. Crash made the impossible possible by beating the dangerous Kim Duk and regain "his" title before losing it just twenty days later to NO RESPECT's Hiromichi Fuyuki. A big hit for W*ING! Fuyuki would have been the champ going into Blood X'Mas but he broke his neck and was forced to relinquish the title. Shinichi Nakano and Fuyuki's opponent Jason The Terrible went on to fight for the vacant title which was won by Nakano in the end.

Just mentioned above the new title was won by Matsunaga first in an eight man tournament. The participants were Tarzan Goto, Mr. Pogo, Ichiro Yaguchi (who replaced Hideki Hosaka on short notice), Yukihiro Kanemura, Jason The Terrible, Ryo Miyake, Shoji Nakamaki and of course "Mr. Danger" Matsunaga. Tarzan Goto became the second champion before losing the strap to Matsunaga again.

Yep that was a pain in the a*se this year. Losing Cactus Jack at the beginning of the year wasn't a surprise for me but losing The Great Kabuki was the first big hit in 1994. He would have been the centerpiece of my NO RESPECT versus W*ING Army feud and the big evil death match champ guy. Speaking of champ guy, I let Crash The Terminator aka Bill DeMott win the title, defending it for a record breaking seven times in a row before losing it. He also won the inaugral Kiken Na Senshi tournament, which will be a format changing format by the way as one year it's a normal tournament and the next year will be for death matches, and then dethroning the dominating Kim Duk...just to receive like two days later that he'll leave W*ING for a way smaller promotion in the US. Crazy. So I put the belt on Fuyuki a bit earlier than I would have done it to cement NO RESPECT as the dominant force. Fuyuki injured himself badly and the plans went into the bin sooner than expected. I also lost Dr. Wagner Jr. to AAA at the end of the year and I pushed him heavily this year. He may lost the Junior League to Super Delfin but he would have been the one to get the title of Delfin in 1995... 

With Kenkichi Hamacho we got another W*ING true born into our ranks. Hamacho is 6'5 and 350lbs heavy. He hails from Saitama and is a ripped heavyweight. Also we had Ron Reis, a NJPW Dojo graduate, this year at W*ING who got sent us by New Japan as some sort of an excursion.

Some were already mentioned above like Shinichi Nakano, Sabu, Dick Togo or Kendo Nagasaki but we also got Masao Orihara, Super Crazy, Salman Hashimikov (and some other russian mma dudes), young boy Daikokubo Benkei and Bob "Hardcore" Holly. The latter got a mask gimmick alongside Time Patterson as the Super Uchus.

NO RESPECT isn't dead. Surely they lost the Deathmatch Heavyweight and the tag titles but they're still alive, with or without injured Hiromichi Fuyuki. But more importantly what's about the hatred relationship between Matsunaga and Mr. Pogo? And what are Mr. Gannosuke and The Gladiator from FMW are doing at a W*ING show?

Recent Years
1992 - Start Of The Save
1993 - Growing

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History of Ladies' Wrestling Promotions: 1930-1940 (Growing In A Darkening World)

Its been quite a bit of time, but I finally got a Decades worth of progress to report, not that the game itself or booking was slow, just had some stuff come up, and put the game down several times, having a nice long evolving save to return to is always a nice feeling. To Start LWP is right now the #1 promotion in the world, not that its saying much, we're still in an era of Radio and limited growth, but where other territories have failed, we've managed to stay consistent, finally growing in size to Tiny in 1932, and hitting Small in 1939. The great depression came and went, although its only now with more production demands am I or anyone really feeling the pinch. The two biggest companies besides me are Chicago Style Wrestling (Based) and Viva La Lucha, who have had complete domination of Mexico for the past 2 Decades, but if you check the timeline, you'll see a really large new company opened at Medium, and if they play their cards right, they could become the next big thing in wrestling, but that will have to be seen...Most of my events and main event scene have been rounded out by Page Gagné, Sara Izenberg, Gabriela Suarez and June May Weston, there are two others but they will be spotlighted later. My user character has finally started to breach the 70s, which is good, as I expect the post war years to begin to see some downward momentum on the vets I have. Thankfully I opened my own wrestling school and have pumped money into the quality department, and have alot of the younger girls in the tag ranks, with acouple of potential breakouts possibly coming in the next decade.  We haven't hit anything over an 80 just yet, but I'm hoping really soon to change that, as we have the talent, just need the all precious dice rolls. Besides getting into radio in most of Canada and The United States (with a bit of Mexico in 1939), the only major update was the crowning of the New Deal Cup and Tournament of the same name in 1933, LARP reasons being we helped dear FDR in office, so we got a nice economic kickback (We really did get the random boost narrative so I figured why not). Its a midcard/main eventer who has nothing to do title defended all year round as a title of sorts, then the trophy holder faces her biggest challenge in defending it in the tournament, with a bye in the first round, but a hard task none the less. Its usually been a 8 woman affair, but I'm thinking of changing it to 16 to spice things up, speaking of affairs...

  • 1933: The Year of Cheating:

Not only did a referee get jailed for a month on littering charges (kek) but we had THREE instances of cheating in the same year, I rarely see it in regular games ONCE. This caused alot of drama for me as I had to let some people go, sometimes making "Morally unjust firings" because they is literally like 5 good road agents on the planet. I'll be posting a timeline with details for those interested but they hasn't been any in ring stories that have happened yet, except one.

  • The Kotatsu Legacy

Kunie Hashiguchi (or alter ego Kozakura at the time) hadn't really done much in LWP despite being on the pillars of the company when we first started, she like Veronica Lutter, just did keep the skills in the face of slightly fresher talent, and each only had traded the New Deal Cup with each other. On Valentines Day, 1936, while teaming against on and off again friends and partner Gabriela Suarez and Veronica with someone who will never work for me again. She got pinned by a (shoot) injured Veronica. In the chaos, she went over to check on her friends before "turning Heel" and attacking them both, turning into the much more evil Kotatsu persona! She took on much more heelish tactics, and to the shock of everyone, ended the 844 day reign of Page Gagné as Ladies' World Wrestling Champion (A reign many saw as going to beat the historic 4 year reign of Gabriela Suarez.) Right after this cheating victory, Veronica Lutter would return from injury to challenge her, only to get ducked the entire time until our biggest show of the year Anniversary (IX), when her cheating ways cost her the match, getting Veronica her own first reign with the belt (she would return the belt of Page in may of 37). Despite her initial changing of momentum, Kotatsu wouldn't get any other sucsess besides a tag title run in 1938, so decided wrestling had passed her by, and announced retirement in 1939. However, Gabriela, the one who she took out personally would invite her to one last series of matches, failing to challenge for the world title against Rose Donovan (UC), getting a win over Veronica Luther (shaking hands), and finally as herself, Kunie Hashiguchi, losing just close to pinning Gabriela, but a great match none the less. She has since retired and stayed on as a road agent, and running her own company, Joshi Japan Championship in her home country.

  • Whats Next?

The 40s are going to be interesting, as I don't think alot of my main talent will survive the decade, let alone the end of WW2, so my main focus is having my User Character do alot of heavy lifting when the time comes, and build up the next gen of women's wrestlers while we wait for the real Cverse character to debut, as they will probably have an easier time getting thru the glass ceiling. Money is an issue rn, hopefully with TV that will change and I can start a small dev company to get some of the ladies work, but that is way done the line. In terms of titles and reigns, I planned out all of 30-39 so I will do the same for 40-49, I have a rough idea of the first 5 years, but I might have to plan alittle more before I spring in, the New Deal will be retired after 1944, so don't know what the next midcard strategy will be but it will be much the same. The product won't change until maybe the mid 50s or early 60s, so nothing new on that front, with all that lets look at champs, year end awards and other news.

LWP (Ladies' Wrestling Promotions) Titles, Annual Year Awards, & Notable Deaths

Ladies' World Wrestling Championship: Rose Donovan x2 (309 Days, Won Sunday W4, January 1939)

Ladies' Tag Team Championships: Gabriela Suarez & Sophia Cortes x1 (57 Days, Won Sunday W4, October 1939)

New Deal Cup: Page Gagné x1 (49 Days, Won Monday W2, November 1939)

New Deal Cup (Tournament): Veronica Lutter (34) The Great Elanor (1935) Rose Donovan x2 (1936, 1937) June May Weston (1938), Page Gagné (1939)


WRESTLER OF THE YEAR: Daniel Loiselle(x4) (1930) El Espiritu x8 (1931-1938), Page Gagné x1 (1939)

FEMALE WRESTLER OF THE YEAR: Gabriela Suarez x6 (1930-1933), Page Gagné x4 (1934, 1935, 1937, 1938), Sara Izenberg x2 (1936, 1939)

INDEPENDENT WRESTLER OF THE YEAR: El Espiritu x9 (1931-1938), Sara Izenberg x1 ( 1939)

COMPANY OF THE YEAR: SPW x8 (1930) VLL x11 (1931-1939)



  • Saita Kuroki @ 52, 1934 (Founder of KINKI (First & Largest Japan Fed) SPW Heavyweight Champ, x5 Veteran Wrestler of the Year) 
  • Friedrich Herzog @ 48, 1934 (Founder & Booker of Pride of Germany (First & Largest Europe Fed) SPW Heavyweight Champ, x6 Veteran Wrestler of the Year, x4 #2 Spot on power 500)
  • Sorely Monaghan @ 65, 1934 (First Ever Wrestling Manager, x7 time Manager of the Year)
  • Anthony Henry @ 48, 1937 (Owner of All Out Wrestling, British Isle's first fed, x2 SPW Heavyweight Champ, Veteran Wrestler of the Year, Independent Wrestler of the Year)
  • Kunie Hashiguchi @ 38, 1939 (Owner of Joshi Japan Champion, JJC National Champ x3 Championship Wrestling from Buffalo Wonder Woman Champ, Ladies' World Wrestling Champ, Ladies' Tag Team Champ, New Deal Cup Champ)
  • Joe Boone @ 48, 1939 (Owner of Team Wrestling Association, Former Booker of Frank Norris Promotion, FNP Universal Champ, x5 FNP Television(?) Champion, TWA World Champs (W/Random Gen))
  • Gabriel Shields (Random Gen) @ 40 (injury), (Quebec Championship Wrestling National Champ, x2 SPW Heavyweight Champ, TWA World Champs (W/Random Gen))


  • Sami McQueen (Random Gen mutli-time Pride of Germany and All Out Wrestling Champion) @ 36 (July 1923, Rabid Badger Bite, someone call animal control already)
  • Don Loomis @ 70, Natural Causes (1935, First Ever Promoter)
  • Caozinha Cuevas @ 26 (random hand grenade moment)


  • March 1930: MASSIVE VLL money scandal, 735,000 lost.
  • February 1931 Made it to radio (like 200 listeners). 
  • June 1933 Great Depression hits (hard).
  • June 1931 First Joshi Company founded.
  • July 1931 Ref jailed for littering.
  • Aug 1932 SPW starts to spiral in pop and show quality.
  • Dec 1932: Quebec Championship Wrestling bankrupt.
  • March 1933 Road Agent shake up due to Haruki Estoke and Veronica Lutter cheating.
  • May-June 1933 VLL loses LOTS of pop.
  • Oct 1933, More Cheating between Tag Team Champ & Announcer leads to firing (sad face)
  • Dec 1933: Cheating in Japan.
  • Feb 1934 Joe Boone founds Team Wrestling Association, Daniel Loiselle, longtime booker for SPW becomes TWA's booker.
  • 1934 Tag Team Champ Rosin hands in her notice >:(.
  • May 1935 Don Lumis passes away, age 70.
  • Jan 1936, The Great Eleanor walks out after losing 1 match, she is blacklisted from LWP.
  • August 1936: First Medium company in Chicago Style Wrestling (lose this status mere months later lmao).
  • August 1937 United Womens Wrestling open.
  • March 1938, Ring Warriors Wrestling Group Declare Bankruptcy (I flip coin, heads you get money for second chance, tails no dice).
  • August 1938, Ladies Wrestling Promotions become the #1 company. Silver Fern Championship Wrestling FINALLY goes bankrupt after getting the warning 5 TIMES.
  • Dec 1938 LRY go bankrupt, proving "Fast and Furious" does do to well in the 30s.
  • Sept 1939, The WW2 Starting Narrative gave me a jumpscare at midnight.
  • Week 1 Jan 1940: SUENO opens in Mexico with Abegail Espinal as its head, with a huge amount of Money (22 Million) and large amount of resources, it could possibly become the new head of Mexican wrestling against Viva La Lucha!

(Last Time on Yu-Gi-Oh)


Edited by MaiTyLer
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NJPW May 1992-2010. I have been very busy with life among other things and finally got to play some. The last PPV was "Showdown in America" and no real titles changed place, except Minoru Suzuki was defeated by Kensuke Sasaki for the IWGP Intercontinental Championship, making Sasaki the 2nd ever to become a Triple Crown Holder (Tag, Heavyweight, IC, needs US for the Grand Slam) the first? Was of course Minoru Suzuki! (Tag, Heavyweight, IC, same order.) Moving on, this years BOSJ is finally here and it looks to cause quite a shake up! A lot of brand new faces as many legendary Junior Heavyweight competitors rise up in age, younger, hungrier fighters rise up in the ranks! Let's talk about them!


A Block:

IWGP Junior Heavyweight & Junior Tag Team Champion: Prince Devitt - Devitt has, as you can see, been on a rampage as of 2010, he shocked everyone ending Otani's run short and managed to retain against "The Rock God" Ricky Gibson at Showdown in America. Meanwhile he has a tag team defense scheduled next week against The Jung Dragons. A busy two months might make Devitt a lot more vulnerable than he should be, considering his momentum! But time will tell!

Jushin "Thunder" Liger: A man who needs very little introduction or explanation, a 10-time IWGP Junior Heavyweight champion, Liger is still going strong at 45! (Seriously, no time decline. God bless.) Despite his age, and his innovative style, the legendary Liger still persists and hasn't shown signs of slowing down quite yet. This block however is full of younger and maybe hungrier guys, Liger will never be out of his element, but Liger's last BOSJ win was in 2004, and perhaps with an even newer cast of fighters, Liger will continue his trend of just falling short.

Ultimo Dragon: If Liger is the 1A of the JHW division.. Ultimo Dragon is also the 1A of the JHW division. Rarely defeated in singles matches, and a former 5x Junior Heavyweight champion... Ultimo Dragon has also recently won the BOSJ, back in 2008. Two years later, Ultimo Dragon has the honor to become the first ever 4x BOSJ winner (as well as Liger.) Despite all of his upsides, Ultimo Dragon still must conquer his archrival in Jushin Liger, a match that hasn't taken place in BOSJ in 5 years! The stakes are higher, and Ultimo and Liger both share very similar upsides and downsides in this young BOSJ block.

MAZADA: The punk MAZADA has been around for quite a while in NJPW (1999) and has a resume that would impress anyone, especially considering where and when he rose up the ranks. He fought against the greatest of all time, and still is a 4x Junior Heavyweight Tag Team champion with fellow Suzuki-gun stablemate Hooligan, and is a 1x Junior Heavyweight champion. No slouch, his slow and thorough offense makes him extremely difficult to plan for, and he has beaten everyone there is to beat at least once. His strength may just be his weakness, as many younger talents take the field, perhaps MAZADA isn't quite the difficult match up as he was for the high fliers in Liger, and Hayabusa, but perhaps the more well rounded stars of tomorrow will be able to adapt.

Naruki Doi: Though Naruki Doi has competed before in the BOSJ, he was under the tutelage of Yuji Nagata and a member of Blue Justice Army. He had very little singles success before 2009. His 2008 BOSJ was woeful, ending at just 6 points. After YAMATO won the Junior Heavyweight title and allying himself with CIMA, Naruki Doi, and BxB Hulk to form a new generation unnamed stable (YAMATO is competing in MMA right now, so) Naruki Doi's confidence significantly increased, and his 2009 BOSJ campaign ended just short of the finals with 12 points! Doubling his score. Mentally, Doi has all the momentum, but he has so much to lose. Confidence can only take you so far if you cannot achieve results, anything short of winning BOSJ might just be ego death for Doi.

Gedo: The last of the veterans in the A Block, Gedo recently has joined Chaos alongside Jado. No stranger to the BOSJ, Gedo has always done mediocre in the tournament, but he also prioritized his tag team partner over his singles success. Jado, no longer a full-time wrestler, and nearing retirement, Gedo has announced he will go all out for this tournament. Though Gedo has always been talented, his rudo antics have made it difficult to see just how good he is. If he plays this tournament straight, maybe we'll see the most shocking outcome as Gedo raises the BOSJ trophy high. With Jado recently retiring, however; there is always the thought when will Gedo follow suit?

Tetsuya Naito: The Stardust Genius, Tetsuya Naito is special in that he had to earn his spot in the BOSJ. Naito challenged Mochizuki to a match after suffering a loss to the man a few weeks back. Naito wanted Mochizuki to put his BOSJ spot on the line, in exchange if Mochizuki won, Naito would return to excursion for another year. The match was intense and arguably Naito's best match since returning. He withstood and survived Mochizuki. The major issue for Naito is he has had no time to prepare for the onslaught of this tournament, as his entire mental was on not shamed and sent on excursion. The stakes are high for the Stardust Genius, but perhaps he can continue his ascent to the top of the totem pole and achieve his destiny.

Hayato Jr. Fujita: Perhaps the most surprising entrant, is the inclusion of Hayato Jr. Fujita. Originally signed to NJPW and sent to TNA in 2006, UWFI would come knocking taking huge interest in Fujita Jr. Without any bad blood, Fujita would go over to UWFI and last until the company would close its door in February 2010. Fujita Jr, is similar to Naito, in that he has a lot to prove here. Him leaving NJPW could have (and still might) been a huge gamble for his career. Will he have a good showing? For Fujita, at 23, it isn't so much about winning, it's more about hanging with some of the best veterans and brightest newcomers in a packed A Block.

Kaz Hayashi (5SW rep): Kaz Hayashi is a journeymen, one who has tasted a myriad of success in NJPW's major sister company 5SW. Winning both the 5SW Tap Out title once, and winning the 5SW Tag Team titles with James Gibson as the Jung Dragons a record 4 times. Kaz Hayashi has one advantage over a lot of these competitors. He wrestles guys frequently above his weight bracket, as 5SW does not limit or force weight splits. Indeed, Kaz Hayashi is a "representative" and while only one representative has ever won a BOSJ (Atlantis back in 2001, repping CMLL) Hayashi poses a threat to any and all opponents in his bracket. And with Devitt in this block, Hayashi is definitely looking to win that, as it'll potentially allow him both a singles and a tag title shot with James Gibson.

Drago (CMLL): The CMLL rep this year was meant to be Aero Star, but due to contract obligations, Aero Star could not make it. Drago stepped in. Drago should now have a chip on his shoulder. Aero Star and Drago are rivals in CMLL, and to be chosen as a back up to his rival must provoke the ire of the masked luchador. Many are unaware of Drago's talents in NJPW, and this could very well be his advantage, but it isn't unique to just him, as many representatives have this one. Drago is more of a technical luchador than a higher flier though, and as previously mentioned with MAZADA that could very well make Drago a dangerous opponents. The pressure is high on Drago to prove he could do what Aero Star could have done, but maybe a little better.


B Block:

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion: Jayson Paul: Jayson Paul has had huge success in NJPW alongside Prince Devitt. Many were fooled at first when Paul entered the BOSJ in 2008. He racked up 12 points. The next year? Perhaps a similar mistake, that Devitt carried this man. 10 points. Only a small difference. Now? Jayson Paul should not be underestimated, as this is his second time entering the BOSJ as champion. Perhaps Jayson has been "figured out" by now, especially considering B Block, while still boasting newer talent, has a lot of familiar foes that he will have to overcome to shut the haters up about Devitt being the "A" in their tag team.

Hayabusa: A man who needs no real introduction. The legendary Firebird, Hayabusa is one of the best high fliers of all time, innovating the legendary Firebird Splash. Hayabusa is a 2x BOSJ winner, his latest being in 2007, a 4x Junior Heavyweight champion, and a 2x Junior Heavyweight Tag Team champion. Hayabusa, at 41 years old, is still showcasing his flying abilities, while Liger and Ultimo are more well-rounded, of the 3, Hayabusa remains true to his roots. This could prove to be a blessing or a curse, as Hayabusa looks toward his 3rd BOSJ win, tying his rivals in Liger and Ultimo.

Shinjiro Otani: A month ago, Otani would be in the A Block, at the very top, as champion. Devitt made sure that was not to be, and now Otani is in the B Block. Though just being in the BOSJ is an honor, Otani can't help but feel bitter about the whole thing. Otani was excluded from YAMATO's great speech about how he will defeat the greatest competitors in the world, and that lit Otani on fire. He would shut YAMATO up, and win the title, as Otani would make his own proclamation: To defeat any and all "young guns" who think they're ready. Both men failed, and now with YAMATO unable to compete this year due to MMA obligations, it is on Otani solely to prove that Devitt winning was a fluke. The pressure is on.

Great Sasuke: Perhaps the one man going in with absolutely nothing to lose. Sasuke had announced this year was his last, and thus this BOSJ would be his last. Still an elite competitor, and a huge threat to any, there is but one thing no man can beat, and that is time. Sasuke looks to cap his career off with a bang however.

Rey Misterio Jr.: An excellent Luchador and one of the best. Rey Misterio Jr. has had iconic rivalries with Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, and Jushin Thunder Liger. With Liger in A Block, and Rey outlasting the other three men, Rey for the first time in a long time finds himself without a purpose. Still, winning BOSJ is the perfect solution, and Misterio finally can wrestle focused and without his rivals harrying his every move.

SUGI: Since his arrival, it has been clear SUGI is one of the greatest young high fliers NJPW has seen in quite some time. SUGI has all the tools to be a major star. During his tenure with the short lived Blue Justice Army, alongside Naruki Doi and Yoshi-Tatsu, the three captured Six Man gold together, but since then nothing really noteworthy. This was 4 years ago. SUGI can only be a prospect for so long until many start to wonder what went wrong, and with SUGI that time is rapidly approaching. This is magnified more when wrestlers like YAMATO can just appear out of thin air and become sensations and champions.

BxB Hulk: BxB Hulk is a force, wrestling in CMLL and having great success, BxB Hulk returned last year and competed in BOSJ. He finished extremely strong at 12 points but failed to make it to the finals. BxB Hulk was so close to being YAMATO last year it must make him mad. Despite this, BxB Hulk has remained steadfast and friendly, and looks forward to showcasing why he is going to be the future of the Junior Heavyweight division.

KUSHIDA: Former TNA X-Division and World Heavyweight Champion, KUSHIDA was a force in Total Nonstop Action, KUSHIDA would return to NJPW at the very end of 2009, and even compete at Wrestle Kingdom 17 for the Never Openweight Six Man Titles. Though he did come up short, KUSHIDA was arguably the star of the match, and since then he has been chomping at the bit to prove his worth, and he does indeed have quite a lot to prove. Given his credentials, it isn't a stretch to say KUSHIDA will likely be entering this tournament already with a lot of eyes on him. This does mean many would likely have already studied him, so perhaps being the loudest one in the room could be a detriment.

CIMA: Cima and Hayato Jr. Fujita have a very similar path, one left for UWFI, the other for PWFG. With both men returning you would hope (for their sake) that both men end up in the finals to prove to NJPW that they needed this "extended excursion." CIMA is closely allied with YAMATO, BxB Hulk, and Naruki Doi, and Fujita has been without an ally since he returned earlier this year. CIMA has been closely training with 3 other great Juniors. This might just give him an edge to succeed. 

Ricky Gibson (5SW): "The Rock God" Ricky Gibson has had a fantastic few years outside of NJPW and that alone deserves praise. At Just 23 years old, Gibson has been lighting every single arena he is in on fire, and his earlier match against Devitt last month for the title was as close to perfect in a performance you can ask for without announcing a title change. Gibson might be a representative, but unlike Drago, NJPW's fanbase is very fond of The Rock God, and Gibson has a very real chance of igniting the bracket and winning the whole damn thing.



Closing: I apologize for the wordy post, I haven't posted in a while and wanted to offer something substantial. 







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16 hours ago, Peria said:

NJPW May 1992-2010. I have been very busy with life among other things and finally got to play some. The last PPV was "Showdown in America" and no real titles changed place, except Minoru Suzuki was defeated by Kensuke Sasaki for the IWGP Intercontinental Championship, making Sasaki the 2nd ever to become a Triple Crown Holder (Tag, Heavyweight, IC, needs US for the Grand Slam) the first? Was of course Minoru Suzuki! (Tag, Heavyweight, IC, same order.) Moving on, this years BOSJ is finally here and it looks to cause quite a shake up! A lot of brand new faces as many legendary Junior Heavyweight competitors rise up in age, younger, hungrier fighters rise up in the ranks! Let's talk about them!


A Block:

IWGP Junior Heavyweight & Junior Tag Team Champion: Prince Devitt - Devitt has, as you can see, been on a rampage as of 2010, he shocked everyone ending Otani's run short and managed to retain against "The Rock God" Ricky Gibson at Showdown in America. Meanwhile he has a tag team defense scheduled next week against The Jung Dragons. A busy two months might make Devitt a lot more vulnerable than he should be, considering his momentum! But time will tell!

Jushin "Thunder" Liger: A man who needs very little introduction or explanation, a 10-time IWGP Junior Heavyweight champion, Liger is still going strong at 45! (Seriously, no time decline. God bless.) Despite his age, and his innovative style, the legendary Liger still persists and hasn't shown signs of slowing down quite yet. This block however is full of younger and maybe hungrier guys, Liger will never be out of his element, but Liger's last BOSJ win was in 2004, and perhaps with an even newer cast of fighters, Liger will continue his trend of just falling short.

Ultimo Dragon: If Liger is the 1A of the JHW division.. Ultimo Dragon is also the 1A of the JHW division. Rarely defeated in singles matches, and a former 5x Junior Heavyweight champion... Ultimo Dragon has also recently won the BOSJ, back in 2008. Two years later, Ultimo Dragon has the honor to become the first ever 4x BOSJ winner (as well as Liger.) Despite all of his upsides, Ultimo Dragon still must conquer his archrival in Jushin Liger, a match that hasn't taken place in BOSJ in 5 years! The stakes are higher, and Ultimo and Liger both share very similar upsides and downsides in this young BOSJ block.

MAZADA: The punk MAZADA has been around for quite a while in NJPW (1999) and has a resume that would impress anyone, especially considering where and when he rose up the ranks. He fought against the greatest of all time, and still is a 4x Junior Heavyweight Tag Team champion with fellow Suzuki-gun stablemate Hooligan, and is a 1x Junior Heavyweight champion. No slouch, his slow and thorough offense makes him extremely difficult to plan for, and he has beaten everyone there is to beat at least once. His strength may just be his weakness, as many younger talents take the field, perhaps MAZADA isn't quite the difficult match up as he was for the high fliers in Liger, and Hayabusa, but perhaps the more well rounded stars of tomorrow will be able to adapt.

Naruki Doi: Though Naruki Doi has competed before in the BOSJ, he was under the tutelage of Yuji Nagata and a member of Blue Justice Army. He had very little singles success before 2009. His 2008 BOSJ was woeful, ending at just 6 points. After YAMATO won the Junior Heavyweight title and allying himself with CIMA, Naruki Doi, and BxB Hulk to form a new generation unnamed stable (YAMATO is competing in MMA right now, so) Naruki Doi's confidence significantly increased, and his 2009 BOSJ campaign ended just short of the finals with 12 points! Doubling his score. Mentally, Doi has all the momentum, but he has so much to lose. Confidence can only take you so far if you cannot achieve results, anything short of winning BOSJ might just be ego death for Doi.

Gedo: The last of the veterans in the A Block, Gedo recently has joined Chaos alongside Jado. No stranger to the BOSJ, Gedo has always done mediocre in the tournament, but he also prioritized his tag team partner over his singles success. Jado, no longer a full-time wrestler, and nearing retirement, Gedo has announced he will go all out for this tournament. Though Gedo has always been talented, his rudo antics have made it difficult to see just how good he is. If he plays this tournament straight, maybe we'll see the most shocking outcome as Gedo raises the BOSJ trophy high. With Jado recently retiring, however; there is always the thought when will Gedo follow suit?

Tetsuya Naito: The Stardust Genius, Tetsuya Naito is special in that he had to earn his spot in the BOSJ. Naito challenged Mochizuki to a match after suffering a loss to the man a few weeks back. Naito wanted Mochizuki to put his BOSJ spot on the line, in exchange if Mochizuki won, Naito would return to excursion for another year. The match was intense and arguably Naito's best match since returning. He withstood and survived Mochizuki. The major issue for Naito is he has had no time to prepare for the onslaught of this tournament, as his entire mental was on not shamed and sent on excursion. The stakes are high for the Stardust Genius, but perhaps he can continue his ascent to the top of the totem pole and achieve his destiny.

Hayato Jr. Fujita: Perhaps the most surprising entrant, is the inclusion of Hayato Jr. Fujita. Originally signed to NJPW and sent to TNA in 2006, UWFI would come knocking taking huge interest in Fujita Jr. Without any bad blood, Fujita would go over to UWFI and last until the company would close its door in February 2010. Fujita Jr, is similar to Naito, in that he has a lot to prove here. Him leaving NJPW could have (and still might) been a huge gamble for his career. Will he have a good showing? For Fujita, at 23, it isn't so much about winning, it's more about hanging with some of the best veterans and brightest newcomers in a packed A Block.

Kaz Hayashi (5SW rep): Kaz Hayashi is a journeymen, one who has tasted a myriad of success in NJPW's major sister company 5SW. Winning both the 5SW Tap Out title once, and winning the 5SW Tag Team titles with James Gibson as the Jung Dragons a record 4 times. Kaz Hayashi has one advantage over a lot of these competitors. He wrestles guys frequently above his weight bracket, as 5SW does not limit or force weight splits. Indeed, Kaz Hayashi is a "representative" and while only one representative has ever won a BOSJ (Atlantis back in 2001, repping CMLL) Hayashi poses a threat to any and all opponents in his bracket. And with Devitt in this block, Hayashi is definitely looking to win that, as it'll potentially allow him both a singles and a tag title shot with James Gibson.

Drago (CMLL): The CMLL rep this year was meant to be Aero Star, but due to contract obligations, Aero Star could not make it. Drago stepped in. Drago should now have a chip on his shoulder. Aero Star and Drago are rivals in CMLL, and to be chosen as a back up to his rival must provoke the ire of the masked luchador. Many are unaware of Drago's talents in NJPW, and this could very well be his advantage, but it isn't unique to just him, as many representatives have this one. Drago is more of a technical luchador than a higher flier though, and as previously mentioned with MAZADA that could very well make Drago a dangerous opponents. The pressure is high on Drago to prove he could do what Aero Star could have done, but maybe a little better.


B Block:

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion: Jayson Paul: Jayson Paul has had huge success in NJPW alongside Prince Devitt. Many were fooled at first when Paul entered the BOSJ in 2008. He racked up 12 points. The next year? Perhaps a similar mistake, that Devitt carried this man. 10 points. Only a small difference. Now? Jayson Paul should not be underestimated, as this is his second time entering the BOSJ as champion. Perhaps Jayson has been "figured out" by now, especially considering B Block, while still boasting newer talent, has a lot of familiar foes that he will have to overcome to shut the haters up about Devitt being the "A" in their tag team.

Hayabusa: A man who needs no real introduction. The legendary Firebird, Hayabusa is one of the best high fliers of all time, innovating the legendary Firebird Splash. Hayabusa is a 2x BOSJ winner, his latest being in 2007, a 4x Junior Heavyweight champion, and a 2x Junior Heavyweight Tag Team champion. Hayabusa, at 41 years old, is still showcasing his flying abilities, while Liger and Ultimo are more well-rounded, of the 3, Hayabusa remains true to his roots. This could prove to be a blessing or a curse, as Hayabusa looks toward his 3rd BOSJ win, tying his rivals in Liger and Ultimo.

Shinjiro Otani: A month ago, Otani would be in the A Block, at the very top, as champion. Devitt made sure that was not to be, and now Otani is in the B Block. Though just being in the BOSJ is an honor, Otani can't help but feel bitter about the whole thing. Otani was excluded from YAMATO's great speech about how he will defeat the greatest competitors in the world, and that lit Otani on fire. He would shut YAMATO up, and win the title, as Otani would make his own proclamation: To defeat any and all "young guns" who think they're ready. Both men failed, and now with YAMATO unable to compete this year due to MMA obligations, it is on Otani solely to prove that Devitt winning was a fluke. The pressure is on.

Great Sasuke: Perhaps the one man going in with absolutely nothing to lose. Sasuke had announced this year was his last, and thus this BOSJ would be his last. Still an elite competitor, and a huge threat to any, there is but one thing no man can beat, and that is time. Sasuke looks to cap his career off with a bang however.

Rey Misterio Jr.: An excellent Luchador and one of the best. Rey Misterio Jr. has had iconic rivalries with Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, and Jushin Thunder Liger. With Liger in A Block, and Rey outlasting the other three men, Rey for the first time in a long time finds himself without a purpose. Still, winning BOSJ is the perfect solution, and Misterio finally can wrestle focused and without his rivals harrying his every move.

SUGI: Since his arrival, it has been clear SUGI is one of the greatest young high fliers NJPW has seen in quite some time. SUGI has all the tools to be a major star. During his tenure with the short lived Blue Justice Army, alongside Naruki Doi and Yoshi-Tatsu, the three captured Six Man gold together, but since then nothing really noteworthy. This was 4 years ago. SUGI can only be a prospect for so long until many start to wonder what went wrong, and with SUGI that time is rapidly approaching. This is magnified more when wrestlers like YAMATO can just appear out of thin air and become sensations and champions.

BxB Hulk: BxB Hulk is a force, wrestling in CMLL and having great success, BxB Hulk returned last year and competed in BOSJ. He finished extremely strong at 12 points but failed to make it to the finals. BxB Hulk was so close to being YAMATO last year it must make him mad. Despite this, BxB Hulk has remained steadfast and friendly, and looks forward to showcasing why he is going to be the future of the Junior Heavyweight division.

KUSHIDA: Former TNA X-Division and World Heavyweight Champion, KUSHIDA was a force in Total Nonstop Action, KUSHIDA would return to NJPW at the very end of 2009, and even compete at Wrestle Kingdom 17 for the Never Openweight Six Man Titles. Though he did come up short, KUSHIDA was arguably the star of the match, and since then he has been chomping at the bit to prove his worth, and he does indeed have quite a lot to prove. Given his credentials, it isn't a stretch to say KUSHIDA will likely be entering this tournament already with a lot of eyes on him. This does mean many would likely have already studied him, so perhaps being the loudest one in the room could be a detriment.

CIMA: Cima and Hayato Jr. Fujita have a very similar path, one left for UWFI, the other for PWFG. With both men returning you would hope (for their sake) that both men end up in the finals to prove to NJPW that they needed this "extended excursion." CIMA is closely allied with YAMATO, BxB Hulk, and Naruki Doi, and Fujita has been without an ally since he returned earlier this year. CIMA has been closely training with 3 other great Juniors. This might just give him an edge to succeed. 

Ricky Gibson (5SW): "The Rock God" Ricky Gibson has had a fantastic few years outside of NJPW and that alone deserves praise. At Just 23 years old, Gibson has been lighting every single arena he is in on fire, and his earlier match against Devitt last month for the title was as close to perfect in a performance you can ask for without announcing a title change. Gibson might be a representative, but unlike Drago, NJPW's fanbase is very fond of The Rock God, and Gibson has a very real chance of igniting the bracket and winning the whole damn thing.



Closing: I apologize for the wordy post, I haven't posted in a while and wanted to offer something substantial. 







is Jayson Paul JTG?

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6 hours ago, SuperRamenmakerOkada said:

is Jayson Paul JTG?


He sure is!

10 hours ago, James The Animator said:

Peria, your tournament posts are always super fun to read! How are some of the other American juniors of this era doing? Matt Sydal, London & Kendrick, MCMGs, etc.

Just saw this! Thanks I am glad you enjoy it.

Matt Sydal is currently thriving in CHIKARA, he has won pretty much everything there is to win. Alexy Shelley is also a distinguished member of CHIKARA, even winning the tag team titles with.... Frankie Kazarian of course. Chris Sabin is in my developmental 5SW, in the upper midcard and has held the 5SW Tap Out title one time. He won the OMEGA Heavyweight title once too, which means very little I admit.

Paul London is actually with the WWF, and is now "Middleweight." He hasn't done too much in WWE yet, but he did just join them. The Brian Kendrick is in ROH, who grew so freaking quick it is insane. I do own a few developmental (Chikara, CMLL too, though I rarely permanently take luchadors) because I hate to see them die so soon, but ROH is actually not one of them, and I always let them poach my developmental workers unless it's like SANADA, or Naito, or something like that. 

Amazing Red is injured with a torn rotator cuff and is wrestling (or not) with XPW, right now. Adam Cole is with IWA-MS, on a written contract. I also do not own them. Ricochet is in CMLL. He isn't American, but PAC is with ASWUK. Bryan Danielson and CM Punk are in 5SW, Kenny Omega is in CMLL as well. Truthfully I planned on calling Omega up next year. CM Punk, I won't ever really call up... I'm not a huge fan but he is super over and does well enough. Surprisingly he has yet to be poached. Bryan Danielson also remains in 5SW, though he was in RoH for a bit. He did compete in the 2003 and 2004 BOSJ actually. ACH is in MLW. I'm missing obviously a few that aren't springing to mind, but yeah. A lot of the times I do bring in a few juniors when I can. Tommy End, Sean Maluta, and Matt Cross (Son of Havok) are just some examples. 



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I run test games - OK, what really happens is I hire the same folks and then I realize I don't have a cohesive story to tell so I keep restarting. My first few shows are usually the same matches, and I let the computer decide the winners the first time around. Always happens the same way. So when I decide to start a game for real, I don't choose the winner because it's going to be the same outcome as always. Yeah, except it wasn't. Now that I do have a particular story in mind the game decides to throw me a curveball. By my own doing, of course. I could have booked the winners I needed, but didn't see the need.

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On 9/13/2023 at 8:20 PM, James The Animator said:

Wow, you really went above and beyond in responding to my question. Thanks for giving me all that information about your save. I would love to get a save twenty years like you have with this one. I just don't have that level of dedication to any save. My mind comes up with new creative ideas too quickly.

Oh no problem at all, I always am honored when someone takes a specific interest in my save. I don't expect anyone to even read what I write, so I always appreciate it.


The BOSJ 2010 / Dontaku are concluded. Here are the major matches for both. I should note that Dontaku was very heavy on the angles, I won't separate them from the matches, they'll just be in the descriptions. I say "heavy" btw but I mostly mean heavy for NJPW.


BOSJ 20 Finals: Naruki Doi def. BxB Hulk 

An excellent (99) match between friends and rivals that remained friendly throughout the match. Naruki Doi was pressured heavily and played the underdog in peril extremely well. He will now take on Prince Devitt at Dontaku! Speaking of Devitt....

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag: Tetsuya Naito & Harashima def. HitMarker (Devitt/Jayson Paul)

The streak of losses continues. Devitt and Jayson Paul were run so ragged this tournament, it is hardly an upset here. The bigger surprise is Harashima's debut, returning to NJPW after 6 years. Harashima has had great success in AAA since then, but has finally returned to Japan and what a statement to make. Naito's first title as well, after an excellent tournament showing.

Special Singles Match: KUSHIDA def. Jushin "Thunder" Liger

A shocking result, Liger isn't exactly known as difficult to work with, and loves putting over younger guys. Kushida got a massive win and is full steam ahead on starting his career in NJPW right. 


Prowrestling Dontaku 2010


NEVER Openweight: KENSO (FKA Kenzo Suzuki) def. Rob Eckos

Kenso's new look and name change might be what he needs to get out of being the failed Ace. A victory against foreigner Rob Eckos, who came alongside Bobby Lashley (who faced Angle) is a step in the right direction. The big issue however, is Tomohiro Ishii has issued a challenge for the title after the match. Ishii is no stranger to winning the NEVER titles, and is one of the hardest hitting fighters in NJPW today.


NEVER Openweight Six-Man Tag: CHAOS (Minoru Tanaka, Ishii, & Gedo) (c) def. Great Bash Heel (Tenzan, Yano, Makabe)

GBH has had zero momentum since Nakamura took some of their members and split. Something needs to be done soon, with Otani losing the Junior Heavyweight title two months back, GBH might be the weakest faction in NJPW currently. This showing just proves Minoru Tanaka belongs in the main event scene, as he has had a massive glow up since leaving DDT.


IWGP Joshi: Gail Kim def. Misae Genki (c)

Misae Genki's title reign, was truthfully a "thank you" to her. She was always excellent. Gail Kim  however, is the future of an extremely weak division (among a few other stand-outs) and with Kudo, Nakano, Kimura, etc all nearing or over 40... it's time for new blood. My Joshi division is unintentionally just like NJPW's in real life. So poorly booked.


IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team: GoACE! (Tanahashi & Go Shiozaki) (c) def. RED (Yuji Hino/Shuji Kondo)

A massive opportunity for the fledging team of RED. Perhaps greater though is the post match intrigue being built up, as RED showed some heelish tendencies. Tanahashi thwarted it but Marufuji showed up to aid RED in calling Tanahashi out. Nothing violent, but Marufuji has been shown to be teaming with them more often than Sekigun members on tours.


IWGP United States Heavyweight: Kurt Angle (c) def. Bobby Lashley

Kurt Angle's return to NJPW has been dominant. A stranglehold on the title and the division has "forced" Angle to call out ANYONE whose actually living in America to come and dethrone the greatest USA champion of all time. Bobby Lashley answered the call, and the dream match was underway. Lashley showed great promise, perhaps even earned himself more appearances in Japan, but Angle's veteran IQ allowed him to win the match. Notable here, this is the first title match since returning that Angle did NOT win via submission.


IWGP Intercontinental: Kensuke Sasaki (c) def. Minoru Suzuki

Kensuke Sasaki has always managed to find himself in the greatest rivalries. His feuds with Kenta Kobashi, Shinya Hashimoto and now Minoru Suzuki showcase and justify why he has achieved so much. Both in their 40s, Sasaki and Suzuki practically being the last remnants of the NJPW of old, slug it out in spectacular fashion. This will very likely not be the last time we see these two square off.


IWGP Junior Heavyweight: Naruki Doi def. Prince Devitt (c)

2 months ago, Prince Devitt was on top of the world. A rare double champion in NJPW, rarer still as a junior. An abysmal showing in BOSJ, and losing both his titles in two days? Devitt's mental must be shredded to pieces. Jayson Paul was there to console him after the match, but something about that loss angered Devitt more than pushed him to sorrow... (4-4-4 lyfe) I should mention that Devitt has been a white meat babyface so far in NJPW.


IWGP Heavyweight: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (c) DREW vs. Brock Lesnar (60 minute time limit)

A rarity two-fold. This is the first ever Dontaku main evented by two non-Japanese wrestlers. Rarer still, a draw. Both men belong to Chono's SkirMish faction, and the rule is always they can wrestle each other for the titles but they MUST fight fair. More importantly, must pose/shake hands, etc after the match. There was no such respect here. The Rock constantly used underhanded tactics just to survive the onslaught of Lesnar, even resorting to knocking the referee out. Lesnar was unable to put the Rock away, and at the end of it all, Chono still wanted that hard fought handshake. Neither man budged, and The Rock hits the Rock Bottom on Lesnar to close the show, leaving SkirMish members baffled.



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16 hours ago, suplexclub said:

Sometimes when I'm bored, but have no motivation to play one of my saves, I run a save just to watch and see how the world unfolds. I gave a random group of wrestlers an insane stat boost - which led to the freshly released Nia Jax having a monster year in PWG and being wrestler of the year

I would love to watch this.

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Inspired by @Hollywood's ECW 1992 diary, I started a game with ECW in 1992 that has been going on for 3 years in game and has been a blast. I'm gonna try to keep it short but there is a lot of fun things that happened:

Story of the ECW championship


- Sandman won the inaugural ECW Championship in a tournament. The surfer became more and more badass during his 13 months title reign but it was a brutal feud with (player character) Eddie Gilbert with whom he traded the title that transformed him into The Sandman we know. He got his rotator cuff torn and came back as the cane wielding cigarette smoking man we all love.

- He then lost the title to Bob Backlund - yeah you read it right - who had a manical anti-hardcore gimmick, claiming to be the "best world champion in the World". His title reign was cut short three months in by debuting Bobby Eaton (managed by new user character Paul E. Dangerously) Unable to poach Shane Douglas, Eaton became my Franchise of ECW: top rated matches, and good promos (helped by Paul E.) Woman & 911 also joined the fray to become the new Dangerous Alliance.

- Eaton enjoyed a cool six months reign feuding with the likes of Sandman and Dreamer, but lost the title to rising star Tarzan Goto. Goto was an absolute BEAST in my game. But it was Eaton who in 1994, just like Shane, won the vacant NWA belt. Paul E then proceeded to declare ECW "EXTREME"

- Goto defended the title in Japan against Sabu in a barbed wire match, making the ECW title a World championship. But his short summer reign was cut down by revenging Bobby Eaton in a cage match. Eaton was then usurped by debuting Terry Funk who fought valiantly the Dangerous Alliance and got the title at November to Remember 94. He's currently enjoying a long reign and has battled Eaton, Sabu, a heel-turned "Unchained King Kong" Tarzan Goto and partner & protege Tommy Dreamer. I plan to have him lose the title to Sabu who's scoring 80s performances in each matchs.

Story of the TV title



- The inaugural TV Champ was Jerry Lynn who won it in a tournament and defended it at every show. He was ultimately upset by rival Lightning Kid (young X-Pac). Their rivalry was an intense one: Lynn won all of their 1-1 bout, they even tagged for a bit, but the Kid upset him at November to Remember 93 with a roll up, scoring his only win so far against Lynn - for the gold. Lynn refused the post match handshake and began to foreshadow a heel turn.

- Enters Chris Candido (not originally managed by Tammy who would come later in mid 1994 i think). Candido was brash, arrogant and belittled the Kid. He won the title from him following an "accidental" interference by Lynn who costed the Kid the title. The three way feud intensified and culminated in ECW first ever three way dance where the Kid won the title back.

- Post match, Lynn turned on him which led to a title vs. hair match! The Kid won and Jerry Lyn was not seen for a while... But a weird luchador named "El Hombre Enmascarado" appeared at the very next show. Of course, it was Lynn who would cost the Kid the title against Candido. They then had a Loser Leaves match at November to Remember 94, which Lynn won. (Kid's stat were declining FAST due to drug abuse that I couldn't shake off)

- Then, Candido was submitted in 3 minutes by Taz at November to Remember 94. The story of Taz is a rich one. Introduced as the Tazmaniac by manager Victor Quinones in a bid to defeat then ECW champion the Sandman, he was a wild beast. Tensions with manager and partners the Headhunters arose quickly as Victor called him "monkey boy". He was handpicked by Dan Severn to face him in a shootfight at ECW's first When Worlds Collided. After the loss, he got slapped by Quinones... And suplexed him on his head. He then went to Japan and trained MMA with Severn - Taz was born and would win a return match against Severn in the summer of 94.

Story of the tag title


- The tag straps history is one of twist and turns and short reigns. I will stay on recent history: the Pitbulls are the only multiple time champions but have recently been betrayed by manager Francine (whom debuted in jan. 94 and immdiately catapulted the Pitbulls to success). Francine joined Bobby Eaton (told you he was my Shane Douglas) and the feud has been raging, with the involvement of Eaton's best friend Stan Lane.

- The Samoan Gangsta Party only won the titles thanks to Eaton's interference. They are currently involve in a 4-1 feud with New Jack after putting his partner Mustafa out of action and turning New Jack babyface. I plan on having them drop the titles due to New Jack's interference but i'm not sure if this will be to Funker & Dreamer (who have great chemistry) or another team.

Other stories

- The Dudleyz are quite different here. Started as Phineas Henry Dudley (PHD) aka Dennis Knight/Phineas Godwinn, playing a tough farmer boy, Big Don Dudley aka Tony Falk in a FBI-esque italian mobster gimmick, NUCLEAR Dudley (Adam Bomb) the son of Big Daddy Dudley and a nuclear reactor, and Richard Louis Dudley aka Triple H, a blue blood aristocrat who's the bastard son of a french duchess and her stable boy... Big daddy dudley. And Dances with Dudley. At first, Richard refuses to be associated with "freaks" brothers and especially Phineas, claiming they disgusted him. After 6 months of tensions and lossed tag match, they came together battling the Headhunters & the Tazmaniac and formed a bond, eventually winning the tag straps. Tensions arised anew as Richard wanted no weak link and targeted Dances with, whom PHD stood up for. They lost a 5v5 against a FMW team and Dances took the pinfall. He was then beaten down by Richard & Big Don and expelled from the brotherhood - a rift appeared. PHD & Nuclear brought in BOAT BOAT BOAT Dudley (Tugboat/Typhoon), the son of Big Daddy Dudley and the Titanic. He was a huge comedy guy who only knows one word... You guessed it: "BOAT BOAT BOAT!". Richard Louis was furious and wanted the family to become serious. He "found" new brother Big Red Dudley (it's KANE) - a mute giant who was the son of Big Daddy Dudley and an escaped convict. The conflict grew in a 3v3 with two separated camp. It culminated in a 3v3 cage match with the losers having to disband and stop using the name dudley. The baby faces (Boat, Nuclear & PHD) won. Big Don will form a comedy FBI with Little Guido & Big Vito, Big Red is out of a moment, and Richard is taking time off. He will return as Hunter Hearst Helmsley, claiming the name of his mother's father.

- Some other fun bits: Raven is debuting as a Tyler Durden-esque anti establishment punk. He enrolled goofy Stevie Richards, lonesome Dances with Dudley after he was expelled from the family (I had "where in the world is Dances with" vignette with him in the snow, in a forrest, in a lake, ...). He also recruted Kimberley Page. Fun fact - DDP cheated on her in game and they divorec, I brought her as a woman scorned who wanted revenge of the world, playing on the real life Raven/DDP friendship. The flock is growing with obsessed fan Dawn Marie having a crush on Stevie.

- Eddie Gilbert was "fired" in late 93. I switched up player character to Paul E and pretended Eddie & Tod had a huge argument. I plan on having him return at some point to battle Terry Funk over the world championship

- Currently it's april 95 and i still don't have a TV deal due to the product I run. I have 65 pop in tri state and i'm at 25 in New England Great Lakes and Mid Atlantic. i'm slowly climbing by running shows there to rise to Medium Size, but it's and uphill battle.

- I also run a very very small women's division. Monster Ripper was NWA Champ under my umbrella and was dethroned by Bull Nakano. Bull has been having banger in ECW since then against the likes of Manami Toyota, Debbie Malenko, Jacqueline and a brutal Barbed Wire Match against Dump Matsumoto. I am planning on introducing a women's championship when I get a TV deal, but it may take a long time

- Future plans: Taz is feuding with Paul E/911. Paul E will strip him out of the TV title claiming without TV deal he's the champ of nothing. Taz will debut the FTW belt / Raven is in a feud with Phineas Dudley over Dances - Phineas wants him back but Raven has brainwashed him / Funk will have a mini program with Candido ignited after Tammy slapped the Funker and got spanked in return (EC-Dub! EC-Dub!) / Eaton vs. The Pitbulls will lead to Eaton/Pitbull #2 like in real life / I plan on having Sabu being the first Triple Crown champ - winning the World from Funk and being the first TV champ when I reintroduce the title (when I get a tv deal)


It's been the most fun i've had in a game for a long long time. I'm happy to answer your questions if you have any! :)

Edited by BigJ
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13 hours ago, BigJ said:

Inspired by @Hollywood's ECW 1992 diary, I started a game with ECW in 1992 that has been going on for 3 years in game and has been a blast. I'm gonna try to keep it short but there is a lot of fun things that happened:

Story of the ECW championship


- Sandman won the inaugural ECW Championship in a tournament. The surfer became more and more badass during his 13 months title reign but it was a brutal feud with (player character) Eddie Gilbert with whom he traded the title that transformed him into The Sandman we know. He got his rotator cuff torn and came back as the cane wielding cigarette smoking man we all love.

- He then lost the title to Bob Backlund - yeah you read it right - who had a manical anti-hardcore gimmick, claiming to be the "best world champion in the World". His title reign was cut short three months in by debuting Bobby Eaton (managed by new user character Paul E. Dangerously) Unable to poach Shane Douglas, Eaton became my Franchise of ECW: top rated matches, and good promos (helped by Paul E.) Woman & 911 also joined the fray to become the new Dangerous Alliance.

- Eaton enjoyed a cool six months reign feuding with the likes of Sandman and Dreamer, but lost the title to rising star Tarzan Goto. Goto was an absolute BEAST in my game. But it was Eaton who in 1994, just like Shane, won the vacant NWA belt. Paul E then proceeded to declare ECW "EXTREME"

- Goto defended the title in Japan against Sabu in a barbed wire match, making the ECW title a World championship. But his short summer reign was cut down by revenging Bobby Eaton in a cage match. Eaton was then usurped by debuting Terry Funk who fought valiantly the Dangerous Alliance and got the title at November to Remember 94. He's currently enjoying a long reign and has battled Eaton, Sabu, a heel-turned "Unchained King Kong" Tarzan Goto and partner & protege Tommy Dreamer. I plan to have him lose the title to Sabu who's scoring 80s performances in each matchs.

Story of the TV title



- The inaugural TV Champ was Jerry Lynn who won it in a tournament and defended it at every show. He was ultimately upset by rival Lightning Kid (young X-Pac). Their rivalry was an intense one: Lynn won all of their 1-1 bout, they even tagged for a bit, but the Kid upset him at November to Remember 93 with a roll up, scoring his only win so far against Lynn - for the gold. Lynn refused the post match handshake and began to foreshadow a heel turn.

- Enters Chris Candido (not originally managed by Tammy who would come later in mid 1994 i think). Candido was brash, arrogant and belittled the Kid. He won the title from him following an "accidental" interference by Lynn who costed the Kid the title. The three way feud intensified and culminated in ECW first ever three way dance where the Kid won the title back.

- Post match, Lynn turned on him which led to a title vs. hair match! The Kid won and Jerry Lyn was not seen for a while... But a weird luchador named "El Hombre Enmascarado" appeared at the very next show. Of course, it was Lynn who would cost the Kid the title against Candido. They then had a Loser Leaves match at November to Remember 94, which Lynn won. (Kid's stat were declining FAST due to drug abuse that I couldn't shake off)

- Then, Candido was submitted in 3 minutes by Taz at November to Remember 94. The story of Taz is a rich one. Introduced as the Tazmaniac by manager Victor Quinones in a bid to defeat then ECW champion the Sandman, he was a wild beast. Tensions with manager and partners the Headhunters arose quickly as Victor called him "monkey boy". He was handpicked by Dan Severn to face him in a shootfight at ECW's first When Worlds Collided. After the loss, he got slapped by Quinones... And suplexed him on his head. He then went to Japan and trained MMA with Severn - Taz was born and would win a return match against Severn in the summer of 94.

Story of the tag title


- The tag straps history is one of twist and turns and short reigns. I will stay on recent history: the Pitbulls are the only multiple time champions but have recently been betrayed by manager Francine (whom debuted in jan. 94 and immdiately catapulted the Pitbulls to success). Francine joined Bobby Eaton (told you he was my Shane Douglas) and the feud has been raging, with the involvement of Eaton's best friend Stan Lane.

- The Samoan Gangsta Party only won the titles thanks to Eaton's interference. They are currently involve in a 4-1 feud with New Jack after putting his partner Mustafa out of action and turning New Jack babyface. I plan on having them drop the titles due to New Jack's interference but i'm not sure if this will be to Funker & Dreamer (who have great chemistry) or another team.

Other stories

- The Dudleyz are quite different here. Started as Phineas Henry Dudley (PHD) aka Dennis Knight/Phineas Godwinn, playing a tough farmer boy, Big Don Dudley aka Tony Falk in a FBI-esque italian mobster gimmick, NUCLEAR Dudley (Adam Bomb) the son of Big Daddy Dudley and a nuclear reactor, and Richard Louis Dudley aka Triple H, a blue blood aristocrat who's the bastard son of a french duchess and her stable boy... Big daddy dudley. And Dances with Dudley. At first, Richard refuses to be associated with "freaks" brothers and especially Phineas, claiming they disgusted him. After 6 months of tensions and lossed tag match, they came together battling the Headhunters & the Tazmaniac and formed a bond, eventually winning the tag straps. Tensions arised anew as Richard wanted no weak link and targeted Dances with, whom PHD stood up for. They lost a 5v5 against a FMW team and Dances took the pinfall. He was then beaten down by Richard & Big Don and expelled from the brotherhood - a rift appeared. PHD & Nuclear brought in BOAT BOAT BOAT Dudley (Tugboat/Typhoon), the son of Big Daddy Dudley and the Titanic. He was a huge comedy guy who only knows one word... You guessed it: "BOAT BOAT BOAT!". Richard Louis was furious and wanted the family to become serious. He "found" new brother Big Red Dudley (it's KANE) - a mute giant who was the son of Big Daddy Dudley and an escaped convict. The conflict grew in a 3v3 with two separated camp. It culminated in a 3v3 cage match with the losers having to disband and stop using the name dudley. The baby faces (Boat, Nuclear & PHD) won. Big Don will form a comedy FBI with Little Guido & Big Vito, Big Red is out of a moment, and Richard is taking time off. He will return as Hunter Hearst Helmsley, claiming the name of his mother's father.

- Some other fun bits: Raven is debuting as a Tyler Durden-esque anti establishment punk. He enrolled goofy Stevie Richards, lonesome Dances with Dudley after he was expelled from the family (I had "where in the world is Dances with" vignette with him in the snow, in a forrest, in a lake, ...). He also recruted Kimberley Page. Fun fact - DDP cheated on her in game and they divorec, I brought her as a woman scorned who wanted revenge of the world, playing on the real life Raven/DDP friendship. The flock is growing with obsessed fan Dawn Marie having a crush on Stevie.

- Eddie Gilbert was "fired" in late 93. I switched up player character to Paul E and pretended Eddie & Tod had a huge argument. I plan on having him return at some point to battle Terry Funk over the world championship

- Currently it's april 95 and i still don't have a TV deal due to the product I run. I have 65 pop in tri state and i'm at 25 in New England Great Lakes and Mid Atlantic. i'm slowly climbing by running shows there to rise to Medium Size, but it's and uphill battle.

- I also run a very very small women's division. Monster Ripper was NWA Champ under my umbrella and was dethroned by Bull Nakano. Bull has been having banger in ECW since then against the likes of Manami Toyota, Debbie Malenko, Jacqueline and a brutal Barbed Wire Match against Dump Matsumoto. I am planning on introducing a women's championship when I get a TV deal, but it may take a long time

- Future plans: Taz is feuding with Paul E/911. Paul E will strip him out of the TV title claiming without TV deal he's the champ of nothing. Taz will debut the FTW belt / Raven is in a feud with Phineas Dudley over Dances - Phineas wants him back but Raven has brainwashed him / Funk will have a mini program with Candido ignited after Tammy slapped the Funker and got spanked in return (EC-Dub! EC-Dub!) / Eaton vs. The Pitbulls will lead to Eaton/Pitbull #2 like in real life / I plan on having Sabu being the first Triple Crown champ - winning the World from Funk and being the first TV champ when I reintroduce the title (when I get a tv deal)


It's been the most fun i've had in a game for a long long time. I'm happy to answer your questions if you have any! :)

Really good write up. I'm a few months into my own ECW 92 save so it's interesting to see the differences between your save and where I plan to go with mine. Also I was given some fun rules and restrictions over on the "give me some rules" thread and one of them was to make up a bunch of my own Dudleys, so I might be looking to you for some inspiration!

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Major League Wrestling - Styles Make Fights!

An offshoot of a RTG game, MLW in 2024 is a lot different than MLW is today. With bigger stars available, a push towards Medium is on the horizon for the company.

Taking over in October 2024, the first thing I notice are the names involved. AJ Styles, Bobby Lashley, MLW Heavyweight Champion Johnny Gargano and Elias are the biggest names attached to the company not named Jacob Fatu or, surprisingly, Calvin Tankman. I put Styles vs Gargano for the MLW Title and try to figure out my next moves.

My top heel team is High and Mighty (Matt Cardona and Nick Aldis), while my tag team champs are the Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner and Matthew Justice, along with 1 Called Manders). Seeing they were outnumbered, Aldis and Cardona recruited former MLW Champ Hammerstone, reforming Strictly Business to battle SGC. Unfortunately the feud is extended slightly since Cardona picked up a minor injury a week before the PPV.

The MLW Featherweight Title (soon to be renamed World Women’s Title) is held by Reina Gonzalez aka Raquel Rodriguez. She’s facing stiff competition in Jordynne Grace and Deonna Purrazzo, managed by Jai Vidal. This three way feud should wrap up soon, as former AEW wrestler Riho waits in the wings for the champ.

AKIRA and Atticus Cogar have taken the National Openweight Title to places no one thought possible, engaging in bloody brawls that have had to be called off on more than one occasion. Raven lurks in the shadows offering assistance to AKIRA, but the Deathmatch Samurai has yet to take him up on the offer. Kevin Blackwood has been slowly building himself in the Openweight ranks, looking to get a shot as well.

But the biggest story is that of The Roman Empire. A week into the save scandal rocked the WWE as Roman Reigns was caught with prostitutes. The WWE cut ties with Roman, releasing him from his contract and ignoring the problem. MLW, long known for taking troubled wrestlers and helping them rehab their image, hired Roman because 79 pop is 79 pop, making him our franchise.

Roman is looking to reestablish his reign, making Lance Anoa’i fall in line. Jacob Fatu and Juicy Finau would hold out initially, but a loss to Roman and Lance followed by Fatu losing a one on one to Roman means they have to fall in line. I’ve got plans for this group, including bringing in a released Jimmy Uso and Trinity in a few months time, but for now the plan is to run The Roman Empire as above the titles, instead concerned with power. There’s no endgame planned for them yet, but I figure a year should be enough time to tell the story and have it reach a satisfying end.

And Brock Lesnar is a free agent. Tempted to lower his pop from an 81 to a 79 to sign him, but I’ll wait a few months and see what happens.

Edited by Ramen Time
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12 hours ago, KingKennit said:

Really good write up. I'm a few months into my own ECW 92 save so it's interesting to see the differences between your save and where I plan to go with mine. Also I was given some fun rules and restrictions over on the "give me some rules" thread and one of them was to make up a bunch of my own Dudleys, so I might be looking to you for some inspiration!

Love this rule

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13 hours ago, KingKennit said:

Really good write up. I'm a few months into my own ECW 92 save so it's interesting to see the differences between your save and where I plan to go with mine. Also I was given some fun rules and restrictions over on the "give me some rules" thread and one of them was to make up a bunch of my own Dudleys, so I might be looking to you for some inspiration!

Coming up with random Dudleys and their backstories have always been a thing i liked. I plan on introducing sister Beulah as Beulah McGiliDudley, the inly daughter of Big Daddy. Also signed Mark Canterburry as Mack Daddy Dudley in a pimp gimmick. Eventually plan on adding a lot more - the more absurd the better! 

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On 9/20/2023 at 3:35 PM, Zero said:

I would love to watch this.

For anyone interested it's 2027, the wrestling landscape hasn't changed that much (besides a few title belts and custom companies I've added here and there) other than PWG being the 6th biggest company in the world and signing up people to exclusive contracts - which I blame on some of the superhuman stats I've doled out ending up working there, Nia Jax, Konosuke Takeshita, Brody King.

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TCW Malice in Wonderland 2021

Mainstream Hernandez defeated The Syndicate's Princeton Pryce.

The protege of Wolf Hawkins, Pryce looked like he had this match won after interference from fellow Syndicate member, Freddy Huggins.  But, Pryce became arrogant and got caught up in a Hernandez rollup for the three count.  Hernandez has had his issues with Syndicate for awhile now, but this personal feud with Pryce is only getting started.

In a Hardcore Tag Team Match, The Behemoths defeated Thom Barrowman & Xavi Ferrera.

Killer Shark pins Ferrera after interference from the latest member of Sinner Society, Big Cat Brandon.  Barrowman has been tagging with his protege Ferrera for a while now, but they are struggling to overcome the numbers that the Sinner Society has.

Sinner Society's Primus Allen defeated Team Lucha!'s Masked Cougar to become the NEW TCW Television Champion!  

Cougar put in a valiant effort against the monster Primus Allen, and it looked like he might pull off the amazing underdog story.  But, a distraction by Eddie Peak allowed Allen the opportunity to earn his first TCW Championship.  Cougar's Television Championship reign comes to an end after 10 months and 20 successful defenses.

The Kings of Wrestling's Greg Keith defeated Aaron Andrews.

An intense feud that is only getting started, Keith catches Andrews with a low blow behind the referee's back, allowing Greg to steal the victory.  Later on that week on TCW television, Andrews & Keith would cost each other their opportunity at the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.  

In Tag Team Action, TCW International Champion Randy Unleashed & Mighty Mo defeated Grimm Enterprise's Davis Wayne Newton & KC Glenn.

Two singles feuds that have become intertwined in recent weeks, Unleashed picks up the big win by pinning Newton.  That said, a rematch between Unleashed & KC Gleen for the International Championship is certainly looming in the future.

In a Last Man Standing Match, Team Lucha!'s Mr. Lucha defeated Kings of Wrestling's Jay Chord.

The war between Team Lucha! & Kings of Wrestling appears to have come to a close, right along with the rivalry that started it all.  After exchanging wins in their first two encounters, Lucha defeats Chord and earns the biggest victory of his TCW career.  Afterwards, Lucha has already made it clear that his next goal is to challenge for and win the TCW World Heavyweight Championship!  MATCH OF THE NIGHT!

In a Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match, TCW World Tag Team Champions The Wild Cats defeated Devine Fortune, Pocket Aces (Joshua Taylor & Roderick Remus), & Southern Grit (Big Bruiser Findlay & Marshall Dillon) to successfully retain their championship titles.

The challengers have lined for the Wild Cats ever since they won the Tag Titles from Pocket Aces in December 2020.  Thus, this fatal four way came to be.  Nevertheless, El Jaguar & Tigre Salvaje Jr. prove that they are worthy champions.  Their issues with Pocket Aces, though, seem far from finished.  Perhaps a Tag Team Ladder Match in their future????

And...in the main event of Malice in Wonderland 2021...The Leader of the Syndicate, Wolf Hawkins defended the TCW World Heavyweight Championship against the 2020 King of Kings Tournament Winner, Sammy Bach!

After winning the KoK Tournament, Bach delivered a heartfelt promo on the following episode of Total Wrestling.  Now at the age of 42 years old, he knows father time isn't on his side, but he has every intention of taking advantage of whatever time he did have left in the limelight.  After 13 years in Total Championship Wrestling, there was only thing Sammy hasn't done, and that is wear the TCW World Heavyweight Championship gold!

"So...Wolf Hawkins!  I am the King of Kings Winner, and I believe that makes me the #1 Contender.  So...I challenge YOU for that TCW World Heavyweight Title at Malice in Wonderland!"

Much to the surprise of everyone, Hawkins answered Sammy and delivered his own heartfelt promo.  

"Sammy...there is probably no one in that locker room that I respect more than you.  When this company was in the toilet, struggling to survive, WE were two of the few that stuck around.  We stuck around and dug this company out of its hole!  This company is still around because of men like us.  WE...are TCW!"

But of course, it was still Wolf Hawkins.  So, the promo eventually took a turn.

"Yes, I have all the respect for you Sammy.  But...let's make no mistake about it.  Respect doesn't put you in my league.  Nobody is in my league.  I'm the best in the world!  You know it, I know it, every fan in this arena knows it.  So...you really want to step up to the champ...hoping for some fairy tale ending?  This ain't no fairy tale, Sammy.  This is real life.  And in real life?  I am the best in the world...and you're just a really good guy.  Really good guys don't become World Champion."  

After going back and forth the weeks following, the stage was finally set for Malice in Wonderland 2021.  An epic encounter between Hawkins & Bach for the TCW World Title.  After Hawkins controlled a great deal of the match, Bach rallied back and put Wolf on his heels.  Heading to the top rope, waiting for Hawkins to stand up, Bach flew through the air with an moonsault.  Hawkins dodged the Moonsault...but Referee Darren Smith was wiped out instead!  The referee is down!  

Hawkins attempts the Full Moon Rising, but Bach dodges it and drags Wolf down into the Bach on your Back!   But, before Bach can fully lock the submission in, Wolf Hawkins's personal bodyguard Bryan Vessey enters the ring and strikes Bach in the ribs with a steel chair!  As Vessey holds Bach up, Hawkins swings at Bach with the chair.  Bach ducks!  Vessey gets clocked with the steel chair and tumbles out of the ring to the floor! 

Bach dodges another chair swing by Hawkins.  Bach manages to get the chair away from Hawkins, and delivers a shot right to Wolf's cranium!  Hawkins is groggy is on the mat.  The crowd is on their feet.  Bach locks on the Bach on your Back!  HAWKINS IS TAPPING!  Darren Smith is on one knee and calling for the bell!  The crowd is going nuts!  We got a new champion!  Sammy Bach has done it!  Sammy Bach is World Champion!  

Bach proceeds to celebrate with the crowd, but when he calls for the championship belt, there is no one there to give it to him.  Bach's theme music suddenly stops playing as Darren Smith is talking to the ring announcer.  The announcer looks flat out stunned by what he is hearing.

"Ladies and Gentlemen...Referee Darren Smith has Disqualified Sammy Bach for using a Steel Chair.  Therefore...your winner...and STILL TCW World Heavyweight Champion!  WOLF HAWKINS!"

In a crushing moment, Bach drops to the mat in the middle of the ring.  Absolutely broken by the moment, Bach sits there silently.  A bloody Wolf Hawkins is helped out of the arena by his Syndicate brethren, the World Title draped over his shoulder.  Sammy Bach watches as potentially his greatest chance to ever become World Champion has gone up in flames.  

And so...the journey to Total Mayhem XXV continues!  



Edited by dbritton987
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On 9/22/2023 at 8:57 PM, Ramen Time said:

Major League Wrestling - Styles Make Fights!

An offshoot of a RTG game, MLW in 2024 is a lot different than MLW is today. With bigger stars available, a push towards Medium is on the horizon for the company.

Small-ish update here.

We’ve reached January 2025, and with it our first major award: Most Improved Company! Sure, I only joined in October, but I’m taking full credit for it because I can. We also get a nice roll, which helps me cap off my Mic skills so here’s hoping that gets me a 100 rated angle.

In terms of what’s happening for MLW, a lot of things. Within a month we’ve purchased Beyond, RevPro, and MCW. Negotiating broadcasting deals for them was a challenge, so starting a broadcaster was the way to go. Enough coverage to hopefully get some good pop gains, but we’ll have to wait until about June to really see how this works. I’ll be looking to upgrade as we go along, as I think building British Isles and Australia will help us in the long run.

John Cena is here because he’s retiring soon and WWE didn’t want him. He can’t go more than 10 minutes in a match but it was still enough to get an 81 against Roman Reigns. He’s still got about three weeks as an active wrestler so I may just job him out to get some pop onto other wrestlers. Maybe he’ll put over Cardona or my UC, idk.

Speaking of my UC, he’s now known as Curry Man Jr., since we got a mentor/mentee relationship with Christopher Daniels and he retired in November. CMJ has been defeating guest wrestlers to slowly build pop, jumping from an average of 20 to 43 in one month. I turned it into a small story of Cesar Duran finding CMJ annoying and hiring wrestlers to get rid of him, but the masked man finds a way every time. This is building to Luchasaurus being the man to formally beat him and turn it into a feud, so high hopes this works out. We’ve also added Shark Boy Jr. (UC’s brother after a roll), who we’re slowly building up as well. Very, very slowly.

Alex Kane reformed the Bomaye Fight Club with Willie Mack and Calvin Tankman, the trio feuding with Kevin Blackwood and Los Macizos. The big goal is to have something happening for everyone, and it’s helping the heels gain some much needed popularity.

Bullet Club is represented by AJ Styles and the ABC, who are feuding with Strange Sangre (Arez, Aramis, and Lince Dorado). I’m looking to push Arez so hopefully this feud helps him out.

My women’s division is looking solid. Big feuds are Saraya vs. Mandy Sacs, Deonna Purrazzo vs Ruby Soho, Reina Gonzalez vs. April Kobayashi (random gen), and Jordynne Grace vs. Cassie Lee. Riho is now fully on the roster so I’ll be looking to integrate her into a feud, possibly against Steph De Lander once she signs on.

Second Gear Crew won a triple threat against the Legion of Pain and Strictly Business, so I’m not sure where to go with them. I could run them vs. The Dynasty, but I may need to hire a solid heel team. Mancer’s pushing into Major Star, so I may have to switch him to singles and put Manders and Justice as the team. We’ll see.

AKIRA picked up an injury after retaining the Openweight Title, so that’s great. I’ll run a tournament and see where it gets us.

I’ve also released the WWE talent that were cut IRL, picking up Dolph on a written. Mustafa Ali is asking 2K a show, same with Riddle, so I’m debating bringing them in or just picking up Maximum Male Models to act as Dolph’s minions. 

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I lost count of how many times I did it, but I started another ZEN save and just now i finished to go throught 2020.


I decided to add a show every week in between the "main" ones for a total of 4 show every month, not to quick to finish the year with nothing happening, not to slow to be boring. Way of The Warrior is still my season "finale", however, i added a round robin style, two blocks, tournament, the Fun Prix, that runs for the two previous months with the winner that can decide any match he wants for the main event of the show. Added a tag team tournament equivalent, the Fun League, in the last quarter of the year, same prize as the FP, but it's for the last "main" show of the year (Way of the Thief) and it's not the main event. It's mandatory for every team to have a proper name.


It didn't change much. Trevor Feather left in August and i sent him away with an Harmony Title Match in one of the "minor" shows and made him argue with Pink Spider after it to write him off. In his place i hired Dee Lucketti... to lose to everyone else. The other bigger change was to turn Ferdy Lloyd heel/rudo, leaving Blue Flea behind, to join Skullduggery and team with Damian Dastardly in the Fun League. A last thing to add, after a year I am in this annoying situation where my company has 47 pop in NZ, but more than half the roster is stuck at 42 pop and no one is a major star.


Conceptual Title: Kalliope dropped it to Deathwatch Beetle after only 1 title defence, because i had other plans for her. After becoming champion, the Fun Prix started but no member of Alien Armada was included in it (ops), so the group protest until they got a four way match between themselves with the winner getting any match they want for Way of The Warrior. Beetle won, but before he could say what he wanted Karrq, Man O'War and Laguna stopped him. This went on until Halloween Knight "kidnapped" Beetle allowing him to announce that... he wanted to defend his Conceptual Title in a gauntlet match, where he started first, because he may be an alien but he loves to wrestle. So he made 4 defences (with 1 draw) and lost the last round against Aukland Raider. Raider is still the champion and it's going to have a match with Lerome Slim at Way of The Dreamer.

Harmony Titles: The Ghost Hunters were the starting champions and made 3 defences before losing to Love Gold. Love Gold is the team formed by Kalliope Woodchuck and Buckminster Snark. He always tried to convince her to date him, to no success (to this day), but he did convinced her to form a tag team when he won a title shot in an Handicap Match for her. This put Snark in a particular position allowing him to team with both tecnicos/faces and rudos/heels during the rest of the year. This team too got 3 title defences before they lost at the end of the year to The Fish Kings (Devilfish and Vertigo) the winners of the Fun League. Snark and Kallie are now separated and suffering, but not dating. Meanwhile the new champions have their first opponent already decided: Man O'War from Alien Armada and Booster Boy from a battle royale, as a result of an injury that left War, and only him, with a title shot and Halloween Knight messing again with the Aliens.

Master Title: ZERO was a fighting champion and he got six defences, but lately he was retaining the title by time limit draws, so when the winner of the Fun Prix, Damian Dastardly, made their match at Way of The Warrior with no time limits, he lost. DD made his defences under the Skullduggery rules: no time limits, no pinfalls or submissions, no draws, you win when the referee proclame that you opponent can't fight anymore. The year ended and he made 4 defences with his opponents receiving a week of rest each, with only ZERO, after losing a rematch, angry at Halloween Knight for forcing him not to wrestle. Anyway, at Way of the Dreamer 2021 the man that accepted to going against the champion next was Pink Spider, because he likes Pink stuff as much as he is tough.

Other stuff:

I opened a new dojo, so to have new fresh people at the bottom of the roster every year, waiting for next April for the first class of graduates.

2021 Plans and Ideas:

Kallie and Snark will leave the tecnicos and the rudos and form their own faction, The Neutros. Some of the "Way of" events will be made dormant to add event with the names of the two tournaments. 

Things that i want to do but not sure if i will and when/how doing it: A new single belt below the Master Title and above the Conceptual Title; a trios belt; a separate faction for HalloWarped, Toady and Guru Vishni; make a deal with WrestleWorld when it opens in July; run a story about ZERO challenging Halloween Knight's authority; hiring people from my shortlist.

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It's 2026 and Romeo Romaro has somehow become my top heel.

Pro Wrestling WILD is the (slightly depressing) spiritual successor to CGC, a small Albertan indy promotion run by Bobby Thomas and Art Reed. For several years, Eddie Chandler was the top star, a former CGC icon returning to Canada after a successful run in TCW. First as the company's top villain, surrounded by various thugs and lackeys known as Chandler's Golden Court. Then, as age was catching up to him, spinning off into a fun babyface trio with fabulous tag team The Loverboys; Quentin Queen and Romeo Romaro. Quentin was always intended to be the breakout star of the group, while Romeo only got the gig because he fit the gimmick. He was the extra guy, never particularly talented, and not improving much, even with Chandler's guidance. He was acceptable in the role. 

Alas, just as I was thinking it was time to pull the trigger on Quentin Queen's big betrayal... he betrayed me and left to join GSW. Too lazy to come up with a new idea, Romeo took his place in the story instead, turning on Chandler for what I expected would be a fluffy midcard story at best, where the veteran would ultimately prevail.

Then Chandler announced his upcoming retirement, pushing fast-forward on the story and giving Romeo the big win in the end, running his mentor out of town. 

Then Shane Nelson announced he was retiring. Having a soft spot for CGC, I gave him a 3-month farewell tour and needed someone to beat him in his final match. Why not Romeo?

Then the same thing happened with Lee Rivera. 

Then I decided it was time for my user character, Bobby Thomas, to also hang up his boots. 

Romeo Romaro is now The Glam Reaper, Slayer of Careers. He's surrounded himself with his own lackeys (mostly graduate dojos in gimp suits and fetish gear) and has his sexy scythe pointed towards Acid, the only veteran left active in the locker room. He's still not very good. He's still too small to take seriously as a true threat. He's pushing 40 himself. Yet in terms of storyline and push he's the most dastardly villain on the roster. A far cry from the beginning of this save, when I brought him in to do 3 months of jobs and doubted he'd be back for more. 

Edited by Self
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I've started a save controlling ECW from January 1992, so right from the very beginning, with the goal of hopefully surpassing WCW and the WWF to become the biggest promotion in the world. I wanted some interesting rules to spice up the save so I asked for some over on the "Give me rules for a game" thread and I got some really good ones, which are as follows.

1. Eddie Gilbert must at all times hold the record for most world title reigns (at least the joint record).

2. Tommy Dreamer and Raven may never have a singles match against each other.

3. I must try to sign Kurt Angle when he debuts and have him win a title before the end of his first year.

4. In April 96, I must debut the Dudley Boyz, and by the end of the year the Family must have expanded to 5 Dudleyz, but I can't use any of the real life Dudleyz. (I think I'm going to interpret this as I can use Bubba Ray and D-Von as the 2 initial Dudleyz, but the rest of the family must be filled out with my own Dudleyz)

5. Of Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn, I must have one win the world title, 2 form a tag team and win the tag titles, and one must never be hired.

6. I must do all I can to hire the Ultimate Warrior, and he must win the world title in his first program in the company. If it's not possible to sign him, I am allowed to complete the goal with the Renegade instead.

7. I may not hire an active wrestler over the age of 40, apart from Terry Funk.

8. Within a month of being small sized, I must establish talent trading agreements with one Japanese promotion and one Mexican promotion, and I must feature at least one borrowed foreign talent on every show (or at every taping once I have started on TV, as I will be taping twice every month and I think having a foreign talent on every single one hour episode of TV is a bit much).


I've also come up with 8 random number generator stipulations and put them on a wheel which I will spin at the beginning of every in game year.

1. RNG on whole roster, chosen wrestler must win any title before the end of the year.

2. RNG on recognisable and below, chosen wrestler must be at least star status at the end of the year.

3. RNG on star and above, chosen wrestler must win the world title before the end of the year.

4. RNG twice on whole roster, chosen wrestlers must have a feud that lasts at least 3 months.

5. RNG twice on whole roster, chosen wrestlers must form a tag team.

6. RNG on whole roster, chosen wrestler gets an immediate 6 month injury.

7. RNG on whole roster, chosen wrestler must be released within 3 months and cannot be rehired for at least 2 years.

8. RNG on all unemployed wrestlers based in the USA, chosen wrestler must be signed and featured fairly prominently. What constitutes prominently is up to my discretion but I'm thinking that they should at least have a couple of proper feuds.


I decided to make a few hirings before spinning the wheel for the first time because the starting roster was so sparse, and my spin for the first year was pretty favourable all things considered, as I had to have Sabu win any title by the end of the year. I've just finished the first year as I'm writing this, and we haven't got a TV show yet and we're running a schedule of 2 shows per month so major storylines have been a bit thin on the ground, but I'll recap the few that we have had. 


The King of Philadelphia

Our very first show was an 8-man tournament to crown the inaugral ECW World Heavyweight Champion, and as per the first rule there was only one man it could have been, "Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert. After he was presented with the belt by Paul Heyman, "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff made an uninvited appearance, making it clear that he wanted the belt for himself and the show ended with a staredown between the two men. The next show, Gilbert said that he's not going to just hand Ivan Koloff a title shot because he walked in off the street and demanded one. Over the next few months, Koloff regularly attacked Gilbert after his matches, including after a title defense against the Sandman, which saw Sandman side with Gilbert to run Koloff off, starting an alliance between Gilbert and the Sandman. This lead to Gilbert laying down a challenge for Koloff, saying that if he could beat the Sandman then he will earn a title shot. In May Ivan Koloff and The Sandman met in the ring and Koloff got the victory, setting up a title match a few weeks later. Initially I had planned on having Koloff win the title due to interference from Nikita Koloff in a one off appearance, but news that Koloff was retiring in 3 months caused me to alter my plans, so I had Sandman come out and stop Nikita from interfering in the match, and brought in Nikita on a longer term basis to take Ivan's place in the storyline. The next show, Eddie Gilbert said he wanted to get Nikita out of the company before he plagued it like his "uncle" Ivan did, so he offered him a title shot, with the caveat that if Nikita lost he would be gone from ECW. After another few weeks of feuding, Gilbert & Sandman came up with a similar proposal for Ivan, that he would face Sandman again, if Koloff won he would be added to the title match as a three way dance, but if he lost he would also be gone from ECW. Koloff vs Sandman 2 went the other way this time, with Sandman winning and banishing Ivan from ECW. Unfortunately though, during the Eddie vs Nikita title match the following show, Ivan showed up anyway, and despite Sandman's best efforts he couldn't stop Ivan from interfering and costing Gilbert the title. After the match security came out, orchestrated by Paul Heyman, and in the ruccus Ivan attacked the ECW owner, leading to Heyman taking out a restraining order on him and effectively getting him banned from ECW for good this time, but it was too late for Eddie Gilbert. Gilbert did get a rematch a couple of shows later at the end of September but this time lost fair and square, so he was done with the world title for the time being, and the focus switched to The Sandman, who got an opportunity in mid November but also lost. For the last couple months of the year, Gilbert had a short feud with the Bruise Brothers who started attacking him, which ended at the last show of the year when Gilbert brought in his friend Sandman to beat the Bruise Brothers in a tag match, meanwhile Nikita Koloff has continued defending his title, including a defence against exciting young prospect Eddie Guerrero. It's worth noting that Gilbert and Sandman have great tag team chemistry, so we potentially have a long term unit on our hands.


The Tag Title Picture

In May, an 8 man tournament to crown the first ECW World Tag Team Champions was held, with Public Enemy taking down The Pitbulls in the final to claim the belts. Their first proper feud came about when The Bruise Brothers, who they had beaten in the first round of the tournament, felt that they had unfinished business with the champs. The Bruise Brothers attacked Public Enemy and a brawl ensued, which continued across multiple segments, concluding when it spilled out to the arena during a match between Sabu and JT Smith and engulfing the two participants. During this brawl, Sabu and Rocco Rock got particularly vicious with each other. This lead to a 6 man tag the following show between Public Enemy & JT Smith and The Bruise Brothers & Sabu, where once again things between Sabu and the Public Enemy got particularly violent. The following show, in mid August, The Bruise Brothers got their title shot which saw Public Enemy retain, and immediately after the match Sabu came sprinting out like a man possessed and threw himself at Public Enemy, and even with the numbers advantage they barely managed to get the better of him. A couple weeks later, the champs cut a backstage promo telling Sabu to bring it on and bring a friend, and at the next show Sabu introduced his old friend, the only man in the world as homicidal, suicidal and genocidal as Sabu himself, New Jack. (Sabu and New Jack both have poor gimmicks and bad tag team chemistry, but by this point I was committed, so that's great). Later that night in the main event, Public Enemy defended their titles against Sabu & New Jack in a bloody war, and after the match New Jack snapped and pummelled Rocco Rock's leg over and over again with a chair, injuring him. The next show, Sabu and New Jack, now going by the name Homicidal Maniacz (because z's were cool in the 90s), defeated the young team of Rob Van Dam and Stevie Richards, and New Jack looked like he was going to injure Richards like he did Rock, but Johnny Grunge came out to make the save. Public Enemy cut a promo saying they would make the Sabu and New Jack pay when Rocco Rock is back fit, and the Maniacz pointed out that Johnny Grunge is still fit, setting up a couple of matches over the next month, as first Sabu and then New Jack beat Johnny Grunge in singles action, which the Maniacz argued qualified them for another title shot. Public Enemy said that they would give the Maniacz a response if they would meet them face to face in the ring at the next show, to which the Maniacz agreed. At ECW Live in mid December the four men did meet, Rocco Rock still on crutches, in the middle of the ring. They exchanged words for a while, until suddenly Rocco Rock threw one of his crutches to Johnny Grunge and the Public Enemy attacked their assailants with the crutches, revealing that Rocco Rock was back fit and they were accepting the Homicidal Maniacz' challenge. The big title match took place two weeks later, at the last show of the year in the last week of December, and after an even more brutal and bloody war than the first, Sabu pinned Johnny Grunge and The Homical Maniacz were crowned ECW World Tag Team Champions, and I achieved my RNG goal of having Sabu with a title before the end of the year.


Delicious Intent

I brought in Jason Knight, renamed him Jason Sexley and put him with Johnny Hotbody as Delicious Intent, an over the top obnoxious heel team who basically think they're the sexiest creatures on the planet. I brought in Toni Adams to manage them and renamed her Toni Vixen (I know these names are a bit on the nose but that's kind of the point of the gimmick). Shortly after I brought Jason and Toni in they started dating, so I guess I'm something of a matchmaker. I had plans for these guys to be a mainstay of the undercard for the first few years, kind of in the FBI role, but fate dealt me a blow as Johnny and Jason have awful chemistry, so I had to change my plans. Pretty much immediately I had them lose matches due to miscommunication, which came to a head when they lost in the first round of the tag title tournament against young jobber team Rob Van Dam and Stevie Richards. They argued in the following weeks, and eventually Toni Vixen became tired of the infighting and suggested that they might be able to work through their issues if they just faced each other in the ring. This match took place at the end of July, and Toni Vixen picked her side as she delivered a low blow to Johnny Hotbody to help her real life boyfriend get the win. On the next show, a strapping young man named Shawn Morcock (Sean Morley/Val Venis) made his ECW debut, and in a backstage segment Jason and Toni spoke about their plans moving forward without Johnny Hotbody, as well as how sexy Shawn Morcock is. During Morcock's next match against jobber Larry Winters, Toni Vixen came out to ringside and eventually seduced Winters, allowing Morcock to capitalise and get the win. In the following weeks, Morcock began appearing in segments with Jason and Toni, and they revealed that Delicious Intent were back and better than ever, a fact they proved when Shawn Morcock beat that ugly ass Johnny Hotbody and the team of Morcock and Sexley beat the team the old Delicious Intent couldn't beat before, Rob Van Dam and Stevie Richards. Sean Morley has been a bit of a revelation, allowing Delicious Intent to actually get decent ratings in matches and on the mic, which wasn't the case before.


A Tenuous Alliance

After they both lost in the finals of their respective title tournaments, Al Snow approached the Pitbulls and told them that as they were both so close to winning the belts, maybe if they teamed up they would go to the next level. They spent most of the rest of the year helping each other win matches and occasionally teaming up to win 6 man tags, until eventually in late September they picked on the wrong man, as the Pitbulls interfered to help Al Snow beat DC Drake, a loveable lunatic who claims he is possessed by the spirit of hardcore. The following show, Snow was attacked by two face painted behemoths during his match with The Sandman, costing him the match. On the next show, DC Drake was flanked by those behemoths, who were revealed as Punisher and Tormentor, the Soul Reapers (Tony and Val Puccio in Kiss style face paint), and they said that they were going to make sure Snow and the Pitbulls got their comeuppance for their constant cheating. Al Snow said that the Pitbulls would deal with those two freaks, and the Reapers accepted the challenge and told Al Snow that they would take his soul if he got involved, which seemed to scare Snow a disproportionate amount considering the Reapers are just two fat guys in makeup. Nevertheless it clearly did frighten him, as he didn't get involved in the match and the Soul Reapers picked up the big win against the Pitbulls. The following show, the Pitbulls asked Snow where he was, and accused him of being scared, which he denied. The Reapers appeared out of nowhere and Al Snow ran away, and the Reapers and the Pitbulls brawled. The pitbulls then told Snow at the last show of the year that they had arranged a six man tag match against DC Drake and the Soul Reapers, and they would drag Snow to the ring if they had do. Snow went willingly, but under threat from the Reapers during the match he once again bailed, and DC Drake and the Reapers were able to pick up the win against the outnumbered Pitbulls. That's where I'm up to currently with this storyline, but it will probably be over within another few shows, as I plan on having Drake challenge Snow to a one on one which Snow will win after the Pitbulls take care of the Reapers earlier in the night. The alliance between Snow and the Pitbulls will continue to deteriorate and I can see them breaking up within a few months.


The Ballad of Broken Fingers

At the June week 4 show, at the halfway point of the year, 2 Cold Scorpio faced Kid Kash in a high flying affair, that was marred by Kid Kash legitimately breaking Scorpio's fingers with a botch. The following show, Scorpio was wrestling with New Japan, and Kid Kash accused Scorpio of being a pussy who didn't show up because he hurt his fingers. Kash then faced Stevie Richards, and he did the same thing AGAIN, breaking Stevie's fingers as well, which made me think he might have been doing this on purpose. I debated inserting Richards into the long term storyline but decided against it, instead running a rematch between Kash and Richards on the next show, and Kash praised Richards for showing up despite having broken fingers, taunting 2 Cold Scorpio. When Scorpio returned, he said he could have let the injury go, accidents happen, but he couldn't let the insults fly, and challenged Kash to a match. Scorpio again missed a show because he was in Japan which led to further taunts from Kash, asking if Scorpio had broken his fingers again? Eventually they did have their match, during which Kid Kash tried to deliberately break Scorpio's fingers again, enraging Scorpio and allowing Kid Kash to capitalise and get the win with a roll up. Scorpio admitted he let Kash get into his head and asked for one more match, but Kash refused saying he has beaten Scorpio already and has already proved he's the better wrestler. Scorpio then attacked Kash after a match, and cut a promo saying that he isn't just a great technical wrestler and an exciting high flyer, he can be as hardcore as anyone in ECW and Kid Kash would find that out if he didn't face him. Kash then told Scorpio to prove it, that if he could beat a hardcore wrestler of Kash's choice he would agree to one more match. The next show, Scorpio faced Kash's chosen wrestler, Axl Rotten, who had debuted a couple months before and had been on a tear ever since. Scorpio beat Rotten, but Rotten and Kash beat him down after the match, and then Axl attacked during the resulting match between Scorpio and Kash, costing Scorpio the match. This led to Scorpio challenging Kash and Rotten to a tag match with a partner of his choice, and if Scorpio won he would get one more match with Kash, with no interference. Kash accepted, but said that if he and Axl won then Scorpio would have to kiss Kash's diamond ring and admit that he is the superior wrestler and the better man. Scorpio accepted, and on the last show of the year he enlisted the help of Eddie Guerrero, and beat Rotten and Kash, who by this point are going by the name Dirty Money. There is probably only one more match in this rivalry, which Scorpio will win clean against Kid Kash, maybe after Eddie Guerrero thwarts Axl Rotten.


So that's the first year of ECW done and dusted, thanks if you've read all that, I know it was pretty long. I've already spun the wheel for next year, and as a result I have had to sign a wrestler called Bill Tabb who featured sporadically in some of the territories in the late 80s. He was the wrestler that Col. DeBeers refused to get in the ring with because he was black, so at least I have heard of something he's done, even if I didn't know him by name, so that's something I guess. Other than that, Big Bill Tabb, to put it politely, sucks. I'll attach a picture so you can see just how much he sucks. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with him yet, probably put him in a tag team to try and mask his weaknesses as much as possible.



If we continue to grow at the same rate we have so far, we should be small sized by April, and that's hopefully when we'll have a TV deal for the Tri state area set up as well, and then I expect it to be another year until we go national, so hopefully the ball will start rolling in a big way. Cheers.

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