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I believe that grades are no more. I'm sure I've seen an answer to this that says grades are no longer in the game, just numbers


Ahh that's a shame. They came in handy for me as, when I'm doing other stuff, I run a sim game in the background and keep track of what company/workers get A grades and how many. Guess I will have to adjust it slightly this year.

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WWE have been building people up to be massive stars for years, before knocking them down to nobodies by losing in 20 seconds to Brock Lesnar.


So it makes sense. :-D


Completely different. Remo losing to Nicky Champion isn't a "nobody-rookie-lesnar" situation. Were talking about 2 established stars that lost to the champ once and dropped from major stars to recognisible (2 spots). Just seems off it was one loss and he had momentum.

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How do i offer a developmental contract to a worker?


Thought maybe it cant be done when i was WWE, but when i played an ROH game they offered several developmental contracts to my guys





Figured this out, so you have to offer your normal contract then when you go to hire the worker, you click on the view button and you will have the option of going to the main roster or the developmental.

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<p>Good afternoon,</p><p> </p><p>

This question may have already been asked but is there any way to play the game without using up the whole screen? I can be very dense so it might be a simple fix if doable, any help will be greatly appreciated.</p><p> </p><p>


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How do you select the COTT Championship Belt to be defended by the champion when you are booking at CZCW (or other COTT members). I have tried everything I know of to book a championship match for the COTT title with the champion who is on my roster but cannot seem to be able to do it. The title is not selectable in the drop down?
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Good afternoon,


This question may have already been asked but is there any way to play the game without using up the whole screen? I can be very dense so it might be a simple fix if doable, any help will be greatly appreciated.




Might be able to change display settings. Right click on desktop then click on display settings. Look for Scale and Layout option then the "Change the size of text, apps and other items." and try changing the percentage. I tend to game on my TV so I'll up it to 250% as its impossible to read text on a screen that big at only 100%. See if you can shrink the amount to like 75% and see if that helps.

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Anyone know how to fire a wrestler?



In the roster screen click on the person you want to fire, then click the double arrows to the right or left of the popularity box you should see the release button there.



Anyone know how to buy old/classic belts? Not sure if a bug or not but they aren't appearing in the investments buy classic belts, it just says empty.



So I tested it with a converted database and belts showed up. I'm guessing that the default data doesn't have any to purchase.

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Anyone know if there is a way to turn off losing popularity in regions?


I don't believe so. You can turn off the region industry and economy effects but popularity will increase/decrease based on your shows. You can edit the in game database and manually adjust the ratings if you need to though. Options - in game editor - companies - double click on one - click on popularity.

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What do the breakeven points listed for creating your own broadcaster mean? I'd assume you need that much popularity in each region to break even for the region, but the numbers are in the hundreds. I was really looking forward to being able to make smaller broadcasters, but I need to answer this first.


I believe its adding up the popularity for every area in the region. Ex in my tcw game I have 74 pop in all 11 US areas so its a total of 814 points. So based on thr point scale they would do fine with a enormous coverage in US region making money. If my popularity was 750 and I choose the enormous option we would lose money. So the lowest coverage size is tiny and needs 300 points so you would need about 27 points per region. So it doesn't look feasible unless you're a medium or bigger company as the small companies aren't close to 300 points. Its basically saying your company is too small to get enough subscribers needed to make money with a subscription service network which makes sense.


You can join an existing subscription service like OnDem though. Since you didn't create it you wouldn't have to worry about the break even point.

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I keep getting a note on some angles that nothing happened. I set that a worker should succeed and that the other should be defeated. Whats the deal?


You need to have at least one worker rated on something other than Overness, Menace, or Sex Appeal. You can have angles with people only rated on those, but there's a time limit. 5 minutes, I believe.

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I believe its adding up the popularity for every area in the region. Ex in my tcw game I have 74 pop in all 11 US areas so its a total of 814 points. So based on thr point scale they would do fine with a enormous coverage in US region making money. If my popularity was 750 and I choose the enormous option we would lose money. So the lowest coverage size is tiny and needs 300 points so you would need about 27 points per region. So it doesn't look feasible unless you're a medium or bigger company as the small companies aren't close to 300 points. Its basically saying your company is too small to get enough subscribers needed to make money with a subscription service network which makes sense.


You can join an existing subscription service like OnDem though. Since you didn't create it you wouldn't have to worry about the break even point.


It isn't as good for pop gains, but I ended up making a PPV broadcaster (same cost, same price, a lot more revenue) and switching my ticket prices to free. With 0 pop nationwide, I made about $12k from PPV buys on my first event. Once I get another 50k, I'm thinking about making a Free-to-Air or Commercial broadcaster and adding a TV show.

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I keep getting a note on some angles that nothing happened. I set that a worker should succeed and that the other should be defeated. Whats the deal?


Angles rated on overseas state that its rated based on their popularity and this effectively means that they're not doing anything at all. This type of rating is designed for short appearances. If the angle goes for more than four minutes then the rating will start to decrease.


Help file - Angles - Rated on Overness is where I'm getting the info.


This is a change from 2016 as you could have overness only angles but it appears now they need to be under 5 minutes or make sure someone is rated on something other than overseas.

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In the roster screen click on the person you want to fire, then click the double arrows to the right or left of the popularity box you should see the release button there.






So I tested it with a converted database and belts showed up. I'm guessing that the default data doesn't have any to purchase.

Hmm, the default should. From all the closed promotions and tew2016 had loads of classic belts eg cwf, DAVE etc. I tried closing a promotion without taking the belts to see if they would appear but they haven't. I'll do more of a play around with the belts to see how to get them to appear.

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Hmm, the default should. From all the closed promotions and tew2016 had loads of classic belts eg cwf, DAVE etc. I tried closing a promotion without taking the belts to see if they would appear but they haven't. I'll do more of a play around with the belts to see how to get them to appear.

So after a quick edit, all the classic belts in the editor are set as originally owned by (orignal promotion) but the current owned by shows the same promotion. So in essence you cant buy them for some reason?


Surely they should default to being owned by nobody?

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