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Who buy? Who not buying on release day?

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For $35 at this point I'm not buying. Seeing all the baffling changes made, the awful UI, the terrible way a lot of features were implemented the way the AI is both better but not great, products etc. I can go on, but the main problem is it's a chore to book a show. The main reason to play TEW and I can't do it. I could probably overlook a lot if the booking wasn't as bad as it is now. And in a world when indie games come out for less than TEW and have amazing depth and provide a great experience, I can't justify the price right now.


lol you clealy didnt play 2020. The booking is the same. No idea what you are doing wrong but its 1000% you doing something wrong if you cant book right. Booking is perfect.

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lol you clealy didnt play 2020. The booking is the same. No idea what you are doing wrong but its 1000% you doing something wrong if you cant book right. Booking is perfect.



I think in some ways it is better, but a lot of people have issues with booking angles. But everyone is going to feel different, just because they don't feel the same as you doesn't mean they didn't play it. They clearly did and for whatever reason it just didn't click with them.

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For $35 at this point I'm not buying. Seeing all the baffling changes made, the awful UI, the terrible way a lot of features were implemented the way the AI is both better but not great, products etc. I can go on, but the main problem is it's a chore to book a show. The main reason to play TEW and I can't do it. I could probably overlook a lot if the booking wasn't as bad as it is now. And in a world when indie games come out for less than TEW and have amazing depth and provide a great experience, I can't justify the price right now.


lol you clealy didnt play 2020. The booking is the same. No idea what you are doing wrong but its 1000% you doing something wrong if you cant book right. Booking is perfect.


Maybe just accept he has a different opinion from you? For me, booking DOES feel more of a chore than it did in 2016, partly because it's far fiddlier to move segments around by clicking the tiny arrows and following them up or down the screen rather than, and partly because the 'view profile' button next to the name when picking someone for an angle has gone, making it harder to quickly check someone's stats than in 2016. I'm not finding those to be as big issues as DeathZone is,but I definitely wouldn't describe booking as "perfect" when both are steps back from 2016.


As for the OP - I'm currently not, but desperately hoping the financial challenges for small feds are improved, in which case I happily will. I've put in something like 120 hours so far since the beta came out, finding a fair few of the bugs which Adam has fixed, and making a bunch of suggestions, some of which have been taken on board and which have definitely improved the game.


I think if I was happier playing the big feds I'd be all in - but for me, my favourite games have always been Road To Glories or small feds like ACPW and VWA, and the way that you can suddenly get most of the top indie stars who haven't had national exposure for virtually the same price as the rookies who have just started their careers is both immersion-breaking and leaves me feeling like there's no challenge to the games I want to play most of all. I love lots of things about 2020 - chiefly attributes, on-the-fly booking, being able to set starting variance levels, and the amount of stuff you can do when talking to workers - but 2016 still feels like it's the better game for those particular challenges, and I can't bring myself to spend $35 on something which doesn't seem as good for what I want to do.


Fingers crossed that at some point, the wages get changed to a more realistic spread, where people with some fame want reasonable money while the lowest of the low will still work for a few bucks a night, at which point I'm definitely buying.

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I could easily just wait a couple days and the feeling of wanting to buy it will pass, but I'm about 90% sure I will, very slightly begrudgingly, buy it. There's enough there to feel like a step up from 2016 and I like this year's Cornellverse. I also feel the price tag to hours plays ratio is very good.


However, the hype I had for this game doesn't match what this game is. I guess I have come to the conclusion that these are the games that Adam makes, and these are the games that Adam knows how to make. As an artist myself, it's hard for me to fault someone for their "style" and their own individual skillsets they have built for the past couple decades, but ALSO as an artist the lack of growth is a little puzzling, as well as an apparent lack of any influence from other games in the genre.

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buying on 14th or over the weekend.


game looks great. mechanics very cool-- really excited for the perception system


the interface / arrow keys etc is all annoying but it'll get fixed.


we've had so many amazing games back to back, i'm sure this'll end up being great too

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Honestly, it's going to take a fantastic skin for me I think. I really like this years C-Verse, but I don't think I like the game nearly as much as 2016. Eventually, I will probably cave, either because of my desire to take another crack at a diary or because the game makes a big leap forward. But for now. I'm not a day one purchaser.
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lol you clealy didnt play 2020. The booking is the same. No idea what you are doing wrong but its 1000% you doing something wrong if you cant book right. Booking is perfect.


Yes clearly I'm a moron for having a different opinion. Literally booking the shows isn't fun for me in 2020. In 2016 it was fine, but something about inputting the shows and putting in segments feels like a drag in 20. I don't care about grades, I play mainly for a relaxing time. But 20 makes it feel like a chore. But I guess I'm wrong.

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I figure that anything I put this much attention into before release is a passion, so I'll probably buy it day one. But I want the game to be easy to play and hard to master, so there are some design issues and some issues with the way the product/penalty stuff is presented that really get to me. Like, I think it's well within the realm of possibility even with VB, yada yada, to make 40-50 products that feel unique to play and cool, not unique to play and annoying. There's also the busted economy for PPVs, but I assume that'll get fixed.
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The game is not all I wanted it to be (or built it up to be over the last year), and every TEW2016 screenshot I see makes me wish for that UI but there's enough in it to make me want to play beyond three months so I'll give it a go.


Can understand why people who are comfortable and happy with 2016 would hesitate though. Personally I lost excitement for playing it when the diaries for this game started so I'm fanging to start my fed under any circumstances.

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Will buy as soon as I can and can’t wait to do so. Loving the game this year and blows TEW 2016 out of the water so much that I can’t ever return to it.


now thats what im been talking about. didnt play 16 since this came out.. and believe me, i was playin 16 for 5-6 hours daily.

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I would have already bought it if I could have.


I have maxed out the trial a few times now and just want to crack on unrestricted. I've genuinely already had the most interesting start to a save that I've ever had and am really keen on pushing on with it.


The game is great, thoroughly enjoying it.

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If I don't buy it within the first week or so of it's release, it will be because finances right now can be a bit... unpredictable, given everything everywhere right now. That said, I'm sure I can find something in the budget....


Exactly this. I absolutely want the game, but a few other things have to take priority at the moment. Hopefully won't be too long after release until I can buy it, but until then there's always work on my India mod.

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Here's the thing - I totally understand people who are choosing not to buy the game, have various issues with the UI, changes to the game, or even a variety of other differences or choices that have been brought up.


In some cases, I agree with them, as the original UI really was horrendous even though I'll also point out that the various Mod's had perfectly fine replacements up within a few days, even though I'll also point out that it's perfectly fine that people pointed out issues with the UI. I also agree there do seem to be some underlying changes that have been changed for no reason, completely missed, etc. In most cases, I don't think this is some case of Adam not knowing what he's doing, hating customers, or anything like that - in most cases, I thnk it's cases of things that he didn't think or realize were necessary, and when there are problems, when it's possible.


On the other hand, I do think there are people who are kind of stuck on things, for no good reason. For those, I'll put them under two main categories - 'Real World Mod Folks' and 'Product Settings'


I'll start with the latter group. To be brutally honest, I think the people complaining about the product change thing are largely folks who are a small percentage of the audience, who happen to be very loud, and in some cases, don't even understand the changes. Or sometimes, didn't seem to understand how products work in the first case. Now, obviously, there were some issues with the initial product, some more products that could be added, and so on, and so forth, but in all reality, you can handle 90% of wrestling that has existed with the existing products. Will you be able to perfectly book a RAW from 1997? Maybe, maybe not, but here's a secret - you would've gotten a lot of 'red writing' in real life, looking back at those old RAW shows. For instance, any weirdly long midcard segment involving the worst of Russo.


Now, when I talk about real world modders, I'm not talking about people who have specific issues with the editor. Some people have brought up perfectly reasonable problems, or changes that may or may not be possible. On the other hand, people who complain that they can't book awesome shows right away w/ real world mods, people who think that a conversion will work perfectly, even though a lot of the underlying code has changed, or people who think that any of the conversions have gone swimmingly are whom I talking about, to be more to the point. Even when you look up other simulation games, that are far more straightforward (aka football/soccer/baseball), the conversions have issues., and these are games with much larger teams and budgets. Like I said, are there changes to the editor that could help some real world modders out? Absolutely. At the same time, I don't think the current situation is the diaster that some people are painting it as.


The reality is, even in the kind of not great state that the first day of the trial was in, I would still spend hundreds or thousands of hours playing the game, once a new skin was created. I've already spent dozens of hours, and spent dozens of hours more writing up diaries, creating graphics for Youtube videos, and so on, and so forth. I will never say TEW 2020...or any TEW game is perfect. But, it's also true that for a niche product like wrestling booking simulation, TEW is still worlds ahead. That's not to say that criticism shouldn't be accepted, and positive changes can still be made, but at the same time, there's been a lot of doomposting here for the past 10 days, in my view.


Most of it wasn't doom posting, it was providing feedback to things people thought were problems. The biggest problem was everyone trying to shoot all the problems down as if they didn't exist, and I figure that's because they wanted the game to come out sooner rather than later.


I've said it before, but I truly believe the pandemic is speaking louder than anything else. Unfortunately, people picked on the mod makers more than anyone, and I don't even think they realized it. I'm just hoping they stick to doing what they do so I can have some mods.


I'm buying it to support the 'cause although I have real issues with it as many others do. Right now, it has took me out of the game because "popularity" but I will give it a few games and see if it comes along well enough to keep on. IF not, I will go back to playing 2016, no problem. I don't see how a game gets physically bigger, but somehow feels smaller, just weird.


I still haven't been able to get the hang of Mass Edit in 2020. I'm doing something wrong, or it's broken, because only being able to select all of a select search is a pain.

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I am buying for sure. I haven’t looked at another game since this demo came out. Games do have teething issues when they are first released, even for example football manager, they can not get their match engine working. Tew 2020 has had its teething issues but I feel a lot less so than any other game and judging by the commitment that went into tew 2016, Im sure Adam and his team will work as hard as they can to bring a stable working game. They ain’t just gonna abandon it like ya football managers and FIFA’s and wwe2kwhatever do and start working on next years game. I am pretty sure even if some things feel ‘off’ and not perfectly ‘balanced’ you can still get solid enjoyable gameplay out of 2020.
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I still haven't been able to get the hang of Mass Edit in 2020. I'm doing something wrong, or it's broken, because only being able to select all of a select search is a pain.


At the risk of stating the obvious, you know you can right click after searching to select multiple things to mass edit, right?

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That's not to say that criticism shouldn't be accepted, and positive changes can still be made, but at the same time, there's been a lot of doomposting here for the past 10 days, in my view.


Most of it wasn't doom posting, it was providing feedback to things people thought were problems.


It's really interesting seeing people's different opinions on here. I think I agree more with DJ, but it's hard to know exactly what Jesse means by 'doomposting'.


Jesse, do you think those of us who pointed out that momentum wasn't working the way Adam was intending were 'doomposting'? Or those of us who spotted that it was virtually impossible to gain popularity in a fed less popular than you, meaning many main eventers could never gain pop? Because I'm guessing that Adam thought they were real problems given how quickly he patched fixes in, but it does feel like some people - not necessarily you - would have rather nobody pointed any issues out, for whatever reason.

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