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AEW Dynamite Preview

Baltimore, MD

Wednesday Week 1, December 2020


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We are fresh off Full Gear! A remarkable show from top to bottom that will go down in the history books as one of the best pay-per-views of all time. A new AEW World Champion was crowned, an industry-changing debut was had, and a lifetime of moments were made.


Dynamite this week is filled with some incredible matches that will certainly shape up the next AEW special event, the AEW Anniversary Edition of Dynamite!


Here is a rundown of the card:


Adam Cole is #AllElite!

An absolute steal for AEW! One of the best talents in the entire world has been signed! He made an immediate impact at Full Gear by laying out Cody after his won against PAC! Cole is a longtime friend of The Elite, but he started his AEW career by targeting one of its members. How will The Elite feel about such an attack? How does Cody feel? Will The Young Bucks accept him as a friend, or will his act be seen as betrayal?


Jon Moxley & Darby Allin vs. MJF & Ricky Starks

The main event of Dynamite will see the former AEW World Champion team with the former TNT Champion. Both Jon Moxley and Darby Allin lost their respective titles at Full Gear. They will face the new TNT Champion MJF and his Dynasty factionmate Ricky Starks!


And NEW AEW World Champion!

Kenny Omega has cleaned up AEW! He has won the gold! Tony Khan has informed us that Kenny will be on Dynamite this week to talk about his win and what is next for himself and the rest of Bulletproof!


The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho/Sammy Guevara/Jake Hager) vs. #StrongHearts

After Chris Jericho teamed with Santana & Ortiz at Full Gear in a loss to Best Friends, he vented frustrations in the press conference. On Dynamite, he will team with the other two members of the group to show Santana and Ortiz how it is done against the lethal trio of #StrongHearts!


The AEW World Tag Team Champions Speak!

Four nights after the biggest dream match in tag team wrestling history was had, FTR asked AEW President Tony Khan for promo time! They retained the gold against the Young Bucks in what has been considered an all-timer. It is very rare for a tag team match to main event a pay per view in the USA, but AEW did it! What will the champs have to say?


Shawn Spears vs. Eddie Kingston

What’s next for Eddie Kingston? His partner retired after the PPV on Saturday, leaving him without a partner and without a direction. Eddie will look to kick off a singles career on Dynamite as he takes on Shawn Spears in what will certainly be a barnburner!


Riho & Starlight Kid vs. Tenille Dashwood & Bea Priestley

Four of AEW’s brightest women will clash in tag team action! Riho is teaming with her mate from STARDOM in Starlight Kid, and Tenille Dashwood will team with the UK’s toughest woman in Bea Priestley!


Kip Sabian vs. Adam Page

Hangman defeated Brian Cage in a classic at Full Gear, but still seems distraught. Even after his victories in singles action, he still clearly misses his tag team partner. Seeing that tag team partner on top of AEW without him surely twists the knife. His opponent this week is Kip Sabian, an opponent that will either succumb to a very frustrated Hangman or take advantage of a unfocused Hangman.


Brian Cage vs. Christopher Daniels

After his loss to Hangman at Full Gear, Brian Cage is angry! A high profile loss is never a good thing, so expect him to take out some anger this week! But don’t underestimate Chris Daniels, an absolute legend who is still kickin’ at 50+.




Lance Archer in action!

We hear from Wardlow!


And more!



Quick Predictions!

Jon Moxley & Darby Allin vs. MJF & Ricky Starks

The Inner Circle (Jericho/Sammy/Hager) vs. #StrongHearts

Shawn Spears vs. Eddie Kingston

Riho & Starlight Kid vs. Tenille Dashwood & Bea Priestley

Kip Sabian vs. Adam Page

Brian Cage vs. Christopher Daniels

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Jon Moxley & Darby Allin vs. MJF & Ricky Starks (Wanted to go with the heels here but the faces are too over)

The Inner Circle (Jericho/Sammy/Hager) vs. #StrongHearts

Shawn Spears vs. Eddie Kingston

Riho & Starlight Kid vs. Tenille Dashwood & Bea Priestley

Kip Sabian vs. Adam Page

Brian Cage vs. Christopher Daniels

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Good show mate! Man Adam Cole is something, didn't see that coming but i love it. I mean it's not even that "unrealistic" (if we can use a word like unrealistic playing a simulator and writing fictitious diaries) Cody is the perfect first opponent for a heelish Adam Cole in my opinion.


I like Darby but i see MJF as a "better" champion. Not because he's a heel, which is most of the time easier to book, but he's so charismatic that i could see decent stories coming forward. You really are into Statlander, right? :D Man i absolutely was 100% sure that Dashwood would grab the gold. I don't get that Statlander hype to be honest, but she's got a huge amount of momentum here in your diary. Kenny as a world champion was a no brainer, i said it to you in Discord, you did a great built up so it wasn't a surprise to me tho. You did a mistake with those facepics in the Good Bro's vs. Thug match mate.


Jon Moxley & Darby Allin vs. MJF & Ricky Starks

The Inner Circle (Jericho/Sammy/Hager) vs. #StrongHearts

Shawn Spears vs. Eddie Kingston

Riho & Starlight Kid vs. Tenille Dashwood & Bea Priestley

Kip Sabian vs. Adam Page

Brian Cage vs. Christopher Daniels

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Jon Moxley & Darby Allin vs. MJF & Ricky Starks - Going for heels as everyone has gone faces.

The Inner Circle (Jericho/Sammy/Hager) vs. #StrongHearts

Shawn Spears vs. Eddie Kingston

Riho & Starlight Kid vs. Tenille Dashwood & Bea Priestley

Kip Sabian vs. Adam Page

Brian Cage vs. Christopher Daniels

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AEW President Tony Khan Announces Ortiz Has Torn ACL

By Jim Valley | @jimvalley | Tuesday Week 1, December 2020 6:30 PM



After a wild night of pro wrestling this past Saturday at the Full Gear PPV, Tony Khan had announced that Ortiz was being treated for some sort of knee injury. That knee injury has been diagnosed as a torn ACL, putting Ortiz out of action for the foreseeable future. There is no clear moment the injury occurred, as Ortiz said on Twitter that he had no feeling of pain until after the match. His adrenaline was pumping and there was no noticeable limp or anything.


AEW has hinted at big plans for Santana & Ortiz in the near future, so this untimely injury will cause some major plans to change. The early prognosis for a return is by May or June of 2021. This lines up with Double or Nothing on the last Saturday of May. With Tony Khan and the AEW EVPs being high on Santana & Ortiz as a tag team, that may very well translate to a singles run for Santana, who is simply too talented and too over to take off TV until his partner returns.



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OOC: Well that sucks. Ortiz has an ACL tear that puts him out of action, including angles, for awhile. I have/had huge plans for Santana & Ortiz. It's the first injury that has effected by booking thus far so I can't complain too much, but it is still at the worst time imaginable, as you all will see come Dynamite!
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AEW Dynamite

Baltimore, MD

Wednesday Week 1, December 2020

Attendance: 5,725


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AEW Dark Results:

1. Chris Hero def. Luther (39)

2. The Gunn Club def. Reynolds & Silver (38)

3. Calvin Tankman def. CIMA (29)

4. Hikaru Shida def. Chelsea Diamond (38)

5. Chris Hero def. Aaron Solow (38)


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Dynamite starts off HOT! After a quick pyro display, the announce team runs down the stacked card for the night. It wasn’t very long before the music of the Young Bucks hit the PA system and the brothers came to the ring.


They started their promo by admitting that Saturday wasn’t their night. FTR beat them fair and square. However, the dream match lived up to the hype! They asked Baltimore who wants to see the match one more time, to which the crowd responded with loud applause.


Matt said that their match with FTR isn’t why they are out here. At Full Gear, the biggest debut of this millennium happened when Adam Cole showed up! Matt said they are proud of AEW for signing such a huge talent right under the nose of their competitor. They thought it was a long shot, but in the end Cole wanted to be with his best friends once again!


Nick introduced Adam Cole, who came down to the ring to a deafening reaction. “I’ve Got Something For You” by David Rolfe from Ring of Honor returned as his theme.


Adam Cole thanked the Bucks for getting him into All Elite Wrestling, where he BELONGS. He can’t wait to wrestle with the best of the best. Matt and Nick agreed with him, and asked the Baltimore crowd if they wanted to see the Superkliq reunite, to which they again responded accordingly.


Before any more words could be spoken, Cody walked out onto the ramp, no music and no overdone entrance. He was only wearing a Ric Flair shirt and a pair of shorts, no suit this week. He was pissed off.


Cody asked Matt and Nick what they were doing. He said they saw the show Saturday, they know how Cole made his debut: by attacking him after his match. Cody said that he saw all over social media, everyone in AEW excited to see him here.


“For the last three days, all I’ve heard is Adam Cole this, and Adam Cole that. He came to AEW by attacking me. And all I hear is praise for him. After everything I put into this company, this is the response I get? Thrown to the side when the new toy comes into town? Matt, Nick, you are my best friends. How can you stand side by side with the guy who put his knee into the back of my head?”


Before the crew in the ring could muster a response, Cody made his intention clear.


“How can I be part of a group that lets one of their own get beaten down, while they smile and cheer?”


He dropped the microphone at the top of the ramp and walked to the back. In the ring, the Bucks and Cole looked saddened by the ordeal. (75)


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Adam Page made his entrance for opening contest. He received huge applause from the Mid-Atlantic crowd.


Kip Sabian made his entrance next, but was attacked by Brian Pillman Jr! Pillman clotheslined Kip in the back of the head and began to beat him down. He grabbed Kip and threw him off the stage and grabbed a microphone from the announce desk. He said he came to AEW to make a name for himself, not to waste away in random do-nothing matches. If AEW wouldn’t give him a chance, he would take one himself. He challenged Hangman to a match right then and there, since it looks like Kip ain’t making it. Hangman agreed and a match was made!


1. Adam Page def. Brian Pillman Jr. – It was all for naught as Hangman proved to be too much for young Pillman Jr. Although he had a strong showing, Pillman is not at the level of the Hangman quite yet. (60)


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The AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR were backstage for a promo, They mentioned their match with the Young Bucks tore the house down at Full Gear, but now it’s time to move on. Their mission to prove that their style of tag team wrestling is superior has been accomplished. The Motor City Machine Guns, the Lucha Brothers, Bandido & Flamita, and the Young Bucks all fell victim to them. Cash Wheeler said that that’s four teams right there, as they both threw up a four. (57)


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2. Eddie Kingston def. Shawn Spears – Kingston’s singles career in AEW starts off right with a win over Shawn Spears. The match was 50-50 throughout, but the end of the match leaned heavily in Eddie’s favor as King put away Spears with a BLKOUT Lariat.


Post-match, Tully Blanchard was screaming at Spears. He could be heard yelling that time and time again, Spears fails when the spotlight is on him. At the top of the ramp, Spears was pleading his case before Tully pushed him away and walked to the back without him. (55)


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AEW Women’s World Champion Kris Statlander received a short video package of her AEW career. The package ended with her win over Tenille Dashwood at Full Gear on Saturday. A quick voiceover at the end by Kris stated that she will continue to represent the AEW Women’s Division and bring it to new heights! (34)


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3. Brian Cage def. Christopher Daniels – Despite the obvious size difference, the match was much more even than one would think. It went fifteen minutes with Daniels refusing to fall to the Machine. However in the end he did fall, as Cage put him away with a Tazmission. (63)


But he wouldn’t let go of the hold! Brian Cage kept the Tazmission locked in as even Taz at ringside began to tell Cage to let go. Out from the back came Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian for the save! Cage let go of Daniels and stood his ground against SCU but the two of them were able to get Cage out of the ring and to the back as they helped Daniels to his feet. (52)


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4. Tenille Dashwood & Bea Priestley def. Riho & Starlight Kid – The four women showed why they are on primetime television as they all had solid performances. In the end, Tenille hit Starlight Kid with a Roaring Elbow for a three count in just over seven and a half minutes! This was Starlight Kid’s final AEW appearance as well. (42)


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Back from commercial, the cameras are following Cody in the back. Cody walked towards the men’s locker room and opened the door, where Brian Pillman Jr. could be seen sitting with his head in his hands. Cody turned back and pushed the cameras away and closed the door in their faces. (72)


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5. Lance Archer def. Brian Cutler – Everybody dies. (55)


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We received a promo sent in by Wardlow. The big man said that at Full Gear, he proved that he is the dominant big man. He took down his replacement in Hammerstone. He said he wanted to speak directly to MJF. He may have beaten him once but MJF, that will not happen again. Be ready, because Wardlow is coming. (42)


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6. The Inner Circle (Jericho/Sammy/Hager) def. #StrongHearts – The outcome was never in question, but #SH showed they had strong hearts by being resilient and not falling for a whole ten minutes. Sammy pinned El Lindaman with a 630 Senton. (62)


Post match, Jericho grabbed a microphone and asked his Inner Circle compadres to come into the ring to join him. Ortiz was not here of course, since he is nursing a torn ACL from the match on Saturday.


Jericho said that tonight showed that the Inner Circle still has it. Himself, Sammy and Jake put away three strong opponents. He turned to Santana, and asked him why that didn’t happen against the Best Friends at Full Gear. Why did those two losers and their orange friend defeat Le Champion and his amigos? Santana looked confused and was saying something to Jericho as Jericho said there are no excuses for what happened.


He spoke softly, “I’m sorry Santana, but you are no longer in my Inner Circle.”


Sammy and Hager attacked Santana! They stomped and punched his flattened body! Hager hoisted him up and hit an Alabama Slam!


“And tell your little buddy Ortiz that he’s out too!”


But then from the back came...































Eddie Kingston!



King flew to the ring with a chair and took out Sammy! Hager went for a clothesline but King ducked and hit him with the chair as well! Jericho smartly dipped out before he could become another victim. The three remaining members of the Inner Circle stood at the top of the ramp as Eddie helped Santana to his feet. (61)


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We received another promo from the back, this time from the new AEW World Champion, Kenny Omega!


Kenny started by saying that he’s been saying it since All Out: he is back. The Kenny Omega we all know and love has returned to reignite the flame, to save pro wrestling. At Full Gear, he conquered the unconquerable in Jon Moxley. One full year after Mox beat him in some stupid gimmick match, he beat him in a professional wrestling match. He told AEW to count their blessings, because this belt ain’t ever leaving his shoulder.


BANG. (87)


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7. Jon Moxley & Darby Allin def. MJF & Ricky Starks – Four days after Mox and Darby lost their respective titles, they gained some momentum back by defeating two members of the Dynasty, a faction led by a man both of them have had problems with before. MJF, the new TNT Champion, tried to play it smart by always removing himself from the match whenever he sensed any danger. This of course, led to poor Ricky Starks getting his ass beat. The finish came when Moxley gave MJF a hard powerbomb onto the apron, allowing Darby to take advantage of this and nail Ricky Starks with a Coffin Drop for the victory. (71)


Dynamite ended with Jon Moxley and Darby Allin standing tall, but without the belts they held just last week.


Show Rating: 67

Viewers: 1,050,508




Quick Results

1. Adam Page def. Brian Pillman Jr.

2. Eddie Kingston def. Shawn Spears

3. Brian Cage def. Christopher Daniels

4. Tenille Dashwood/Bea Priestley def. Riho/Starlight Kid

5. Lance Archer def. Brandon Cutler

6. The Inner Circle (Jericho/Sammy/Hager) def. #StrongHearts

7. Jon Moxley/Darby Allin def. MJF/Ricky Starks

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Jaysin: 6/6

Ry guy 64: 6/6

HollywoodGamer: 6/6

Editor6: 6/6

Kanegan: 6/6

Rktaker: 6/6

CGN91: 6/6

Dukka: 5/6

GimmeThemDecks: 5/6

Awesome awesome awesome job.


I wanted to get this up before Full Gear tonight. It's going to be a great show, way better than my version :D

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In real life I keep waiting for Santana & Ortiz to turn face because they're one of the best babyface teams out there. Kingston making the save is awesome and a nice callback to the LAX/OGz angle from Impact.


I'm not sold on Omega as champ, but definitely interested to see where it goes.

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AEW Dynamite Preview

Austin, TX

Wednesday Week 2, December 2020


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Fresh off the heels of Adam Cole’s Dynamite debut, AEW is back with another slam dunk show!


AEW TNT Championship: MJF © vs. Eddie Kingston

The Mad King gets his first shot at the TNT title! Eddie Kingston and his partner, the freshly-retired Homicide, won a tag team tables match against the Good Brothers at Full Gear, and then four days later Kingston saved long-time friend Santana from a beatdown by the Inner Circle after the latter was forcefully removed. MJF is rebounding from a loss in tag team action alongside Dynasty partner Ricky Starks in the main event last week. However, in singles action MJF is on a tear, with his only loss in his AEW career being to Jon Moxley in the main event of All Out!


Ricky Starks vs. Darby Allin

For the first time ever, these two young exciting talents will meet in one on one action! Last week, Darby pinned Ricky in the main event in tag team action. Will his momentum continue, or will Ricky even up the score here?

Hikaru Shida vs. Britt Baker

The former AEW Women’s World Champion will take on Dr. Britt Baker! This match has heavy contendership stakes, with the winner almost certainly being in line for a chance at Kris Statlander’s title!


The Elite (Hangman Page & The Young Bucks vs. The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson & Colt Cabana)

Hangman will team with his trusted allies in the Bucks to take on the faction that has constantly been a thorn in their sides, the Dark Order! The Exalted One Mr. Brodie Lee was victorious over Billy at Full Gear, and now is back to leading his group to success in trios action. Will his handpicked deputies be able to take down the Elite?

Jon Moxley vs. Richard Holliday

Jon Moxley seems lost without the strap. Although he won last week teaming with Darby Allin, he was clearly angry about the loss to Kenny Omega the previous Saturday. After defeating two members of the Dynasty last week, he will take on another member of the group in Richard Holliday!

Angelico vs. Scorpio Sky

Two of AEW’s hidden gems will square off in a match to get one of them on the right track! Scorpio Sky has been pegged as a potential breakout star for AEW, but can never seem to actually break through the glass ceiling. Angelico is one of the most underrated talents in the world, and will look to grab the attention of the AEW faithful here!




AEW World Champion Kenny Omega will be there!

Cody will make an appearance!

The Inner Circle have something to say!


Quick Predictions!

AEW TNT: MJF © vs. Eddie Kingston

Ricky Starks vs. Darby Allin

Hikaru Shida vs. Britt Baker

The Elite vs. The Dark Order

Jon Moxley vs. Richard Holliday

Angelico vs. Scorpio Sky

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I'm baaaaaaaack! :D


Just getting back into the groove of things, so don't expect super in-depth reports for the next couple shows as I move along to remember what the plans are and get the creative juices flowing again. Around the same time I took a break with this, I started a personal AEW save that I went over a year deep in. That was a lot of fun but it's hard trying to remember what happened in this save and that save!


In addition to this coming back, I also have an announcement to make regarding the AEW schedule coming soon. So consider this an announcement for an announcement!

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