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Winners Get Advantage in The Match Beyond: Cody & Dustin Rhodes vs. Le Sex Gods

AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR © vs. MexiBloods (Bandido & Flamita)

AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

Nyla Rose vs. Riho

Britt Baker DMD vs. Thunder Rosa

The Hybrid 2 vs. Strong Style Thugs (Eddie Kingston & Homicide)

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All caught up. Good work man. A few new faces to enjoy.



Winners Get Advantage in The Match Beyond: Cody & Dustin Rhodes vs. Le Sex Gods

I love Dustin but it makes sense for the heels to go in with the advantage.


AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR © vs. MexiBloods (Bandido & Flamita)

I'm not too familiar with either of these guys. I'll go with the Arn and Tully rip-off/homage.


AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

YES!! I love Tajiri. There's no way he's winning and you're building a great thing with Darby but this is a match I would love to see. I bet you he can still go!


Nyla Rose vs. Riho

Nyla will kill Riho.


Britt Baker DMD vs. Thunder Rosa


The Hybrid 2 vs. Strong Style Thugs (Eddie Kingston & Homicide)

I quite like Eddie Kingston.

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Winners Get Advantage in The Match Beyond: Cody & Dustin Rhodes vs. Le Sex Gods

AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR © vs. MexiBloods (Bandido & Flamita)

AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

Nyla Rose vs. Riho

Britt Baker DMD vs. Thunder Rosa

The Hybrid 2 vs. Strong Style Thugs (Eddie Kingston & Homicide)

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AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

YES!! I love Tajiri. There's no way he's winning and you're building a great thing with Darby but this is a match I would love to see. I bet you he can still go!

Tajiri could work for any American wrestling company today and STILL be over!

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AEW Dynamite

Dallas, TX

Wednesday Week 4, October 2020

Attendance: 5,414


<div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";">

AEW Dark Results:

1. Dark Order (Austin Gunn/Mr. Brodie Lee/Colt Cabana) def. #StrongHearts (49)

2. Chris Hero def. Luther (40)

3. Brian Cage def. Timothy Burkman (23)

4. Brandi Rhodes def. Emi Sakura (35)

5. Matt Hardy def. Kip Sabian (54)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

The announce team runs down the card for Dynamite! Another stacked show heading into the big Dynamite next week, now officially known as AEW Dynamite: The Match Beyond! Two title matches, a Winner Gets The Advantage main event, and we hear from quite a few members of the roster!


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

1. AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © def. Yoshihiro Tajiri – A hard-hitting opener! Tajiri came back to America for a title match against Darby Allin but unfortunately came up short. The highlight of the match came when Tajiri was down on the apron and Darby went for a Coffin Drop but MISSED and landed HARD on the apron! He would recover and minutes later landed the finisher and got the pinfall win. He shook the hand of the Japanese Buzzsaw, who also received a standing ovation from a much-appreciative Dallas crowd! (65)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

Kenny Omega was sitting in the stands of the arena before the show. He was relaxed, leaning back with both arms sprawled out.


“For the first year that Dynamite was on TV, I heard the same thing: ‘Where’s the old Kenny? Where’s the guy who took Okada to a 60-minute draw? Where’s the guy who BEAT Okada in a seven-star match?’”


Kenny leaned forward and sneered. “You’re lookin’ at him. He never left. He was just bogged down. Held back by a wannabe cowboy and wannabe Hardy Boys. That’s a far cry from leading the Bullet Club. It’s a far cry from winning the G1 in my first try. Far from being IWGP Heavyweight Champion.”


Kenny put his head down and snickered. “If I didn’t become tag team champs with Hangman, I would be AEW World Champion right now. But no, I made the foolish choice to stick by his side. They call him an ‘anxious millennial cowboy?’ I call him a drunk. I turned my back on him because I am better than that. I am the Best Bout Machine; I am the Cleaner. I brought back that Kenny Omega because that Kenny Omega is the best goddamn wrestler this planet has ever seen! I brought in Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows because they push me to be that man. At Full Gear, I will beat the *bleep* out of Jon Moxley, and I will become AEW World Champion.”


Kenny leaned forward again and looked directly into the camera lens. “Like I should be.” (72)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

The announcers told us that it’s official! At Dynamite: The Match Beyond next week, we will see MJF take on Wardlow, with the Dynasty being banned from ringside!


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

2. Thunder Rosa def. Britt Baker D.M.D. – The dentist falls! Thunder Rosa with the upset win! The match was fast-paced from the get go, with both women having long stretches of offense. Thunder Rosa won the match after she gave Britt a superkick to the jaw, followed by a Reverse DDT for the CLEAN pin! (39)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

We got a short sit-down interview with Cody & Dustin Rhodes, with Tony Schiavone being the interviewer. Tony mentioned that he was the announcer for the first ever WarGames match at the Great American Bash in 1987. He said that for those unaware, Cody and Dustin’s father, the late American Dream Dusty Rhodes, invented the match.


Cody piped in to say that it’s an honor to compete in a match his father created. His father was an innovator, and one of the best to ever lace up a pair of boots. Cody said that The Match Beyond is designed to end feuds between two groups who can’t seem to get away from each other. It’s a perfect bow on the Elite vs. the Inner Circle.


Dustin cut Cody off to say that while it may be a perfect bow, the match is no treat. He said that he is the only one out of the ten competitors in the match to have done it before. He was a part of Sting’s Squadron at WrestleWar in 1992. He also was in two more matches, one of which he teamed with Dusty. In fact, he’s 3-0.


But Dustin made sure to point out that The Match Beyond is dangerous. Blood and guts will be spilled. Careers will be shortened. It’s a risk stepping into those cages. Dustin looked at Cody, and said that he doesn’t want to see his brother get hurt next week. Cody said that they all know what they are getting themselves into. It’s dangerous, but professional wrestling is a dangerous sport. And after the bell rings, the Elite will stand tall. Together. (73)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

3. Nyla Rose def. Riho – In the battle between two former champions, the Native Beast stands tall! A hard fought contest that lasted eleven and a half minutes before Nyla caused Riho to submit with a Camel Clutch! (54)


Nyla Rose grabbed a microphone and simply said, “Kris Statlander, I’m coming for you bitch!”


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

Backstage, Alex Marvez with with Matt Hardy, who seemed to not be too broken this week. Marvez asked him what he plans to do to combat the newly-formed Snake Pit, led by Jake Roberts. Hardy answered that maybe Jake enlisted the help of Davey Boy Smith, Jr. and Butcher & Blade because he’s afraid that his so-called “Murderhawk” won’t be able to stop him! Hardy said that he is here in AEW to help talented guys like Private Party and he will continue to do so. But first, he will dispose of Lance Archer! (62)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

4. AEW World Tag Team Championship: FTR © def. MexiBlood (Bandido & Flamita) – FTR’s mission continues! Despite the luchadores’ best efforts, they fell victim to the old-school style that FTR employs. They had them beat at one points but Harwood broke up the pin attempt. MexiBlood performed well enough that you may see them back in AEW at some point, which Excalibur was happy to announce to us. (66)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

Trish was with Chris Jericho once again. She asked Jericho his thoughts on his upcoming match with the Rhodes Brothers and his thoughts on the big match next week. Jericho responded by saying that the Inner Circle is stronger than ever! One bad misstep last week because of that “drunken dipshit” Adam Page, but the Inner Circle overcomes! Jericho mentioned that he and Sammy Guevara are Le Sex Gods, and tonight they prove that!


He realized what he said as soon as it came out of his mouth, and so he simply said “I meant we will win!” before walking away! (72)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

5. PAC def. Marko Stunt - Two minutes and five seconds. The Lucha Brothers kept Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy away as PAC absolutely murdered poor Marko. (69?!??!?)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

The Elite, this time without Arn Anderson and Dustin Rhodes, were backstage in a conference room area. Cody and the Bucks were sitting down thinking about something when Hangman walked in while finishing his beer. He sat down at next to Cody.


“I’m sorry guys,” he said. “The Kenny thing really messed with my head. I shoulda called one of y’all to let you know I wouldn’t be around.”


Matt took a deep breath and said “Adam, we get it. Kenny was our friend, too. He really screwed us over, you more than anyone. You guys were the best team in AEW. Better than FTR, better than us. It sucks man, we get it. But enough of that, let’s move on. The Match Beyond is seven days away. Can we trust you to be there?”


Hangman immediately responded “Yes. After what you guys did for me, I have to be. You stuck by me when no one else did. You chose me over Kenny. That means a lot.”


Cody stood up. “Alright boys, I’m happy to hear that. I gotta go get ready for the match tonight.”


He started walking away but stopped and turned to Hangman. “Adam, thank you.” (76)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

6. Strong Style Thugs def. The Hybrid 2 – Jack Evans and Angelico did surprisingly well here, and even had the heat on Homicide for awhile. But that ended as soon as Eddie Kingston got into the fold. The New Yorker tore apart his smaller foes and eventually got the pin after a hard powerbomb to Angelico! (64)


sorry MHero


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

Before the main event, we had one more promo. The Snake Pit, led by the Snake himself, were in a locker room area. Jake told us that he wanted the toughest sons of bitches around to join him. It wasn’t about being afraid of some has-been named Matt Hardy; it’s about leading a group in his vision: one that believes in violence and isn’t afraid to brutalize those who stand in the way. It just so happens that Matt Hardy is the first victim on their hitlist. (59)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

7. ‘The Match Beyond’ Advantage Match: Le Sex Gods def. Cody & Dustin Rhodes – The Inner Circle has the man advantage in The Match Beyond! This EXCELLENT match touted the skills of all four men, and was filled with drama and excitement. The crowd was HOT for the Rhodes boys, and booed whenever Jericho or Sammy had the momentum. They especially hated Sammy, who really played into the douchebag gimmick. Even in his home state he is an excellent heel! In the finish, Sammy hit a moonsault to a standing Cody on the outside, while in the inside of the ring Jericho hit Dustin Rhodes with a Judas Effect for the victory. (76)


After the pin, Jericho put Dustin into the Liontamer! Cody got to his feet and went to break it up, but was met with a pounce by Jake Hager! The Young Bucks came running down and took down Hager and broke up the hold, but Santana & Ortiz were close behind and tackled the Bucks. This caused Hangman to come sprinting down to save his friends again! But before he could get to the ring, Sammy jumped out from his hidden spot along the rail and hit Hangman across the face with a chairshot! He smacked him with the chair over and over before getting into the ring with the rest of the Inner Circle! Jericho kicked the Bucks and pushed them out of the ring, same with Dustin! Hager then hit a powerslam on Cody as the Inner Circle stood tall on the last Dynamite before The Match Beyond! (68)



Show Rating: 71

Viewers: 1,001,056




Quick Results

1. AEW TNT: Darby Allin © def. Tajiri (3rd defense)

2. Thunder Rosa def. Britt Baker D.M.D.

3. Nyla Rose def. Riho

4. AEW World Tag Team: FTR © def. MexiBloods (3rd defense)

5. PAC def. Marko Stunt

6. Strong Style Thugs def. The Hybrid 2

7. Advantage Match: Le Sex Gods def. Cody & Dustin Rhodes

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ReggieLove: 6/6


Kanegan: 6/6

CGN91: 6/6

Powerbrock100: 6/6

Ry guy 64: 6/6

Mattu29: 6/6

Joshbrady91: 6/6

Liamperrons: 5/6

Bigelow Cartwheel: 5/6

Dukka: 5/6

Gorilla Monsoon: 3/6


Probably the best set of predictions yet lol. Awesome job, a lot of you can see where the stories are going which is a good thing! The next show is obviously Dynamite: The Match Beyond which should be a barnburner.


Thank you all again and see you next time in the TWO RINGS!

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AEW Dynamite: The Match Beyond Preview

Manhattan, NY

Wednesday Week 1, November 2020


<div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:65%; ";">iHpF2fO.jpg?2


The Elite vs. The Inner Circle

It’s time! The final chapter will be written! The rivalry between these two groups dates back to the very first episode of AEW Dynamite over a year ago, on October 2nd 2019. It was then that Chris Jericho enlisted the help of his four closest compadres to aid him against the Elite in the build up to his AEW World Championship match with Cody at Full Gear 2019. While the groups also had run-ins with various other competitors in the company, they seemed to always find themselves fighting each other once again.


Fyter Fest 2020 saw Cody retain the TNT Championship against Jake Hager, but it was shortly after that that the rivalry truly sparked a flame again. In late July on Dynamite, Jericho cost Cody the TNT title against PAC when he smacked the champ in the head with Floyd the baseball bat. This led to Cody taking on and defeating Chris Jericho at All Out to even their singles record at 1-1. The Young Bucks also defeated Santana & Ortiz at the event as well.


On the Dynamite after All Out, Kenny Omega betrayed his Elite brethren to form Bulletproof with the debuting Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson. The fractures in the Elite coincided with the announcement of this match, The Match Beyond! Without a fifth man to take on their fiercest rival, Cody’s coach Arn Anderson called on Cody’s brother Dustin Rhodes! Dustin is the only man in the match to have previously competed in this match concept, dating back twenty years ago when he was a member of a team led by the one and only Sting.


All Elite Wrestling is proud to bring The Match Beyond to the company. After the original announcement nine months ago was put on hold due to COVID-19, it is FINALLY time to wage war in the two cages!


AEW Women’s World Championship: Kris Statlander © vs. Nyla Rose

The Match Beyond isn’t the only contest taking place this week! Champion Kris Statlander will defend her gold against the Native Beast Nyla Rose! Nyla’s momentum has grown exponentially in the past month, so much so that she has been awarded this title match. Being a former champion herself, she knows what it’s like to have the belt around her waist. Both women will look to stand tall with the AEW Women’s World Championship in her possession!


MJF vs. Wardlow

A deep, personal hatred between these two men will come to a head this week! After MJF blamed Wardlow for his loss to Jon Moxley at All Out, MJF fired his bodyguard, left him lying in the ring and brought the Dynasty to AEW! Wardlow has already faced and defeated Richard Holliday and Ricky Starks, so he has plenty of momentum going into this match. Oh, and there’s a pretty big caveat to the match: The Dynasty is banned from ringside!


TNT Championship #1 Contendership Match: Jungle Boy vs. Chris Hero

Both men received a shot at the TNT title when it was held by PAC, but both fell to the Bastard. Now they each look for a second chance, as they face off on this special episode of Dynamite with the winner receiving a title match next week against TNT Championship Darby Allin!


Evil Uno vs. Billy

Billy’s mission to save his “brainwashed” son from the Dark Order continues! After disposing of Stu Grayson last week, Billy takes on the other founding member of the group in Evil Uno! Austin Gunn has no interest in leaving the Dark Order, and has even denounced his father in favor of following the Exalted One, Mr. Brodie Lee. Will Billy finally be able to convince his son that he has been led into a cult?


Private Party vs. Killer Elite Squad

Lance Archer and Jake Roberts’ vendetta against Matt Hardy exploded two weeks ago when Roberts introduced his new group, the Snake Pit, comprised of Lance Archer, Davey Boy Smith Jr, the Butcher & the Blade! They laid waste to Matt Hardy and Private Party. Now, the Killer Elite Squad is reunited for their first match in a year and a half, as they take on Matt Hardy’s proteges in Private Party!



AEW World Champion Jon Moxley responds to Kenny Omega's remarks last week!

Brian Pillman Jr. in action!

We hear from wrestling legends about The Match Beyond!


Quick Predictions!

The Match Beyond: The Elite vs. The Inner Circle

AEW Women’s World Championship: Kris Statlander © vs. Nyla Rose

TNT Championship #1 Contendership Match: Jungle Boy vs. Chris Hero

MJF vs. Wardlow

Evil Uno vs. Billy

Private Party vs. Killer Elite Squad

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The Kenny Omega stuff is excellent. I'm really curious how it's going to be at The Match Beyond. I know Elite will face Inner Circle, but i can see some intereference or aftermath by Kenny and his guys. Maybe after an Elite win?


Darby versus an younger Tajiri would be an Instant Classic, i bet! Man imagine 2020 Darby vs. 1998 Tajiri, holy shit lol. Anyway Darby as a champion is really cool, for me Allin is best when he gets beat up to be honest. He's the typical underdog so i'm thinking if Hero wins his match against the Jungle Boy, is Darby's reign already over?


I have to say i'm not confident that Wardlow is the big babyface who i'm going to cheer for. He's got some WWE babyface vibe, where the cooler heel will be cheered :D MJF has more to offer for the future, i think he will beat Wardlow here.. not fair i guess.



The Match Beyond: The Elite vs. The Inner Circle

AEW Women’s World Championship: Kris Statlander © vs. Nyla Rose

TNT Championship #1 Contendership Match: Jungle Boy vs. Chris Hero

MJF vs.Wardlow

Evil Uno vs. Billy

Private Party vs. Killer Elite Squad

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The Match Beyond: The Elite vs. The Inner Circle

AEW Women’s World Championship: Kris Statlander © vs. Nyla Rose

TNT Championship #1 Contendership Match: Jungle Boy vs. Chris Hero

MJF vs. Wardlow

Evil Uno vs. Billy

Private Party vs. Killer Elite Squad


Agree with these picks except that I’m picking Wardlow to beat MJF.

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The Match Beyond: The Elite vs. The Inner Circle

AEW Women’s World Championship: Kris Statlander © vs. Nyla Rose

TNT Championship #1 Contendership Match: Jungle Boy vs. Chris Hero

MJF vs. Wardlow

Evil Uno vs. Billy

Private Party vs. Killer Elite Squad

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The secret is out guys, I am actually a writer for AEW! That's why there were so many similarities between the IRL AEW and GDS AEW :p


Really though, it was interesting to watch and contrast with my version of the company. Since I started this at Fyter Fest in July, eight in-game weeks before All Out, I suspected there to be some cross-over but not as much as there was.


All Out spoilers below:


The FTR vs. Hangman/Kenny match was pretty much the same as mine! Right down to Kenny hitting Hangman with the V-Trigger to cost them the match! The post-match turn didn't happen, but what did happen was the Bucks being unsure what to do or who to side with, which is exactly what I did! AND in the build up, I had Kenny acting crazy, Hangman being buddies with FTR, and Kenny trying to tell Hangman not to trust them!


The main event was also Mox vs. MJF! Not only that, but the finish was quite similar as well, with Wardlow costing MJF the match! And based on MJF's tweets after the show, he is mightily upset with the big guy so a turn may be incoming!


Add that to the Cody/Scorpio Sky stuff about a month ago and the Darby/Cage (and IRL Ricky Starks) stuff!


OH, and don't forget MATT SYDAL debuting, just like in this thread!


It's just cool to see things play out on TV in a similar way!


Also, here's the predictions again:


Quick Predictions!

The Match Beyond: The Elite vs. The Inner Circle

AEW Women’s World Championship: Kris Statlander © vs. Nyla Rose

TNT Championship #1 Contendership Match: Jungle Boy vs. Chris Hero

MJF vs. Wardlow

Evil Uno vs. Billy

Private Party vs. Killer Elite Squad

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:'Microsoft Sans Serif';">Comments</span></span></span></em></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51032" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:System;">Kenny’s confidence is back and I really like it. He has his best work as a Heel. He feels too goofy to be a Main Event babyface when he tries being a babyface. He’s a heel that will get cheered by people who like him that way and that’s okay. Moxley v. Omega I’m really amped for and can’t wait to see of Omega can get the title and be the first non-WWE star to do so.</span></span><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:System;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:System;"> I liked the talk about The Match Beyond, with Cody, Dustin, The Young Bucks, and Hangman. Two small questions I had were why you changed the name from Blood and Guts, and why you used the word War Games? I feel using the different names would just be confusing but that’s a small tidbit. Dustin assuring Cody that this match won’t be just a good bow and it’ll be hell to go through did a good job of amping the severity of the match. It set up that this match will have a major impact on everyone involved. Also you didn’t have to go into too much detail about Dustin’s past performances in it, just saying he was 3-0 and how much of an effect it had on him would’ve been enough. Ending it on them standing together was a good image and now they are at full capacity going into the match.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:System;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:System;"> The whole show was based to me around The Match Beyond next week, felt more like a go-home show than anything else. The ending redeemed last week when the Inner Circle felt weaker with the return of Hangman. They showed they can still hang with the Elite even if they have Hangman, cause the Inner Circle has brains. This put them on an even playing field before the big match and I’m here for it!!</span></span></p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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  • 2 weeks later...



Manhattan, NY

Wednesday Week 1, November 2020

Attendance: 5,560


<div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";">

AEW Dark Results:

1. Angelico def. Griff Garrison (33)

2. Big Swole def. Priscilla Kelly (25)

3. Luchasaurus & Marko Stunt def. Robert Anthony & Jake Lander (44)

4. Brian Pillman Jr. def. Christopher Daniels (44)

5. Lucha Brothers def. Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss (62)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

The Match Beyond is here! Tonight, the Inner Circle will battle the Elite inside TWO RINGS! Under ONE CAGE! BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! Tonight will also play host to an AEW Women’s World Championship match between champion Kris Statlander and challenger Nyla Rose! And Wardlow looks for revenge on his former check writer, MJF!


Due to the nature of the main event, the set up is a bit different this week in Manhattan. There is plenty of space in the middle of the arena to accommodate the two rings that are already assembled. The stage is smaller this week to make room, but is much more luxurious this week with plenty of pyro, huge LED screens and AEW branding everywhere. The company is well aware that tonight is the biggest episode of Dynamite yet!


Tony Schiavone also told us that we will be hearing from those who have been in The Match Beyond before, to tell us what it is like to step between these ropes, into those rings, under that cage.


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

1. Chris Hero def. Jungle Boy – A very solid opening match! Hero’s wrestling knowledge and experience proved too much for young Jack Perry, who fell to a Rolling Elbow in 12:17!


After the match, Hero helped Jungle Boy to his feet and shook his hand to the applause of the New York crowd!


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

Hangman Adam Page is backstage, pacing back and forth as the cameraman tries to keep the focus on him.


“Let me keep this short and simple. If you think I am going to walk into those rings tonight and not come out on top, then you’ve got another thing comin’. I don’t give a damn who stands in my way! It’s time for the Hangman to do what he does best: kick ass and do some COWBOY SHIT!”


The crowd erupted at their favorite catchphrase and chanted accordingly! (73!)


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2. Killer Elite Squad def. Private Party – KES’s reunion match went exactly how they wanted it to. Despite being dominant throughout, there was a few times where Private Party was able to gain momentum through their insane acrobatics, but each time they were brought back down due to their opponents’ crazy strength! Archer nailed a Blackout on Quen and bounced his head off the mat for the three count. (61)


Archer then lifted Kassidy up for the same move, but Matt Hardy appeared in his “Stronger than Death” shirt and pulled Kassidy’s foot to get him down! Hardy then hit a Twist of Fate onto Archer! But he was then hit with a knee by Davey Boy Smith Jr, but Kassidy had his wits together long enough to hit a Superkick! It was at this moment that The Butcher & The Blade sprinted down to the rings, which forced Hardy and Kassidy to grab Quen and dip up the ramp! Hardy had a smile on his face as the Snake Pit stood in the ring fuming!


Before the break, Jake Roberts grabbed a microphone and made it clear that Matt Hardy is NOT “Stronger than Death” but in fact, “EVERYBODY DIES!” and Matt Hardy is next! (45)


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Arn Anderson was the first speaker for the main event. He talked about being in the first ever “WarGames” match as he called it. It truly is a match beyond. His team was himself, Lex Luger, Tully Blanchard, and the Nature Boy Ric Flair. The Horsemen walked into the ring with all the confidence in the world, but they lost. They lost to Cody and Dustin’s father Dusty Rhodes, the American Dream. Dusty, Nikita Koloff and the Road Warriors defeated them after waging war against them. The match was unlike any other. Arn said he still gets goosebumps thinking about those rings and that cage. It changed his career. Arn said he retired at a young age, and this match was definitely a contributor.


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3. Billy def. Evil Uno – Billy’s mission continues! This time he dispatches Evil Uno! The Dark Order was at the top of the ramp the entire match, peering on. The group of onlookers included Austin Gunn, who Billy could barely keep his eyes off of. After five minutes, Billy hit the Fame Asser for the pin.


Billy spoke and asked Austin to come home. But Mr. Brodie did what he has done every week, and put his arm around Austin’s shoulder as the duo went to the back. This week however, the rest of the group did not follow; instead they surrounded the ring! Stu Grayson and Colt Cabana commanded the group of eight creepers, who all hopped onto the apron. Grayson and Cabana stepped into the ring as Billy prepared to fight. He shrugged, and went right at Cabana! His offense ended immediately though as the Dark Order completely demolished him. Cabana grabbed a chair from ringside and smacked him in the gut and the back as the ten of them stood above the fallen body of Billy! (47)


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Tully Blanchard was the next speaker. He spoke much of the same as Arn Anderson, adding that he never was the same either. He barely wrestled in the 90s and that is because of The Match Beyond. It changes you. The steel cage tears your flesh, the area between the rings is dangerous as well. When he heard the match was coming to AEW, he had mixed emotions. A long and storied history, but one that is filled with infamy. He just hopes that the ten men tonight don’t suffer the same results that they did back in the day.


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Eddie Kingston & Homicide were backstage in the locker room. Homicide sat silently as Kingston chuckled to himself before speaking.


“Eighteen years. Eighteen years I bled for this sport I love. Eighteen years it took me to finally get that contract I always wanted. And… shit man, Homicide debuted in ’93 what am I talkin’ about. When this dude to my left had his first match, Biggie hadn’t even released an album yet. Illmatic wasn’t out yet. See what I’m sayin’? We’ve been doing this longer than half of y’all have been alive. And now we’re here in AEW. The future of wrestling right? We know we’re some dinosaurs compared to the dudes here: Santana & Ortiz, Private Party, MJF, Hangman, Jungle Boy. And that’s great man, I’m happy to see the next gen come up. We know time’s tickin’ on our careers. But mark my words brotha, we’re gonna make an impact here. We will make an imprint in this company. My boy Mox called us up and asked us a favor. Mox is a tough son of a bitch, but he ain’t stupid. He knows he can’t match up against three men like Bulletproof. So he put in the good word with Tony Khan, and now we’re here. The thugs from New York are here and we are HUNGRY. AEW better watch out, cuz we don’t feel like sharing.” (57)


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Barry Windham is the next special guest! He said that The Match Beyond is a dangerous place. He teamed with the Horsemen back in 1988 and it changed his career. But although it’s dangerous, it can be a career-changer in a good way. He gained a lot of respect from the boys after going through hell inside that cage. He was in there with legends, bonafide future hall of famers, when he was just a young boy. He came out of that cage a man. It made his career, and he owes his life to The Match Beyond.


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4. AEW Women’s World Championship: Kris Statlander © def. Nyla Rose – Kris’s second defense is in the books! The Native Beast pushed her to the limit, but Kris was able to withstand her much larger opponent for twelve minutes and forty-five seconds before finally hitting the Area 451 for the win!


Her celebration was short-lived however, because after a few moments, she was attacked by...























Tenille Dashwood!



Dashwood picked up the champion and powerbombed her HARD onto the mat! She picked up the AEW Women’s World title and after Kris got to her feet, she NAILED her in the face! Tenille’s intentions are clear: she wants the belt! (44)


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We cut backstage to Chris Jericho standing with Jake Hager. He spoke to the camera and said that he has been looking forward to tonight for a long time. The Match Beyond! The Elite vs. The Inner Circle for the final time baby! Jericho said that he knows it’s the final time, not because Arn Anderson said so, but because the Inner Circle will make it so! They will destroy the Elite bit by bit, inside and out, so badly that the Elite will be no more. Their souls will never leave the two rings tonight. Le Champion will stand tall with his closest compadres and the Inner Circle will stand tall once again! (85)


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5. MJF def. Wardlow – The long-anticipated match was finally here! After MJF turned on Wardlow two months ago, Wardlow had been seething for this opportunity! No Dynasty at ringside to aid MJF either! The match was VERY even throughout, with Wardlow’s strength matching MJF’s psychology. Lots of momentum swings and plenty of action.


The finish came when Wardlow hit a powerslam on MJF and was going for a powerbomb, but MJF poked him in the eye, causing Wardlow to drop him by the apron as referee Bryce Remsburg checked on him in the corner. As this was going on, MJF slid out of the ring and yelled “NOW!” as RICKY STARKS poked his head out from under the ring! He handed MJF the Dynamite Diamond Ring and MJF slid back into the ring! Wardlow stood back up and pushed the ref away to charge at his former boss but he was struck in the head with one hard punch! He collapsed into a heap and MJF went for the cover as the referee turned around, confused. MJF barked at Remsburg until he made the count, 1-2-3!


MJF celebrated in the ring as Ricky Starks poked his head out again with a huge grin, tongue out! (61)


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The announce team sent us a pre-taped sit down interview with Jim Ross and AEW World Champion Jon Moxley.


JR asked the champ his thoughts on the upcoming pay-per-view on the last Saturday of November, Full Gear. Moxley responded that he feels like he’s having déjà vu, because last year at Full Gear, he beat Kenny Omega in the main event. He took Kenny to a place he’s never been before. Thumbtacks, barbed wire, exposed wood, everything. And hell, he put of a hell of a fight too, but all you gotta do is google it and you’ll see that Jon Moxley left the winner. Mox made a small grin and said that one of the few things he remembers from school is one of his teachers saying, “those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.” And Kenny Omega, you’ve forgotten their history. (77)


JR ended the interview by telling the audience that NEXT WEEK on AEW Dynamite, Jon Moxley will team with the two men he brought to AEW, Eddie Kingston & Homicide, to face Bulletproof in a six-man tag team match!


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The Elite vs. The Inner Circle


The Inner Circle made their entrance first. Jericho led his boys out, carrying Floyd the baseball bat. He was dressed in a gorgeous white suit jacket and black pants. They stood at the top of the ramp as pyro went off and the crowd sang Judas louder than ever before. They waltzed down to the far side of the two rings where their door was located.


The Elite came out next, with the Young Bucks coming out first to the Being the Elite theme song. They did their flexing pose as money rained down from above. To their surprise, Cody and Dustin came out right after instead of waiting for their own themes! The Bucks were taken back a bit, but Cody and Dustin hugged them as the BTE song continued to play. Then, Hangman Adam Page entered too! The whole team stood at the top of the ramp TOGETHER as the BTE theme played! They walked down to the near side of the ring where their door was located.


Every referee and plenty of generic security stood in the areas between the barricade and the rings on both sides to keep the groups separated. Jericho was attempting to antagonize them but the security pulled him away as the Elite barked back at him!


Justin Roberts from the announcer’s booth told the audience the rules to the match:

• One member from each team will start in the ring.

• After five minutes, another participant will enter. The Inner Circle won the Advantage Match, so their team will have the first entry.

• Every two minutes, another participant will enter.

• After all ten men are in the ring, THE MATCH BEYOND BEGINS!

• The only way to win is to make the opponent submit or surrender.

Jericho had his team huddled on their side, arms over each other’s shoulders, rocking back and forth with confidence. On the other side of the rings, Arn Anderson is coaching up the Elite, who listen intently.


Justin Roberts announces that the starting competitors must now enter the ring. The Inner Circle has chosen Santana, and the Elite have chosen Matt Jackson. As Matt was about to enter the ring, Hangman grabbed his shoulder! Matt paused and looked at him. He knew what Hangman meant and gave his partner a hug and backed down from the steps. Hangman entered the ring and stared down Santana! The crowd chanted “COWBOY SHIT!” over and over as Hangman began to pace and yelled to the crowd who responded accordingly.


The bell rang one time and the two stared at each other from their respective rings. Santana turned to Jericho for a split second and Hangman LEAPED to the other ring and began to wail on Santana’s back as the crowd went insane! Hard blows over and over again took Santana down to his knees. Hangman then went for an irish whip but Santana smartly just dove through the middle rope to the area between the rings to get away from Hangman. After sliding to the other ring away from Hangman, Santana stood back up and started trading blows with his opponent who had followed him over here. Santana would take the momentum after raking his eyes and kicking him in the groin. After regrouping, Santana would hold the momentum by locking Hangman into a one-legged Boston Crab, although the match could not end just yet. Hangman was able to roll forward, causing Santana to fall backward hard onto the mat. Hangman then nailed a hard kick to Santana’s face as the clock counted down from ten seconds.


Jake Hager was the next competitor, and immediately sprinted in and protected his partner. He hit Hangman with a series of MMA-style punches until Hangman was on his hands and knees, which allowed Hager to kick him right in the stomach. The two of them then hammered away at the Anxious Millenial Cowboy until the two minutes was up, which marked the entry of…


Matt Jackson who helped his friend-turned-enemy-turned-friend-again by entering the cage and ducking a lariat attempt by Hager and then hitting a superkick on Big Hurt. Santana then went for a superkick of his own but Matt dropped backwards Matrix-style and then kipped back up and hit another superkick! The crowd was crazy at this point as Matt helped Hangman back to his feet. All four men would then brawl it out and sway the momentum until…


Ortiz hit the ring! The Inner Circle’s victory in the Advantage Match proved hugely important as they were never outnumbered like the Elite were. Ortiz and Santana hit a Street Sweeper on Matt as Hager pounded away at Hangman in the corner. Eventually Hangman was able to fight back a bit, but was brought back down by his opponents who had the numbers game. Matt got to his feet and leaped off the top rope onto the three members opponents as the timer counted down and entered…


Dustin Rhodes! The only man with experience in this match entered with fury! He took down the Inner Circle one by one, ending with a drop-down punch to Jake Hager! With the numbers even, so was the match. Lots of brawling and double teams from both sides as the crowd ate it all up. The Elite had the momentum as the counter hit zero and the Inner Circle welcomed…


Sammy Guevara to the fold! The group’s wildcard hit the ring with his own sense of fury as the teed off on the Elite one by one. Sammy hasn’t forgotten that his entire AEW career has been full of losses to the group! He hit a running shooting star press onto Hangman as his team held the advantage for the entire two minutes. Next up was…


Cody! The American Nightmare entered the match to a HUGE reaction from the loyal AEW crowd in New York. He brought some offense reminiscent of his father, including a Bionic Elbow on Ortiz who sold the move perfectly! The teams were even again and the Elite maintained control. Cody never received a lick of damage as his team dismantled the Inner Circle. After a rolling suplex by Dustin onto Santana…


Chris Jericho entered! Le Champion wasn’t alone as he brought Floyd in with him! He entered and stood right by the door with the bat up as the Elite stared him down. But it was a distraction as his team arose and attacked the Elite from behind! Jericho laughed maniacally as his planned worked perfectly! He then hit Dustin in the back with Floyd as Santana & Ortiz brought Cody to his feet. Jericho held the bat high and yelled “REMEMBER THIS CODY?” as a callback to when he hit Cody with Floyd back in July to cost him the AEW TNT Championship! But this time, he swung down at Cody’s head but Cody leaped forward and tackled Jericho to avoid the hit! At this point the nine men were brawling once again with the Inner Circle numbers proving to be too much. After the two minutes was up, Nick Jackson entered which meant…



The crowd roared as Justin Roberts made that announcement. Nick’s appearance meant that his freshness helped swing the momentum back into the Elite’s favor! The ten men went at it and after thirty seconds of fury, the teams naturally separated back into their respective rings and had a staredown. The crowd again went insane as the two teams of five were on their feet, waiting for the other to make the first move. Eventually, the Elite backed down and invited the Inner Circle into their ring, an invitation that was accepted. Cody and Jericho both stepped forward and went forehead-to-forehead as the other eight men stood behind their man. Cody struck first with a hard right, to which Jericho responded with a right of his own. They went back and forth with rights and lefts, until Jericho kicked him in the groin! That prompted all the other men to collide as mayhem broke out! One by one the men dropped until it was only the Bucks and Sammy Guevara standing. Matt and Nick took down Sammy and realized what they could do. Nick hopped to the other ring as Matt held Sammy in a tombstone position. Nick looked to the crowd, jumped to a springboard and MELTZER DRIVER TO SAMMY! From across two rings! The celebration was short however, as Jericho jumped up and hit a Judas Effect on Matt, followed by another to Nick! But then Dustin stood up and tossed Jericho face first into the cage! Hager then got up and locked Dustin into a Triangle Choke! Could this be it? Could Dustin give up?


CODY BREAKS IT UP! Cody, bleeding from being sent into the cage at some point, stomps on Hager’s face to save his brother! He stomped away until Santana and Ortiz took him down with a lariat and punches. But the crowd began to cheer wildly as from between the rings…


Hangman flips and hits a double Buckshot Lariat! He took down both men! He stood tall until Sammy appeared from the top rope and hit a hurricanrana onto Hangman! Sammy was groggy but was the only man standing until Cody rose into the camera shot behind Sammy! He let out a roar and jabbed away at Sammy and hit another Bionic Elbow! He whipped Sammy off the ropes into his patented snap powerslam! Then he lifted him up and nailed an INSANE Cross Rhodes! Sammy was almost out as Cody locked in the Figure Four Leglock! Sammy flailed as he screamed in agony! His teammates rose and were about to break up the fall but the Elite took them all down and threw them into the ring other and pounded away at them! Cody and Sammy were alone in the other ring, submission hold locked in! Sammy then screamed more and more and was able to roll it over into his own Figure Four! Cody yelled for a moment, but rolled back to gain control! Sammy was again flailing around and looking for an escape but it was proving to be too much! After over a whole minute in the hold…



The Elite were victorious! Cody’s Figure Four was the deciding factor! The Elite entered the other ring and helped Cody to his feet as Sammy rolled away to his teammates. Justin Roberts announced them as the winners of the first ever Match Beyond in AEW! Jericho and crew laid in the corner of the far ring as the Elite stood valiantly at the top of the entranceway, together once again! A group hug between the five of them and Arn Anderson was the final shot of Dynamite before the show went off the air. (77)




Show Rating: 68

Viewers: 964,016




Quick Results

1. Chris Hero def. Jungle Boy

2. Killer Elite Squad def. Private Party

3. Billy def. Evil Uno

4. AEW Women’s World: Kris Statlander © def. Nyla Rose (2nd defense)

5. MJF def. Wardlow

6. The Match Beyond: The Elite def. The Inner Circle

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AEW Dynamite Preview

Pittsburgh, PA

Wednesday Week 2, November 2020


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With The Match Beyond behind us, it’s time to look towards Full Gear! AEW’s next pay-per-view is only THREE WEEKS AWAY! With only three episodes of Dynamite left before then, prepare yourself for some action! A STACKED episode of Dynamite comes to you this week from Pittsburgh, PA!


The Match Beyond ended with the Elite standing tall. What lies ahead for the group? And what lies ahead for the Inner Circle after taking another loss to the Elite? Those questions should be answered this week, as members of both groups are scheduled to appear!


Tenille Dashwood interrupted Kris Statlander’s celebration after the latter retained her championship against Nyla Rose in a barnburner! It’s clear that she is after the gold, and this week we hear from her!


Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston & Homicide vs. Bulletproof

AEW World Champion Jon Moxley will team with the two men he brought to AEW in Eddie Kingston and Homicide to take on Bulletproof! The winning team here will certainly have momentum as we barrel towards Full Gear! A rivalry that has been building for over a full year will come to a head in three weeks, but first they face off in trios action!


Brian Cage vs. Adam Page

Hangman’s allegiance to the Elite was proven over the last month, culminating with a victory in The Match Beyond last week! With his head held high for the first time in a long time, he looks to take down the MACHINE Brian Cage, whose manager Taz has been screaming from the mountaintops that Brian Cage will once again be a contender here in AEW!


Cody vs. Rey Fenix

Two of AEW’s finest collide in a huge singles match this week on Dynamite! Cody had the winning fall in The Match Beyond when he submitted Sammy Guevara with a Figure Four Leglock, so rest assured we will see a very confident American Nightmare this week. Rey Fenix and his brother Pentagon Jr. have appeared very sparingly since their loss to FTR at High Stakes, instead going to Mexico to fulfill their commitments with Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide. Now with wins under their belt in AAA, and a win on Dark over Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss, look for Rey Fenix to also come into this match oozing with confidence!

AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © vs. Chris Hero

Hero’s win over Jungle Boy last week awarded him this title match with Darby Allin! Now in his second attempt at the belt, Chris Hero will certainly bring his A-game to Dynamite! Darby’s reign has been very successful thus far as he has taken on outside talents in Matt Sydal, Tom Lawlor and Yoshihiro Tajiri. Now with a very experienced AEW talent like Chris Hero gunning for him, will it be too much for the young champ?


Santana & Ortiz vs. Best Friends

Fresh off a heartbreaking loss to the Elite last week, the main tag team of the Inner Circle looks to rebound this week against Best Friends! Chuck Taylor and Trent have been very quiet recently, so a win here will certainly get some momentum going for the duo!




We hear from MJF!

The Young Bucks in action!

We hear from AEW Women’s World Champion Kris Statlander!

Nyla Rose in action!

Tenille Dashwood explains her actions last week!



Quick Predictions!

Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston/Homicide vs. Bulletproof

Brian Cage vs. Adam Page

Cody vs. Rey Fenix

AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © vs. Chris Hero

Santana & Ortiz vs. Best Friends

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