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All Elite Wrestling: Are You #AllElite?

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Phew, that one took a long time to post!


Thank you all for being patient with me the last couple weeks, I hope this one was worth the wait!


A special shout out to the few people who actually reached out on Discord to ask about the show and to tell me that they were looking forward to it. That truly means a lot to me; it makes this worth it!


To be honest, I haven't watched too many WarGames matches, so I had to go back and watch a couple of the early ones from late 80s WCW to make sure I got the rules right, which I still don't know if I did tbh...if there's a discrepancy, it's because it's AEW's only little twist on it :p

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Props for the Match Beyond write up. I can imagine that it wasn't easy to do a match like this, but i really enjoyed it. I can see Tenile will dethrone Statlander , i feel like Dashwood is more capable of being a "good face" of the company than Kris is.


Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston/Homicide vs. Bulletproof

Brian Cage vs. Adam Page

Cody vs. Rey Fenix

AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © vs. Chris Hero

Santana & Ortiz vs. Best Friends

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<p>Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston/Homicide vs. <strong>Bulletproof</strong></p><p>

<strong>Brian Cage</strong> vs. Adam Page</p><p>

<strong>Cody</strong> vs. Rey Fenix</p><p>

AEW TNT Championship: <strong>Darby Allin ©</strong> vs. Chris Hero</p><p>

<strong>Santana & Ortiz </strong>vs. Best Friends</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Impact;">COMMENTS</span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51032" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>I liked the opening segment explaining the night and its importance. AEW has made these big shows of Dynamite like their versions of Clash of Champions which is logical to get more eyes on the product. The remark of Wardlow facing his former check writer was good verbiage I chuckled at. Explaining the set up and visuals made it feel like a big deal, so you got the feel to match the action with both being special. That’s one thing WWE at least fell off the boat with and that’s making special events feel special.</em></span></span><p><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> </em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> Hangman’s promo with him saying Cowboy Shit at the end popped me, it was a generic promo but it was done from my perspective to get him to ‘say the line’ and it worked for me. Especially to get across he means business. Made me want to see what’ll happen with him in the match.</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> </em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> Hardy’s midcard feud with Archer continues here with a solid angle. He hit the Twist of Fate on Archer and I can imagine there will be HELL to PAY. I’m guessing a fourth man will joining Hardy & Private Party against Snake Pit, they need an enigmatic partner in my opinion.</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> </em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> Billy’s journey to get his son back from the Dark Order reminds me of a father wanting to control his sons whole life. Billy must realize he cannot control Austin forever and must allow him to make his own choices… But then again it is a Cult :3. The segment hyped Billy vs Colt as the next match in Billy’s quest, I wonder if he’ll be able to continue his success until going after Mr. Brodie.</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> </em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> Eddie Kingston gets his obligatory promo time and as usual you pull out a good performance for him. It totally embodied Kingston’s tone and verbiage. Also Homicide did a great job (cough)(cough) lol. Kingston is the talker here with Homicide as the background but I feel like Homicide will be need more time to either speak or show something of his skill to be on the level of the other five in this feud.</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> </em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> MJF pulls one out with the his heinous actions of course, using the Dynasty to steal the win from Wardlow. Will this feud continue is my question?</em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> </em></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:System;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><em> I remember when you said you really couldn’t write matches good when you did SPW. The Match Beyond begs to differ. This was a huge write up, with moments for each of the people involved, a great way to end the feud between these two factions. Hangman got his big moment at the start wailing on Guervera. I think he was a good choice to start the match since he has the most sympathy going into it, he was easy to sympathize with being at a disadvantage. Him and Matt having the moment before the match and him being the first one to come in after Hangman coming to his aid just assures more how much their relationship has grown since their hard feelings. Cody gets redemption for himself, picking up the win getting his name etched as the first victor of the match in AEW. </em></span></span></p></div></blockquote>
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New "Being the Elite" Episode Hints at a Major AEW Signing

By Jim Valley | @jimvalley | Monday Week 2, November 2020 1:31 PM





As is tradition with Being the Elite, another major angle has been teased at. At the end of the 22 minute episode, Matt and Nick Jackson were leaving their hotel room after reviewing (re: making fun of) their match with the Dark Order's John Silver & Alex Reynolds. Before they reached the door, Matt received a phone call from an unnamed person.


When Matt looked at his phone, he simply said "No way..." as he showed an exasperated Nick who was calling him. Nick responded with, "But I thought..." as Matt answered the call.


Matt's first words were, "I haven't heard from you since..."


After a few moments of grunts and yeahs, Matt said, "Does *REDACTED* know?"


The last line spoken on the call was Matt saying, "Wow. I'll call you tomorrow after we talk to Tony. Good luck."


It remains to be seen who was on the other end of the call, but it has already sent the internet into a frenzy after recent rumors that *REDACTED*'s contract was coming up with *REDACTED*, and that *he/she* had interest in joining All Elite Wrestling.


Such a signing would prove huge for AEW, whose ratings have already been trending upwards. Signing *REDACTED* could very well be the kick they need to take their growth to a whole new level.


AEW's Full Gear PPV is right around the corner on the last Saturday of November. With only four PPVs a year, AEW has done an incredible job of making them feel special. It would be very smart for the promotion to tease *REDACTED*'s signing in order to boost the PPV buys. AEW President Tony Khan has also been outspoken about treating the post-PPV episodes of Dynamite as huge deals.


Be on the lookout for a big angle on one of those two shows.


Quick Predictions!

Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston/Homicide vs. Bulletproof

Brian Cage vs. Adam Page

Cody vs. Rey Fenix

AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © vs. Chris Hero

Santana & Ortiz vs. Best Friends

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The possibilities are endless for the new signing. Bullet Club centric is my first guess but there are so many choices.


Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston/Homicide vs. Bulletproof

Comments: Bulletproof has the momentum with their win over the Elite. But Kingston & Homicide coming to the aid of Mox wasn't in their plans so either team could win. Especially with Kingston's promo's being so fire and your love for him could put the Tri-State Triad over the top for the win here.

Sign: "Moxley isn't Bulletproof" (Moxley with bullet holes in him)


Brian Cage vs. Adam Page

Comments: Cage still holds the FTW title and is fresh compared to Page who was in a war last week. Page could continue his bad assery with a win here or I could see a feud starting between these two. One things for sure this match will be fire!!

Sign: "Go Straight Edge Hangman"


Cody vs. Rey Fenix

Comments: I wonder the path forward for Cody, he's not able to go for the World Title still, will that change? Maybe he goes on a journey for redemption to try and get the decision reversed from last year. Maybe Fenix gets a big win to move his singles career forward.


AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © vs. Chris Hero

Comments: Allin continues his winning ways and beats the vet.


Santana & Ortiz vs. Best Friends

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AEW Dynamite

Pittsburgh, PA

Wednesday Week 2, November 2020

Attendance: 5,256


<div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";">

AEW Dark Results:

1. #StrongHearts (CIMA & T-Hawk) def. Michael Nakazawa & Pineapple Pete (31)

2. Calvin Tankman def. Luther (25)

3. Bea Priestley & Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. def. Sadie Gibbs & Shanna (33)

4. Davey Boy Smith Jr. def. Lee Johnson (25)

5. Luchasaurus def. Timothy Burkman (38)

6. Pentagon Jr def. Jake Lander (51)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

1. AEW TNT Championship: Darby Allin © def. Chris Hero – Dynamite kicked off right away with a championship match! The Wrestling Genius Chris Hero was a good foe for the younger Darby, and was able to keep him grounded for a solid portion of the matchup, but in the end the champ would retain after a tilt-a-whirl DDT followed by two Coffin Drops! (68)


Post-match, Darby Allin was celebrating when a voice came over the PA system. The lights dimmed and out came Ricky Starks, with his face half-painted like Darby’s! Ricky groaned into the mic, and talked about how “depressed” he was. “My name is Darby Allin and no one likes me…” he said. “I talk with a low voice and I like to skateboard to get away from responsibility…”


As Darby was leaning on the rope, challenging Starks to come down to the ring, a figure appeared behind him in the ring…




































MJF grabbed Darby’s hair and pulled him back for a Double Cross! He got on top of Darby and laid in some blows as the TNT Champion remained defenseless! MJF then went over and picked up the TNT title, held it high above Darby’s body, yelled “THIS IS MINE!” and then dropped the belt onto Darby’s carcass.


A challenge has been made for Darby Allin’s championship! (67)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

We received two short promos from AEW Women’s World Champion Kris Statlander and her challenger at Full Gear, Tenille Dashwood. Kris talked about her rise on the indie scene and her subsequent appearances in AEW before her title win at All Out. Tenille talked about being in other companies and being unhappy, but after leaving there and traveling the world, she rediscovered her love for pro wrestling. Now that she is in AEW, the women here better stay out her path, or they’re all getting destroyed. With a title match coming up at Full Gear, both women are training their hardest to walk out as AEW Women’s World Champion!


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

2. Best Friends def. Santana & Ortiz – A truly awesome match! Both teams made the most of their thirteen minute match, nailing spot after spot to the delight of the Pittsburgh crowd. Santana & Ortiz looked to have had the match won, but Chuck Taylor dropped from Ortiz’s shoulders to avoid the Street Sweeper! Santana went flying over the two men onto his back in the middle of the ring, and Trent rolled up him for the win as Chucky T held Ortiz away from the pin! (64)


Immediately after the bell, the rest of the Inner Circle, who had been ringside, jumped into the ring and began a beatdown on the Best Friends! Orange Cassidy, also ringside, went to the top rope and jumped directly into Jake Hager’s arms, who destroyed him with an Alabama Slam! The Inner Circle stood tall above the fallen trio, despite taking yet another loss on television. Chris Jericho was visibly upset at his team’s recent fortunes. (58)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

3. Nyla Rose def. Yuka Sakazaki – Yuka showed heart, but after eight minutes Nyla’s Camel Clutch absolutely tore her in half, leading to the end result! (51)


Post match, Nyla Rose grabbed a microphone but before she could say anything, Thunder Rosa entered onto the ramp! She congratulated Nyla Rose on her victory tonight, but there’s been something on her mind recently. Thunder Rosa called herself the best women’s wrestler in AEW, and she wants to prove that at Full Gear! Nyla Rose, the Native Beast, is twice her size, but only has half the heart that Thunder Rosa has. She wants to prove that she deserves another championship match, so after she beats Nyla Rose at Full Gear, she’s gunning for the AEW Women’s World Championship! (31)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

4. ‘Hangman’ Adam Page vs. Brian Cage ends in time limit draw – What a fight!!! Twenty minutes of incredible action resulted in a draw being declared! As the twenty minutes was approaching, Brian Cage hit a powerbomb on Hangman and rolled him backwards to hit a kick to his face, but Hangman ducked and responded with a HARD lariat! Both men were down on their backs as the bell sounded! (66)


Hangman got to his feet and was leaning on the ropes when all of a sudden, Cage ran over and dumped him over the top rope! Cage followed and whipped Hangman into the guardrail, then threw him into the ringsteps! He then lifted him for a powerslam on the outside, but Hangman slid down his back and when Cage turned around, SUPERKICK! Page picked him up and they started brawling up the ramp. When they arrived at the top, they made their way over to the side, where they continued to punch one another. Cage went to kick Cage off the side of the stage, but missed and the two teetered on the brink! Cage then went for one more kick, but Hangman caught the foot and then pulled him for an exploder suplex OFF THE STAGE! Both men went crashing into a stack of tables down below as the crowd chanted “COWBOY SHIT!” over and over again! The announce team made it clear that this won’t be the last of these two! (62)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

Matt Hardy was backstage with Private Party. He told the camera that these two men are the Hardy Boys of the new decade. They are the future of pro wrestling. They are about as extreme of a team as it gets! He also said that they are close friends of him, and earned even more respect from him after they went to bat for him against Jake Roberts’ Snake Pit. But the problem is, it should’ve never gotten this far. It should’ve been between Hardy and Lance Archer, but Jake Roberts had to dig deep into his bag of tricks to pull out the Butcher & the Blade and Davey Boy Smith Jr. But at Full Gear, Hardy asks Lance Archer to be a man. No interference, no distractions. Just the two of them to see who the better fighter is. He finished the promo with the line, “You say ‘everybody dies,’ I say I am ‘stronger than death.’ Let’s see if you can kill me, Lance.” (46)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

5. The Young Bucks def. John Silver & Alex Reynolds – What else would you expect? The Dark Order goons will need a hot plate of Chili’s after this squash, as Matt and Nick dismantled them bit by bit, proving again that they are among the best tag teams in the world today. (60)


Speaking of the best tag teams in the world, the Bucks’ celebration was short-lived, as the AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR appeared on the ramp! Harwood noted that they’ve been in AEW since May, and they quickly won the titles in August. They fast-tracked themselves to champions because they are the best damn tag team in the world today!


Wheeler said that their quest to save tag team wrestling ends with one team: The Young Bucks. The match that has been hinted at for as long as he can remember. The rivalry that led to cease-and-desists. The feud that gave FTR their name. The reason FTR is in AEW.


Harwood made his intentions clear, “At Full Gear, it’s time to give the fans what they’ve been waiting for. FTR vs. The Young Bucks for the AEW World Tag Team titles baby!


Matt had a mic and only said two words: “YOU’RE ON!” (59)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

6. Cody def. Rey Fenix – Simply put, this was one of the best matches in the history of Dynamite! These two men worked their asses off for the Pittsburgh crowd, who in turn returned the favor with raucous applause throughout the entirety of the match. The match lasted 17:34, and ended after a Cross Rhodes that spiked Fenix directly on his head! The crowd gave them a standing ovation after the bell, truly appreciative of what they just witnessed. (79)


But then…

































The BASTARD jumped Cody from behind! He hit a Falcon Arrow on the American Nightmare before going to the top and nailing a Red Arrow! Pentagon Jr. also joined in with a cradle piledriver of his own! Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall came sprinting down to the ring, but it was too late as the damage had already been done! The Death Triangle stood triumphant at the top of the stage! (79)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

7. Bulletproof def. Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston & Homicide – The synergy between Bulletproof was simply too much! It was an awesome match with all the guys having high spots of their own, but the Cleaner’s antics were dastardly enough to pull out the victory here! The finish came when Eddie Kingston and Doc Gallows were brawling on the outside, when Karl Anderson appeared and took out Kingston’s knee from behind! This prompted Jon Moxley to leave the ring and take out both of the Good Brothers, but left him vulnerable to a V-Trigger from Kenny! With everyone else laid out, Kenny reentered the ring and hit another V-Trigger to Homicide and followed that up with a One Winged Angel to get the pinfall! (72)


The show ended with Bulletproof standing tall once again! With Full Gear right around the corner, is the AEW World Championship reign of Jon Moxley coming to an end?



Show Rating: 73

Viewers: 1,084,982




Quick Results

1. AEW TNT: Darby Allin © def. Chris Hero (4th defense)

2. Best Friends def. Santana & Ortiz

3. Nyla Rose def. Yuka Sakazaki

4. Adam Page DREW Brian Cage (time limit)

5. The Young Bucks def Silver & Reynolds

6. Cody def. Rey Fenix

7. Bulletproof def. Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston/Homicide

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Parkereddy: 4/5

CGN91: 3/5

Mattu29: 3/5

Ry guy 64: 3/5

Dukka: 2/5

Kanegan: 2/5


The draw really messed with the predictions this week :p


Two more Dynamites before the next PPV baby! I love doing AEW because the quarterly PPVs feel so much more special, just like they do IRL. I can't imagine ever booking a company with monthly PPVs after this; I want PPVs to feel important because people are spending a good chuck of change to buy one.


After the next show, I'm going to start adding some "wrestling world" updates, mainly about the Wednesday Night War.


I have the next show already written, but when I write up the one after that, I am going to start including W-L records for matches, just so everyone can remember how someone is performing in the ring!

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AEW Dynamite Preview

Portland, OR

Wednesday Week 3, November 2020


<div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:65%; ";">iHpF2fO.jpg?2


Only two episodes of Dynamite before Full Gear next Saturday! With the pay-per-view shaping up to be a very memorable night, there is still room on the card for some more anticipated matches!


The Road to Full Gear continues from Portland, Oregon headlined by AEW World Champion Jon Moxley taking on Doc Gallows, the big man from the Bulletproof trio! Not only that, we also have some of AEW’s finest in action, including PAC and Matt Hardy! Stay tuned for yet another jam-packed episode of Dynamite!


Nontitle Match: AEW World Champion Jon Moxley vs. Doc Gallows

Ten days before Kenny Omega takes on Jon Moxley for the AEW title, first Mox must face off with Omega’s longtime buddy and Bulletproof ally, Doc Gallows! The big man has dominated across the globe and has made an instant impact in All Elite Wrestling. Jon Moxley is in for a world of hurt as Gallows looks to wear him out before the main event of Full Gear!


Colt Cabana vs. Billy

After defeating Evil Uno and Stu Grayson in singles matches, now Billy takes on the Dark Order’s most prized recruit yet, Colt Cabana! Another win for Billy just might be enough for Austin Gunn to reconsider his decision to join Mr. Brodie Lee and the Dark Order, but a win for Cabana might put an end to any doubts in young Austin’s mind!


Matt Hardy vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

At Full Gear, Matt Hardy will face Lance Archer in what will certainly be a strong style matchup! But first, Hardy takes on Archer’s Killer Elite Squad teammate, Davey Boy Smith Jr! The Snake Pit’s debut under the leadership of Jake “The Snake” Roberts has sent shockwaves through AEW. Their first mission is to destroy the man who will not die, Matt Hardy! Will DBS Jr. end Matt Hardy before we even get to Full Gear?


Bea Priestley vs. Thunder Rosa

Two of AEW’s brightest wrestlers will do battle in Portland! Both ladies are on a mission to challenge for the AEW Women’s World Championship, but first must get by one another! This will be a true clash of styles, as Priestley’s knowledge of joshi wrestling will collide with Thunder Rosa’s Mexican technical style. A win for either competitor puts her one step closer to a title match, so expect a hard-hitting, fast-paced contest!


Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Frankie Kazarian

A clash of generations! Kaz is much the elder of Pillman Jr. here, but the young prospect seems to truly have the “it” factor that could take him to the top of AEW sooner rather than later. Kaz’s experience may very well be too much to handle however, as the former AEW World Tag Team Champion looks to regain some momentum that has been missing since he and Scorpio Sky lost the belts to Adam Page and Kenny Omega in January!




We hear from Hangman Adam Page!

Tenille Dashwood in action!

MJF wants a live microphone!

PAC in action!

Chris Jericho & the Inner Circle lay down a challenge!

Hammerstone in action!



Quick Predictions!

Jon Moxley vs. Doc Gallows

Colt Cabana vs. Billy

Matt Hardy vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Bea Priestley vs. Thunder Rosa

Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Frankie Kazarian

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THANK YOU ALL FOR DIARY OF THE MONTH!!! Feels awesome, second month in a row.


I've uncovered some energy to book and write a few shows, with some added bonus stuff that will be coming very shortly, similar to the little BTE tidbit. The next show should be up in about a day, got it written up just need to format it all.


Quick Predictions!

Jon Moxley vs. Doc Gallows

Colt Cabana vs. Billy

Matt Hardy vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Bea Priestley vs. Thunder Rosa

Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Frankie Kazarian

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AEW Dynamite

Portland, OR

Wednesday Week 3, November 2020

Attendance: 3,842


<div style="padding: 10px; border: 8px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:60%; ";">

AEW Dark Results:

1. Karl Anderson def. Griff Garrison (46)

2. Mr. Brodie Lee def. Pineapple Pete (37)

3. Wardlow def. Peter Avalon (28)

4. Private Party def. Robert Anthony & Dr. Luther (32)

5. Anna Jay def. Rebel Kel (19)

6. Rey Fenix def. Brandon Cutler (58)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

1. Brian Pillman Jr. def. Frankie Kazarian – Dynamite starts off hot with some singles action! Two great talents who are in very different stages of their careers. Despite Kaz’s experience, Pillman was able to take down the vet in thirteen minutes with a Spike DDT! (52)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

Hangman Adam Page was walking through the parking lot when Alex Marvez stopped him for an interview. He asked Hangman if he planned on facing Brian Cage again after their draw last week. Before he could answer, Taz entered the shot and walked over to the interview area. He told Hangman that he’s lucky he survived the Machine last week, and that it wouldn’t happen again. Right then, Brian Cage clobbered Hangman from behind and began to toss him around the lot! Hangman fought back for a moment, but the ambush was too much and Cage was able to powerbomb the Anxious Millenial Cowboy through a car windshield! (65)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

2. Hammerstone def. Aaron Solow – A four-minute squash by Hammerstone! The Dynasty member continues his path of destruction here after a Stone Breaker put Solow to rest. (20)


Hammerstone’s faction leader MJF was ringside, and after the bell he entered the ring with a microphone. He told the Portland crowd that they haven’t seen a real professional wrestler like him since Playboy Buddy Rose in the 80s! Speaking of real wrestlers, he mentioned that Hammerstone is everything he wanted in a big, bruising bodyguard. He has real strength and real grit, unlike the poser Hammerstone replaced! MJF pivoted to Darby Allin, the AEW TNT Champion. Upon hearing that name, the crowd popped big. MJF told them that their precious little Northwest hero wasn’t there tonight, because of what MJF did to him last week on Dynamite! Come Full Gear, Darby Allin’s reign as champion comes to an end, and MJF’s journey as the hottest act on national television continues! (74)


After MJF’s music played, Excalibur let the audience at home know that on the Full Gear Buy In, we will see Hammerstone vs. Wardlow! A hoss fight for the ages! (29)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

3. Thunder Rosa def. Bea Priestley – A fast-paced action-packed match here! Priestley used her size to her advantage, but Rosa simply out-classed her over and over again before getting the pin in just under nine minutes! (33)


<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(255,215,0);"></div>

We cut backstage to the Inner Circle, still reeling from their loss in the Match Beyond two weeks ago. Jericho said that the Best Friends are dorks, and their little sloth buddy is a twerp! Jericho announced that he has spoken to Tony Khan, and at the PPV, we will have a trios match! Jericho, Santana and Ortiz vs. Best Friends and Orange Cassidy! Santana told the camera that at Full Gear, they’ll send the three stooges crying back to their mommas! (56)


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4. Billy def. Colt Cabana – Another W for the vet! Billy’s mission continues! The Dark Order’s most prized recruit in Colt Cabana fell victim to a brainbuster followed by a leg drop from the top for the 1-2-3! (41)


Mr. Brodie, Austin Gunn and the rest of the Dark Order watched the match from the ramp, but unlike other times as soon as the bell rang they rushed the ring! Mr. Brodie walked Austin down as the minions beat down Billy. Mr. Brodie ordered Evil Uno and Stu Grayson to hold up Billy on his knees, and then he ordered Austin to kick his father in the face! Austin nodded and turned to do so, but couldn’t bring himself to kick his own father! Mr. Brodie was visibly frustrated and screamed at Austin to do what he’s told, but Austin put his head down and turned away. Mr. Brodie grabbed him by the neck and escorted him out of the ring, scolding him all the way to the back as the Dark Order dropped Billy and followed their leader. (45)


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5. Matt Hardy def. Davey Boy Smith Jr. by disqualification – A crazy twelve minutes spotlighted both competitors. The Snake Pit remained ringside for the entirety of the match, which proved to be the deciding factor. Matt Hardy hit a Twist of Hate on DBS and went to the top to hit a leg drop, but Lance Archer absolutely socked Hardy in the jaw, forcing referee Bryce Remsburg to call for the bell! Hardy crumpled off the top as Archer entered the ring and smashed his head off the mat over and over and over! Private Party sprinted down to the ring, but were caught off by the Butcher & the Blade who stood their ground in front of the ring. The two teams stared each other down as Archer hoisted Hardy up and hit him with a Blackout! Roberts ordered his goons to the back as they walked by Private Party without laying a finger on them. The two boys then slid into the ring to check on their fallen mentor. (47)


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The announce team informs us we have another match on the books for Full Gear: we will see Eddie Kingston & Homicide take on the Good Brothers in a tag team tables match! After weeks of defending their friends, they will finally meet two on two. What a crazy match that should be! (37)


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6. Tenille Dashwood def. Starlight Kid – A young prospect from World Wonder Ring Stardom took on the #1 contender for the AEW Women’s World Championship but came up short here tonight. She received big applause from the AEW crowd, who always tend to give joshi wrestlers the proper respect. In the end however, Dashwood put her away with a Roaring Elbow in seven minutes. (43)


AEW Women’s champ Kris Statlander was seen watching Dashwood celebrate her victory ahead of their match at Full Gear in just ten days!


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We got a sit-down interview with Jim Ross and the Young Bucks. JR asked them their thoughts on FTR’s AEW career thus far. Nick said their record speaks for itself, they became champs three months after debuting. They’re undefeated, disposed of teams both in AEW and out. Every team that has stood in their way, they’ve beaten. And that list includes Adam Page and Kenny Omega…


JR asked Matt if the mind games that FTR played with Page and Omega could work on the Bucks if they tried them. Matt responded with complete denial, saying that nothing could ever break up the brothers. They are the best tag team in wrestling today, no matter what FTR says. Yeah, they’re a close second, but they ain’t the Bucks.


The Young Bucks vs. FTR is a match that has been talked about for years now. JR asked Nick if he ever thought the match would actually happen. Nick said yes, it was inevitable. Someway, somehow, they would end up in the same promotion to do battle. Nick laughed as he said he never thought it would be in a company that he and his brother helped create though. But he’s happy it’s happening.


JR then took a deep breath and said that the last question was a bit deeper. He mentioned that they’ve had two title opportunities in AEW so far. Last year, they were upset by a young and hungry Private Party in the first round of the inaugural AEW World Tag Team Championship tournament. Then they lost to Page and Omega at Revolution. He asked the Bucks what was next for them, should they lose to FTR next week at Full Gear.


Matt chuckled and look down, and only said, “I uh… I don’t know.”


JR thanked them for their time and noted that this is one of the biggest dream matches in the history of pro wrestling. Tune in to Full Gear next Saturday to witness history! (65)


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7. PAC def. Lee Johnson – Another squash here, but Lee Johnson showed heart! It only went five minutes, but Lee had the advantage for about a quarter of it as he was able to ground the Bastard and kick the hell out of him. But of course, this was short-lived and PAC decimated him with a Red Arrow for the pinfall. (57)


PAC took to the mic. “Cody, Cody… Full Gear, Cody…” he said.


“I’ve beaten ya once, Cody. I took ya title from ya, Cody. It’s time to beat ya all over again. In ten days, the golden boy of AEW will bow to the British Nightmare!” (72)


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8. Jon Moxley def. Doc Gallows – An awesome main event that just may be Gallows’ best match ever! These two did battle for fifteen minutes in a match that was more suited for a Japanese company than an American one. Nevertheless, the crowd ate up every move and the AEW World Champion put away his opponent with a Paradigm Shift. (76)


Post-match, Kenny Omega and Karl Anderson hit the ring and destroyed the champ! Anderson held up Mox for a V-Trigger, but when Omega hit the ropes, Eddie Kingston was there to grab his foot and trip him! Homicide then slid into the ring and did battle with Anderson! A big schmoz ensued with the six men brawling all around the ringside area! Eventually, Omega and Mox ended up back in the ring, and a V-Trigger attempt by Omega was avoided and followed up with a lifting Paradigm Shift! The AEW World Champion and his two friends stood tall above Bulletproof as the show went off the air! (62)


Show Rating: 63

Viewers: 999,329




Quick Results

1. Brian Pillman Jr. def. Frankie Kazarian

2. Hammerstone def. Aaron Solow

3. Thunder Rosa def. Bea Priestley

4. Billy def. Colt Cabana

5. Matt Hardy def. Davey Boy Smith Jr. by DQ

6. Tenille Dashwood def. Starlight Kid

7. PAC def. Lee Johnson

8. Jon Moxley def. Doc Gallows

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Parkereddy: 4/5

Ry guy 64: 4/5

Dukka: 4/5

DGenerationMC: 3/5

Hailthebulldog: 2/5


One more week until Full Gear! That will be the second PPV of this diary, and the first full PPV cycle so far! The first show I posted was Fyter Fest Night 1, July Week 1. Now with November Week 3 done, that is almost five months in game!

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AEW Dynamite Preview

Sacramento, CA

Wednesday Week 4, November 2020


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One more Dynamite until Full Gear! The go home show is PACKED with some insane matchups! The challenger for the AEW World Championship is in action, as are Cody and PAC as they team with their respective partners in a trios match before their highly-anticipated singles match in three days!


The Elite (Cody & The Young Bucks) vs. Death Triangle

The original founders of All Elite Wrestling face off with some of their best opponents in the company so far! The rivalry between the Bucks and the Lucha Bros has set both the USA and Mexico ablaze! PAC beat Cody to dethrone the inaugural AEW TNT Champion, but soon after lost the belt to Darby Allin. With a rematch on the horizon at Full Gear, a preview match takes place on Dynamite!


Orange Cassidy vs. Sammy Guevara

Before Best Friends take on the Inner Circle, first Orange Cassidy will face off an Inner Circle member who is not in the match, Sammy Guevara! The Spanish God will look to weaken Best Friends’ x-factor in Orange Cassidy for his teammates Chris Jericho and Santana and Ortiz! A clash between two of AEW’s biggest success stories!


Kenny Omega vs. Michael Nakazawa

When Kenny Omega came to AEW, he brought a very close friend of his, Michael Nakazawa. He kept his friend close to him, but as Kenny’s stock in AEW rose higher and higher, poor Michael was left behind. Nakazawa has watched his best friend turn his back on the company he helped build and revert back to the Cleaner. Now, he is angry and is out to give his former friend a fight!


Tenille Dashwood & Nyla Rose vs. Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa

Before the four women face off in two singles matches at Full Gear, they meet in tag team action! AEW Women’s titleholder Kris Statlander teams with Thunder Rosa to take on her challenger Tenille Dashwood along with Rosa’s opponent, Nyla Rose! This match should be an absolute slobberknocker!


The Dynasty vs. Darby Allin & Wardlow & SCU (Daniels & Kazarian)

Eight-man tag team action! All four members of the Dynasty (MJF/Hammerstone/Starks/Holliday) take on a makeshift team consisting of MJF’s Full Gear opponent in TNT champion Darby Allin, his former bodyguard Wardlow, and SCU! This has real show stealing potential! Will Darby Allin gain momentum before his defense against the self-proclaimed future of pro wrestling?




AEW World Champion Jon Moxley is here!

Brian Cage in action!

Hangman Adam Page makes an appearance!

AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR appear!

The Dark Order has a message for Billy!



Quick Predictions!

The Elite (Cody/Bucks) vs. Death Triangle

Orange Cassidy vs. Sammy Guevara

Kenny Omega vs. Michael Nakazawa

Tenille Dashwood & Nyla Rose vs. Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa

The Dynasty vs. Darby Allin/Wardlow/Daniels/Kazarian

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<p><p>The Elite (Cody/Bucks) vs.<strong> Death Triangle</strong></p><p></p><p>

<strong>Orange Cassidy</strong> vs. Sammy Guevara</p><p></p><p>

<strong>Kenny Omega</strong> vs. Michael Nakazawa</p><p></p><p>

<strong>Tenille Dashwood & Nyla Rose </strong>vs. Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa</p><p></p><p>

<strong>The Dynasty</strong> vs. Darby Allin/Wardlow/Daniels/Kazarian</p></p>

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<p><p><strong>The Elite (Cody/Bucks)</strong> vs. Death Triangle</p><p></p><p>

Orange Cassidy vs. <strong>Sammy Guevara</strong></p><p></p><p>

<strong>Kenny Omega</strong> vs. Michael Nakazawa</p><p></p><p>

<strong>Tenille Dashwood & Nyla Rose</strong> vs. Kris Statlander & Thunder Rosa</p><p></p><p>

The Dynasty vs. <strong>Darby Allin/Wardlow/Daniels/Kazarian</strong></p></p>

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