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Nightmare Factory Announces Two Graduates

By Jim Valley | @jimvalley | Friday Week 1, December 2020 7:43 PM


The Nightmare Factory has announced that two students have graduated and will be joining the roster of All Elite Wrestling. The wrestling school, owned and operated by QT Marshall, has seen a few graduates join the AEW rankings since the company’s formation. The list includes Anna Jay, Lee Johnson and Timothy Burkman.


Here are the two new members of the AEW roster:



Allan Anderson


Allan Anderson is a 20 year olf former college football player from Utah. The 5’10, 191 lb striker played football at the University of Southern California. He is the son of two Hispanic Americans and has been noted by QT Marshall as a “born babyface.” AEW EVP Cody, also a coach at the Factory, has marked Anderson for future success in AEW.



Dustin Fraser

At just 18 years old, Dustin Fraser is fresh out of high school from his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He began his training in June 2020 as soon as he threw his graduation cap into the air. After just six months at the Factory, QT and Cody agreed that Dustin is ready for the big time! His style is considered “impactful,” as the 6’4” 264 ripped middleweight uses a variation of slams, most notably the Blackout Slam which he uses as a finisher.


Both of these graduates will continue their training at the Nightmare Factory, but have been considered ready for professional matches. You will most likely see them featured on AEW Dark going forward to build some needed experience before heading to Dynamite on TNT.




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AEW Dynamite

Austin, TX

Wednesday Week 2, December 2020

Attendance: 5,255


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AEW Dark Results:

1. Luchasaurus def. Peter Avalon (47)

2. Yuka Sakazaki def. Emi Sakura (25)

3. Jack Evans def. Aaron Solow (30)

4. Davey Boy Smith Jr. def. Lee Johnson (23)

5. Priscilla Kelly def. Chelsea Diamond (24)

6. Daniels & Kazarian def. Allan Anderson & Dustin Fraser (39)

7. Orange Cassidy def. T-Hawk (56)


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1. Scorpio Sky def. Angelico – Reach For The Sky! Scorpio Sky takes down one-half of The Hybrid 2 after a TKO! After not being seen for two months, Sky finally gets a strong singles victory! His mates in SCU came out postmatch to celebrate with him as a unfamiliar theme hits the PA system.




Out from the back comes Taz and Brian Cage! Taz had a microphone in his hand. He congratulated Scorpio Sky on a hardfought victory! He said it’s his first in how long? Six months? Taz and Cage laughed at Taz’s sarcastic compliment. Taz said that he may have gotten a win here, but we all know that nothing will come of it. Everyone pegs Sky as the next big star, but how long do we have to wait? He said his AEW World title match last year against Chris Jericho was his peak. That month was lightning in a bottle, and the bottle was never opened.


Daniels grabbed a mic and told Taz he better watch himself before they go up there and take on Cage and himself. But Taz responded,


“Oh, you think it’s just us two? Looks like you think I’m a dummy Christopher! You think I’d come out here right now with one man to stare you down?”


On cue, a man slid into the ring behind SCU…































Cobb knocked over Daniels as Brian Cage sprinted to the ring. Cobb ducked a clothesline by Kazarian and booted Scorpio Sky in the face! Cage slid into the ring and powerslammed Kazarian. Cobb then hoisted Sky for a TOUR OF THE ISLANDS! Taz, mic still in hand, told the AEW crowd that this was the start of a REAL revolution.


This is Team Taz! (49)


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We got a quick promo from Thunder Rosa, who stated that next week, she is taking the AEW Women’s World Championship from Kris Statlander! (43)


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2. Jon Moxley def. Richard Holliday – A glorified squash that lasted no more than three minutes. (60)


The real news was after the match, when Mox grabbed a mic. He paced back and forth and told the crowd that he and Kenny Omega are not through. That AEW title is the greatest accomplishment in his life and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t get it back! (73)


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3. Darby Allin def. Ricky Starks – The bad night continues for the Dynasty, as another man falls! Even with Hammerstone at ringside, Ricky Starks was unable to overcome the sheer ferocity of Darby. Darby put him away in fifteen minutes with a Coffin Drop. (60)


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Eddie Kingston was backstage pacing back and forth. He said that in his career he’s made a lot of enemies. But through those enemies, there was a select few that he never questioned. One was Homicide, whose career ended on a high note at Full Gear. The other two are Santana and Ortiz. They are his brothers. With Ortiz home with a torn ACL, Jericho found Santana dispensable. Kingston said that no one disrespects his brother. He doesn’t give a damn, he’ll take on the entire Inner Circle himself!


But tonight, it’s him and MJF, another no-good bitch. Eddie said they grew up pretty close to one another. But the thing is, MJF grew up pampered by his rich daddy and went to private school while Eddie grinded on the streets of New York City every goddamn day. Tonight, Eddie is showing MJF was a REAL New Yorker can do. (63)


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AEW Women’s World Champion Kris Statlander was backstage being interviewed by Trish. Trish asked Kris to respond to Thunder Rosa’s comments earlier. Kris said that it’s nothing new, she’s been doubted by all the women in AEW so far, but after next week they will see that Kris Statlander is a real fighting champion, and the best women’s champion in AEW history. (35)


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4. Britt Baker def. Hikaru Shida – A very solid match that showcased both women! Shida would fall to a Lockjaw in thirteen minutes. (48)


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Arn Anderson and Cody were backstage discussing the events of the last couple weeks. Arn was telling Cody to let it go, the Bucks were excited to see their friend after so long. Cody responded by saying that THE ELITE founded All Elite Wrestling. Adam Cole was their enemy. He competed with them. It was his job to make AEW fail. Arn said that that’s because he was told to, not because he wanted to. Arn said that Cole was wrong for what he did to Cody at Full Gear, but they should at least talk like men, and maybe a match or something to settle it. Arn got up to walk out and said that all he asks is that he doesn’t take it out on his friends, or he’ll regret it down the road. (69)


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5. The Elite (Hangman Page & The Young Bucks) def. The Dark Order (Colt Cabana & Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) – A very fun trios match that saw The Elite mesh very well together. A complete unit. They got the win after Hangman pinned Evil Uno with a Buckshot Lariat. (69)


Adam Cole was ringside for the match to cheer on his friends. Silver and Reynolds were trying to mess with him throughout but Adam Cole just punched them both out to put an end to the nonsense.


After the bell sounded, Cody was seen watching from a press box. He had a scowl on his face as Arn Anderson put his hand on Cody’s shoulder and led him away.


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A short video package aired of a large, jacked man working out in a gym. He was squatting close to 600 pounds. A graphic appeared on the screen that read,






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Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager were backstage being interviewed by Alex Marvez. Jericho grabbed the mic before a question was asked, and simply said that as the Inner Circle gets rid of dead weight, they only get stronger. Eddie Kingston and Santana are going to pay! (65)


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6. AEW TNT Championship: MJF © def. Eddie Kingston – A great match spoiled by a tainted finish! The two went back and forth with Eddie actually getting the majority of the offense. Santana and Hammerstone kept jawing at ringside before referee Bryce Remsburg ejected both of them! As the match progressed, the Inner Circle was seen watching the match backstage before they all stood up and left. Kingston had flattened MJF with a legdrop and was prepping for a Roaring Elbow as Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho sprinted to the ring to distract the referee as Jake Hager slid into the ring and hit a Uranage on King! MJF then hit a Double Cross for the 1-2-3! (66)


Santana returned to ringside to aid his friend but was also attacked by the Inner Circle. MJF fled as Jericho and Sammy and Hager put the boots to Santana. The show ended with Jericho nailing Santana with Floyd the bat across the gut as the trio stood over their fallen foes.


Show Rating: 66

Viewers: 1.11 million




Quick Results

1. Scorpio Sky def. Angelico

2. Jon Moxley def. Richard Holliday

3. Darby Allin def. Ricky Starks

4. Trios Match - The Elite def. The Dark Order

5. Britt Baker def. Hikaru Shida

6. AEW TNT Championship: MJF © def. Eddie Kingston (1st defense)

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HollywoodGamer: 6/6

falling_star: 5/6

Sco xY2Jx: 5/6

Texasrangers13: 4/6

Ry guy 64: 4/6

dukka: 4/6

Jaysin: 3/6

CGN91: 3/6


Some very big events happening in the next couple episodes of Dynamite. The balance of power in wrestling is shifting!

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Boo! Britt Baker sucks! Shida shouldn't be losing to the likes of her.

Britt Baker has improved tenfold!


Love the arrival of Jeff Cobb!

He's the best isn't he? He is someone that I believe would be a member of the AEW roster had COVID not ruined the world. He checks every box.

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AEW Dynamite Preview

Chicago, IL

Wednesday Week 3, December 2020


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It is time for Adam Cole’s debut match in All Elite Wrestling! The AEW office has booked him in a match with The Bastard PAC! In addition to that, Dynamite will play host to TWO title matches, and AEW President Tony Khan mentioned on Twitter that a major match will be announced for the Jericho Cruise in the second week of January!


Adam Cole vs. PAC

These two have never once shared a ring together! For the first time in their careers, they will meet in what is Adam Cole’s AEW debut! PAC has not been seen since his loss to Cody at Full Gear, which is the match that was followed by Cole attacking Cody. Will PAC regain momentum here, or will Adam Cole come out victorious in his first match?


Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss vs. Kenny Omega & Karl Anderson

The AEW World Champion will team with longtime friend and Bulletproof factionmate Karl Anderson to face Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss!


AEW Women’s World Championship: Kris Statlander © vs. Thunder Rosa

Kris Statlander has quickly become a superstar in the women’s division in AEW. She has held the title since All Out in August and has successfully defended the gold three times. Thunder Rosa’s arrival in AEW was met with critical acclaim, but a loss in the six-woman match at All Out has seen her momentum stall. Can she upset the champion and become what she has claimed she is destined to be?


AEW TNT Championship: MJF © vs. Luchasaurus

An open challenge made by MJF on Twitter has been answered by Luchasaurus! Can Jungle Boy’s ancient partner take down the champion? Will the Dynasty be ringside to make sure the champion retains! Tune in to Dynamite to see!


SCU (Daniels & Kazarian) vs. Team Taz (Brian Cage & Jeff Cobb)

Cobb’s monstrous AEW return last week saw him destroy all of SCU with little resistance. This week he will have his first match as a fulltime roster member as he teams with new partner Brian Cage to take on two-thirds of SCU!




Will Hobbs makes his debut!

Chris Jericho in action!

AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR will be here!

Mr. Brodie Lee speaks!

We hear from Eddie Kingston!

Tully Blanchard promises something big!


Quick Predictions!

Adam Cole vs. PAC

Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss vs. Kenny Omega & Karl Anderson

AEW Women’s World Championship: Kris Statlander © vs. Thunder Rosa

AEW TNT Championship: MJF © vs. Luchasaurus

SCU (Daniels/Kazarian) vs. Team Taz (Cage/Cobb)

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<p><strong>Adam Cole</strong> vs. PAC</p><p>

Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss vs. <strong>Kenny Omega & Karl Anderso</strong>n</p><p>

AEW Women’s World Championship:<strong> Kris Statlander</strong> © vs. Thunder Rosa</p><p>

AEW TNT Championship: <strong>MJF ©</strong> vs. Luchasaurus</p><p>

SCU (Daniels/Kazarian) vs. <strong>Team Taz (Cage/Cobb)</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Adam Cole</strong> vs. PAC</p><p>

Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss vs. <strong>Kenny Omega & Karl Anderson</strong></p><p>

AEW Women’s World Championship: <strong>Kris Statlander © </strong>vs. Thunder Rosa</p><p>

AEW TNT Championship: <strong>MJF ©</strong> vs. Luchasaurus</p><p>

SCU (Daniels/Kazarian) vs. <strong>Team Taz (Cage/Cobb)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Fun show, part of me wants to pick Thunder Rosa to win; just not sure it is time for that switch.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51032" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Adam Cole<p> Kenny Omega & Karl Anderson</p><p> AEW Women’s World Championship: Thunder Rosa</p><p> AEW TNT Championship: MJF © </p><p> Team Taz (Cage/Cobb)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Agree with these picks.</p>
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With the tragic news of Jon Huber/Mr. Brodie Lee's passing, I've made the decision to put this dynasty on hiatus. It doesn't sit right with me to write about someone who just died. While historical diaries of course have this same issue, the fact that this JUST happened is what is causing me to make this decision. That's what you sign up for by doing a modern-day real world dynasty.


I did have big plans for Mr. Brodie and the Dark Order. They were going to continue the feud with the Gunn Club, with the intent of elevating Austin Gunn to a prominent role within the company. Austin's recruitment into the Dark Order was the storyline I was most proud of. In fact, I fantasy booked it in the AEW thread here and on the GDScord before even starting this dynasty. I guess you could call it the catalyst for this dynasty even existing. Those segments were my favorite to write for sure. From the initial recruitment, to the All Out match, to the next three months of Billy attempting to save his son, to the climax with Austin saving his father from the Dark Order.


With that being said, I'm sure I will pick this back up one day. AEW is such a fun product to do this for. I have the next four or five months sketched out, with some awesome debuts and matchups. One day.


As a final note, I want to say thank you to the community for voting this Rookie Real World DOTM for three out of the four months it was eligible. That is incredible! It truly made this ridiculous hobby worth it and I'm glad I was able to entertain the readers enough to vote for me.

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With the tragic news of Jon Huber/Mr. Brodie Lee's passing, I've made the decision to put this dynasty on hiatus. It doesn't sit right with me to write about someone who just died. While historical diaries of course have this same issue, the fact that this JUST happened is what is causing me to make this decision. That's what you sign up for by doing a modern-day real world dynasty.


I did have big plans for Mr. Brodie and the Dark Order. They were going to continue the feud with the Gunn Club, with the intent of elevating Austin Gunn to a prominent role within the company. Austin's recruitment into the Dark Order was the storyline I was most proud of. In fact, I fantasy booked it in the AEW thread here and on the GDScord before even starting this dynasty. I guess you could call it the catalyst for this dynasty even existing. Those segments were my favorite to write for sure. From the initial recruitment, to the All Out match, to the next three months of Billy attempting to save his son, to the climax with Austin saving his father from the Dark Order.


With that being said, I'm sure I will pick this back up one day. AEW is such a fun product to do this for. I have the next four or five months sketched out, with some awesome debuts and matchups. One day.


As a final note, I want to say thank you to the community for voting this Rookie Real World DOTM for three out of the four months it was eligible. That is incredible! It truly made this ridiculous hobby worth it and I'm glad I was able to entertain the readers enough to vote for me.


Dalton: You've put into words so eloquently a difficult moment to navigate in a diary. And I really respect what you've chosen to do. I always try to incorporate real world "events" into my own games like signings and scandals, but deaths never feel right. I look forward to the return and the new direction you may take to respect the legacy of a worker that was very impactful in your diary.

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Dalton: You've put into words so eloquently a difficult moment to navigate in a diary. And I really respect what you've chosen to do. I always try to incorporate real world "events" into my own games like signings and scandals, but deaths never feel right. I look forward to the return and the new direction you may take to respect the legacy of a worker that was very impactful in your diary.


Thanks for the kind words Tex. I had the Sammy Guevara thing at the beginning of this that was hard to navigate around, but Brodie is just another level. It would be weird writing promos or simply continuing his on-screen persona at all given the circumstances. From what we currently understand, his death seemed to be unavoidable, which makes continuing even harder since that thought would always be in my head.


And thank you again for being one of the inspirations to start this whole thing, as we discussed in those old messages.

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