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Your Weaknesses/Bias/Shortcomings/Tropes As a Booker

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1) As a result of being too jaded by WWE, I find it difficult to book without the use of an on-screen Authority Figure/GM type. I'm trying to be better at this and less reliant on it. Maybe drift towards more of a Jack Tunney style figure.


2) Much like everyone else, hiring more people than I'm ever going to actually use. Again, trying to get better at this.


There's almost certainly more but these are the ones that come to mind first and foremost.

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<p>No matter which era I'm playing I always end up trying to make a legitimate women's division. </p><p> </p><p>

Another thing is I always end up with a feud, usually between two male workers, that is based on brutality and gimmick matches. </p><p> </p><p>

In every era I have a handful of people that I really want to alter history for. People like Hennig, Hall, British Bulldog and Owen Hart all get runs with the world title, in another era it's usually Trent Acid getting a good push.</p>

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<p><p>I find myself being super petty with guys from real life, if there's anyone I'm not a fan of or someone I've gotten bored of they don't get a second glance in game, even if their stats would be useful for my show. At the same time, I'm prone to really favoring guys I love, Goldust, Regal, Sara Del Ray and Jazz get mega pushes when I get the opportunity regardless of realism. </p><p> </p><p></p><p>

Similar to that no matter where I am in history I'm trying to solidify women's wrestling as legit in my company.</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

I'm also into stables, and have three/four of them I try to make work in any era I play and any company I control. Stable wars are always fun!</p></p>

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<p>In every puro game I play, which is the vast majority, I have a few tropes for sure.</p><p> </p><p>

Gaijin stable, typically invading. I sign a group of 5ish foreigners and have them run roughshod over the midcard to gain pop before eventually taking down the world champ.</p><p> </p><p>

I ALWAYS stick with VERY long reigns with the main title, typically held by a neutral-to-heel guy, while the mega babyface works his way to winning the belt at the season finale. Typically this involves the face winning some sort of contendership, losing a world title match, falling back down the card until the big tournament that he wins to lock in another title shot at the big show, which he wins.</p><p> </p><p>

And I always make sure I at least have my core 5 tournaments: singles round robin, singles single elimination, junior round robin, tag round robin, junior tag single elimination.</p>

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I can't stop myself from having a roster that is too big although I got better using most of my guys on a regular basis now.

One thing I find annoying about my own booking is pushing young talent too fast up the card. Having them work the lower card for a longer period is so hard for me. Last but not least I tend to forget about my female talent at times and only have them feud for the title and nothing else.

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I've only played 2 saves very much, but in both I ran into having a large roster. In the first it's not so bad as I have a lot of mediocre workers that just job for the roster, and I like most of my workers. In the other, it's hard deciding who to push, and my midcard isn't quite good enough to give me the ratings I need to maintain pop.


I also suffer from being biased toward my heels a lot. I just enjoy their designs a lot more and they're way more fun to book most of the time.

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My biggest weakness is definitely knowing how and when to end a long title run, currently in 95 in my AJW save and Akira Hokuto has held the belt for coming up for two years. She's the most popular wrestler in the world, by far the best wrestler and I just cannot bring myself to take it off her lol


Also in modern games, I'm very bias to joshi talent. Whenever I book shimmer, I have to set a limit on how many joshi wrestlers I can have on the roster at any given time or they'll end up dominating the show and I'll feel like I might as well just go back to booking Sendai Girls or STARDOM

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In every puro game I play, which is the vast majority, I have a few tropes for sure.


Gaijin stable, typically invading. I sign a group of 5ish foreigners and have them run roughshod over the midcard to gain pop before eventually taking down the world champ.


I have a reverse gaijin stable in my WCW 1993 game. It started with Dr. Death and a couple guys I brought over (Anjo, Tenryu), and then I really blew it out when I managed to snag Stan Hansen and had him feud with Steve Williams to take it over. So now Hansen has Anjo, Tenryu, and someone else I'm forgetting as his "invasion" stable.


And I built on that by bringing in some babyfaces from Japan as well. Including Misawa, who made his debut in a match to become the first ever WCW Intercontinental Champion.

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I cannot for the life of me book weekly TV with storylines. My brain goes full mush when it comes to that. I also tend to use a larger roster than what is probably needed. I also plan stories in my head but can't really capitalize on them for some reason because I'm bored of the company an in game month in.


Like I tried playing a TCW game in the Alt CV 2018 database with my big goal of developing a woman's division.Then again. I have issues with focus being actually on the Autistic spectrum. So that could be a factor.

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I cannot for the life of me book weekly TV with storylines. My brain goes full mush when it comes to that. I also tend to use a larger roster than what is probably needed. I also plan stories in my head but can't really capitalize on them for some reason because I'm bored of the company an in game month in.


Like I tried playing a TCW game in the Alt CV 2018 database with my big goal of developing a woman's division.Then again. I have issues with focus being actually on the Autistic spectrum. So that could be a factor.


Have you tried using the Story Browser utility at all? It's sort of a library of pre-written storylines that have been in various mods over the years. Ranging from DOTT to Sonfaro to my own Cappy Pack and includes real world stories from parts of five different decades. The 60's to the 2000's. The later decades being the better represented of course.

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I have a terrible time firing people, and don't usually wait long to grab my favorites. Leads to a lot of similar long-term games.


Also, putting titles on people that are on their way out that month, just to get the belt vacated.. :p


I used to be horrible with title changes, but I gave Keith Lee a proper run when he broke Goldberg's streak in my company, taught me patience. Took years.


I can probably think of a billion more haha.


I play with sandbox money at the start usually... have gotten better with 2020..


Also always play strict storylines off.

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Have you tried using the Story Browser utility at all? It's sort of a library of pre-written storylines that have been in various mods over the years. Ranging from DOTT to Sonfaro to my own Cappy Pack and includes real world stories from parts of five different decades. The 60's to the 2000's. The later decades being the better represented of course.


I have not. Definitely will look into that


Edit: I cannot seem to find this Utility you're talking about, any ideas where I can get it?

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I am incapable of booking giants and powerhouses as faces. As heels, I can just make them henchmen and bulldozers, but I can’t figure out how to use them as a face.


Other than when I book for MAW, without storylines I just don’t care about matches. Once my storyline matches are in place, I tend to just randomly pick whatever wrestlers are left over and stick them together.


Because of the above, I always tend to rush storylines... a storyline that most people will do in 3 months takes me 1 and a year storyline usually only lasts 3-6 months, since I can’t figure out what to do without storylines, most of them get advanced every show.


I will also always put in a bid for opposing talent even if I have no plans or ability to use them, on the grounds that losing them will hurt and even if I just force my competitiont to pay higher salaries it slowly annoys them.

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If I have Joanne Rodriguez or Phil Vibert on my announce team, I will have a segment with a worker and treat it as a clip from their podcast. If I have both, I will alternate shows. Even with that, haven't hit great show ratings but it helps. Also had a segment where I put someone with Vibert in that role and right after the show Vibert sent me an email saying that this person doesn't connect with the crowd. Found that fitting.
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I tend to 50/50 book the hell out of tours. If it weren't for tournaments, nobody would ever get over on my watch.


Through my first couple of tours I've found the opposite. If I don't make a concerted effort, my big names would never lose. Then again, I have a bottom heavy roster, so some of those are getting over just by working matches. Hopefully after a few more tours we'll have some organic backstory/matchups.

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Usually my big problem is that I usually group storylines into one big stretch, ala promo leads to match, or match leads to aftermath promo.


It is most likely really common in indies feds in real life but I honestly have problems breaking up promos and matches in ways that work other then that way.


EDIT: Also, I am very predictable. I'm just very elemental as a story teller in other mediums, so I just gravitate to very true and tested storys and formulas.

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Usually my big problem is that I usually group storylines into one big stretch, ala promo leads to match, or match leads to aftermath promo.


It is most likely really common in indies feds in real life but I honestly have problems breaking up promos and matches in ways that work other then that way.


EDIT: Also, I am very predictable. I'm just very elemental as a story teller in other mediums, so I just gravitate to very true and tested storys and formulas.


It does appear to be common in indie feds in real life because they lack a regular schedule so they need show-contained storylines. But you can string those together to a bigger storyline - guy keeps getting attacked mid promo? Someone will find out they are messing with the wrong guy, as he attacks THEM mid promo on show 6 or 7 (could be a heel turn, especially if the person he attacks wasn't out to interrupt him).


And there are only so many storylines out there, but it's the execution of them that is different. And nothing wrong with recycling stories - WWE does it all the time!

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