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SWF: Supreme Aggression

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I'm about a 1/4 through the show and should make some big progress this weekend. This episode of SupremeTV is the "Go Home Show" before the PPV; so, there will certainly be a lot of tension building to "When Hell Freezes Over!"


The Genesis link on the first thread page is a link to cyberpunk on YouTube.




Thank you for that find. :)

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Awesome stuff


Love Spencer Spade he is the ultimate egomaniac and your version of Atomic is always entertaining.


The commentary section of the Mickey Lau match needs updating.


Also can't wait to see where you take the Loose Cannon Rogue.


Thank you, Woods!


I can't hide the fact that ATOMIC is one of my favorite characters. ha. He's a meatheaded, 80s Action Star of sorts. That makes for a lot of fun as a writer/booker.


Spade, in my mind, has a young HBK vibe to him.


With Rogue, I finally feel like I have a strong storyline between he and his blood rival in Valiant. Normally, I just book the two together because of their history. That said, this storyline has so much depth and real tension. Rogue knows his career is coming to an end sooner than later and he's hellbent on making sure that Valiant is ALSO close to his end. This will create a sense of desperation in Rogue that has him acting, as you said, in a loose cannon kind of fashion.


I love the little graphics behind them when they're previewing an upcoming singles match... like Rogue, Valiant, Mikey Lau's dragon... Not sure about Gilmore's... Seems like he's, self destructing?! Maybe?! :D


I was thinking about doing something like this and was really happy with the early development. I feel it adds a little more depth to the characters; hopefully helping them pop off the screen a little more.


It's great to know you liked it (as it adds further excitement around continuing with use this kind of imagery in shows)!

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Some thoughts:


Loved the Rogue angle with Hannah. It's a pure "heel heat" segment -- and it really helps the storyline with Valiant. Rogue could easily vault himself into the championship picture here.


Glad to see Jack Bruce absent and no real place for him backstage. I feel that using Bruce heavily -- and Tommy Cornell, too -- is a bit of a crutch for a lot of writers in SWF. It's an excuse not to elevate and focus on existing workers.


Really enjoying the commentary desk approach. Adds a lot to the matches, and also provides a summary.


Definitely interested in where Spencer Spade will go from here. Loved his promo in Episode #2.


Interested in where you'll go with Atomic from here. It does feel like the character evolved from the render, not from the character itself. Either way, ATOMIC has been written well.

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COMING UP: The first 'episode'/publication of "SWF Loaded."


COMING UP EARLY THIS WEEK: The card for SWF "When Hell Freezes Over!"


Some thoughts:


Loved the Rogue angle with Hannah. It's a pure "heel heat" segment -- and it really helps the storyline with Valiant. Rogue could easily vault himself into the championship picture here.


Exactly. I wanted Rogue to get the ultimate heat for attacking a female (let alone the lovely doe-eyed Hannah). Hannah is known for being meek and mild; so, someone like Rogue attacking her would send shockwaves. In some cases, people would be outraged by what happened; for good reason. That said, that's exactly why Rogue did what he did -- to get a rise.


Glad to see Jack Bruce absent and no real place for him backstage. I feel that using Bruce heavily -- and Tommy Cornell, too -- is a bit of a crutch for a lot of writers in SWF. It's an excuse not to elevate and focus on existing workers.


I can't say that Jack Bruce won't make an appearance (or any retired wrestler for that matter). To say that they would never show up would limit what direction I could take the company/storylines. That said, I don't plan on making them just show up for ratings purposes. It would need to have a storyline connected to make it all work.


Really enjoying the commentary desk approach. Adds a lot to the matches, and also provides a summary.


I'm a fan of it, as well. It's quick, concise and allows each person to get something in (with Duane Fry, the lead member of the desk, to get the last word as well).


Definitely interested in where Spencer Spade will go from here. Loved his promo in Episode #2.


I felt it was somewhat generic but it was necessary to move along. Right now, without a specific person to feud with, Spade is spending most of his time talking himself up & floating his ego. In turn, it gives me time to build a written connection between Spade & Moreno.


Interested in where you'll go with Atomic from here. It does feel like the character evolved from the render, not from the character itself. Either way, ATOMIC has been written well.


Yea, it was a quick shift. I'll be honest. We needed more babyfaces and he's someone I like to put in that position.


The original roster is SO heel heavy; so, a shift was needed pretty quickly. If not, I wouldn't have a lot of opportunity to build from here.


another great show, really loving Spencer Spade. He def has that "It" factor and looking forward to seeing how big he can become


Thank you, Parker!


Your creation for Spade has really given me a new level of excitement around him. He now fits how I see him in my head and that's awesome as a writer/booker. He certainly does have the "it" factor and it'll be fun to write his progression in 2020.

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I would go Atomic to win the ladder match only because of my main event choice, the other choice which I've gone back and forward on is Starr winning it unfairly somehow screwing ATOMIC out of it setting up a fued between them over the contract.


Primus over Caulfield as a guess he is over and a great worker, be good to pass on some skills and popularity to some of the younger roster. If it's internal I will go Jungle Lord.


The Awesomneness with the win they are by far the best team to carry you through the year/six months while you build up some other team's. I always have them win in a triple threat and build up Hawaiian Crush ready for Supreme Challenge.


David's for the win, can't see Brown retaining just yet he needs more build, ZWB, Unleashed, Lau, Primus are all better picks right now. Spade, Parker, Brown and Mainstream just need some build.


Lau surely to go over, I see James as the Kane of the roster hanging around the upper card keeping strong through angles and his reputation. Lau is a future main eventer with huge star quality so mixing it up in angles and winning matches is only going to help him get to that level. Maybe this could lead to James realising he can't be the franchise anymore so he sets out to find the next franchise to build in his image or Angelle turns on him for being past his sell by date and brings in a new client leading to a James/Big Cat redemption story to finish his career.


Rogue vs Valiant the for me should end with them a huge bloody brawl, maybe in a cell with both men finally putting their past behind them and becoming a team again to close the chapter on their fued, working with the tag division will help lift it and give some new blood chance to flourish in the main event as both men wind down their careers.


Remo to win the title, Scythe intefers setting up Golden vs Scythe and Remo vs ATOMIC, Golden vs Remo II at Supreme Challenge

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I don't disagree with anything said so far.


Have to follow the trend here and say Atomic winning is most likely although can see Starr doing so if it fits the next step of your story


Primus winning seems obvious on his current run


Whilst I can see the Awesomeness winning I don't wonder if Fame and Money will manage to hold on a little longer


As with the others this one is a hard pick and really depends on how Brown is doing pop/overness wise and whether Davids can be persuaded to drop it here, likewise can see him holding on to it but then where does that leave Brown. Potential for a 3rd party to get involved either way this goes I feel.


Agree with the comments so far, feels like it has to be Lau


This feels like it has some legs so Rogue to win here to continue the story


I can see why people think Remo will win here and I wouldn't be surprised, that being said I am going for Golden to retain with a Scythe distraction or interference element to widen the story for a few weeks until it branches out


looking forwards to the show

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Spencer Spade & ZWB are feuding, so I think they're going to take each other out of the running. Gilmore's moment passed long ago, & I don't think Randy Unleashed is hot enough to take advantage of the exposure the New Year's Revolution contract provides. That leaves ATOMIC & Bret Starr as the men I think are most likely to win the contract. ATOMIC is always cool, & Bret is perfectly insufferable. Ultimately, I wouldn't put it past Gilmore to do some suicidal stunt to take himself & Starr out after Starr riles him up during the match. Then ATOMIC can climb the ladder & get the contract. Out of all these men, I think ATOMIC has the most potential as a World Heavyweight title contender. He starts out the game with the "Midas Touch", after all.


I'm thinking ???? will be a comedic reveal as opposed to a serious one. Then Primus will crush whoever it is. Primus is a young star on the rise, & I think you need to get the North American title on him soon.


After years of reading your SWF work, I see common patterns in every diary, regarding who gets pushed with which gimmick. With that background, I just know you can't resist putting the tag titles on The Awesomeness in this match, beating High Flyin Hawaiian in the cheapest way possible after Ekuma has put away Fame & Money. It's such good heat! Also, it adds the potential for a dissension storyline between Unleashed Awesomeness down the road, as Unleashed can't get the job done in singles competition while Awesomeness are dominant in the tag ranks.


Davids vs. Brown is pretty tough to predict, honestly. Having Brown win the title here would add some needed credibility to his new persona & help Davids return to the main event. But is Brown over enough to beat Davids on the run of his career? I say it's time for Brown to take that next step & take the title, even if Davids complains. Really, Davids is too important to be dawdling with the North American title. He should be trying to fight Rocky Golden!


In my opinion, it's high time for Mikey Lau to convincingly beat Brandon James and end his main event run. James is 43 years old, he has a great pairing with Krissy Angelle, and he's done it all at the top of the card. Now I think James needs to go into semi-retirement & start focusing on helping younger guys get some shine. I don't think Mainstream Hernandez is up to too much right now; why not put Hernandez & James together in a mentorship deal...?


That segment with Rogue, Valiant, & Hannah was such a good escalation. I'm sure the fans would be baying for Valiant to slice & dice Rogue with razorblades in this one. Ultimately, I believe Valiant will step it up a notch tonight, but not enough. He'll aggressively throw Rogue around from the onset, but when push comes to shove, he won't be using weapons. This new violent style will distract Valiant from finishing Rogue off, allowing the injured Scoundrel to beat him. Then Rogue can belittle Valiant for not being able to beat an injured man with his girl's pride on the line. After this show, you could Valiant lose seemingly easy matches (clean or otherwise), & do backstage segments that show everyone else on the roster has lost respect for him. Have heels mock him & faces seem unenthused at the prospect of teaming with him. This can set Valiant on the compelling dark path he needs to travel down in order to give Rogue his hellish payback.


After all that action, it comes down to this: the main event. I think Remo needs to win the championship tonight. The former TCW ace, Rocky, has beaten SWF mainstay challenger that has stepped up to the plate. Now the only one left is a talented homegrown who has worked in the SWF since he was just nineteen, Remo. This is reason enough for me to believe Remo must be Rocky's kryptonite, the man who forces Rocky to evolve as a competitor late in his career before he earns that vindicating victory in battle. Frankly, I'm surprised you didn't hold off on Rocky vs. Remo until Supreme Challenge; it's a huge match that'll draw one hell of a buyrate. But I know you take the SWF a mile a minute, with plenty of debuts and turns we don't expect. I'm looking forward to see your take on all of these matches. :)


I would go Atomic to win the ladder match only because of my main event choice, the other choice which I've gone back and forward on is Starr winning it unfairly somehow screwing ATOMIC out of it setting up a fued between them over the contract.


Primus over Caulfield as a guess he is over and a great worker, be good to pass on some skills and popularity to some of the younger roster. If it's internal I will go Jungle Lord.


The Awesomneness with the win they are by far the best team to carry you through the year/six months while you build up some other team's. I always have them win in a triple threat and build up Hawaiian Crush ready for Supreme Challenge.


David's for the win, can't see Brown retaining just yet he needs more build, ZWB, Unleashed, Lau, Primus are all better picks right now. Spade, Parker, Brown and Mainstream just need some build.


Lau surely to go over, I see James as the Kane of the roster hanging around the upper card keeping strong through angles and his reputation. Lau is a future main eventer with huge star quality so mixing it up in angles and winning matches is only going to help him get to that level. Maybe this could lead to James realising he can't be the franchise anymore so he sets out to find the next franchise to build in his image or Angelle turns on him for being past his sell by date and brings in a new client leading to a James/Big Cat redemption story to finish his career.


Rogue vs Valiant the for me should end with them a huge bloody brawl, maybe in a cell with both men finally putting their past behind them and becoming a team again to close the chapter on their fued, working with the tag division will help lift it and give some new blood chance to flourish in the main event as both men wind down their careers.


Remo to win the title, Scythe intefers setting up Golden vs Scythe and Remo vs ATOMIC, Golden vs Remo II at Supreme Challenge


I don't disagree with anything said so far.


Have to follow the trend here and say Atomic winning is most likely although can see Starr doing so if it fits the next step of your story


Primus winning seems obvious on his current run


Whilst I can see the Awesomeness winning I don't wonder if Fame and Money will manage to hold on a little longer


As with the others this one is a hard pick and really depends on how Brown is doing pop/overness wise and whether Davids can be persuaded to drop it here, likewise can see him holding on to it but then where does that leave Brown. Potential for a 3rd party to get involved either way this goes I feel.


Agree with the comments so far, feels like it has to be Lau


This feels like it has some legs so Rogue to win here to continue the story


I can see why people think Remo will win here and I wouldn't be surprised, that being said I am going for Golden to retain with a Scythe distraction or interference element to widen the story for a few weeks until it branches out


looking forwards to the show


I thoroughly enjoyed reading your predictions/comments/feedback/creativity. Thank you SO much for this! :)

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You guys are all WRONG here. I know EXACTLY who's gonna win ALL of these matches. :p


Alright, so let's get started. Bret Starr isn't quite ready to be the World Heavyweight Champion but what better way for him to build himself than to sneak in and win the New Year's Revolution contract after ATOMIC implodes, setting up a new feud with the meathead. Can you imagine ATOMIC kicking Starr's tail for months only for Starr to find a way to retain his contract every time? I mean it simply writes itself.


Primus smashes. I'm getting a Batista vibe from him with that Primus Bomb. Can't wait to see what he does. Push him to the moon!


The tag match is a tough one. Fame & Money suck, and so they don't really deserve the titles. Can't think of what kind of story would actually need them to hold the titles so I'll go with the Awesomeness dethroning them. No good to have heels beat heels straight up, so it'll give Hawaiian Crush something to chase with a more interesting matchup.


Big D ALWAYS wins this match so I'm going with Lenny Brown this time despite the popularity disparity. Does Lenny deserve it? HECK NO. But it would be a damn good story to have him roll up a very protected Davids only to get a MASSIVE beatdown following the match. Book it!


Lau vs Big Money is always a tough one because this story could go in a number of directions. It's very early here so I'll say Lau wins to get this story out of the way to move him onto other things.


Rogue beats Valiant viciously in the rematch to set up something later.


Finally, the main event. Once again, you all are WRONG. Because I know EXACTLY what's going to happen here. :p We've got ourselves a good old fashioned sports entertainment ending with Scythe finally showing up and wrecking EVERYTHING here. The match ends in a messy draw and the show ends with Scythe standing over Rocky Golden's lifeless body.


See, told you guys I know EXACTLY who's gonna win ALL of these matches. :D

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Was that a quote from the masked singer?


You guys are all WRONG here. I know EXACTLY who's gonna win ALL of these matches. :p


Alright, so let's get started. Bret Starr isn't quite ready to be the World Heavyweight Champion but what better way for him to build himself than to sneak in and win the New Year's Revolution contract after ATOMIC implodes, setting up a new feud with the meathead. Can you imagine ATOMIC kicking Starr's tail for months only for Starr to find a way to retain his contract every time? I mean it simply writes itself.


Primus smashes. I'm getting a Batista vibe from him with that Primus Bomb. Can't wait to see what he does. Push him to the moon!


The tag match is a tough one. Fame & Money suck, and so they don't really deserve the titles. Can't think of what kind of story would actually need them to hold the titles so I'll go with the Awesomeness dethroning them. No good to have heels beat heels straight up, so it'll give Hawaiian Crush something to chase with a more interesting matchup.


Big D ALWAYS wins this match so I'm going with Lenny Brown this time despite the popularity disparity. Does Lenny deserve it? HECK NO. But it would be a damn good story to have him roll up a very protected Davids only to get a MASSIVE beatdown following the match. Book it!


Lau vs Big Money is always a tough one because this story could go in a number of directions. It's very early here so I'll say Lau wins to get this story out of the way to move him onto other things.


Rogue beats Valiant viciously in the rematch to set up something later.


Finally, the main event. Once again, you all are WRONG. Because I know EXACTLY what's going to happen here. :p We've got ourselves a good old fashioned sports entertainment ending with Scythe finally showing up and wrecking EVERYTHING here. The match ends in a messy draw and the show ends with Scythe standing over Rocky Golden's lifeless body.


See, told you guys I know EXACTLY who's gonna win ALL of these matches. :D

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You guys are all WRONG here. I know EXACTLY who's gonna win ALL of these matches. :p


Alright, so let's get started. Bret Starr isn't quite ready to be the World Heavyweight Champion but what better way for him to build himself than to sneak in and win the New Year's Revolution contract after ATOMIC implodes, setting up a new feud with the meathead. Can you imagine ATOMIC kicking Starr's tail for months only for Starr to find a way to retain his contract every time? I mean it simply writes itself.


Primus smashes. I'm getting a Batista vibe from him with that Primus Bomb. Can't wait to see what he does. Push him to the moon!


The tag match is a tough one. Fame & Money suck, and so they don't really deserve the titles. Can't think of what kind of story would actually need them to hold the titles so I'll go with the Awesomeness dethroning them. No good to have heels beat heels straight up, so it'll give Hawaiian Crush something to chase with a more interesting matchup.


Big D ALWAYS wins this match so I'm going with Lenny Brown this time despite the popularity disparity. Does Lenny deserve it? HECK NO. But it would be a damn good story to have him roll up a very protected Davids only to get a MASSIVE beatdown following the match. Book it!


Lau vs Big Money is always a tough one because this story could go in a number of directions. It's very early here so I'll say Lau wins to get this story out of the way to move him onto other things.


Rogue beats Valiant viciously in the rematch to set up something later.


Finally, the main event. Once again, you all are WRONG. Because I know EXACTLY what's going to happen here. :p We've got ourselves a good old fashioned sports entertainment ending with Scythe finally showing up and wrecking EVERYTHING here. The match ends in a messy draw and the show ends with Scythe standing over Rocky Golden's lifeless body.


See, told you guys I know EXACTLY who's gonna win ALL of these matches. :D




I love the way you wrote this. Also, the insight you provide. :)

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