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[C-verse] Least Favorite People To Book

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So the opposite of that other thread. Unlike its opposite which anyone makes sense if they strike your fancy in this case the worker in question would be someone who is an important part of the company you like to play, otherwise you just wouldn't book her or him.


For me its Rocky Golden. SWF is my jam, but I can't do Rocky. I grew up on wrestling in the 80s so I'm over the Hulk Hogan "Superman" deal. How do I make this guy believably vulnerable? Also I like to bring my own icon up and I prefer more skilled workers (though Rocky is pretty good, especially for a bigger guy).


I tried to play a save with him but I wasn't feeling it (not just because of Rocky). So I restarted and had Rocky go away to film a movie for a year and have Joey Morgan as a heel champ (believable and can pass it to the big face I build up). I gave Morgan +10 in over (to simulate him beating Rocky after a feud with him). In a year he returns and with my company humming along I might have a role for him as a big player but not an icon. Probably a heel also.

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No question, Troy Tornado. It's probably mostly his render, but I've never been able to come up with anything interesting for him. I don't think I've ever pushed him or featured him at all, and he's mainly regulated to being a jobber for midcarders I'm pushing.


Another one is Squeeky McClean. His supposed straight edge gimmick is very obtuse for his render, and I just can't make those ideas click. I usually just bury him.

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For me, it's Tana the Mighty without a doubt. I can't stand the guy, he has no skill, no stamina, can't sell. He's terrible, yet he's over and I need him in the early months of a TCW save. TCW's starting roster is pretty awful actually; there are a lot of workers that are not fun to book, but the positives outweigh the negatives and after a few months and bringing in some of your own guys, it gets a lot better. But, yeah, Tana. Eugh.
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I mainly play as SWF and I wouldn’t say there is someone I least like booking as I feel creative enough to come up with gimmicks / characters and stories but the person I feel I underuse would be Lenny Brown.


He is always highly spoken of by other wrestlers but I end up keeping him around the midcard with the odd North American Championship reign but going off comments I always feel I should push him harder but never do.


Maybe next time Lenny..

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I mainly play as SWF and I wouldn’t say there is someone I least like booking as I feel creative enough to come up with gimmicks / characters and stories but the person I feel I underuse would be Lenny Brown.


He is always highly spoken of by other wrestlers but I end up keeping him around the midcard with the odd North American Championship reign but going off comments I always feel I should push him harder but never do.


Maybe next time Lenny..


I use him in a tag team with Steven Parker. Keeps em busy, improves the tag division and if a spot opens I can always split them up. I like Parker especially.

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Frankie Perez, Mikey Lau/James, Spencer Spade, The Brotherhood of the Wedgecut, KC GLENN.


Basically anyone who was overused in diaries between like 2010 - 2016. :p


I understand about the others, but Frankie Perez can be a solid main eventer for a custom company, imo he's not booked enough as a strong player in a company, a small one, that is.

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I understand about the others, but Frankie Perez can be a solid main eventer for a custom company, imo he's not booked enough as a strong player in a company, a small one, that is.


Back when The California Dragons were a thing it felt like they were the go-to tag team (for good reason, they are quite talented). Not so much these days but the memory lingers on.

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Frankie Perez, Mikey Lau/James, Spencer Spade, The Brotherhood of the Wedgecut, KC GLENN.


Basically anyone who was overused in diaries between like 2010 - 2016. :p


Damn all my faves. Especially Mikey. A great, young up and coming star, slightly undersized in SWF? That's gold baby. He's a little too small and stoic so "Literal Dragon" Mikey Lau it is! One of my favourite runs ever I had him in a comedy midcard team with Robbie Retro. Trust me bro, dis will get you over big time! Think of the ratings bro!


EDIT: I think my own least favourite has always been Angry Gilmore. Attributes and skills through the roof, always over and to me he's....what, Lance Storm? I can't ever imagine him as anything other than a "good hand". To me he's always been the pinnacle of my problem with the CVerse which is that there are too many guys who are the "total package" in terms of in ring skills and charisma. That, combined with never knowing how to characterise him other than as a workhorse has always made me struggle. I think the only time I ever had a *lot* of fun booking him was in TEW 2016, I did a whole angle where Jessie got hurt during a big tag team bout, accidentally getting run down by Remo, so Gilmore snapped and went on a crusade against the other men involved - Remo, Crippler and Jack Bruce. Even when Jessie returned he couldn't turn off the anger until she threatened to leave him, leading to a vow renewal ceremony live on Supreme TV. Joe Sexy crashed the party, claiming he'd "gotten there first" back when they were a tag team, and when Gilmore was stolen away by USPW a few weeks later it led to a loser leaves town match which Sexy won. This catapulted Joe into an unexpected main event run so I guess I do have Tom to thank for that!

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Dead Men Walking a.k.a. Gravedigga and Mobstar. GSW is one of my fav CVerse companies and every save I've done with it since the 2013 game, those two always resign or get signed off and it's not like they're spectacular talents you'd expect to eventually lose. They're a very integral part of the company but I just never seem able to keep them around for more than a year.
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For me, it's Tana the Mighty without a doubt. I can't stand the guy, he has no skill, no stamina, can't sell. He's terrible, yet he's over and I need him in the early months of a TCW save. TCW's starting roster is pretty awful actually; there are a lot of workers that are not fun to book, but the positives outweigh the negatives and after a few months and bringing in some of your own guys, it gets a lot better. But, yeah, Tana. Eugh.


I agree with this, you have to use him, but don’t want to. I basically had Mighty Mo part ways for a single push and then just used him to team up with guys I wanted to get over as faces to give a pop rub.


I actually struggle a bit with Sammy Bach. You need him, but at least in my game he’s in decline already and you don’t really want to put him over any top heels, but you need to use him against them cause of his popularity.

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For me it usually ends up being a member of a tag team that's not the one I end up pushing. So I'll bring in a tag team like The Puerto Rican Boys or Devil May Care and after a few years in the tag division I'll want to push my favourites (Acid II/Apollo). This leads to the split of the team in some way and them going their own ways and while one thrives, the other tends to middle out in the Midcard. Sometimes they end up in another team or sometimes they end up losing a bunch until they eventually leave.


Stuntman was the worst for it in my current save as I split them up and he would get annoyed at every loss, even if it was to someone on an even popularity field. He ended up actually being useful in the end but he always finds some way to annoy me.

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Another one from the SWF is the Masked Patriot. Great brawler, decent skills and is fairly over but in 2020 is loving your country (which I am American and I do) the basis for a character? I don't have nor want characters who hate America for the Masked one to defend America against. American Geopolitics in 2020 isn't simple anymore like it was in the 70s and 80s (America good, Russia & Middle East bad).


Now if I wanted to run USPW Patriot would fit because they are in a timewarp and have a couple "Russians" on the payroll.


Plus Valiant is doing a similar thing but is more versatile, better looking and more over.


Of course I could change the gimmick but he's 100% face, refuses to lose the mask and I don't know what he looks like. Also his brawling is his only calling card, the other stuff is decent to solid. I tried Eric Lee everyman and I've tried "The Hood" (a masked just avenger type) but it just stalls.


Edit: "Captain America" might occur to someone. Yes Captain America (Steve or Sam or whoever) is a search for what it means to be a patriotic American in 2021. Great stuff for movies, TV and comics. I don't think it really works in Wrestling (and Our Masked friend probably isn't quite good enough on the mic or acting to pull it off). The WWE tried this level of nuance with Mohammad Hassan but he ended up resorting to stereotype. But I don't know how they were going to develop that story regardless. Its not impossible but wrestling is not an ideal medium for this level of introspection and nuance.

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I agree with this, you have to use him, but don’t want to. I basically had Mighty Mo part ways for a single push and then just used him to team up with guys I wanted to get over as faces to give a pop rub.


I actually struggle a bit with Sammy Bach. You need him, but at least in my game he’s in decline already and you don’t really want to put him over any top heels, but you need to use him against them cause of his popularity.


I used to do TCW. I loved Sammy in 2013. I would either make him my lead face and champion or a cult leader.


I remember Tana came via an C-Verse update so in that sense a worker who is over and not terrible was a pleasant surprise though as has been said he's no great shakes.

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In my current CGC 1997 game, Ed Monton. He's a fantastic worker, very popular, decent promo.... but I struggle to think of anything for him to do. In the past 5 years he's only been interesting once; as the Substitute Teacher from Hell, stepping in to lead the School of Tradition when Eric Tyler was suddenly poached by SWF. Since then? He just has matches. Good matches. Great matches. Boring matches. Recently his new protege (Julian Watson) turned on him, but he's still the most boring part of the story.


Historically, Shane Nelson has been tough for me. A bland midcard cruiserweight wrestling under his real name. Like Ed, he's a really good, if not flashy, worker, but he'd always get lost in the shuffle due to lack of ideas. TEW 2020 actually fixed him though. His 'Bad Boys' indy tag team with Ryan Powell is equal parts fresh and pathetic and I love it.

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I agree with this, you have to use him, but don’t want to. I basically had Mighty Mo part ways for a single push and then just used him to team up with guys I wanted to get over as faces to give a pop rub.


I actually struggle a bit with Sammy Bach. You need him, but at least in my game he’s in decline already and you don’t really want to put him over any top heels, but you need to use him against them cause of his popularity.


For me the fun part about the game is giving good runs to people who are NOT the total package. Whether that be no in-ring skills like Tana or are over but in decline like Bach.


I always pair them with my workhorses.


My least favorite to book is any of the Chris Morrisette gimmicks. Lobster Warrior, The Crippler, just plain Chris Morrisette. I always want to but when I start I have a tough time taking him serious in any way shape or form.

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Had to scratch my head here, as generally the ones I don't like just... end up working for a different promotion. The exception here was a AAA '97 save where I basically 'had' to book Anne Stardust. :p


When booking PGHW or NOTB, no one comes to mind really (I even like booking Ron Greenhorn). But then again: I only play '97 saves, and those were the days. :cool:

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Tana The Mighty for sure. It's like he solely exists to turn on Mo to start a Mo singles push. Plus "Tana The Mighty" makes Mo Barrett be named "Mighty Mo" causing the worst tag team name of all time.


Come to think of it, a lot of TCW's midcard is bad. Dazzling Dave Diamond cant go more than ten minutes, same with Danny Fonzarelli and both of the Behemoths I think. TCW has been supplanted by CWA as my favorite CVerse company to book.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The babyface midcard of TCW besides T-Bone Bright and Edd Stone.


Out of these listed who will you want to re-sign and push Tana, Fonzarelli, Benny Benson , Chance, flying Jimmy fox, Darryl Devine, One Man Army, Bart Biggins, Dazzling Dave Diamond, and Human Arsenal.


This sets you up to build a couple heels easily such as Greg Gauge, Roderick Remus, and Nick Booth. Just would’ve liked another face or two to offset the age.

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The babyface midcard of TCW besides T-Bone Bright and Edd Stone.


Out of these listed who will you want to re-sign and push Tana, Fonzarelli, Benny Benson , Chance, flying Jimmy fox, Darryl Devine, One Man Army, Bart Biggins, Dazzling Dave Diamond, and Human Arsenal.


This sets you up to build a couple heels easily such as Greg Gauge, Roderick Remus, and Nick Booth. Just would’ve liked another face or two to offset the age.


I ended up going heel with Benny cause I wanted to split him and Jimmy up and Benny ended up being one of my favorite guys to book. I hired Mutant who worked as his bodyguard and it was quite a bit of fun.


The rest I can take or leave though.

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The babyface midcard of TCW besides T-Bone Bright and Edd Stone.


Out of these listed who will you want to re-sign and push Tana, Fonzarelli, Benny Benson , Chance, flying Jimmy fox, Darryl Devine, One Man Army, Bart Biggins, Dazzling Dave Diamond, and Human Arsenal.


This sets you up to build a couple heels easily such as Greg Gauge, Roderick Remus, and Nick Booth. Just would’ve liked another face or two to offset the age.


I concur. Outside of T-Bone and Edd, the TCW face midcard is in real bad shape. It needs to be rebuilt badly.

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