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The Death of WCW?

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There's a whole essay I (and most people I imagine) could probably write about what WCW did wrong. The most basic and crucial point for me however was the use of older "name" wrestlers and the creative control granted to them. The big names that were needed initially to gain interest needed to eventually were too dominant, too ever-present where it mattered and whereas the WWE(F) had managed to create new stars like The Rock, Stone Cold, etc, any such progress in WCW was generally hampered by the refusal of the likes of Hogan, Nash & co to step aside when it really mattered. Those few workers who managed to break through (Goldberg would be the easiest example) or started gathering momentum (the aforementioned Sting debacle) but even he was hurt by bad booking decisions, much like the nWo angle turned sour for similar booking (and egos). Wasting the likes of Jericho, Benoit, Eddie, was really the final nail in the proverbial coffin as WCW. Simply put, WCW died because it never evolved. Oh and also in the mistakes of WCW, you could have listed the Hogan/Warrior confrontation on Nitro. "I dominated that which was once... [B]un-dom-in-a-ble[/B]!" Genius. All two hours of it... or at least, it felt that long.
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Great posts guys. I think you hit the nail on the head sebs, it never evolved. WWF seemed to always rotate through its main eventers - guys either moved on or were moved down the card. The likes of Steve Austin, the Rock, Undertaker etc. all had fantastic runs in the main event, but they didn't drop the bundle and hog the limelight. I agree that the finger poke of doom in some ways was a bit of a swerve, but, I think even at that stage people were tired of seeing Hulk Hogan as the lead man for WCW. Even at that stage I think people demanded Benoit main eventing against Sting, Bret Hart, Eddie Guerrero etc. They wanted to see Hogan back putting over Guerrero, Benoit, and making a new frontier of main eventers. I think if someone like Bret Hart had have delivered the finger poke of doom, and we then had a period of good to great main eventing opposing Hart that'd have acceptable. And certainly, another comment about how there is a large range of negative publicity surrounding WCW but a lack of positive press is very true. The cruiserweight division was always great. The Sting/nWo storyline was one of the greatest, if not the greatest storyline ever until the ending. The roster assembled was arguably the greatest roster ever assembled. Goldberg's rise was fantastic. The history of the Four Horsemen was phenomonal. All of your great comments sort of begs the inevitable question then, was WCW terminally ill, or was it savable? And if it had turned terminally ill, what was the moment that sealed its fate?
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Guest cmdrsam
WCW was terminal the moment the started with the mass turnover to the NWO faction. Savable,,yes and no. Yes it was savable if the boss would of just said hey,,signing Hogan,etc, was a mistake. Lets cut the losses now and see if we can turn this ship around. No by the meaning of noone wanted that kind of meeting to present to the boss. You see yes WCW died when they did not start to bring in new faces to the main event. But also I feel they did not understand thier fan base. It was wrestling first sprinkle storyline etc. They started try WWF/E style by story first then sprinkle a match or 2. Im sorry When Nash booked a complete hours worth of show with all angle/storyline and not one,,not one match, that did them in. On a side note. TNA I felt up untill few weeks ago kinda was old style WCW. Now I fear they are down the same old track. WWF/E is a master of what they do. You dont beat them at that style. You come up with somethign differnt. But Ill stop the rambling on that note. Just my 2 cents.
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;163352]WCW was terminal the moment the started with the mass turnover to the NWO faction. Savable,,yes and no. Yes it was savable if the boss would of just said hey,,signing Hogan,etc, was a mistake. Lets cut the losses now and see if we can turn this ship around. No by the meaning of noone wanted that kind of meeting to present to the boss. You see yes WCW died when they did not start to bring in new faces to the main event. But also I feel they did not understand thier fan base. It was wrestling first sprinkle storyline etc. They started try WWF/E style by story first then sprinkle a match or 2. Im sorry When Nash booked a complete hours worth of show with all angle/storyline and not one,,not one match, that did them in. On a side note. TNA I felt up untill few weeks ago kinda was old style WCW. Now I fear they are down the same old track. WWF/E is a master of what they do. You dont beat them at that style. You come up with somethign differnt. But Ill stop the rambling on that note. Just my 2 cents.[/QUOTE] Completely agree. Kevin Nash infamously labelled the less charismatic but more talented in ring workers "Vanilla Midgets". How that'd come back to bite him and the entire WCW management crew in the backside when most of those vanilla midgets ended up in the WWF all at once, and one of the final rusty nails was nailed into the coffin accordingly. Gee, WCW had some woeful bookers, Nash was certainly one, when you see reports of shows and you see things like Match ended in DQ after 1:53, and you see its two talented workers being attacked by Nash's mates, and that's the only wrestling in the first hour, something's horribly wrong. The core base of WCW, from a non-American perspective, was Georgia Championship Wrestling and Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling, which from my limited historical information seemed to be dominated by wrestling first, and angle time second. I think the target market for World Championship Wrestling was very different to the target market of the World Wrestling Federation, but no one ever quite understood that. IIRC, there's a moment where WCW had a Marketing Analyst working for them, who did a series of target groups etc., canvassing WCW followers, former WCW followers, and potential WCW followers, and they all came back wanting more wrestling - that report was nixed and that guy I believe was sacked and moved onto a different section within the Turner Corporation for not understanding wrestling. How ironic is that? He didn't understand wrestling by giving feedback that fans wanted more wrestling. I think that's all proven when people reminisce about the great parts of WCW, and the same names pop up - Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero, Malenko, Ric Flair, Sting, all the imported cruiserweights like Ultimo Dragon, Jushin Thunder Liger, La Parka etc. The nWo and the like had their spot, but by late 1997 and early 1998 I don't think it was to continue to obliterate the competition, but off the back of Bret Hart's arrival, and what should have been Sting cleanly going over Hollywood Hogan, the nWo's role should have been to put over the WCW talent that demanded to rise to the top. The cream should always rise to the top, no matter how "vanilla"ised that cream is. If that had have happened, the likes of Kevin Nash would have still been receiving big pay days working in amongst the talent.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/915/deathofwcwur1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Proudly Presents[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/3940/wcwglycerinewx7.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]WCW Glycerine, Saturday Week 4, April, 2001 Live from the Florence Civic Center, Florence, South Carolina Live on NBC[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U]The Undertaker issues a morbid warning[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]At the top of the show, a vignette is played of the Undertaker [*]He is working tirelessly in his morgue [*]Sawing [*]Drilling [*]Sanding [*]Polishing [*]He drops the lid onto the casket [*]Which has inscribed in gold [*]"Steve Corino - Rest In Peace - Left this world at Wanted: Dead or Alive" [*]The Undertaker rolls his eyes back, sending a warning to Steve Corino [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]WCW Cruiserweight Championship "The Real Deal" AJ Styles (c) v "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels v "Sugar" Shane Helms v Jamie Knoble[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]A four way match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship, with the newly crowned AJ Styles receiving a reasonable pop as he came to the ring [*]Daniels tried to trash talk him in his face, but Jamie Knoble attacked with a low drop kick to get the match on the road [*]None of these men like to slow down [*]None of these men mind tumbling [*]And fans of moves such as suicide planchas and asai moonsaults would have been in their glory with this match [*]Three of the four men have held the coveted WCW Cruiserweight Championship, and Jamie Knoble looked desperately keen to add his name to the list [*]But as he started to get confident, Christopher Daniels hit the Angels Wings on him [*]He also hit the Angels Wings on Shane Helms! [*]But AJ Styles came from the top rope and surprised him with a hurricanrana [*]He hooked his leg for a pin attempt...1...2....3!!! AJ Styles retains! [/LIST][/QUOTE] C- [B][U]YOU'RE NEXT[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, Goldberg reviewed footage from Fire where himself and the Undertaker dealt to Chris Kanyon and Big Poppa Pump [*]The cameras focussed on the glazed look of the WCW Heavyweight Champion who lay in the ring in shock [*]Goldberg merely laughed [*]"YOU'RE NEXT!" [*]And then stormed off [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Goldberg v Johnny The Bull[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The commentators hyped that Goldbegr was keen to show Chris Kanyon what he was in store for at Wanted: Dead or Alive [*]But to do that, he must get past Johnny the Bull [*]They hyped Johnny the Bull's impressive physique, and the high hopes the WCW Powerplant has for him [*]However, he was no match for Goldberg [*]Spear [*]Jackhammer [*]SPLAT [*]1...2....3 [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]"Positively" Chris Kanyon makes his presence known[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The commentators told us we were going to break immediately to breaking action backstage [*]It was in the Presidential Suite where "Nature Boy" Ric Flair was being pounded on mercilessly by "Positively" Chris Kanyon [*]Kanyon told the bloodied WCW President that this was no longer Flair territory [*]But Kanyon territory [*]And that Kanyon was going to make mince meat of Sting tongiht to show Goldberg, and Ric Flair, why the belt would not be changing hands at Wanted: Dead or Alive [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]WCW Television Championship "Sultan of Swing" Juventud Guerrera (c) v Randy Orton[/b][/u] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Juventud put his WCW Television Championship on the line in his mandatory defence against young up and comer Randy Orton [*]Orton has been gaining some recogntion of lately, and was even featured in the WCW Magazine last week [*]He's been talked about on various web forums as being the next big thing in world wrestilng [*]Juvi though currently IS the hottest commodity [*]He's on a Goldberg-esque streak, having made 21 successful defences of the Television Championship [*]Just a few short months ago, he was without a contract [*]Now he's one of the hottest stars in pro wrestling [*]Orton tried as many cheap tricks as he could to try to hinder Juvi [*]But eventually he was no match for the speed and agility of Juvi who ran Randy ragged [*]Eventually winning courtesy of the... JUVI DRIVER...1...2....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Sanders talks up Sting[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, the WCW Marketing Director was in the dressing room of his coveted idol, Sting [*]Sanders was all hype, jumping around like a cat in a hat waiting to be let out [*]Sting was his usual quiet self, pondering, unemotively [*]Sanders told Sting that tonight he was going to be a 7 time...7 time... WCW World Heavyweight Champion [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Vader, "New Generation" Rey Mysterio Jr, "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe, and WCW World Tag Team Champions The Filthy Animals Konnan and Billy Kidman v The Giant, "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett, "The Franchise" Shane Douglas, and The Army of Darkness Judas Jindrak and Mike Awesome[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Five on five action on Glyercine [*]You don't even get this sort of action on your favourite adult DVD's [*]Okay, maybe on some, but most of them are pretty ordinary [*](So I've been told) [*]So much energy and hatred amongst this lot [*]Vader can't stand the Giant [*]The tag team championships will be on the line at Wanted: Dead or Alive between the Army of Darkness and The Filthy Animals [*]Jeff Jarrett's US Championship will again go on the line at Wanted: Dead or Alive against Rey Mysterio Jr [*]And Samoa Joe recently broke the nose of Shane Douglas [*]...legit [*]The tensions were high [*]And certainly the esculation of that was not controlled in the ring [*]You can really feel for WCW Referees when this amount of carnage is on offer [*]It's hard enough to focus on one on one action [*]And while that's good on DVD, oh I'm sorry, VHS, 2 on 1 is better yet [*]But I digress [*]The loser? [*]The poor little rag doll [*]Rey Mysterio Jr, who put on a hell of a display trying to outrun Giant [*]But eventually he fell prey to... THE CHOKESLAM...1...2....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Another tag team exhibition on the way[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]After the commercial break, "Genetic Freak" Big Poppa Pump, and "Dog Faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner, with their manager Eric Bischoff came to the ring [*]Big Poppa Pump posed [*]The fans booed [*]Rick Steiner told the fans he thought they were barking up the wrong booing the Steiner Brothers [*]He said they should be grateful that they'd been so loyal to WCW for so many years, and had been the pillar of the greatest tag division ever assembled [*]Big Poppa Pump told the fans that he honestly was loyal to Ric Flair, and took heed to his words [*]And that he wanted to give back to WCW [*]So tonight, was another phase in the education of the tag team ranks about the power and discipline needed to become the best of the best [*]Like the Steiners [*]Holla, if you hear me [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]The Steiner Brothers v Oppositely Hardcore ("Screamin" Norman Smiley and Crowbar)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]This week on the lunch menu, I mean these week's opponents, Norman Smiley and Crowbar [*]Man, can Norman Smiley scream [*]He scream's better than Jenna [*]Well not quite [*]He's a hell of a wrestler though [*]He's ferociously underrated in my books [*]But alas, as expected, Oppositely Hardcore were cannon fodder as The Steiner Recliner was applied to Crowbar who submitted [/LIST][/QUOTE] B [B][U]"Nature Boy" Ric Flair Press Conference[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, Ric Flair attended an official Press Conference [*]His head was bandaged up, and he had a bruise under his left eye [*]He told the press that this conference would be short and sweet [*]And that the official notice he was issuing was that he was sanctioning that the WCW World Heavyweight Championship would not only be on the line between Chris Kanyon and Goldberg at Wanted: Dead or Alive [*]But also, the title could change hands on disqualification [*]WOOOO!!! [*]Because this is FLAIR country [*]WOOOO!!! [*]And Chris Kanyon, you don't mess with space mountain! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]"The King of Bling Bling" wants to fine tune[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]After the commercial break, "The King of Bling Bling" Diamond Dallas Page came to the ring [*]He told fans that stocks were high, and as such, to celebrate he was in such a good, frisky mood that he was issuing an open chalennge to any chump in the back who wanted a couple of minutes on TV against the "King of Bling Bling" [*].... [*].... [*].. [*].... [*]TOME.... [*]TOME.... [*]...TOME... [*]And out came Undertaker, Diamond Dallas Page gulped in horror, as Taker made his way to the ring [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]"The King of Bling Bling" Diamond Dallas Page v The Undertaker[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]DDP tried to back his way out of the match, getting on his knees to apologise, and then quickly trying to roll out of the ring [*]..but he was quickly rolled back into the lion's den by Lance Storm! [*]DDP tried to get some cheap shots in [*]But there was little holding back from the Undertaker [*]Taker was here for a tune up himself [*]He was here to send a message to Steve Corino [*]And he did just that... [*]TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER... [*]1...2....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]Sting video[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]A video package aired showing some of the career achievements of Sting [*]It highlighted that he was a six time WCW World Heavyweight Champion [*]And that Chris Kanyon was going up against one of the very best ever [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]WCW World Heavyweight Championship "Positively" Chris Kanyon (c) v Sting[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]One of the most prolific wrestlers in WCW history [*]Against the current WCW World Heavyweight Champion [*]What a main event for Glycerine [*]Wonder if it's ever achieve the epic heights of the finger poke of doom title change? [*]Or Vince Russo's title win? [*]Or David Arquette's title win? [*]Well, it surpassed all that [*]The match wasn't the longest match in living history [*]And certainly it wasn't long by some of Sting's standards [*]But it was inetnse [*]Sting brought his A-Game [*]But unfortunately it wasn't enough [*]As Chris Kanyon pushed out of a Scorpion Death Drop, just as the crowd thought Sting was ablout to get to his seventh title reign, and Kanyon hit... The Flatliner...1....2.....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]Goldberg comes to Sting's aid[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Post match, Goldberg came to the aid of Sting [*]Kanyon escaped to the commentary table, telling Tony Schiavone that indeed "this was the greatest win in the history of our sport" [*]I like it [*]Take that Tony, biatch [*]Just as Goldberg helped Sting to his feet, Kanyon came into the ring and blasted Goldberg to the back of the head with a steel chair as Glycerine went off the air!!! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A Attendence: 9,966 Rating: A* Glycerine drew 3,370,578 viewers on NBC WCW's US Popularity has risen to 78.9% in all areas.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/915/deathofwcwur1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]From World Championship Wrestling Secretary to the Board of Directors, Al Fresco[/CENTER][/U][/B] [I]Courtesy of wcw.com[/I] Last night at WCW Glycerine, Ric Flair announced that the WCW World Heavyweight Championship match at Wanted: Dead or Alive, next month, would be a no disqualifaction match. However, at the time of the announcement, this was unsanctioned by the World Championship Wrestling Board of Directors. Last night after the show, due to the potential impact this could have on the industry, an extraordinary board meeting was called and invitations were also extended to WCW World Heavyweight Champion, "Positively" Chris Kanyon, number one contendor Bill Goldberg, and Ric Flair himself. All three attended. All WCW directors were in attendence. Mr. Ric Flair was quizzed by the board as to whether his announcement was spurred by personal rage at Mr. Kanyon for an attack at WCW Glycerine. The minutes of the meeting reveal the following response from Mr. Flair; "Half yes, half no. Chris Kanyon needs to learn the principles and ideals of wrestling in a world class promotion such as World Championship Wrestling. Night after night, week after week, as the holder of the NWA Heavyweight Championship I would wrestle half hour to an hour, every single time. And you learnt that all your wars would be finalised in the centre of the squared circle. That's what makes the belt he currently holds the most prestigious title in any sports field anywhere. You also have to learn dignified respect for those in higher positions. As WCW President, I don't think it is an acceptable for an employee of World Championship Wrestling to physically attack me." Mr. Kanyon was quick to rebute; "Hold on a second Ric. Respect is a double edged sword. You have to earn it. I don't care what you did in the ice ages, you haven't earnt it from me. This decision is proposterous, and hopefully the Board of Directors will overturn your decision." Mr. Goldberg was asked his opinion on the matter. "I don't care whether it's no disqualification or not. Either way Kanyon, YOU'RE NEXT!" The men got into a shoulder to shoulder confrontation, eyeing each other off before Ric Flair and four members of the WCW Board of Directors were able to step in and prevent any melee' that would have resulted in disciplinary action under the constitution of the WCW Board of Directors. Through the night, the WCW Board of Directors earnestly argued and debated the case presented to them. The decision was held up as the board was unable to unanamously come up with a decision. The end vote was a hung jury, an even 50/50 split between sanctioning it as a no disqualification match or overturning the decision. A final decision will be made and presented at the next edition of WCW Glycerine. Yours Faithfully, On behalf of the World Championship Wrestling Board of Directors, Al Fresco.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/915/deathofwcwur1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Proudly Presents [/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.sportt.de/nitro/Nitro.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]WCW Monday Nitro, Monday, May 1, 2001 Live from the North Charleston Coliseum, North Charleston, South Carolina[/b][/u][/CENTER] [B][U]Announcement from the WCW Board of Directors[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The commentary team recapped that the WCW Board of Directors called an extraordinary meeting of the Directors immediately following Glycerine [*]The topic on the agenda was the announcement from Ric Flair that the Chris Kanyon v Goldberg WCW World Heavyweight Championship match at Wanted: Dead or Alive would be a no disqualification match, or that the title could change hands on count of disqualification [*]The WCW Board of Directors were uanble to make any resolution as to whether or not this would be sanctioned, but following further discussion a decision will be pending and made at the next edition of Glycerine [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]"Big Sexy" Kevin Nash, "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer, "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe and Booker T v Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell, WCW Hardcore Champion Rhino, "Franchise" Shane Douglas and Chavo Guerrero Jr[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]An eight man match to start off another edition of Nitro [*]Featuring the return from injury for former WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Booker T [*]And he was keenly pursuing Buff Bagwell [*]So much so that early on in the match they separated from the match and began brawilng down the aisle [*]The end came after all remaining six men got even offence, when the Innovator of Offence, Tommy Dreamer was able to hit the Dreamer DDT on Shane Douglas...1...2....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Goldberg interview[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]A pre-recorded interview with "Mean" Gene Okerlund and WCW World Heavyweight Championship number one contendor Goldberg was aired [*]Okerlund asked Goldberg what his thoughts on the no disqualification stipulation were and the pending decision to sanction it by the WCW Board of Directors [*]Goldberg told Gene that he didn't care [*]He didn't care if they had to fight in a cage [*]In a street brawl [*]In a gravy pool [*]Or in hell in a cell [*]And he didn't care whether it was a no disqualification match, whether the title could change hands on the count of a disqualification, or whether it was a normal match [*]He couldn't be sure what sort of match it would be [*]What he could be sure of was that Kanyon...YOU'RE NEXT! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]The Steiner Challenge Continues[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The Steiner brothers came to the ring with Eric Bischoff [*]"Genetic Freak" Big Poppa Pump said they were to do their weekly service to WCW by teaching another pack of Steiner wannabes the art of tag team wrestling [*]Rick Steiner told the crowd that there was no better force in tag team wrestling, past, present, dead or alive to compare to the Steiner Brothers [*]Big Poppa Pump told the backstage crew to find a couple of hopefuls and send them out [*]Holla...if you hear me [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]The Steiner Brothers v Beauty and the Beast ("The Animal" Dave Bautista and Randy Orton[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Their opponents this time - the youthful team of Randy Orton and Dave Bautista [*]They've been gaining some notice throughout the wrestling world [*]The Steiner's were dominant early, but their opponents wouldn't stay down [*]Infact at various stages it appeared as if Bautista and Orton were the one's holding control of the match [*]Eventually though Rick Steiner gained control for his team [*]He hit the Bulldog on Orton!!! [*]1...2....THR... [*]KICK OUT!!! [*]Rick Steiner remonstrated with Charles Robinson... [*]Inside cradle from Orton..1...2....3!!!!! [*]The Steiner's have been beaten!!!! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]The Steiner's demand revenge![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]After the match as Beauty and the Beast slide to the floor, Big Poppa Pump asks for a microphone [*]He tells Beauty and the Beast they got lucky [*]But perhaps they won't be so lucky at Wanted: Dead or Alive [*]At least, that is if they have the guts [*]Jimmy Hart picked up his megaphone and told the Steiner's They're Ready to Rock and Roll Baby! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]"Nature Boy" Ric Flair talks about the events of Glycerine[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair met up with Pamela Paulshock in front of the Nitro logo [*]Pamela asked Ric if he felt his authority was being undermined [*]Flair told Pamela Paulshock that no one could undermine the Nature Boy [*]It didn't matter whether it was Jim Herd [*]It didn't matter if it was Jim Crockett [*]It didn't matter if it was Eric Bischoff [*]The Nature Boy always ended up stylin and proflin [*]WOOO!!! [*]Paulshock asked why Flair had made the decision he had at Glycerine [*]Flair told Pamela that he had evidence that proved that Chris Kanyon was going to hit Goldberg with a chairshot at Wanted: Dead or Alive in the hope that the referee would disqualify him, noting that the World Title cannot change on no disqualifcation [*]Therefore, if the Board of Directors see fit, we will either have a no disqualification free for all, or the title will be able to change on disqualification [*]WOOOO!!!! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]WCW Television Championship "Sultan of Swing" Juventud Guerrera (c) v "The Beast from the East" Bam Bam Bigelow[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Bam Bam Bigelow once touted that his career was in memory of Bruiser Brody [*]I wonder whether Bruiser Brody would settle for the recent career Bam Bam's had? [*]Chances are probably not [*]But here he got his opportunity in challenging Juventud Guerrera for the WCW Television Championship [*]For a big man Bam Bam is frighteningly athletic [*]But even so, not agile enough for a daredevil like Juventud Guerrera [*]Bam Bam tried to keep up with Juvi [*]But the perspiration and heavy breathing gave signs that Juvi's brilliant cardio fitness tied with his superior speed was taking its toll [*]Eventually Juvi was able to hit a wonderful springboard hurricanrana...he hooked the legs...1...2....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]The Undertaker trail of destruction[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]A video played highlighting the Undertaker's recent relentless trail of destruction [*]Many many slow shots of the Tombstone Piledriver were shown [*]With the head smashing against the canvas [*]The eyes rolling back in the head [*]Lights out [*]And the three count [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]The Undertaker v "King of Old School" Steve Corino[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The wiley experience and danger of the Undertaker [*]Versus the no holds barred bravado of Steve Corino [*]Steve Corino has publically announced that he expects to be the man to end the reign of darkness of the Undertaker [*]Everyone knows that'll be one hell of a feat should he achieve it [*]There's just as good a chance, if not a stronger chance of Steve Corino leaving via wooden box at Wanted: Dead or Alive [*]Very aptly named for his opponent really [*]Is that an omen? [*]The match was surprisingly dominated by Corino who used as many short cuts, if not cheap tricks, he could to gain ascendency [*]However, eventually the Undertaker sat up, and looked all business [*]Which was the sign for Corino to slide out of the ring and make a run for the exit [*]The match was won by Undertaker by countout [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]"Positively" Chris Kanyon appeals to the Board of Directors[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, WCW World Heavyweight Champion, "Positively" Chris Kanyon made a public appeal to the WCW Board of Directors [*]He told them how he was honest man [*]A man who was brought up on solid principles and morals [*]A man that had achieved everything possible in the sport by virtue of hard working and innovation of offence [*]He told the WCW Board of Directors that Ric Flair was a cheat, and a charleton [*]THis was received by thunderous boos from the Flair country crowd [*]He reminded the Board of Directors that Ric Flair himself called himself the dirtiest player in the game, and this was just another part of it [*]He said he would win on his own merits, and therefore they had no cause to make any adjustments to the match [*]After all - who better dan Kanyon! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]Goldberg v Sean O'Haire[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Goldberg's meal tonight [*]I mean opponent tonight [*]Former US Heavyweight Champion Sean O'Haire [*]Sean O'Haire is a very menacing wrestler [*]He means business [*]But this was no different [*]Spear [*]Jackhammer [*]Splat [*]1...2...3 [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Goldberg tells Kanyon what he thinks of him[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Goldberg picked up a microphone and told Chris Kanyon that his opinion on what sort of match it is at Wanted: Dead or Alive? [*]As if I give a sh!t (beeped out) [OOC: I love The Longest Yard] [*]YOU'RE NEXT! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]The Giant, "The King of Bling Bling" Diamond Dallas Page, The Army of Darkness Judas Jindrak and Mike Awesome v Vader, Lance Storm, The Filthy Animals Billy Kidman and Konnan[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]An eight man tag match to seal the deal for Nitro [*]Vader and The Giant... [*]You can see it in their eyes [*]There's no love lost [*]I don't think they're sending each other Christmas Cards this year [*]Nor do I doubt they're each others Valentines [*]DDP seems infactuated with Torrie Wilson [*]Which in turn is frustrating Lance Storm immensely [*]Storm is preparing to marry Wilson [*]DDP seemingly wants to make Wilson a hooker! [*]And you can add into this match the aspirants to the Filthy Animal's Tag Team Championship, the Army of Darkness [*]It all bubbled over to a ferocious battle [*]Very little finesse [*]You won't see this on a Technical Wrestling VHS [*]This is the sort of stuff that'd have the likes of Lou Thesz and Stu Hart frothing [*]Just brutal hard energetic wrestilng [*]The winner was the big man himself... [*]No, not the Giant... [*]Vader, after he hit the Vader Bomb on Judas Jindrak...1....2....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ Rating: A Attendence: 8,921 Nitro drew 1,250,444 on TNT RAW is WAR got 1,134,398 on TNN RAW is WAR was a B- show from Quebec. The Main Event featured Triple H beating Eddie Guerrero to retain the WWF Championship. WCW's US popularity dropped back to 78.8%. WWF's US popularity dropped back to 74.3%.
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... [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/layout/topcenter.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]Wanted: Dead or Alive Card Leaked[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B][/CENTER] We have it on good advice that the card for Wanted: Dead or Alive, World Championship Wrestling's next Pay-Per-View is as follows, subject to change:- [LIST] [*]WCW Cruiserweight Championship: "Real Deal" AJ Styles v "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels [*]The Steiner Brothers v Beauty and the Beast [*]"Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe v "The Franchise" Shane Douglas [*]Booker T v Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell [*]WCW Hardcore Champion Rhino and "Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Death Defying Maniac" Sabu v "Mr Monday Night" Rob Van Dam and "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer [*]WCW Tag Team Championship: The Filthy Animals v The Army of Darkness [*]WCW Television Championship: "Sultan of Swing" Juventud Guerrera v "Mr Wrestling III" Jerry Lynn [*]"King of Bling Bling" Diamond Dallas Page v Lance Storm [*]"King of Old School" Steve Corino v The Undertaker [*]Cage Match: The Giant v Vader [*]WCW United States Championship: "Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett v "New Generation" Rey Mysterio Jr [*]Sting v Chavo Guerrero Jr [*]WCW World Heavyweight Championship: "Positively" Chris Kanyon v Goldberg - stipulation to be decided [/LIST] We will keep you informed to any further Wanted: Dead or Alive developments as they happen! In other news, Ultimate Pro Wrestling today inked a television deal with KDOC to debut UPW Featured Attractions.[/QUOTE]
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My only complaint is jobbing Sean O'Haire to Goldberg. I really see a lot of potential for those two to have a wicked awesome fued. Besides that! KING OF OLD SCHOOL FOR WCW CHAMP!!! [B]Predictions Below:[/B] * WCW Cruiserweight Championship: "Real Deal" AJ Styles v "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels -This will be a classic, I say that Daniels will put on a strong match wtih AJ but the Real Deal comes out on top! Winner: AJ Styles * The Steiner Brothers v Beauty and the Beast Hmmmm... I think that the Steiners have had all the build in this fued while Beauty and the Beast have already gotten a fluke win. Time to pass the torch. Winner: Beauty and the Beast * "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe v "The Franchise" Shane Douglas -JOE IS GOING TO KILL YOU! Winner: Samoa Joe * Booker T v Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell -If Booker T loses I'm going to shoot myself (not really) Winner: Booker T * WCW Hardcore Champion Rhino and "Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Death Defying Maniac" Sabu v "Mr Monday Night" Rob Van Dam and "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer Going to be a bloody violent match, that much is for sure. Winner: RVD & TD * WCW Tag Team Championship: The Filthy Animals v The Army of Darkness I'm bias as a huge Billy Kidman mark. Winner: Filthy Animals * WCW Television Championship: "Sultan of Swing" Juventud Guerrera v "Mr Wrestling III" Jerry Lynn -It's past time for Juvi to drop the title Winner: Jerry Lynn! * "King of Bling Bling" Diamond Dallas Page v Lance Storm Another toughy, but I think I'm going to go with .... Winner: Diamond Dallas Page * "King of Old School" Steve Corino v The Undertaker We have the King of Old School and the man in the Old School gimmick. I've already made completely clear who I want to win though. Winner: Steve Corino! * Cage Match: The Giant v Vader Vader's on a hot streak but the Giant is still untapped potential in my mind so: Winner: The Giant * WCW United States Championship: "Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett v "New Generation" Rey Mysterio Jr -Jarret doesn't feel all that Chosen anymore Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr. * Sting v Chavo Guerrero Jr -Chavo is the future, but Sting is the Icon of WCW. Although I think Chavo's going to win I'm going to perdict Sting anyways. Winner: Sting * WCW World Heavyweight Championship: "Positively" Chris Kanyon v Goldberg - stipulation to be decided -Goldberg! Goldberg! Goldberg! Winner: Goldberg
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/915/deathofwcwur1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Proudly Presents[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/7190/wcwfireot6.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]WCW Friday Fire, Friday, Week 1, May 2001 Live from the Freeman Coliseum, San Antonio, Texas Live on CBS[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U]Kaz Hayashi and WCW Cruiserweight Champion "Real Deal" AJ Styles v "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and "Sugar" Shane Helms[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Cruiserweights to start the show [*]Yippee! [*]I can pause that Krystal Steal DVD and focus on the wrestling again [*]Man, these guys can move [*]And move quick [*]It was quite obvious the tension that is building between AJ and Christopher Daniels [*]Nice bit of psychology here or there in a fast paced match to slow it down to let the proverbial knife try and cut the electricity between the two [*]The win though went to the number one contendor, Daniels, when he hit the Angels Wings on Kaz Hayashi...1...2...3 [/LIST][/QUOTE] C [B][U]Video for Wanted: Dead or Alive Main Event[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]A video aired hyping the tension between "Positively" Chris Kanyon [*]And Bill Goldberg [*]In a match that will not only decide many personal issues [*]But also resolve who has the power to hold the coveted WCW World Heavyweight Championship [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]"Mean" Gene Okerlund interviews Goldberg[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]After the video completed, "Mean" Gene Okerlund came to the ring for a scheduled interview [*]He called out none other than the number one contendor to the WCW World Heavyweight Champinoship, Goldberg [*]The chants were deafening.... [*]....GOLDBERG.... [*]...GOLDBERG.... [*]...GOLDBERG... [*]...GOLDBERG.... [*]...GOLDBERG.... [*]Through a haze of pyrotechnics the intimidating figure of Goldberg made his way to the ring [*]....GOLDBERG.... [*]....GOLDBERG.... [*]More chanting continued [*]Once he was in the ring, Okerlund asked Goldberg if he had any message for Chris Kanyon for Wanted: Dead or Alive [*]Goldberg laughed quickly [*]"YOU'RE NEXT!" [*]The crowd erupted into another series of Goldberg chants [*]"Positively" Chris Kanyon's music hit, and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion came to the ring along with the freakishly sized Giant, and the beautiful Miss Hanc*ck [*]Kanyon eyed off Goldberg [*]Before telling Gene that tonight Goldberg could prove how much of a man he is, and if he is man enough to take on Kanyon, by going one on one with.... The Giant... [*]The Giant began pushing up against Goldberg [*]Then, myst began to fill the ring area, as Vader made his way down to the ring! [*]The big man was not to be forgotten and immediately The Giant and Kanyon rolled out of the ring as Vader looked intent on causing damage [*]WOOOO!!!!! [*]"Nature Boy" Ric Flair's classical intro came on as the WCW President came to the top of the ramp in an Armani suit [*]He told the fans that he was stylin and profilin, a learjet ridin son of a gun [*]And tongiht, he'd been given the instruction from the WCW Board of Directors to give San Antonio a great, and tense, main event [*]WOOOO!!! [*]So tonight, Goldberg will NOT go one on one with the Giant [*]No, tonight, Kanyon, AND Goldberg.... [*]Against... [*]The Giant AND VADER!!! [*]WOOOOO!!!! [*]Learn to live with it, learn to love it, diamonds are forever, and WOOOO, so is WCW's rise to the top baby [*]Tony Schiavone nearly had an on air orgasm, telling fans that this would be the greatest night in the history of our sport [*]Listen, village idiot, there have been many other great nights ok? [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]"King of Old School" Steve Corino v "Master and Ruler of the World" Sid Vicious[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]WOW! [*]Sid Vicious is STILL under contract to WCW [*]WHY? [*]Ho hum, no doubt Edward Scissorhands will kill off Corino's momentum [*]Perhaps he too has Hulkamaniac creative controls [*]He may not be a bald headed dinosaur, but he sure as hell is a not so smart one [*]Let's relive classic Sid moment number one [*]"Nash, I'm twice the man you are and half as smart as you" [*]Good stuff, Einstein [*]I feel for Steve Corino trying to work a good match with this bloke [*]Maybe he can Sid to defecate himself again? [*]Nevertheless, the match [*]And who won? [*]No, not Sid [*]I nearly spilt my cough mixture too when Steve Corino hit a reverse neckbreaker on Sid [*]And Sid sold it like he'd been foot swiped in South Vietnam [*]1...2....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] C+ [B][U]A post match chill?[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]As Steve Corino's music came on, it quickly died off [*]Corino argued with David Penzer, getting in his face about the lack of respect [*]...TOME.... [*]....TOME.... [*]...TOME.... [*]Corino looked shocked [*]And fearful [*]However, the lights completely went out [*]After about a half minute or so, the lights had returned [*]Corino had been laid out [*]And a coffin sat next to him in the centre of the ring [*]The cameras went to the lid of the coffin [*]"Steve Corino - RIP - Wanted: Dead or Alive" [*]....TOME.... [*]...TOME.... [*]....TOME.... [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]Hardcore Match Terry Funk v "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]What better way to celebrate coming to Texas than to have a Texas veteran in the mix [*]That's right, the legend himself, former NWA Champ, Terry Funk [*]Up against the ever impressive Tommy Dreamer [*]In their type of match [*]HARDCORE! [*]For an old guy, Funk can take a hell of a beating [*]And even though it was clear Dreamer has a load of respect for him [*]He had to [*]Eventually, Dreamer irish whipped Funk into a coke machine [*]Coke cans filed out all over Funk, before Dreamer made the cover [*]1...2....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] C+ [B][U]"Hardcore Evolution" Leader Mick Foley has a few choice words for Terry Funk[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Post match, a Mick Foley interview aired [*]Foley told Terry Funk that he was an empty shell of a man [*]Once, that shell housed arguably the greatest hardcore wrestler ever [*]Now, just a pathetic excuse of a man getting beaten by a guy who can't even get into the Hardcore Evolution [*]Tommy Dreamer [*]He told Tommy Dreamer that he'd had his moment of fun [*]And that the Hardcore Champion Rhino, and Sabu [*]Were away studying the history and legacy of hardcore [*]And at Wanted: Dead or Alive, they would teach Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam the true spirit of the Hardcore Evolution [*]...Have...a .... nice.... Day [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Hardcore Tag Match Video[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Following this, a video aired hyping the anxiety between the Hardcore Evolution, and Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam [*]It showed how Van Dam and Dreamer attempted to disspell the Hardore Evolution [*]How they stood up for themselves [*]And still were good enough to show the hardcore ways [*]But that they'd have to come up against two of the true greats of hardcore wrestling [*]Hardcore Champion Rhino, and Sabu [*]Under the leadership of Mick Foley [*]At Wanted: Dead or Alive [/LIST][/QUOTE] C+ [B][U]WCW Television Championship "Sultan of Swing" Juventud Guerrera (c) v Johnny the Bull[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Two contrasting backgrounds [*]One from latin America [*]The other from the mean streets of new york [*]One a truly gifted high flyer [*]The other a no holds barred rough and tumble brawler from New York [*]The styles were contrasting [*]But effective in putting on a good match [*]A match that Juventud eventually won courtesy of the Juvi Driver [*]1...2....3 [/LIST][/QUOTE] B [B][U]The Fight for Torrie[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, "King of Bling Bling" Diamond Dallas Page caught up with the sensationally sexy Torrie Wilson [*]Torrie, tried to get away, but DDP trapped her against the wall [*]He reminded her that the evolutionary body clock of life was ticking [*]And now was the time she could make some real cash [*]Under his .... management [*]Torrie spat in his face, and broke out, before Lance Storm came around the corner to see what the commotion was [*]Storm and Page eyeballed each other [*]Before Storm told DDP that he'd see him at Wanted: Dead or Alive [*]And settle the score for once and for all [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]WCW United States Championship "Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett (c) v "New Generation" Rey Mysterio Jr[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]These guys, for whatever reason, click and click well [*]And WCW have cashed this cow mercilessly as a result of it [*]Of course, it would have been hard to tell in the Russo/Nash era of 2 minute squash/DQ matches followed by endless vignettes or nWo gloating or reformations [*]But not here [*]Not in the new WCW [*]A new WCW that promises to go back to its roots [*]And find a nice middle gronud between character building [*]And rewarding great workers by giving them great matches [*]Seems pretty simple doesn't it? [*]Jeff Jarrett is a redneck, he's a jerk, he's a coward [*]Rey Mysterio, completely the opposite [*]He's proud of his latino ethnic roots [*]But man, he works hard [*]He gives his all [*]He defies the odds, week in, week out [*]No ifs, no buts [*]No maybes [*]This match was exceptional [*]It was all over the show [*]Inside the ring [*]And then outside the ring [*]The referee gave both men a large degree of leniency outside the ring [*]A lot of leverage [*]Both men wanted it [*]And so did the fans [*]So common sense prevailed [*]However, after near on 20 minutes of terrific action [*]Referee Charles Robinson had to call an end to preceedings [*]Ruling a draw, due to excessive blood loss from both men [*]Blood had covered both mens faces, about to the level of say Kerry Von Erich against Jerry Lawler [*]Blinding both men to the point where it was unsafe to continue [*]A great match, nonetheless [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]Sting attacked![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Our cameras cut to breaking footage where Sting was being beaten on the ground by Chavo Guerrero Jr [*]Chavo was muttering things like "Guys like you have held the Mexican wrestlers back" [*]He kept pounding on him, until Mike Sanders came running into the scene to chase Chavo away [/LIST][/QUOTE] B [B][U]Goldberg interview[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, Pamela Paulshock caught up with Goldberg in his dressing room [*]She asked Goldberg... [*]...Well, I think she did, I was too busy staring at her chest but nevermind... [*]How comfortable he was with teaming with Kanyon [*]Goldberg merely laughed [*]Stood up [*]Headbutted his locker door, and headed out of his locker [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]Goldberg and WCW Heavyweight Champion "Positively" Chris Kanyon v The Giant and Vader[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The first thing I'll say is this [*]The Giant is huge [*]FREAKIN huge [*]He even dwarfs Vader [*]He's so huge he doesn't need to fight off the back of a monster truck to get over [*]Woops [*]Goldberg is intimidating [*]Kanyon is still a weasal [*]And Vader is just as powerful as he was in the early 90s [*]Man, he was a machine then [*]But of course, la da de, la da da, like so many other wrestlers, he had to be killed off for Hulk Hogan [*]RIP WCW right there [*]There was so much electricity [*]So much tension [*]The two teams did not function well together [*]Infact at one stage, when Goldberg was taking a pounding from the Giant, Kanyon turned his back to him [*]Eventually Goldberg was irish whipped across the ring and this accidentally tagged in Kanyon [*]Vader was then tagged in, and he began clearing house on Kanyon [*]Kanyon was taking a whipping and a half [*]Goldberg got back in the ring, and snarled [*]SPEAR! [*]ON HIS PARTNER!!! [*]Before though he could hit the Jackhammer, Giant hit a clubbing blow on him [*]The referee had no choice but to call for a double disqualification [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]The Mayhem Continues[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]In one corner, Kanyon and Goldberg began brawling [*]In the opposite corner, Giant and Vader took to each other [*]The fans lapped it up [*]Wouldn't you? [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* Rating: A Attendence: 9,885 Fire drew 3,743,004 viewers on CBS. WCW's US Popularity sat at 78.8%.
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[QUOTE=Discotheque;163932]Pushing Steve Corino makes you my personal hero![/QUOTE] I haven't seen much of him in action TBH, but the little I have seen shows me he has a good grasp of ring psychology, which is one of the keys to being a great wrestler. [QUOTE=deimos_masque;164031]My only complaint is jobbing Sean O'Haire to Goldberg. I really see a lot of potential for those two to have a wicked awesome fued. Besides that! KING OF OLD SCHOOL FOR WCW CHAMP!!! [/QUOTE] :) I'm not quite sure Steve Corino's at that level... YET! A little birdie told me that Sean O'Haire's gonna get looked after in this dynasty.
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... [QUOTE][CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Mean Gene's Hotline.... On the Net[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://www.wrestlingzone.ru/images/okerlund2.jpg[/img] [SIZE="3"]For all your WCW news, only $4.99 per month subscription exclusive to [url]www.wcw.com[/url][/SIZE][/CENTER] Hello fans, I'm "Mean" Gene Okerlund and this is the second installment of Mene Gene's Hotline... On the Net, courtesy of course via subscription of WCW.com. The following scoops I'm sure will shock you all, as I'm "Mean" Gene, and the inside goss I don't know is not worth knowing about. [LIST] [*]I have it on good authority that a Mexican Indy worker will be making a comeback to WCW in the very near future. I'm not at liberty to say who it is, except I can say its not Psicosis, its not El Dandy, its not Super Calo, its not Damien, its not Hector Garza, its not La Parka... What I can say is it is Pepe. That's right, the man with the dangerous finishing manouver "The Bronco Buster". Some insiders say that he's a bit stiff as a worker, but he has a better workrate over such legends as Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior. [*]WCW will be looking to initiate a new title. After the unprecedented success of the Cruiserweight Division, the powers that be are keen on starting up a Fat A$$ Division. So far names pencilled include Ralphus, and at this rate, perhaps Tony Schiavone. [*]Speaking of Tony Schiavone, is it just me or does that man's commentary just keep better and better and better? He's casual, laid back, and just underplays his part in what is a great commentary line up. [*]I have it on good authority that Kimberley Page's latest perfume, advertised a few months ago on Nitro is apparently NOT on the shelves of all good perfume stockists. I'm shocked and appalled to hear this, as take it from me, all WCW paraphanalia is of the highest quality bar none. [*]Speaking of Kimberley Page, she is no longer on speaking terms with John Simpson. Rumour has it she wasn't on speaking terms with Diamond Dallas Page either, but they did meet on other terms frequently. I'm at a loss to explain what that may mean. [*]You heard right on various web sites, Hulk Hogan may turn up at WWF. Yeah. That's right. The angle is this, Hulk Hogan will become a mad Lita fan, and due to their age difference she will be repackaged as his "assistant" and be called Lolita. [*]Of course, Hulk tells me this is not true and that he still has unfinished business with Ultimate Warrior instead to concentrate on. We all look forward to that. That may be the stellar storyline of 2001, just as it was in 1997 and 1989. [*]It is understood negotiations with Ciclope fell through when his manager rejected the upscaled contract of four Pesos and a chihuahua. Ciclope was said to be insulted by this. Meanwhile, Hulk Hogan told me last week he was insulted by being called "bald" last year by Vince Russo. Of course this is entirely uncalled for. Hulk is just folically challenged. Hulk said he is still the God of wrestling, and if he had his way, boring wrestlers such as Ciclope would never be offered such ridiculously high deals. Hulk said he could be drawn back to WCW for a deal of about $6m a year. While it may come across as bias, being a good friend of Hulk Hogan's, I feel his comments and his demands are entirely reasonable. Hulk is a great wrestler, still one of the best workers in the game today. [*]It is understood Kevin Nash will be writing a book soon. It will be called, "To Vince With Love, I Nearly Killed It As Requested". Not sure what that means. [/LIST] Well, that's all we have time for, please do give us your feedback and any scoops you may have. Of course, if you don't get your scoops from "Mean" Gene, chances are it isn't true. [Disclaimer: The aforementioned sentence is Mean Gene's opinion only.][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE]I have it on good authority that a Mexican Indy worker will be making a comeback to WCW in the very near future. I'm not at liberty to say who it is, except I can say its not Psicosis, its not El Dandy, its not Super Calo, its not Damien, its not Hector Garza, its not La Parka... What I can say is it is Pepe. That's right, the man with the dangerous finishing manouver "The Bronco Buster". Some insiders say that he's a bit stiff as a worker, but he has a better workrate over such legends as Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior.[/QUOTE] This made me think... Where is La Parka! This Dynasty needs the Skull Captain! The Chairman of WCW! We need the Parka dance as much as we need the Big Wiggle (Norman Smiley)
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[QUOTE=deimos_masque;165328]This made me think... Where is La Parka! This Dynasty needs the Skull Captain! The Chairman of WCW! We need the Parka dance as much as we need the Big Wiggle (Norman Smiley)[/QUOTE] The Chairman of WCW was great, no doubt. I'm not in front of the PC that has TEW on it, but I don't think the mod has La Parka in it. Could be wrong though. How good was the cruiserweight division back in the day? Some of these guys didn't have extended runs in WCW, but nonetheless, they were there are some stage; La Parka Juventud Guerrera Rey Mysterio Jr Eddy Guerrero Chris Jericho Dean Malenko Jushin Thunder Liger Flyin Brian Pillman Chavo Guerrero Jr Billy Kidman Syxx Ciclope Hector Garza Super Calo Damien Mr JL (Jerry Lynn) Ultimo Dragon Psicosis Blitzkreig Some of those guys were out of this world. I used to love watching the six man luchadore tags or matches such as Eddy Guerrero v Rey Mysterio Jr Title versus mask, or Blitzkreig v Psicosis, or Rey versus Juvi versus Kidman, you were always going to see something unique and breath taking. I'd be surprirsed if there's any hardcore fan of WCW who didn't enjoy the cruiserweight division at its peak.
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The WCW cruiser division was top notch as was their tag division. Their Cruisers could arguably compete with any of the super J's or Lucha's from foreign promotions. I remember marking out for Rey Rey and Kidman (filthy Animals) as much as for Goldberg. Then there was Malenko and Benoit... Ahh, the memories! At any rate, BUMP!
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I have to agree with the both of you. The tag teams and the cruiserweights were the main reasons I tuned in every week. Every other wrestling fan I knew would make fun of me for watching WCW, mostly because they didn't get how I could watch the oldtimers in the Main Event. When I finally got a few of them to actually watch what guys like Blitzkreig and Juvi could do in the ring they understood. Didn't stop them from watching WWF but at least I could say the best wrestling you could watch on TV was during the first 1 1/5-2 hours of Nitro. Oh and since somebody mentioned Blitzkrieg; I wish he'd come back to wrestling, he was simply amazing, even if he was a bit of a spotmonkey.
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Hi Guys Sorry for the slowdown in DOWCW. Been busy organising the festive season :D and today is my birthday so this weekend is a goorrrner too. The remark about the old main event v the exciting undercard... yep, I think most of us watched to watch the first half of the show, and then got lured into hoping we wouldn't be disappointed with the end of the show. Of course, we usually were.... Hopefully that's not so apparent in this diary and that there's a notable difference of nonsensical endings to shows in real WCW versus advanced storylines and good wrestling ending shows in this diary.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[CENTER][IMG]http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/915/deathofwcwur1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Proudly Presents[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"](*Cough* Belatedly *Cough*)[/SIZE] [IMG]http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/3940/wcwglycerinewx7.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]WCW Glycerine, Saturday, Week 1, May, 2001 Live from the Los Angeles Sports Arena, Los Angeles, California Live on NBC[/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U]"Nature Boy" Ric Flair gives us the verdict from the WCW Board of Directors[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair sits in his Oval Office with the flash of photographers in his face [*]Members of the wrestling press sit in chairs assembled in front of Ric Flair's oak presidential desk [*]Flair begins by thanking the press for coming to this important announcement [*]He says that the WCW Board of Directors have come to a consensus on what stipulation will be employed for the "Positively" Chris Kanyon versus Bill Goldberg WCW World Heavyweight Championship match at Wanted: Dead or Alive [*]The Board of Directors would firstly like to thank Flair, Mr Kanyon and Mr Goldberg for their opinions, insights, and views on the possibilities for the main event of the WCW World Heavyweight Championship [*]Having considered all learned views of various expert consultants including... [*]Arn Anderson... [*]Larry Zbysko... [*]Ricky Steamboat... [*]AND Dusty Rhodes... [*]The WCW Board of Directors would like to confirm two things tonight [*]Firstly, that the WCW World Heavyweight Championship would be on the line at Wanted: Dead or Alive in a match where for the first time in WCW history, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship CAN and WILL change hands on the count of any disqualifications issued by senior referee, Nick Patrick [*]And secondly, following a public poll on WCW.com, tonight, in a non title match, "Positively" Chris Kanyon will face Goldberg - one on one! [*]Our cameras fade out as Ric Flair begins to take questions from the associated press in the Oval Office of Ric Flair [*]Tonight: Goldberg v Kanyon - Non Title [*]Wanted: Dead or Alive - Disqualifications counts for a title change stipulation! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]WCW Cruiserweight Champion "Real Deal" AJ Styles and "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels v Three Count (Shannon Moore and "Sugar" Shane Helms)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Tony Schiavone announced that earlier tongiht, in a lucky hat draw, AJ Styles drew Christopher Daniel's name to be his tag team partner to take on Three Count [*]"Mean" Gene Okerlund said the lucky hat draw was overseen by Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat to ensure no funny business [*]He also said that both men went to separate dressing rooms to prepare for the match and were equally frustrated to having drawn to fight each other tonight [*]Their opponents, the exuberant and accustomed Moore and Helms of Three Count [*]The Cruiserweight Champion and his number one contendor's tag team work left a little to be desired [*]It was quite clear there was tension forming in the air [*]It was so tense you could cut it with a knife [*]Tags, reluctantly, were made with firm slaps of the partners hand [*]Moore and Helms attempted to use this to their advantage using their speed and guile to cut the ring off [*]Eventually though, Shannon Moore fell prey to a quick roll up by Styles...1...2....3!!!! [*]After the match, after having their arms held high by the referee, Daniels and Styles faced off [*]Eye to eye, before looking down at the WCW Cruiserweight Championship in the hands of AJ Styles [*]Smoke filled the ring, and within it clearing in a few seconds, Christopher Daniels of the Army of Darkness was gone [/LIST][/QUOTE] C- [B][U]Goldberg doesn't trust Nick Patrick[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, Goldberg knocks angrily on the WCW Referees Door [*]Billy Silverman comes to the door, shirtless, with a Cowboys hat on and Billy Ray Cyrus playing in the background [*]Don't tell my heart... [*]My achy breaky heart... [*]I just don't think it'd understand.... [*]And if you tell my heart.... [*]My achy breaky heart... [*]I might commit suicide if I have to relive this song any longer.... Oooh wooo [*]And behind all that, a couple of very "plump" women wearing nothing but thankfully long referees shirts [*]Goldberg told Billy Silverman to pass on a message to Nick Patrick [*]Call it straight down the middle [*]Or.... [*]YOU'RE NEXT! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Non Title Match WCW World Tag Team Champions Filthy Animals (Kidman and Konnan) v The Army of Darkness (Judas Jindrak and Mike Awesome) v The Mamalukes (Johnny the Bull and Big Vito)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]What is WCW's recent penchant for putting on three way tags? [*]Are they that desperate to sell to us that the tag team division is alive and well [*]According to Tony Schiavone, the tag ranks have never been stronger [*]Sorry Minnesota Wrecking Crew [*]Sorry Legion of Doom [*]Sorry the Steiner Brothers [*](Although they are of course semi active at the moment) [*]You boys just don't cut it [*]Tony Schiavone said so [*]Oh how I yearn for Mark Madden [*]Yes, even Mark Madden [*]Hell, I'd settle for Pee Wee Herman calling things [*]The laugh may be irritating, but everything's not "The Greatest" [*]Mohammad Ali was more humble than Tony Schiavone [*]But nevertheless, my pleadings aside for someone to fetch me a pair of earmuffs ignored, the match rolled on [*]Johnny the Bull is looking rather impressive of late if you ask me [*]Of course he isn't getting the roll at the moment [*]He mustn't be a favourite of Jane Fonda [*]But he's a decent enough wrestler who I think can advance in WCW [*]The Army of Darkness - I was against the idea, but frankly, these two guys could just one day take it to the main event [*]Of course, it'd be highly logical for Mike Awesome to do it given the momentum he had in ECW [*]But then again, he got "Hoganised" by the booking team and made into a plump lover [*]Eventually though he showed off his bag of goodies [*]...Not THAT bag of goodies... [*]With the Awesome Power Bomb on Big Vito...1...2....3! [*]Schiavone sold it as though the match at Wanted: Dead or Alive is one of the most highly anticipated tag team showdowns of all time [*]Pity WCW don't think so, they've hardly spent anytime building it up [*]Oh how I feel for the Rock n Roll Express and the Fabulous Freebirds when Tony tells us so [/LIST][/QUOTE] C+ [B][U]The Steiner's get even[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, The Steiner Brothers took it to Beauty & The Beast [*]After the match concluded our cameras showed Orton and Bautista knocked out on the pavement outside the Los Angeles Sports Arena [*]Rick Steiner and Big Poppa Pump continued to stomp away at their backs [*]Eventually LAPD officers came along to defuse the situation, before Big Poppa Pump pulled back Orton's bloodied head and said "We're the best tag team ever, don't ever try to interrupt us again - Holla, if you hear me" [/LIST][/QUOTE] B- [B][U]Vader tries to get to the Giant[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, Vader saw The Giant talking to a pretty female wrestling reporter outside Ric Flair's office [*]Vader went to charge at The Giant, but unfortunately for him, there was a crew of other WCW talent backstage mingling with the reporters too [*]Those men included: Sid Vicious, Kevin Nash, General Rection, AWOL, Bam Bam Bigelow and Sean O'Haire [*]Dutifully strong and powerful wrestlers in their own right [*]Giant merely laughed at Vader as he continued to try to tear his way through the pile of people to get to Giant [*]The Giant took the paper cup he had been drinking from, and crushed it suggestively in his hand [*]Before laughing once more [*]He told the reporter that the freak with the mask was unstable, so perhaps they could complete their interview over dinner [*]The pretty little journalist nodded her head, and the Giant walked through a back doorway much to the anger of Vader [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]WCW Television Championship "Sultan of Swing" Juventud Guerrera (c) v "Mr Wrestling III" Jerry Lynn v Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]A rare title shot for Buff of late it has to be said [*]Lynn and Guerrera have been fast tracking it up various wrestler rankings due to their prolific style and their level of notierity recently in WCW [*]Juvi - that's right, Juvi - has made 24 successful Television Championship defences [*]24 [*]In a row [*]Yes, 24 [*]The man was lucky to get a push above Pepe` the donkey before [*]Ralphus gained more of a push than him [*]Hell, even "Fat" Ed Ferrera and Madusa were getting more of a gloss over by the brass in the cruiserweights [*]That despite being one of the guys who night after night after night star studded the opening part of Nitro [*]Night after night people [*]Ed freakin Ferrera for gods sakes [*]Yes, the man who tried to immitate Jim Ross - Badly, got more of a rub [*]Guess though when you're the booker.... [*]Isn't that right, Kevin Nash? [*]But anyways, on with the match [*]Even Buff seemed to be working hard in this one [*]He had to [*]Don't want to be shown up by the two hottest talents in WCW right now [*]Especially when you're Buff [*]And supposedly you're the Stuff [*]Eventually though he was the fall guy in this match [*]First he took a crushing piledriver from Jerry Lynn, who was then hurled to the outside with a dropkick from Juvi [*]Juvi then followed it up with a plancha knocking Jerry Lynn into the guard rail [*]Juvi got back to his feet, back to the apron [*]Climbed the ropes.... [*]450 SPLASH!!!! 1...2....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Pamela Paulshock has an interview[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, the blonde bimbo has Booker T [*]I mean Pamela Paulshock [*]Gee, 'they' are looking big tonight [*]Nurses outfit anyone? [*]A-hem [*]Booker T promised Pamela Paulshock that the loss Buff Bagwell suffered out there tonight would only be made worse tomorrow night at Wanted: Dead or Alive [*]Booker T told Pamela that Buff Bagwell had been envious of Booker T for a long time now [*]And at Wanted: Dead or Alive, he was going to see why he was just simply much better than him [*]And why he should not hate the playa, hate the GAME! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]He won't get lucky tomorrow[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]As Booker T stormed off, "Mr Wrestling III" Jerry Lynn strolled by clutching at his head [*]Pamela Paulshock raised the nipple flairs and pulled Jerry Lynn over for a rare interview [*]Infact, is this his first in WCW? [*]Jerry Lynn told Pamela that Juventud took advantage of Jerry Lynn's excellence out there [*]But at Wanted: Dead or Alive, there'd be no third party distractions [*]And as a homage to the firat two "Mr Wrestling" masks, he would take home the WCW World Television Championship [/LIST][/QUOTE] C+ [B][U]WCW Hardcore Championship Rhino (c) v "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Two sworn, bitter enemies [*]Two different beliefs [*]One a firm follower of Mick Foley's saddistic Hardcore Evolution [*]T'other a people's champion, through and through [*]One a physical monster [*]The other a courageous maniac [*]Bound together for the love of the Hardcore Championship [*]The fighting was intense [*]The blood bitter [*]And sweet [*]Eventually though Tommy Dreamer shocked the world... [*]When he was able to hit a missile drop kick onto Rhino... [*]who's head was in a tin rubbish bin... [*]..1....2......3! [*]WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION!!!! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Mick Foley is not happy[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Mick Foley stood at ringside in complete and utter shock [*]He rolled into the ring and tried to revive Rhino [*]Then he pulled out a strand of barbwire [*]And raced it over the forehead of Rhino [*]Expediating the blood flow [*]He told Rhino that to be a Hardcore Evolution graduate, you need to experience unbelievable pain [*]Pain so vile, you sit up and think you're in hell [*]At that moment Rhino came to [*]Foley told him he'd just lost the Hardcore Championship to Tommy Dreamer [*]And that at Wanted: Dead or Alive, himself and Sabu needed to show Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer the various hardcore lessons they'd learnt [*]But not all of them [*]That wouldn't be necessary [*]But mostly to cause as much physical bodily harm as possible [*]As Tommy Dreamer looked on from up the ramp, Foley promised him he'd pay the ultimate price at Wanted: Dead or Alive [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]"The King of Bling Bling" Diamond Dallas Page, WCW United States Champion "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett and "The Franchise" Shane Douglas v "New Generation" Rey Mysterio Jr, Lance Storm and "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]There's been some bitter rivalry between these men [*]DDP wants Torrie Wilson [*]Lance Storm is engaged to Torrie Wilson [*]Jeff Jarrett and Rey Mysterio are fueding over the US Title [*]And Samoa Joe sees defeating Shane Douglas at Wanted: Dead or Alive the explosion he needs to cement himself from indy rookie to WCW superstar [*]Shane Douglas of course sees beaten the monsterously talented and sized Samoa Joe as a repayment of faith to those who believe him - himself [*]Treachery is afoot here people [*]There'll be three very happy men at Wanted: Dead or Alive [*]And three sorry and sore losers [*]And who knows what'll become of Torrie Wilson [*]Will she be allowed to pass on to start wedding preparations with Lance Storm [*]Or be confined to being a pay as you use wench for Diamond Dallas Page's "agency" [*]This match was slow and subdued to start off with [*]No man wanted to make a mistake and give up the opportunity to be dictated to by his tormentor [*]But then Rey Mysterio got in the ring [*]Rey Mysterio doesn't care for slow sacrificial lambs [*]He cares for the bright lights [*]The big moves [*]The big plays [*]And inevitably it was his springboard hurricanrana on DDP that helped seal the deal [*]He went for the cover, as Samoe Joe cleared off the incoming invaders [*]But then tagged into Lance Storm [*]Who put on the Mapleleaf Submission.....And DDP gave up! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]Meet Mr Chair[/U][/B] [B][U][LIST] [*]Backstage, Chavo Guerrero smashed a steel chair over the head of Sting [*]"Say hello to my little friend" [*]Before he could get in any lasting damage on Sting though, Mike Sanders was ever present to chase him off [/LIST][/U][/B] B- [B][U]The Living Legend talks to the King of Old School[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The Living Legend Larry Zbykso called "King of Old School" Steve Corino to the ring [*]Corino came down to a chorus of boos [*]He told Larry Zbysko that tonight the Undertaker was not even here [*]When WCW fans needed him most, he was not even here [*]No, tonight he was off at some witchcraft convention or something [*](In actual fact, he was helping out a breast cancer fundraiser) [*]He told fans that's the sort of immortal the Undertaker is [*]A glory hound [*]Nothing more [*]Noithing less [*]And it makes him sick to the core [*]He says if he was anything of a man, he'd be here toni... [*]....TOME.... [*]...TOME.... [*]...TOME... [*]Steve Corino promised Larry that this was not for real, Taker was not here tonight [*]He'd been advised by the WCW Board of Directors that the Undertaker was not scheduled to be here [*]....TOME..... [*]Suddenly the lights came back onto full [*]Corino breathed a sigh of relief [*]But then he got the cold tap on teh shoulder.... [*]TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B [B][U]WCW World Heavyweight Champion "Positively" Chris Kanyon v Goldberg[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]And tonight's main event is brought to you by.... [*]Johnnies Latex Condoms - Ribbed for traction in the mud [*]Jack's candy G-Strings - For her, and him [*]And Duracel Double D batteries - for those private toys that need just a little more kick [*]Sorry, couldn't help put take a pig in a poke at the corporatised WWE [*]I'm sure Jerry Lawler didn't tell everyone Snickers was sponsoring him down in Memphis [*]But there's nothing wrong with splattering it all over Raw [*]Andy Kaufman would roll over in his grave [*]Anyhow, less talking, more wrestling [*]By the way, I saw in the Dog Pound that Debbie Does Dallas was voted out in the Greatest Films Thread... [*]Tsk...tsk...tsk [*]It combines history [*]Ladies [*]And a whole lot of hair [*]Hair was big back then [*]The more, the merrier [*]But I digress [*]The build up to Wanted: Dead or Alive has been freakin intense between these two adverseries [*]Kanyon has been a fighting champion [*]Goldberg, well he just keeps beating people relentlessly [*]It's kind of fitting that two of WCW's products I guess will feature in the main event [*]It's a nice change from Hulk Hogan sodomiz*ng it for years when really he just wasn't WC-dubbya [*]You certainly wouldn't call this current match technical [*]You wouldn't say it rivals the great cruiserweights theatrics [*]It's certainly no submission fest [*]It's skullduggery [*]It's pain [*]It's plunder [*]It's mayhem [*]As Goldberg set up for the spear, Kanyon moved and rolled out of the ring [*]Goldberg followed him [*]He grabbed a chair [*]So did Kanyon [*]Both men looked like they were about to fight it out medievel style [*]But with chairs [*]But before it could happen, Ric Flair sent some of LAPD's finest to ringside to break it up [*]This match, officially a Double DQ [*]...Come on now, which sane promotion would give you the real deal this close to the Pay-Per-View baby? [*]I'm no booking fool in that respect! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* Attendence: 8,041 Rating: A Viewers: 3,851,026 on NBC WCW's popularity sat at 78.8%.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/915/deathofwcwur1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"][B]Proudly Presents[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="7"][B][U]Wanted: Dead or Alive[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][U]Live from the Kettley Arena Live on Pay-Per-View Sunday, Week 1, May 2001[/U][/B][/CENTER] [SIZE="1"][CENTER](Sorry, no logo :( )[/CENTER][/SIZE] [B][U]Goldberg v "Positively" Chris Kanyon video[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]A video aired highlighting the recent anomosity between Goldberg, and the WCW World Heavyweight Champion "Positively" Chris Kanyon [*]It relayed again the information that the WCW Board of Directors, upon advice from "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, the WCW President, that the match would be the first WCW World Heavyweight Championship match whereby the WCW World Heavyweight Championship could change via disqualification [*]The video highlighted that Nick Patrick had been selected as the senior WCW Referee to oversee the match, much to the anger of Goldberg due to Nick Patrick's less than admirable past dealings in major matches [*]But mostly, it hyped up the poor and utter disregard for each other between the two men [*]It showed Kanyon's propensity to use the rulebook to his advantage [*]To be cunning [*]To be sly [*]To be deceptive [*]To do anything to get the pinfall [*]Whereas Goldberg was much more direct of late [*]Spear [*]Jackhammer [*]Splat [*]And what's more, for the coveted WCW World Heavyweight Championship [*]Tonight, live on Pay-Per-View in the Mid-South, on Wanted: Dead or Alive [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]WCW Cruiserweight Championship "The Real Deal" AJ Styles (c) v "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The challenger is the most recent holder of the WCW Cruiserweight Championship, having been defeated by AJ Styles not too long ago [*]These two men have come into WCW with a hiss and a roar, looking to make a name for themselves [*]Various dirt sheets are beginning to speak highly of young Styles [*]It wasn't long ago it was AJ Who? [*]The two former indy stars have been busting octane levels to put on accelerated speed matches [*]Some of the spots they have been offering have been more than daring [*]Certainly, it makes one yearn to see Hulk Hogan back in the squared circle with gold in WCW [*]...Or not [*]Your choice, take it or leave it [*]This match was lit up spectacularly [*]It seemed as if both men were doing their all to get the 20,000 + crowd going troppo [*]Finally, after inside and outside high flying action, AJ hit The Real Deal Tornado DDT, a new move in his repoitroire on Christopher Daniels...1....2....3! [*]AJ Styles RETAINS! [/LIST][/QUOTE] C [B][U]The Hardcore Evolution "Huddle"[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Our cameras next went backstage, into the dungeon of the Hardcore Evolution [*]And what an eery sight it was... [*]Posters of Jack the Ripper [*]Lookalike Attila the Hun mannakins [*]Viles with "Raw blood" stocked on shelves [*]And of course the Hardcore Evolution themselves, Mick Foley, former WCW Hardcore Champion Rhino and Sabu [*]Mick Foley made it clear to his cohorts that Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer needed to be taught a hardcore lesson or two [*]At all costs [*]Win lose or draw [*]They are NOT.... [*]To have a nice day [/LIST][/QUOTE] B [B][U]Hardcore Rules WCW Hardcore Champion "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer and "Mr Monday Night" Rob Van Dam v Rhino and "The Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Death Defying Maniac" Sabu[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Rhino came to the ring with Sabu both bringing a trolley full of weapons as Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer waited [*]All sorts of weapons [*]Short ones [*]Long ones [*]Blunt ones [*]Sharp ones [*]Plunder and mayhem ensued in this match [*]There was blood a-plenty [*]Treachory afoot [*]Pain and merciless indulgence into the never never world of misery [*]This certainly isn't anything like the Hardcore Video I watched the other night - although, both were enjoyable [*]On different levels [*]Rhino looked genuinely aggrieved with Tommy Dreamer [*]And he made a real play at pursuing Tommy with vengeance clear in his mind [*]Good psychology to put across the importance of the Hardcore Championship [*]Beats picking it out of the garbage can I guess [*]Eventually though, the Hardcore Champion was able to celebrate, when he was able to hit a DDT on Sabu onto a stop sign, and then a split legged moonsault from the top onto a steel chair, on Sabu's head!!! [*]When Rhino came to from a vicious assault from Rob Van Dam, it was too late....1...2....3! [*]Mick Foley is beside himself! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Booker T interview[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, the "twins" caught up with Booker T [*]The mouthpiece of the "twins" asked Booker how he was feeling about tonight's match [*]He said that Buff Bagwell was nothing but a coward [*]A rebel, without a cause [*]And that he'd better stop his strutting, and get ready to play the game, because tonight, it was all about punishment and brutality [*]Don't hate the playa, hate the game! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]"Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe v "The Franchise" Shane Douglas[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Douglas came to the ring, gloating in the face of the camera, until he saw the imposing Samoa Joe standing staunch in the centre of the ring [*]After much deliberation he finally 'snuck' into the ring before pausing to take off his robe [*]Samoa Joe allowed him the dignity, but Douglas used it as an opportunity to level a cheap shot at Joe [*]The big man was unimpressed [*]So was Samoa Joe [*]The other man of course his manager, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes [*]Joe though wouldn't stay down for long and soon forced Douglas off [*]He hurled him into the far corner [*]Douglas hit chest first, and then came back.... [*]REAR NAKED CHOKE HOLD!!! [*]As quick as you like [*]He's tapping!!!! [*]Samoa Joe with the massive upset, and so decisive at that [/LIST][/QUOTE] B [B][U]Samoa Joe cowers above his fallen opponent[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Post match, Samoa Joe stood above the fallen corpse of Shane Douglas [*]Without showing any remorse [*]The crowd started shouting ... [*]Joe.... [*]Joe.... [*]Joe.... [*]As he folded his arms in a powerful posture before leaving the ring to the applause of the fans [/LIST][/QUOTE] B- [B][U]The Steiner Brothers - Holla, if you hear me[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]After their introduction to the ring area, the Steiner Brothers had a few choice words to say [*]Rick Steiner told the crowd that he knew a thing or two about dogs, and there was a few in the crowd tonight [*]He said he felt sorry for the true men of the local area [*]Although he was yet to find one [*]The Genetic Freak told the audience that tonight would be a continuation of the Steiner Brothers Tag Team Wrestling Clinic [*]An initiative they had brought on to teach the WCW ranks a thing or two about great tag team wrestlers [*]From the greatest tag team wrestlers there ever were [*]Holla, if you hear me [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]The Steiner Brothers ("Dog Faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner and "Genetic Freak" Big Poppa Pump) v Beauty and the Beast ("The Animal" Dave Bautista and Randy Orton)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Their opponents made their way to the ring, with Bautista looking particularly menacing [*]Orton seemed to get the vote of the young ladies in the audience [*]The Steiner's stood back, before charging when they turned their backs [*]The match wasn't a technically strong lesson for up and coming Lou Thesz' wrestle-a-likes [*]It was more in the Bruiser Brody class [*]Pound [*]Pound [*]Pound [*]And then for a change [*]Pound some more [*]The Steiner's are clearly still frustrated that the young duo upset them recently in a shock result [*]And their anger was very evident [*]Both men are coveted wrestling superstars [*]Scott is a former WCW World Heavyweight Champion [*]And arguably has the best physique in the business [*]He'd tell us its all natural [*]But if that's the case, so are the hooters on Krystal Steal [*]Hooters are much better than puppies, puppies for gods sakes? Jerry stop drooling and give us more Andy Kaufman type action [*]Bring back Memphis man, the corporatised WWF ain't for you my friend [*]Anyway, after a lot of pounding [*]A lot more pounding [*]And then even more pounding [*]Rick Steiner got distracted by the manager "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart [*]As he turned around... a devastating clothesline from Bautista [*]Steiner flew out of the ring [*]Big Poppa Pump came charging in... [*]Same treatment [*]Except he stayed in the ring.... [*]What's this.... [*]POWERBOMB!!!! Cover from Bautista.... [*]1....2.....3!!!! [*]Eric Bischoff is up on the apron [*]He's telling the referee that Scott Steiner was not even the legal man [*]The referee, Billy Silverman has to reopen the match [*]Randy Orton rolls Rick Steiner back in the ring..... [*]POWERBOMB! [*]Bautista is a machine....1....2.....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Celebrate good times c'mon[/U][/B] [quote][list][*]As Beauty and the Beast celebrated, Eric Bischoff gave Big Poppa Pump a steel chair [*]BANG! [*]Out goes Randy Orton [*]He throws out Jimmy Hart [*]Low blow from Bischoff [*]BANG! [*]Bautista is down [*]Just as Big Poppa Pump truly looked to finish Bautista off, he was clotheslined out of the ring! [*]BY SEAN O'HAIRE! [*]He started to help Bautista to his feet as the Steiner's cowardly backtracked away from the ring area[/list][/quote] B Sean O'Haire turned face. [B][U]Booker T v Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Two big names of WCW through the late 90's [*]Booker T was crowned many times as the cornerstone of a strong tag team division [*]Buff Bagwell frequently opposed him [*]Either with Scott Steiner or of course Scott Norton [*]He first came to prominence alongside Scotty Riggs in the American Males tag team, before turning on him to sign a nWo contract at the start of the nWo's rise [*]And that was where he was known most [*]Even more than a softcore porn star [*]Ewww! [*]Booker T of course was overcoming a crippling injury from the previous Pay-Per-View [*]Thanks to the heinous arrival of the Giant back in WCW [*]The former WCW World Heavyweight Champion was looking for a bit of revenge [*]Even though Bagwell had nothing to do with it, he sure loved to make fun of it [*]Funny, given Buff's near death situation with his neck injury [*]Well, not really funny, but corny and ironic [*]The match was quite slow [*]A definite turn down from the earlier action [*]Booker T was favouring his neck considerably [*]He sold it like he was .... [*]No, I won't go there [*]My bad voice says YES, go there [*]My good voice says na, not worth it, finish the results, have a beer, watch some porn and do the wife doggy style [*]I like the good conscience [*]But the neck injury took its toll [*]And Buff took advantage, hitting the Buff Blockbuster for an upset victory...1....2....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]"The King of Old School" Steve Corino v Undertaker preview[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]A video airs the dirty laundry between Corino and the 'Taker [*]Corino has been full of bravado, telling people he will be the man to put the first L in the column of WCW matches for the Undertaker [*]The trail of destruction though is in full earnest for the Undertaker [*]He looks as brutal as he did in the early 1990s [*]And then some [*]Corino is a brave man [*]With a cunning devious side to him [*]Odds are on the 'Taker, but don't be fooled [*]Don't be surprised, Corino's talks a good talk... [*]Of course, until he gets Tombstoned, like last night! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]Sting v Chavo Guerrero Jr[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Chavo Guerrero Jr blames the likes of Sting as being obstacles in the growth of lucha libre wrestling at the top end of WCW cards [*]He's been angry that the likes of Sting full prominent spots, whereas Chavo gets a match 'here or there' on a few house shows [*]Of course, there's been a couple of sneak attacks seeking veangence on that very 'fact' from Chavo [*]Mike Sanders has been following Sting like, dare I say it, a Disciple [*]...Ewww, shudder [*]Bad thought [*]Sanders is like any other red blooded male, a fan of Sting [*]A man who idolises Sting for what he has accomplished [*]But not only that, HOW he has accomplished it [*]Sting embodies the spirit of Teddy Roosevelt - some men are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them - Sting has defied the odds countless times for WCW, and has become great as a result of it [*]Like a scalded cat [*]Like a thief in the night [*]Like Jack the Ripper with the oncoming footsteps of the 'Bobbies [*]Chavo Guerrero was quick and energetic in this match [*]Attempting to highlight the mythical brilliance of the lucha libre style of which the Guerrero name is synonomous [*]Sting took a battering [*]His speed and agility isn't quite what it used to be [*]And you need every inch of prowess to fight this kamikaze style of wrestling [*]Eventually though Sting mounted a phenomonal comeback [*]Just when it appeared all was lost, he found the spirit of the Kettley Arena crowd, and fed off it [*]Like a lion over a wildebeest, he turned the tide [*]Chavo though rolled out of the ring [*]When he came back in, he landed a quick right hand to the head of Sting...1...2....3!???? [*]WHAT? [*]Chavo celebrated, as Mike Sanders looked shocked [*]As he rolled out of the ring, the cameras zoomed in on his right hand, heavily taped, and fat? [*]Wait a second.... [*]BRASS KNUCKS! [*]Taped in! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]The Chase for Torrie[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, "The King of Bling Bling" Diamond Dallas Page talked to the twins, and the head of Pamela Paulshock, about his desire to add Torrie Wilson to his growing corner working stable [*]He said market value was going up [*]And she'd be able to tap into quite the high end of the market [*]He said tonight, business would be booming [*]And there was nothing Lance Storm could do about it [*]With that, he looked Pam up and down, and said she could earn some serious cash under The King of Bling Bling too [*]Before he walked off, he pulled a copy of WCW Illustrated, WCW's swimsuit magazine for 2001, and peeled back a revealing 3 tier photo of Torrie Wilson, which he clearly liked [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]WCW Tag Team Championships The Filthy Animals (Konnan and Kidman) (c) v The Army of Darkness (Judas Jindrak and Mike Awesome)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The Tag belts on the line tongiht, with the Filthy Animals up against Kevin Sullivan's Army of Darkness duo [*]The Army doesn't hold any gold currently with Chris Daniels of course no longer the Cruiserweight Champion [*]That's got to be getting Kevin Sullivan edgey [*]Particularly given the amount of time they spent building the coming of the AOD up on WCW.com [*]What more can I say about Kidman [*]Except, man he's a good wrestler [*]Good wrestler or not [*]He went home without the bacon [*]As the titles changed hands, courtesy of the Awesomebomb on Konnan....1....2.....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B- [B][U]"The King of Bling Bling" Diamond Dallas Page v Lance Storm[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]If there's one thing you can say about Lance Storm [*]It's he's a hell of a good wrestler [*]And he seems to be starting to get over with Torrie Wilson at his side [*]Or in front of him [*]I don't know what they like doing! [*]DDP, well, it's an interesting perspective for him [*]It's like he's being wiened out of the main event [*]Seems both him and Sting, and Kevin Nash are being rolled out of the spotlight for the new generation [*]In some ways its a pity, they can still go [*]But retrospectively, we all know what nearly killed WC-dubbya before, and I suspect they're hellbent on preventing THAT happening again [*]*Cough* Hulk Hogan *Cough* [*]Torrie Wilson was looking outrageously hot at ringside [*]Little black mini shorts [*]Low cut Canadian top [*]And tight [*]Lance Storm was not in the mood for frivolity though with DDP as he scoped her out [*]He even took a $100 bill from his pocket and offered it to Torrie [*]But as he did, it was just the opening Lance Storm needed to get the party started [*]Metaphorically, of course [*]I mean, there may have been an after PPV party, but I wasn't privvy to it [*]The match was quite brutal really [*]They're not pound for pound heavyweights [*]But they know how to put a few holds on [*]Lance Storm wrestled like a modern day Stu Hart [*]DDP like the king of sleaze, trying all manners of short cuts [*]Eventually though, Torrie Wilson's career as a ho was cut short as Lance Storm hooked on the Mapleleaf which DDP had to submit to! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Lance Storm pays homage[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Post match, Lance Storm told the fans that tonight's effort was all down to the inspiration and magnificence of his fiance` Torrie Wilson [*]Torrie blushed at ringside, as four men brought out a box of 2 dozen red roses each [*]Lance Storm told her nothing was going to stop their marriage [*]Not even a schmuck like Diamond Dallas Page [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]WCW World Television Championship "Sultan of Swing" Juventud Guerrera (c) v "Mr Wrestling III" Jerry Lynn[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Juvi, 25 defences of the WCW Television Championship [*]A genius up high [*]Versus Jerry Lynn [*]A man paying homage to the Mr Wrestling mask [*]One of the all time great technicians [*]Capable of heading high [*]Able to work any kind of match necessary [*]A high class match this should be [*]Probably the best match for the TV Title since the likes of Booker T fueded with Chris Benoit over it [*]I could try and call all the spots of this match [*]But, I'd have more chance typing up a detailed blow by blow description of that DVD I got for Christmas [*]We don't need to go there, but some minds probably already have [*]Including mine [*]This match was frenetic [*]Fast [*]Intense [*]Skilled [*]Riveting [*]Every positive adjective under the sun is worthy in this match [*]Perhaps a match of the year candidate [*]The match went inside the ring [*]Over the top rope [*]Into the steel barracades [*]Into the steel steps [*]Before finally, the streak was broken [*]When Jerry Lynn pulled out the Cradle Piledriver....1....2.....3! [*]WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION!!!! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]The big men argue[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Before the next match, after Vader was introduced, the Giant came to the ring and got into a push and shove confrontation with Vader [*]Before it could esculate, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, with assistance with long time friend and ally "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson came to ringside to seperate the two men [*]While they couldn't do it by force, the threat of suspension and major sanctions could [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Cage Match The Giant v Vader[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Two men with freakish power [*]In the confines of the unforgiving steel surrounds of a steel cage [*]It's tantamount to treason forcing this to happen [*]The cage got a fearful shake on a few occasions as both men were used as lawn darts against it [*]The Giant's face was completely bloodied as Vader used it like a cheese grater [*]I'm not having any of that Camenbert cheese [*]It seemed unlikely either men was really that desperate to seal the deal [*]But more so seal their opponents fate [*]The cameras switched to young children in the crowd with Vader masks, who had tears streaming down their cheeks as the punishment kept being dished out [*]Eventually, Vader's luck ran out [*]As he ran into a .... CHOKESLAM!!! [*]The Giant headed to the door, and despite a frantic last desperation effort to get up, Vader cuold not stop the Giant exiting to the boos of the fans at ringside [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]...Ashes to Ashes[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Next up, the Undertaker made his merry way to the ring [*]Complete with trademark Hearst [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]The Undertaker v "King of Old School" Steve Corino[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Steve Corino came to the ring complete with a customsied robe reading "The ONLY man to stop the Undertaker - May 2001, Wanted: Dead or Alive" [*]Schiavone made a big song and dance about how he seemed to have got ahead of himself [*]Is it just me, or this bloke embarrassing [*]I mean seriously [*]As Timmy says, "Come on" [*]I miss Bob Caudle listening to a bloke like this [*]Hell, I miss Bunkhouse Buck [*]But that's besides the point [*]Steve Corino is not a particularly strong man [*]But he certainly is deceptive [*]He kept up the good fight with the Undertaker [*]Using the ring to his advantage [*]It seemed as if his robe preminition was going to pay off [*]But he then went to gloat, and Undertaker sat up from a DDT [*]Corino turned around.... TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!! [*]Where's the spatula? 1....2.....3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]"The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett comments[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Backstage, Pammy and the twin zephyrs met up with "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett [*]Jarrett told the fans that he had all the stroke around this place [*]And tonight he was going to prove it by holding onto his United States Championship against that Mexican Jumping Bean Slapnut Rey Mysterio Jr [*]"Choke on that, Jumbo Jugs" [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]WCW United States Championship "The Chosen One" Jeff Jarrett v "New Generation" Rey Mysterio Jr[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Where were you when JFK was shot? [*]Where were you when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon? [*]No, seriously, where were you? [*]I wasn't alive but I thought you could tell me how it was back in the good old days [*]No? You just want the commentary on the match [*]Well dang ole, ok Cletus [*]There's been a load of heat between these two wrestlers [*]As I'm sure we're all aware [*]Unless you've been hiding under a rock and have never heard of the TEW Galaxy [*]But man, despite the hatred, they connect, and connect well [*]They're just a step above anything else in terms of chemistry in the world of wrestling [*]Who'd have thought it - redneck has good chemistry with Mexican jumping bean [*]This one was yet another of a long line of classics [*]The crowd was pumping [*]It was like watching a pack of Harley Davidsons up against Penny Farthings [*]Classic [*]Far and away superior to anything else [*]Eventually, Jeff Jarrett hit the Stroke on Rey... [*]....1....2.....THR... NO! [*]Somehow, Rey Mysterio Jr kicked out [*]What a heart! [*]Jarrett argued with Mickey Jay [*]And as he did, Rey headed to the corner.... [*]MY GOD!!! SPRINGBOARD HURRICANRANA!!!! [*]Count it.... [*]1..... [*]2..... [*]And Sesame Street brought to you by the number....3!!!! [*]Rey Mysterio Jr is the NEW UNITED STATES CHAMPION!!!! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]"Positively" Chris Kanyon has a few words[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]After the match, WCW World Heavyweight Champion "Positively" Chris Kanyon was introduced to the fans [*]After he got in the ring, he took the microphone from David Penzer [*]He said he was sick and tired of hearing Goldberg this [*]Goldberg that [*]As if the wrestilng world had found a new messiah [*]Kanyon reminded the folks out there that he was the World Heavyweight Champion [*]Which answers the question.... who better dan Kan... [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]Goldberg marches down[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Before he could spit the final syllable out, Goldberg's marching music started [*]The cameras faded to the back, where Goldberg head butted the steel locker door [*]Armed with a mitila of police officers, the rough and tough looking challenger made his long march to the ring area, past the Gorilla position, through the pyros, and down to the ring to a wide eyed Chris Kanyon [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]WCW World Heavyweight Championship The title CAN change on disqualifications Your Referee is Nick Patrick "Positively" Chris Kanyon (c) v Goldberg[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The crem de la crem [*]The cherry on the cake [*]The icing [*]The money shot [*]The main event [*]The WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line [*]The crowd was into it [*]The Goldberg chants were frantic [*]The two men circled the ring for an eternity before locking up to a raptuous response [*]Kanyon was pushed back into the corner [*]He came back into the middle, and began standing eye to eye with Goldberg [*]Goldberg got into three point stance position, and audibly muttered "You're next!" [*]Kanyon immediately rolled out of the ring [*]"Nature Boy" Ric Flair came down to join the commentary team at ringside [*]Kanyon went to pick up a steel chair, but Ric Flair reminded him on his way past the consequences - that being disqualified tonight was as good as being pinned [*]WOOOOOO!!!! [*]Kanyon rolled back in the ring before asking for time out [*]Goldberg turned away for a second allowing Kanyon to mount an attack [*]From there, Kanyon remarkably seemed to have Goldberg under his thumb [*]He used the mat well [*]He was innovative with a number of different holds designed to work on the legs of Goldberg to eliminate the Spear [*]It was working quite well, at one stage, Goldberg looked ready for it but pulled up lame [*]Kanyon kept working on the legs [*]Over [*]And over [*]And over again [*]Countless times Nick Patrick had to check on Goldberg [*]Then Kanyon locked on an ankle lock! [*]He had it well locked in [*]Nick Patrick asked Goldberg if he was giving up [*]HELL NO! [*]Kanyon sustained the hold for over two minutes [*]It appeared Goldberg had passed out from the pain [*]Nick Patrick checked the arm.... [*]Down it went [*]He checked again [*]Down it went [*]And he checked again...down it...NO! [*]Goldberg wriggled his way to the ropes! [*]Kanyon looked on in horror [*]Goldberg tried to run off the stiffness in the legs [*]But Kanyon took him down with a drop toe hold and went to work again for a few minutes [*]The crowd started chanting.... [*]..Goldberg.... [*]..Goldberg.... [*]And then it got louder and louder... [*]....GOLDBERG... [*]...GOLDBERG... [*]...GOLDBERG... [*]Eventually Goldberg kicked Kanyon off [*]Goldberg got to his feet [*]Kanyon rebounded into the ropes courtesy of an irish whip.... [*]SPEAR!!!!!! [*]JACKHAMMER!!!!!!! [*]Cover....1.....2..... [*]What? Nick Patrick has something in his eye? [*]Goldberg gave him the "You're next" glare [*]THE HAND CAME DOWN QUICK....3! [*]GOLDBERG WINS!!!! [*]AND HE IS YOUR NEW WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!!! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]Goldberg celebrates[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The chants were deafening.... [*]....GOLDBERG.... [*]...GOLDBERG.... [*]...GOLDBERG.... [*]"Nature Boy" Ric Flair came up and gave Goldberg a teary eyed hug [*]Guys like Paul Orndorff, Sting, Rey Mysterio Jr, Arn Anderson, Juventud Guerrera and Jerry Lynn stormed the ring to celebrate with Goldberg! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]The Giant: YOU COWARD![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Before Goldberg could leave the ring to celebrate in the back though, he was blindsided by a steel chair! [*]Delivered by THE GIANT! [*]As the other wrestlers feigned to attack him, he wound up the steel chair threateningly, so they hung back! [*]WHY? [*]WHY GIANT WHY? [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* Rating: A* Attendence: 27,209 WCW's popularity rose to 79.2% as a result of the show. Look forward to hearing some feedback on the Pay-Per-View.... and of course to see if there's still interest in this given '07 is now out.
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Best. Event. Ever. That was brilliant, so well written, great booking, unpredictability, shocks, title changes, it had it all. I'm still a huge fan of this diary and it's still the first one I look for. I know how busy you must be (hence the slower posts) but I always look forward to the next show. Have you got TEW07? If so, will you start this diary up on there or start again? Please keep it going! Again, great show.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;175838]Best. Event. Ever. That was brilliant, so well written, great booking, unpredictability, shocks, title changes, it had it all. I'm still a huge fan of this diary and it's still the first one I look for. I know how busy you must be (hence the slower posts) but I always look forward to the next show. Have you got TEW07? If so, will you start this diary up on there or start again? Please keep it going! Again, great show.[/QUOTE] Gee, thanks for the support :) I'm not too sure on whether I'm going to get '07, it'd depend on the strength of the real world and historical mods that come out.
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