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[C-Verse] Which companies are the absolute worst?

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The companies you hate, the companies  you want to see run out of business so you may dance on the grave.

For me, it's probably CWA right now. I mainly play as QAW, and they always come  along and sign my entire main event scene. At least in 2016, NOTBPW would release some of their existing roster first, so I could at least get a Amber Allen or Brooke Tyler out of it.

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22 hours ago, James The Animator said:

There are many companies in the C-Verse that I find to be generic and worthless. For instance, APW’s sole purpose for the last few games seems to be poaching talent from DIW and ZEN, and then losing their best stars to RAW. The British/European companies (besides SNP, which is at least a fun mess), CILL, and SAISHO don’t interest me at all. Also, I resent that work-rate paradise ACPW is the one independent company in Canada now that CWA has formed. At least CZCW has history behind it and has generated big league stars! On that topic, I agree with your negative feelings toward that company. It definitely feels like the legacies of CGC and NOTBPW were both diminished in that merger.

A very cheap plug here and for that I am sorry, but given what you said regarding ACPW/CWA/the state of Canada, I thought it applied. In the expansion pack mod I created for the CornellVerse I created an additional three companies for Canada. One's a hardcore promotion, one is a women's wrestling company and one is sort of the Canadian equivalent of MAW. Check it out and I hope it salivates your Canadian-wrestling-industry needs! 😄

As for me, I think this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but QAW just does not appeal to me. There's a couple of solid workers among the roster, the product is inoffensive, but they're just very 'meh' in my eyes. I think a lot of the love for them comes from the fact they're the only women's wrestling company aside from 5SSW, but below the surface there isn't much substance. That's just my interpretation of them anyway. They're not as bad as RAW though, I am not a fan of RAW in the slightest and wish they'd get hit by a mega steroid scandal or something in the next game (if there's going to be one). I've even contemplated an APW/DIW merger save to take them head on, going as far as creating graphics for 'Australian Impact Pro Wrestling' - but alas I've not started that particular save yet. 


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QAW, we're gonna do luchadora wrestling, we're gonna have half the roster be mexican luchadoras, we're gonna put the stars and stripes on it and call it queens of AMERICAN wrestling.

But the true worst are the ELPF. I dont believe anyone has ever been excited to see ol Banana flavoured ELPF launch in their game.

Edited by Kamchatka
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2 hours ago, Kamchatka said:

But the true worst are the ELPF. I dont believe anyone has ever been excited to see ol Banana flavoured ELPF launch in their game.

"Excited" isn't the right word, but I AM glad to see them open, as it means a company that will snag all my QAW talent DIDN'T open.

EILL is tiresome, too. They're not as bad as they were in 2016, but they're bad in all NEW fascinating ways, like how they keep starting developmental deals with smaller companies which fall apart less than 6 months later. It gets wearying seeing that in the news all the time.

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3 hours ago, Kamchatka said:

QAW, we're gonna do luchadora wrestling, we're gonna have half the roster be mexican luchadoras, we're gonna put the stars and stripes on it and call it queens of AMERICAN wrestling.

I forgot to add this to my little QAW rant, but this. Very much this. Well said Kam!

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For me those companies are interesting though - from a storytelling perspective they offer a narrative; will the scumbag owner get his comeuppance by seeing his beloved creation flounder and go bust? Will the egotistical booker accept he's over the hill and introduce new stars or will he let the ship sink all for the sake of pride? I guess if these companies were real, of course you'd hate them, but just from a gameplay viewpoint they create exciting mini narratives in every save even if you're not playing as them.

I thought of another one; BHOTWG. They sign up so many talents at the start of every save and decimate the smaller Japanese companies all to bloat their roster with workers they under utilise... 

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On 8/21/2022 at 5:31 PM, James The Animator said:

There are many companies in the C-Verse that I find to be generic and worthless. For instance, APW’s sole purpose for the last few games seems to be poaching talent from DIW and ZEN, and then losing their best stars to RAW.

I agree APW is one of the worst. I think it's mainly due to the fact that their product is Sports Entertainment, so it really just comes across as watered down RAW; if it were a more balanced or work rate oriented promotion I could see it having a niche, but as is it might as well be RAW's Developmental. With DIW and ZEN they have their own niche identities and money issues, but with APW It feels like they should have the money/contacts to at least attempt to get a TV deal or do something to compete, but they've just been in the exact same spot since TEW 2010.

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/24/2022 at 4:06 PM, azzak said:

For me those companies are interesting though - from a storytelling perspective they offer a narrative; will the scumbag owner get his comeuppance by seeing his beloved creation flounder and go bust? Will the egotistical booker accept he's over the hill and introduce new stars or will he let the ship sink all for the sake of pride? I guess if these companies were real, of course you'd hate them, but just from a gameplay viewpoint they create exciting mini narratives in every save even if you're not playing as them.

I thought of another one; BHOTWG. They sign up so many talents at the start of every save and decimate the smaller Japanese companies all to bloat their roster with workers they under utilise... 

I love to play with BHOTWG, but I hate AI BHOTWG.

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2 hours ago, James The Animator said:

This is a curious take to me. CZCW has a lot of historical relevance in the C-Verse: Rocky Golden, Sammy Bach, and Valiant all worked there in their youth. So that bolsters their status for me. I actually dislike ACPW for the same reasons you dislike CZCW, because ACPW has been active for ten years and their main event is mostly the same now as it was at the start. Also, none of their crop look like future major league stars, not even Jamie Atherton. At least CZCW has FrankiePerez and Masked Cougar.

It was half a joking reference to CM Punk putting down PWG in his AEW rant, who in my mind have a similar house style to CZCW.

I agree with you on ACPW guys not becoming stars, but I think that's in large part due to there just not being space in Canada to grow. CWA has a million stars that are in their primes. I think Japan could use some of ACPW's talent in the Junior division of Burning Hammer or in EXODUS. Ant-Man, Hugh de Aske, Kamikaze and Devyn Reynaud are legit. Erin Grey in 5SSW would be good too.

I don't think CZCW has more potential stars than ACPW, I just think their stars have an easier growth path. The Wild Cats could go to EILL, The American Cobras could end up in Japan or the big 3, and the women have USPW as a growth option.

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I don't think any of them are bad but there are a lot of them I just can't get behind playing. Any of the european ones (not UK Europe) EWA, VWA, and UEW. Which is funny cause I had a great time running UCR in 2016.

FCW I have never been able to get behind Puerto Rican Power's promotion it just seems so bland. PSW. Honestly once IPW and GSW came into existence they began to rule hardcore plus the interesting story of hatred between to the two companies made PSW irrelevant. And USPW they sucked when they weren;t in the big three and they suck even worse now that they are.

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4 hours ago, Irish Wolf said:

I don't think any of them are bad but there are a lot of them I just can't get behind playing. Any of the european ones (not UK Europe) EWA, VWA, and UEW. Which is funny cause I had a great time running UCR in 2016.

FCW I have never been able to get behind Puerto Rican Power's promotion it just seems so bland. PSW. Honestly once IPW and GSW came into existence they began to rule hardcore plus the interesting story of hatred between to the two companies made PSW irrelevant. And USPW they sucked when they weren;t in the big three and they suck even worse now that they are.

The lore of some companies could use some updating to make them interesting.

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14 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

The lore of some companies could use some updating to make them interesting.

Like how EMLL went from "We're a lucha company that DOESN'T do the fun multi-man matches you've come to expect from Lucha Libre!" to "Hey, there's a multiverse, and people come from every dimension imaginable to trade headlocks and chairshots".

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On 8/24/2022 at 1:59 PM, Pteroid said:

Ok but at least that's funny (and doomed to failure in the long run as he declines and someone inevitably snaps the little headache up)



Edited by Makhai
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16 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

The lore of some companies could use some updating to make them interesting.

You mean that only smushing two underperforming companies together in Canada, not even attempting to make that make sense financially, and ignoring basically everything else for a decade even as half of it turns 40, leaves your game world stale? You don't say. 

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Grading on a curve, I gotta say USPW in every database they've been a relevant promotion in. I'm aware this could be user error, but I always feel very tense and on edge that something horrible will go wrong on every show I book. I love the idea of booking a promotion with really bad wrestlers, but the lengths you have to go through to strategize good shows really breaks my brain, and feels like you're taking advantage of how the game operates. 

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4 hours ago, BrokenCycle said:

Grading on a curve, I gotta say USPW in every database they've been a relevant promotion in. I'm aware this could be user error, but I always feel very tense and on edge that something horrible will go wrong on every show I book. I love the idea of booking a promotion with really bad wrestlers, but the lengths you have to go through to strategize good shows really breaks my brain, and feels like you're taking advantage of how the game operates. 

It's pretty chill now, once you get the hang of how pop-feds function and skew towards big angles and not matches, so much. They actually have the talent to swim now. Back in like 2010... When it was a bunch of old guys, Nicky Champion who wasn't over yet, and an unbelievably expensive Enigma, all way under their pop. It was quite the struggle. 

I remember the literal only way I could do it was to book Sam to be in every angle possible. 

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I hate 21CW. I hate how it essentially makes it impossible to grow a british scene, I hate that it took Koller from VWA, I hate that it's SWF UK but with the young guys being even more bland and terrible, and I hate that RAW did the SWF but with cultural differences trope so, so much better. Honestly, 21CW has no reason to exist but also no way it could ever go under or need to change.

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On 10/14/2022 at 8:16 AM, AboardTheArk said:

I hate 21CW. I hate how it essentially makes it impossible to grow a british scene, I hate that it took Koller from VWA, I hate that it's SWF UK but with the young guys being even more bland and terrible, and I hate that RAW did the SWF but with cultural differences trope so, so much better. Honestly, 21CW has no reason to exist but also no way it could ever go under or need to change.

I see a few ways 21CW could reach their end: Lose Tommy and Edward Cornell to USPW. USPW takeover the British scene with the reach that Reverie gives them. Another UK company rise to prominence and steals some of their young core.

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