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NWF: Disrupting The Market

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Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Lenny Mochin

Darin and Mark continue to build momentum.

Cain Carlile vs JK Lee

JK Lee is a potential challenger to Welsh Dragon, Cain Carlile is not.

Bulldog Jack vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

I don't see Bulldog Jack winning.

??? vs Dylan Drama w/ Byron

Dylan gets a win to establish himself.

Landon Mallory vs Padraig O'Hearne

Landon is higher on the pecking order than Padraig.

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #18

Wednesday W3 February 2021


Show Rating: 62


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to NWF National Wrestling, streaming exclusively on demand at WrestleWorld GB. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie. We have a huge show in store for you tonight, with a blockbuster Main Event between “The Springbok” Landon Mallory and Padraig O’Hearne!”

Jackie Goldstein: “That’s two Main Events in a row for Padraig O’Hearne. He was on the winning side last week, can he repeat the feat tonight?”



“The Prodigy” Darin Flynn VS “The Brewin’ Storm” Lenny Mochin

Mark Moore was surprising absent at ringside for this match, but that didn’t slow down “The Prodigy” as he continued his impressive start to life in the NWF. Flynn and Mochin are two of the strongest technicians on the NWF roster, and were able to put together an entertaining contest that really worked the crowd. While Mochin was certainly able to hold his own, it was Darin Flynn who was able to lock in his Prodigal Pressure submission hold to secure an impressive victory.

Rating: 61


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We cut backstage to the office of Frank Finkleton, where the network executive was joined by Mo Adebola and Mark Moore. The three men had just finished watching the opening contest on a television monitor, which had sparked an argument between Moore & Adebola. Both men were passionately advocating for their client as being the premier talent in the NWF, an argument that continued until Finkleton interrupted.

Frank Finkleton: “Luckily for both of you I’ve just had confirmation from the network board… at ‘March Madness’ both of your clients will get the chance to prove who really is the best in the NWF – when “The Prodigy” Darin Flynn challenges Edison Silva for the NWF British Heavyweight Championship!”

On Commentary, Jackie Goldstein was extremely excited by the prospect of Flynn and Silva facing off in the ring – a sentiment seemingly not shared by Mo Adebola.

Mo Adebola: “Now come on Frank, let’s not be hasty…”

Mark Moore: “Not getting scared are you Mo? It’s time to put your money where your mouth is. You think your guy is the best here, then you should have no problem putting him up against my guy!”

Mo Adebola didn’t respond, but the legal advisor did not look happy as the camera cut back to ringside.

Rating: 60



“Captain Crash” Cain Carlile VS “The Bulldog” JK Lee

We are informed on commentary that the attack by JK Lee in last weeks Main Event has left Bali Daljit in hospital, with the Indian cruiserweight expected to be out of action for at least a couple of months. His partner Welsh Dragon is in hospital with Bali this week, but is expected to return to National Wrestling next week.

In the ring, Cain Carlile threw his body off of everything in sight as usual – but the technical skills of “The Bulldog” soon saw “Captain Crash” grounded. With Carlile confined to the mat he was no match for the ground game of his opponent, and soon enough Lee was able to lock in the Crossface and Carlile had no choice but to tap out. Presumably in an attempt to avoid a repeat of last week, NWF staff immediately streamed out from the back – but JK Lee didn’t seem intent on hurting Carlile this week and had released the hold fairly promptly after the bell.

Rating: 48



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Next, we joined Bret Heartbreak, Holly Leves and Chuck Frisby in the Frisby Foundation for Fitness gym. Bret Heartbreak was sat on a bench press, moving much heavier weights than he had been a few weeks ago. Everybody seemed in good spirits, even Holly Leves and Chuck Frisby were being cordial.

Chuck Frisby: “Looking great partner! How good is this? No diet, no number one contender matches… just two dudes pushing weights! What more could you ask for?”

Bret Heartbreak racked the weight, and shot a quick glance at Holly Leves with a slight smirk creeping onto his face.

Bret Heartbreak: “Actually Chuck… there was one thing I wanted to ask you.”

Chuck Frisby (beaming): “Ask away partner!”

Bret Heartbreak: “Could I get one of those sweet tee-shirts? You know the one with the Frisby Foundation for Fitness logo on the front?”

Holly Leves (with a wicked smile on her face): “You did say they would come free with every subscription until you won the cruiserweight title, and you never did actually win, so…”

A look of anger momentarily flashed across Chuck Frisby’s features, but he quickly corrected it and laughed along with Holly Leves.

Chuck Frisby: “Actually, I think you’ll find I said that particular promotion ended at ‘Out With The Old’… BUT since we’re partners…”

Chuck stepped off camera for a moment, presumably to run to his office, and returned holding Bret’s new tee-shirt in hand.


Bret took the tee-shirt from Frisby and excitedly threw it on.

Chuck Frisby: “Now enough of that! Chuck another twenty on each side and give me another ten reps!”

Rating: 42



Bulldog Jack VS Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Bulldog Jack was back for a surprise second appearance after losing in a short match against Stuart Wilson last week. This week he was up against another of Chuck Frisby’s clients in Dwayne Dark, who was accompanied to the ring by both Frisby and Wilson. Bulldog Jack didn’t offer much more of a challenge for Dark than he had for Wilson, with the only notable moment in the match coming when Dwayne Dark looked to hoist Bulldog Jack above his head for a Gorilla Press Slam – a feat Stuart Wilson had achieved with ease last week.

Unfortunately for Dark, his Flabby Light Heavyweight opponent was a full 30lb heavier than the Ripped Middleweight. Dark did manage to muscle Bulldog Jack up, but there was a serious wobble on the way up. Dark looked frustrated as he dropped Bulldog Jack to the mat, which was made worse as he caught sight of a smug looking Stuart Wilson at ringside. After taking a moment to compose himself, Dark hauled Bulldog Jack off the mat and delivered his Darkness Falls (Batista Bomb) for the win.

Rating: 35



The camera cut backstage to Leo Price, who had been watching the previous match on a monitor. With the match over, Price turned away from the monitor… right into “Big Mac” Nathan McKenzie. The big Australian stood right in Leo Price’s path, and refused to move for “The Lion”.


Nathan McKenzie: “G’day mate. How’s your pal Nate Manchester doing these days?”

Leo Price (calmly): “Nate is still in hospital having an MRI on his knee… as you well know. Now could you please let me past?”

‘Big Mac’ grinned as Leo Price tried to push past him.

Nathan McKenzie: “I don’t think so mate. I’m just here to let you know that Nate is just the start. Anyone who gets on the wrong side of ‘The Network’ would get the same treatment… if you catch my drift.”

Leo Price: “Is that a threat?”

Nathan McKenzie: “Nah mate, think of it more as advice.”

Leo Price (grinning): “Well while we’re giving out advice, here’s some for you. There’s no denying you’re a big man, but I’ve been around this business a long time and I’ve seen bigger and badder men than you come and go. Happens all the time. Now, you hurt Nate, no doubt about that, but he’ll be back… and he won’t be the last man they send you after. They’ll keep on coming, and even if you somehow hold them all off… what happens when someone bigger and badder than you shows up? Will your friends at ‘The Network’ still look after you then?”

Price looked to step around the Australian and, while Big Mac held his ground, the Muscular Heavyweight didn’t stop Price from going past him this time.

Rating: 50



Local Worker VS Dylan Drama w/ Byron

A poor, one sided match here – with Dylan Drama dominating throughout. On the only occasion that the local worker looked to be raising any sort of offence, Byron intervened at ringside to stop any potential momentum from building before it had started. The match mercifully finished just after the five-minute mark when Drama hit the Dramatic Conclusion.

Rating: 17


Almost as soon as referee Roy Worrall’s hand hit the mat for the three count, Dangermouth came flying out from the back. Unfortunately for the grime star, High Society (Byron, Joey Beauchamp & Dylan Drama) saw him coming and immediately evacuated the ring and headed for the safety of the locker room.


Dangermouth: “Byron, last week you said ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know’. Now I may not have fancy friends like your new little pet does, but I do know this: it doesn’t how many little cronies you hide behind, they won’t be able to save you from the arse-whoopin’ comin’ your way!”

Rating: 47



We cut backstage to find “The Springbok” Landon Mallory stood by with Rachel Dearheart, with the interviewer asking the South African if he had any update after the threats from Mo Adebola last week.

Landon Mallory: “Ag Rachel. All I can say on the Adebola stuff is I’ve got myself a lawyer and there will be a hearing next week. But I don’t want to talk about that. What I want to talk about is ‘The Springbok’ building back to that perfect ten… starting tonight with Padraig O’Hearne. Let the lawyers do the legal stuff, all I can do is do what I do best – win matches in that ring. Yebo! ”

Rating: 65



“The Springbok” Landon Mallory VS Padraig O’Hearne

This was a Wild Brawl between two powerful Middleweights. This was the second Main Event in a row for Padraig O’Hearne, and this performance will raise his stock within the NWF. The pace of this match was frenetic, as both men landed heavy, impactful strikes and Suplexes that shook the ring. Despite being only ten minutes in length, this match will go down as the best in the NWF’s short history – with the crowd invested throughout as the momentum went back and forth between the two men. With the crowd behind him, Landon Mallory was able to hit his Springbok Ram (Gore) to secure a second victory on the bounce.

Rating: 64


Jackie Goldstein: “What a match! Landon Mallory was pushed to the edge tonight, but gets the job done!”

Melanie Florence: “’The Springbok’ got the job done tonight, but the question now is what will happen next week when the lawyers get involved?”

Jackie Goldstein: “There isn’t a case to answer Melanie, Adebola put himself in harms way…”

Melanie Florence: “I know, but if I’ve learned one thing during my time in the NWF it’s: never underestimate Mo Adebola!”

Jackie Goldstein: “We’ll have exclusive footage from that hearing next week on National Wrestling, be sure to join us then! Thank you for watching, and goodnight!”

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Darin Flynn's match had a great rating. That Edison Silva vs Darin Flynn sounds great, although I'm still not confident about what will happen between Mo Adebola and Moore. In the end we'll get that match but I wouldn't be surprised if Mo Adebola does something to delay it. It seems like your main event scene has many more wrestlers these days. Big Mac and Darin Flynn have been great additions.

If Landon Mallory is on another winning cycle to build back his momentum he will probably be a big star in NWF after it finishes.

Chuck Frisby's lack of scruples always surprises me even if I expect the worst from him. I'm sure they'll lose the title match and I think the close future won't be good for Bret.

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11 hours ago, newbiezness said:

Darin Flynn's match had a great rating. That Edison Silva vs Darin Flynn sounds great, although I'm still not confident about what will happen between Mo Adebola and Moore. In the end we'll get that match but I wouldn't be surprised if Mo Adebola does something to delay it. It seems like your main event scene has many more wrestlers these days. Big Mac and Darin Flynn have been great additions.

If Landon Mallory is on another winning cycle to build back his momentum he will probably be a big star in NWF after it finishes.

Chuck Frisby's lack of scruples always surprises me even if I expect the worst from him. I'm sure they'll lose the title match and I think the close future won't be good for Bret.

Thanks @newbiezness!

There is a big disconnect between the narrative Main Event scene and the in-game main event scene. Like you say, the narrative Main Event scene now feels much fuller with Edison Silva, Landon Mallory, Nate Manchester, Darin Flynn and Big Mac all being treated as Main Event level players. However in game I still only have three active wrestlers considered as 'Major Stars' and none considered as 'Stars'. Darin Flynn has slotted right in as a 'Major Star', but Big Mac has the same issue as Landon Mallory in that he has come in with 0 pop in the UK. Mallory has risen to 'Recognisable' and is on the cusp of jumping up to 'Well Known', but Big Mac is a few months behind The Springbok in terms of his rise up the card.

I've really enjoyed writing the developing relationship between Chuck/Bret/Holly. Bret is another one who came in with 0 pop and in-game is perceived a lot worse than I present him in the diary (Unimportant in game). I already know the disconnect will cause me some issues down the line (we've already seen it with Nate refusing to put Big Mac over), but I'll worry about that when we get there! 😅

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Thank you to everybody who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode of National Wrestling, it is always appreciated! We had eight (8) people predicting this show, which I think is the most we've had so far - so thank you! Hope to see everyone back for the next show! Another high scoring round - congraulations to smw88, Wrestling Machine, azzak & KyTeran who all got perfect scores!


Prediction Results for NWF National Wrestling Episode 18

@smw88 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@azzak 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@Marmo 4/5

@newbiezness 4/5

@JunkRat 4/5

@kanegan 4/5


Combined Prediction Results

@smw88 10/10

@azzak 10/10

@KyTeran 10/10

@Wrestling Machine 9/10

@newbiezness 8/10

@kanegan 8/10

@Marmo 7/10

@JunkRat 4/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 19

Welsh Dragon vs Padraig O'Hearne

Taypen & Buzzard (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

??? vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Red Dragon vs Stuart Wilson

NWF Cruiserweight TItle No. 1 Contenders Match: Martin Heath vs JK Lee

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Welsh Dragon vs Padraig O'Hearne

Taypen & Buzzard (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

??? vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Red Dragon vs Stuart Wilson

NWF Cruiserweight TItle No. 1 Contenders Match: Martin Heath vs JK Lee

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Welsh Dragon vs Padraig O'Hearne

Taypen & Buzzard (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

??? vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Red Dragon vs Stuart Wilson

NWF Cruiserweight TItle No. 1 Contenders Match: Martin Heath vs JK Lee

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Welsh Dragon vs Padraig O'Hearne

Dragon gets some revenge for Bali and helps set up his future match with JK Lee.

Taypen & Buzzard (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Giving it to the more established team.

??? vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Mystery team is going to be staring at the lights.

Red Dragon vs Stuart Wilson

Considering Red Dragon's beginning to decline it is time for some other talent to get the rub from him.

NWF Cruiserweight TItle No. 1 Contenders Match: Martin Heath vs JK Lee

After what JK did to Bali in their tag match I am sure that he will be the next to challenge Welsh Dragon.

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Welsh Dragon vs Padraig O'Hearne

Taypen & Buzzard (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

??? vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Red Dragon vs Stuart Wilson

I'm going to risk it and say that Red Dragon somehow wins and problems within Frisby's Foundation For Fitness keep growing

NWF Cruiserweight TItle No. 1 Contenders Match: Martin Heath vs JK Lee

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Welsh Dragon vs Padraig O'Hearne

Taypen & Buzzard (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

??? vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Red Dragon vs Stuart Wilson

NWF Cruiserweight TItle No. 1 Contenders Match: Martin Heath vs JK Lee

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Welsh Dragon vs Padraig O'Hearne

Taypen & Buzzard (Grant Taypen & Leighton Buzzard) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

??? vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Red Dragon vs Stuart Wilson

NWF Cruiserweight TItle No. 1 Contenders Match: Martin Heath vs JK Lee

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #19

Wednesday W4 February 2021

Show Rating: 56


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to NWF National Wrestling, streaming exclusively on demand at WrestleWorld GB. My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence!”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! Last week ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory was victorious in the best match in NWF history, but this week he faces an entirely different challenge – and we have exclusive footage from his employment hearing later on tonights show!”

Jackie Goldstein: “We also have the return of Welsh Dragon. The Cruiserweight champion is said not to be happy that JK Lee has a chance to earn a title shot in tonights Main Event after injuring the Welshman’s tag team partner two weeks ago. To earn that shot JK Lee will have to beat Martin Heath!”

Melanie Florence: “But opening tonights show, Welsh Dragon has the chance to get his hands on Padraig O’Hearne – the man who held the Cruiserweight champion back at ringside to stop him helping his tag team partner two weeks ago!”



Welsh Dragon VS Padraig O’Hearne

Padraig O’Hearne was the bigger man in this one, but Welsh Dragon had returned with the bit between his teeth after seeing his tag partner injured two weeks ago. The Welshman looked to make O’Hearne pay for his role in that injury, as he controlled the early portion of this match with his lucha-libre inspired moveset. There were Arm Drags, Drop Toe Holds, Hurricanranas, and more Arm Drags!

The turning point came when the Cruiserweight champion looked for another Hurricanrana, which his opponent was able to block and reverse into a Powerbomb. From here, O’Hearne was able to utilise his Irish brawler background to beat down his smaller opponent with Clotheslines, hard elbows and heavy right hands. The Irishman continued to beat away on his opponent, until he looked to lift Welsh Dragon up for another Powerbomb – but this time it was the Welshman who was able to reverse, into a Hurricanrana that sent O’Hearne headfirst into the corner turnbuckle. The dazed Irishman staggered back to the middle of the ring, right into a Dragon Kick! Welsh Dragon fell into the cover and referee Roy Worrall counted the three. Welsh Dragon celebrated his hard fought victory, but he still had his eyes on revenge against the man who had actually caused Bali Daljit’s injury – JK Lee.

Rating: 47


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We cut backstage to Bret Heartbreak and Holly Leves, who were stood at the door of a building with a sign advertising a ‘Free Couples Therapy Taster Session’. The pair looked confused, but Bret Heartbreak confirmed that this was the place Chuck Frisby had told them to meet.


Chuck Frisby called out and walked into shot. Holly Leves immediately got in the personal trainers face and told him that she and Bret Heartbreak did not need couples therapy! Chuck Frisby initially acted surprised, before assuring Holly that the couples therapy wasn’t for her and Bret – it was for him and Bret! What better way to get on the same page than with professional help? All included in the service of course! Holly tried to point out that it was a free session, but Chuck simply talked over her as he ushered them inside.


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We cut to a shot of Mark Moore walking down a corridor alongside his client ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn. The pair looked deep in conversation, until Darin Flynn was blindsided by The Network.

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‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie, Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan began laying the boots into Flynn, as Moore called out for help from anyone in the vicinity. Things looked bad for ‘The Prodigy’ as The Network used their superior numbers to overwhelm the number one contender.

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Just when it looked like The Network were about to put Flynn out of action, Nate Manchester came flying from out of shot and caught The Network off guard. ‘The Real Angel Of The North’ was meant to be in a hospital bed with an injured knee, and ‘Big Mac’ couldn’t believe the Geordie was here. Leo Price joined his ex-tag partner to even the odds alongside a recovered Darin Flynn. Seeing that they had lost their numbers advantage, The Network decided to retreat – although Jackie Goldstein wondered on commentary how much damage The Network had been able to do before the cavalry arrived.

Rating: 46



Taypen & Buzzard VS The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Rave and Trance returned for their second match in the NWF, having come up short against Sharp & Heath a couple of weeks ago. The Party Animals put on a good showing here, pushing Taypen & Buzzard all the way. Leighton Buzzard proved to be the difference maker here, with his speed and high flying offence tipping the scales in the favour of his team. Tapyen & Buzzard secured a hard fought win with their Missile Double Impact (Dual Flying Missile Dropkicks).

Rating: 43


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We cut back to Chuck Frisby & Bret Heartbreaks couple therapy session. All of the couples in the room were staring deeply into each other’s eyes. While all of the other couples in the room seemed comfortable with each other, Chuck shifted uncomfortably in his seat and was desperately trying to avoid eye contact with Bret – who was moving his head to try and re-establish the eye contact with his personal trainer. A timer went off in the background, and the therapist announced that the ten minutes were up. Chuck looked relieved, as the therapist announced that for the next activity they would be doing a ‘Trust Fall’.

Holly Leves looked on from the edge of the room, as Chuck Frisby – upon finding out he would have to wear a blindfold for the ‘Trust Fall’ - tried to explain to the therapist that it all seemed a little silly and he didn’t see how this would help him and Bret become Tag Team Champions! The therapist looked confused, but told Chuck that all couples had to complete all of the activities. Bret offered to go first and took the blindfold from the therapist. Bret turned around, crossed his arms and fell backwards, and Chuck caught his client instinctively. The therapist applauded Bret for “taking the leap”, before cajoling Chuck into putting the blindfold and “taking the leap” himself. Begrudgingly Chuck put on the blindfold and fell, but seemed thoroughly relieved once it was over.



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We move to a pre-recorded segment, showing High Society outside of a fancy looking country club enjoying afternoon tea.

Byron: “Last week Mr Moss tried to blindside us after Dylan’ impressive debut victory on National Wrestling. Mr Moss should know by now that, unlike people like him, people of our standing don’t engage in petty fighting unless we are being paid for it. And if Mr Moss wants to face me again, it will be on an appropriate stage and it will take place when I am ready.”

A waiter comes around to fill up the groups champagne, which Byron gratefully accepts as the camera cuts away.

Rating: 42



Local Talents VS The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

This match served as a reminder of just how dangerous The Northern Lights could be in the ring. Vicious and Jordan dominated throughout, with Vicious showcasing his trademark brawling style and Jordan shaking the ring with his High Impact Suplexes. The end of the match came with Riddick Jordan wowing the crowd with his impressive Diving Headbutt from the top rope, before The Northern Lights set up their Lights Out (Doomsday Device) to put the exclamation mark on a dominant performance.

Rating: 46


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We are back in therapy next, as Chuck Frisby and Bret Heartbreak’s taster session continued. The therapist announced that for the next activity both members of the couple would share a secret with their partner that the other didn’t know.

Bret went first and told Chuck that he had initially taken up wrestling in order to spend more time with his father. Byron had been so focused on winning championships and climbing the social ladder when Bret had been younger, he hadn’t been there for his children. That was the reason Bret had hired Chuck, and why he was so focused on winning championship gold… Chuck looked incredibly uncomfortable as the therapist praised Bret for his openness, and looked positively terrified when he was told it was his turn to share. After much encouragement, the personal trainer mumbled that he was scared of heights and asked that they move on…



We cut to Dwayne Dark in the warm up area, using an exercise band to loosen his shoulders. Dark looked focused on his mobility work, until Stuart Wilson walked into shot.


‘The Celtic Hammer’ was in action next, so must have gone out of his way to track down his stablemate.

Stuart Wilson: “Thought I might find you here… you’ve been working out non-stop lately. Something on your mind?”

Dark ignored the jibe and simply continued with his mobility exercises.

Stuart Wilson: “You must be getting worried with how much time Chuck’s spending with the kid? Being second favourite to an Olympic medalist is one thing, but falling to third behind a kid with daddy issues… that’s got to hurt.”

Wilson chuckled to himself as he walked out shot. Dark didn’t respond, but there was definitely a lot more intensity in how he was stretching his exercise bands.

Rating: 46



“The Welsh Warrior” Red Dragon VS “The Celtic Hammer” Stuart Wilson

Red Dragon was a former 21CW World Champion, but he was giving up nearly 100lb’s to his opponent in this one. Stuart Wilson made full use of his size and power advantage as he threw the former World Champion around the ring. Even when Red Dragon made his inevitable comeback, the Olympic Bronze medalist was able to cut ‘The Welsh Warrior’ off by catching him out of the air during an attempted Cross Body. ‘The Celtic Hammer’ hoisted the Welshman over his shoulder and delivered his Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam) to secure what most would consider his biggest victory to date.

Rating: 40



We cut away to a stuffy looking boardroom, where ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory was sat alongside his lawyer opposite the three NWF board members we had previously seen during Leo Price’s disciplinary hearing. They all appeared to be waiting for something before proceedings could begin, which became immediately obvious when the door of the boardroom swung open.

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Mo Adebola was wheeled into the boardroom, as his client Edison Silva walked in behind him – strangely with his NWF British Heavyweight Championship belt slung over his shoulder. Adebola was back in the wheelchair we had seen a few weeks ago, and the overlarge neck brace and sling were also back.

With Adebola now in attendance the proceedings could begin and, after a brief opening statement from a board member, Mo Adebola was invited to make his statement.

Mo Adebola: “I am here today, because I was viciously assaulted by Landon Mallory. I attend NWF events in my capacity as legal advisor to the NWF British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva. I am not employed by the NWF, and I am certainly no wrestler. As a visitor to your workplace, I should not be at risk of coming to physical harm at the hands of one of your employees. I have been confined to this wheelchair since the attack, you’ve all seen the footage, it is cut and dry and Landon Mallory should be fired!”

The board members nodded along in agreement, before passing the floor to Landon Mallory’s lawyer. The South African’s lawyer thanks the board members before turning their attention to evidence item #1 – footage from Episode 18 of National Wrestling. The footage showed Mo Adebola STANDING in the office of Frank Finkleton, arguing with Mark Moore over who is the premier talent in the NWF. The clip ended, and the lawyer suggested that Mr Adebola hadn’t looked in any pain during the argument and was moving around the office freely.

Mo Adebola looked furious, and argued that he was on heavy painkillers to help to manage his ongoing pain. One of the NWF board members asked Mr Adebola if he could provide a prescription for these painkillers, which Mo Adebola replied that he couldn’t. The board members put the heads together, and advised that they had come to a decision. While the incident involving Mr Mallory and Mr Abedola was undoubtedly undesirable, they accepted Mr Mallory’s claims that it was accidental. They rejected Mr Adebola’s claims around the extent of the legal advisors injuries. Given these decisions, the board announced that Mr Mallory would receive a one-show suspension – effective for Episode 20 of National Wrestling.

The board members closed the meeting and left the room. Landon Mallory shook the hand of his lawyer, with the pair looking content with the ruling. The pair left the room, leaving a seething Mo Adebola and Edison Silva sat at the table. Mo Adebola’s helper began to wheel the legal advisor towards the door, but a furious Adebola pushed his helper away, stood up from his wheelchair and stormed out of the room. Edison Silva pushed the wheelchair over and pushed the helper into the wall as he followed his legal advisor out of the door.

Rating: 56


BretHeartbreak.jpg.2645b95f72329077fdd555fe4467625a.jpg ChuckFrisby.jpg.210bbea433d8bad7bd1f8a6d47037c96.jpg

We returned to Bret and Chuck’s therapy session, as the final activity was being explained by the therapist – Two truths and a lie. Chuck was made to go first this time, and his first statement was that he had trained an Olympic medalist! The therapist couldn’t help herself and asked if this was true, which was all the invitation Chuck needed to launch into the full story of how he had trained Stuart Wilson to Olympic Bronze at London 2012! Before long Chuck had everybody in the room gathered around him, and was thoroughly enjoying himself.

Having finally finished regaling his Olympic 2012 story (in minute detail) - Chuck paused, soaking in the applause of his audience, before asking if he could tell his second truth now. The crowd encouraged him along, and Chuck turned to Bret Heartbreak and told him that after everything they had learned today there was nothing that could stop them becoming NWF British Tag Team Champions!

Rating: 45



Martin Heath VS “The Bulldog” JK Lee

NWF Cruiserweight Title Number One Contenders Match

It was two weeks ago on National Wrestling that JK Lee injured Bali Daljit by refusing to release his Crossface submission hold after the bell. NWF Cruiserweight champion Welsh Dragon was said to be unhappy at JK Lee receiving this opportunity after injuring his tag team partner.

Martin Heath would be a tough opponent for JK Lee to get through though, as shown by Heath’s lightning start in this contest. Heath flew around the ring, delivering Flying Cross Bodies and Springboard Clotheslines that rocked ‘The Bulldog’. However a missed Flying Fist Drop opened the door for Lee, who immediately slowed the pace of the match and pinned his opponent to the mat. Heath absorbed punishment for a few minutes, before beginning his comeback. The pace of the match quickened and Heath began to get rolling with a series of Flying Clotheslines and a Missile Dropkick. Heath headed to the top rope and nailed his Flying Fist Drop! He collapsed into the cover, but JK Lee was able to get his foot onto the bottom rope.

With both men exhausted, Martin Heath headed out to the apron and looked for another Springboard Clothesline… however this time JK Lee was ready for him, and was able to catch the arm and move himself into position to lock in his Crossface submission hold! Martin Heath struggled wildly, but wasn’t able to get near enough to the ropes and had no choice but to tap out.

Rating: 59


Jackie Goldstein: “After a tough match, JK Lee gets the job done. That means, less than a month after injuring his tag team partner, JK Lee will challenge Welsh Dragon for the NWF Cruiserweight Championship at ‘March Madness’!”

Melanie Florence: “Welsh Dragon will have mixed emotions. On one hand he’s angry that JK Lee got this opportunity in the first place, but on the other he’ll be dying to get his hands on him!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Emotions will be running high in this one! But we’ve still got one more show to get through before then! Be sure to join us next Wednesday for the ‘go home show’ before ‘March Madness’ – exclusively on WrestleWorld GB!”

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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Happy New Year to everyone! I hope everyone had a great 2023 and has an even better 2024.


Thank you to everyone who predicted and reacted to the latest show. I'm looking for some honest feedback on the Bret Heartbreak/Chuck Frisby style of angle from the last show - the process of cutting back and forth throughout the show sounded great in my head, but I'm not sure if it translated well into the diary. It also added quite a lot of length to the show, so might have made it a heavy read. Did you like that style of angle, or is it something you'd prefer I stayed away from going forwards?


Congratulations to KyTeran, Wrestling Machine, Marmo and azzak for achieving perfect scores! Hope to see everybody back for the 'go home show'.


Prediction Results for NWF National Wrestling Episode 19

@KyTeran 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@Marmo 5/5

@azzak 5/5

@newbiezness 4/5

@kanegan 3/5

@smw88 2/5


Combined Prediction Results

@azzak 15/15

@KyTeran 15/15

@Wrestling Machine 14/15

@smw88 12/15

@newbiezness 12/15

@Marmo 12/15

@kanegan 11/15

@JunkRat 4/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 20

XS vs JK Lee

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

??? vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Red Dragon & Aurelian Bradley vs Bret Heartbreak & Chuck Frisby

Darin Flynn vs Dwayne Dark

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XS vs JK Lee

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

??? vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Red Dragon & Aurelian Bradley vs Bret Heartbreak & Chuck Frisby

Darin Flynn vs Dwayne Dark

Edited by smw88
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XS vs JK Lee

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

??? vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Red Dragon & Aurelian Bradley vs Bret Heartbreak & Chuck Frisby

Darin Flynn vs Dwayne Dark

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