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NWF: Disrupting The Market

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Non Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Tournament Quarter Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Gavin Owen

Tournament Quarter Final: Cain Carlile vs Ultra Violence

Darin Flynn vs JK Lee

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Non Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)


Tournament Quarter Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Gavin Owen

Tournament? 🤩

Tournament Quarter Final: Cain Carlile vs Ultra Violence

Darin Flynn vs JK Lee

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Non Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Team Chaos is not beating The Northern Lights right after they win the titles.

Tournament Quarter Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Gavin Owen

Let's see Leighton has had some good promos and matches in recent shows while Gavin is a loser.

Tournament Quarter Final: Cain Carlile vs Ultra Violence

Ultra Violence gets the win while Brilliant White is out of action.

Darin Flynn vs JK Lee

JK Lee may be the Cruiserweight champion, but I still think "The Prodigy" wins.

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20 hours ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

@kanegan 19/19 + 1 Bonus

lmao man slow down a bit!!



Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 29

Non Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Tournament Quarter Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Gavin Owen it's time for Buzz to shine

Tournament Quarter Final: Cain Carlile vs Ultra Violence

Darin Flynn vs JK Lee

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Non Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)
Fresh team for the new champs to maul and remind everyone how good they are

Tournament Quarter Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Gavin Owen

Tournament Quarter Final: Cain Carlile vs Ultra Violence
Cain needs a lot of rehab at this point to be taken seriously, while Ultra Violence at least has a gimmick that props him up as a realistic threat

Darin Flynn vs JK Lee
Feels bad having your Cruiserweight champion losing again, but I think this match will help out both men in the long run

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Non Title Contest: Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Tournament Quarter Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Gavin Owen

Tournament Quarter Final: Cain Carlile vs Ultra Violence

Darin Flynn vs JK Lee

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #29

Wednesday W2 May 2021

Show Rating: 60


JackieGoldstein.jpg.dfc0b303580bd6558e4d2caf005f3316.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.df2d5af322a9668bba8b4cfadaf976c6.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling! We are three days removed from a huge night of wrestling at ‘Three Lions’! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie, ‘Three Lions’ really was a night of talking points – none more so than Landon Mallory claiming the British Heavyweight Championship!”

Jackie Goldstein: “The Springbok really overcame the odds to become only the second ever British Heavyweight Champion!”

Melanie Florence: “And what does the future of The Network? Edison Silva and Big Mac couldn’t co-exist as the British Heavyweight Championship proved too big a prize!”

Jackie Goldstein: “I’m sure we’ll get answers over the next hour and a half Melanie, but to kick off the show is out new British Heavyweight Champion!”


The crowd were on their feet as Rachel Dearheart announced the NEW British Heavyweight Champion – ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory!


Landon Mallory’s music blasted over the speakers, as the South African took in the cheers of the crowd and high fived kids in the front row on his way down to the ring. The Springbok accepted the microphone from Rachel Dearheart, but had to wait for the crowd to die down before he could speak.

Landon Mallory: Yebo!

The crowd roared their approval, and Mallory had to pause again as he waited for them to die down.

Landon Mallory (grinning): “Everyone who knows me, knows that I have never backed down from a challenge in my life. But heading into Sunday, even I was wondering how I was going to come out of a  two-on-one beatdown with my teeth still in tact… but not only do I still have a full set of teeth, I also have this!”

The Springbok raised the NWF British Heavyweight Championship belt high into the air, and took in the cheers of the crowd. The cheers almost immediately turned to boos however, as the music of Edison Silva blared over the speakers. The former champion walked out from the back, accompanied as always by his legal representative Mo Adebola.


Mo Adebola: “You talk about Sunday as if you weren’t the man who gained most by the Triple Threat rules. You never pinned Edison Silva… NOBODY in the NWF has ever pinned Edison Silva! You may be walking around with my clients title belt, but everybody knows that you will never be ‘the man’ until you beat my client Edison Silva one-on-one!”

The crowd booed the former champions’ lawyer, but Landon Mallory just grinned in the ring.

Landon Mallory: “As I’ve told you before, I’ll face anyone, anytime! So if your client wants to go, let’s go! Yebo!”

Mo Adebola: “Oh don’t you worry Mr Mallory, my client will be getting his rematch. I’ll make sure of it… but it will be when WE want it. See you soon… ‘champ’.”

Rating: 68



Team Chaos (Neville Jones & Norman Gates) VS The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

This match served as a chance for the new British Tag Team champions to show how dominant a team they are. While Norman Gates theoretically had the size to match the physicality of Vicious and Jordan, he found himself overwhelmed by the sheer power of Alton Vicious.

Riddick Jordan made a point of heading to the top rope to hit his impressive Diving Headbutt, to show that the injured collarbone hadn’t put him off doing the move, before The Northern Lights set Gates up for their Lights Out (Doomsday Device) to secure a routine victory.

Winners: The Northern Lights

Rating: 49



We cut backstage for the first time this evening, to the office of network executive Frank Finkleton. Three Lions had been a mixed night for the executive, as The Northern Lights claimed the British Tag Team Titles but Big Mac came up short in the Main Event.


The door was suddenly barged open, and a furious looking Mark Moore led his clients into the office.

Mark Moore: “You owe me an explanation Frank! You had my clients chasing a title shot that didn’t exist for an entire month! That title shot should have been theirs.”

Frank Finkleton (smirking): “I don’t know what you’re talking about Mark. As I’ve already explained it was just unfortunate for your clients that Riddick recovered from his injury so close to the event…”

Mark Moore: “Don’t give me that Frank! You screwed my boys over and you know it!”

Frank Finkleton: “Well I guess the real question here Mark, is what are you going to do about it?”

A furious Mark Moore went nose to nose with the network executive for a moment, before seemingly thinking better of it. He tried to lead his clients out of the office, but Darin Flynn didn’t move.

Darin Flynn: “We aren’t going anywhere until you give Jon and Martin their title shot. You can’t treat people like that.”

Frank Finkleton: “You’ll want to get control of your client Mark, before he says something he regrets.”

Darin Flynn (smirking): “Oh, and what are you going to do about it?”

Mark Moore grabbed ‘The Prodigy’ by the shoulder and tried to physically pull the youngster from the office, but unfortunately for the Sports Agent Finkleton responded before he could.

Frank Finkleton: “You know… I think your ego could do with being knocked down a peg or two. You already call yourself ‘The Prodigy’… So why don’t I set up a little match for you tonight? Make sure you’re in the ring for the Main Event, I’ll find a suitable opponent for you.”

Mark Moore sighed as he finally pulled his client through the door, the meeting clearly not having gone as he had hoped.

Rating: 46


The camera followed behind a hooded figure walking towards the entrance of the building holding tonight’s show. The bouncer on the door stopped the hooded figure, and asked for identification.

Hooded Figure (waving a hand): “You don’t need to see my ID…”

The doorman inexplicably agreed, and allowed the hooded figure to enter. The figure quickly made their way through the corridor, until they rounded a corner and almost bumped into another hooded figure – who immediately lowered their hood.


Christopher Lister: “So, you felt it too?”

The original figure we had been following also lowered their hood to reveal…


Jase Cole: “I haven’t felt a disturbance like it for years…”

Christopher Lister: “Me neither. It’s been a long time Jase, but if this is what I think it is we might need each other’s help…”

Rating: 39


We cut back to the office of Frank Finkleton, who was stood next to his desk – which was holding something large covered in velvet.

Frank Finkleton: “Ahead of the next match, I have an exciting announcement to make. As in July of this year the NWF will be holding the first wrestling tournament of its kind – the Cruiserweight World Cup!”


With a dramatic flourish, Finkleton removed the velvet cover to reveal the spectacular Cruiserweight World Cup trophy.

Frank Finkleton: “Competitors from 8 countries around the world will descend upon the NWF across June and July to compete for the honour of lifting this trophy for their nation! There will be some names that are very familiar to British wrestling fans, and some that are not… which brings us to the most important question – who will be the lucky wrestler to represent England?”

The crowd obliged with the cheap pop, and an “Eng-er-land” chant briefly spread around the building.

Frank Finkleton: “Since the NWF is hosting the tournament, the home representative will naturally come from the NWF roster. I have spoken to the eligible wrestlers over the weekend, and eight men have put themselves forward… which means that over the next few weeks we will be holding a tournament to crown who will represent England at the very first Cruiserweight World Cup! And the first match of that tournament is right now!”

Rating: 40



Leighton Buzzard VS Gavin Owen

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier – Quarter Finals

The first match of the tournament to crown the English representative at the inaugural Cruiserweight World Cup saw Leighton Buzzard face off against Gavin Owen. The opportunity to represent his country seemed to fire up the already livewire Leighton Buzzard as he flew around the ring as the crowd continued to chant “Eng-er-land”.

Gavin Owen did his best to slow down his opponent, but even Owen’s judo skills were no match for the momentum of Leighton Buzzard once he got going. Buzzard hopped onto the second rope to hit his Buzz Off (Diving Tornado DDT) to take him one step closer to being the man to represent England at the Cruiserweight World Cup.

Winner and Advances: Leighton Buzzard

Rating: 40



We were back in Frank Finkleton’s office for the third time this evening, as this time it was Mo Adebola and former British Heavyweight champion Edison Silva knocking on the network executives’ door.


Mo Adebola: “I don’t know what you and your convict pal think you were doing on Sunday, but you cost my client the British Heavyweight Championship.”

Big Mac pulled himself up to his full height, towering over the rest of the men in the room.

Frank Finkleton: “Actually Mo, I think you’ll find that Nathan had the match won until your client pulled him off of Landon Mallory. If anyone should be angry in here it’s him!”

Mo Adebola: “You know as well as I do that the plan was to keep the title on Edison…”

Frank Finkleton (talking over Adebola): “THE PLAN was to keep the title in The Network. If that meant your client losing the title, then so be it!”

Mo Adebola: “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you… but no matter. Since my client has a one-on-one rematch clause in his contract, he won’t be without the title for long…”

Frank Finkleton (grinning): “It’s true Mo, you did put a rematch clause in your clients contract… and it does state that the match has to be one-on-one… but it doesn’t state when the rematch has to be.”

Mo Adebola: “Don’t you dare Frank…”

Frank Finkleton: “And since your client cost my client the title on Sunday, the man who is first in line for a shot at the British Heavyweight Championship is ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie!”

Mo Adebola and Edison Silva were clearly furious with Finkleton, and Edison Silva stepped forward to remonstrate with the network executive – but Big Mac immediately stepped in between the two.

Mo Adebola (pulling his client away): “You’ll regret this Frank. I’m not a man you want to cross!”

Adebola pulled Silva out of the office, as Finkleton and Big Mac looked incredibly smug.

Rating: 62



‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlile VS Ultra Violence

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier – Quarter Finals

The second of our Cruiserweight World Cup qualifiers saw Cain Carlile facing Ultra Violence. ‘Captain Crash’ had been having a tough time of things recently, but was hoping this tournament would be a turning point for him. Carlile started the match strongly as he flew around the ring at an incredible pace, securing a near fall with a Handspring Elbow into the turnbuckles.

The turning point in the match came with a ref bump, as Ultra Violence pulled referee Roy Worrall in front of him as Cain Carlile came flying off the top rope. This opened up the opportunity for Ultra Violence to get his cane involved in the match, and a stiff shot to the back of Cain Carlile proved enough as referee Roy Worrall came around just in time to make the three count.

Winner and Advances: Ultra Violence

Rating: 40




We cut to a pre-recorded video shot at Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness gym, where we find Chuck Frisby sadly packing up his office. The personal trainer looked completely defeated as he picked up the box of his belongings and turned the lights out on his way out.

Frisby let out a big sigh as he took one last look back at the building, before putting his box of stuff into the boot of his car. However before Frisby could shut the boot, a voice came from behind him.


Dwayne Dark: “What’s going on boss?”

Chuck Frisby: “It’s over Dwayne! The Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness gym is no more!”

Dwayne Dark: “This because of the Wilson thing?”

Chuck Frisby didn’t answer. There was a long pause before Dark asked another question.

Dwayne Dark: “What’s happening to the gym?”

Chuck Frisby: “I don’t know… new ownership. Who cares at this point?”

Chuck Frisby slammed the boot of his car angrily, before driving out of the car park for the final time.

Dwayne Dark: “I told you that boy was no good…”

Rating: 43


We cut back to the ring, and the music of Bret Heartbreak played over the speaker. Bret looked determined as he made his way down to the ring, practically pulling Holly Leves along with him. Leves looked uncomfortable as she followed a step behind.


Bret Heartbreak: “At Three Lions I had the opportunity to show my dad…” He glanced at Holly. “I mean, show everyone that my match with Landon Mallory wasn’t a fluke. But that chance was taken away from me by one man – Evan Alpass!”

Holly Leves hid her head in her hands, as Bret Heartbreak continued to work himself up.

Bret Heartbreak: “How am I meant to concentrate on my match with you trying to steal my girl at ringside? You have no respect for other peoples relationships, no respect for professional etiquette, and no respect for this sport! So Evan I want you to come out here and apologise.”

Bret Heartbreak motioned for Evan Alpass to join him in the ring, and after a brief pause an unfamiliar theme played and Evan Alpass appeared for his National Wrestling TV debut. Alpass beamed for the crowd, as he posed for selfies with the women in the front row as he made his way to the ring – something that only wound Bret Heartbreak up even more.


Evan Alpass: “Look Bret, I think we might have gotten off on the wrong foot…”

However before Alpass could finish his sentence, there was a crack of static as Bret Heartbreak struck the National School of Wrestling graduate across the head with his microphone. Bret began wailing away with right hands, as Holly Leves watch on in horror. Evan Alpass rolled around in pain, as Bret grabbed the microphone that had fallen to the canvas.

Bret Heartbreak: “You and me, next week on National Wrestling. Oh, and stay away from my girl.”

Bret threw the microphone on top of Alpass, and Holly Leves sheepishly followed Bret to the back with a guilty look back at Evan Alpass who was holding his head as he pulled himself back to his feet.

Rating: 50



‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore VS ‘The Bulldog’ JK Lee

JK Lee was revealed as Frank Finkleton’s selection to face Darin Flynn in tonight’s Main Event. The Cruiserweight Champion had been on roll since winning the title from Welsh Dragon back in March, and the network executive must have been hoping Lee’s reputation as a Submission Machine would help counteract Flynn’s impressive technical base.

As the two most accomplished Technical wrestlers on the roster, this match was given some extra time and the pair were asked to put on a Technical Masterclass. Whether this was the correct decision was debatable, as while the match itself was more than serviceable – both men are capable of better performances.

The match was very open, as it was contested in a catch as catch can wrestling style, with chain and mat wrestling emphasised. JK Lee almost had the match won as he locked in his Crossface submission, but it was too close to the ropes and Flynn was able to force the break. ‘The Prodigy’ didn’t make the same mistake though, as later in the match he locked in his Prodigal Pressure hold in the middle of the ring leaving JK Lee no choice but to tap out.

Winner: 'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn

Rating: 58


Jackie Goldstein: “Thank you for joining us for a huge night on National Wrestling!”

Melanie Florence: “I think it’s fair to say that Edison Silva and Mo Adebola are well and truly OUT of The Network after tonight!”

Jackie Goldstein: “I can’t see Mo Adebola accepting that without a fight though Mel…”

Melanie Florence: “And we had the announcement of the Cruiserweight World Cup! I can’t wait!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Be sure to join us next week for more World Cup qualification matches, and for all the fallout from the implosion of The Network! See you then!”

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Great show, one of the best episodes so far IMO.

The Cruiserweight World Cup was a brilliant idea but you made it even better with this tournament to crown the British representative. I wonder if there will be also a match to choose the Wales representative or any other nation or the rest of the representatives will all be handpicked.

 I think Mo Adebola and Chuck Frisby still carry the best stories. That's not a bad thing because Moore and his guys are working perfectly as a faction in the diary and other players like Bret, Dangermouth, etc. are in good stories as well. So it speaks well of how strong these characters are. The British Bangers have been great so far too.

Also Ultra Violence is a cool character, I don't know about his mic skills but I think something could be done with him.

The Heavyweight championship's scene is at its best. Landon Mallory is an all-round champion and it's true you have many opportunities to develop the story after he won the title that way. As everybody else I wanted Landon to pin Silva but you don't always have to do what the fans want and you took a smart decision.

Edited by newbiezness
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5 hours ago, newbiezness said:

Great show, one of the best episodes so far IMO.

The Cruiserweight World Cup was a brilliant idea but you made it even better with this tournament to crown the British representative. I wonder if there will be also a match to choose the Wales representative or any other nation or the rest of the representatives will all be handpicked.

 I think Mo Adebola and Chuck Frisby still carry the best stories. That's not a bad thing because Moore and his guys are working perfectly as a faction in the diary and other players like Bret, Dangermouth, etc. are in good stories as well. So it speaks well of how strong these characters are. The British Bangers have been great so far too.

Also Ultra Violence is a cool character, I don't know about his mic skills but I think something could be done with him.

The Heavyweight championship's scene is at its best. Landon Mallory is an all-round champion and it's true you have many opportunities to develop the story after he won the title that way. As everybody else I wanted Landon to pin Silva but you don't always have to do what the fans want and you took a smart decision.

Thanks @newbiezness, glad you enjoyed the show!

The remaining nations will all be handpicked - a lot of nations have one wrestler who can work in the UK, and a couple have been prediction prize selections. I think it should be a good tournament, and it adds something new to the show.

Thank you for the kind words! Mo and Chuck have both had big changes over the last few shows, so I'm looking forward to writing them in their new spots. There's a lot going on now, to the point that I'm struggling to fit all of the storylines I'm running on a 90 minute show.

Ultra Violence's entertainment skills are in the mid-40s, so not great - however Brilliant White can talk, so he would likely be the 'talker' of the team. They're currently just a team with a cool entrance and weapons. I'm hoping to build on that, but need to find a hook with them.

I wanted to leave Mallory with something to chase. Silva has a legitimate grievance in that he has never been pinned or submitted in the NWF, but lost his title. Silva is still massively more popular than him and wasn't happy about losing the triple threat, so having The Network pull rank gives me time to try and keep building Mallory up. 


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CainCarlile.jpg.565ec2fa106e2b7c3e404272ad8794c6.jpg NWF.jpg.5d3da485295f6def38cab06e457e46c7.jpg

Cain Carlile released by NWF

Last night it was confirmed that Cain Carlile and the NWF had parted ways. The split was said to be amicable, and the NWF have confirmed that Carlile would be welcome back in the future if the opportunity arose. Carlile’s last match was in a losing effort against Ultra Violence. ‘Captain Crash’ will continue to appear for British Pro Wrestling (BPW) in Scotland.

SNP.jpg.582ccae4ffdb02cf9a5f07fd245caaae.jpg WrestleWorldGB.jpg.1986c6f31f95a5ac71060ffc7d37b1bb.jpg

New agreement for WrestleWorld GB

Earlier this week it was confirmed that WrestleWorld GB had reached an agreement to stream Scottish National Promotions (SNP) events on their service going forwards. A WrestleWorld GB representative confirmed the deal, stating that the new deal would have no impact on their existing deal with the NWF. Due to the different products, WrestleWorld GB believe that the SNP will attract a new ‘hardcore’ audience to their service.


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On 2/10/2024 at 7:22 PM, John Lions said:

Darin Flynn vs JK Lee
Feels bad having your Cruiserweight champion losing again, but I think this match will help out both men in the long run

JK Lee was undefeated in singles matches all year until this show. His only lose was in a tag team title match where Padraig O'Hearne took the fall. I felt like JK could take the loss here as Darin Flynn is a certified Main Eventer, and Lee's first foray outside of the Cruiserweight division as a singles wrestler. I also wanted to experiment with Technical Masterclass as a match note, as I've never used it. I think I may have used it wrong though, as I was expecting better than a 58 from these two!


Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest show! We had a bumper round of predictions, with I think the most predictors we've had for a round since the diary started! So thank you everybody who predicted, and I hope to see everyone back for the next episode! A fairly easy show this round, with six people getting perfect scores - congratulations to azzak, newbiezness, KyTeran, Wrestling Machine, SomeLazyMagic (welcome) and John Lions!


Prediction Results for NWF National Wrestling Episode 29

@azzak 4/4

@newbiezness 4/4

@KyTeran 4/4

@Wrestling Machine 4/4

@SomeLazyMagic 4/4

@John Lions 4/4

@smw88 3/4

@kanegan 3/4


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 30

Evan Alpass vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Grant Taypen vs Glen Ward

Jase Cole vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Stardust Phil Cox vs ???

NWF World Heavyweight Championship: 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory (C) vs Welsh Dragon


Any comments on the diary:

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Evan Alpass vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

On one hand Bret can really use a win while on the other hand Evan is making his in-ring debut, but I will choose Bret for this match though I can see it going the other way.

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Grant Taypen vs Glen Ward

While normally if I see two singles matches between tag teams, I usually see a spilt giving each team a win, but its Ward & Owen, I can't remember the last time I have seen either of them win a match.

Jase Cole vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

Seeing this match made me wonder, could the Force improve one's golf game?  Even if it does, I still think Puffy is losing to Jase.

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Stardust Phil Cox vs ???

For some reason I feel like Phil is going to lose to some big signing you have in store.  I have no reasoning behind this believe except a gut feeling.

NWF World Heavyweight Championship: 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory (C) vs Welsh Dragon

Nice to see Welsh Dragon in the main event, but he has no chance at dethroning The Springbok.


Any comments on the diary: Your storytelling is top notch, I am invested in multiple angles that are playing out in NWF.  The rise of Landon, the conflict between Mo and Fink, and of course the Frisby Foundation have all been great stories and I can't wait to see what you have in store with the Cruiserweight Cup and other stories that I am sure will continue to entertain.

Edited by KyTeran
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Evan Alpass vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

I can't see Evan Alpass losing in his debut despite Bret's momentum.

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Grant Taypen vs Glen Ward

Jase Cole vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

Knowing your skills to build great characters Puffy has the potential to be another great one for this diary, probably a little bit too similar to Ultra Violence though.

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Stardust Phil Cox vs ???

No clue who's going to be this mystery man but hopefully he's better than Phil

NWF World Heavyweight Championship: 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory (C) vs Welsh Dragon

Surprised to see this match in a TV show. Welsh Dragon hasn't been the best in-ring so far but giving his relevance in NWF I can't see why this is not in an event.

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Evan Alpass vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Grant Taypen vs Glen Ward

Jase Cole vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Stardust Phil Cox vs ???

NWF World Heavyweight Championship: 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory (C) vs Welsh Dragon

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Evan Alpass vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Grant Taypen vs Glen Ward

Jase Cole vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Stardust Phil Cox vs ???

NWF World Heavyweight Championship: 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory (C) vs Welsh Dragon

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Evan Alpass vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Grant Taypen vs Glen Ward

Jase Cole vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Stardust Phil Cox vs ???

NWF World Heavyweight Championship: 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory (C) vs Welsh Dragon


Any comments on the diary:

Been reading up on this diary over the last few days, and find myself enjoying it a lot, it's a good sister diary to Lloyd's 21CW diary, as both share a lot of the same workers, and as I'm still getting into the CVerse, it's good to have continuity for me, really enjoying the overall writing of everything, and it's a good read.

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Evan Alpass vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves
Could see a sketchy finish, but Alpass losing here just cuts his legs out from under him IMO

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Grant Taypen vs Glen Ward

Jase Cole vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier: Stardust Phil Cox vs ???
Gotta go with the ???

NWF World Heavyweight Championship: 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory (C) vs Welsh Dragon
This'll be a good test for Welsh Dragon

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #30

Wednesday W3 May 2021

Show Rating: 63


JackieGoldstein.jpg.0fff68d5318e1ad6bd268dd61f06dc8e.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.88ff9b7cc18385c9b70247bc1651477a.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling! My name is Jackie Goldstein and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence!”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! Last week Frank Finkleton announced that the Cruiserweight World Cup was coming to the NWF. We saw Leighton Buzzard and Ultra Violence take one step closer to being named the man to represent England in the tournament, and tonight we have two more qualification matches!”

Jackie Goldstein: “And for the first time in the company’s history, the British Heavyweight Championship will be defended on National Wrestling! Landon Mallory defends his title against former Cruiserweight champion Welsh Dragon in tonight’s blockbuster main event!”

Melanie Florence: “The Springbok said he would face anyone, anytime – and he’s proved he’s a man of his word! But before all of that, we kick off tonight with a young man looking to defend the honour of his family – Bret Heartbreak faces the modern day lothario Evan Alpass!”



Evan Alpass VS Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

Our opening match was set up last week, when Bret Heartbreak challenged Alpass for chatting up his girlfriend, Holly Leves, during Bret’s match against Dangermouth at Three Lions. The contest seemed to have a personal edge, particularly for Bret, as the action descended into a Wild Brawl that defied both mens pretty boy good looks. Both men landed a series of heavy shots, and Bret even drew blood from Alpass, something that seemed to really fire up the babyface. This served as motivation for a comeback, as Alpass took control of the contest. Bret Heartbreak looked in trouble as Alpass had him backed into a corner, when High Society swamped the ring and jumped Alpass from behind – leaving referee Roy Worrall no choice but to call for the DQ.

Winner: Evan Alpass (by disqualification)

Rating: 57



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Joey Beauchamp and Dylan Drama continued the beat down on Evan Alpass, as Byron grabbed a microphone from ringside.

Byron: “What do we have here? Another self-entitled, disrespectful Gen-Zer who thinks can walk into this business and do whatever he wants. Well Evan, we’re here to remind you that if you want to get into this business, you have to pay your dues!”

Holly Leves helped Bret Heartbreak to his feet, as she looked on at the beat down on Evan Alpass with a torn look on her face.

Byron (Turning to Bret): “And what about you? Spoiled. Lazy. Selfish. Disrespectful. And downright miserable.” Byron poked his son in the chest to emphasize every word – “You’re no better than the rest of your pathetic generation…”

Before Byron could continue, the eponymous music of Dangermouth blared over the speakers – and the 22-year-old Grime Star was joined by fellow 22-year-old Darin Flynn. The Gen Zers hit the ring and immediately began brawling with High Society. Evan Alpass soon recovered enough to join the brawl and make it a 3-on-3.

Bret Heatbreak stood frozen in the ring, looking for a moment like he was going to intervene and turn the tide - but before he could security came out to break up the brawl and escort the wrestlers to the back.

Rating: 44



The camera cut to the office of Frank Finkleton. The network executive was sat at his desk on his phone, when he was interrupted as Mark Moore stormed into his office and slammed a piece of paper onto his desk.


Frank Finkleton: “What’s this?”

Mark Moore: “Funny story, after our chat last week a lawyer got in contact and offered to draft me up a little contract…”

Frank Finkleton immediately snatched up the paper and began to read.

Mark Moore: “My anonymous helper said he had seen what you did to my lads last month, and it was an open and shut case. There was clear bad faith on your part when you implied Jon and Martin would get a title shot for beating The British Bangers, only to take it away afterwards. And since you must have… forgotten to call my lads about the Cruiserweight World Cup, they’ll be free to challenge The Northern Lights for the British Tag Team Titles at ‘For Queen and Country’.”

Frank Finkleton scowled at the contract as he read through it.

Frank Finkleton (through gritted teeth): “Who gave you this?”

Mark Moore: “He didn’t give me his name, he just told me he wasn’t a man you’d want to cross…”

Frank Finkleton’s brow furrowed, as Mark Moore led his clients towards the door.

Mark Moore: “I think you’ll find everything is in order, so my lads will see you at ‘For Queen and Country’!”

Rating: 38



Grant Taypen vs Glen Ward

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier – Quarter Finals

Usually tag team specialists, our third quarterfinal represented a huge opportunity for both Grant Taypen and Glen Ward. The match was a technical affair, with both men relying on their chain and mat wrestling. Glen Ward’s judo skills gave him the advantage in the early stages, before Grant Taypen’s fightback - which led to him hitting his Single Arm DDT to secure his first singles victory in the NWF.

Winner: Grant Taypen

Rating: 37



We cut back to the office of Frank Finkleton, with the network executive still furious as he frantically read through the contract Mark Moore had slammed on his desk.

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There was a knock on the door, and Finkleton leapt to his feet and immediately brandished the contract in Mo Adebola’s face demanding to know if this was his doing.

Mo Adebola (smirking): “No comment…”

Frank Finkleton looked furious, as threatened to have Mo removed from the building. The lawyer let him calm down before he continued.

Mo Adebola: “Now that you know I am serious, I’ve come with an offer. You’ve already given this months title shot away, and my client isn’t interested in the convict messing up another multi man match for him… so, Edison and I have agreed to delay his rematch, IF he is named as England’s representative for the Cruiserweight World Cup!”

Frank Finkleton: “You think I’m going to give you anything after this?” The network executive waved the contract he still had in his hand. “Get out of my office!”

Mo Adebola: “You’ll regret this Frank. I’ve warned you already, I am not a man you want to cross!”

With that Adebola and Silva left the office, with Finkleton angrily screwing up the contract into a ball and throwing it at the door behind them.

Rating: 66



Jase Cole VS Puffy The Sand Iron Player

No Disqualification Match

We are told by Jackie Goldstein on commentary that Puffy The Sand Iron Player had a particularly tough round of golf earlier today (he five putted on the first, and it went downhill from there!), and had refused to take part in this match unless it was made No Disqualification. Jase Cole had agreed, but Melanie Florence questioned the decision – Puffy’s swing may not belong on the golf course, but it was more than suitable for a wrestling ring.

Puffy selected his four iron for the match, swinging for the fences from the opening bell. Jase Cole did a good job of avoiding the blows – almost as if he could sense where Puffy would swing. Melanie Florence commented that dodging was all well and good, but how was Jase Cole going to get any offense in while Puffy had that golf club? Almost as soon as she said it, the lights in the building went out. The builsing sat in complete darkness for a few seconds, until it was broken by a single beam of green light…






The lights lifted to reveal Jase Cole with his generic laser sword, which he used to expertly parry Puffy’s golf club and disarm the irate golfer. Without his club, Puffy was a much easier proposition and Jase Cole was able to hit his Sky High (Springboard Cross Body) to secure a debut victory!

Winner: Jase Cole

Rating: 36


A video began to play on the big screen, with the same eerie music that we had heard at Three Lions playing over a shot of the full moon. The camera panned down behind the dark Silhouette of what looked to be the same large man as the previous vignette. Once again the man was stood staring into a fire, but as the camera panned over the fire it became clear that the man was on a nearby hillside overlooking the building where the show was being held! The camera held the shot on the building as a distant wolf cry echoed through the darkness and the camera faded to black.

Rating: 28



Stardust Phil Cox VS Brilliant White

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier – Quarter Finals

We cut back to the ring to find Stardust Phil Cox already in the ring – never a good sign! Jackie Goldstein questioned on commentary who his opponent would be for our final quarterfinal. A blinding flash of (brilliant) white light filled the arena – marking the spectacular return of Brilliant White after his broken collarbone at Clash Of Champions.

This match was a full of High Spots, with both men seemingly willing to throw their body from all parts of the ring. The pace of the match got more and more frenetic as the match moved towards its conclusion, which saw Brilliant White hit his White Out (Swanton Bomb) to move on to the Semi Finals.

Winner: Brilliant White

Rating: 50


The camera cut to what looked like a small local pub, which was empty bar one man leant drunkenly against the wall at the end of bar.


As the man swayed away from the wall, it became clear that the drunken man was none other than Chuck Frisby! The personal trainer tried to order another pint and a kebab from the bartender, but another man put his arm around Chuck and led him out of the pub.


Dwayne Dark: “Come on Chuck, I think you’ve had enough.”

Dark led Frisby outside, causing the personal trainer to shield his eyes from the afternoon sun. Frisby slumped into a nearly park bench, and grumpily asked Dark why he was here.

Dwayne Dark: “It’s Monday, I wanted to know where my workout plan for the week was. I didn’t expect to find you here of all places… I thought you didn’t drink?”

Chuck Frisby just hiccupped in response.

Dwayne Dark: “Look Chuck, I know things are tough – but they say that when things are at their toughest you find out who you really are. So, it’s Chuck Frisby a quitter?”

Chuck Frisby stood up triumphantly, and for a moment looked like he was going to launch into action… before changing his mind and slumping back onto the bench.

Dwayne Dark: “Okay… look Chuck I need you to write my plan for this week. And lots of other people need you too…”

Chuck Frisby (melodramatically): “Nobody cares about me!”

Dwayne Dark: “What about all of those people at the community day? There must have been hundreds of people…”

Chuck Frisby (wide eyed): “The community day! Why didn’t I think of that? Dwayne why are we wasting time sitting here, we’ve got a second community day to plan!”

The personal trainer staggered out of his seat, as a confused looking Dwayne Dark followed the drunk personal trainer out of the park. Who knows what will come from the drunken mind of Chuck Frisby, but it sounds like the second Frisby Foundation for Fitness community day will be taking place next week!

Rating: 49


We cut backstage, where we find Rachel Dearheart stood by with the new NWF British Heavyweight Champion Landon Mallory ahead of tonight’s Main Event.


Rachel Dearheart: “I’m here with British Heavyweight Champion Landon Mallory ahead of tonights Main Event. Landon – this is the first time that the British Heavyweight Championship will be defended on National Wrestling. Why did you accept tonights match?”

Landon Mallory: “When I won this title, I said that I would face anyone, anytime – and ‘The Springbok’ is a man of his word. Welsh Dragon is a great competitor, and I’m sure we’ll put on a great show for this crowd tonight!”

Rachel Dearheart: “A very admirable attitude. I’ll let you go in a second, but I have to ask – what’s your thoughts on ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie being named as number one contender for your title ahead of Edison Silva?”

Landon Mallory: “Nathan McKenzie… Edison Silva, ‘The Springbok’ will fight whoever steps into that ring at ‘For Queen and Country’. But before that, I have a show to put on tonight. Yebo!”

Rating: 75




(C) ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS Welsh Dragon

NWF British Heavyweight Championship

This was a blockbuster Main Event for National Wrestling, marking the first time that the British Heavyweight Championship had been defended on the television program. Whether it was the pressure of the occasion or something else, unfortunately Welsh Dragon was really off his game in this match and it affected the quality of the contest.

The match started off very cagey, with both men feeling each other out – before the pace built and built throughout the match. Welsh Dragon had a lot of success early on with his lucha inspired moveset – Arm Drags, Drop Toe Holds, Hurricanranas, and more Arm Drags had the champion on the ropes as the Welshman flew around the ring.

The turning point of the match came when Welsh Dragon headed to the top rope, looking for a Flying Crossbody – which the champion was able to roll through, and reverse into a Body Slam which took the wind out of the challengers sails. Hoisting Welsh Dragon onto his shoulder, Landon Mallory hit his Running Powerslam before beating his chest to rile up the crowd as he set up for his finisher. The Springbok stalked his prey, before delivering his Springbok Ram (Gore) to secure a successful first title defence.

Winner: ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory – Title Defence #1

Rating 59



The bell rang, and Landon Mallory held his belt high above his head as he celebrated with the crowd. However, before the champion could really get into the celebrations he was jumped from behind.


The Network began to lay the boots into The Springbok. Welsh Dragon looked to try and help, but was scooped up by Big Mac to deliver his Snake Eyes/Spear combination to the Cruiserweight. The big Australian then lifted Welsh Dragon high above his head, and threw the Welshman over the top rope to the floor below as The Northern Lights continued the beatdown on Landon Mallory.

The Network leader then picked up the fallen belt from the mat, and held it high above his head as the crowd showered the Australian in boos to close out the show.

Rating: 63


Jackie Goldstein: “Landon Mallory said he wanted to be a fighting champion, and after tonight we can say that he definitely has a fight on his hands heading into ‘For Queen and Country’!”

Melanie Florence: “The Network have made a statement tonight, they want control of that British Heavyweight Championship and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to get it…”

Jackie Goldstein: “The Network didn’t have it all their own way tonight though! Mark Moore found an unlikely ally to help The Foundation secure a British Tag Team title shot!”

Melanie Florence: “Does that mean we all have to like Mo Adebola now?”

Jackie Goldstein: “I really hope not…”

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On 2/12/2024 at 8:45 PM, KyTeran said:

Any comments on the diary: Your storytelling is top notch, I am invested in multiple angles that are playing out in NWF.  The rise of Landon, the conflict between Mo and Fink, and of course the Frisby Foundation have all been great stories and I can't wait to see what you have in store with the Cruiserweight Cup and other stories that I am sure will continue to entertain.

Thanks for the feedback @KyTeran! I'm looking forward to writing the implosion of The Network, and have some fun stuff planned for Chuck going forwards!

On 2/13/2024 at 8:14 PM, DexterXSR said:

Any comments on the diary:

Been reading up on this diary over the last few days, and find myself enjoying it a lot, it's a good sister diary to Lloyd's 21CW diary, as both share a lot of the same workers, and as I'm still getting into the CVerse, it's good to have continuity for me, really enjoying the overall writing of everything, and it's a good read.

Welcome @DexterXSR, glad to have you following along! I wasn't hugely familiar with the British indie scene before starting the diary, so I'm still feeling my way around a few of the characters. Hope you continue to enjoy the shows.

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