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On 2/12/2024 at 8:45 PM, KyTeran said:

Jase Cole vs Puffy The Sand Iron Player

Seeing this match made me wonder, could the Force improve one's golf game?  Even if it does, I still think Puffy is losing to Jase.

I feel like The Force would improve performance in most sports... which makes me wonder if I need to test Cole and Lister for performance enhancers 🤔

On 2/12/2024 at 9:10 PM, newbiezness said:

NWF World Heavyweight Championship: 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory (C) vs Welsh Dragon

Surprised to see this match in a TV show. Welsh Dragon hasn't been the best in-ring so far but giving his relevance in NWF I can't see why this is not in an event.

I wanted to set the difference between Mallory and Silva as champions early. Mallory will be a fighting champ, and it also gave me a chance to see if Welsh Dragon's recent lull was due to quality of opponent or because he has dropped off as a wrestler

On 2/14/2024 at 2:09 AM, John Lions said:

Evan Alpass vs Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves
Could see a sketchy finish, but Alpass losing here just cuts his legs out from under him IMO

Agreed, I didn't want either man to lose the initial match up clean - so I had High Society run interference in the match and run down an entire generation.


Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest show, it really is appreciated! Congratulations to azzak, DexterXSR and John Lions for a perfect score! Hope to see everyone back for the next show!


Prediction Results for NWF National Wrestling Episode 30

@azzak 5/5

@DexterXSR 5/5

@John Lions 5/5

@KyTeran 4/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@Theheel 4/5

@newbiezness 3/5

@smw88 2/5


Combined Prediction Results

@azzak 9/9

@John Lions 9/9

@KyTeran 8/9

@Wrestling Machine 8/9

@newbiezness 7/9

@DexterXSR 5/5

@smw88 5/9

@SomeLazyMagic 4/4

@Theheel 4/5

@kanegan 3/4


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 31

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Evan Alpass vs Byron

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Grant Taypen vs Brilliant White

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

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Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Evan Alpass vs Byron

Probably with an interference

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

You've already talked about a push for Leighton Buzzard and I can't see him losing this match

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Grant Taypen vs Brilliant White

This one is more of a personal preference than a prediction

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Oh no! Where's Red Dragon? :classic_sad:

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Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Evan Alpass vs Byron

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Grant Taypen vs Brilliant White

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

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Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Future X has a better shot at going for the tag titles than the Black Country Boys do.

Evan Alpass vs Byron

Evan beat Bret and he looks to beat his old man.

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

I feel like Leighton will make the finals a banger.

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Grant Taypen vs Brilliant White

While I could see both Grant and Leighton in the finals, I feel like Brilliant White just made his comeback ant that Leighton making the finals while Grant doesn't could make for a good story.

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

I feel that JK Lee has already eaten some losses recently and could use the win against the former Cruiserweight champion.

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Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Evan Alpass vs Byron

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Grant Taypen vs Brilliant White

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

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Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)
Good bounce back win for the former champs against a young up and coming tag team

Evan Alpass vs Byron
Tough call but if you want Byron to be popular enough to match his role on the roster he needs to leech some popularity from the ex-21CW guys and this seems like the perfect opportunity. He definitely isn't winning this one clean, though. He needs to "win" to still hold that over his son's head before Bret eventually picks a side.

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Grant Taypen vs Brilliant White
Actual #bangeralert. Brilliant White is a guy I never really give a second glance and he's been putting on great matches for you. I see him vs Leighton in the finals, with him having a non-zero shot at winning (I think Leighton is the favorite given the amount of angle time he's had compared to White).

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne
Poor Bali the pin eater

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Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Evan Alpass vs Byron

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Grant Taypen vs Brilliant White

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

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Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Evan Alpass vs Byron

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Grant Taypen vs Brilliant White

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode #31

Wednesday W4 May 2021

Show Rating: 59


JackieGoldstein.jpg.97a76438a9cb8fe687837af235720e84.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.e5d585e5210e6877a74b12495917884d.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling. My name is Jackie Goldstein and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie. We have a huge night of wrestling ahead of us! Last weeks show ended with The Network attacking British Heavyweight Champion Landon Mallory. We’re hearing that The Springbok will be in this ring to address the number one contender – ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie later tonight!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Sparks are sure to fly in that one Melanie! But what about Edison Silva? Mo Adebola’s failed to secure his rematch for the British Heavyweight Championship, then he was too late to enter the Cruiserweight World Cup. What is next for the former British Heavyweight Champion?”



Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) VS Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

In their first match since losing the British Tag Team titles, Future X reminded fans why they are one of the top teams in the NWF. The former champions put in a great performance against their young opponents here, with Petey Barnes scoring the victory after a Future Shock DDT (Aided Double Arm DDT).

Winners: Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future)

Rating: 53




We cut backstage to the dressing room of High Society. Byron admiring his luscious golden locks in the mirror, as Joey Beauchamp and Dylan Drama relaxed in the background. Suddenly the dressing room door opened, causing Byron to divert his attention away from his reflection.


Bret Heartbreak stepped nervously into the dressing room, followed by an anxious looking Holly Leves. An awkward tension hung in the air, as Bret and Byron both seemed to wait for the other to speak. Bret eventually broke the silence.

Bret Heartbreak: “You’re doorman let me in on account of being your son…”

Byron (to Dylan Drama): “Dylan, we’ll have to let your father know that the doorman he provided are not up to the job.”

There was another awkward pause, until Bret broke the silence once again.

Bret Heartbreak: “Look dad. About what you said last week… you didn’t really mean that, did you?”

Byron: “Bret, I’ve been thinking about this a lot since last week… and I think I’ve worked out where everything went wrong.”

Holly Leves (shocked): “Went wrong?”

Byron: “Oh yes, I blame your mother. You were molly coddled from birth. I tried to course correct, but I was out on the road wrestling – there was only so much I could do. In my childhood we celebrated excellence, and people had to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. But your generation gave out participation medals… a generation that celebrates mediocrity. So that’s what you became – mediocre.”

Bret look stung as his father pushed past him and left the dressing room on his way to the ring.

Rating: 49



Evan Alpass VS Byron w/ High Society

Evan Alpass got a lot of female attention as he posed for selfies with the fans in the front row, something Melanie Florence couldn’t understand when you had a ten-time World Champion like Byron already stood in the ring!

Evan Alpass showed that he was more than just looks, as he went blow for blow with his vastly more experienced opponent. Byron grew more and more frustrated the longer the match went, with the veteran unable to fashion an advantage. It was actually Alpass who was the man able to take control, as he backed Byron into a corner. With Byron in trouble, Dylan Drama hopped on the apron looking to help. This drew referee Roy Worrall’s attention, and as the referee tried to deal with Drama - ‘The Breeze’ slid into the other side of the ring and dropped Evan Alpass with a Breeze Block (Forward Russian Leg Sweep). Beauchamp was out of the ring by the time the referee had finished dealing with Drama, allowing Byron to hit his Upper Class (European Uppercut) to steal the win.

Winner: Byron

Rating: 45


The crowd erupted as the music of the British Heavyweight Champion blared over the speakers. The South African took in the cheers of the crowd and high fived kids in the front row on his way down to the ring.


Landon Mallory: “Yebo!”

The crowd roared their approval, and Mallory had to pause again as he waited for them to die down.

Landon Mallory: “Last week I experienced the highs and the lows of holding this championship! I said when I won this belt that I would be a fighting champion, and last week we made history! The very first British Heavyweight Championship title match on National Wrestling, and ‘The Springbok’ came out on top!”

The crowd roared their approval once again, and once again Mallory paused waiting for calm.

Landon Mallory: “But from those highs, we also felt the depths of the lows. This title puts a target on your back, and I felt that last week as I was jumped by ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie and the rest of The Network. Now I’m not scared to admit they did a number on me last week, but that was three-on-one – and tonight I want to invite ‘Big Mac’ out here to face me man to man…”

The Springbok didn’t have to wait long for an answer, as Big Mac’s music played over the speakers and the 6’5 Australian strolled out from the back.


Nathan McKenzie: “Crikey mate, I’ve been listening to you banging on… ‘making history’ is a bit rich ain’t it? So you beat a five foot nothing Welsh midget? I can promise ya things will be a bit different in two weeks’ time when you’re stood across the ring from a 6’5, 320lb man mountain from Brissie…”

Landon Mallory: “You’re a big man Nathan, but I’ve taken down bigger men than you before…”

Nathan McKenzie: “Big words from a little man. There won’t be anyone else in that ring to mess me up this time Landon, so that title on your shoulder is coming back to The Network!”

Landon Mallory: “I went through hell and back to get this title, and if you want to take it from me you’ll have to too!”

The two men went nose to nose, with Big Mac towering over Mallory being a full three inches taller. The South African didn’t give an inch though, and the pair stayed nose to nose until we cut away to a pre-recorded video.

Rating: 61




We cut to a pre-recorded segment from earlier in the day, showing the second Frisby Foundation for Fitness community day! A decent crowd had gathered in what looked to be the car park of the building that used to house the Frisby Foundation for Fitness gym. Chuck Frisby looked in his element as he gave a speech to the growing crowd.

However, just as Chuck appeared to be reaching the conclusion of his speech a police officer walked over and asked to speak to be personal trainer. The police officer informed Chuck that the car park was private land, and that the leaseholder had called the police and asked them to disperse the event as it didn’t have approval.

Chuck Frisby: “The leaseholder? But I was the lease holder until last week, who could have taken up the lease already?”


Stuart Wilson: “That would be me Chuck… with the winnings from our case I thought I’d set up my own gym. I think I’ll call it Olympia…”

The policeman began to try and move Chuck Frisby out of the car park, as Dwayne Dark stared a hole into Stuart Wilson.

Stuart Wilson: “Oh and thanks for bringing all of these people here Chuck! They seem like the perfect captive audience for the new gym!”

The former Olympian laughed as he made his way over to the assembled crowd to talk to them about his new gym opening on this very site!


The policeman had moved Chuck Frisby and Dwayne Dark into a nearby park, and the pair were sat slumped on a park bench as Chuck pondered what to do.

Dwayne Dark: “Look on the bright side Chuck. Look how many people turned up to your event…”

Chuck Frisby (perking up): “You’re right! There must be hundreds more people out there just as stupid as that lot were! But… how can I get their money if I can’t set up anywhere? I need somewhere where hundreds of people gather every week, where I won’t be interrupted by the police… or worse Stuart Wilson!”

There was silence for a moment, as both men stared at the ground deep in thought… before Dwayne Dark lifted his head.

Dwayne Dark: “You know what boss… I think I have an idea!”

Rating: 50



Leighton Buzzard VS Ultra Violence

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier – Semi Final

The first of our Semi Final matches in the tournament to crown England’s representative at the Cruiserweight World Cup saw Leighton Buzzard facing Ultra Violence. Leighton Buzzard started this match hot, with a series of picture perfect Dropkicks and diving Clotheslines stopping his opponent from getting going.

The turning point in the match came with a ref bump, as an errant diving Clothesline saw referee Roy Worrall hit the mat. This created an opportunity for Ultra Violence to get his trusty cane involved in the match. Ultra Violence swung hard at the head of his opponent, but Buzzard was able to duck under the cane and surprised Ultra Violence by kicking the cane from his hand. Without his cane, Ultra Violence posed much less of a threat and Buzzard was able to regain control of the contest – building up to hit his Buzz Off (Diving Tornado DDT from the middle rope) and secure his spot in the final!

Winner: Leighton Buzzard

Rating: 49


The camera cut to show the office door of Frank Finkleton, which was currently locked and displaying a large ‘KEEP OUT’ sign.


The picture changed to show what looked like security cam footage from within the office, and we could see Mo Adebola sat on one side of the desk opposite Frank Finkleton and his lawyer. Mountains of paper were strewn over the desk, with the two lawyers deep in negotiation. Unfortunately there was no audio so the commentary team could only wonder – what was Mo Adebola up to?

Rating: 70



Grant Taypen VS Brilliant White

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier – Semi Final

You could not find two more contrasting competitors on the NWF roster. Ever the showman, Brilliant White appeared in a flash of (brilliant) white light wearing his Phantom of The Opera style mask – before showing off his daredevil style by throwing himself off various parts of the ring. By contrast Grant Taypen has a very simple wrestling style - relying on the basics of chain and mat wrestling, but struggling with anything more flashy. The clash of styles produced an entertaining contest, but it was the exuberance of Brilliant White that won out as he hit his White Out (Swanton Bomb) to win the match and secure his spot against Leighton Buzzard in the final.

Rating: 46



We cut backstage to find the pairing of Jase Cole and Christopher Lister. Both men were wearing large robes, sat deep in meditation. A group of young wrestlers had gathered around the pair, with Padraig O’Hearne taking a particular interest.


Christopher Lister: “Our powers come from accessing the energy field created by all living things. We’ve dedicated our lives to maintaining its balance.”

Padraig O’Hearne: “And you’re here because you felt a disturbance in this energy field?”

Jase Cole: “Correct youngling. We both sensed the largest disturbance we have ever felt, and followed it here…”

Padraig O’Hearne: “And what do you think caused the disturbance?”

Christopher Lister: “For a disturbance this large, it must be coming from someone trained in the dark arts.”

Padraig O’Hearne: “The dark arts? You mean like in the…”

Jase Cole (interrupting): “For there to be balance, there must be light and dark. But if the dark consumes the light, terrible things will happen.”

Padraig O’Hearne: “And what does someone accessing the dark side look like?”

Christopher Lister: “The dark side preys on peoples dreams and insecurities. Anger, fear, isolation, greed… these are emotions that can lead people to the dark side…”

O’Hearne looked like he had a hundred more questions, but he was interrupted as JK Lee walked into shot and dragged his partner away.


JK Lee: “What are you doing listening to these crackpots’ fairytales? We’ve got a match to win…”

With Padraig O’Hearne no longer shooting questions at them, Christopher Lister returned to his meditation. Jase Cole shot one last look in the direction of Padraig O’Hearne with a knowing smile on his face, before he too returned to his meditation.
Rating: 43



Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) VS JK Lee & Padraig O’Hearne

These four men have a lot of history, with JK Lee putting Bali Daljit on the shelf three months ago en-route to defeating Welsh Dragon for his Cruiserweight Championships later than month. In what proved to be a very even contest, the difference maker proved to be Padraig O’Hearne. The Irishman seemed distracted throughout, and made the mistake that handed the momentum to Welsh Dragon.

Welsh Dragon took control of the contest with his lucha inspired moveset - including Arm Drags, Drop Toe Holds, Hurricanranas, and even more Arm Drags! JK Lee looked furious at ringside as Welsh Dragon headed to the top rope and hit his Dragon Kick (Spinning Thrust Kick from the top rope). Dragon made the cover on O’Hearne, as a frustrated Lee stared down disgusted at his partner – not doing anything to prevent referee Roy Worrall from counting to three.

Winners: Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit)

Rating: 56


Jackie Goldstein: “A huge win for Grace of Fire in tonights Main Event!”

Melanie Florence: “But what was going on between JK Lee and Padraig O’Hearne? The pair did not look on the same page out there!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Thank you for joining us tonight! Be sure to join us next week for our ‘go home’ show heading into ‘For Queen And Country’, where we’ll find out exactly who will be representing England in the upcoming Cruiserweight World Cup! You won’t want to miss it!”

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On 2/17/2024 at 4:29 AM, John Lions said:

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Grant Taypen vs Brilliant White
Actual #bangeralert. Brilliant White is a guy I never really give a second glance and he's been putting on great matches for you. I see him vs Leighton in the finals, with him having a non-zero shot at winning (I think Leighton is the favorite given the amount of angle time he's had compared to White).

On 2/15/2024 at 10:17 PM, KyTeran said:

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Ultra Violence

I feel like Leighton will make the finals a banger.

Cruiserweight World Cup Semi Final: Grant Taypen vs Brilliant White

While I could see both Grant and Leighton in the finals, I feel like Brilliant White just made his comeback ant that Leighton making the finals while Grant doesn't could make for a good story.

@John Lions - Brilliant White has been a surprise to me this diary. I originally brought him in as a Cruiserweight jobber - basically a Heel Cain Carlisle, but he has really impressed both in singles matches and in his team with Ultra Violence. I feel like it was State of Mind that gave him more of an identity in my mind, but now he's a core part of the roster.

@KyTeran - Interestingly my original plan was Buzzard vs Taypen, with a will he, won't he heel turn tease for Buzzard as he got more big headed throughout the tournament. But when Brilliant White returned from injury I changed the plans, as I didn't think that fit how I'd presented Buzzard so far. I think the final is both more interesting and will score better this way!

On 2/15/2024 at 6:52 PM, newbiezness said:

Grace Of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Oh no! Where's Red Dragon? :classic_sad:

A couple of reasons here. Bali has more history with Lee & O'Hearne than Red Dragon does, and this win serves as a measure of revenge for Bali after JK Lee injured him three months ago. Secondly, Bali and Welsh Dragon have chemistry as a team and Bali scores better than Red Dragon - so for a Main Event match up I wanted to make sure it scored as well as possible.

On 2/15/2024 at 7:43 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

Loved these final lines! 

Thanks! I'm hoping none of us will have to start liking Mo any time soon!

On 2/17/2024 at 4:29 AM, John Lions said:

Evan Alpass vs Byron
Tough call but if you want Byron to be popular enough to match his role on the roster he needs to leech some popularity from the ex-21CW guys and this seems like the perfect opportunity. He definitely isn't winning this one clean, though. He needs to "win" to still hold that over his son's head before Bret eventually picks a side.

Exactly this. Beating Alpass helped Byron a lot - I think he gained ~3 pop points through this win. This bumped him from Recognisable to Well Known, and gave him a lot more credibility as a stable leader. And like you say, it's one more thing he can hold over Bret's head going forwards...

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Thank you to everybody who predicted and reacted to the latest episode, I really do appreciate it! Seemingly a tough episode to predict this time around, with no perfect scores. Congratulations to @SomeLazyMagic for being the only one to correctly predict the Main Event! Going into the go home show @John Lions holds a two point lead over a chasing pack of four predictors. I hope to see everyone back next episode!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 31

@newbiezness 4/5

@kanegan 4/5

@John Lions 4/5

@SomeLazyMagic 4/5

@KyTeran 3/5

@Wrestling Machine 3/5

@azzak 2/5

@DexterXSR 2/5


Combined Prediction Results

@John Lions 13/14

@azzak 11/14

@KyTeran 11/14

@Wrestling Machine 11/14

@newbiezness 11/14

@SomeLazyMagic 8/9

@kanegan 7/9

@DexterXSR 7/10

@smw88 5/9

@Theheel 4/5


Predictions for NWF National Wrestling Episode 32

Neville Jones vs Stuart Wilson

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Matin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Red Dragon vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White

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Neville Jones vs Stuart Wilson

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Matin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Moore's Sports Agency all the way!

The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Those trekkies will be put to sleep by Lee & O'Hearne

Red Dragon vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Now it seems far away from happen but the dream match Moore's Sports Agency vs Frisby's Foundation For Fitness should happen at some point. Also I still think new member/s will join Frisby's faction.

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White

Weeks ago I'd be supporting White but Leighton Buzzard has been great. I think he is a better choice to represent England in the Cruiserweight World Cup.

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Neville Jones vs Stuart Wilson

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Matin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Red Dragon vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White

Edited by DexterXSR
Forgot to highlight my final pick.
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Neville Jones vs Stuart Wilson

I don't think that Jones is on the same level as Wilson at the moment.

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Matin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

The Foundation has a future tag title shot while the Black Country Boys are currently fodder.

The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Considering what happened on the last show I can see Lee and O'Hearne losing and Lee turning on O'Hearne in the near future.

Red Dragon vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

I think that Red Dragon is only good for putting talent over at this point and a win for Dwayne could help him get momentum for an eventual match with Stuart Wilson.

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White

Even if I am wrong this match is going to be a brilliant banger.

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Neville Jones vs Stuart Wilson
Excited to see who else Stuart ropes into Olympia long-term. Right now I've got Stu pegged as the guy to beat Landon.

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Matin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)
The BCB continue to pay their dues and get over having competitive matches with your top tag teams

The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne
The youngsters learn a tough lesson from the vets and JK Lee gets his first real challenge of his reign so far.

Red Dragon vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby
Poor Dwayne is a heel-by-proxy while being the most normal dude in an angle full of wackos. Looking forward to him getting his hands on Stuart at some point.

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White
Could see this going the other way, but having a young guy who's a product of the most important dojo system to NWF (ROF), who can talk and wrestle representing his country makes more sense than the silent masked character of Brilliant White (at least for the first World Cup)

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Neville Jones vs Stuart Wilson

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Matin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Red Dragon vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White

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Neville Jones vs Stuart Wilson

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Matin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) vs JK Lee & Padraig O'Hearne

Red Dragon vs Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF present:


National Wrestling

Episode #32

Wednesday W1 June 2024

Show Rating: 57


JackieGoldstein.jpg.1d828a644523ecaf5c266300477a4362.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.5eed58f60ca2857458c1e4343591c7bf.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome back to National Wrestling! We are four days away from ‘For Queen And Country’, and a huge Main Event matchup between the British Heavyweight Champion Landon Mallory and the leader of The Network ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie! Joining me at ringside as always is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We have a huge show in store for everyone tonight, as number one contenders for the British Tag Team Titles The Foundation are in action against the young duo of Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson. And on top of that, Stuart Wilson, Dwayne Dark and Chuck Frisby are all in the same building for the first time since their court hearing!”

Jackie Goldstein: “And of course in tonight’s Main Event Leighton Buzzard and Brilliant White fight it out for the honour of representing their country at the inaugural Cruiserweight World Cup!”



Neville Jones VS ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson

Our opening contest saw the return of Stuart Wilson, for his first appearance on National Wrestling since his victory in the courtrooms over Chuck Frisby in their missing payment lawsuit. Last week we saw Staurt Wilson taking over Chuck Frisby’s former gym building and having Chuck Frisby escorted from his premises – prematurely ending the second Frisby Foundation for Fitness community day. Jackie Goldstein announced on commentary that Stuart Wilson would be sitting down with Rachel Dearheart later this week for an exclusive interview that would be aired at ‘For Queen And Country’, discussing his lawsuit, new gym venture and his future with the NWF.

In the ring, Stuart Wilson was all business. Gone was the showmanship and Overhead press reps that defined his tenure with the Frisby Foundation for Fitness, this was replaced by an intense focus and ruthlessness. Neville Jones did his best to resist, but Wilson showed off his incredible power (built during his time as an Olympic medalist in the Hammer Throw) and overwhelmed his opponent. Hoisting Jones onto his shoulder, Wilson was able to hit his Bronze Bomber (Running Powerslam) to punctuate an impressive return to the ring.

Winner: Stuart Wilson

Rating: 52


 ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie made his way to the ring. The number one contender ended last weeks show nose to nose with Landon Mallory, but this week the Aussie seemed more interested in insulting the NWF crowd.


Nathan McKenzie: “The more I think about it, the funnier it gets that you poms couldn’t even find one of your own to Main Event a show called ‘For Queen And Country’! Yeah right, I’m telling your right now - an Aussie and a Saffer ain’t performing for your queen or your country. You lot talk about how you want to reduce immigration, but I reckon this is a good lesson in why you need it. There’s not an ounce o’ talent between the lot of ya!”


Apparently the British Heavyweight Champion had heard enough, as Landon Mallory’s music blared over the speakers and The Springbok made his way down to the ring to address his opponent this Sunday night.

Landon Mallory: “You just can’t help yourself can you? Ever since you arrived in the NWF all you’ve done is make enemies of everyone you meet… I don’t care how big you are, eventually that’s going to come back to bite you!”

Nathan McKenzie (grinning): “Crikey mate, the way I see it the only one with enemies around here… is you!”


Baiting the British Heavyweight Champion out here had clearly been the plan all along, as Big Mac’s stablemates The Northern Lights slid into the ring behind Landon Mallory and jumped the British Heavyweight Champion from behind. The trio began to lay the boots into The Springbok, and it looked like the beatdown from two weeks ago was going to repeat itself – when The Foundation came sprinting out from the back to even the odds!

Not wanting to engage in a fair fight, The Network bailed from the ring and backpedaled away from the ring. Landon Mallory raised his title high in the air, as The Foundation motioned at The Northern Lights that they were coming for their titles this Sunday!

Rating: 66



The Foundation w/ Mark Moore VS Black Country Boys

As The Network backed away shouting back at the babyfaces in the ring, the music of Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson) played over the speakers and the enthusiastic young duo crossed paths with the network as the stomped down to the ring for their upcoming match. Landon Mallory shook hands with The Foundation, thanking them for their help, before exiting the ring and allowing the tag team match to begin.

Both of these teams showed excellent chemistry with their partners throughout the match, making for a slick and entertaining contest. While Vedmore & Robson had great chemistry, they lacked the experience of their opponents – and this proved to be the difference as The Foundation were able to isolate Mickey Robson late in the contest and hit their Disarmer to secure a momentum boosting win going into their title match this Sunday.

Winners: The Foundation

Rating: 48


Next up, the unlikely trio of Dangermouth, Evan Alpass and Darin Flynn made their way to the ring. Two weeks ago Dangermouth and Flynn had saved Evan Alpass from a beatdown by High Society, after Byron had run down Generation Z as self-entitled, lazy and disrespectful.


Dangermouth: “Byron, two weeks ago you disrespected me and my entire generation. You call us lazy, you called us self-entitled, you called us disrespectful… but the only disrespectful thing I seeing around here is you stealing a victory from my boy Evan Alpass last week.”

Evan Alpass and Darin Flynn nodded along with Dangermouth, showing they too had had just about enough of Byron.

Dangermouth: “We’ve had just about enough of your Boomer attitude. So if you think your generation is so much better than ours, then why don’t you prove it in the ring? My boys here want a piece of you too, so why don’t we make this a little 3-on-3?”

The music of High Society played over the speakers and Byron led out Joey Beauchamp and Dylan Drama, microphone already in hand.


Byron: “I can promise you, it’s not just me that thinks your generation is a waste of space Mr Moss. But if you three are the best Gen-Z can conjure up, then Joey, Dylan and I would be more than happy to prove to you that you really should learn to respect your elders.”

Rating: 55



The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) VS JK Lee & Padraig O’Hearne

We are told that JK Lee requested this match after his teams’ loss in the Main Event of last weeks’ show. Lee had found Padraig O’Hearne talking to Cole & Lister before their match, and the Irishman had subsequently seemed distracted throughout their loss.

JK Lee started the match aggressively, as ‘The Bulldog’ attempted to overwhelm Christopher Lister with his ground and submission game. However, rather than being overwhelmed Lister remained calm and was able to duck, dodge and weave his way out of the incoming barrage from JK Lee. This only served to anger Lee further, as he looked to lock in his Crossface finisher – but this time Lister had positioned himself perfectly to execute an immediate rope break.

Frustrated, Lee tagged in O’Hearne. As soon as the tag was made, Lister tagged out to Jase Cole. Much like his partner, Cole seemed to be able to anticipate the incoming attacks from O’Hearne and easily evade them. O’Hearne continued to be aggressive with little success, until Cole seemed to sense the perfect moment to switch from defence to attack. O’Hearne had no response to the sudden shift, as Cole wore him down with swift, precise blows. With O’Hearne disorientated, Jase Cole was able to hit his Sky High (Springboard Cross Body) – and once again JK Lee did nothing to help his partner as referee Roy Worrall counted the three.

Winners: The Force

Rating: 52



Following the match JK Lee grabbed a microphone and told The Force that he’d had enough of their childish stories, and that he’d put an end to it this Sunday at ‘For Queen And Country’. Lee offered either member of the force a shot at his Cruiserweight Championship, an offer which Jase Cole happily stepped forward to accept.


Eerie music played over the speakers, as a vignette began to play. The camera panned down from an opening shot of the full moon, to show the same large silhouette we had seen in the previous vignettes. While we were unable to make out any of the figures features, we could see that he had animal skewered over a roaring fire. The figure pulled out a knife, and in a fluid movement expertly slit the creatures belly. Using his fingers, the figure slowly smeared the creatures blood over his face. The camera panned over the figures shoulder as he stood up, showing he was on a hillside overlooking the building where the show was being held! There was a distant wolf cry, and the man began to walk down the hill as the camera faded to black…

Rating: 41



Red Dragon VS Dwayne Dark w/ Chuck Frisby

Next up we saw the return of Dwayne Dark and Chuck Frisby, with the pair making their first in person appearance on National Wrestling since March. Dark was his usual stoic self, but Chuck Frisby seemed surprisingly chipper considering his recent attitude since his courtroom loss.

Dwayne Dark had a clear power advantage, and while Red Dragon was able to use his veteran wiles to hold off the ripped Middlewight for a period – this would ultimately be the deciding factor. Once Dwayne Dark had control of the match he never gave it up, even taking time to appease Chuck Frisby at ringside who had been calling for his client to overhead press his opponent all match. The personal trainer counted along, as his client pressed the former 21CW World Champion over his head ten times. With Chuck happy at ringside, Dwayne Dark hit his Darkness Falls (Batista Bomb) to secure what was undoubtedly the biggest win of his NWF career to date.

Winner: Dwayne Dark

Rating: 43




As Dwayne Dark’s hand was raised, his personal trainer grabbed a microphone from ringside to address the crowd.

Chuck Frisby: “First of all, I want to thank everyone who turned to up to the second Frisby Foundation for Fitness community day last week – and to apologise for the rude interruption! BUT enough about all of that, because tonight I have an exciting announcement. Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness is excited to announce that this Sunday there will be a special physical challenge right here in this ring with a £1000 grand prize on offer for anybody who can beat my client!”

There were a few murmurs of interest in the crowd at the prize, which Chuck jumped on.

Chuck Frisby: “Entry is £10, so be sure to bring your wallets! And Frank has agreed we can host it, so we won’t have any of the same issues as last week! So all you fatties make sure to bring those wallets, and you can lose weight AND win money thanks to Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness! Because my name is Chuck Frisby, and I’m here to tackle England’s obesity crisis – one £10 entry fee at a time!”

Rating: 45



Leighton Buzzard VS Brilliant White

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier - Final

The Main Event of the evening was the final of the tournament to crown who would have the honour of representing England at the inaugural Cruiserweight World Cup next month. There was a lot of excitement around the arena as Brilliant White appeared in a flash of (brilliant) white light wearing his Phantom of the Opera inspired mask. Despite the spectacular entrance, the crowd was firmly behind Leighton Buzzard – with a number of signs in the crowd predicting the match would be a #banger!

With so much at stake, both men threw themselves into a match with High Spots galore. There were a number of near falls, as both men risked their bodies in order to secure their spot representing their country. The most spectacular spot saw Brilliant White hit his White Out (Swanton Bomb) from the top rope down onto Leighton Buzzard on the floor below. Unfortunately this took almost as much out of Brilliant White as it did his opponent, so the daredevil was unable to capatalise. The match went twelve minutes of high octane action, with a number of near falls from both sides – but to the delight of the crowd it was Leighton Buzzard who was able to hit his Buzz Off (diving Tornado DDT from the second rope) to secure the biggest win of his NWF career!

Winner: Leighton Buzzard

Rating: 54


In a feel good moment to close out the show, Leighton Buzzard was draped in a St George’s flag and celebrated with the crowd – taking the time to point out a ‘British Bangers’ sign in the front row, before grabbing a microphone.


Leighton Buzzard: “I just wanted to thank you all for all of your support. I’ll do my best to represent all of you… and I can promise you is one thing – the Cruiserweight World Cup will be an absolute banger!”

Buzzard started to celebrate with the crowd, as Jackie Goldstein began to sign us out – before the moment was undercut by the music of the former British Heavyweight champion - Edison Silva.


Jackie Goldstein: “Now what are these two doing out here? This is Leighton Buzzard’s moment!”

Edison Silva was first out from the back, joined shortly after by his legal advisor Mo Adebola who, as he so often does, had a microphone in hand. Boos rained down on the pair, with the fans clearly unhappy they can gatecrashed Leighton Buzzard’s party.

Mo Adebola: “Settle down. Settle down. We just wanted to come out here and congratulate Mr Buzzard on winning this tournament. It’s a great achievement, no doubt about it… and it puts him one step closer to representing his country at the Cruiserweight World Cup.”

Leighton Buzzard looked confused in the ring. As Jackie Goldstein pointed out on commentary, he had already earned the right to represent England by beating Brilliant White tonight.

Mo Adebola: “You look confused Leighton, allow me to explain…”

Mo Adebola produced a piece of paper from his suit jacket pocket, and Jackie immediately groaned on commentary and the crowd began to boo.

Mo Adebola: “In my hand I hold a document that after… a lot of negotiation, states that my client Edison Silva was not given a fair and equal opportunity to apply for the Cruiserweight World Cup qualification tournament. As such, this contract states that my client will face the winner of the qualification tournament this Sunday at ‘For Queen And Country’ – and the winner of that match will be given the honour of representing her majesty at the Cruiserweight World Cup next month!”

Leighton Buzzard looked furious in the ring as boos rained down on Mo Adebola and Edison Silva to close the show.

Rating: 63


Jackie Goldstein: “I can’t believe it! Mo Adebola has stolen the biggest moment of Leighton Buzzard’s career away from him!”

Melanie Florence: “Like it or not, you can’t deny Mo Adebola does a great job for his clients.”

Jackie Goldstein: “Oh he knows every legal loophole in the book… I just hope Leighton Buzzard wins on Sunday so that England has a representative we can be proud of!”

Melanie Florence: “It just adds to an already stacked card at ‘For Queen And Country’! All three titles will be on the line, we have a huge generation vs generation 6-man-tag match up and an exclusive interview with Stuart Wilson.”

Jackie Goldstein: “Add in whatever ‘physical challenge’ Chuck Frisby has planned AND an exclusive announcement about the upcoming Cruiserweight World Cup and we should have a great show! Join us this Sunday from 8pm only on WrestleWorld GB!”

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Certified banger in the Main Event! Great work in that last segment with Mo Adebola, who is the most hated person in NWF, no doubt about it.

I like that The Foundation are siding with Landon Mallory against The Network. The story of Silva/Adebola vs The Network seems to have cooled down at this point though, I'm curious to see if it returns in the future.

I can't stand The Force, I hope somebody will stop these clowns before it's too late. Actually State Of Mind should be the ones to beat up The Force LOL!

Edited by newbiezness
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19 hours ago, newbiezness said:

Certified banger in the Main Event! Great work in that last segment with Mo Adebola, who is the most hated person in NWF, no doubt about it.

I like that The Foundation are siding with Landon Mallory against The Network. The story of Silva/Adebola vs The Network seems to have cooled down at this point though, I'm curious to see if it returns in the future.

I can't stand The Force, I hope somebody will stop these clowns before it's too late. Actually State Of Mind should be the ones to beat up The Force LOL!

Thanks @newbiezness, glad you enjoyed the Main Event! The line in Mo's bio about him always hustling up schemes and loopholes to get his clients big matches is what sold me on the character originally, and I felt I could really lean into that with this storyline!

Heel vs Heel storylines are hard to maintain in the long run - I don't tend to book Heel vs Heel matches as the ratings don't deliver, so I don't expect to see Big Mac vs Silva. But there is definitely an ongoing power struggle between Finkleton and Adebola. Mo may have won this round, but expect to see them butting heads again in the future.

Hopefully I can change your mind on The Force! I had a fun little storyline planned between them and a few other characters, but I may have to tone that down if they're not really connecting with readers.

On 2/21/2024 at 11:01 PM, John Lions said:

Neville Jones vs Stuart Wilson
Excited to see who else Stuart ropes into Olympia long-term. Right now I've got Stu pegged as the guy to beat Landon.

Cruiserweight World Cup Qualifier Final: Leighton Buzzard vs Brilliant White
Could see this going the other way, but having a young guy who's a product of the most important dojo system to NWF (ROF), who can talk and wrestle representing his country makes more sense than the silent masked character of Brilliant White (at least for the first World Cup)

Interesting that you have Wilson pegged as the guy to beat Mallory this early! He's defintely a guy I have in mind as a potential top guy - he has legitimacy from his Olympic medal, he's big and powerful and he can talk pretty well. His biggest issue is that despite being 38 years old he's still fairly green, although he is improving in the ring. Definitely one to keep an eye on.

Your analysis here is spot on! Leighton would be the perfect guy to represent England in the first Cruiserweight World Cup... unfortunately he now has to get through Edison Silva first!



Thanks to everyone for their comments, I really do appreciate them. It helps me know what is/isn't working in the diary, and can help me with future ideas.

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Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest show - it really is appreciated! I hope everyone enjoyed the episode, as we move into 'For Queen & Country'. Congratulatons to DexterXSR, KyTeran, John Lions, Wrestling Machine & azzak who all got a perfect score on the last episode. John Lions retains a two point lead heading into the PLE, but azzak, Wrestling Machine and KyTeran all remain within striking distance. Hope to see everyone back for the final round of this prediction contest!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 32

@DexterXSR 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@John Lions 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@azzak 5/5

@smw88 4/5

@newbiezness 4/5

@kanegan 4/5


Combined Prediction Results

@John Lions 18/19

@azzak 16/19

@KyTeran 16/19

@Wrestling Machine 16/19

@newbiezness 15/19

@DexterXSR 12/15

@kanegan 11/14

@smw88 9/14

@SomeLazyMagic 8/9

@Theheel 4/5



Predictions for NWF For Queen & Country

Winner Represents England at the Cruiserweight World Cup: Leighton Buzzard vs Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola

Dangermouth, Darin Flynn & Evan Alpass vs High Society (Byron, Dylan Drama & Joey Beauchamp)

NWF Cruiserweight Title: Jase Cole vs JK Lee (C)

NWF British Tag Team Titles: The Foundation vs The Northern Lights (C)

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory (C) vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie


Bonus Questions:

1. What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, one point for 2 either side)

2. How many titles will change hands at For Queen And Country? (maximum of 3)


Any other comments/questions on the diary:

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