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Mid South Rasslin' [LSW, CVerse 2020]

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LSW Trick-or-Tussle 2020
Saturday, Week 4, October 2020
Held in Dallas (Mid South) in front of 345 people
13,630 viewers on WrestleWorld


As The Big Guns are already in the ring, ready to discover the next challengers at the LSW Tag Team Heavyweight titles, the Halloween Wheel positioned at the entrance of the ramp draws Rob "The Real Deal" Reynolds first! The Asian-American wrestler from Detroit makes his entrance, charging up for the occasion and looking curiously toward the wheel that is spun again, drawing his partner for tonight ... Al Coleman! "Mr. Submission" makes his entrance, nodding his head, as if very pleased with the draw. The two babyfaces give each other a fist pump on the stage, before reaching the squared circle. They will be the ones to play this lucky chance against the champs. [36]


TQS8hBT.png   TQS8hBT.png
The Big Guns (Buck Winchester, Wes Revell) (c) vs Al Coleman, Rob Reynolds for the LSW Tag Team Heavyweight titles

The new duo is very interesting on paper as is pointed out by the announcing team, with a quick hard-hitting lightweight with martial arts background like Rob Reynolds mixing with a technical wrestler and submission expert like Al Coleman. Unfortunately, the two babyfaces have absolutely zero chemistry as partners and this leads them to underperform in the match. Cowboy Buck Winchester and Outlaw Wes Revell, on the other hand, despite having to suffer in some phases, once again manage to impose their physicality, defeating their opponents in fourteen minutes as "The Outlaw" pins Rob Reynolds after the Law Of The West to make defense number four of the tag straps. [45]


The Canadian Blondes (Flash Savage, Ozzie Goldstein) vs The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta)
In their debut match, The Canadian Blondes antagonize the fans in attendance right from their entrance, looking down on everyone and mocking The Heartbreak Express. Great reaction to their heel cocky posers gimmick. Johnny Needham and Ralph Liotta humble them though, imposing themselves in the early rounds, so Ozzie Goldstein and Flash Savage are forced to change their stance, becoming more ravenous. What emerges is a very entertaining and rather fast-paced tag team, different from many physical clashes we see in Lone Star Wrestling. After ten minutes, The Canadian Blondes have the upper hand when Ozzie Goldstein pins Ralph Liotta with a Golden Shower, while Johnny Needham is down and out at ringside. [42]


Busy polishing his own LSW Texas Heavyweight title, looking at it as if it were his own treasure in peril, Renegade Bradley Blaze is joined by Ricky Dale Johnson, with whom there have been rifts recently. RDJ keeps it professional, wishing his star good luck and saying things should not get personal between them. In fact, the boss considers "The Renegade" a top draw and a great champion to be preserved. But, there’s only one thing Bradley Blaze must not do, and some of it he has already tried to do, jeopardize RDJ's business! This main event between Renegade Bradley Blaze and Joffy Laine is a cash cow for Lone Star Wrestling, and tonight the match will happen, with no further action to compromise it. No matter if Bradley Blaze feels in danger, no matter if he fears Joffy Laine who already pinned him in the recent past, no hijacking tonight! A big warning from RDJ to "The Renegade," who listened to his boss without even breathing a word, but letting out a mocking grin when he walks away. Both guys improvise really weel throughout the segment. [70]


The Architect vs Remmy Honeyman
The Architect is set to collide in one-on-one action against Remmy Honeyman, The Hive's partner of Quentin Queen, who was eliminated from the Rodeo at the very hands of The Architect. In a bout that has good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Remmy Honeyman proves to be very solid in solo as well, attracting the sympathies of the fans in attendance, while The Architect shows his style by alternating technical maneuvers with sly tricks to outmaneuver the opponent. After eleven minutes, The Architect brings his opponent to the mat and attempts a flashy pinfall, putting a hand on the bottom rope for leverage without getting caught by the referee, but Quentin Queen intervenes providentially and with a slap to the rope interrupts the heel's dirty pinfall, who lets go. The Architect shouts something at Quentin Queen, before turning back only to be caught surprised! Remmy Honeyman puts him down in turn, connecting a small cradle pinfall: 1 ... 2 .. 3! Remmy Honeyman takes home the victory with a flashy pinfall, making The Architect pay dearly for it, who was one step away from the tainted win and lashes out at Quentin Queen after the bell, showering him with insults. [47]


Rayne Man walks out ad invites Cali Slick to join him in the ring, as "The Draw" recently recorded a video message saying that he was coming for Rayne Man to show him what "ruthless agression" really is. Cali Slick joins his rival inside the squared circle, accompanied by the slimy Vinny Cruz. Cali Slick accuses Rayne Man of being jealous of the alliance between himself and the Sport Agent, who preferred him to Rayne Man as the horse to bet on. Vinny Cruz clearly enjoys having the freedom to go off-script and performs well, telling Rayne Man that he will never be the champion here in LSW because he is too weak mentally and does not have an alpha attitude. Cali Slick, on the other hand, is hungry as a hound and is ready to devour the competition! Rayne Man responds in kind, challenging Cali Slick to a match for the next event: LSW Spurs and Stripes. Cali Slick attempts the onslaught on his rival, but he stands ready, putting "The Draw" and Vinny Cruz on the run immediately. [41]


Raphael vs Tavon Blake Jr
"The Masterpiece" Raphael, who now looks more muscular thanks to his recent gym efforts, bounces back after being eliminated prematurely in Second Round of the King Of The Rodeo. In a decent match in fact, Raphael defeats Tavon Blake Jr in nine minutes by pinfall with a Cupid's Arrow. The announcing quality lifts the match, which was quite close and saw "The Masterpiece" efficiently use the rope break during Tavon Blake Jr's early graplling attempts, preventing his opponent from building momentum and then managing to defeat him with his own signature move. [46]


We’re back backstage, where a cameraman is running towards the scene of a wild brawl. Joffy Laine is assaulted by Cowboy Buck Winchester and Outlaw Wes Revell, who in a dastardly two-on-one attempt to injure the No. One Contender at the LSW Texas Heavyweight title and the next challenger to their leader Renegade Bradley Blaze, likely the instigator of this ambush. Joffy Laine manages to fight back, however, gaining a few extra seconds and allowing several staff members and Ricky Dale Johnson to intervene. A furious RDJ, who just earlier in the evening had admonished Bradley Blaze, intimates The Big Guns to leave immediately. Fortunately, it would appear that Joffy Laine has suffered no injuries. The Most Wanted are doing everything they can to prevent the championship match from taking place in the main event. [55]


Ernest Youngman vs Chip Martin
In a decent match Ernest Youngman dominates Chip Martin in the first five minutes, but after a lucky shot "The Assassin" staggers, which allows "NextGen" to build his own momentum. Chip Martin attempts the takedown, going for his Superkick, but Ernest Youngman manages to shield himself with the ref, and Chip Martin manages to pull his leg back at the last second, preventing the ref from going down. The official lashes out at "The Assassin," going toe-to-toe with him and later Venus Angeletti on the apron, distracting himself from what is happening behind him. Chip Martin is behind Ernest Youngman and looks like he wants to hit his opponent with a kick to the groin! Johnny Martin at ringside does some good work, calling out his son to fight fair, no cheap shots. "NextGen" is very conflicted, but finally desists and attempts his signature move as soon as his opponent comes back to face him: SUPERKICK! Youngman, however, blocks Martin's leg, then lifting him up for THE HIT! "The Assassin" scores the W by pinfall. [46]


A desperate and furious Chip Martin continues to shake his head after the bell, as Johnny Martin joins him in the ring and Ernest Youngman returns backstage. His father calls him back firmly, making it obvious that he wants to point his son in the right direction. Finally, Chip Martin subtle mannerisms to hint at a heel turn begin to get a good reaction from the fans in attendance. The managing father helps his son to his feet, saying not to worry and that he will still be on his side. Chip Martin looks his father in the eyes and whispers a "Love you dad!", BEFORE HITTING HIM! SUPERKICK!!! Chip Martin snaps, hitting his signature move on his retired father who falls on the mat, down and out, while the crowd fills "NextGen" with booing as he stares silently at his KO father before leaving the ring. The heel turns has ben a complete success. [29]


As already announced, "The King Of The Rodeo" Big Hustle shows up in the ring with a more swagger attitude and a suit that resembles a cowboy's for some things, living his gimmick of Rodeo champ. "The Hustler" talks just about the recent tournament he won, saying he was thrilled with the trophy and prize money he received, then thanking the Dallas audience for their support. His speech is interrupted by Left Shot Bradford, runner-up to King Of The Rodeo, who bluntly calls Big Hustle a fluke. "The Hustler" has won three out of five matches WHILE BEING KNOCKED OUT! And right in the finals the way he defeated Left Shot himself was pure luck. Bradford claims that "The Hustler" did not really beat him, so he considers Big Hustle an "impostor king." Big Hustle responds in kind by saying he is uninterested in Left Shot's remarks, but that he would have no problem taking his metaphorical crown off and shoving it up his rival's @$$ to teach him a lesson! Things get tense, but Left Shot Bradford beats a retreat at one point, saying he will talk to Ricky Dale Johnson to make things official then. [61]


As Renegade Bradley Blaze makes his entrance, accompanied by The Big Guns, the owner of LSW Ricky Dale Johnson interrupts him. The boss a microphone in hand and apologizes for the interruption, despite being absolutely not sorry, but rather very annoyed by the behavior of The Most Wanted. Ricky Dale Johnson tells Bradley Blaze and his "brigade" that The Big Guns' assault on Joffy Laine backstage risked jeopardize the main event and consequently risked jeopardize his business. Because of this, the boss takes full control of the situation and decides to ban Cowboy Buck Winchester and Outlaw Wes Revell from the venue for the continuation of the evening! The Big Guns are forced to leave the stage and will probably be escorted by several staff members out of the building, while a mad Renegade Bradley Blaze glances at RDJ before making his lone entrance into the ring. [45]


Renegade Bradley Blaze (c) vs Joffy Laine for the LSW Texas Heavyweight title

The atmosphere is electric, with nearly all three hundred plus fans in attendance cheering for Joffy Laine, who will finally be able to take advantage of his title shot against Renegade Bradley Blaze, left alone without the invaluable support of The Big Guns. In a bout that has superb wrestling and great heat, the two stars pace themselves, starting slowly and building to a big finish. Renegade Bradley Blaze and Joffy Laine, in their first one-on-one match ever, show great chemistry and it shows in their performances, great news for RDJ and his business. The bout goes on for a long time, Joffy Laine suffers in the middle part of the match, but then manages to build his momentum, preparing for his signature move: DEATH SPIRAL! Renegade Bradley Blaze manages to avoid it, however, and after a few moments, it's the champ who pulls the ace out of his sleeve: DALLAS DROP! 1 .. 2 .. KICK OUT AT 2.9! For the first time in almost a year, someone has kicked out of Blaze's finisher, and now "The Renegade" looks exhausted and upset. The clock reads twenty one minutes of match, when Renegade Bradley Blaze tries a Figure-Four Leglock, but Joffy Laine locks him in a small cradle pinfall, the champ avoids the three-count and gets back up, being anticipated, however, by the challenger: DEATH SPIRAL! CONNECTED! 1 .. 2 .. 3!! It's over, the referee rings the bell and declares the winner by pinfall ... "The Jackhammer" Joffy Laine just won the LSW Texas Heavyweight title. [59]




Predictions Standings:
azzak [55 Pts]
newbiezness [53 Pts]
KyTeran [52 Pts]
Charasmatic Enigma [47 Pts]
kanegan [37 Pts]
GreatreDRagon [29 Pts]
Marmo [14 Pts]
John Lions [11 Pts]
1PWfan [9 Pts]
DinoKea [4 Pts[
JAK [4 Pts]
JunkRat [4 Pts]
Ippon [3 Pts]

Edited by Wrestling Machine
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Hey guys! Thx for your predictions, hope you enjoyed the event! Once again you were numerous, which makes me happy. The end of the year (irl and in-game) is approaching, and we will soon find out the winner of Predictions for 2020. I'm planning some rewards for the top 3/4 classified.

And welcome in LSW to @DinoKea (glad to see you again!) and @Ippon😉

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Total Wrestling News: New World Champ In COTT


The COTT World Heavyweight title changed hands as "Mr. Submission" Al Coleman became the new champion with a win over Pablo Rodriguez, who is expected to retire pretty soon. This is the first time he has won the Confederation Of The Territories championship. Still undetermined is whether Al Coleman will carry the World Heavyweight title strap when fighting for Lone Star Wrestling, Ricky Dale Johnson's promotion that is not part of COTT. LSW may decide not to recognize an external championship in their events, unless they could somehow use that to their advantage. Talks are expected between RDJ and a representative of the Confederation Of The Territories.

Edited by Wrestling Machine
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38 minutes ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Hey guys! Thx for your predictions, hope you enjoyed the event! Once again you were numerous, which makes me happy. The end of the year (irl and in-game) is approaching, and we will soon find out the winner of Predictions for 2020. I'm planning some rewards for the top 3/4 classified.


I enjoyed Trick-or-Tussle and it had a couple of interesting surprises. I thought Bradley Blaze would retain but Texan Joffy becoming the new LSW Heavyweight champion will open a new phase for the company. The Most Wanted still have the Tag Team titles which is an intriguing outcome, it wasn't the worst possible result.

As @1PWfan said if Remmy Honeyman won there was a potential feud and it seems that it will happen.

Rayne Man vs Cali Slick is a feud to follow.

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Preview for LSW Spurs and Stripes 2020


The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night)
In a match-up yet unseen in LSW, two babyface duos are set to collide in the tag team division. With Sweet Tabitha at their corner, a valet with very little knowledge of wrestling business but certainly with the looks and charisma to make a splash who kayfabe-wise has been revealed as a close friend of Johnny Needham and Ralph Liotta, The Heartbreak Express will attempt to overcome The Oklahomans, young rookies Jason Patterson and Jules Night. Which tag team will succeed?


Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Tavon Blake Jr
Defeated at LSW Trick-Or-Tussle, "The Grappler" Tavon Blake Jr immediately gets a chance to get back on track by clashing with the cocky young talent called Jack Pryde. After spending months feuding with Chip Martin, seemingly succeeding in bringing "NextGen" to his breaking point and turning heel, "Prime Time" desperately needs a win in this one-on-one to finally prove he can be a viable competitor here in Lone Star Wrestling.


The Hive (Quentin Queen, Remmy Honeyman) vs The Architect, ???
After beating Quentin Queen during the King Of The Rodeo, The Architect failed to defeating Remmy Honeyman during last event, as Quentin Queen prevented the scheming heel from pulling off an illegal pinfall, later being defeated by a quick pinfall by Remmy Honeyman. Furious with both members of The Hive, The Architect asked Ricky Dale Johnson to make a tag team match official so that he too could have someone ready to watch his back. RDJ agreed, leaking that it was easy to make a decision after seeing what a behemoth The Architect had found as his partner, a promising new debutant for LSW maybe?


Ernest Youngman, Left Shot Bradford, Raphael vs Al Coleman, Big Hustle, Rob Reynolds
A big three versus three bout enriches the card, with several rivalries and storylines intertwining. With a singles match looking close to happening between Left Shot Bradford and "The King Of The Rodeo" Big Hustle, the two rivals will clash in this multi-man match. In addition, Rob Reynolds and Al Coleman will have another chance to team up after the last event, this time also with Big Hustle, while the opposing team will include "The Masterpiece" Raphael and Ernest Youngman, who in the past had a long feud with "The Hustler" himself. It will be very interesting to find out which trios will best adapt to the situation and succeed in imposing themselves on the competition.


Cali Slick vs Rayne Man
Vinny Cruz had been courting Rayne Man for months so as to make him his first client in LSW, but by the time the veteran was convinced, the Sport Agent had already replaced him with Cali Slick, considering "The Draw" a vicious competitor with the ruthless attitude required to shine. Following this, Rayne Man and Cali Slick cost each other elimination from the Rodeo, tacking on a rivalry that will finally see them clash in a one versus one match at LSW Spurs and Stripes. "The Draw" appeared very confident and snooty in his eve statements, while Rayne Man seemed more placid and calm, perhaps not to show weakness. Much is at stake this Sunday, both for the two competitors and for Sport Agent Vinny Cruz.


The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman)
As predicted after what happened during King Of The Rodeo and after the gauntlet thrown down by Travis Century, Ricky Dale Johnson made the tag team match between The Strong Hand and The American Cobras official. Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane defeated Texas Hangman and Cobra back in June, replicating again via DQ a few months later on a night that was far from triumphant, however. In a Pyrrhic victory, Marvel Malloy was injured by "The Hangman" thanks to a Choke Slam onto the railings. In the months that followed, several scuffles between the two factions added fuel to the fire, and most recently The American Cobras cost both rivals the elimination from the Rodeo. Now that Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane are free of injury, though probably not 100 percent, a tag team bout against the adepts of "The Preacher" Travis Century has been made official, who commented by paraphrasing a verse from Luke 10:19: "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and cobras and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”


Joffy Laine (c) vs Renegade Bradley Blaze for the LSW Texas Heavyweight Title

Last month we crowned a new LSW Texas Heavyweight champ, the hometown here Joffy Laine, who defeated clean Renegade Bradley Blaze after a great match. "The Renegade" wasted no time and immediately asked for and got his guaranteed rematch for the championship belt, but tensions with the boss Ricky Dale Johnson remained and not surprisingly RDJ announced that, to ensure a fair match as was the last one between the two, Cowboy Buck Winchester and Outlaw Wes Revell will even be banned from the event, under penalty of being stripped of the LSW Tag Team Heavyweight titles. "The Jackhammer" Joffy Laine is then called for his first title defense, without having to worry about The Big Guns, one big problem less for the champion, who will attempt to pin Renegade Bradley Blaze for the third time.


Key for Predictions:
The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night) [1 Pts]
Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]
The Hive (Quentin Queen, Remmy Honeyman) vs The Architect, ??? [1 Pts]
Who’s going to be The Architect’s Partner? [1 Pts]
Ernest Youngman, Left Shot Bradford, Raphael vs Al Coleman, Big Hustle, Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]
Cali Slick vs Rayne Man [1 Pts]
The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman) [1 Pts]
Joffy Laine (c) vs Renegade Bradley Blaze for the LSW Texas Heavyweight Title [1 Pts]

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The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night) [1 Pts]
Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]
The Hive (Quentin Queen, Remmy Honeyman) vs The Architect, ??? [1 Pts]
Who’s going to be The Architect’s Partner? [1 Pts] Ash Campbell, bc why not?
Ernest Youngman, Left Shot Bradford, Raphael vs Al Coleman, Big Hustle, Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]
Cali Slick vs Rayne Man [1 Pts]
The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman) [1 Pts]
Joffy Laine (c) vs Renegade Bradley Blaze for the LSW Texas Heavyweight Title [1 Pts]

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The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night) [1 Pts]
There's more immediate value in The Heartbreak Express.

Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]
Prime Time Jack Pryde needs the win more to legitimise his cache as the top talent among the rookies of the roster.

The Hive (Quentin Queen, Remmy Honeyman) vs The Architect, ??? [1 Pts]
I like The Architect more than I like either Queen or Honeyman, so I'm going for him.

Who’s going to be The Architect’s Partner? [1 Pts]
"Kill Switch" Frankie Perez
Did The Architect impress Perez enough during their tournament match to form an alliance with the Kill Switch? This reader thinks so.

Ernest Youngman, Left Shot Bradford, Raphael vs Al Coleman, Big Hustle, Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]
Technically, technically I'm not betting against Youngman here because I think Raphael eats the pin.

Cali Slick vs Rayne Man [1 Pts]
Cali Slick is more valuable as a whole and Rayne Man's national popularity makes this a big win for him.

The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman) [1 Pts]
At this point The American Cobras need the win to redeem their status as a top tag team.

Joffy Laine (c) vs Renegade Bradley Blaze for the LSW Texas Heavyweight Title [1 Pts]
It's a retain for Laine as he begins his title reign.

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The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night) [1 Pts]
Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]
The Hive (Quentin Queen, Remmy Honeyman) vs The Architect, ??? [1 Pts]
Who’s going to be The Architect’s Partner? Frankie Perez [1 Pts]
Ernest Youngman, Left Shot Bradford, Raphael vs Al Coleman, Big Hustle, Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]
Cali Slick vs Rayne Man [1 Pts]
The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman) [1 Pts]
Joffy Laine (c) vs Renegade Bradley Blaze for the LSW Texas Heavyweight Title [1 Pts]

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Key for Predictions:
The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night) [1 Pts]
The Oklahomans feel like they have a niche as opening match jobbers for now

Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]
Prime Time baby!

The Hive (Quentin Queen, Remmy Honeyman) vs The Architect, ??? [1 Pts]
Who’s going to be The Architect’s Partner? [1 Pts] Jonah Pilgrim
They are pre-set partners in the database, so why not?

Ernest Youngman, Left Shot Bradford, Raphael vs Al Coleman, Big Hustle, Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]
More overall talent on this side

Cali Slick vs Rayne Man [1 Pts]
A coing flip - Cali has more upside, but Rayne Man has more initial pop

The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman) [1 Pts]
The American Cobras probably need a win to re-assert themselves as a top team

Joffy Laine (c) vs Renegade Bradley Blaze for the LSW Texas Heavyweight Title [1 Pts]
Too early for a change

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
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The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night) [1 Pts]

Needham and Liotta are the more established unit


Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]

Blake's just better

The Hive (Quentin Queen, Remmy Honeyman) vs The Architect, ??? [1 Pts]

Why bring in a new guy just to have him lose?

Who’s going to be The Architect’s Partner? [1 Pts] Good question- he's got a pre-existing team with Jonah Pilgrim but that doesn't feel like a good fit here. Let's say The Masked Mauler VII, he's really good and never gets much look-in in the dynasty space. 

Ernest Youngman, Left Shot Bradford, Raphael vs Al Coleman, Big Hustle, Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]

I like the babyfaces more

Cali Slick vs Rayne Man [1 Pts]

Bit of a coinflip here, I honestly don't know which way it will go.

The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman) [1 Pts]

The Cobras are the more established unit, plus they're also just better

Joffy Laine (c) vs Renegade Bradley Blaze for the LSW Texas Heavyweight Title [1 Pts]

I could see it going the other way but my instinct says it's too soon to flip the title back.

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The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night) [1 Pts]
Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]
The Hive (Quentin Queen, Remmy Honeyman) vs The Architect, ??? [1 Pts]
Who’s going to be The Architect’s Partner? Jonah Pilgrim [1 Pts]
Ernest Youngman, Left Shot Bradford, Raphael vs Al Coleman, Big Hustle, Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]
Cali Slick vs Rayne Man [1 Pts]
The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman) [1 Pts]
Joffy Laine (c) vs Renegade Bradley Blaze for the LSW Texas Heavyweight Title [1 Pts]

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The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night) [1 Pts]
Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]
The Hive (Quentin Queen, Remmy Honeyman) vs The Architect, ??? [1 Pts]
Who’s going to be The Architect’s Partner? [1 Pts] - Frankie Perez
Ernest Youngman, Left Shot Bradford, Raphael vs Al Coleman, Big Hustle, Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]
Cali Slick vs Rayne Man [1 Pts]
The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman) [1 Pts]
Joffy Laine (c) vs Renegade Bradley Blaze for the LSW Texas Heavyweight Title [1 Pts]

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The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night) [1 Pts]
Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Tavon Blake Jr [1 Pts]
The Hive (Quentin Queen, Remmy Honeyman) vs The Architect, ??? [1 Pts]
Who’s going to be The Architect’s Partner? [1 Pts] Frankie Perez
Ernest Youngman, Left Shot Bradford, Raphael vs Al Coleman, Big Hustle, Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]
Cali Slick vs Rayne Man [1 Pts]
The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman) [1 Pts]
Joffy Laine (c) vs Renegade Bradley Blaze for the LSW Texas Heavyweight Title [1 Pts]

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LSW Spurs and Stripes 2020
Sunday, Week 3, November 2020
Held in San Antonio (Mid South) in front of 367 people
13,873 viewers on WrestleWorld


The Heartbreak Express (Johnny Needham, Ralph Liotta) vs The Oklahomans (Jason Patterson, Jules Night)
In a tag team bout that has a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Heartbreak Express go head-to-head with The Oklahomans and walk out with the victory, as Johnny Needham pins “The Sandman” Jules Night in around seven minutes after the combined finisher called The Score. Nice W for The Heartbreak Express, and nice debut for their valet Sweet Tabitha, as the “Girl-Next-Door” does some good work at ringside by cheering his friends. [33]


Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Tavon Blake Jr
In the early rounds, Tavon Blake Jr dominates Jack Pryde with some pretty good grappling and forces the cocky rookie to beat a retreat outside of the squared circle, before dropping "The Grappler" into the classic trap in which the heel gets chased around the ring, before getting back in by anticipating his opponent and using that small advantage to start beatdown on the mat. Tavon Blake Jr builds a good momentum after a few minutes, but in the moment of the Piledriver, Prime Time Jack Pryde manages to escape the finisher by hitting a knee hard and making his opponent collapse. In a bout that has decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Prime Time Jack Pryde doesn't miss the decisive blow, getting Tavon Blake Jr back up and connecting a PrydeFall to score the W in nine minutes. The color commentary gives the match a boost. [32]


As The Hive are already inside the squared circle,The Architect walks out with a microphone in his hand, distorting reality and saying that Remmy Honeyman was only able to defeat him thanks to an incorrect interference by Quentin Queen, obviously avoiding mentioning how "QQ" intervened only to stop the illegal pinfall of The Architect. The scheming villain, however, intends to take some serious revenge now that he, too, has someone ready to watch his back and prevent pinfalls. The partner of "The Architect Of Your Destruction" will be "The Behemot," "The Wrecking Machine," "The Destruction Engine" ... THE DREADNOUGHT!!! A muscular and imposing masked figure walks out to the stage, leaving the fans in attendance and the commentators surprised, while the two members of The Hive look rather worried seeing the size of their opponent. [33]


The Hive (Quentin Queen, Remmy Honeyman) vs The Architect, The Dreadnought
As is pointed out by Alfonso Garcia and Fabulous Frank from the commentary table, The Dreadnought is the son of the legendary wrestler Dread, from whom he certainly got an inhuman muscularity. The big heavyweight starts the bout and mauls both Remmy Honeyman and Quentin Queen from the very beginning, then leaving the tag to The Architect when it is the scheming heel himself who asks for it, attempting a quick pinfall by taking advantage of the beatdown for his new dreadful partner. The Hive get back on track, managing to counter The Architect well, but after about twelve minutes of a decent match, legal man The Dreadnought pins Remmy Honeyman with a Dread Bomb to seal the deal. The Dreadnought has been protected during the bout, his flaws have been hidden as much as possible and his strenghts accentuated. The Architect may indeed have fished a diamond in the rough that, if properly exploited, could take him very high here in Lone Star Wrestling. [37]


We go backstage, where the charismatic Sweet Tabitha is quick to make her presence known, still congratulating friends Johnny Needham and Ralph Liotta after their victory. The Heartbreak Express, however, run into The Canadian Blondes, who pretend to congratulate themselves on their "meaningless win" against The Oklahomans just now, especially after they defeating the same Johnny Needham and Ralph Liotta in the recent past. The two duos are joined by Bullseye and Waylon Walls, as EBK say they have all tag teams in their sights now. A chaotic seven-way confrontation ensues, which is calmed only by the arrival of Ricky Dale Johnson. The boss imposes his authority by calming tempers and saying that the three tag teams will be able to let the facts speak for themselves in the ring shortly. [39]


Ernest Youngman, Left Shot Bradford, Raphael vs Al Coleman, Big Hustle, Rob Reynolds
In a good three versus three match, six hungry competitors square off, trying to find some chemistry with their respective partners and score the win. To be fair, the heel group seems rather disunited from the start as Raphael glances snootily at the two allies, Ernest Youngman tags in Left Shot Bradford by hitting him on the chest, and Left Shot himself seems more interested in beating up rival Big Hustle than in getting a win. The babyface team, on the other hand, tries to cooperate more, perhaps even out of necessity given the initial superiority shown inside the squared circle by their opponents. Inside the bout there is also room for a wild brawl between Big Hustle and Left Shot Bradford, who are then joined by the other four wrestlers, forcing the referee to do some diplomatic and physical work to restore some order inside the ring. After thirteen minutes, Raphael steals the tag from Ernest Youngman, who turns around and tells his partner to go to hell, leaving the ring and returning backstage with his valet Venus Angeletti. "The Masterpiece" yells something not-so-nice at him, before crossing his eyes with Left Shot Bradford standing on the apron, having the bright idea to go toe-to-toe and ask him if he, too, has any problems. Out of nowhere, Raphael gets hit by a DREAM LEFT HOOK! Left Shot Bradford knocks out his own partner, telling Big Hustle that the two of them will settle the score very soon, then following in Ernest Youngman's footsteps and leaving Raphael alone. "The Masterpiece" gets back up after several moments, still blatantly stunned, ending up a victim of Al Coleman's Ankle Brace that forces him to submit! The babyface team scores the victory. [48]


Reached in his locker room, Renegade Bradley Blaze is alone, without Cowboy Buck Winchester and Outlaw Wes Revell who have been banned from the show for tonight so as not to interfere in the Texas Heavyweight championship rematch that will be staged later on. Ricky Dale Johnson enters the room to talk face-to-face with "The Renegade," who has certainly been pulling too much short with the boss in the last while. RDJ tries to ease tensions, saying he is confident that Bradley Blaze can triumph in the title match without help from his "brigade" because he has the skills. The security measures put in place by RDJ are solely the responsibility of Bradley Blaze himself and his attempts to jeopardize RDJ's business, but the boss assures that tonight's will be a fair match and, should he triumph, Ricky Dale Johnson will be ready to shake the hand of "The Renegade" and recognize him as Texas Heavyweight champ. Both men work very well throughout the improvised segment. [58]


Cali Slick vs Rayne Man
Finally at each other's throats, Rayne Man wastes no time and lashes out at Cali Slick, who seems surprised by his rival's immediate assault and still not fully focused on the bout, perhaps from too much bravado. Anyway, a distraction by Vinny Cruz opens an opening for his client who manages to counterattack, starting to batter Rayne Man. In a bout that has good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Cali Slick and Rayne Man exchange blows for around thirteen minutes, proving to have great chemistry when fighting each other and elevate their performances. Rayne Man builds up a good momentum, but at the best of times here comes Vinny Cruz up on the apron to try to intervene in the bout. The referee deals with the Sport Agent, getting him out of the ring with difficulty and having some trouble imposing his authority. Meanwhile, however, Vinny Cruz himself has cowardly thrown Cali Slick's golden chain into the ring, who rolls it around his right fist and surprises Rayne Man with an uppercut to the chin, knocking him out. "The Draw" then gets rid of the chain, going for the pin as the referee turns around: 1 ... 2 .. 3!! That's all she wrote ladies and gentlemen, thanks to Vinny Cruz, Cali Slick defeats Rayne Man by pinfall. [50]


We return backstage, where Ricky Dale Johnson pays a visit to the other main event competitor, the new Texas Heavyweight champ Joffy Laine! "The Jackhammer" is all smiles and happy to see his boss, who also assures him a fair match tonight. Joffy Laine thanks RDJ for the visit and assures the boss that he will walk out from San Antonio still the champion, defeating Renegade Bradley Blaze once again. We are less and less away from the evening's main event, which promises to be must-watch! [56]


The American Cobras (Marvel Malloy, Storm Spillane) vs The Strong Hand (Cobra, Texas Hangman)
Although still not 100 percent, Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane are desperate to teach Travis Century and his adepts a lesson, starting off with great grit right away and putting Cobra in trouble. The tag to Texas Hangman changes the match, which plays heavily on the big heavyweight's attempts to damage the backs of Marel Malloy and Storm Spillane again. Travis Century does some good work at ringside, playing off well especially with Cobra, inciting his adepts to "trample on cobras!" In a bout that has good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, after around thirteen minutes The American Cobras come close to victory against The Strong Hand, something they have succeeded at before, but eventually Texas Hangman manages to impose his physical dominance once again, throwing Storm Spillane where he is met by Cobra's assault that leaves him down and out. Marvel Malloy is grabbed at the throat and tries to break his opponent's grip to no avail, as Texas Hangman lifts him up for the Choke Slam to seal the deal. The Strong Hand defeats The American Cobras. [53]


Joffy Laine (c) vs Renegade Bradley Blaze for the LSW Texas Heavyweight Title
With The Big Guns banned from the arena, Renegade Bradley Blaze is on his own in his attempt to reclaim the Texas Heavyweight championship against Joffy Laine, who pinned him both in singles and multi-man action and who has the odds favored in his first title defense. In a bout that has superb wrestling and great heat, the plot of the match follows that of the last one-on-one between the two competitors, but this time in avoiding rival Joffy Laine's Dallas Drop he ends up accidentally landing the referee, before locking in Bradley Blaze and connecting the Death Spiral! 1 .. 2 .. 3! The hypothetical count is carried on by the fans in attendance, but soon "The Jackhammer" realizes that the official is down, so the pinfall is useless. Joffy Laine lifts Renegade Bradley Blaze back up and sets him up for a second Death Spiral, but suddenly a man with a bandana covering his face swings the Texas Heavyweight title right at the back of Joffy Laine's head: OUCH! Joffy Laine scrambles to the ground, to the shock of the audience, as the unknown figure pulls down his bandana revealing his identity: IT'S CHIP MARTIN! The rookie, who recently turned heel after hitting his own father with a vicious Superkick, just iinterfered in the main event and knocked out the champ Joffy Laine, then exiting the ring carrying the belt with him, while Renegade Bradley Blaze makes sure the referee is recovering. "The Jackhammer" gets up with trembling legs thanks to the help of the ropes, then being hounded by "The Renegade": DALLAS DROP! 1 ...... 2 ...... 3!!! Believe it or not, Renegade Bradley Blaze wins back the LSW Texas Heavyweight title. [64]


There is an eerie silence among the nearly four hundred people in attendance, who did not expect to see Renegade Bradley Blaze take back the LSW Texas Heavyweight title. A furious Ricky Dale Johnson appears on stage, shouting something at his new champ who has once again circumvented his dictates, just like a true renegade, while Joffy Laine leans against the railings outside of the ring, clearly in shock at having just lost the title. Renegade Bradley Blaze takes a microphone and despite making a mess with his promo to be fair, one of the risks in not having a script, manages to give some explanation. "The Renegade" turns to RDJ, saying he doesn't understand why the boss is upset; after all, nothing illegal was done, right? The Big Guns were banned tonight, and in fact not even a shadow of them was seen. Bradley Blaze says he's really sorry that Cowboy Buck Winchester and Outlaw Wes Revell aren't here to celebrate, but what's more important is that The Most Wanted took back the Texas Heavyweight title! And without further ado, the champ introduces the newest member of The Most Wanted ... Maverick Chip Martin! [44]




Predictions Standings:
azzak [60 Pts]
KyTeran [57 Pts]
newbiezness [55 Pts]
Charasmatic Enigma [51 Pts]
kanegan [41 Pts]
GreatreDRagon [33 Pts]
Marmo [18 Pts]
1PWfan [13 Pts]
John Lions [11 Pts]
DinoKea [4 Pts]
JAK [4 Pts]
JunkRat [4 Pts]
Scottie [4 Pts]
Ippon [3 Pts]

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I loved the unexpected ending plus The Most Wanted gets another member. Great booking. Also 64 is a really good rating in LSW isn't it?

I don't know if it's just coincidence or not, but the babyfaces trio win sets a perfect scenario for a 4vs4 match between this trio + Joffy  and The Most Wanted. If that's going to happen or not Idk but I think it would be brilliant.

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Wow, that was a GREAT show!

The Architect's scheming to align himself with a behemoth is a masterstroke that threw off everyone guessing, but it is a genius decision that totally befits his character. Is he laying the blueprints to build a stable where he surrounds himself with rookie monster bad ass heels for protection? This reader certainly hopes so! There's lots of available talent in that direction too, James Diaz, Original Sinner, even the already signed Texas Hangman fits the bill...

Speaking of character work - that shone through in the 3 vs 3 match with the heels walking out on Rafael. Both doing so in different ways too which was nice. 

And then the twist of the main event. Poor Joffy Laine! He seemed all set to finally be the guy for a company, and you pull the rug out from under him! I've always seen Bradley Blaze as a babyface, so I'm really enjoying this iteration of him as not just a heel, but the top heel of a company. I struggle to see how the brash, cocky upstart Chip Martin fits in a stable alongside three bad ass renegade cowboys, and I don't mean that as a criticism, but as a sense of intrigue as to how you go about it.

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3 minutes ago, azzak said:

And then the twist of the main event. Poor Joffy Laine! He seemed all set to finally be the guy for a company, and you pull the rug out from under him! I've always seen Bradley Blaze as a babyface, so I'm really enjoying this iteration of him as not just a heel, but the top heel of a company. I struggle to see how the brash, cocky upstart Chip Martin fits in a stable alongside three bad ass renegade cowboys, and I don't mean that as a criticism, but as a sense of intrigue as to how you go about it.

I thought the same about Chip Martin. At first glance it seems like a convenient alliance that could be broken soon but maybe there's much more to come... or Chip Martin surprises everyone and shows a different personality.

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Posted (edited)

Regarding The Architect's partner, I get why many of you picked Frankie Perez following their Rodeo match-up, but I think "Kill Switch" is too big of a deal for being recruited by The Architect. I liked @1PWfan's pick a lot! The Masked Mauler VII is on my shortlist so you got pretty close 😉 maybe he'll join LSW sooner or later. As for @newbiezness's pick, Ash Campbell is also on my shortlist so keep an eye on him! @Charasmatic Enigma @Marmo Jonah Pilgrim was my obvious initial thought and I like the kid, but honestly his stats are pretty meh and I decided to go all-in by signing an actual behemot to be "the muscle" for The Architect.

A little aside on the Prediction Games, with only one show left there is quite a three-way fight to define the podium! I am very pleased with your participation, which is why I have decided to include Rewards (which I will notify the winners via DM) for the fourth place winner as well.

Regarding your post-show comments, @newbiezness 64 rating is the best one so far in LSW! Joffy Laine also appeared in second best with 62 rating in the semifinals of the KOTR and in third best with 59 rating against Bradley Blaze where he won the belt. @azzak in my vision Maverick Chip Martin could juggle it between bragging and weasely rookie, as his attributes suggest. Visually, he's a middleweight just like Renegade Bradley Blaze so I can see him fitting the group: the swagging renegade, badass Big Guns, and the weasel maverick 😉 I decided to pull the trigger on him because The Most Wanted could use a four member, especially to eat a pin when needed, and Chip Martin's future was yet to be written after the heel turn on his father.

And of course, I was really happy to see y'all betting on Joffy Laine title defence lol, I knew it would be a legit plot twist. I'm happy with the way the ending came out, how it played to the edge of the rules and Ricky Dale Johnson's decisions, and how The Most Wanted are still the bad guys to beat. And for the future a cliché that is unlikely to go out of style, wanting to see the good guy defeat the bad guy makes money!


Also I'll leave here Maverick Chip Martin render cause why not 


Edited by Wrestling Machine
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Preview for LSW Hell Froze Over 2020


It’s the last event of the year in Lone Star Wrestling, and 2020 should end with a bang!


To the delight of absolutely nobody, The Strong Hand will be at the event and we'll hear it from "The Preacher" Travis Century.


Al Coleman vs Raphael
Left alone by his teammates during a three versus three match, Raphael was forced to tap out after Al Coleman's Ankle Brace. Reportedly, "The Masterpiece" got into an altercation with "Mr. Submission" himself backstage after the end of LSW Spurs and Stripes, saying that he only came out defeated because of those cowards Ernest Youngman and Left Shot Bradford who abandoned him, blatantly jealous of "The Masterpiece's" grace and beauty. Al Coleman responded in kind, pointing out how confident he was that he could lock in Raphael's ankle and submit him in singles action. RDJ capitalized on the tensions between the two competitors to formalize a one-on-one.


EBK vs The Canadian Blondes vs The Heartbreak Express vs The Oklahomans in a Tag Team Turmoil match
As promised, Ricky Dale Johnson has taken all the desire of the different tag teams in Lone Star Wrestling to prevail and has created a match that should bring a big opportunity to the duo that will be able to impose themselves on the competition. Four tag teams will compete in a Tag Team Turmoil match, a bout in which two tag teams will begin regular contention, and after the winners defeat their first opponents, they will immediately face another duo. The match will continue as long as only one tag team remains.


Ernest Youngman vs Rob Reynolds
He did it with Cali Slick several months ago, he did it again with Raphael at the last event. Ernest Youngman has abandoned his partners twice already, proving that he is a lone wolf in LSW and not here to make friends. "The Assassin," however, whether he likes it or not, also emerged defeated at least on paper from the recent three versus three match, and is wandering without a clear goal right now. 2021 could be the year of consecration for Ernest Youngman, especially with the Texan Rumble just around the corner, but to best close out 2020 there is first to go one-on-one with someone who won the LSW Spurs and Stripes multi-man match. Rob "The Real Deal" Reynolds is stuck in the midcard of the promotion and is desperate to get out of it as soon as possible by winning a big W against "The Assassin" to build some momentum for the upcoming new year. Who will win this bout?


Big Hustle vs Left Shot Bradford
A huge one-on-one is scheduled between Big Hustle and Left Shot Bradford in a rematch of the Final of the King Of The Rodeo, where it was "The Hustler" who triumphed with a good dose of luck, collapsing on the mat on Left Shot's body for the pinfall after both competitors connected their respective signature move. Left Shot Bradford has claimed that "The Hustler" never really beat him, and that he wouldn't be able to in a new match-up anyway, to which Big Hustle responded by saying he would be glad to prove Left Shot wrong. The two had a chance to clash recently in a three versus three match, but there was no real reckoning between the two. Now, however, the time has come, two light heavyweights brawlers will collide in this showdown match that promises to be very interesting.


The Most Wanted (Blaze, Winchester, Revell, Martin) vs Joffy Laine, ???, ???, ???
Many are still shocked that Renegade Bradley Blaze is back as LSW Texas Heavyweight champ, thanks to the interference of the newest member of his "brigade," Maverick Chip Martin. Both in front of and behind the cameras, Ricky Dale Johnson seems increasingly fed up with The Most Wanted's power plays that threaten to undermine his business, and he has already announced that he wants to clear the air face-to-face with the 2-time Texas Heavyweight champ at LSW Hell Froze Over. In addition to this business meeting, however, a multi-man four versus four bout between The Most Wanted and a team captained by Joffy Laine, who will be able to personally choose his teammates, has been made official. "The Jackhammer" has been on silent press since losing the championship and he has suffered greatly from the burning and unfair defeat for sure. It is certain, however, that his payback desire is enormous, and to take a good revenge Joffy Laine will have to be good and shrewd in finding partners worthy of this main event.


Key for Predictions:
Al Coleman vs Raphael [1 Pts]
EBK vs The Canadian Blondes vs The Heartbreak Express vs The Oklahomans in a Tag Team Turmoil match [1 Pts]
Ernest Youngman vs Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]
Big Hustle vs Left Shot Bradford [1 Pts]
The Most Wanted (Blaze, Winchester, Revell, Martin) vs Joffy Laine, ???, ???, ??? [1 Pts]
Who will Joffy Laine pick as his partners? [1 Pts for every correct answer]

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Al Coleman vs Raphael [1 Pts]
I don't really rate Raphael, but if I remember correctly he has national level popularity so is a useful tool in putting over better workers, such as Al Coleman.

EBK vs The Canadian Blondes vs The Heartbreak Express vs The Oklahomans in a Tag Team Turmoil match [1 Pts]
I'm working on the theory that the winning team is likely to emerge as the next title contenders, so that narrowed it down to a babyface team, and there's a lot more about The Heartbreak Express than there is The Oklahomans.

Ernest Youngman vs Rob Reynolds [1 Pts]
Rob Reynolds is a good worker, but mid-card is about the right level for him just now. He needs a bit more character development to become a major player. Youngman has the talent that demands he be pushed higher up the card, and it starts here.

Big Hustle vs Left Shot Bradford [1 Pts]
I think this feud continues as the series is tied 1-1 after this match.

The Most Wanted (Blaze, Winchester, Revell, Martin) vs Joffy Laine, ???, ???, ??? [1 Pts]
A tough call as I don't think either side can really afford the loss. Laine needs the bounce back after his shock title loss, but The Most Wanted's evolution into their 'complete form' needs cementing with a solid victory. I think the easiest option is for one of Laine's partners to take the pin here.

Who will Joffy Laine pick as his partners? [1 Pts for every correct answer]
My theory is that he calls on some friend(s) from Puerto Rico. I really want to select The Latino Kings, but the fact that I'm risking three points on a stable doesn't sit well with me, particularly when there's better available workers from FCW available. Instead I'm going to go for Kip Keenan, as I think he fits the promotion well as a long term signing too. Frankie Perez is my second choice, he's proven popular by readers of this diary and is a fantastic talent, so I imagine you want to bring him back in. A third, rather un-inspired choice for my third pick is Rayne Man, as his history with The Most Wanted is enough motivation for him to be in the match, and he's a safe option to eat the pin to protect Laine and the two debutants. 

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LSW Hell Froze Over 2020 Predictions

Raphael def. Al Coleman

The Heartbreak Express def. EBK, The Canadian Blondes & The Oklahomans in a Tag Team Turmoil match

Ernest Youngman def. Rob Reynolds

Big Hustle def. Left Shot Bradford

Joffy Laine, Frank Perez & The American Cobras def. The Most Wanted (Blaze, Winchester, Revell & Martin)

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