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CGC: Dawn of DeColt Country [CVerse 1997]

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Finally caught up with this and just in time for wrestlefest

CGC World Title: Eric Tyler vs Steve DeColt (Guest Referee Jack DeColt)

I feel like Jack will do the right thing and call it down the middle causing Eric's plan to back fire on him.

Chain on a Pole Match: Jon Jetson vs Ed Monton

JUst going on personal preference here, I am a big fan of ed monton in my own games so want to see him win here.

Grudge Match: Barry Bowen vs Howling Dog

With me predicting Steve to win in the main event Barry wins here to set him up as the next contender for the title.

Barnyard Bash: John McClean vs Black Sheep

I went back and forth with this one... But in the end I feel this fun comedy match needs to be won by black sheep.

Frenchie's Choice: Rocky Psycho vs Steve Flash

This one is a coin toss really for me... I have enjoyed Rocky's push here but I do love Steve flash as well. But I think this could be a good match to establish rocky as a big threat.

900lbs-a-side Tag Match: Land Mass & Mammoth vs Jake Sloan & Friends

Although I find the idea of this fun, I have to give it to land mass and mammoth as personally I would love to watch these two monsters throw the smaller guys about.

Pie Eating Contest: Biff the Bruiser vs Moose Mulder

Moose wins here to please the crowd... Hopefully moose punching a pie into Biff's face.

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HOWLING DOG arrives to the ring on a sled pulled by adorable Huskies. 


Bowen tries to attack Dog before he finishes his war dance, but this time Dog sees him coming and beats him to the punch with tomahawk chops! Dog tries to finish things quick with the Star Blanket (Splash) but Bowen just barely manages to get out of harm's way.

Bowen switches tracks, building momentum with sheer feats of industrial strength. He launches Dog into the air with a huge backdrop, and repeatedly rams him into the turnbuckles at alarming speeds. Summoning the courage of his spirit animal, Dog escapes a Powerbomb and goes on the warpath, but Bowen constantly charges forward. Chops won't take the train off its tracks. Dog sees a light at the end of the tunnel after a Sky High Spinebuster, but it's a Runaway Train! Train Wreck (High Velocity Shoulder Tackle)! 1... 2... 3.





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Several wrestlers sit at a table on a stage, as referees and arena staff bring out heaps of delicious pies. JEROME TURNER is ready to kick off proceedings.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the fifth annual WrestleFestival Pie Eating Contest
is about to begin. With the reigning co-champions; Land Mass and Mammoth, 
otherwise occupied, we will crown a new champion tonight, but who will
it be. Each man has 30 minutes to eat as many pies as they can, so let's get

BIFF THE BRUISER and MOOSE MULDER glare at each other. The bell rings and the competitors start tucking in!


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Looking forlornly at the Pie Eating Stage, Land Mass and Mammoth swat away their miniscule opponents, but there's just so many of them, and they just keep coming with quick tags and quicker offense. Helen's interference allows her big men to briefly isolate Sloan, but the undersized underdog overcomes the odds to make the tag! Too many dropkicks! So much flying! Mammoth tumbles out of the ring on top of Helen, and Land Mass is swarmed! Tumbleweed Elbow Drop! Flight of the Condor (Splash)! All five pile on top for the 1... 2... 3!






Alex, you didn't get the belt earlier, but you got the victory. How do you feel?

Like this may be the greatest night of my life. A weight has been
 lifted from me. The spectre of Dan DaLay has been haunting me 
for years, but tonight proved he's not a spectre. He's just a man.
 He may be big and he may be strong but he's not invincible. Just
 like my Dad said. I didn't get the title this time, but maybe next
 time I will. Or the next time. Or the time after that. I'm not afraid
 of you any more, Dan DaLay. Come find me any time you want. You
 gave me a lot of beatings back in high school, and I only got revenge
 for one of them tonight. One down. Many more to go. But that
 can wait. I'm at WrestleFestival! The happiest place a DeColt can
 be! Time to grab some cotton candy and watch Steve do his thing
 in the main event. Eric Tyler's mind games couldn't beat me, and
 it won't beat him either. 


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Rather than be intimidated, Flash seems to be intentionally trying to antagonize the Italian. Rocky hits a nice arm drag? Flash hits a nicer arm drag. Fancy head scissors? Fancier head scissors. Inevitably, Rocky Psycho snaps, launching himself with reckless abandon, but Flash is ready, showing remarkable resilience absorbing the punches and stomps and headbutts and having enough wits about him to dodge the cannonball dives. Psycho gets angrier. Sloppier. He hurls himself at Flash and- eats a dropkick! Another! Flash bursts into life with an explosion of strikes of his own. Rolling Wheel Kick! Leaping Neckbreaker! 1... 2... Rocky's too angry to die. Fury knowing no bounds, he counters the Flash Bang (Snap Hot Shot) with a Shotgun Dropkick and hammers Flash with punches until he's helpless. Slice of Life (Spinning Headlock Elbow Drop)! 1... 2... 3!





The Pie Eating contest is coming to an end and most of the competitors have tapped out. DIRTY FRANK and SWITCHBLADE MIKE are absolutely stuffed, unable to look at another bite. TED MOORE is enjoying some ice cream. I'm not sure he understood the rules. BATTERING LAMB is giving away pies to fans in the crowd.

Only two men are left stuffing their faces. BIFF THE BRUISER and MOOSE MULDER. Equally matched at six delicious pies apiece, they glare at each other as they race to finish their seventh. 

The timer counts down.... 5.... 4... 3... 2... Biff the Bruiser grabs Moose's final pie and throws it into the crowd, before force feeding himself his final bite as the final buzzer blasts.

Yeah! I win! I win! You're all losing losers and I... I... I don't feel so...

Biff runs to a trash can and violently throws up.

Oh dear. What a pity. Biff the Bruiser couldn't handle his pie. That means he
is disqualified and your winner is Moose Mulder! 

Moose tries to get up to celebrate, but he's too full of pie. He settles for waving.

But don't worry, Biff. You're not going away empty handed. To celebrate
 your weak stomach and disqualification, you are the proud new owner
 of the "Poor Widdle Baby" Championship belt. Congratulations!





JOHN McCLEAN enters the Barnyard... and he's wearing a full hazmat suit.

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McClean clumsily and awkwardly tip-toes around his filthy surroundings, while Black Sheep is perfectly at home. He ducks. He dodges. He skips over hay bales and swings on a gate to hit a dropkick. He pelts his stumbling opponent with empty beer cans and locks in a Sleeper!

"Counting Sh-"


BATTERING LAMB says No. He's too full of pie to run, allowing McClean to back suplex his opponent onto a hay bale. Finally getting his hands dirty, McClean throws Black Sheep around the petting zoo, before trying to drown him in the water trough. Black Sheep smears mud onto the goggles of the hazmat suit, and strips his blinded opponent down to his tighty whities. Snap Suplex into the mud! Bulldog onto a hay bale! Now absolutely covered in mud, both men trade eye pokes and hair pulling until Black Sheep hits a Flying Headbutt and drags McClean kicking and screaming towards a steaming pile of pig sh- McClean taps!!!


Referee Andy Gordy warns Black Sheep to let his opponent go... but Black Sheep doesn't play by the rules. He shoves McClean face-first into the pig poop, shoves Gordy into the water trough, cracks open a beer, and celebrates his victory as McClean flees, filthy and trying not to throw up. 



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Gentlemen, congratulations on your... let's call it a victory.

We may not have the size, but we had the heart and we had the 
brains and we had the fans here tonight. People don't always look 
out for the little guy, so we need to stick together, and that's exactly
 what we did tonight.

We will see if that remains true after this announcement. Earlier
 tonight, the CGC Matchmaking Committee assembled to decide on a
 brand new championship. Votes have been cast and a decision has 
been made. Next week on Title Bout Wrestling, CGC will crown its 
first ever Bubbleweight Champion, for competitors weighing 200lbs
 or under, and as a reward for your victory tonight, the five of you 
will be competing in the match. Congratulations, and good luck.

The celebration stops, five look at each other with suspicion.


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A steel chain has been placed on a pole in the corner of the ring. Jetson immediately tries to get it, but Monton intercepts, happy to batter his former partner with his bare fists. Jetson hides behind Rogers, using a man in a wheelchair as a human shield to get the chance at a cheap shot. Rogers is fine with this. 

Jetson imposes his will, but every time he thinks he's delivered enough of a beating to go get the chain, double tough Monton is back up to stop him. Frustrated, Jetson throws Monton outside next to Rogers, who screams for Security to "save him from the madman". They don't help. Monton's up, throwing Jetson from the top rope and unleashing his patriotic fury! Side Canadian Legsweep! Canadian Suplex!

Monton starts climbing for the chain, and Rogers starts throwing things at him. Pens. Shoes. Security step in to take him away from ringside, but the distraction is enough. Jetson yanks Ed down. Slingshot Suplex! Jetson finally gets his hands gets the chain and takes his sweet time wrapping it around his fist, savouring every moment as he swings and- Monton ducks! Fallaway Slam! Monton takes the chain! BAM! Knockout punch! 1... 2... 3.





The main event is imminent, and the Ferris Wheel turns, bringing three compartments to the very top of the structure. 


FRENCHIE MARCEL waves from the first, accompanied by CGC Matchmaking Committee members BUCK HINKLEY (representing Alberta On Air) and JAMES SANDWICH (representing BCB).


In the second, FATE appears to be having a minor panic attack as CHANCE tries to stop him from looking down. Hair still wet, DAN DALAY hugs his CGC Television Title Belt.


In the final compartment, GEORGE DECOLT has a pair on binoculars to look at the ring, while ALEX DECOLT waves to Dan DaLay.

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The two fighters lock horns, and Jack calls it right down the middle, demanding clean breaks and handshakes from both sides. Steve doesn't like it, but Tyler makes a big show of abiding by the rules, thanking Jack on multiple occasions. Steve's getting frustrated, even as he struts his stuff with a backbreaker hold and powerful punches. Jack gives his brother a warning about closed fists. Steve argues and Tyler takes advantage with a neckbreaker. 

Tyler teaches the champion a lesson, showcasing nothing but clean cut traditional wrestling in front of the novice referee's face... while unleashing a barrage of dirty tricks behind his back. Eye-gouging. Hair-pulling. Jack sees none of it. And whenever Steve's tries to get some revenge, Tyler makes sure Jack sees it immediately to put a stop to it. Steve won't go down without a fight, however. Luscious Lariat! Sexy Slam! He teaches Tyler a few 'lessons' of his own, but Jack steps in when he goes too far with some biting.

The brothers argue. Steve shoves his little brother down and Tyler takes advantage with a low blow. By the time Jack gets back up, Steve locked in the Tradition Lift (Double Chicken Wing) with Tyler demanding he tap! Steve refuses. He powers out. Headbutts! Press Slam! But Tyler ducks the Luscious Lariat and Jack gets hit by mistake! Finally, the two fighters are free to be as violent as they want to be. Eye gouging. More biting. Tyler exposes a turnbuckle and they both fight to ram the other's head into it... but Jack isn't down for long and catches them in the act! Tyler blames Steve. Steve blames Tyler. Jack doesn't know who to trust, but he does know he needs to put the turnbuckle pad back on... and as his back is turned Tyler pulls out a pair of brass knuckles and blasts Steve in the face. Jack turns back around to see the cover. 1... 2... Jack spots the knuckles on the challenger's hand. 

Tyler's caught red handed. He tries to deny, to distract, to claim he was framed... but Jack isn't buying it. Tyler takes a swing at him, but Steve blocks it. DeColt Thrust! Sexy Slam! Tyler tries to run but Steve hits a Running Bulldog and Jack counts the 1... 2... 3!



Edited by Self
Forgot Whipper
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Red Deer, Alberta (2,891 in attendance)

  • Pie Eating Contest Begins   30
  • 900LB TAG TEAM MATCH   30
  • Alex DeColt Promo   74
  • Pie Eating Contest Ends   27
  • Bubbleweight Interview   44
  • Locked in the Ferris Wheel   68

Ultimately I decided against broadcasting this show. I thought it would be easier to write, the lack of a televised element changed a lot of how I pictured the segments. No commentary to help transitions. Everything needed to be viewable by the fans in attendance. We might have a couple of big screens, but nothing big time or fancy) so Alex's promo moved to ringside, the Ferris Wheel lock up was viewed only from a distance, a couple of skits got cut, and... Well, I didn't change the Barnyard Match, but I definitely pictured it on its own independent set, whereas this was a smaller this close to the ring. Some obstructed views. 

Backstage talk is all about Eric Tyler. Remember the Go Home show? When the Matchmaking Committee voted on stipulations pitched by Steve DeColt and the Soldiers of Fortune? That wasn't supposed to happen like that. Eric Tyler was supposed to be there, closing the show with a bigger, longer segment... but he showed up drunk and had to be sent home. Luckily, the Soldiers filled in so well no one noticed (Chance literally read Tyler's lines off of a piece of paper and no one questioned it) but it did cause a lot of chaos. What if he doesn't show up to WrestleFestival? Backup plans were hatched. At least one new hire was made. Ultimately, WrestleFestival went off as planned, with only minor changes to the undercard. If Tyler hadn't shown, Jack would have stepped into the main event. 

Adding to the drama, Barry Bowen now hates Tyler (coincidence, but I like to believe it's related) and Tyler hates Steve for a botched spot in tonight's match. I'm not going to demonize someone for having a drinking problem.... but there may be a limit to how much I can trust Eric Tyler going forward. Especially given how much I like to write in advance.

In other news, Steve Flash is done with the company. As has been suggested, he's not my kind of guy. I've never really booked him in prior games, and he's very expensive for what he brings to my table. Not local. Can't talk. No gimmick. Sure, he's popular with great matches, but he's like the tenth most interesting babyface for me to write, and as long as my main event gets a 50, I don't need bangers on the undercard. I wish him well. He works for two other promotions. He'll be fine. 

CGC made $15k this month. A drop in the bucket considering our losses, but a step in the right direction. Setting WrestleFestival in Alberta wasn't the most profitable decision, and I was disappointed with the number of tickets sold. Our next big event will be in British Columbia. It's amazing how much difference 4 popularity points makes to ticket sales. A thousand tickets and $18-ish a pop. 


Next Sunday, on Title Bout Wrestling...

CGC Bubbleweight Title: Canadian Dragon vs Condor vs Jake Sloan vs Mario Heroic vs Tempest Appleby
Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Soldiers of Fortune & Dan DaLay vs Steve, Alex & Jack DeColt

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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Canadian Dragon vs Condor vs Jake Sloan vs Mario Heroic vs Tempest Appleby

It's either Sloan or Heroic but Sloan could carry the division
Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog

Psycho is on the rise. Pity about Steve Flash but hey, Psycho ain't too bad
Soldiers of Fortune & Dan DaLay vs Steve, Alex & Jack DeColt

I'd have had a much more difficult time picking if Tyler was here but Dan and the Soldiers ain't the same but there should be some drama with Steve and Jack maybe


Lotta fun with WF. Bowen/Dog, Jones/Monton and Steve/Tyler really being the only "serious" parts of the show. McClean in the hazmat was probably my fave part outside the main event. 

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Wrestle Festival was a lot of fun. It's a shame a lot of the angles rated low, but the matches carried for sure. The whole Eric Tyler situation is interesting. Hatred with Bowen, Tension with Steve DeColt, and turning up drunk are all huge negatives, but he's also one of the most prominent guys in CGC. I'm curious to see what happens.


CGC Bubbleweight Title: Canadian Dragon vs Condor vs Jake Sloan vs Mario Heroic vs Tempest Appleby
Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Soldiers of Fortune & Dan DaLay vs Steve, Alex & Jack DeColt


Bubbleweight title is tough to guess, but Sloan is the biggest star by presentation so I'll go with him. Rocky Psycho gets more build, and The DeColts beat the School for sure with Tyler not in the match.

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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Canadian Dragon vs Condor vs Jake Sloan vs Mario Heroic vs Tempest Appleby
Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Soldiers of Fortune & Dan DaLay vs Steve, Alex & Jack DeColt

Kind of shocking to hear the Eric Tyler drama but ...damn he's still your most compelling character (to me, at least.) WrestleFestival was a ton of fun, once again you are the master of weaving narratives in between fun crazy nonsense like Barnyard Brawls - which was awesome by the way. I would've paid for a ticket to that event without doubt.

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Next Sunday, on Title Bout Wrestling...

CGC Bubbleweight Title: Canadian Dragon vs Condor vs Jake Sloan vs Mario Heroic vs Tempest Appleby
Jake Sloan was the leader of the group heading into WrestleFestival, but that seems a bit too obvious - so I'm going for a Heel turn to win the new title!
Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Rocky seems to be getting a big push
Soldiers of Fortune & Dan DaLay vs Steve, Alex & Jack DeColt
Like everyone else I was surprised to hear about Tyler, but without him here the DeColts take this - even if Jack and Steve don't necessarily see eye to eye


Great show, I really enjoyed WrestleFestival - I think it captured the essence of CGC perfectly! One question - I know you've added the Bubbleweight Title to help increase your options on Title Bout Wrestling, but have you considered having Biff defend his "Poor Widdle Baby" Championship going forwards?

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On 4/1/2024 at 9:07 AM, Shmoe II said:

Kind of shocking to hear the Eric Tyler drama but ...damn he's still your most compelling character (to me, at least.) 

It's definitely the most interesting backstage hurdle that's been put in my way so far. Not that there's been much competition... Condor being salty. Julie Forletta dating someone in 4C. Drama is good. Right up until the point where it isn't. There's going to be a lot more nerves when I get to show days now.  

9 hours ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

 One question - I know you've added the Bubbleweight Title to help increase your options on Title Bout Wrestling, but have you considered having Biff defend his "Poor Widdle Baby" Championship going forwards?

I mostly wanted an excuse to show off that picture as I legitimately love the belt design that the AI pulled out of the ether. I currently have no plans for it be defended, but Biff does have to wear it, as per the ancient rules of WrestleFestival. So the belt is in play. A potential prop I can use with the right ideas... at which point I'll pretend I planned everything like that from the beginning.

On 3/31/2024 at 1:32 PM, DAVEFAN95 said:

McClean in the hazmat was probably my fave part outside the main event. 

Speaking of ideas I'll pretend I had from the beginning... The AI really nailed that concept. So many good images. I must have stolen this from somewhere, as it just felt too 'right'. 

On 3/31/2024 at 8:30 PM, alliegolem said:

Wrestle Festival was a lot of fun. It's a shame a lot of the angles rated low, but the matches carried for sure. 

When the major characters are in key matches, it's hard to get strong angles using the leftovers. The pie eating contests were never going to be great, but Alex cut a good promo. It's becoming apparent that he's the best talker out of the family.

I did cut a few things when I realised I wouldn't have backstage cameras or carnival skits... but none of the plans would have rated too highly. 


As I put a bow on WrestleFestival and try to come up with a concept for the next big show, here's a few more Festival pictures I never found a place for. Plans changed, or physiques changed, or they were too outlandish to be useful.


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13 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

One thing running through my head after Wrestle Festival and Eric Tyler's issues coming to light. Did Tyler's behavior lead to any changes in how the match with Steve went? Was the finish supposed to be any different?

I'm always second guessing my finishes, but this was the only version of the match I wrote and I made the firm decision to stick with it after the incident. No rewrites. No big changes in direction. Narratively there was meat on the bone of a more ambiguous finish, or a Tyler victory, but from a business perspective I think this is the way to go. 

However, in the early days of the project this wasn't the plan for WrestleFestival at all. Originally Jack was going to beat Steve for the title on TV (as in canon!) and this would have been a hastily put together four way, with Bowen thrown in. The match itself was fun to write (might recycle somewhere) but nothing else about it felt right. Rushed build. Not a good main event for a marquee. I tried to jam too many plot points into too short a length of time (three months isn't as long as it looks in a spreadsheet) but wrestling needs time to sit and breathe and stretch. Not swerves for swerves sake.

But that had nothing to do with Tyler. When I made that change he was still a model employee. 

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On 4/3/2024 at 2:49 PM, Self said:

I'm always second guessing my finishes, but this was the only version of the match I wrote and I made the firm decision to stick with it after the incident. No rewrites. No big changes in direction. Narratively there was meat on the bone of a more ambiguous finish, or a Tyler victory, but from a business perspective I think this is the way to go. 

However, in the early days of the project this wasn't the plan for WrestleFestival at all. Originally Jack was going to beat Steve for the title on TV (as in canon!) and this would have been a hastily put together four way, with Bowen thrown in. The match itself was fun to write (might recycle somewhere) but nothing else about it felt right. Rushed build. Not a good main event for a marquee. I tried to jam too many plot points into too short a length of time (three months isn't as long as it looks in a spreadsheet) but wrestling needs time to sit and breathe and stretch. Not swerves for swerves sake.

But that had nothing to do with Tyler. When I made that change he was still a model employee. 

I don't think it was as rushed as you think it was. I think you set things up well. The Jack element in the middle made it interesting. You say it wasn't good enough for a marquee event but what was the alternative? Tyler/Steve or Bowen/Steve were your best options unless you built a new threat and 3 months. 

I think you've set it up now that you kinda have a blank slate now. There is a small sense of there being an Eric Tyler shaped hole in the middle of the show now but is he gone now? I don't know. However, I'm excited to see.

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Jerome Turner "WrestleFestival may be over but the fun never stops in Canadian Golden Combat. Get ready for another exciting night of action, with a brand new title and a huge six man tag team match featuring Canada's favourite family." 




Eric Tyler thought his mind-games and cheap tricks could win him
 the belt at WrestleFestival, but he made one crucial mistake; he 
underestimated the DeColts. Stunning Steve was out of his league,
 and Eagle-Eyed Jack caught him red handed trying to steal the victory. 

I don't know about that. I've watched the match back, and he must 
have cheated a hundred times before I managed to catch him. Just 
when I was starting to think Mr Tyler wasn't all bad. I think I'll leave 
the refereeing to Mr Long and his excellent team from now on. Never 
knew how tough a job they had.

Seems like the least we can do is make their jobs a little easier by 
taking out the trash in tonight's main event. The School of Tradition 
flunked their test, so I think it's time we taught them a lesson for 
a change. I'm thinking Geography. This is the Langley Civic Centre.

This is Vancouver, British Columbia.

This! Is! DeColt Country!


Nelson Blais & Brys Turcotte

Black Sheep & Battering Lamb

Jerome Turner "All four of these men left WrestleFestival victorious. Could the Tag Team Titles be in their future?"

Still hungover from WrestleFestival, Black Sheep leaves his partner to it as he tries to find someone in the front row with aspirin. The Air Force ground the Battering Lamb and deliver a military grade beatdown. This isn't helping Black Sheep's headache, so he causes chaos with eye pokes and mustache twisting. Blais chased him under the ring, but takes a Wrong Turn At Albuquerque and emerges to a series of Mutton Chops from Lamb. Armbaaaaa on Turcotte! He taps!






On behalf of the CGC Matchmaking Committee I have the 
pleasure of announcing that next week Steve DeColt's CGC 
World Title will be on the line. Due to his victory at WrestleFestival, 
the Committee have voted Ed Monton as the challenger. 

Before Ed Monton can speak, in wheels...


And it's about time! I've been saying for years that Ed Monton is
 the very picture of Championship material. Finally the Matchmaking
Committee have done something right. 

Is this a joke?

I know we've had our disagreements lately, but allow me to say,
 truly, sincerely, from the very bottom of my heart... It was all 
Jon Jetson's fault. He tricked us. He tricked all of us with his 
rulebreaking and his loose morals and his... but he's gone now, 
Ed. I tore up his contract. I never want to see that ruffian again.
 Let's go back to you and me. The Canadian Enforcers. Older. 
Wiser. With the CGC World Title around our waists.

Not a chance. When I fight for the belt next week, the last person
I want to see at ringside is you.

Ed Monton walks away. Rogers isn't happy. 



Jerome Turner "After his decisive win over Steve Flash at WrestleFestival, Rocky has certainly been making waves."

All smiles and confidence, Rocky shows off elegant arm drags and fancy head scissors, all while mocking Dog with train noises and culturally inappropriate impressions. Howling Dog responds by going on the warpath with tomahawk chops, until Rocky Psycho snaps. No elegance. Nothing fancy. He launches himself and- Dog moves! Roll up! 1... 2... 3!


Jerome Turner "He got him! Rocky Psycho has just suffered his first loss in CGC!"

Rocky is livid. He tries to attack but stops when Howling Dog picks up his enchanted tomahawk. He begins his rain dance and the entire ring is drenched in a magical downpour. Rocky is soaked and furious.




This isn't fair! I'm bigger than Ed Monton! Stronger than Ed Monton!
I should be the Number One Contender! Steve DeColt is a yellow
bellied coward! Always runnin' from me. Always hidin'. But you
can't hide forever. There's a Runaway Train Coming.




CGC have commissioned a brand new championship, exclusively 
for fighters 200lbs or under. Who are these fighters? And who 
is ze lightest?




Jerome Turner "The new belt has been suspended above the ring. Whoever can climb the cables and retrieve it will be the first ever champion."

The fighters immediately start trying to climb for the belt as fast as they can, leaving Sloan to pull them back to earth one by one. Condor unleashes karate kicks and judo throws. Tempest puts his opponents into a spin. Canadian Dragon scorches the ring with a fiery comeback. No one can figure out the mysterious moves of young Mario. Every time one climbs, another is there to stop him. Eventually, all five are up on the turnbuckles and cables at the same time, and all five crash and burn.


HELEN WHEELS roller skates to ringside, distracting referee Andy Gordy. MAMMOTH squishes Condor and LAND MASS squashes Sloan, but both are too heavy to climb the cables. Frustrated, Helen takes off her skates, and climbs on Mammoth's shoulders. The referee tries to stop her, but she takes down the belt  and the time keeper rings the bell.


Jerome Turner "Wait a second. Was she allowed to do that? Do we have our first champion?"

Helen and her men flee with the belt as the referee and time keeper and the official competitors argue.




CGC Television Champion DAN DALAY heads to the ring, when he notices a drawing stuck on the wall. It's of a muscular schoolchild with a toilet on his head, with the caption "Dan Da-Toilet". 

You think this is funny? Alex doesn't beat me! I beat him! All
 day! Every day! That's how this works. And I still have the TV 
belt! How can he have beat me if I still have this? WrestleFestival
 was a fluke and I'm gonna prove it. 


Jerome Turner "Missed out on WrestleFestival? Don't worry, the stars of CGC could be coming to a town near you soon."


Saturday Week 2 April - CGC Live! in Slave Lake, Alberta
Saturday Week 3 April - CGC Live! in Cranbrook, British Columbia
Sunday Week 3 April - Title Bout Wrestling in Calgary, Alberta
Saturday Week 4 April - CGC Live! in Revelstoke, British Columbia
Saturday Week 1 May - Fort McMurray, Alberta
Sunday Week 1 May - Title Bout Wrestling in Edmonton, Alberta


Hey Moose Mulder! You think you're a big man? Think you're 
a big, pie-eating man. Guess again! I'm the king of the pie eating
 contest, and this Saturday I'm gonna prove it. You! Me! Pie Eating


Chance, Fate & Dan DaLay



Steve, Alex & Jack

Jerome Turner "Eric Tyler couldn't defeat the DeColts at WrestleFestival. Can his underlings succeed where he failed tonight?"

The DeColts work together as a happy, healthy, well-oiled machine. Steve struts. Jack surprises. Alex is eager to get his hands on DaLay, but the student repeatedly avoids him. He's completely off his game without his teacher in his ear. Chance manages to bring Jack behind enemy lines, where he suffers a brutal Fate. The Soldiers untilise their typical cohesive destruction, but they seem unmotivated without a clear financial incentive, and despite being big and strong DaLay makes some rookie mistakes without his teacher in his ear and here comes Steve! 

Powerful Punches! Luscious Lariat! Sexy Slam! DaLay clobbers him from behind, but that just gives Alex another showdown with the TV champion. Powerful Punches! Pretty Powerslam! Smooth Driving Elbow! DaLay throws a wild Big Boot, accidentally hitting Fate, before fleeing up the ramp. Alex gives chase. 

Jack and Steve hit Running Bulldogs on the tag team champions, high fiving in mid air, and pick up the 1... 2... 3. 


Jerome Turner "The DeColts are together and more impressive than ever. Could this be the end of the School of-"


Three men in school uniforms suddenly burst into the ring and attack Jack and Steve in a flurry of blows.  

Jerome Turner "Who is that? That looks like.... John McClean? Dirty Frank?"

Alex DeColt runs back down the ramp to save his brothers, but Chance and Fate join the fight. Security wade in, trying to stop the chaos. 


School isn't over, DeColts. School has just begun. 


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Posted (edited)

Langley, British Columbia (803 in attendance)
Broadcast on Alberta On Air (4,065) and BCB (3,828). Combined Rating <0.01

  • DeColt Boys Promo   76
  • Rogers tries to win back Monton   40
  • Barry Bowen Promo   44
  • Frenchie's Five: Lightest   40
  • Dan DaLay Promo   38
  • Upcoming Events /w Mammoth   43
  • New Students Attack   59

I had a little fun teasing it, but Eric Tyler isn't done. No reason for plans to change. Yet.

Feeling rough today. If I did have anything I wanted to wax poetic about I've forgotten. Psycho/Dog was poorly received, but it was a very short storyline match with a lot of penalties built into the concept of it. Mammoth's a better promo than I've been giving him credit for. He's fine. I've let worse talkers talk. 


Next week on Title Bout Wrestling...

CGC World TItle: Ed Monton vs Steve DeColt
Land Mass & Mammoth vs Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick
Dirty Frank vs Xander Robinson

Edited by Self
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CGC World TItle: Ed Monton vs Steve DeColt

This is gonna end in some kind of School of Tradition/Roger Rogers type shenanigans but Steve will keep the belt
Land Mass & Mammoth vs Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick

This is likely wrong but O care more about Maverick and Chandler than Wheels' men. Did enjoy her bubbleweight win though
Dirty Frank vs Xander Robinson

Xander is better, but Frank has more going on after his addition to the SoT

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Next week on Title Bout Wrestling...

CGC World TItle: Ed Monton vs Steve DeColt
I don't think Steve is losing the title in a hastily thrown together title match
Land Mass & Mammoth vs Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick
Bigger is better... right?
Dirty Frank vs Xander Robinson
Frank seems to be joining the School of Tradition, so I'm expecting a win for Frank in his first match under Tyler's learning tree

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1 hour ago, sonny912 said:

Why is it a bubble weight title and not a  cruiserweight or lightweight title?

Because I like making fun of tiny wrestlers.

I'm kidding.

Partially kidding.

Personally I find "Lightweight" boring. "Cruiserweight" feels very specifically WCW. "Junior Heavyweight" suggests a Japanese influence. The less said about "X-Division" the better. "Bubbleweight" to me is a wackier, more colourful name, inspired by some of the smaller weight classes in boxing (flyweight, featherweight, strawweight) while also not being anything real or specific. I actually had to check I didn't steal it from somewhere, but I can't find anything with a quick Google search. 

Is it  an insulting name? Little bit, yeah. I think that makes sense for CGC in 1997 though. Big George DeColt and his muscular sons (Jack is currently the runt of the litter, all 6' 235lbs of him) would think these little rascals are kind of cute, so why not give them a toy belt to play with? And why not have the manager girl on roller skates take it from them? 

I do think the CGC belts in general need more vibrancy. I hate the TV title. Cliché boring belt. My CGC is halfway to being a cartoon, so the belts should reflect that. Hence the Tag Belts getting a garish redesign.

I asked for pitches months ago about what belt to add to CGC, and a lot of folks suggested a Lightweight belt. I was skeptical at first, but I'm really excited about it now. This is going to be a very useful belt, I think. Nothing main event. Nothing spectacular. But with some recent additions to the roster and the right stories, a good bit of undercard fun. 

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13 hours ago, Self said:

Because I like making fun of tiny wrestlers.

I'm kidding.

Partially kidding.

Personally I find "Lightweight" boring. "Cruiserweight" feels very specifically WCW. "Junior Heavyweight" suggests a Japanese influence. The less said about "X-Division" the better. "Bubbleweight" to me is a wackier, more colourful name, inspired by some of the smaller weight classes in boxing (flyweight, featherweight, strawweight) while also not being anything real or specific. I actually had to check I didn't steal it from somewhere, but I can't find anything with a quick Google search. 

Is it  an insulting name? Little bit, yeah. I think that makes sense for CGC in 1997 though. Big George DeColt and his muscular sons (Jack is currently the runt of the litter, all 6' 235lbs of him) would think these little rascals are kind of cute, so why not give them a toy belt to play with? And why not have the manager girl on roller skates take it from them? 

I do think the CGC belts in general need more vibrancy. I hate the TV title. Cliché boring belt. My CGC is halfway to being a cartoon, so the belts should reflect that. Hence the Tag Belts getting a garish redesign.

I asked for pitches months ago about what belt to add to CGC, and a lot of folks suggested a Lightweight belt. I was skeptical at first, but I'm really excited about it now. This is going to be a very useful belt, I think. Nothing main event. Nothing spectacular. But with some recent additions to the roster and the right stories, a good bit of undercard fun. 

What's wrong with the x division? Guys like aj styles, Christopher daniels, Frankie kazarian, low ki and many others were awesome!

How is Cruiserweight specific to wcw when wwe had them too? I was Introduced to cruiserweights on smackdown.

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2 hours ago, sonny912 said:

What's wrong with the x division? Guys like aj styles, Christopher daniels, Frankie kazarian, low ki and many others were awesome!

How is Cruiserweight specific to wcw when wwe had them too? I was Introduced to cruiserweights on smackdown.

I loved watching the X Division matches back in the day. That's what brought me back to being a fan after college. Awesome stuff. I agree with that... I just don't like the name. Or the vagueness of the concept. And I'm not particularly interested in writing those kinds of matches. My CGC in 1997 isn't about Xtreme, no limits wrestling. 

I genuinely forgot WWE did cruiserweights for a while, so I guess it didn't leave much of an impression on me. It's a good, dynamic name. If I had a potential megastar like an AJ Styles or Rey Mysterio (or a Ricky DeColt) maybe I would have gone with it. Sometimes I'm more interested in trying something different, rather than simply referencing things I liked growing up. 

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