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Tenille Dashwood, Swerve Strickland, Killswitch and Brandon returned clean drug tests at the Dynamite and Rampage shows.

Tenille Dashwood has announced she is pregnant. The 34 year old is dating Riddick Moss.
Alex Windsor has announced she is pregnant. The 30 year old is dating Will Ospreay.

CMLL and AAA have gone to war.

Rey Mysterio has undergone successful surgery on a torn meniscus.

Kazuchika Okada has signed a contract extension with NJPW.

Ruaka has won the Future of Stardom Championship for the second time.

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Posted (edited)

@Martel123 Team Swerve

You may have seen in the news following the last Dynamite & Rampage shows that Tenille Dashwood is pregnant. Her maternity leave starts in one month. You are going to need to replace her. You can either do this now, any time in the next game month because she is pregnant or wait until she goes on maternity leave. It's up to you.

Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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Posted (edited)

Colt Cabana beat Nick Comoroto by submission in 7:26 with an Inverted Boston Crab

Saturday, week 3, January 2024
Hulu Theatre, New York City (3,000 capacity)

Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara come to the ring to start Collision. Understandably following Dynamite, Le Sex Gods look far from happy. In fact, they are fuming. Jericho doesn't mince his words, he says that Don Callis and his Family cost him the AEW World Championship on Wednesday night so they are all dead men walking... and he and Sammy will be their executioners... and the execution will take place at Revolution. 65

JuliaHart.jpg.dd64e96778beac0d79c350efc72950c2.jpgAbadon1.jpg.0dd1bc5bcfda420e0e67bb0f49b8fff0.jpg vToniStormTimeless.jpg.f17bca5e48cbadc9c570ff1e9daa6097.jpgMariahMay.jpg.ec718387c59ececa7a9ebd26ff92362f.jpg
The Spooky Club (Julia Hart (TBS champion, with Brody King) & Abadon) v Timeless Ensemble ('Timeless' Toni Storm (Women's World champion, with Luther) & Mariah May)
The first match was a disappointment, with Abadon being particularly poor and the current Women's World champion being the only one to put in a decent performance. Her superiority allowed Timeless Ensemble to chalk up their first win at the second attempt in 9:04 when Storm pinned Abadon with a Storm Zero. 48
Storm far outperformed everybody else (58, Hart and May next best 38)
Abadon was much poorer than the rest (25)
May benefitted from public support.

Following commercial break, Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli come to the ring. They claim to be the best tag team around, and to be fair, your average man wouldn't go up to them and argue their claim. FTR aren't your average men, the former World Tag Team champions come to the ring, rubbish Mox and Claudio's claims and this leads to a brawl that has to be stopped by about half a dozen arena security and a significant number of lesser know roster members who get a minute of TV time. 57

BillCarr.jpg.2af1c293d2886538fd8b91c61754ec15.jpg v PaulWight(2).jpg.e270c30192aca690adee4b9d395e5ab0.jpg
Dutch (with Vincent & Jake Roberts) v Paul Wight
A decent crowd but not decent wrestling, Dutch won in 7:37 by pinfall with a low blow after Jake Roberts had distracted referee Aubrey Edwards. 49
Despite good work by Jake Roberts at ringside, he and Dutch are an awkward pairing with no chemistry.

Renee Paquette has a sit down interview on the stage with Women's World champion 'Timeless' Toni Storm and her Revolution challenger 'The Virtuosa' Deonna Purrazzo. Renee asks how Toni how she feels about her friendship with Deonna going sour. Toni replies by calling Renee darling and that there was no friendship, Deonna was a stepping stone on her path to greatness, her path to superstardom... and she reveals that she has had a dagger added to their matching tattoo that goes right through the middle of it. Things infuriates Purrazzo who leaps off her chair and attacks the champion... only for Luther to physically lift her off and allow Storm to escape backstage. Purrazzo is furious and slaps Luther before setting off after Storm. 57

AdamCopeland.jpg.8152c47df52b91a73ac8f55ea4bb11ca.jpg v GriffGarrison.jpg.ac085e02cca616a2bfc4971f70a091c6.jpg
Adam Copeland v Griff Garrison
Adam Copeland's attempt to work his way back up to a TNT Championship rematch with Christian Cage starts off with Cope Open opener against Griff Garrison. Copeland won comfortably in 6:49 by pinfall with a Spear. 60
Copeland far outperformed Garrison 68-41

Backstage and Team Swerve discuss their start in the AEW League. Swerve Strickland says one win and one loss isn't good enough. Samoa Joe and Nick Nemeth agree, saying they need to win and not lose to win the league. Mercedes Moné agrees and also congratulates teammate Tenille Dashwood on her pregnancy and wishes her and the to be born the best. 64

ClaudioCastagnoli9.jpg.ea95ff5155873c35c22a0445cfb84a4b.jpgChrisJericho21.jpg.1cf96002f3d718bb32f963bdd2a32ecc.jpg v KipSabian7.jpg.0e832c1e54214d5acadbb00dd9dd71ba.jpgAndyWilliams.jpg.684c4affd8201270f514f3cfbd5eedfe.jpg
The Golden Lion Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Chris Jericho) v Team WooItsNathan (Kip Sabian & The Butcher)

A decent match and one where Castagnoli shone bright. A comfortable win for the GLC against Team WIN who have done anything but win so far in the league. The end came in 8:56 when Castagnoli pinned Sabian with a Neutralizer. 57
Castagnoli outperformed everyone else (65, Jericho and Butcher next best 53)

Serena Deeb is being interviewed backstage by Renee Paquette. Deeb says she has her eyes on glory in the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament and the AEW League. She's excited by the competition in AEW that you can't find anywhere else. 55

DeonnaPurrazzo9.jpg.6cdf5cd6959b232bfa6afee533e57afb.jpg v Trinity1.jpg.8d54ba7e5be2c838b093e98b2c15453d.jpg
The Peak of Perfection ('The Virtuosa' Deonna Purrazzo) v TV Network (Trinity)
A really good match and one that Trinity probably just about had more of. She couldn't make this edge count though as Purrazzo took the points for her team in 15:10 by submission with a Venus di Milo. 60

Christian Cage is backstage with the TNT Championship belt draped over his shoulder and he is flanked by Killswitch and Nick Wayne. He tells Adam Copeland he can have as many Cope Opens as he wants, he's never getting a rematch for his TNT Championship. Daniel Garcia then interrupts, accompanied by Matt Menard. He tells Cage he should stop worrying about Copeland and worry about him, as he is going to take his title. Killswitch stands over Garcia but the calm Cage backs him down, saying he's not worried about Garcia, he's not on the champs level. Garcia tells Cage he'll show him he is a level above. 58

SerenaDeeb.jpg.8fea1e31fafd146b16326885d6f975d2.jpg v KrisStatlander20.jpg.b19be854bdf40afcccbae330e07d250d.jpg
The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society ('The Professor' Serena Deeb) v Black Lotus (Kris Statlander)

Another really good women's match that was pretty even. Deeb got the better of the mat wrestling, Statlander got the better of the brawling. The match ended in a somewhat surprising way in 12:50 when Deeb won by pinfall with, of all things, a Spear. 59
Deeb benefitted from being in amazing form.
Statlander benefitted from public support.

Prior to the main event, Bryan Danielson comes to the ring. He says he wants competition at Revolution, he wants a match that will test him. Out comes... Jay White. Fans are surprised to see White answer Danielson's challenge but here he is, telling Danielson it will be his honour and pleasure to take him down from his high perch at Revolution and beat the legendary American Dragon. Danielson smiles and says he will see him there. 79

BigBill3.jpg.dae83515d473ecfa7e08d542120132af.jpgRickyStarks3.jpg.831f018aeaa08be90af3e0bbfaf8c9aa.jpg v DarbyAllin4.jpg.c6ac19438151ec9bf9960c550cd9b41c.jpgSting.jpg.7e9acefdbf27ca5ccf5658a334c28c75.jpg
Tornado tag team match

Big Bill & 'Absolute' Ricky Starks (champions) v Darby Allin & 'The Icon' Sting (with Ric Flair)
Bill and Starks have been worthy champions since very impressively taking the titles from FTR. Allin and Sting are undefeated since first teaming up when Sting entered AEW. Something has to give in a wild and weapon filled tornado tag team match.
And it was the champions that gave. They put up one hell of a battle, but the undefeated Allin and Sting won in 13:30 when Allin pinned Starks with a Coffin Drop onto a chair on to Starks. Darby Allin & Sting win the AEW World Tag Team Championship. 63 - match of the night

Show rating: 65
AEW increased popularity in 2 regions.
Attendance: 3,000 (sell out)
TV rating: 0.96 (726,354 viewers and 1,024,076 overall)


Darby Allin & Sting beat Big Bill & Ricky Starks to win the AEW World Tag Team Championship
Serena Deeb beat Kris Statlander (league match)
Deonna Purrazzo beat Trinity (league  match)
Claudio Castagnoli & Chris Jericho beat Kip Sabian & The Butcher (league match)
Adam Copeland beat Griff Garrison
Dutch beat Paul Wight in Owen Hart Foundation Men's Tournament First Round
Toni Storm & Mariah May beat Julia Hart & Abadon (league match)


Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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Current standings

1. The Golden Lion Club - 4 matches, 12 points (4-0-0)
1. The Peak of Perfection - 4 matches, 12 points (4-0-0)
3. Black Lotus - 4 matches, 7 points (2-1-1)
3. The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society - 4 matches, 7 points (2-1-1)
5. Team Swerve - 2 matches, 3 points (1-1-0)
5. Timeless Ensemble - 2 matches, 3 points (1-1-0)
7. TV Network - 4 matches, 3 points (1-3-0)
8. Team WooItsNathan - 4 matches, 0 points (0-4-0)
8. The Spooky Club - 4 matches, 0 points (0-4-0)


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Posted (edited)

Sunday, week 1, March 2024
Current card

AEW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Samoa Joe (c) v Adam Page or Swerve Strickland
AEW WORLD TRIOS CHAMPIONSHIP - The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass (c) v Mogul Embassy
AEW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Toni Storm (c) v Deonna Purrazzo
AEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP - Orange Cassidy (c) v Roderick Strong
Le Sex Gods v Don Callis Family
Bryan Danielson v Jay White

Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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Posted (edited)

Week 3 League fixtures

Team Swerve v The Spooky Club (women singles)
The Peak of Perfection v Black Lotus (men trios)
Team WooItsNathan v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (men singles)
TV Network v Timeless Ensemble (men tag)

Team WooItsNathan v The Spooky Club (men singles)
Black Lotus v The Golden Lion Club (men singles)
Team Swerve v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (women singles)
The Peak of Perfection v Timeless Ensemble (women tag)


Bandido (injured)
Eddie Kingston (working for NJPW, both shows)
Emi Sakura (working for Gatoh Move, Collision only)
Jamie Hayter (injured)
Juice Robinson (injured)
Kenny Omega (illness)
MJF (injured)
Nick Nemeth (working for NJPW, both shows)
Tay Melo (maternity leave)
Will Ospreay (working for NJPW, both shows)

I'm back in work on Tuesday night for my next 4 on shift, but tomorrow night will be too quick a turnaround. Therefore the deadline for selections will be 13:00 UK time 08:00 Eastern US time on Saturday 23 March. Dynamite and Rampage should be posted later that day. I am then on annual leave for 12 days so I should be able to whizz through a couple of weeks in that time even allowing for having my two wonderful children for 7 consecutive days. Just a little pre warning for a quicker turnaround in a couple of weeks. :)

Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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Couple of easy picks for me, since I'm just putting in my teams.


The Peak of Perfection (Jay White/Killswitch/Wardlow) def. Black Lotus (Who cares?)


The Peak of Perfection (Thunder Rosa/Deonna Purrazzo) def. Timeless Ensemble (Irrelevant)

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45 minutes ago, Nobby_McDonald said:

Week 3 League fixtures

Team Swerve v The Spooky Club (women singles)
The Peak of Perfection v Black Lotus (men trios)
Team WooItsNathan v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (men singles)
TV Network v Timeless Ensemble (men tag)

Team WooItsNathan v The Spooky Club (men singles)
Black Lotus v The Golden Lion Club (men singles)
Team Swerve v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (women singles)
The Peak of Perfection v Timeless Ensemble (women tag)


Bandido (injured)
Eddie Kingston (working for NJPW, both shows)
Emi Sakura (working for Gatoh Move, Collision only)
Jamie Hayter (injured)
Juice Robinson (injured)
Kenny Omega (illness)
MJF (injured)
Nick Nemeth (working for NJPW, both shows)
Tay Melo (maternity leave)
Will Ospreay (working for NJPW, both shows)

I'm back in work on Tuesday night for my next 4 on shift, but tomorrow night will be too quick a turnaround. Therefore the deadline for selections will be 13:00 UK time 08:00 Eastern US time on Saturday 23 March. Dynamite and Rampage should be posted later that day. I am then on annual leave for 12 days so I should be able to whizz through a couple of weeks in that time even allowing for having my two wonderful children for 7 consecutive days. Just a little pre warning for a quicker turnaround in a couple of weeks. :)

Rosemary and Emma for both spots respectively 


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Apologies for going AWOL last week, was on my stag do in Budapest which featured a night out in fancy dress as Hulk Hogan 😅


Men's Singles - Bryan Danielson

Women's Singles - Serena Deeb

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17 hours ago, DinoKea said:

The Peak of Perfection (Jay White/Killswitch/Wardlow) def. Black Lotus (Who cares?)


Peak of Perfection? Huh? The only peak you'll see is the one at the cliff! We're bringing the war, we will cause your extinction as if it were dinosaurs or something like that you ugly lizards! You know how lethal a black lotus is right? Sharp as a switchblade!


16 hours ago, KyTeran said:

Since I only have the men singles this week, I will have Claudio be the representative for The Golden Lions Club.

And talking about ass-whooping Ky! You known we are, the Black Lotus! Get ready for Collision 'cause a big japanese supernova will collide on Claudio's hairy butt and take him down ... Precise as a Swiss watch!

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20 hours ago, PH71 said:

Apologies for going AWOL last week, was on my stag do in Budapest which featured a night out in fancy dress as Hulk Hogan 😅

Sounds an excellent reason to miss here for a week... though not sure I'd like to see you dressed as Hulk Hogan.

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22 hours ago, Nobby_McDonald said:

Week 3 League fixtures

Team Swerve v The Spooky Club (women singles)
The Peak of Perfection v Black Lotus (men trios)
Team WooItsNathan v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (men singles)
TV Network v Timeless Ensemble (men tag)

Team WooItsNathan v The Spooky Club (men singles)
Black Lotus v The Golden Lion Club (men singles)
Team Swerve v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (women singles)
The Peak of Perfection v Timeless Ensemble (women tag)


Bandido (injured)
Eddie Kingston (working for NJPW, both shows)
Emi Sakura (working for Gatoh Move, Collision only)
Jamie Hayter (injured)
Juice Robinson (injured)
Kenny Omega (illness)
MJF (injured)
Nick Nemeth (working for NJPW, both shows)
Tay Melo (maternity leave)
Will Ospreay (working for NJPW, both shows)

I'm back in work on Tuesday night for my next 4 on shift, but tomorrow night will be too quick a turnaround. Therefore the deadline for selections will be 13:00 UK time 08:00 Eastern US time on Saturday 23 March. Dynamite and Rampage should be posted later that day. I am then on annual leave for 12 days so I should be able to whizz through a couple of weeks in that time even allowing for having my two wonderful children for 7 consecutive days. Just a little pre warning for a quicker turnaround in a couple of weeks. :)


Johnny TV & Matt Cardona (TV NETWORK) v Timeless Ensemble (men tag)

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The Peak of Perfection (Jay White, Killswitch & Wardlow) v Black Lotus (Adam Copeland, Konosuke Takeshita & Dustin Rhodes)
TV Network (Johnny TV & Matt Cardona) v Timeless Ensemble (Christian Cage & Ricky Starks)
Team WooItsNathan (The Butcher) v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (Bryan Danielson)
Team Swerve (Rosemary) v The Spooky Club (Julia Hart)
Number 1 contender - Adam Page v Swerve Strickland
Also Owen Hart Foundation Men's Tournament First Round action and Jack Perry returns to the ring

Black Lotus (Konosuke Takeshita) v The Golden Lion Club (Claudio Castagnoli)
The Peak of Perfection (Thunder Rosa & Deonna Purrazzo) v Timeless Ensemble (Toni Storm & Mariah May)
Team Swerve (Tenille Dashwood) v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (Serena Deeb)
Team WooItsNathan (The Butcher) v The Spooky Club (Malakai Black)
Also more Owen Hart Foundation Men's Tournament action and the Cope Open continues.


Shows will be up later today.

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Ricky Starks, Sting and Serena Deeb returned clean drug tests at Collision.

Second Gear Crew have won the DEFY Tag Team Championship for the second time, defeating The Bollywood Boyz.
Damian Slater has won the vacant WR Wrestling Spirit Championship.

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Marina Shafir beat Rebel in 6:25 by submission with an Armbar. 32

Wednesday, week 4, January 2024
Coliseo Pedrin Zorrilla (3,500 capacity)

ChuckTaylor1.jpg.f7b53fd7be6d8ad003fd87d41208b5ff.jpg v JackParry3.jpg.d3b9c3114c3ce4643a9edf0a118935d3.jpg
Chuck Taylor v Jack Perry
Dynamite starts with our opening match of the night and the return of Jack Perry, seen in AEW for the first time since All In London back in August. The two had a good, even match and Perry made his return a winning one in 12:03 by pinfall with a Canadian Destroyer. 58

Following the match we go to Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana backstage with Renee Paquette. Swerve talks about facing Adam Page in the main event tonight with the winner getting a World Championship match at Samoa Joe at Revolution. Swerve says tonight will go the same way as the other times he has faced the Hangman... Swerve will win and then he will win the title from Joe at Revolution. 66

Christian.jpg.1a5273b6c2e1c88c013a8d3b103e3538.jpg v BrandonCutler.jpg.052c1a3dedcc0d4bcb8e32e2cc4aa8af.jpg
Christian Cage (TNT champion, with Killswitch & Nick Wayne) v Brandon Cutler
About an easy a match as you will see, perhaps the only surprise is that it lasted as long as it did. Cage comfortably won in 5:10 by pinfall with an Unprettier. 48
Cage far out performed Cutler 69-43
Cage benefitted from being in amazing form.
Cutler is improving at his gimmick.

Tony Schiavone introduces his guest in the ring... 'The Virtuosa' Deonna Purrazzo. Out walks Toni Storm's Revolution challenger and she looks pissed. She says that Toni Storm doesn't value their history they shared, their friendship they had... so she's going to hurt Toni Storm and she will take her title at Revolution. 48

Rosemary(1).jpg.a4bca7c165d3c15d49f5b4baeb2d9ba6.jpg v JuliaHart.jpg.838ee620d04858d46843316404b1a8f1.jpg
Team Swerve (Rosemary) v The Spooky Club (Julia Hart (TBS champion, with Brody King)

A terrible match with a mostly disinterested crowd. Hart managed to beat Rosemary despite Rosemary having more control of the match. The TBS champion's win came in 8:35 by submission with a Hartless. Hart picks up The Spooky Club's first three points of the season. 43
Rosemary is getting better at her gimmick.

Lexy Nair is backstage with Adam Page. 'Hangman' says tonight is different, tonight is the night he finally beats Swerve Strickland and he wants to do it so he wins the World Championship... and he stops Swerve from winning the World Championship. 49

AndyWilliams10.jpg.c0ce772cc9c388308fb672a29ad50f88.jpg v BryanDanielson1.jpg.25348394b4be1e01eb1bdc145794afa2.jpg
Team WooItsNathan (The Butcher) v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society (Bryan Danielson)

A really good match, better than some might of expected even with Danielson in it. And the quality of the action got the crowd more involved too. The Butcher put up a stern fight but ultimately Danielson proved too good, winning in 10:03 by pinfall with a Busaiko Knee. With The Spooky Club winning earlier in the night, Team WooItsNathan are now the only team without any points. 75 - match of the night
Danielson outclassed Butcher 82-55
Butcher and Danielson have great chemistry and it showed.

Backstage and Renee Paquette is with The Golden Lion Club, the team without a league match tonight. Chris Jericho acts as the main spokesperson for the team, to the surprise of nobody. He says they are delighted with their start winning four out of four and Claudio is going to kick the shit out of Takeshita on Saturday night to make it five. 58

JohnnyTV.jpg.5b85845c877a49d6c5992b4b08c17bbf.jpgZackRyder7.jpg.fd96f90e56017ec8bdb8d34130de960e.jpg v RickyStarks4.jpg.f83485be12601909e606abed5a3393d3.jpgChristian.jpg.1a5273b6c2e1c88c013a8d3b103e3538.jpg
TV Network (Johnny TV (with Taya Valkyrie) & Matt Cardona) v Timeless Ensemble ('Absolute' Ricky Starks & Christian Cage (TNT champion, with Killswitch & Nick Wayne))
Christian Cage pulls double duty tonight, though given the easy nature of his first match it more acted as a warm up and will probably benefit him as a result. Sure enough, he was instrumental in Timeless Ensemble picking up the three points in a decent match, though it was his tag team partner who got the win as Starks pinned the lacklustre Cardona in 13:17 by pinfall with a Roshambo. 62
Cardona performed worse than the others (50, next best Starks 61)
Cardona and Starks are both flavour of the month.
Cage benefitted from amazing form.

In the arena concourse, we cut to see Mogul Embassy (minus Swerve Strickland) attacking The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass. The World Trios champions are left lying on the concrete floor as Cage shouts into the camera that nobody stops The Machine while Toa Liona makes roaring beast noises in the background. 45

JayWhite.jpg.b3492d6571ca5ebdbe7cc29923a9ae48.jpgKillswitch(1).jpg.8398e8156f794c22c43cceb57a87ffe7.jpgWardlow4.jpg.8c83b9b9838115629a117f84d0149964.jpg v AdamCopeland.jpg.8d313dd5d0485d30c9c6eea63d52d00f.jpgKonosukeTakeshita1.jpg.6c0578d3c42a2d5571f75022b7bb0076.jpgDustinRhodes4.jpg.b148c73e3af6e69745844b6002ee4300.jpg
The Peak of Perfection ('Switchblade' Jay White, Killswitch (with Christian Cage) & Wardlow) v Black Lotus ('Rated R Superstar' Adam Copeland, 'Alpha' Konosuke Takeshita (with Don Callis) & 'Natural' Dustin Rhodes)

In previous Peak of Perfection trios matches, they have been dominant, particularly Killswitch and Wardlow. This time however they were up  against the talented Takeshita and wily veterans in Copeland and Rhodes. It wasn't expected to be as easy and sure enough it wasn't. The match was good and at times it looked like Killswitch struggled to cope with the wrestling abilities of both Copeland and Takeshita. Peak of Perfection still found a way to win though and this time it was through Jay White in 15:38 when he pinned Rhodes with a Blade Runner. That's three out of three in the men's trios for Peak of Perfection... though the league isn't just about the trios matches and it's luck of the draw they've had three in their first five matches. 64
White and Takeshita are flavour of the month.

Following a commercial break for McDonald's, we are in the catering area though there are no Big Macs or McNuggets in sight. Instead we see Undisputed Kingdom (minus Wardlow) attacking Best Friends, until Orange Cassidy and Danhausen arrive with steel chairs in hand which make Rodering Strong, Mike Bennett and Matt Taven back off. Cassidy and Danhausen check on Chuck Taylor and Trent Berretta as Strong tells Cassidy he will see him at Revolution. 46

AdamPage8.jpg.2a67a6bdb71115318652e41f4dc534e8.jpg v SwerveStrickland(2).jpg.19a5175d8ec0189c2475d42a1016329b.jpg
'Hangman' Adam Page v Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)

A very good match with neither man giving an inch and taking the fight to ringside numerous times as well. Swerve kicked out of a Buckshot Lariat. The two then traded near falls on a frequent basis before late in the match Swerve hits a JML Driver and follows up with a Swerve Stomp. He drops down to make the cover... and the bell rings. It's a twenty minute time limit draw. Swerve is both in disbelief and livid at the same time and demands five more minutes. Hangman laughs, declines and tells Swerve he didn't win and he's never winning the World Championship. 73

Everybody initially thinks that's the end of the show but before Dynamite goes off air, we cut to a corridor backstage...
...where some way in the distance the AEW World champion Samoa Joe has been attacked by a man dressed all in black who has his back to the camera and too far away to see who it is and is finishing off his handywork by stomping on Joe. The cameraman runs to the scene but the man clad in black has gone by the time the camera man can get there. 72

Show rating: 71
AEW increased popularity in 24 regions.
Attendance: 1,946
TV rating: 1.15 (862,835 viewers and 1,522,239 overall)


Adam Page drew with Swerve Strickland (no number one contender)
Jay White, Killswitch & Wardlow beat Adam Copeland, Konosuke Takeshita & Dustin Rhodes (league match)
Ricky Starks & Christian Cage beat Johnny TV & Matt Cardona (league match)
Bryan Danielson beat The Butcher (league match)
Julia Hart beat Rosemary (league match)
Christian Cage beat Brandon Cutler in Owen Hart Foundation Men's Tournament First Round
Jack Perry beat Chuck Taylor

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Posted (edited)

Wednesday, week 4, January 2024
Broadcast on Friday, week 4, January 2024
Coliseo Pedrin Zorrilla, Puerto Rico (3,500) capacity

Top Flight are backstage. They talk about tonight’s main event where they face Men of the Year. Dante says it’s time to take flight, Darius finishes the sentence by saying to the top. 35

Jeff Hardy v Luther

A terrible match and even though he was really off his game, Hardy was still much better than Luther. Hardy advanced in 7:13 by pinfall with a Swanton Bomb but he will have to really improve in the Second Round. 37
Hardy far outperformed Luther 43-22

Renee Paquette is sitting down with Jack Perry. Renee congratulates Perry on a winning return on Dynamite and she asks him how it feels returning. Perry says it was great to return to the ring… for him not for the fans… and he showed Chuck Taylor what he is capable of and what he can do to people… hurt them and beat them. 60

Dark Order v The Iron Savages
Not a good match. So much better than the first, but that wasn’t hard. Jacked Jameson was the weak link in the match and John Silver capitalised when he pinned him in 9:21 with an Enzuigiri. 53
Jacked Jameson was worse than everyone else (26, Boulder next best 44).

Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky are backstage. They talk about how it’s good to be back together and they will ground Top Flight in tonight’s main event because they are the Men of the Year. 43

‘The Virtuosa’ Deonna Purrazzo v Sarah Stock

A welcome return to the ring for Sarah Stock, though Purrazzo made it a welcome she won’t want to remember as she outclassed her in 10:38 by submission with a Venus di Milo. 51
Purrazzo far out performed Stock 57-35

Backstage and Lexy Nair interviews Dustin Rhodes, asking him about his win in the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament a couple of weeks ago. Dustin says he is delighted to have advanced and whoever he draws in the Second Round had better be on the A game as this old timer is hungry and wants to win the whole thing. 40

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Men of the Year v Top Flight
A decent match, easily the best of the night. Top Flight won in 12:54 when Darius pinned Ethan Page with a Red Eye. 59 – match of the night
Both teams have excellent chemistry.
Dante Martin benefitted from a hot new move.

Show rating: 56
Attendance: 1,946
TV rating: 0.06 (50,105 viewers and 79,893 overall)


Top Flight beat Men of the Year
Deonna Purrazzo beat Sarah Stock in Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament First Round
Dark Order beat Iron Savages
Jeff Hardy beat Luther in Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament First Round

Edited by Nobby_McDonald
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Adam Page, Christian Cage, Swerve Strickland and John Silver returned clean drug tests at the Dynamite and Rampage tapings.

Mark Briscoe has recovered from his bruised eye socket.

Pat Buck (an AEW backstage employee) has divorced from his now former wife.

El Terrible has won the CMLL Mexican National Middleweight Championship, defeating Guerrero Maya Jr.

Elayna Black has announced she is pregnant. The 23 year old is dating Bron Breakker.
Kasey Kirk has announced she is pregnant. The 32 year old is married to Brandon Kirk.

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Peter Avalon beat Michael Nakazawa in 6:06 by pinfall with a Marti-Knees. 33

Saturday, week 4, January 2024
Coliseo Pedrin Zorrilla, Puerto Rico (3,500 capacity)

It's Saturday night and it's certainly alright for fighting as the show starts in the parking lot with a wild brawl between FTR and Blackpool Combat Club's Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli. The four brawl all round the parking lot, using parked vehicles as weapons in various ways. Wheeler Yuta then joins in, as does Mark Briscoe to help FTR and the brawl is still ongoing as we go to an early commercial break for Chevrolet. 56

Back from commercial and just beefore the wrestlers make their entrance for the first match, Tony Schiavone announces on commentary that Tony Khan has made a trios match for next week on Collision between FTR and Mark Briscoe against Blackpool Combat Club.
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'Rated R Superstar' Adam Copeland v Myung-Jae Lee
An unfamiliar face to many, young South Korean wrestler Myung-Jae Lee steps up for the Cope Open this week. While his gumption for stepping up for the Cope Open is to be commended, in the ring the occasion seemed to get the better of him and he put in a nervous looking performance. Copeland ran out a comfortably winner in 6:39 by pinfall with a Spear. 57
Copeland outclassed Lee 69-26

Immediately following the match, the TNT champion Christian Cage leads The Patriarchy into the ring. Killswitch and Nick Wayne are immediately ordered to attack and while Copeland initially fights them off, a low blow from behind by Cage stops Copeland in his tracks. Copeland is then pulverised by The Patriarchy under a chair swinging Daniel Garcia rushes the ring and chases them off. Copeland nods his approval to Garcia as he gingerly leaves the ring. 54

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'Cool Hand' Angelo Parker (with 'Daddy Magic' Matt Menard) v 'Absolute' Ricky Starks (with Big Bill)

A decent match though one where Starks proved too good for his opponent, advancing to round two in 8:47 by pinfall with a Roshambo. 57
Starks out performed Parker 62-47
Starks benefitted from being flavour of the month.

Renee Paquette is conducting a sit down interview with Bryan Danielson and Jay White. Paquette asks White why he stepped up to Danielson's open challenge for Revolution. White says it is simple... he wants to challenge himself against the best... and he wants to beat the best. Paquette asks for Danielson's response. He replies by asking White if he is actually good enough to step in the ring with the American Dragon, let alone thinking he can win. White doesn't like this answer and stands up over Danielson. Danielson doesn't even flinch though, and tells White to show him at the pay per view. 73

AndyWilliams9.jpg.ab963906895df5e6609d419feeffb4ce.jpg v MalakaiBlack2.jpg.4d2a9c101ece7e3e47b6a95c8299790e.jpg
Team WooItsNathan (The Butcher) v The Spooky Club (Malakai Black)
Following a good outing against Bryan Danielson on Dynamite, The Butcher again put in a performance against Malakai Black as the two put on a good match. Like Wednesday night though, his opponent was simply too good with Black winning in pinfall in 11:12 with a Black Mass. After losing their first four matches, The Spooky Club have won two in a week. 61
Black out performed Butcher 63-52

Staying with the AEW League, TV Network are backstage with Tony Schiavone without Will Ospreay who is with New Japan tonight. Tony asks how they feel the league is going. Johnny TV says they have the most style though don't have the wins to prove it before Tessa Blanchard interrupts by questioning why she is even on the team when she hasn't even been selected in the three women's matches they have had. 55
Tessa Blanchard debuted with her Undeniable gimmick, rated very good.

TenilleDashwood(1).jpg.a9cf7b048a090faf53c708d419274310.jpg v SerenaDeeb3.jpg.bd6674b21b2f7e814a9c787a6ddb2c7c.jpg
Team Swerve (Tenille Dashwood) v The Bryan Danielson Appreciation Society ('The Professor' Serena Deeb)

A sub par match and somewhat of a surprise outcome as the newly announced pregnant Tenille Dashwood pulled out a victory despite been bettered for most of the match. Dashwood's win came in 11:07 by pinfall with a Roaring Elbow. 49
Deeb out performed Dashwood 54-40
Deeb benefitted from being in amazing form.

Backstage and Don Callis is having a team meeting with his family. Le Sex Gods are seen approaching from behind wielding baseball bats and they don't waste any time as Chris Jericho cracks Kononsuke Takeshita and Sammy Guevara smashes Powerhouse Hobbs in their backs. The two fall to the fall and spotting the danger, Kyle Fletcher immediately and quickly ushers Don Callis away, with Jericho shouting "Cowards" at them as they run away. 52

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The Peak of Perfection (Thunder Rosa & 'The Virtuosa' Deonna Purrazzo) v Timeless Ensemble ('Timeless' Toni Storm (Women's World champion, with Luther) & Mariah May)

A decent and hotly contested match, in part due to the heated rivally between Purrazzo and Storm. This led to the two not been involved in the finish, as their new found hatred for each other saw them brawl up the entrance ramp to the stage. Back in the ring, Rosa extended Peak's perfect record in 12:49 when she pinned May with a Reverse DDT 59
May was the weak link in the match (40, next best Rosa and Storm 56).
May benefitted from public support.

Lexy Nair is backstage with Jamie Hayter. Nair informs everyone that Jamie Hayter will return to the ring next week on Collision. Hayter says she's been waiting for months to get back in the ring and hurt some people and she pities the poor woman who faces her next week. 47

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Black Lotus ('Alpha' Konosuke Takeshita (with Don Callis) v The Golden Lion Club (Claudio Castagnoli)

A great match and a decent crowd saw two of AEW's finest go at it in an even contest. As the minutes ticked by, both wrestlers managed near falls... and as the minutes ticked down it looked like we may get a time limit draw... until we approached the final minute and Castagnoli nailed the move that counted, taking the pinfall in 18:44 with a Neutralizer. 71 - match of the night
Takeshita and Castagnoli have great chemistry and it showed.
Takeshita benefitted from being flavour of the month.

Following a commercial break Tony Schiavone is in the ring... It's STIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG as he introduces the new AEW World Tag Team champions Darby Allin and Sting. Sting says they are undefeated, they are champions and he wants his career to wind down on a high. Darby says it is an honour to be the champion with Sting.
They are interrupted by The Young Bucks, who come into the ring. After initially appearing to show some respect, they deliver simultaneous low blows, Matthew to Darby and Nicholas to Sting. The two then fetch baseball bats from under the ring and proceed to attack the champions with them, cutting them both open, Darby badly. They continue the assault for a bit with Nicholas getting Darby's blood all over his previously pristine white suit before the two eventually backdown and leave for the back. 57
The Young Bucks' heel turn is a complete success.

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Dax Harwood (with Cash Wheeler & Mark Briscoe) v Jon Moxley (with Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta)
A lot of combustable elements at ringside but surprisingly, especially given the wild brawl at the start of the match all stays fairly calm at ringside. Inside the ring though Harwood and Moxley have a really physical match, trading hard blows and hard hitting moves. It was well received and Moxley took the win in 13:33 when Harwood passed out to the Bulldog Choke. 70

Show rating: 69
AEW increased popularity in 11 regions.
Attendance: 1,942
TV rating: 0.97 (732,425 viewers and 1,037,636 overall)


Jon Moxley beat Dax Harwood
Claudio Castagnoli beat Konosuke Takeshita (league match)
Thunder Rosa & Deonna Purrazzo beat Toni Storm & Mariah May (league match)
Tenille Dashwood beat Serena Deeb (league match)
Malakai Black beat The Butcher (league match)
Ricky Starks beat Angelo Parker in Owen Hart Men's Tournament First Round
Adam Copeland beat Myung-Jae Lee

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Toni Storm, Serena Deeb and Ricky Starks returned clean drug tests at Collision.

Jamie Hayter has returned from injury.

AEW made a profit of $154,019 in January.

Adam Copeland merchandise was the biggest seller in January, followed by Chris Jericho and then MJF despite him being out injured. Mercedes Moné was the top selling female and sixth overall. She was the only woman in the top ten.

AEW have opened a new state of the art performance centre at a cost of $7,250,000

AEW have announced a new monthly show called Showcase. Held on Tuesday of week 2 every month, this will showcase different kind of action each month. It is not intended to be on the level of pay per views and will be more of a show to allow improving wrestlers to showcase their talents.

Malakai Black has won the PWG Battle of Los Angeles.

Jessie McKay has given birth to a baby girl. Mother and baby are healthy and well and her husband who is not in the wrestling business is delighted.

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The Rock won the Men’s Royal Rumble

Logan Paul beat Kevin Owens to retain the United States Championship

Rhea Ripley beat Michin to retain the Women’s World Championship

Bianca Belair beat Becky Lynch and Chelsea Green

Ricochet beat JD McDonaugh

Ridge Holland beat Cameron Grimes and Jinder Mahal in Hell in a Cell

Cedric Alexander & The Creed Brothers beat Xyon Quinn & Pretty Deadly

Raquel Rodriguez beat Xia Li and Candice LeRae

Joaquin Wilde beat Ashante Adonis by DQ

Trish Stratus won the Women’s Royal Rumble

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