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TEW IX Developer's Journal Discussion Thread

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58 minutes ago, HurkaDurk69 said:

So, is this about brands/brand split? If so, can't you already name it whatever you want? If not, what is divisions, can't seem to find it in TEW2020

In 2020, if you go to your roster and click on the left hand side that brings up the option to edit their name, picture, bio etc.; there in he middle column is where you can assign Division.

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52 minutes ago, Stennick said:

I remember when TEW04 came out and I thought I was done with this series. It seemed like such a leap from EWR and seemed so intense and so detailed and I didn't think I'd ever have the time for something like that. Fast forward and I'm actually more excited for even more detail in the next one. 

Yeah, the first couple TEWs I bounced off the learning curve.  Essentially I went from EWR to....2010, I think?  And now I want this as complicated as possible lol.

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1 minute ago, Hawk1665 said:

This might have been explained in the journal entry and I missed it, but is the "give the night off" system so that you can give the night off to people you haven't booked yet or is it done before you've done any booking? Say I'm doing my show, and realize I have one extra person I'm not booking. Could I then "give them the night off" so they don't get angry at being left off the show? Cause that would be really useful.

Its done before you do any booking I believe. It's literally the first thing you do. 

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5 minutes ago, Chikbot said:

The fact we can  have "GCW Teddy Hart" incidents now in TEW is extremely cool and I appreciate that immersiveness.

The "committing to a venue first" concept is absolutely going to take getting used to (as is the storyline stuff [RIP video packages to tide people over when I just can't fit a story on a card]) but to get some genuinely funny moments out of the new backstage enviroment its totally worth it.

Can't you still get around the storyline changes by marking the participant with "[major/minor] success" or "[major/minor] defeat" in an angle? Or maybe I missed it in the angle overhaul entry if that feature is going away or not

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1 minute ago, Amyzyng said:

Can't you still get around the storyline changes by marking the participant with "[major/minor] success" or "[major/minor] defeat" in an angle? Or maybe I missed it in the angle overhaul entry if that feature is going away or not

This is true, my brain forgot that there's no set angles anymore and I can just set the success rates.

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28 minutes ago, daddytorgo1 said:

Are backstage narratives editable? It can be immersion-breaking to be running a historical mod and have a narrative pop up that includes technology that isn't present then for example, or to be running a "reality-based" company and have one pop up about the workers laughing and playing boardgames backstage. 

Would be great to be able to tweak those (either pregame or ingame) to be more relevant. 

Yes, please make it editable. People keep showing up with cute puppies in my save. I don't want cute puppies to be in a loud, crowded place that potentially has dangerous objects lying around!

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4 minutes ago, GrindhouseArts said:

Yes, please make it editable. People keep showing up with cute puppies in my save. I don't want cute puppies to be in a loud, crowded place that potentially has dangerous objects lying around!

always thought that was a weird one. Undertaker brings cute puppy... um

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Love today's entry, really cool stuff.

Some thoughts on giving someone the night off:

1) I wonder how realistic it is  that there's no morale hit for workers who are being given the night off, especially for those that are paid per appearance. But also workers who are paid monthly, should (depending on her personality) be mad at being left off a show, no?

2) Does the game still run AI shows in order of company size? If I give a wrestler who works for more than one company the night off, he then also misses an opportunity to work for a bigger company that night. That's a problem from a realism standpoint.


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7 minutes ago, ShaunGBD said:

always thought that was a weird one. Undertaker brings cute puppy... um

I have a freaking dog park backstage. I run a deathmatch indie promotion that has all sorts of dangerous things stored backstage. These two things do NOT go together. Plus, there's a reason people don't have parrots, dogs, or snakes at ringside anymore. It's not great for the animals.

I don't mind the slightly absurd pancake cooking and BBQing because there are wrestlers that are hobby cooks and would probably do that if the venue allows. But I'd prefer if these events were tied to attributes and it would always be same workers doing certain things, say, it's always Nate Webb who makes pancakes because he's 'Hobby Cook', or always Alex Zayne doing karaoke because he's 'Musician'. Not only would it be more immersive and give workers more distinct personalities, it would also let me avoid events I dislike by not hiring people with the attributes.

Edited by GrindhouseArts
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5 minutes ago, GrindhouseArts said:

I have a freaking dog park backstage. I run a deathmatch indie promotion that has all sorts of dangerous things stored backstage. These two things do NOT go together. Plus, there's a reason people don't have parrots, dogs, or snakes at ringside anymore. It's not great for the animals.

I don't mind the slightly absurd pancake cooking and BBQing because there are wrestlers that are hobby cooks and would probably do that if the venue allows. But I'd prefer if these events were tied to attributes and it would always be same workers doing certain things, say, it's always Nate Webb who makes pancakes because he's 'Hobby Cook', or always Alex Zayne doing karaoke because he's 'Musician'. Not only would it be more immersive and give workers more distinct personalities, it would also let me avoid events I dislike by not hiring people with the attributes.

add that to the suggestions board. that would be a good idea.

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1 minute ago, ShaunGBD said:

add that to the suggestions board. that would be a good idea.

Backstage events were already re-worked, no? Maybe none of this is an issue with the new events. If not, I guess it's a bit late to make suggestions now. lol

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Can't believe I'm this late to the party. Wonderful news! The funny thing is that I've finally decided to have that long TEW20 playthrough next week. Guess I might as well wait a couple more... :p

So far I'm exciting for the booking team / control circle with the added dimension of politics. Loved that in TEW20 too but didn't experience much of it as I played just 3 months in-game. I'm sure many CK2 players here are very happy with some sort of "small council" in TEW.

As for the AI replacements... Yikes. I kinda "get" it as the low quality artworks from default are kind of offputting for newcomers, but the same kind of people won't get passed the windowed gameplay anyway. Thank god I don't really know the newer C-verse personas or my semi-autistic self would have problems accepting these re-renders (unless it's done properly). But we'll see... I did see some fantastic work on the forums here.

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Loving the new additions to the flow of booking a show. It makes it more interesting for long term saves, as there's now more unpredictability and reacting to 'card subject to change' situations involved.

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3 hours ago, GrindhouseArts said:

I have a freaking dog park backstage. I run a deathmatch indie promotion that has all sorts of dangerous things stored backstage. These two things do NOT go together. Plus, there's a reason people don't have parrots, dogs, or snakes at ringside anymore. It's not great for the animals.

You didn't hear this from me, but run a aftershow dog-fighting-deathmatch tournament for extra cash

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12 hours ago, lanky316 said:

A small one but the "equipment going missing" part of the pre show brings to mind the infamous Britwres "no ring circus" incident. Hoping for a dirty trick that will involve paying people not to deliver a ring to a rivals show!

Booking boiling room match, falls count anywhere, and parking lot brawl matches 

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11 minutes ago, Vinsmoker said:

You didn't hear this from me, but run a aftershow dog-fighting-deathmatch tournament for extra cash

For what crowd? Everyone is watching the finals of the karaoke poker videogame tournament that started before I arrived at the venue.

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So many cool things that have been announced!


Does anybody know if a standard converted 2020 CVerse database is really playable without much adjustments on TEW IX, maybe based on the experiences on how it was for TEW 2016 to TEW 2020?


I fell in love with a savegame/ diary idea that probably won't be possible to do or at least a lot different with new database going two years forward

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So I really like the idea that if you run a show local wrestlers can show up an ask to be on. When I was training I was told show up, help out, and maybe get on the show or at least introduce yourself to the promoter. So this seems like a great option. Although I know its too late for suggestions but a lot of indy talent will travel with their friends to shows that aren;t even in their local area. I've gotten in cars from NY to Maine. So if it could work that a guy your using has friends who aren't booked that night they might travel with him and help out, and see if there's a spot. The number of times I've gotten booked in at the very least an opening battle royale just because I showed up is high.

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I know it says stuff like travel being impacted for workers not showing up due to the new potential weather happenings..

Is there stuff like visa issues that will crop up from time to time or is that kinda still outside the scope of the game?

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50 minutes ago, Irish Wolf said:

So I really like the idea that if you run a show local wrestlers can show up an ask to be on. When I was training I was told show up, help out, and maybe get on the show or at least introduce yourself to the promoter. So this seems like a great option. Although I know its too late for suggestions but a lot of indy talent will travel with their friends to shows that aren;t even in their local area. I've gotten in cars from NY to Maine. So if it could work that a guy your using has friends who aren't booked that night they might travel with him and help out, and see if there's a spot. The number of times I've gotten booked in at the very least an opening battle royale just because I showed up is high.

Workers "Tagging along with friends" is vital to workers getting discovered. Would be a great mechanic to have friendships increase the chance of workers showing up to shows.

Other question about the spillover mechanic:

I think I read it will automatically apply at a games start. Is there a way to just auto apply it with a click of a button within the editor itself?

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6 hours ago, Vinsmoker said:

You didn't hear this from me, but run a aftershow dog-fighting-deathmatch tournament for extra cash

and the wrestlers are the managers of each dog sell it on PPV and have it in India.... *starts to print cash.*

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Hey Adam,

Just chiming in to say that it's awesome how you have taken onboard feedback from the community and used it to make improvements.

The TEW community is such an amazing one, and it's so great to see the developer working with the fans like this.

TEW IX sounds absolutely awesome, can't wait!

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