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DIW's last $2,000: Mr FU has a nephew

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1: Ringo
Saturday 1st January 2022

I started paying attention to Deep Impact Wrestling in January 2020. I was 18, I needed money and didn’t have any qualifications, so it was handy having an uncle who owned a wrestling company.

Things had gone alright for me since. I finished training later in 2020, Uncle Ringo – or The Comedian as he preferred to be known – gave me a job in DIW that November under my shoot name Jake Thornton and I was a champion by August 2021, claiming tag gold with my Dogs Of War partner, Bully XL.

The problem was that I wasn’t making much money and the company seemed to make even less, and I saw no plan from my uncle to change that. In the last two years, three men left – Dumfrey Pinn, Diesel Dan and Big Rig – and another two were kicked out, Chopper Rourke and Bob Shrunkle, but the only fresh blood was me, my Dog Pound stablemates Tevita Takulua and Bully XL, and Lycan Nightshade, who led The Wild Hunt, another undercard stable with Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus.

My uncle had been relying on someone even older than him for inspiration ever since DIW launched in 2009, Jim Teasdale, and their idea of shaking things up and getting a younger voice in the room was to add someone else old enough to be my dad, Angus McMiller, to the booking team last year.

Na, DIW wouldn’t make it to the end of 2022 unless I found a way to start making my voice heard.


I'm doubtful this is a good idea as I'm still nowhere near caught up on all the great dynasties already posted, so I know there's so much quality content out there right now, and I've already inflicted three years of lo-res DIW dynasties on this forum. However, I'm taking the fact there hasn't been a DIW dynasty posted since I started working on this as a good omen. Only six of these 26 roster members were on my previous one and the narrator is new, so I'm hoping it won't feel too repetitive.

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2: Roster
Sunday 2nd January 2022

DIW Champion Shogo

Australian Champion Tim Burr

Tag Team Champions Forever Evil (Creeper and Writhe)

Boo Smithson

Mace Mueller

Mayhem Mulhoney

Milton Hittlespitz

Blitz Simpson, managed by Lori

Australian Devil

Con McReady, managed by Jaime G

Ares Death Cult (Cesar Sionis and Gyula Lakatos)

The Hired Guns (Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly, managed by Lillian O’Donahue)

The Wild Hunt (Lycan Nightshade, Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)

Rad Masteroff

Demarcus Lee

East Coast Panther

Blood Brother

The Dog Pound (Tevita Takulua, Bully XL and me, Jake Thornton)

The three other out-of-ring contributors were owner The Comedian, Head of Talent Relations Jim Teasdale and referee Death Ref



@DinoKea gave me good feedback in the past to include pictures in the roster post for initial familarity, so I wanted to act on that. However, I'm aware some forum members have ethical concerns over AI imagery so, if this is problematic, say and I'll look into whether I can make this post a quote or something so imagery isn't visible without clicking. I anticipate the rest of the dynasty being text-led, which is probably a far greater obstacle to maintaining readers than the choice of roster imagery :classic_laugh:

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4 hours ago, DinoKea said:

Excited to see where this diary will take us with an (almost) completely new set of Aussies

Shogu is really good.  The Dog Pound guys could all end up really really good.  Forever Evil are young but pretty good.  Rad Masteroff has a lot of potential as does Lycan Nightshade.  Australian Devil is inconsistent but when he's on is good.  The rest ... well it's Hardcore wrestling and a lot of these guys are just sort thugs.  Boo Smithson is technically great but the most boring man on earth which hurts him getting over.  Milton has a great pic but is sort of a career midcarder.  DIW actually can put on a decent show - well if RAW doesn't end up raiding them too hard.  RAW is sort of predatory in every watcher game       


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Thanks for the supportive comments and likes, I really appreciate it. Agreed @AboardTheArk, I hadn't realised how varied the two 2022 rosters are: usually you'd need a ring of life to achieve such a transformation 😆 I think Milton Hittlespitz, Blitz Simpson, Cesar Sionis, Gyula Lakatos, Slugger and Syrus are the only crossovers. Lori instantly ditched The Bat Men, but later brought in Con McReady and Demarcus Lee. Great call @Pteroid, which also makes me feel better about how badly I book Lee 😅 @alpha2117 I'm not good with imagery either, and I also made the mistake of picking a slightly sociopathic narrator with the No Sense Of Humour attribute, whereas I recall you posting before that you prefer more comedic dynasties, so apologies if this isn't for you, but thanks for checking it out. Likewise @christmas_ape, @DinoKea and @Wrestling Machine. I might try posting every 2-3 days rather than daily like before as that might've been too frenetic to follow, but we'll see.


3: Listening
Friday 14th January 2022

I’m not the brightest academically, but I get people and I knew what my uncle needed to hear when I asked if I could sit in on his first booking meeting of 2022 with Jim Teasdale and Angus McMiller.

I played into his fears for the future of Australian wrestling. That was what led him to create DIW, so I told him I wanted to understand his approach so that one day long in the future when he was no longer around, I could keep his vision alive.

I said I’d be there to listen, not speak. And I did listen as they went through their upcoming main event plans, none of which particularly excited me. But I spoke too, just as I had always intended to.

I picked my spot. I realised they’d have plans for their favourites and wouldn’t be swayed from them by some 20-year-old punk. But I also knew from my own experience over the last 13 months that they didn’t put much thought into the undercard, so that was my opportunity.

And I took it with a suggested direction for DIW’s other stable The Wild Hunt, not The Dog Pound that I was part of. This was the smart, necessary move to show them that I had something to offer their old man meetings, and that I wasn’t just there to make life better for myself. And once I’d shown them that, I pitched an idea that could make life better for myself.

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In response to what you've said above, so far I really like the narrator. You've got a real knack of just making them feel real. He seems genuine. 

I do remember the daily posting now! It worked for me most the time, especially when I'm really active on here. Thing is all it takes have say a week away and if there's been a few big posts within the 7 I've missed it can feel like a lot of catching up. 

As I write this though I think I sound quite pathetic like 'oh no poor Ape has to read a bunch of good content'. I wouldn't have this opinion on most other forms of content, I don't bemoan TV shows because I can't keep up with them because I can obviously watch it whenever and catch up when I chose. So I suppose it's the same here really! 

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The vibe shift from Lori is really interesting to follow along already. I do wonder how the rise to booking power will potentially reflect in the game itself too.


I'm also active enough here for almost-daily to work perfectly fine for me especially since you write ahead but really it's all about whatever works for you. 

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Love this but you don't need me to say that to know it. This on paper feels like DIW's best roster ever - a lot of talented in-ring workers at the top, a lot of the older limited workers gone, and a lot of young guys with potential (first and foremost the ambitious nephew). 

On perspective of daily updates, I say go for it as long as you have the bandwidth. Each of your updates are an easy read and not too long, and as Ape said the worst that can happen is there's a backlog of great updates to read if I miss any! I remember enjoying the routine I had where I would read your next post on my lunch breaks from work.

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DIW is not a Comedy company and a comedic take on it probably wouldn't work as it would just come off as ragging on Hardcore wrestling.  I am good with your style choice here.  DIW has a pretty good roster at this point but are in a terrible financial position - they also exist in a world with an APEX Predator in RAW, that offers the opportunity for drama in your diary.  It is legit possible DIW goes belly-up and that risk should be played up if the finances go pear shaped or if RAW decides your roster is a Smorgasbord.

As for updates and the writing of it - dont worry about daily unless you feel like it - these things need to be fun to do otherwise it becomes a chore and once that happens it usually leads to an abandonment of the diary or a drop in the quality of the writing.  Sticking to a daily schedule could make it become a grind - so just do it when you feel like doing it - if thats daily great if you dont feel like doing it one day then dont do it that day.     

I'd suggest keeping people up to date with any major events and changes in personnel that occur with RAW, APW and ZEN as all of those feds can have major effects on what happens to DIW.  RAW usually (well pretty much always) poaches SubUrban Legend from APW early for instance and that can have an effect on your feds most natural competitor.  What happens in ZEN matters less because the crossover between you and then is likely to be minimal - although Australian Devil and Forever Evil would probably work there the rest aren't ever likely to go anywhere other than APW or maybe RAW.  

Looking forward to seeing what happens to these crazy Ozzie Bastiches.

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Looking forward to seeing you back with DIW, albeit a very different version of them to your last one. They have a really cool starting roster in this one with a good mix of young rising talent and strong main eventers like Shogo, Boo, Mace, and Blitz.

I feel like the biggest challenge for DIW creatively is Dumfrey Pinn leaving is a pretty big blow. In ring he was on the way out, but his stable was sort of foundational part of DIW storylines and he was a great talker who could get people invested in the feuds; and aside from the Comedian you don't have anyone else on that level. Then again Pinn Industries being around would be a bit of a roadblock for the rise of The Dog Pound or the Wild Hunt, so Pinn leaving might be a bit of a blessing in disguise for our protagonist here.

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Posted (edited)

I'm so thankful for the feedback, it's really helpful. Maybe the way to go is daily for the shorter updates and then perhaps a day break either side of shows as they're a little longer, but happy to adapt to whatever works best. My last dynasty lost readers at the end and I figured an overwhelming backlog of text-heavy posts was probably part of that, but it could just as easily have been that it reached its natural shelf life once it neared the three-year mark.

I appreciate the open-mindedness with the narrator choice @christmas_ape and @AboardTheArk. It felt like the most interesting new DIW development and dynamic. I'm wary an unsympathetic lead who lacks The Comedian's charisma or the roguish charm of say willr0ck's Peter Valentine could get tiresome, but we'll see. The most unrealistic part of all is The Comedian's continued willingness to hand power to unqualified underlings. At this rate, my TEW X dynasty origin story will see the kindly DIW owner passing the book over to the bloke selling burgers outside the entrance to Marv's.

Great to see you here @John Lions @HiPlus and @Tiberious (and that I haven't lost you yet @christmas_ape, @AboardTheArk and @alpha2117 😄). I'm not part of many online communities but find the supportiveness and quality of comments and analysis here pretty special. Loving everyone's roster thoughts and think you made an interesting point @Tiberiousthat while the standard is higher, there aren't as many huge characters like The Comedian, Dumfrey Pinn and Vaughan. Boo Smithson, Shogo and Mace Mueller put on better matches, but arguably carry less of an aura.

And I'll be sure to include some updates on the wider Aussie scene @alpha2117. It's not been quite as wild as I thought it might be so far but Cupid hits a move with his arrow soon after Valentine's Day that's almost as reckless as the Gyula Lakatos' Powerbomb that ended Vaughan's career.


4: Upcoming
Monday 17th January 2022

Following that booking meeting, DIW’s social accounts announced three matches for February’s Hardcore Heatwave show, which was intended to be a blow-off point for the main ongoing storylines.

Blitz Simpson would get his first ever DIW Championship shot, expected to be against Shogo, previous champions Mayhem Mulhoney and Mace Mueller would fight to be the next challenger and Con McReady would receive an Australian Championship rematch against Tim Burr.

The first show of 2022, To The Extreme, would mainly build towards that, though there was a DIW Championship match confirmed. Shogo would defend against Cesar Sionis, who had become the first wrestler to beat him in a title match at the 2019 event for the Australian Championship. Meanwhile, Sionis’ partner Gyula Lakatos had challenged Simpson, planning to soften him up for his partner’s first defence next month.

The card was taking place on a Sunday rather than the usual Friday night slot to accommodate some tour dates Shogo was fulfilling for Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods. Elsewhere, my uncle’s least favourite Aussie soap opera RAW seemed to prefer a time machine to a burning hammer as they’d rehired Manhunter, Rod Sullivan and Dazzler, as well as bringing in producer Classy Paul Massey from New Zealand promotion ZEN.

To The Extreme 2022

  • DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Cesar Sionis
  • Blitz Simpson v Gyula Lakatos
  • Mayhem Mulhoney and Con McReady v Mace Mueller and Tim Burr
  • Boo Smithson v Australian Devil
  • Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly v The Wild Hunt (Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)
  • Blood Brother, Demarcus Lee and East Coast Panther v The Dog Pound (Tevita Takulua, Bully XL and Jake Thornton)


I'll post cards before each show to flag what's on the horizon, but anyone who followed my previous dynasties will know I'm a pretty predictable booker (at least here I can play it off as living up to Big Jim Teasdale's bio: "his booking has been competent rather than interesting" 😄) and that I write too far ahead to be able to offer anything fun in the way of prizes, so no obligation to post predictions. Apologies for the side-comments being longer than the actual dynasty update today, I'll try not to make a habit of it.

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DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Cesar Sionis
Cesar is a good hand, but I think him and Gyula are better suited in the tag division, especially with all the young teams or teams well past their sell-by date.
Blitz Simpson v Gyula Lakatos
Same logic as title match - keep the Death Cult in the tag division, heat up your arguably two biggest stars for their title match in February
Mayhem Mulhoney and Con McReady v Mace Mueller and Tim Burr
I could see this one going either way, but I'm a sucker for Mace so I'll back him
Boo Smithson v Australian Devil
I think you need to keep Boo warmed up. He's older and has a lot of wear and tear so I think you want to see how much time he has left before using him to put over your up-and-comers.
Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly v The Wild Hunt (Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)
Blood Brother, Demarcus Lee and East Coast Panther v The Dog Pound (Tevita Takulua, Bully XL and Jake Thornton)
You have two new stables that need some heating up facing off mostly random groupings of cast of vets or young guys without direction. Of the 6 men taking the pin, I'd like to see Rad Masteroff get a push somewhere down the line, he's a favorite of mine I've never been able to use much in my games, while Wez Dobberly is the "younger and better" of the former Pinn goons and he has some potential story with Mace down the road given their shared history.

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DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Cesar Sionis

Blitz Simpson v Gyula Lakatos

Mayhem Mulhoney and Con McReady v Mace Mueller and Tim Burr

Boo Smithson v Australian Devil

Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly v The Wild Hunt (Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)

Blood Brother, Demarcus Lee and East Coast Panther v The Dog Pound (Tevita Takulua, Bully XL and Jake Thornton)

I remember reading you last dynasty with DIW in 2024 using lavelleuk's Alternative 2022 Cornellverse mod and it was a great read so I am confident that this dynasty will be worth following as well.  I can't wait to see what you have in store and follow you on another wild ride with DIW.

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To The Extreme 2022

DIW Championship: Shogo (c) def. Cesar Sionis

Blitz Simpson def. Gyula Lakatos

Mayhem Mulhoney & Con McReady def. Mace Mueller & Tim Burr

Australian Devil def. Boo Smithson

The Wild Hunt def. Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller & Wez Dobberly

The Dog Pound def. Blood Brother, Demarcus Lee & East Coast Panther

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Great to see you here @John Lions @HiPlus and @Tiberious (and that I haven't lost you yet @christmas_ape, @AboardTheArk and @alpha2117 😄). I'm not part of many online communities but find the supportiveness and quality of comments and analysis here pretty special. Loving everyone's roster thoughts and think you made an interesting point @Tiberiousthat while the standard is higher, there aren't as many huge characters like The Comedian, Dumfrey Pinn and Vaughan. Boo Smithson, Shogo and Mace Mueller put on better matches, but arguably carry less of an aura.

And I'll be sure to include some updates on the wider Aussie scene @alpha2117. It's not been quite as wild as I thought it might be so far but Cupid hits a move with his arrow soon after Valentine's Day that's almost as reckless as the Gyula Lakatos' Powerbomb that ended Vaughan's career.

Looking forward to what you are going to come up with.

Oh romance 💖💗💓💞


The card was taking place on a Sunday rather than the usual Friday night slot to accommodate some tour dates Shogo was fulfilling for Burning Hammer Of The Wrestling Gods.

This is both a good and worrying thing ... will someone decide to poach Shogo some time in the future?

Elsewhere, my uncle’s least favourite Aussie soap opera RAW seemed to prefer a time machine to a burning hammer as they’d rehired Manhunter, Rod Sullivan and Dazzler, as well as bringing in producer Classy Paul Massey from New Zealand promotion ZEN.

Sounds about right ... No SubUrban Legend??? 

To The Extreme 2022

  • DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Cesar Sionis

One of these is good and the other is Cesar Sionis ... Shogu retains

  • Blitz Simpson v Gyula Lakatos

You even referenced Gyula's relative incompetence in your own post ... at some point you need to move on from him so why not start now.

  • Mayhem Mulhoney and Con McReady v Mace Mueller and Tim Burr

Burr is okay and probably needs wins to build up for a challenge to Shogu

  • Boo Smithson v Australian Devil

Boo is a fine worker and also the most boring man in the world whilst AD is inconsistent but has some flair.  Boo will likely carry the work here but AD going over is probably the right booking choice.

  • Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly v The Wild Hunt (Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)

Rad is a good prospect, Bloodsport is likely going to take longer to get up to speed.  If Lycan had been in this amtch I'd hae gone the other way but Rad gets the pin on Bloodsport here. 

  • Blood Brother, Demarcus Lee and East Coast Panther v The Dog Pound (Tevita Takulua, Bully XL and Jake Thornton)

Only one booking decision makes sense here and thats the DP's going over and going over strong.  The DP guys aren't all that likely to be poached by RAW but they are likely to be the backbone of DIW in the future.  

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  • DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Cesar Sionis
  • Blitz Simpson v Gyula Lakatos
  • Mayhem Mulhoney and Con McReady v Mace Mueller and Tim Burr
  • Boo Smithson v Australian Devil
  • Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly v The Wild Hunt (Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)
  • Blood Brother, Demarcus Lee and East Coast Panther v The Dog Pound (Tevita Takulua, Bully XL and Jake Thornton)
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DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Cesar Sionis

Blitz Simpson v Gyula Lakatos

Mayhem Mulhoney and Con McReady v Mace Mueller and Tim Burr

Boo Smithson v Australian Devil

Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly v The Wild Hunt (Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)

Blood Brother, Demarcus Lee and East Coast Panther v The Dog Pound (Tevita Takulua, Bully XL and Jake Thornton)


#noticing the additions to the undercard and I can get a few ideas about what might happen later in the year if things go well

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  • DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Cesar Sionis
    Ares Death Cult were a huge part of your last dynasty, but I think it's more likely they'll be sort of gatekeepers here, at least as far as the DIW championship goes.
  • Blitz Simpson v Gyula Lakatos
    Lakatos had the bookers favor last time, but I could see Jake not being quite as impressed by a big unsafe guy with zero charisma. Or maybe Jake would be very impressed by that now that I think that over. Either way Blitz has his title shot coming up.
  • Mayhem Mulhoney and Con McReady v Mace Mueller and Tim Burr
    Could go either way, but I'll go with Mayhem and McReady here on the basis that I think they're both likely to lose their singles showdowns, so could use a win here to make them a bit more credible ahead of that.
  • Boo Smithson v Australian Devil
    Devil is a fun midcard act, but unless Boo has actively told you he's retiring I can't see him losing here.
  • Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly v The Wild Hunt (Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)
    I'm mostly just going against the grain here by picking against the Wild Hunt, but I do have a reason for my madness in that their leader Lycan Nightshade isn't in the match and their opponents are a bit more established, being former members of Pinn Industries. Rad is only 21 and one of the better prospects in your company, so I could see him picking up the win and impressing Lycan Nightshade enough to try to recruit him. Or more likely I'm overthinking things.
  • Blood Brother, Demarcus Lee and East Coast Panther v The Dog Pound (Tevita Takulua, Bully XL and Jake Thornton)
    I think technically the Dog Pound start as the least popular members of the roster in the data, but your protagonist is on the booking team and the opposing team consists of the three least relevant singles guys on your roster.
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  • DIW Championship: Shogo (c) v Cesar Sionis

While it would be nice to see Cesar finally pushed into the Main Event, the roster already is stacked with talent. As you and others said, the roster is full of talent and Cesar is one of those guys left over from the period of Pinn, Comedian, Bob Shrunkle, God of War and those types. I'd actually love to see guys like God of War, Menace to Sobriety, Asylum come in as one offs in hardcore matches. I got a bit side tracked. I am so excited to see your take on Shogo in DIW. He was always a guy I loved to sign so I am hyped to see him as a major player. 

  • Blitz Simpson v Gyula Lakatos

Same as above, Blitz and Gyula both are guys that joined at the end of an era time for DIW. After that Gyula still looked like a tag-team guy while Blitz has come out to be a leader in the company. That said a storyline where Gyula takes out a former member of Barracuda's after retiring Vaughan years ago. Actually that may be bad taste. 

  • Mayhem Mulhoney and Con McReady v Mace Mueller and Tim Burr

This is an unfortunate match for Con McReady. Tim Burr is a solo champion so him losing a tag match is a good way to establish future opponents, but Mulhoneys only future opponent is managing his super fund before he retires. Mace Mueller is exactly like Blitz Simpson, had his stable dissolve and now has become a solo guy. 

  • Boo Smithson v Australian Devil

This is probably the most 50/50 match in my mind. Boo is still decent enough in the ring, and probably the most over guy. He is either going to be fighting for the title and potentially winning, or he can be used to elevate your top tier guys and gatekeeper the main event. Australian Devil is a mid-card guy, it is crazy that he hasn't had a real shot and this could be his chance at changing his destiny. 

  • Rad Masteroff, Angus McMiller and Wez Dobberly v The Wild Hunt (Bloodsport, Slugger and Syrus)

No way is a stable losing to Radmasteroff and The Hired Guns. This is a decent match to establish themselves. I would think that The Bat Men were a joke in the past, but now with new renders and in a faction they look like legitimate threats. Also excited to see where The Wild Hunt storyline goes and how much it differs from the other stories inside DIW. 

  • Blood Brother, Demarcus Lee and East Coast Panther v The Dog Pound (Tevita Takulua, Bully XL and Jake Thornton)

Again a faction vs a group of guys. I would love to see East Coast Panther shine eventually, but it wont happen here. He is a guy who in the right circumstances could have grown a lot and been a real decent guy in the ring. Sadly his career as a wrestler in general stalled and he pigeon holed himself into being a spot monkey high flyer. Tevita is terrifying he will be such a monster long term.



Overall going through this, it has made me sad Tombstone left for RAW. I 100% understand why he was a three time DIW champion and had done everything in the company, but imagine him with this roster. Guiding someone like Tim Burr and mixing it up with Shogo. It would/could have been amazing.

I know everyone cant make the show, but for the first one I am surprised we don't see Milton or Lycan. Both likely in angles during the night though. I know you mentioned how often you like to post it. Just do you man, I will always read it. I may miss shows (predictions) occasionally, but you write it I read it. I am so damn pumped to see this diary and see where you take things with the core CVerse and what additions you end up making. I also get what you mean about being predictable. Wrestling should be predictable. You should have those guys that will win, look great. It is only on some occasions where you build up a match, that you get either 50/50 calls. Because if you have people losing in unpredictable ways all the times it lessens the actual wrestling talent, and makes everyone involved look weak. 


Unless you're @christmas_ape then you book like a mad man and you're not even sure if its a real or not and everyone gets abducted, and blasted by paint balls until finally a giant turtle takes everyone to spain. (Okay the last bit never happened, but surely isn't far off.)

Edited by HiPlus
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