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War's End? - A 2001 Scenario By Tommy

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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;181952]Been simulating just under a year of the game world while unemployed, and I thought I'd share this... [IMG]http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/9662/hogandanielsrw7.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] I noticed Danny Doring went from ECW jobber, to defeating the former ECW World Champ, the franchise.....
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[QUOTE=ROH=CE;182174]Are the alignments like face or heel the way they were when WCW shut its doors for the WCW workers or are they just set to heel? This is for the Invasion one.[/QUOTE] The Invasion one's date is May. Everything is set up like it is in May. "The Invasion" didn't already take place at the start of this mod, the pieces are just in place. But back to what you originally asked about alignments I can personally vouch that all the alignments in the WWF for the time are accurate.
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[QUOTE=ROH=CE;182174]Are the alignments like face or heel the way they were when WCW shut its doors for the WCW workers or are they just set to heel? This is for the Invasion one.[/QUOTE] The Invasion version hasn't been started. The plan is to get the Rebirth version complete and release-worthy, then copy that data and make the Invasion version. That's just a matter of deleting WCW, giving its belts and the requisite superstars to the WWF, and adding TNA as a new fed set to debut in 02. Along with some developmental issues (NWA:Wildside would no longer be a WCW-owned fed, HWA and OVW would have WCW talent like Lash LeRoux and Mike Sanders), those are the only differences between the two data sets. And I still haven't answered your question, hehe. The WCW Invader's alignments will be how they were when WCW closed. Invasion Booker T will be a face. Invasion Buff Bagwell a heel. Invasion Shane Helms a face. Invasion Lance Storm a heel. That's what the WWF had to book around (and did end up having both Alliance faces and Alliance heels), so that's what you'll have to book around.
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Alright thanks, I was really hoping that would be the case as it would just seem stale with The Alliance as all heel, this way we can book it to a a better way. I personally am planning on joining ECW and WCW very different than WWF did in real life. Also I think that I will probably play WCW as well since that is the first version getting released. Both should be two great mods and I can't wait.
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[QUOTE=parkerUK;182237]how many workers are there so far? will aj styles be in there or is 2001 to early for him, sounds friggin awesome[/QUOTE] At the moment, there are 874 workers. That's a figure that will go up to the low 900's once the Japan data is complete. I'll take some more screenshots of the simmed year later today. WCW's roster isn't exactly realistic, they've only signed guys like Ace Steel and Danny Doring because during my simming, I killed a few of their contracts to see who they would sign next. A few weird things happened during simming, like I knew Brian Adams' (KroniK) stats were too high when WCW gave him a run with the World Title. I knocked them down, and he dropped the belt to Scott Steiner straight away. JAPW and ECCW shut down before a year was complete, so if you want a challenging fed, they'd be a good place to start. Also - Grandmaster Sexay 'Billy Gunned' the King Of The Ring! I ve dropped his stats a little now, so it won't happen again, but at first he got a monster push. Wins over Kurt Angle and the Big Show. He won the King Of The Ring, defeating Benoit in the finals. Then Kurt Angle beat him twice. Then Matt Hardy beat him, 3 times in a row. Then, it was back to the midcard. He re-formed Too Cool and beat the oddly named 'Straight and True' (an AI created team - Stevie Richards and Billy Gunn), won the tag belts and they've had a huge un-defeated streak. Weird as.
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[QUOTE=ROH=CE;182295]Alright thanks, I was really hoping that would be the case as it would just seem stale with The Alliance as all heel, this way we can book it to a a better way. I personally am planning on joining ECW and WCW very different than WWF did in real life. Also I think that I will probably play WCW as well since that is the first version getting released. Both should be two great mods and I can't wait.[/QUOTE] Oh, the mods will be released simultaneously. The changes to make the Invasion mod would only take a day at the max. Probably just a few hours. What I'm planning on doing when the mod is finished is a Rebirth WCW, that gets invaded by ECW guys. Sign RVD, Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu. Try and poach any of the WWF ECW guys. Turn Douglas, Storm and Awesome to the ECW side. Bring in Don Callis as the mouthpiece if Heyman's contract doesn't expire. Or play as Invasion WWF, run an awesome Invasion with some big names, then do a three-way brand split - WWF, WCW and ECW. HOT.
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As promised, the WCW roster from my test game. It's been run to the 2nd of June 2002. [IMG]http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/9632/wcwrosterdp1.jpg[/IMG] That's not really an accurate portrayal, as I said, I ended some contracts just to see who WCW would hire to fill the gaps. You'll notice they picked up Shawn Michaels (didn't mess with him, WWF just let him go!), and Mark Jindrak is a main eventer! Doring's stats have since been lowered, by the way, so AI WCW won't push him so much in the finished version. And Marc Mero has been set to a semi-active wrestler. And now, a background pic to mess with your heads. [IMG]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/714/invasionvincemcmahontl7.jpg[/IMG]
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[QUOTE=tommytomlin;182297]A few weird things happened during simming, like I knew Brian Adams' (KroniK) stats were too high when WCW gave him a run with the World Title. I knocked them down, and he dropped the belt to Scott Steiner straight away. [/QUOTE] Are you saying you edited his stats mid-game? If so, how are you doing that?
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