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World Wrestling Federation: From Montreal To Attitude

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:( Saw the original and 2 edited versions of your post, Keefy, I was getting back into your diary as you know, although, admittedly I didn't even realise the prediction page was up for your next show. I know exactly what you mean, I have felt the same with my recently aborted diary. Your diary is easily one of the very best on here, the only thing that has hurt it is the time between shows, which I'm certainly not criticising you for, as you know full well I had the same issues with my diary. It does take a lot of time to write up a show when you go into the detail we both do. I hope somehow you do decide to continue this diary or indeed start another one. I don't actually read CV diaries but I would certainly make the effort to read yours. Anyway, I'm actually busy at the moment, but I'm going to check out the prediction post and make my predictions later on in the hope it spurs you on to continue with this. Take care :)
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awwwww how crap is that? I spend an age reading through more or less the whole diary there, & I get to the end & you've decided to finish it! I was gonna be looking forward to the updates. :( I must say that I've never read a more life-like, representation of the era, & some of the stuff you wrote for comedy & gags were absolute genius. I can understand why you want to give it up, but its just a shame! I hope theres enough people on here that'll give you credit for this, & hopefully you'll decide to keep on giving it a bash! Anyways, I'll post my predictions: Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Championship [B]The Rock[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin [I]If there is a straight winner I think it'll be the Rock as it gives the title picture a nice freshness to it. I do think though that there'll be a screwy finish & we'll get a triple threat![/I] Number One Contenders Match for the Intercontinental Title Billy Gunn vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] [I]RVD>NewHBK + face vs heel > heel vs heel[/I] Handicap Match [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs Psicosis & Chavo Guerrero Jr [I]One of the Mexicans will leave the other to their doom![/I] WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match Hayashi © vs [B]Dougie Williams[/B] [I]How can you no love a Scot?[/I] The Future: [B]Sean Morgan[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush [I]SQUASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/I] The Brood & Gangrel vs [B]Edge, Christian & Chyna[/B] [I]Random guess! I love how you've written for E&C[/I]
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Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Championship [B]The Rock[/B] vs Stone Cold Steve Austin [I]The Rock is a huge talent in the making and the title picture needs changing up a bit at this point, although as mentioned above, both men being added to a triple threat match would be great. However, it seems that most of the big title matches have been triple threat or other non singles matches, so I'll say a Rock win[/I] Number One Contenders Match for the Intercontinental Title Billy Gunn vs [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] [I]By far the more talented man[/I] Handicap Match [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs Psicosis & Chavo Guerrero Jr [I]There is no way someone of your talents would have Taker lose a match with the other two men involved[/I] WWF Light-Heavyweight Title Match [B]Hayashi © [/B]vs Dougie Williams [I]Don't see Dougie winning the title so soonafter earning the shot, I expect a dodgy victory to lead to another match, or Dpugie to win by dq/countout[/I] The Future: [B]Sean Morgan[/B] vs Mike Quackenbush [I]Obvious :D[/I] The Brood & Gangrel vs [B]Edge, Christian & Chyna[/B] [I]Edge and Christian are just immense[/I]
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[QUOTE=sebsy;594938]:( Saw the original and 2 edited versions of your post, Keefy, I was getting back into your diary as you know, although, admittedly I didn't even realise the prediction page was up for your next show. I know exactly what you mean, I have felt the same with my recently aborted diary. Your diary is easily one of the very best on here, the only thing that has hurt it is the time between shows, which I'm certainly not criticising you for, as you know full well I had the same issues with my diary. It does take a lot of time to write up a show when you go into the detail we both do. I hope somehow you do decide to continue this diary or indeed start another one. I don't actually read CV diaries but I would certainly make the effort to read yours. Anyway, I'm actually busy at the moment, but I'm going to check out the prediction post and make my predictions later on in the hope it spurs you on to continue with this. Take care :)[/QUOTE] Thanks man. I thought you would understand more than anyone what with you putting in similar detail to me and not getting the feedback you hoped for. You've been a reader for a while and been a good mate too so thanks a lot. I'll still be around a bit, so I'll still be in touch! [QUOTE=darthsiddus2;595074]I always loved your shows keef and am sad to see this go although I can see why. I don't usually do predictions but hey if you can how bout doing a 2002 diary? it'll probably be more fun for you.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I'm loving the 2002 mod at the moment, just don't have the time to work on it. I have some really great things going on though and it is certainly interesting for me at the moment. I'm loving some of the characters and trying to legitimise a few people on the roster, like Jericho, Regal, nWo etc. I'll see, but I don't want to start a new one and then give up on it straight away because it REALLY bugs me when people do it! Thanks for the feedback mate, really appreciate it! [QUOTE=Doe-Bomb;595079]awwwww how crap is that? I spend an age reading through more or less the whole diary there, & I get to the end & you've decided to finish it! I was gonna be looking forward to the updates. :( I must say that I've never read a more life-like, representation of the era, & some of the stuff you wrote for comedy & gags were absolute genius. I can understand why you want to give it up, but its just a shame! I hope theres enough people on here that'll give you credit for this, & hopefully you'll decide to keep on giving it a bash![/QUOTE] Haha, sorry about that buddy! Thanks a lot for the positive feedback, that really means a lot. I'm glad you liked the comedy aspects, it made up a big part of the era but I was worried some of the stuff wouldn't be to peoples tastes or wouldn't translate in text format. So thank you, I really appreciate it. -------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, I've been thinking about it, and I have a couple more shows written up. I might as well post them because they are doing nothing just sitting on my computer, so I'll just post the shows within the next few days, and the out of ring stuff too, just for all the people who are still reading. I'd prefer not to let this die on this note so hopefully I'll get over myself and book up to Wrestlemania, which would be a nice place to stop, but we'll see about that. But for the time being I'll post the couple of shows I do have written up because there is no point in not! Cheers for the feedback guys, I really appreciate it.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;595420]Thanks man. I thought you would understand more than anyone what with you putting in similar detail to me and not getting the feedback you hoped for. You've been a reader for a while and been a good mate too so thanks a lot. I'll still be around a bit, so I'll still be in touch! -------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, I've been thinking about it, and I have a couple more shows written up. I might as well post them because they are doing nothing just sitting on my computer, so I'll just post the shows within the next few days, and the out of ring stuff too, just for all the people who are still reading. I'd prefer not to let this die on this note so hopefully I'll get over myself and book up to Wrestlemania, which would be a nice place to stop, but we'll see about that. But for the time being I'll post the couple of shows I do have written up because there is no point in not! Cheers for the feedback guys, I really appreciate it.[/QUOTE] \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/ Great decision. Also, just like to say your words mean alot, but I know you've helped me a hell of a lot more than I have helped you :D so it is I who should be thanking you. Anyway, awesome that you have at least two more shows for us, just hope you can get to Mania.
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Sorry, I haven't been around mate. I have had some immense issues off the board to deal with, and... I too don't know if I will back posting or what not anytime soon, but I wanted to respond anyway because you are a friend of the truest sense of the word. You know I firmly agree with what you have written. If it's any consolation, during tough times for me every now and then I 'guested' in to see where your mind was taking professional wrestling. And it entertained me, and at times kept my spirits up. I guess this may sound a little 'A few good men'-ish, but you don't need a badge to have honour and likewise you don't need prizes to know your work is damn fine. In my own view, you have an enormous gift to mould a roster and make every match hard to predict. You give every wrestler a reason for us to believe he/she is getting a push, or at least has a reason why they should get a push. That's a rare gift. Take care good friend. And congratulations on giving me so much enjoyment.
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It'll be sad to see such a great diary come to an end. I'm one of those many who is guilty of reading more than posting, even if just to say a "KUTGW". So apologies for not being more active in that regard, but I can definitely say that I've been another who has enjoyed the diary. Something of this magnitdue obviously takes a lot of time and dedication, and its amazing that its come this far and maintained the quality throughout. Whatever you decide, I've enjoyed reading. So thanks.
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[QUOTE=tristram;595804]Sorry, I haven't been around mate. I have had some immense issues off the board to deal with, and... I too don't know if I will back posting or what not anytime soon, but I wanted to respond anyway because you are a friend of the truest sense of the word. You know I firmly agree with what you have written. If it's any consolation, during tough times for me every now and then I 'guested' in to see where your mind was taking professional wrestling. And it entertained me, and at times kept my spirits up. I guess this may sound a little 'A few good men'-ish, but you don't need a badge to have honour and likewise you don't need prizes to know your work is damn fine. In my own view, you have an enormous gift to mould a roster and make every match hard to predict. You give every wrestler a reason for us to believe he/she is getting a push, or at least has a reason why they should get a push. That's a rare gift. Take care good friend. And congratulations on giving me so much enjoyment.[/QUOTE] Thank you, that is some incredible praise there. It's a great feeling to know I'm keeping someone entertained, especially someone I respect so much as a writer and a person. All the best with everything matey, I hope on day you can come back here full time because you are so talented it seems a shame that you can't be here doing what you clearly have a talent for. All the best, my friend. [QUOTE=Bigpapa42;595810]It'll be sad to see such a great diary come to an end. I'm one of those many who is guilty of reading more than posting, even if just to say a "KUTGW". So apologies for not being more active in that regard, but I can definitely say that I've been another who has enjoyed the diary. Something of this magnitdue obviously takes a lot of time and dedication, and its amazing that its come this far and maintained the quality throughout. Whatever you decide, I've enjoyed reading. So thanks.[/QUOTE] Mate, I'm as guilty of that than anyone! Glad to see that you are reading because you are obviously someone whose work I really enjoy and with all your out of ring stuff you probably understand the effort and dedication these things take more than anyone! Thanks for the support mate.
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Keef - If there's a bigger DB than me on the forums, I haven't found him yet... I love numerous diarys, yours is definitely in the top 3 and I don't comment nearly enough on ANY of them.. I'm horrendous when it comes to that. I hate to see ya go buddy, you've brought me hours of entertainment, I honestly remember the first night I started reading your diary, I was up with my daughter, who was very colicy... colicish... coli- (don't know if that's the right terminology or not... she was a PITA for a minute) and I sat and read through all of FMTA up to that point, even printed it off and sent it to a friend of mine who was in the clink because he wanted something to remind him of WWE "when it was good" and he thoroughly enjoyed it as well (he has since purchased TEW after his release, though he does not frequent this site for some reason) At any rate, I'd love to see what you have planned up until Wrestlemania, but will be happy with anything that you decide, all good things must come to an end, so I thank you for the time and effort that you put into FMTA for as long as you have.
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Keef - There's not too much I can say that hasn't already been said. You are an excellent writer who I could definitely see booking for WWE one day if you ever chose to go that route. As a matter of fact, you'd most likely be an improvement over what they've got right now. I'm another who doesn't post on other's diaries enough as I should but I have to say that this diary in and of itself deserves an award from the outside world. Your consistency is an amazing trait. Between you and trist and Nevermore is what I aspire to become like in consistent excellent quality. Everything grows older but only a few things become legend and I would categorize this as a legendary diary. Thanks for the memories!
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[QUOTE]Thanks to everyone for the amazing words, they truly have humbled me. I'll post the rest of the shows I've got written up, but to be honest, all this positivity is making me reconsider finishing this on a sour note. You guys really are the best, thank you. While I doubt this will go on beyond Wrestlemania, I would quite like to give it a proper send off as you guys are quite simply amazing. Thanks.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 30th November 1998[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]LIVE from Cincinnati, Ohio[/SIZE][/B] [B]SPONSERED BY…[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]UNIVERSITY SPORTS TEAM MEMBERS[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="4"]Yes, we get that you play sports and therefore think you are cooler than anyone else. No, we don’t care.[/SIZE][/I] [/CENTER] Raw opens up, somewhat predictably, with Shane McMahon coming down to the ring. [B]Shane:[/B] I told you there would be changes! I told you all that things would change and someone would take the fall. You see, The Alliance is a much closer knit group than people think. People say “oh, it’s just a group of individuals linked by greed”, but that is not true. We are a family that overrides actual, biological family. We know the importance of sticking together to rid the WWF of the evils that make it up and you saw that by The Undertaker throwing his own brother off the stage in to that fire. That is loyalty, right there. And now, after that, after Headbanger Thrasher getting fired, you can see who is in control. Last week was just the start, just a warm up. Tonight things finally heat up… [I][SIZE="4"]NO CHANCE![/SIZE][/I] Vince McMahon comes down to the ring, but instead of his usual arrogant, evil self, he looks somewhat concerned. [B]Vince:[/B] Shane, Son, we need to talk. I am on your side, I completely agree that The Alliance has to stick together to rid the evils of the WWF… but the way you are going about it isn’t the right way, damn it. What you had The Undertaker do to Kane was just not right. Kane was one of us, Kane was a warrior and you reduced him to nothing more than ashes on the floor of the arena. I can’t allow this in a company I own. Kane served me well… [B]Shane:[/B] Waa, waa, waa. I didn’t see you defending him, Dad. You agreed, things had to change after Survivor Series. We lost, in case your memory doesn’t serve you so well in your old age. Kane cost The Alliance the match and we cost him his career. This isn’t the same industry that you are used to, Vince. There was a time where you were the cutthroat one; you were the big bad businessman looking out for himself. But now, you don’t stand out, the wrestling business is full of people like that. I’m adjusting the WWF and I’m adjusting The Alliance to keep up with the times. [B]Vince:[/B] Damn it, it’s not that simple, Shane. Look, I hate Steve Austin more than life itself, but you can’t go around throwing people into fire and such. [B]Shane:[/B] Why not? Oh, let me guess… is Vincent Kennedy McMahon going to give me a lesson in ethics? Well, excuse me kettle, but I’ve got a pot here and he’s calling you black. [B]Vince: [/B]SSSHHHUT UP! In case you’ve forgotten who in the hell I am here, I’m the owner of this God damn company, and not only that, I’m your father damn it, so listen to me. I may not have been the ethical man in the world at times but the WWF is the same place as it always was- you earn your stripes around here. Look at Owen, he earned the WWF Championship and that’s what makes him the greatest champion in history. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh my God… you’ve gone weak. I don’t know what Stone Cold did to you, but you’ve gone weak. Is it the thought of the younger generation nipping at your heels? Is it the imagery of me doing what you haven’t had the guts to do by taking business in to my own hands? The Undertaker set the example when it came to family members last week, Pops, don’t let the same thing happen to you. We agree, the best thing for the WWF is for The Alliance to prosper. Don’t let it fail because you don’t have the guts to do what is right. For example… The King and JR. The greatest commentary team of all time, apparently. They are so used to working there that they seem to have forgotten their job description. [B]Vince: [/B]I’m not following you? [B]Shane:[/B] Last week, at the end of the Headbanger vs Headbanger match, they took it upon themselves to rip in to my ethical decisions, my management of the roster, damn it, they questioned by integrity. That’s not your job, guys; your job is to call things right down the middle. And as such, to follow the theme of the month, one of you will take the fall. Therefore, tonight, in the middle of the ring we will have “Good Ol’ JR” Jim Ross going against Jerry “The King” Lawler and the loser… is… fired! And to make sure there are no shenanigans, I will be the guest referee! Best of luck, guys, because one of you is gone from this company for good. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Title Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKaz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DougWilliams.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Hayashi © w/Zukaya vs “Braveheart” Dougie Williams[/B][/SIZE] The fans are behind Dougie, as they surprisingly have been from the start of his WWF career. Hayashi, as always, is not afraid of hitting the lows to ensure he stays on top, which just gets this rabid crowd further against him. The duo put on a good technical display, as you would have course expect, with Hayashi providing the high flying to keep it lively until Hayashi takes his eye off the ball for one moment and is punished with the Chaos Theory! Can you believe it?! [B]Winner, and NEW WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion: Dougie Williams in 7:58[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marc Mero comes down to the ring with his new girl as the crowd boo quite incredibly. They obviously have no real opinion of Ivory, but Mero seems to probably be getting X-Pac heat these days, not that X-Pac has any heat, or even exists as a charcter at this point. We’ll just have to call it “Mero Heat”. [B]Mero: [/B]Last week you finally saw that winch of an ex-wife get what she had coming to her. Me and my new gal Ivory, here, took it upon ourselves to teach Sable and that little boyfriend of hers a lesson the good old fashion way. And the next time I see Sab… He is interrupted by Sable, who gets an almighty response from the crowd. [B]Mero: [/B]What do you want, bitch? [B]Sable:[/B] Oh, I was just trying to work out, which one of you is the bigger bitch, Ivory or you, Marc. [B]Ivory: [/B]Don’t you talk about my man like that, skank. Not unless you want a repeat of last week, that is. [B]Sable: [/B]Any time you want a fight, you know where to find me. But next time show the guts to take me on face to face. [B]Ivory:[/B] I’ve got no problem with that. It would be my pleasure to prove you are nothing more than a clueless blonde who couldn’t wrestle her way out of a plastic bag. I however, the great Ivory, am the best female wrest… Suddenly, Sable spears Ivory to the mat, but before Marc Mero can retaliate Lance Storm sprints to the ring and stands in front of him. Sable then grabs her microphone again. [B]Sable:[/B] If you wanna face me in the ring then that’s fine. Me and you, one on one, next week live on Raw Is War! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera then cuts backstage to the parking lot where Tazz is pacing alone, sledgehammer in hand as we hear from the new commentators for the night. [B]Cole:[/B] Hi, folks, I’m Michael Cole joined by the legendary Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and here we see Tazz who has been waiting there all day according to our sources, presumably waiting for Tazz. [B]Heenan:[/B] Thanks for the glowing introduction, ham and egger. I can’t believe I was in the back minding my own business, throwing stones at birds and now I’m stuck in front of all these humanoids in Cincinnati. These people are proof that not all people deserve the vote and not everyone should be allowed to reproduce. [B]Cole:[/B] Would you stop with that, already?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DevonStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristopherDaniels2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Gangrel2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/christianchamp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Edgechamp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Chyna-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Brood & Gangrel vs Edge, Christian ad the “9th Wonder Of the World” Chyna[/SIZE][/B] As you would expect, the fans were into this one too and for much of it it kept a fast pace, therefore working perfectly as an early match on the show. The The Brood really have looked like something else since they started, and yet again they spent much of the match dominating, but Edge & Christians quickness kept them in the match, and the hot tag to Chyna, who is still seemingly pissed at the attempted assault on her before Survivor Series at the hands of the Angels, and she nearly decapitated Covell with a Clothesline. Daniels, the man with seemingly no soul, had no problem brutalising the woman, but once she tagged out E&C went through their high impact offence and eventually Christian managed to roll up Daniels for the win! [B]Winners: Edge, Christian & Chyna in 7:42[/B][/CENTER] As if the Angels are going to stand by and watch that go down, huh? Gangrel leads the assault and his disciples follow quickly, each taking it in turns to plant one with a DDT before Gangrel laughs at the destruction and leaves with the evil protégés following closely behind. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video is aired of Owen Hart’s greatest moments, going back to when he debuted as a high flier, through his feud with his brother (in which this video makes it seem as though Owen got the better of that rivalry), moving through his shots at the WWF Title before finally becoming champion and clinging on to it regardless of who he has had to face. We then get a logo on the stage indicating it is time for… [SIZE="4"]“Owen With The Stars!”[/SIZE] Owen Hart comes to the ring, of course with the WWF Title, and grabs a microphone. [B]Owen:[/B] Welcome everybody to the first ever showing of Owen With The Stars! You see, the name is a play on “one with the sta…”, never mind, you’re all too stupid to understand it. Basically what we have here is a chat show to be hosted by the greatest WWF Champion in history with the sole intention of proving that it doesn’t matter what form of media it is, I am the King Of Harts. Anyway, the time has come for me to introduce my first ever guest on the show, please put your hands together for… The Rock! The crowd pops immensely as The Rock comes down to the ring. Owen is sitting on the couch but The Rock refuses to, instead pacing around the ring, ready for whatever tricks Owen has in store. [B]Owen:[/B] Okay, Rocky, tonight you have an opportunity against Steve Austin to see who will face me at the last ever In Your House event for the WWF Title. As someone who clearly isn’t ready for such an opportunity, what are your tactics? [B]Rock:[/B] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! The Rock was being friendly; The Rock was appearing on your show, a new show, to help you out. You see The Rock hates The Alliance and he isn’t too fond of you but The Rock is a gentleman… fine. But you wanna bring me out here to insult me in front of the millions… AND MILLIONS… of The Rock’s fans? This is the truth, jabroni, The Rock is going out there tonight, walking the People’s aisle, in to the People’s ring, laying the smacketh down on Stone Cold’s bald candy ass and then… huh… and then, Owen Hart, The Rock is coming after you. Which means you take that WWF Title that you hold so proudly over your shoulder, grab that giant appendage you call a nose, yank it off your face, mix it with the title, turn that sumbitch sideways and stick it straight up your candy ass! IF YA SMEEE… Before The Rock can finish he is blindsided by The Acolytes who attack him with their usual intense, stiff offence, beating Rocky down to the mat, until… [I][SIZE="4"]*GLASS SHATTERS*[/SIZE][/I] The crowd erupts for Stone Cold Steve Austin, who comes sprinting down to the ring to save The Rock. Owen rolls out of the ring straight away, allowing Austin a free pass at the Acolytes. With Austin fighting Bradshaw, The Rock makes it to his feet to attack Faarooq, nailing him with a Rock Bottom as Austin takes Bradshaw out with a Stunner. Owen can’t believe what he’s seeing in the ring as Stone Cold starts ripping the set apart, tipping the couch and then turning to The Rock… Stunner to The Rock! Austin just took out his opponent for tonight with a Stone Cold Stunner! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]The Undertaker’s In Your House Moments Number Four[/B] The Undertaker had dominated the WWF for years, but never before had he been challenged like when his younger brother arrived on the scene. Still, at In Your House 23, better known as Fully Loaded The Undertaker actually teamed up with his evil, younger sibling to defeat the Champions Goldust & Tazz and become the WWF Tag Team Champions.[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The New Corporate Outlaws come out to the ring and grab a microphone. [B]Road Dogg: [/B]Lllllladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages… The Alliance proudly brings to you, The Road Dogg: Jesse James… and the Neeeeeeeeewwww Heartbreak Kid Billy Gunn…. The NEW… CORPORATE… OUTLAWS! [B]Billy Gunn: [/B]And of course, if you ‘aint down with that, I got to words for ya…. The crowd still yell suck it, but Gunn just shakes his head. [B]Gunn:[/B] New…. Showstoppa. The crowd boo, of course. [B]Gunn: [/B]I proved last week that I truly am everything I say I am when I refer to myself as the New Heartbreak Kid, the New Showstoppa, the New Main Event! I nearly kicked Shawn Michaels head straight from his body and I marked the beginning of a new era. At the Survivor Series I lasted until the final 3, I eliminated HBK, I Sweet Chin Music’d him last week and the future is all mine! I am gonna win the Royal Rumble, zip line to the main event of Wrestlemania and win the title with Pamela Anderson by my side! Baby, Shawny, move aside, the new Icon has arrived! [SIZE="4"][I]OH, OH SHAWN![/I][/SIZE] Shawn Michaels makes his way to the crowd to a huge reaction from the crowd. However, he’s not dancing around and being jovial. He just waves politely to the crowd, grabs a microphone and starts talking, all business. [B]Gunn: [/B]Did you hear all of that, old man? [B]Michaels:[/B] Yeah, I got it all. And you are impressive Billy, I will give you that much. Many people over the years, hell even over this year have tried to play the Heartbreak Kid and, even though each and every single of ‘em has been shown their place by yours truly, you are special, Bill. You do have a decent history with titles. The fans do react to you… sort of. But I’m not stupid enough to not admit that you are a good wrestler. You are good at what you do. And you are an incredible athlete. But you are not, and will never be, the Showstoppa. There is one Showstoppa… one Main Event… one Icon… one Heart… Break… Kid… and that ‘aint you, Billy G, that’s me, Shawn Michaels. And if you do decide to try me, I will prove to you exactly why that is. Suddenly, Road Dogg attacks from behind, knocking HBK down in one. The Outlaws lay the boots in on the former WWF Champion, but suddenly Triple H sprints down to the ring and starts taking the fight to them, handling both men until Jeff Jarrett slides in the ring and takes him out with the Acoustic Guitar! Jarrett then grabs the legs of Shawn Michaels and ties him up with the Figure Four Leg Lock, before grabbing a microphone. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Who see this, slapnuts? You see this? We just kicked your ass! The game has passed you by, boys, and we’re ready to take over! [B]Road Dogg:[/B] So… lllllladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, please welcome the newest member of the New… Corporate… Outlaws… The New American Dream… Jeff Jarrett! The three men then stand in the middle of the ring, their arms raised in unison to the distain of the crowd. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ValVenis1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Mike Quackenbush vs The Future: Sean Morgan[/SIZE][/B] He may no longer be a nameless jobber but today The Quack is up against one of the very best in the world in Sean Morgan- just ask him. Morgan was somewhat baffled with Quackenbush’s unique offence, but eventually Morgan took over and put him away with a FuturePlex. [B]Winner: The Future: Sean Morgan in 4:22[/B][/CENTER] [B]Morgan: [/B]Ha, and there it is. Chalk that up as the first Future win on Raw, the first of many as I continue to tear through the roster… courtesy of The Future: Sean Morgan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dutch Mantell: [/B]Hello everybody, I’m back here with The Undertaker. Now, Undertaker, why did you attack your brother last week? [B]Taker: [/B]My brother had become weak. We joined together as a union of monsters hellbent on making things right. We dominated the WWF… we were the WWF, until he changed. My brother, the most evil human being on this planet changed and did the ultimate sin, the ultimate thing a monster can not do… he became human. He grew to love me and he left me with no choice. He was weak, he was human, and it meant he was useless to me. We were beaten by everyone, DX, Van Dam, Hardy Boyz, everyone. The Undertaker is not a joke and I was no longer ready to carry him. [B]Dutch:[/B] But was it necessary to be quite so brutal, to throw him in a pit of fire after the incident in his childhood? [B]Taker:[/B] The incident? You mean when I burnt down our home? He was weak as a child and I strengthened him, I turned him into a monster that used his pain to become evil and fight for the right purposes in this world, to fight for the devil. But I did what I had to do because Kane had it coming to him. And you better watch your mouth because it sounds like you’re insulting me, and if you insult me you are insulting the Lord Of Darkness himself. [B]Dutch: [/B]I can assure you, ‘Taker, I was not insulting you; it’s just that, do you feel no grief? He was your brother, your only brother, and you left him to perish in a… [B]Taker:[/B] I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO TO SAVE THE WWF. KANE WAS WEAK AND HE WAS HANDLED IN THE APPROPRIATE MANNER. BUT I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO INSULT ME? The Undertaker grabs Dutch by the throat. [B]Dutch: [/B]I wasn’t, I prom… [B]Taker:[/B] I LEFT MY BROTHER TO PERISH BECAUSE IT WAS THE ONLY OPTION LEFT. I AM FIGHTING THE RIGHT CAUSE AND THAT MEANS MORE TO ME THAN FAMILY EVER COULD. AND IF I CAN DO THAT TO MY BROTHER, IMAGINE WHAT I WILL DO TO EVERYONE ELSE… Suddenly, The Undertaker takes a clean punch and knocks Dutch to the floor. He starts kicking him over and over again, before he throws him into a concrete wall and squashes his head with a big boot against it. With Dutch sitting against the wall, bleeding quite heavily, ‘Taker backs up, before running and drilling his knee in to the side of the interviewers head, before finally picking him up, spinning him upside down and delivering a Tombstone Piledriver to the concrete floor. The crowd is hushed as The Undertaker gets up and lets out a slight, evil smile as he looks at the devastation below him. He then walks away and we cut back to Dutch as EMT’s and backstage workers sprint over to check on him, blood apparently pouring form the back of his head. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane and Vince are backstage. [B]Shane: [/B]You really have to start hardening up, Dad. We’re almost in the 21st Century; you need to show a hard line. It’s why Austin got the title shot at Survivor Series- you didn’t take a hard enough line with him, you should have had him beaten to a pulp and fired on the spot. It’s a dog eat dog world. Bite, or be eaten. [B]Vince: [/B]Yes, thank you for the lesson in how to run a business. I’ll give you the same one when you’ve owned a company for almost twenty years. [B]Shane: [/B]This ‘aint 1980, Dad. It’s 1998, and the wrestling world has chan… (he turns towards the door) What the hell do you want? The camera turns to the doorway where a young woman is standing. Vince walks over to her, she rushes to him and they hug. [B]Cole: [/B]Brain, that’s… that’s Stephanie McMahon, Vince’s daughter and Shane’s sister. [B]Vince: [/B]Stephanie, what are you doing here? [B]Stephanie:[/B] Daddy, I had to come by after all that’s been happening with Kane and everything. (She walks over to hug Shane, who gives her a much less enthusiastic hug than their father did) How are you, Shane? [B]Shane:[/B] Fine, Steph, busy. You know, adult stuff. Me and Dad are running the company here so, how about you scoot along and Dad will give you ALL his attention later. [B]Stephanie:[/B] Actually, Shane, it was you I wanted to see. Everything that’s been going on, you forcing Kane out of the WWF, making Undertaker do that to his own brother, firing Thrasher, putting JR and King in a Loser is Fired match… it’s all madness. I’m begging you, please stop, I can’t bare to watch my own brother do this anymore. [B]Shane:[/B] Aww, Stehpy-weffy, is your liddle bwain confoosed by all the madness? I DON’T GIVE A CRAP! You think because you watch the show on TV that you understand what’s going on? You think you by sitting in Mom and Dad’s mansion that you actually get the reality of being here? The reality is, Steph, that you wouldn’t know what to do around here if the answers slapped you around the face. [B]Stephanie: [/B]Dad, tell him. He’s letting the power go to his head and he’s ruining lives… [B]Shane:[/B] Whoa, no! You’re talking to me, not him. I’m down here working my ass off day after day to make sure there is still a company for me and you to inherit one day and you think you have the audacity to come down here and tell me I’m doing it wrong? [B]Stephanie:[/B] What happened to you, Shane? When you started here you fought the good fight. You stood up for people. You had matches with Jeff Jarrett because he convinced Dusty Rhodes to turn on his own son, even though you had never had a match before. I was proud of you then. What happened to that person? [B]Shane:[/B] He grew up, Steph, maybe you should do the same. I wasn’t worthy of your pride back then, I was naïve and I fought the wrong fight. Dusty was ashamed of his son and Jarrett took the advantage he needed to stay on top. I don’t blame him one bit anymore and I’m ashamed that I tried to punish him for being a winner. But now, after actually working here, I’ve seen the truth. It’s a jungle out there and only the strongest survive. I’ll step over whoever I have to ensure that I stay in charge and now I see the reality I am ready to destroy whoever stays in my way. I am the alpha male that this company deserves. So, I’m grateful you popped by to [i]my[/i] show to give me feedback, but if you’re quite done being a meddling bitch, why don’t you trot on back to your ivory tower, wait for some wrestler to impregnate you or continue waiting for Dad to drop dead so you get his inheritance. [B]Vince: [/B]That’s it! Shane, that is my only daughter you are talking about. You apologise right now, damn it. [B]Shane: [/B]See Dad, I’m your only son, and if it wasn’t for your only son you wouldn’t have a company to run right now. I got Kane kicked out of the WWF forever by his own brother because The Undertaker, like me, is genetically superior. But just because someone has taken the fall for Survivor Series doesn’t mean people’s places in the WWF aren’t still up for grabs. Any sign of weakness, I assure you, will be punished. Including yours, Daddy-o. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Loser Is Fired- Special Referee Shane McMahon[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JimRoss-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Jerry “The King” Lawler vs “Good Ol’ JR” Jim Ross[/SIZE][/B] King goes to attack JR but he can’t bring himself to do it, so he grabs a microphone[/CENTER] [B]King:[/B] You know what, I’m not gonna do this. I don’t want to keep my job knowing that I had to beat up my friend to do it. JR… cover me. [CENTER]The King lies down, but JR refuses to cover his partner. Lawler starts shouting at him to do it but still Ross refuses, so King grabs him and forces him on top, pinning his own shoulders to the mat in a sense. However, Shane refuses to make the count. King is of course annoyed and gets in Shane’s face but Shane arrogantly turns his back to him and smirks. Jerry Lawler is a legend of the wrestling business so he won’t take this and tackles Shane to the mat and starts pounding his with his famous right fist. King then stands up and acknowledges the cheering crowd, before lowering his strap, signalling to all that business is about to pick up. He attempts a Piledriver on the heir apparent, but the Acolytes run in and start attacking him quite brutally. Shane then grabs a microphone[/CENTER] [B]Shane:[/B] No-one… NO-ONE… lays a hand on me, damn it! You want to be a big man, huh King? YOU’RE FIRED! [B]Cole: [/B]Oh come on! How many more people are going to lose their job in this power trip of Shane’s? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vince McMahon is backstage watching the monitor when Bagwell storms in. [B]Bagwell: [/B]Vinnie, me and you have always been bro’s, so I need a favour. Did you see that shizzle Chyna dug out on me? I demand something is done about it, dog! [B]Vince:[/B] Bagwell, I’ve got my daughter on the show almost in tears, my son is wrecking havoc, The Undertaker is beating up members of staff and burning his brother alive, half the roster is being fired and I just watched my colour commentator get added to the list of former employees. I really don’t have the time to deal with your problem. [B]Bagwell:[/B] You don’t have time for the WWF MVP? You had time for Chavo with his Psicosis problem… [B]Vince: [/B]Fine. You want something done, next week on Raw, in that very ring, Chyna will go one on one with… you. Now get the hell out of my office. [B]Bagwell:[/B] No, I didn’t mean for me to face her, I meant for her to face The Underta… [B]Vince:[/B] GGGGET OUT! OR YOU’LL BE FIRED TOO! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Triple H, who is clearly worse for wear after the attack from the Outlaws earlier, is backstage with temporary backstage interviewer Kurt Angle. Who, I hear you ask? Oh, it’s just some development worker who we probably won’t ever hear from again. [B]Kurt: [/B]I’m Kurt Angle, filling in for Dutch Mantell who has been taken to a medical facility, and I’m with “The Game” himself, Triple H. Hunter, if I may I’m going to briefly skip over the earlier assault and ask you that, after months of trying, you seem to be out of the title scene. What is next in store for the Game? [B]Triple H:[/B] Just because I’m not in the number one contenders match doesn’t mean I’m out altogether. In 2 months time is the Royal Rumble, and I had an epiphany this morning. It told me I would win the 1999 Royal Rumble. I have been looking for that moment, that piece in time where I immortalise myself and I have found it. So, come January I can assure you that I will be making the spl… Triple H stops as Shawn Michaels limps over. They look at each other quite aggressively, but then Shawn leans over and gives Hunter a hug. The two best friends hug there and then before Shawn pulls away. [B]Shawn:[/B] Thanks for having my back, man. I shouldn’t have doubted you. I was getting my ass kicked and you were there for me. Thank you. And I’m sorry about everything for the last couple of months. [B]Triple H:[/B] Dude, forget about it. We’ve argued before and we’ll damn sure argue again. But I will always have your back, even if all that means is getting my ass kicked too. [B]Shawn: [/B]This is quite a moment, huh? Should we make out, or… [B]Triple H:[/B] Or just kick the Outlaws asses? [B]Shawn: [/B]That works. They both limp away. [B]Shawn:[/B] So that was a no to the making out, right? [B]Triple H:[/B] You know how I know you’re gay? You wanna make out with other men. [B]Shawn: [/B]Well, you know how I know you’re… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BillyGunn1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Bad Ass” Billy Gunn vs “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/SIZE][/B] What is it with all the Shawn Michaels impersonators these days? Does the writer not have any other ideas?! RVD of course has the whole crowd behind him throughout, but Billy Gunn is a heck of an athlete, as Michael Cole reminds every 15 seconds for the entire match. Billy seems to have those HBK impressions down quite well, not that the fans are impressed. After a to and fro match, Billy starts tuning up the band and attempts Sweet Chin Music but misses, allowing Van Dam to hit his version of it, springs to the top rope and nails a Five Star Frog Splash! [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam in 8:48[/B][/CENTER] Van Dam immediately climbs the turnbuckle and salutes the crowd somewhat surprisingly with the cross arms DX celebration, and then getting a sing along of “R…V…D!” until he is suddenly struck from behind by Finlay! Finlay nails the youngster right in the knee with his Shillelagh, and then starts clubbing down on it as RVD lies on the mat. [I][SIZE="4"]BREAK IT DOWN![/SIZE][/I] The crowd erupt as Michaels and Triple H sprint down to the ring to save Van Dam, and for a fighting Irishman Finlay doesn’t want to stay around and fight, leaving the ring immediately. HBK and The Game help RVD to his feet, perhaps showing that they are accepting him as a DX member, but rather than dwell on the moment they spot Billy Gunn getting to his feet, so Michaels Sweet Chin Music’s him, sending him groggily into a Pedigree! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Kevin Kelly:[/B] Hi everybody, I’m Kevin Kelly standing by here with one of the men who hopes to become the number one contender tonight in Stone Cold Steve Austin. Steve, why did you attack The Rock earlier tonight after saving him from The Alliance? [B]Austin: [/B]The rules haven’t changed, you stupid son of a b*tch. Go back as far as you want in the career of Stone Cold Steve Austin and you will see it has been about don’t trust anyone. The truth is I wasn’t about to watch those mealy mouthed sons of b*tches attack an innocent guy like that but the bottom line is I still want to be WWF Champion. Don’t get me wrong, I like The Rock, he’s a funny guy, you know, Old Stone Cold thinks that referring to yourself trick is a real unique idea, but this ‘aint no damn comedy club. This is the WWF and the only rewards you get are for taking name’s raising hell and kicking ass and THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE… ‘COS STONE COLD SAID SO! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Undertaker is backstage in a dark room, alone, when Shane McMahon walks in. [B]Undertaker:[/B] If you’re here to punish me for my actions against Dutch Mantell you better turn around and walk away. If I was willing to do that to my own brother I don’t bat an eyelid for a nobody like him, and I won’t for you either. [B]Shane:[/B] ‘Taker, relax! I’m not here to punish you, so don’t worry. I’m here to thank you for everything you have done for The Alliance. I know what you did to Kane wasn’t easy and I know you’ve made sacrifices, but it’s for the greater good. It’s like cutting off an infected body part so not to infect the rest of the body. And I also know that it still hurts you about what went down at Survivor Series when you screwed out of the win, dominating everyone but having Kane and Mankind ruin it all for you. That’s why I want to make things right. I’m booking you in a Handicap match at In Your House: Rest In Peace, teaming you with the New Corporate Outlaws and Jeff Jarrett to face Mankind, Shawn Michaels and Triple H! They want a piece of DX and you want revenge against them all, so that is my gift to you for your help. Go to Rest In Peace and make… things… right. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eventually, after waiting for so long, Tazz sees a vehicle approaching. It’s a bus, about as regular as the come, except it is completely painted gold. [B]Tazz: [/B]What in God’s name is this? A voice comes from one of the windows. [B]Goldust:[/B] This is a… sssssss…. Gooooooolllllllddddd……. Bus. Tazz absolutely freaks out and starts swinging his sledgehammer at the side of the bus, trashing the windows and taking all his aggression out on the vehicle. He then starts smashing the door in, of course looking to get in at Goldust, but suddenly the Golden one attacks him from behind, causing the Human Wrecking Machine to drop his hammer. Goldust throws him in to the side of the bus a few times, before punting him square between the legs. Tazz doubles over on the floor as Goldust rubs his hands up his body. [B]Goldust:[/B] At last, Tazzy, you will not forget the name… sssss…. Goooollllddduuussst. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Handicap Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Psicosis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChavoGuerreroJr1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Psicosis & Chavo Guerrero Jr vs The Undertaker[/SIZE][/B] As could be expected, with Undertaker’s new attitude not even two men can get in much offence on him. Psicosis and Chavo try to used fast paced offence against the Deadman, and get some level of success for a period, but eventually the Phenom powers out and dominates. With Psicosis down and in dire trouble he reaches for a tag, but Chavo simply drops from the apron and walks away, leaving Psicosis alone and primed for the Chokeslam and Tombstone. [B]Winner: The Undertaker in 3:50[/B][/CENTER] Chavo Guerrero is joined by the Vato Loco’s on the rampway as they all laugh at Psicosis’ wellbeing when suddenly they are all hit in the back with a Steel Chair from Mankind! Mankind then limps to the ring, chair still in hand and rolls in the ring, ready to confront The Undertaker! ‘Taker meets him on the way in and the two men brawl, but despite Mankind’s best efforts The Undertaker still gets the best of him, and eventually sets the chair up and Chokeslams him on to it. Can anyone stop The Undertaker?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon is in his office when Earl Hebner walks in. [B]Earl: [/B]You wanted to see me, Shane? [B]Shane: [/B]Yes I did. Sit down and watch this. Shane plays a VHS of Survivor Series when The Undertaker appeared to have the match won, only for Hebner to count to two when The Rock kicked out, followed by Shane arguing with Earl and the referee not backing down. The video then cuts to Hebner making the pinfall for The Rock to become the Sole Survivor, and then it showed Earl not disqualifying The Rock two weeks ago when Billy Gunn accidently hit Road Dogg with the Steel Chair, handing The Rock the win in the Handicap Match, and finally it cuts to last week when Hebner didn’t see Mankind hit The Undertaker with the chair as part of The Rock and Stone Cold winning the tag team main event. [B]Shane: [/B]What do you have to say for yourself? [B]Earl: [/B]Well, this is clearly a list of things you think I’ve done wrong, but in my defence, Mr McMahon, The Rock kicked out against ‘Taker, he got the clean pinfall on The Undertaker, it was you who brought the chair to the ring for the Outlaws, you warned me I’d be fired if I disqualified you, it was Road Dogg’s own partner that hit him and I was distracted when Mankind attacked The Undertaker. I didn’t really make all that much of a mistake. [B]Shane: [/B]And yet you knew I’d accuse you of making a mistake. I think the man doth protest too much, if you get my meaning. [B]Earl:[/B] Honestly, Mr McMahon, I’m not a crooked ref, I have learned my lesson in that regard. I have tried to call these matches squarely down the middle, you may have lost out but it’s not through any wrongdoing on my behalf. [B]Shane:[/B] Are you saying it’s my fault? [B]Earl:[/B] Of course not… look, Shane… what are you planning? [B]Shane: [/B]It’s Mr McMahon to you, little man, not Shane. The problem is, the WWF needs a shake up and incompetence will be met with someone taking the fall. I warned you about getting fired if you screwed up and you went ahead and screwed up anyway…. [B]Earl: [/B]Please, Mr McMahon, no… [B]Shane:[/B] You’re a good man, Earl. You’ve served this company well. Unfortunately you have left me with no choice so you are of course fired. Now get the hell out of my building. [B]Earl[/B]: Mr McMahon, please, I beg of you, don’t fire me like this. It’s nearly Christmas; I have a family to support… I can’t afford to go without a job. Please reconsider. [B]Shane: [/B]Good God you are pathetic. Get out now before I remove you myself, you low life, pathetic clown. Earl Hebner, who was almost on his knees begging suddenly stands up straight and looks Shane in the eyes before nearly slapping him to the floor. Obviously Shane doesn’t take too well to this and starts punching at the former Head Referee, stiffly hitting his face as Earl struggles to protect himself. Eventually security come in and drags him away as Shane yells abuse at him. When will this madness stop? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Number One Contenders Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] The crowd was absolutely insane for yet another in the long list of incredible Raw matches. While many would argue that this should be a PPV match, you can't argue with what this is doing for the ratings. With both men hugely popular with the crowd it had a different feel to it as both men went for it against the other man, desperate to prove them selves as number one. After some great athleticism, electrifying action and constant reversals and finisher attempts both men found themselves out on the mat, just trying to clamber to their feet to gain an advantage. However, Owen Hart suddenly appears from the crowd to almighty boos and ruins the match by taking both The Rock and Steve Austin out with a Double Clothesline! [B]Draw after interference in 10:12[/B][/CENTER] With both men down, Owen starts laying the boots in to them both, mounting one and punching them, then doing the same to the other. Eventually he delivers the Sharpshooter to Rocky, then to Stone Cold, until he is interrupted by Vince McMahon. [B]Vince:[/B] I’m sorry, Owen. I’m really, really sorry but you leave me with no choice. While they may have drawn, as neither man technically lost I have no alternative but to make your title defence at In Your House: Rest In Peace a Triple Threat Match between you, The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin! The crowd erupts but Owen Hart loses it, starts kicking the ropes and screaming uncontrollably, almost foaming at the mouth. Shane McMahon runs out and confronts his dad as Owen exits the ring and runs over to argue too. [B]Cole:[/B] Can you believe this? Triple Threat at Rest In Peace and boy does Owen Hart look p*ssed! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]RESULTS[/B] Dougie Williams def Hayashi to become the new WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion Edge, Christian & Chyna def The Brood & Gangrel The Future: Sean Morgan def Mike Quackenbush Jim Ross vs Jerry Lawler never gets started Rob Van Dam def Billy Gunn to become the number one contender to the WWF Intercontinental Title The Undertaker def Psicosis & Chavo Guerrero Jr The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin draw, so both will face Owen Hart for the WWF Title
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[B]Hilton Hotel, Columbus, Ohio 6th December 1998 13:33[/B] I’d just checked in to the hotel ahead of tomorrows Raw Is War showing, dropped my bag on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed, staring in to space. What with all the work I had been doing, all the phone calls I’d taken, all the shows I was booking, all the meetings I’d attended, it had skipped my memory that I had been the Head Booker for the World Wrestling Federation for just over a year now. As I think back to 1st December 1998, when I first started work, I felt like my dream job was in fact a nightmare. Just two weeks earlier Bret Hart had been “screwed” and the WWF was universally hated. WCW was on an up, they had a huge Sting vs Hogan main event for Starrcade on the horizon featuring a debuting Bret and they were trouncing us in the ratings. We only had three big names- Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin. There were a few guys who could be made in to something special, but the midcard was weak as a whole and finances were tight. I started my job hating my boss for what he had done to a friend of mine. We lost Bret, Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart before the ink on my contract had dried and Mick Foley, Owen Hart and Mark Calaway would have walked too had it not been for severe grovelling from Vince McMahon. We were a mess. But now? Those 3 guys I mentioned who were on top for us? Still on top. The three who wanted to walk out? Main eventers. The three who jumped ship to WCW? Criminally underused. We took the likes of The Rock, Triple H, Mankind, Ken Shamrock, Kane etc and gave the fans a reason to care about them. We took a tag team consisting only of New Age Outlaws and Legion Of Doom and made it often highlight of the show with great matches between future stars such as Edge & Christian and the Hardy Boyz. We took a joke of a Light-Heavyweight Division and turned them into bonafide stars the people cared about, putting on fantastic matches every time they stepped through the ropes. But most of all… we’d regained our place as number one. My relationship with Vince has been turbulent ever since Montreal but now it is based on a grudging respect rather than me kissing up to him as it had done in the past, or pure hatred after Survivor Series ’97. I think he respects me because, even though I have taken his concept of “bigger is better” and turned it on it’s head, pushed the Light-Heavyweight division beyond what he could have ever wanted and cut out a lot of the “sports entertainment” style nudity and crass and replaced it with quality in ring action between people the fans care about, it has been successful. Sure, he may not like it, but it has put his company back in the number one slot and money, ratings and buy rates are back where they should be. But my feelings towards him? Let’s see… he’s selfish. He’s greedy. He will run over anyone that gets in his way and take away their livelihood if they speak up about it. I once heard Mick Foley say that sometimes Vince hires people “just to be nice”. Bull****. Vincent Kennedy McMahon does what he thinks is best for himself and the World Wrestling Federation. He would get his daughter to flash on national television if he thought he could get away with it and it would draw in the viewers. He doesn’t do things “to be nice”, because a lot of the time he is not nice. But by God is he successful. He built the company up from nothing to a global brand, unethically, but hey, who cares if it makes money right? His company was rightfully challenged by WCW and he was losing because his product was stale, but he took the blow and did a couple of things he probably didn’t agree with deep down (Bret Hart, hiring me) to make sure his company got back on top. And let’s face it, if you look at any successful, international company who can bet your ass the owner is not an ethical, fair, selfless Samaritan. Sometimes you have to step on people to get to the top, and Vince can step on people better than anyone. He’s in a ruthless business that is ready to kick you to the curb the moment you lose relevance and Vince knows that. The wrestling industry is not a nice one. The mere fact that it is one based on some people being more popular than others, that some earn more than others, that it is by far more of a popularity contest (both backstage and with the fans) than a talent contest means that there are ego’s, there is greed, people are selfish and people will stab you in the back to earn an extra five dollars a year, which Vince would know having been both stabbed and wielded the knife on countless occasions. I have known all this for a while, and tried to come to terms with it. I often wonder if I’m in the right business, if I’m happy, if I am living the life I want to lead. What sort of a person does it make me that I know I often do bad things in a bad industry, and yet choose to carry on with them? You can argue it is dog eat dog, but that’s nothing more than a cheap cliché. This industry is all about getting ahead and that usually means pushing others behind. I know it, I hate it, and yet I continue to do it day in and day out, with just one saving grace: if the people are enjoying it, then I’ll keep doing it. And so far, I think they are. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;597297][B]Hilton Hotel, Columbus, Ohio 6th December 1998 13:33[/B] I’d just checked in to the hotel ahead of tomorrows Raw Is War showing, dropped my bag on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed, staring in to space. What with all the work I had been doing, all the phone calls I’d taken, all the shows I was booking, all the meetings I’d attended, it had skipped my memory that I had been the Head Booker for the World Wrestling Federation for just over a year now. As I think back to 1st December 1998, when I first started work, I felt like my dream job was in fact a nightmare. Just two weeks earlier Bret Hart had been “screwed” and the WWF was universally hated. WCW was on an up, they had a huge Sting vs Hogan main event for Starrcade on the horizon featuring a debuting Bret and they were trouncing us in the ratings. We only had three big names- Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin. There were a few guys who could be made in to something special, but the midcard was weak as a whole and finances were tight. I started my job hating my boss for what he had done to a friend of mine. We lost Bret, Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart before the ink on my contract had dried and Mick Foley, Owen Hart and Mark Calaway would have walked too had it not been for severe grovelling from Vince McMahon. We were a mess. But now? Those 3 guys I mentioned who were on top for us? Still on top. The three who wanted to walk out? Main eventers. The three who jumped ship to WCW? Criminally underused. We took the likes of The Rock, Triple H, Mankind, Ken Shamrock, Kane etc and gave the fans a reason to care about them. We took a tag team consisting only of New Age Outlaws and Legion Of Doom and made it often highlight of the show with great matches between future stars such as Edge & Christian and the Hardy Boyz. We took a joke of a Light-Heavyweight Division and turned them into bonafide stars the people cared about, putting on fantastic matches every time they stepped through the ropes. But most of all… we’d regained our place as number one. My relationship with Vince has been turbulent ever since Montreal but now it is based on a grudging respect rather than me kissing up to him as it had done in the past, or pure hatred after Survivor Series ’97. I think he respects me because, even though I have taken his concept of “bigger is better” and turned it on it’s head, pushed the Light-Heavyweight division beyond what he could have ever wanted and cut out a lot of the “sports entertainment” style nudity and crass and replaced it with quality in ring action between people the fans care about, it has been successful. Sure, he may not like it, but it has put his company back in the number one slot and money, ratings and buy rates are back where they should be. But my feelings towards him? Let’s see… he’s selfish. He’s greedy. He will run over anyone that gets in his way and take away their livelihood if they speak up about it. I once heard Mick Foley say that sometimes Vince hires people “just to be nice”. Bull****. Vincent Kennedy McMahon does what he thinks is best for himself and the World Wrestling Federation. He would get his daughter to flash on national television if he thought he could get away with it and it would draw in the viewers. He doesn’t do things “to be nice”, because a lot of the time he is not nice. But by God is he successful. He built the company up from nothing to a global brand, unethically, but hey, who cares if it makes money right? His company was rightfully challenged by WCW and he was losing because his product was stale, but he took the blow and did a couple of things he probably didn’t agree with deep down (Bret Hart, hiring me) to make sure his company got back on top. And let’s face it, if you look at any successful, international company who can bet your ass the owner is not an ethical, fair, selfless Samaritan. Sometimes you have to step on people to get to the top, and Vince can step on people better than anyone. He’s in a ruthless business that is ready to kick you to the curb the moment you lose relevance and Vince knows that. The wrestling industry is not a nice one. The mere fact that it is one based on some people being more popular than others, that some earn more than others, that it is by far more of a popularity contest (both backstage and with the fans) than a talent contest means that there are ego’s, there is greed, people are selfish and people will stab you in the back to earn an extra five dollars a year, which Vince would know having been both stabbed and wielded the knife on countless occasions. I have known all this for a while, and tried to come to terms with it. I often wonder if I’m in the right business, if I’m happy, if I am living the life I want to lead. What sort of a person does it make me that I know I often do bad things in a bad industry, and yet choose to carry on with them? You can argue it is dog eat dog, but that’s nothing more than a cheap cliché. This industry is all about getting ahead and that usually means pushing others behind. I know it, I hate it, and yet I continue to do it day in and day out, with just one saving grace: if the people are enjoying it, then I’ll keep doing it. And so far, I think they are. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/QUOTE] Excellent, though I hope not by any means an epilogue. I don't know if Vince McMahon is that bad a bloke, there's far worse out there, he's as you say a businessman first and foremost. And a highly successful one by the sounds of it. He settled on what you may term a desperate strategy but a highly successful one that put him back as top dog. I think at the end of it all, he is just a visionary. A man who saw wrestling for what it wasn't. He took the George Bernard Shaw words that were so infamously adapted by the legendary RFK, 'some men see things as they are and ask why? I dream things that never were and say why not?' And in nearly every society, every business genre, someone has stood out and revolutionised their industry - they've generally expanded their geographical locations and given people what they wanted. McMahon to me is no different. Maybe I'm beginning to see things through different eyes at the moment, or maybe it's your excellent take on the WWF, but I can see things that I thought that can't be and can now see why. Thanks again, your legendary tale is exactly that. Legendary.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;595991][CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RAW-4.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Monday 30th November 1998[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]LIVE from Cincinnati, Ohio[/SIZE][/B] [B]SPONSERED BY…[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]UNIVERSITY SPORTS TEAM MEMBERS[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="4"]Yes, we get that you play sports and therefore think you are cooler than anyone else. No, we don’t care.[/SIZE][/I] [/CENTER] Raw opens up, somewhat predictably, with Shane McMahon coming down to the ring. [B]Shane:[/B] I told you there would be changes! I told you all that things would change and someone would take the fall. You see, The Alliance is a much closer knit group than people think. People say “oh, it’s just a group of individuals linked by greed”, but that is not true. We are a family that overrides actual, biological family. We know the importance of sticking together to rid the WWF of the evils that make it up and you saw that by The Undertaker throwing his own brother off the stage in to that fire. That is loyalty, right there. And now, after that, after Headbanger Thrasher getting fired, you can see who is in control. Last week was just the start, just a warm up. Tonight things finally heat up… [I][SIZE="4"]NO CHANCE![/SIZE][/I] Vince McMahon comes down to the ring, but instead of his usual arrogant, evil self, he looks somewhat concerned. [B]Vince:[/B] Shane, Son, we need to talk. I am on your side, I completely agree that The Alliance has to stick together to rid the evils of the WWF… but the way you are going about it isn’t the right way, damn it. What you had The Undertaker do to Kane was just not right. Kane was one of us, Kane was a warrior and you reduced him to nothing more than ashes on the floor of the arena. I can’t allow this in a company I own. Kane served me well… [B]Shane:[/B] Waa, waa, waa. I didn’t see you defending him, Dad. You agreed, things had to change after Survivor Series. We lost, in case your memory doesn’t serve you so well in your old age. Kane cost The Alliance the match and we cost him his career. This isn’t the same industry that you are used to, Vince. There was a time where you were the cutthroat one; you were the big bad businessman looking out for himself. But now, you don’t stand out, the wrestling business is full of people like that. I’m adjusting the WWF and I’m adjusting The Alliance to keep up with the times. [B]Vince:[/B] Damn it, it’s not that simple, Shane. Look, I hate Steve Austin more than life itself, but you can’t go around throwing people into fire and such. [B]Shane:[/B] Why not? Oh, let me guess… is Vincent Kennedy McMahon going to give me a lesson in ethics? Well, excuse me kettle, but I’ve got a pot here and he’s calling you black. [B]Vince: [/B]SSSHHHUT UP! In case you’ve forgotten who in the hell I am here, I’m the owner of this God damn company, and not only that, I’m your father damn it, so listen to me. I may not have been the ethical man in the world at times but the WWF is the same place as it always was- you earn your stripes around here. Look at Owen, he earned the WWF Championship and that’s what makes him the greatest champion in history. [B]Shane:[/B] Oh my God… you’ve gone weak. I don’t know what Stone Cold did to you, but you’ve gone weak. Is it the thought of the younger generation nipping at your heels? Is it the imagery of me doing what you haven’t had the guts to do by taking business in to my own hands? The Undertaker set the example when it came to family members last week, Pops, don’t let the same thing happen to you. We agree, the best thing for the WWF is for The Alliance to prosper. Don’t let it fail because you don’t have the guts to do what is right. For example… The King and JR. The greatest commentary team of all time, apparently. They are so used to working there that they seem to have forgotten their job description. [B]Vince: [/B]I’m not following you? [B]Shane:[/B] Last week, at the end of the Headbanger vs Headbanger match, they took it upon themselves to rip in to my ethical decisions, my management of the roster, damn it, they questioned by integrity. That’s not your job, guys; your job is to call things right down the middle. And as such, to follow the theme of the month, one of you will take the fall. Therefore, tonight, in the middle of the ring we will have “Good Ol’ JR” Jim Ross going against Jerry “The King” Lawler and the loser… is… fired! And to make sure there are no shenanigans, I will be the guest referee! Best of luck, guys, because one of you is gone from this company for good. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]World Wrestling Federation Light-Heavyweight Title Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/KeefKaz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DougWilliams.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Hayashi © w/Zukaya vs “Braveheart” Dougie Williams[/B][/SIZE] The fans are behind Dougie, as they surprisingly have been from the start of his WWF career. Hayashi, as always, is not afraid of hitting the lows to ensure he stays on top, which just gets this rabid crowd further against him. The duo put on a good technical display, as you would have course expect, with Hayashi providing the high flying to keep it lively until Hayashi takes his eye off the ball for one moment and is punished with the Chaos Theory! Can you believe it?! [B]Winner, and NEW WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion: Dougie Williams in 7:58[/B][/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marc Mero comes down to the ring with his new girl as the crowd boo quite incredibly. They obviously have no real opinion of Ivory, but Mero seems to probably be getting X-Pac heat these days, not that X-Pac has any heat, or even exists as a charcter at this point. We’ll just have to call it “Mero Heat”. [B]Mero: [/B]Last week you finally saw that winch of an ex-wife get what she had coming to her. Me and my new gal Ivory, here, took it upon ourselves to teach Sable and that little boyfriend of hers a lesson the good old fashion way. And the next time I see Sab… He is interrupted by Sable, who gets an almighty response from the crowd. [B]Mero: [/B]What do you want, bitch? [B]Sable:[/B] Oh, I was just trying to work out, which one of you is the bigger bitch, Ivory or you, Marc. [B]Ivory: [/B]Don’t you talk about my man like that, skank. Not unless you want a repeat of last week, that is. [B]Sable: [/B]Any time you want a fight, you know where to find me. But next time show the guts to take me on face to face. [B]Ivory:[/B] I’ve got no problem with that. It would be my pleasure to prove you are nothing more than a clueless blonde who couldn’t wrestle her way out of a plastic bag. I however, the great Ivory, am the best female wrest… Suddenly, Sable spears Ivory to the mat, but before Marc Mero can retaliate Lance Storm sprints to the ring and stands in front of him. Sable then grabs her microphone again. [B]Sable:[/B] If you wanna face me in the ring then that’s fine. Me and you, one on one, next week live on Raw Is War! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera then cuts backstage to the parking lot where Tazz is pacing alone, sledgehammer in hand as we hear from the new commentators for the night. [B]Cole:[/B] Hi, folks, I’m Michael Cole joined by the legendary Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and here we see Tazz who has been waiting there all day according to our sources, presumably waiting for Tazz. [B]Heenan:[/B] Thanks for the glowing introduction, ham and egger. I can’t believe I was in the back minding my own business, throwing stones at birds and now I’m stuck in front of all these humanoids in Cincinnati. These people are proof that not all people deserve the vote and not everyone should be allowed to reproduce. [B]Cole:[/B] Would you stop with that, already?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/DevonStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChristopherDaniels2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Gangrel2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/christianchamp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l161/Game-Face/Edgechamp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Chyna-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Brood & Gangrel vs Edge, Christian ad the “9th Wonder Of the World” Chyna[/SIZE][/B] As you would expect, the fans were into this one too and for much of it it kept a fast pace, therefore working perfectly as an early match on the show. The The Brood really have looked like something else since they started, and yet again they spent much of the match dominating, but Edge & Christians quickness kept them in the match, and the hot tag to Chyna, who is still seemingly pissed at the attempted assault on her before Survivor Series at the hands of the Angels, and she nearly decapitated Covell with a Clothesline. Daniels, the man with seemingly no soul, had no problem brutalising the woman, but once she tagged out E&C went through their high impact offence and eventually Christian managed to roll up Daniels for the win! [B]Winners: Edge, Christian & Chyna in 7:42[/B][/CENTER] As if the Angels are going to stand by and watch that go down, huh? Gangrel leads the assault and his disciples follow quickly, each taking it in turns to plant one with a DDT before Gangrel laughs at the destruction and leaves with the evil protégés following closely behind. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A video is aired of Owen Hart’s greatest moments, going back to when he debuted as a high flier, through his feud with his brother (in which this video makes it seem as though Owen got the better of that rivalry), moving through his shots at the WWF Title before finally becoming champion and clinging on to it regardless of who he has had to face. We then get a logo on the stage indicating it is time for… [SIZE="4"]“Owen With The Stars!”[/SIZE] Owen Hart comes to the ring, of course with the WWF Title, and grabs a microphone. [B]Owen:[/B] Welcome everybody to the first ever showing of Owen With The Stars! You see, the name is a play on “one with the sta…”, never mind, you’re all too stupid to understand it. Basically what we have here is a chat show to be hosted by the greatest WWF Champion in history with the sole intention of proving that it doesn’t matter what form of media it is, I am the King Of Harts. Anyway, the time has come for me to introduce my first ever guest on the show, please put your hands together for… The Rock! The crowd pops immensely as The Rock comes down to the ring. Owen is sitting on the couch but The Rock refuses to, instead pacing around the ring, ready for whatever tricks Owen has in store. [B]Owen:[/B] Okay, Rocky, tonight you have an opportunity against Steve Austin to see who will face me at the last ever In Your House event for the WWF Title. As someone who clearly isn’t ready for such an opportunity, what are your tactics? [B]Rock:[/B] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! The Rock was being friendly; The Rock was appearing on your show, a new show, to help you out. You see The Rock hates The Alliance and he isn’t too fond of you but The Rock is a gentleman… fine. But you wanna bring me out here to insult me in front of the millions… AND MILLIONS… of The Rock’s fans? This is the truth, jabroni, The Rock is going out there tonight, walking the People’s aisle, in to the People’s ring, laying the smacketh down on Stone Cold’s bald candy ass and then… huh… and then, Owen Hart, The Rock is coming after you. Which means you take that WWF Title that you hold so proudly over your shoulder, grab that giant appendage you call a nose, yank it off your face, mix it with the title, turn that sumbitch sideways and stick it straight up your candy ass! IF YA SMEEE… Before The Rock can finish he is blindsided by The Acolytes who attack him with their usual intense, stiff offence, beating Rocky down to the mat, until… [I][SIZE="4"]*GLASS SHATTERS*[/SIZE][/I] The crowd erupts for Stone Cold Steve Austin, who comes sprinting down to the ring to save The Rock. Owen rolls out of the ring straight away, allowing Austin a free pass at the Acolytes. With Austin fighting Bradshaw, The Rock makes it to his feet to attack Faarooq, nailing him with a Rock Bottom as Austin takes Bradshaw out with a Stunner. Owen can’t believe what he’s seeing in the ring as Stone Cold starts ripping the set apart, tipping the couch and then turning to The Rock… Stunner to The Rock! Austin just took out his opponent for tonight with a Stone Cold Stunner! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B]The Undertaker’s In Your House Moments Number Four[/B] The Undertaker had dominated the WWF for years, but never before had he been challenged like when his younger brother arrived on the scene. Still, at In Your House 23, better known as Fully Loaded The Undertaker actually teamed up with his evil, younger sibling to defeat the Champions Goldust & Tazz and become the WWF Tag Team Champions.[/CENTER] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The New Corporate Outlaws come out to the ring and grab a microphone. [B]Road Dogg: [/B]Lllllladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages… The Alliance proudly brings to you, The Road Dogg: Jesse James… and the Neeeeeeeeewwww Heartbreak Kid Billy Gunn…. The NEW… CORPORATE… OUTLAWS! [B]Billy Gunn: [/B]And of course, if you ‘aint down with that, I got to words for ya…. The crowd still yell suck it, but Gunn just shakes his head. [B]Gunn:[/B] New…. Showstoppa. The crowd boo, of course. [B]Gunn: [/B]I proved last week that I truly am everything I say I am when I refer to myself as the New Heartbreak Kid, the New Showstoppa, the New Main Event! I nearly kicked Shawn Michaels head straight from his body and I marked the beginning of a new era. At the Survivor Series I lasted until the final 3, I eliminated HBK, I Sweet Chin Music’d him last week and the future is all mine! I am gonna win the Royal Rumble, zip line to the main event of Wrestlemania and win the title with Pamela Anderson by my side! Baby, Shawny, move aside, the new Icon has arrived! [SIZE="4"][I]OH, OH SHAWN![/I][/SIZE] Shawn Michaels makes his way to the crowd to a huge reaction from the crowd. However, he’s not dancing around and being jovial. He just waves politely to the crowd, grabs a microphone and starts talking, all business. [B]Gunn: [/B]Did you hear all of that, old man? [B]Michaels:[/B] Yeah, I got it all. And you are impressive Billy, I will give you that much. Many people over the years, hell even over this year have tried to play the Heartbreak Kid and, even though each and every single of ‘em has been shown their place by yours truly, you are special, Bill. You do have a decent history with titles. The fans do react to you… sort of. But I’m not stupid enough to not admit that you are a good wrestler. You are good at what you do. And you are an incredible athlete. But you are not, and will never be, the Showstoppa. There is one Showstoppa… one Main Event… one Icon… one Heart… Break… Kid… and that ‘aint you, Billy G, that’s me, Shawn Michaels. And if you do decide to try me, I will prove to you exactly why that is. Suddenly, Road Dogg attacks from behind, knocking HBK down in one. The Outlaws lay the boots in on the former WWF Champion, but suddenly Triple H sprints down to the ring and starts taking the fight to them, handling both men until Jeff Jarrett slides in the ring and takes him out with the Acoustic Guitar! Jarrett then grabs the legs of Shawn Michaels and ties him up with the Figure Four Leg Lock, before grabbing a microphone. [B]Jarrett:[/B] Who see this, slapnuts? You see this? We just kicked your ass! The game has passed you by, boys, and we’re ready to take over! [B]Road Dogg:[/B] So… lllllladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, please welcome the newest member of the New… Corporate… Outlaws… The New American Dream… Jeff Jarrett! The three men then stand in the middle of the ring, their arms raised in unison to the distain of the crowd. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ValVenis1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Mike Quackenbush vs The Future: Sean Morgan[/SIZE][/B] He may no longer be a nameless jobber but today The Quack is up against one of the very best in the world in Sean Morgan- just ask him. Morgan was somewhat baffled with Quackenbush’s unique offence, but eventually Morgan took over and put him away with a FuturePlex. [B]Winner: The Future: Sean Morgan in 4:22[/B][/CENTER] [B]Morgan: [/B]Ha, and there it is. Chalk that up as the first Future win on Raw, the first of many as I continue to tear through the roster… courtesy of The Future: Sean Morgan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Dutch Mantell: [/B]Hello everybody, I’m back here with The Undertaker. Now, Undertaker, why did you attack your brother last week? [B]Taker: [/B]My brother had become weak. We joined together as a union of monsters hellbent on making things right. We dominated the WWF… we were the WWF, until he changed. My brother, the most evil human being on this planet changed and did the ultimate sin, the ultimate thing a monster can not do… he became human. He grew to love me and he left me with no choice. He was weak, he was human, and it meant he was useless to me. We were beaten by everyone, DX, Van Dam, Hardy Boyz, everyone. The Undertaker is not a joke and I was no longer ready to carry him. [B]Dutch:[/B] But was it necessary to be quite so brutal, to throw him in a pit of fire after the incident in his childhood? [B]Taker:[/B] The incident? You mean when I burnt down our home? He was weak as a child and I strengthened him, I turned him into a monster that used his pain to become evil and fight for the right purposes in this world, to fight for the devil. But I did what I had to do because Kane had it coming to him. And you better watch your mouth because it sounds like you’re insulting me, and if you insult me you are insulting the Lord Of Darkness himself. [B]Dutch: [/B]I can assure you, ‘Taker, I was not insulting you; it’s just that, do you feel no grief? He was your brother, your only brother, and you left him to perish in a… [B]Taker:[/B] I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO TO SAVE THE WWF. KANE WAS WEAK AND HE WAS HANDLED IN THE APPROPRIATE MANNER. BUT I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO INSULT ME? The Undertaker grabs Dutch by the throat. [B]Dutch: [/B]I wasn’t, I prom… [B]Taker:[/B] I LEFT MY BROTHER TO PERISH BECAUSE IT WAS THE ONLY OPTION LEFT. I AM FIGHTING THE RIGHT CAUSE AND THAT MEANS MORE TO ME THAN FAMILY EVER COULD. AND IF I CAN DO THAT TO MY BROTHER, IMAGINE WHAT I WILL DO TO EVERYONE ELSE… Suddenly, The Undertaker takes a clean punch and knocks Dutch to the floor. He starts kicking him over and over again, before he throws him into a concrete wall and squashes his head with a big boot against it. With Dutch sitting against the wall, bleeding quite heavily, ‘Taker backs up, before running and drilling his knee in to the side of the interviewers head, before finally picking him up, spinning him upside down and delivering a Tombstone Piledriver to the concrete floor. The crowd is hushed as The Undertaker gets up and lets out a slight, evil smile as he looks at the devastation below him. He then walks away and we cut back to Dutch as EMT’s and backstage workers sprint over to check on him, blood apparently pouring form the back of his head. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane and Vince are backstage. [B]Shane: [/B]You really have to start hardening up, Dad. We’re almost in the 21st Century; you need to show a hard line. It’s why Austin got the title shot at Survivor Series- you didn’t take a hard enough line with him, you should have had him beaten to a pulp and fired on the spot. It’s a dog eat dog world. Bite, or be eaten. [B]Vince: [/B]Yes, thank you for the lesson in how to run a business. I’ll give you the same one when you’ve owned a company for almost twenty years. [B]Shane: [/B]This ‘aint 1980, Dad. It’s 1998, and the wrestling world has chan… (he turns towards the door) What the hell do you want? The camera turns to the doorway where a young woman is standing. Vince walks over to her, she rushes to him and they hug. [B]Cole: [/B]Brain, that’s… that’s Stephanie McMahon, Vince’s daughter and Shane’s sister. [B]Vince: [/B]Stephanie, what are you doing here? [B]Stephanie:[/B] Daddy, I had to come by after all that’s been happening with Kane and everything. (She walks over to hug Shane, who gives her a much less enthusiastic hug than their father did) How are you, Shane? [B]Shane:[/B] Fine, Steph, busy. You know, adult stuff. Me and Dad are running the company here so, how about you scoot along and Dad will give you ALL his attention later. [B]Stephanie:[/B] Actually, Shane, it was you I wanted to see. Everything that’s been going on, you forcing Kane out of the WWF, making Undertaker do that to his own brother, firing Thrasher, putting JR and King in a Loser is Fired match… it’s all madness. I’m begging you, please stop, I can’t bare to watch my own brother do this anymore. [B]Shane:[/B] Aww, Stehpy-weffy, is your liddle bwain confoosed by all the madness? I DON’T GIVE A CRAP! You think because you watch the show on TV that you understand what’s going on? You think you by sitting in Mom and Dad’s mansion that you actually get the reality of being here? The reality is, Steph, that you wouldn’t know what to do around here if the answers slapped you around the face. [B]Stephanie: [/B]Dad, tell him. He’s letting the power go to his head and he’s ruining lives… [B]Shane:[/B] Whoa, no! You’re talking to me, not him. I’m down here working my ass off day after day to make sure there is still a company for me and you to inherit one day and you think you have the audacity to come down here and tell me I’m doing it wrong? [B]Stephanie:[/B] What happened to you, Shane? When you started here you fought the good fight. You stood up for people. You had matches with Jeff Jarrett because he convinced Dusty Rhodes to turn on his own son, even though you had never had a match before. I was proud of you then. What happened to that person? [B]Shane:[/B] He grew up, Steph, maybe you should do the same. I wasn’t worthy of your pride back then, I was naïve and I fought the wrong fight. Dusty was ashamed of his son and Jarrett took the advantage he needed to stay on top. I don’t blame him one bit anymore and I’m ashamed that I tried to punish him for being a winner. But now, after actually working here, I’ve seen the truth. It’s a jungle out there and only the strongest survive. I’ll step over whoever I have to ensure that I stay in charge and now I see the reality I am ready to destroy whoever stays in my way. I am the alpha male that this company deserves. So, I’m grateful you popped by to [i]my[/i] show to give me feedback, but if you’re quite done being a meddling bitch, why don’t you trot on back to your ivory tower, wait for some wrestler to impregnate you or continue waiting for Dad to drop dead so you get his inheritance. [B]Vince: [/B]That’s it! Shane, that is my only daughter you are talking about. You apologise right now, damn it. [B]Shane: [/B]See Dad, I’m your only son, and if it wasn’t for your only son you wouldn’t have a company to run right now. I got Kane kicked out of the WWF forever by his own brother because The Undertaker, like me, is genetically superior. But just because someone has taken the fall for Survivor Series doesn’t mean people’s places in the WWF aren’t still up for grabs. Any sign of weakness, I assure you, will be punished. Including yours, Daddy-o. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Loser Is Fired- Special Referee Shane McMahon[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/JimRoss-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Jerry “The King” Lawler vs “Good Ol’ JR” Jim Ross[/SIZE][/B] King goes to attack JR but he can’t bring himself to do it, so he grabs a microphone[/CENTER] [B]King:[/B] You know what, I’m not gonna do this. I don’t want to keep my job knowing that I had to beat up my friend to do it. JR… cover me. [CENTER]The King lies down, but JR refuses to cover his partner. Lawler starts shouting at him to do it but still Ross refuses, so King grabs him and forces him on top, pinning his own shoulders to the mat in a sense. However, Shane refuses to make the count. King is of course annoyed and gets in Shane’s face but Shane arrogantly turns his back to him and smirks. Jerry Lawler is a legend of the wrestling business so he won’t take this and tackles Shane to the mat and starts pounding his with his famous right fist. King then stands up and acknowledges the cheering crowd, before lowering his strap, signalling to all that business is about to pick up. He attempts a Piledriver on the heir apparent, but the Acolytes run in and start attacking him quite brutally. Shane then grabs a microphone[/CENTER] [B]Shane:[/B] No-one… NO-ONE… lays a hand on me, damn it! You want to be a big man, huh King? YOU’RE FIRED! [B]Cole: [/B]Oh come on! How many more people are going to lose their job in this power trip of Shane’s? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vince McMahon is backstage watching the monitor when Bagwell storms in. [B]Bagwell: [/B]Vinnie, me and you have always been bro’s, so I need a favour. Did you see that shizzle Chyna dug out on me? I demand something is done about it, dog! [B]Vince:[/B] Bagwell, I’ve got my daughter on the show almost in tears, my son is wrecking havoc, The Undertaker is beating up members of staff and burning his brother alive, half the roster is being fired and I just watched my colour commentator get added to the list of former employees. I really don’t have the time to deal with your problem. [B]Bagwell:[/B] You don’t have time for the WWF MVP? You had time for Chavo with his Psicosis problem… [B]Vince: [/B]Fine. You want something done, next week on Raw, in that very ring, Chyna will go one on one with… you. Now get the hell out of my office. [B]Bagwell:[/B] No, I didn’t mean for me to face her, I meant for her to face The Underta… [B]Vince:[/B] GGGGET OUT! OR YOU’LL BE FIRED TOO! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Triple H, who is clearly worse for wear after the attack from the Outlaws earlier, is backstage with temporary backstage interviewer Kurt Angle. Who, I hear you ask? Oh, it’s just some development worker who we probably won’t ever hear from again. [B]Kurt: [/B]I’m Kurt Angle, filling in for Dutch Mantell who has been taken to a medical facility, and I’m with “The Game” himself, Triple H. Hunter, if I may I’m going to briefly skip over the earlier assault and ask you that, after months of trying, you seem to be out of the title scene. What is next in store for the Game? [B]Triple H:[/B] Just because I’m not in the number one contenders match doesn’t mean I’m out altogether. In 2 months time is the Royal Rumble, and I had an epiphany this morning. It told me I would win the 1999 Royal Rumble. I have been looking for that moment, that piece in time where I immortalise myself and I have found it. So, come January I can assure you that I will be making the spl… Triple H stops as Shawn Michaels limps over. They look at each other quite aggressively, but then Shawn leans over and gives Hunter a hug. The two best friends hug there and then before Shawn pulls away. [B]Shawn:[/B] Thanks for having my back, man. I shouldn’t have doubted you. I was getting my ass kicked and you were there for me. Thank you. And I’m sorry about everything for the last couple of months. [B]Triple H:[/B] Dude, forget about it. We’ve argued before and we’ll damn sure argue again. But I will always have your back, even if all that means is getting my ass kicked too. [B]Shawn: [/B]This is quite a moment, huh? Should we make out, or… [B]Triple H:[/B] Or just kick the Outlaws asses? [B]Shawn: [/B]That works. They both limp away. [B]Shawn:[/B] So that was a no to the making out, right? [B]Triple H:[/B] You know how I know you’re gay? You wanna make out with other men. [B]Shawn: [/B]Well, you know how I know you’re… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Number One Contenders Match for the WWF Intercontinental Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/BillyGunn1998.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/RobVanDam-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]“Bad Ass” Billy Gunn vs “Whole Dam Show” Rob Van Dam[/SIZE][/B] What is it with all the Shawn Michaels impersonators these days? Does the writer not have any other ideas?! RVD of course has the whole crowd behind him throughout, but Billy Gunn is a heck of an athlete, as Michael Cole reminds every 15 seconds for the entire match. Billy seems to have those HBK impressions down quite well, not that the fans are impressed. After a to and fro match, Billy starts tuning up the band and attempts Sweet Chin Music but misses, allowing Van Dam to hit his version of it, springs to the top rope and nails a Five Star Frog Splash! [B]Winner: Rob Van Dam in 8:48[/B][/CENTER] Van Dam immediately climbs the turnbuckle and salutes the crowd somewhat surprisingly with the cross arms DX celebration, and then getting a sing along of “R…V…D!” until he is suddenly struck from behind by Finlay! Finlay nails the youngster right in the knee with his Shillelagh, and then starts clubbing down on it as RVD lies on the mat. [I][SIZE="4"]BREAK IT DOWN![/SIZE][/I] The crowd erupt as Michaels and Triple H sprint down to the ring to save Van Dam, and for a fighting Irishman Finlay doesn’t want to stay around and fight, leaving the ring immediately. HBK and The Game help RVD to his feet, perhaps showing that they are accepting him as a DX member, but rather than dwell on the moment they spot Billy Gunn getting to his feet, so Michaels Sweet Chin Music’s him, sending him groggily into a Pedigree! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Kevin Kelly:[/B] Hi everybody, I’m Kevin Kelly standing by here with one of the men who hopes to become the number one contender tonight in Stone Cold Steve Austin. Steve, why did you attack The Rock earlier tonight after saving him from The Alliance? [B]Austin: [/B]The rules haven’t changed, you stupid son of a b*tch. Go back as far as you want in the career of Stone Cold Steve Austin and you will see it has been about don’t trust anyone. The truth is I wasn’t about to watch those mealy mouthed sons of b*tches attack an innocent guy like that but the bottom line is I still want to be WWF Champion. Don’t get me wrong, I like The Rock, he’s a funny guy, you know, Old Stone Cold thinks that referring to yourself trick is a real unique idea, but this ‘aint no damn comedy club. This is the WWF and the only rewards you get are for taking name’s raising hell and kicking ass and THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE… ‘COS STONE COLD SAID SO! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Undertaker is backstage in a dark room, alone, when Shane McMahon walks in. [B]Undertaker:[/B] If you’re here to punish me for my actions against Dutch Mantell you better turn around and walk away. If I was willing to do that to my own brother I don’t bat an eyelid for a nobody like him, and I won’t for you either. [B]Shane:[/B] ‘Taker, relax! I’m not here to punish you, so don’t worry. I’m here to thank you for everything you have done for The Alliance. I know what you did to Kane wasn’t easy and I know you’ve made sacrifices, but it’s for the greater good. It’s like cutting off an infected body part so not to infect the rest of the body. And I also know that it still hurts you about what went down at Survivor Series when you screwed out of the win, dominating everyone but having Kane and Mankind ruin it all for you. That’s why I want to make things right. I’m booking you in a Handicap match at In Your House: Rest In Peace, teaming you with the New Corporate Outlaws and Jeff Jarrett to face Mankind, Shawn Michaels and Triple H! They want a piece of DX and you want revenge against them all, so that is my gift to you for your help. Go to Rest In Peace and make… things… right. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eventually, after waiting for so long, Tazz sees a vehicle approaching. It’s a bus, about as regular as the come, except it is completely painted gold. [B]Tazz: [/B]What in God’s name is this? A voice comes from one of the windows. [B]Goldust:[/B] This is a… sssssss…. Gooooooolllllllddddd……. Bus. Tazz absolutely freaks out and starts swinging his sledgehammer at the side of the bus, trashing the windows and taking all his aggression out on the vehicle. He then starts smashing the door in, of course looking to get in at Goldust, but suddenly the Golden one attacks him from behind, causing the Human Wrecking Machine to drop his hammer. Goldust throws him in to the side of the bus a few times, before punting him square between the legs. Tazz doubles over on the floor as Goldust rubs his hands up his body. [B]Goldust:[/B] At last, Tazzy, you will not forget the name… sssss…. Goooollllddduuussst. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Handicap Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/Psicosis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/ChavoGuerreroJr1998.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheUndertaker1998.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Psicosis & Chavo Guerrero Jr vs The Undertaker[/SIZE][/B] As could be expected, with Undertaker’s new attitude not even two men can get in much offence on him. Psicosis and Chavo try to used fast paced offence against the Deadman, and get some level of success for a period, but eventually the Phenom powers out and dominates. With Psicosis down and in dire trouble he reaches for a tag, but Chavo simply drops from the apron and walks away, leaving Psicosis alone and primed for the Chokeslam and Tombstone. [B]Winner: The Undertaker in 3:50[/B][/CENTER] Chavo Guerrero is joined by the Vato Loco’s on the rampway as they all laugh at Psicosis’ wellbeing when suddenly they are all hit in the back with a Steel Chair from Mankind! Mankind then limps to the ring, chair still in hand and rolls in the ring, ready to confront The Undertaker! ‘Taker meets him on the way in and the two men brawl, but despite Mankind’s best efforts The Undertaker still gets the best of him, and eventually sets the chair up and Chokeslams him on to it. Can anyone stop The Undertaker?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shane McMahon is in his office when Earl Hebner walks in. [B]Earl: [/B]You wanted to see me, Shane? [B]Shane: [/B]Yes I did. Sit down and watch this. Shane plays a VHS of Survivor Series when The Undertaker appeared to have the match won, only for Hebner to count to two when The Rock kicked out, followed by Shane arguing with Earl and the referee not backing down. The video then cuts to Hebner making the pinfall for The Rock to become the Sole Survivor, and then it showed Earl not disqualifying The Rock two weeks ago when Billy Gunn accidently hit Road Dogg with the Steel Chair, handing The Rock the win in the Handicap Match, and finally it cuts to last week when Hebner didn’t see Mankind hit The Undertaker with the chair as part of The Rock and Stone Cold winning the tag team main event. [B]Shane: [/B]What do you have to say for yourself? [B]Earl: [/B]Well, this is clearly a list of things you think I’ve done wrong, but in my defence, Mr McMahon, The Rock kicked out against ‘Taker, he got the clean pinfall on The Undertaker, it was you who brought the chair to the ring for the Outlaws, you warned me I’d be fired if I disqualified you, it was Road Dogg’s own partner that hit him and I was distracted when Mankind attacked The Undertaker. I didn’t really make all that much of a mistake. [B]Shane: [/B]And yet you knew I’d accuse you of making a mistake. I think the man doth protest too much, if you get my meaning. [B]Earl:[/B] Honestly, Mr McMahon, I’m not a crooked ref, I have learned my lesson in that regard. I have tried to call these matches squarely down the middle, you may have lost out but it’s not through any wrongdoing on my behalf. [B]Shane:[/B] Are you saying it’s my fault? [B]Earl:[/B] Of course not… look, Shane… what are you planning? [B]Shane: [/B]It’s Mr McMahon to you, little man, not Shane. The problem is, the WWF needs a shake up and incompetence will be met with someone taking the fall. I warned you about getting fired if you screwed up and you went ahead and screwed up anyway…. [B]Earl: [/B]Please, Mr McMahon, no… [B]Shane:[/B] You’re a good man, Earl. You’ve served this company well. Unfortunately you have left me with no choice so you are of course fired. Now get the hell out of my building. [B]Earl[/B]: Mr McMahon, please, I beg of you, don’t fire me like this. It’s nearly Christmas; I have a family to support… I can’t afford to go without a job. Please reconsider. [B]Shane: [/B]Good God you are pathetic. Get out now before I remove you myself, you low life, pathetic clown. Earl Hebner, who was almost on his knees begging suddenly stands up straight and looks Shane in the eyes before nearly slapping him to the floor. Obviously Shane doesn’t take too well to this and starts punching at the former Head Referee, stiffly hitting his face as Earl struggles to protect himself. Eventually security come in and drags him away as Shane yells abuse at him. When will this madness stop? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Number One Contenders Match for the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/TheRock-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/keefmoon/SteveAustin-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin[/SIZE][/B] The crowd was absolutely insane for yet another in the long list of incredible Raw matches. While many would argue that this should be a PPV match, you can't argue with what this is doing for the ratings. With both men hugely popular with the crowd it had a different feel to it as both men went for it against the other man, desperate to prove them selves as number one. After some great athleticism, electrifying action and constant reversals and finisher attempts both men found themselves out on the mat, just trying to clamber to their feet to gain an advantage. However, Owen Hart suddenly appears from the crowd to almighty boos and ruins the match by taking both The Rock and Steve Austin out with a Double Clothesline! [B]Draw after interference in 10:12[/B][/CENTER] With both men down, Owen starts laying the boots in to them both, mounting one and punching them, then doing the same to the other. Eventually he delivers the Sharpshooter to Rocky, then to Stone Cold, until he is interrupted by Vince McMahon. [B]Vince:[/B] I’m sorry, Owen. I’m really, really sorry but you leave me with no choice. While they may have drawn, as neither man technically lost I have no alternative but to make your title defence at In Your House: Rest In Peace a Triple Threat Match between you, The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin! The crowd erupts but Owen Hart loses it, starts kicking the ropes and screaming uncontrollably, almost foaming at the mouth. Shane McMahon runs out and confronts his dad as Owen exits the ring and runs over to argue too. [B]Cole:[/B] Can you believe this? Triple Threat at Rest In Peace and boy does Owen Hart look p*ssed! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]RESULTS[/B] Dougie Williams def Hayashi to become the new WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion Edge, Christian & Chyna def The Brood & Gangrel The Future: Sean Morgan def Mike Quackenbush Jim Ross vs Jerry Lawler never gets started Rob Van Dam def Billy Gunn to become the number one contender to the WWF Intercontinental Title The Undertaker def Psicosis & Chavo Guerrero Jr The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin draw, so both will face Owen Hart for the WWF Title[/QUOTE] This show remonstrates why you are the perfect booker. If you look at WCW near the end, they too had a dominant strong man in Big Poppa Pump beat up numerous cruisers at once. They were putting Big Poppa Pump over. But they gave no rhyme, reason or storyline for the match to have happened the way it did, and of course, the cruisers were made to look like pure jobbers. Here in a sense you jobbed out two cruiserweights, but essentially the main thing you did was carry on their feud. You're developing perfect storyline arcs, as per usual.
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[QUOTE=tristram;598248]Excellent, though I hope not by any means an epilogue. I don't know if Vince McMahon is that bad a bloke, there's far worse out there, he's as you say a businessman first and foremost. And a highly successful one by the sounds of it. He settled on what you may term a desperate strategy but a highly successful one that put him back as top dog. I think at the end of it all, he is just a visionary. A man who saw wrestling for what it wasn't. He took the George Bernard Shaw words that were so infamously adapted by the legendary RFK, 'some men see things as they are and ask why? I dream things that never were and say why not?' And in nearly every society, every business genre, someone has stood out and revolutionised their industry - they've generally expanded their geographical locations and given people what they wanted. McMahon to me is no different. Maybe I'm beginning to see things through different eyes at the moment, or maybe it's your excellent take on the WWF, but I can see things that I thought that can't be and can now see why. Thanks again, your legendary tale is exactly that. Legendary.[/QUOTE] Hey man, no that wasn't an epilogue as such, just wanted to do something for the game-time year that I just completed. Yeah I know what you mean about Vinny. I think my character would be bitter towards him given how close they were before Montreal, or how he lost a friend in Bret Hart due to it. However, I don't necessarily agree with it all. Vince is a business man first and everything else second. Everything he does is for the best of his company, which is fair enough, but I do question him from time to time, and wish the company was a little less business-like sometimes, in the same way I wish some football teams were less profit orientated or just their for the owners benefit. [QUOTE=tristram;598249]This show remonstrates why you are the perfect booker. If you look at WCW near the end, they too had a dominant strong man in Big Poppa Pump beat up numerous cruisers at once. They were putting Big Poppa Pump over. But they gave no rhyme, reason or storyline for the match to have happened the way it did, and of course, the cruisers were made to look like pure jobbers. Here in a sense you jobbed out two cruiserweights, but essentially the main thing you did was carry on their feud. You're developing perfect storyline arcs, as per usual.[/QUOTE] Thank you, I really appreciate it. I try to plan these things out in advance because I like storylines that link in with each other (Sebsy knows how Chris Kreski-like by booking and storylines are) so I like these little links in where even though there are winners and losers, no-one loses out all that badly. Especially as I want 'Taker to be a complete bad ass at the moment. Thanks again for the feedback buddy, and sorry to everyone for the slow updates, I really can't see this going beyond a couple more Raw's for the time being because I finally gave in and bought Football Manager 2009, so all my spare time is being taken up by that incredibly addictive game!
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;594905]Hi guys, after a bit of thought I can't be bothered with this diary anymore.[/QUOTE] This = :( I think part of the reason new diaries get more attention has nothing to do with quality, it is simply that they're new, so there's no catching up to be done. People that have missed 90% of this diary might look at it, think it's a massive undertaking to read through it all, and prefer to jump on a diary that is literally on the first show. That and I think there are more people that watch WWE [i]now[/i] in the forum than watched WWF ten+ years ago, but that might be a misjudgement. Aaaaanyway, glad you're at least going through what you've booked and written so far, and hopefully up until Mania. I know I'm not the best with leaving comments/predictions but I do when I have time to sit down and read shows and updates but I do try to contribute in other ways, like with GFX. I think right now the only two diaries I read are this and James Casey's MAW... occasionally others if I see them mentioned in another thread and they then crop up onto the first page next time I look.
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION MONTHLY[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="6"]TOP TEN[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [FONT="Century Gothic"][CENTER]It’s once again that time of the month (not, not [I]that[/I] time of the month...) to see who are the big movers and shakers in the WWF today. [B]1) OWEN HART[/B] There are rumours flying around the WWF office that Owen Hart will in fact be excluded from future Top Tens, such is his dominance over this list. He retained his title against both Stone Cold Steve Austin and Rob Van Dam and has proven that he is the number one guy in the industry today. [B]2) THE ROCK[/B] The Rock has finally taken that extra step and proven himself as a bonafide main event player. He was of course the Sole Survivor in the Survivor Series match and by God did he look good doing it. The sky is the limit for the Great One. [B]3) THE UNDERTAKER[/B] Simply put, who can touch the Deadman at the moment? He dominated the Survivor series match and has finally moved away from his brother, re-exhibiting his vicious streak has he sent Kane packing. The Undertaker is back. [B]4) FINLAY[/B] Undefeated? Check. Still the Intercontinental Champion? Check. Finlay has proven time and time again that e really is as good as it gets in the WWF. Forget that Shamrock got injured in their match, Finlay did what it took to beat one of the biggest names in industry yet again. [B]5) DOUGIE WILLIAMS[/B] What a month for the Braveheart. In his first full month as a WWF competitor he managed to score some huge victories over some big names, but none were bigger than pinning the Light-Heavyweight champion at Survivor Series and winning that title two weeks later on Raw. [B]6) LANCE STORM[/B] What a breakout year it has been for Lance Storm. The Canadian technician has continued to keep his momentum train going as he managed to beat the aggressive and vengeance-expectant Marc Mero not once but twice in two days! [B]7) STEVE AUSTIN[/B] Okay, so he lost at Survivor Series, but don’t let that take away from the month he’s had. He has been a thorn in The Alliance side all month, he earned his title shot, drew with The Rock and took Owen Hart to the limit in an all time classic. Will have to improve if he wants to stay in the top ten, though. [B]8) ROB VAN DAM[/B] RVD has probably had the most eventful month of anyone in the company. How good a month was it? Well, he joined DX, looked good at Survivor Series, beat Triple H in a Ladder Match, nearly won the WWF Title and became the number one contender to the Intercontinental Title. See? He really is “that dam good”. [B]9) THE BROOD[/B] It cannot be denied that Gangrel’s new team have had a particularly good debut month, one that was polished off with a great showing in their debut PPV. Surely it is just a matter of time before they get the Tag Title shot they must deserve? [B]10) SHAWN MICHAELS[/B] No-one went through what HBK did at Survivor Series. He beat Mabel in the pre-show, suffered a Stroke on the outside from Jeff Jarrett, got hit by several chair shots and might well have survived if it wasn’t for a Vince McMahon inferference. [B][SIZE="4"]LOOK OUT FOR…[/SIZE][/B] [B]SEAN MORGAN[/B] He’s picked up a couple of handy wins after his debut and might well keep that going for a while. [B]TAKA MICHINOKU[/B] Taka put in performance of the night at Survivor Series; will he finally get revenge over Zukaya? [B]TAZZ[/B] Okay, so he still hasn’t gotten rid of Goldust, but by God was he good this month. Surely he can’t miss off again next month? [B][SIZE="4"]IT WAS A BAD MONTH FOR…[/SIZE][/B] [B]KANE[/B] Kane still couldn’t get the job done and it led to his own brother taking him out. Have we seen the last of Kane? [B]KEN SHAMROCK[/B] The Worlds Most Dangerous Man looked good going in to Survivor Series but a shoulder injury has put him out of action for months. [B]SHANE MCMAHON[/B] For all his power grabbing and cheap shotting, Shane still hasn’t gotten the power he is after. In fact, it seems like Shane is becoming more irrational by the day.[/CENTER][/FONT]
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Sweet Jesus, I'm finally caught up!!!! And I must say, Keef, this is truly an epic tale, one that should be displayed in the Hall of Immortals for all to see. If this dynasty does indeed go belly up, it will be a sad day for the readers on the board. There are a thousand new fly-by-night diaries every month, to be sure, and to have survived producing at this level for so long is an outstanding feat. Kudos for an outstanding effort, my man. :):):)
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  • 1 month later...
[QUOTE=NoNeck;600905]Sweet Jesus, I'm finally caught up!!!! And I must say, Keef, this is truly an epic tale, one that should be displayed in the Hall of Immortals for all to see. If this dynasty does indeed go belly up, it will be a sad day for the readers on the board. There are a thousand new fly-by-night diaries every month, to be sure, and to have survived producing at this level for so long is an outstanding feat. Kudos for an outstanding effort, my man. :):):)[/QUOTE] Wow, that is some mighty high praise there. Thank you buddy, I can't tell you how amazing it is to hear such nice things said about you. Thank you. [QUOTE=UFC-KING;623474]Please Say it isn't so ! Please Tell Me This Isn't Over ![/QUOTE] I don't know. I'm not one of those people who will keep doing something if I can't do my best with it. I still have shows to post so will get around to that, but as I've said before I'd love to get to Wrestlemania but because I love some of my ideas, and already have promos written up for a couple months in the future just because the build up excites me that much. But like I say, if I get the time and passion (which is unlikely to be soon what with a potential new diary cropping up) then it might happen. But thank you for the feedback, it really means a lot buddy.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;625163] I don't know. I'm not one of those people who will keep doing something if I can't do my best with it. I still have shows to post so will get around to that, but as I've said before I'd love to get to Wrestlemania but because I love some of my ideas, and already have promos written up for a couple months in the future just because the build up excites me that much. But like I say, if I get the time and passion (which is unlikely to be soon what with a potential new diary cropping up) then it might happen. But thank you for the feedback, it really means a lot buddy.[/QUOTE] Keefy, you know my thoughts, this diary is the shizzle. Whatever it takes, it'll be great to see it return regularly. If not, sad days, but I'm sure you're new diary would rock too. I'll be a reader either way.
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