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The Lloyd

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Everything posted by The Lloyd

  1. It's a cool roster, and I've always thought you were a cool guy too! Really looking forward to this and I wish you all the success in the world
  2. Marty "The Moth" Martinez and "Session Moth" Martina vs. La Mariposa and Tommy Dreamer Taya Valkyrie vs. PJ Black The White Rabbit vs. Jake Strong - Lucha Underground Championship Match
  3. <div style="background-color:#ffffff;color:darkred;border-style:solid;border-width:3px;box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19)";"> < < QUICK PICKS for SURVIVOR SERIES, NOVEMBER, WEEK 3… > > Classic Survivor Series Match: Eddie Guerrero, Faarooq, Bradshaw & The Godfather [vs] Razor Ramon, Test, Billy Gunn & X-Pac Falls Count Anywhere Match for the Light Heavyweight Title: Marty Jannetty © [vs] Jerry Lynn Tag Team Title Match: Edge and Christian [vs] The Hardyz w/ Lita & Benjamin Classic Survivor Series Match: D'Lo Brown, Hardcore Holly, Dean Malenko & William Regal [vs] Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Albert & Perry Saturn Classic Survivor Series Match: The Rock, Rikishi, Big Show & Kane [vs] The Undertaker, Mr. Perfect & The Dudley Boys WWF World Heavyweight Title Match: 'The Game' Triple H [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin © Bonus Questions: 1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? __________________ 2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? __________________ (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points) 3). Will Triple H make it to the Main Event after the vicious assault from The Undertaker...? __________________ </div> Keep the WAR Votes coming via the previous post. It's tight right now, and your vote could make all the difference...
  4. Damn! Totally forgot to post Prediction Quick Picks! You'd have thought as long as I've been doing this now, this kind of thing wouldn't happen... But you'd be wrong... I'll just take the prediction prize from the table as it currently stands... RK0wnage gets top prize for the month, and I'll also give one to sco_xY2Jx, as he could have caught RK0wnage with a better performance for this show Look out for a prediction prize in the next few hours!
  5. Thanks for all the comments and feedback. Expect to see Krissy Angelle come back in a few weeks. I've worked out how, and why, and I think you'll like it I just need to nail down the when... <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> April 2020, Week 4… On Commentary: Duane Fry, Ana Garcia and Franklin Fumier <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Down To Business We kicked off this HUGE edition of Supreme TV... Possibly the biggest episode of Supreme TV ever... with Valiant and Rogue... Former, and potentially future, SWF World Tag Team Champions... and two men who have been great friends, bigger rivals, and now friends again... Rogue: “Tonight... One of the biggest matches of my career happens... as I take on Tommy Cornell... for the first ever time... But... before us two old-time Englishmen fight later on... Valiant and I have some business to attend to... First up... The stipulation for our SWF World Tag Team Title Match at Master Of Puppets...!!” Rogue said that he and Valiant are like Brothers... and they fight better in the ring, side by side... So when Valiant and Rogue challenge The Awesomeness at Master Of Puppets... it'll be a Tornado Tag Team Match...!! No tagging in and out... all four men will be allowed in the ring, at all times...!! But Rogue wasn't done there... Rogue: “I have been talking about this for weeks... But, various things got in the way... there were delays... but... I have a GIFT for you... Yu see Val... I think you truly, have given so much to me... So much to this business... that I got you a project... Someone you can continue to teach... and also, potentially learn from... he's a former RIPW Star... His name... 'Wild' Willy LaRoux...!! And here he is...!!” 'Wild' Willy LaRoux strolled out, looking very cocky and pleased with himself... He climbed into the ring and shook Rogue and Valiant's hands... Val didn't know what to make of the situation, but he smiled a lot... Perhaps due to surprise... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ SWF World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden [vs] 'The Dark Reaper' Scythe w/ John Greed An excellent opener here in this non-title match. The reigning SWF World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden never shows fear, but on this night, he had a look in his eyes that could have easily been described as fear when he looked across at 'The Dark Reaper' Scythe. He was right to be afraid, because the 6'10” monster, with John Greed backing him up, is a daunting prospect for anyone. Scythe has fought just once this year so far, a loss back in January to then Number One Contender The Crippler. But he wasn't about to let tonight be a repeat of that. Rocky gave him everything he had, but it wasn't enough. After a distraction from Greed on the apron, Rocky fell victim to the vicious 'Underworld Spike' and passed out!! 75 Winner: 'The Dark Reaper' Scythe w/ John Greed Finish: 'Underworld Spike' (Samoan Spike Hold) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Under Threat With Scythe's victory, the Main Event of Master Of Puppets will now be a Triple Threat Match... as Rocky Golden puts his SWF World Heavyweight Title and 13 month reign on the line, against John Greed... and the man who just beat him... 'The Dark Reaper' Scythe...! Greed and Scythe stood over the fallen Champion... while Greed waved sadistically at him... Rocky's epic Championship reign has never been more under threat than it will be in three weeks at Master Of Puppets...! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> In Sensitive Backstage, the group known as The Unleashed Rat Pack were standing by for an announcement... Randy Unleashed: “The Sharp Shooters... Be careful what you WISH for... You want three of us at Master Of Puppets... and we're here to tell you... The three names you'll be facing...” Hollywood Bret Starr: “FIRST... The former FIVE time SWF World Tag Team Champion... and former North American Champion... Randy Unleashed...!! SECOND... Another former North American Champion... and the son of one the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champions of all time... ME... Hollywood... Bret Starr... AND... Justin Sensitive, also...” Randy and Sensitive were fired up... but when Sensitive started talking, Hollywood slapped him over the back of the head, and told him to shut up... As Master Of Puppets, Randy, Starr and Sensitive will take on Angry Gilmore, Joey Morgan and Steven Parker of The Sharp Shooters...!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Robbie Retro & Lenny Brown [vs] The Pain Alliance (Big Smack Scott & Kurt Laramee) Retro and Brown got along pretty well out there, despite their different approaches to the match. Retro was all about having fun against the team that attacked him a couple of weeks ago. Two big, strong, men in Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee, and they didn't know how to handle the dancing 'Disco Stud'. In the end, he rolled Laramee up with his 'Disco Ball' and scored a shock win! 61 Winners: Robbie Retro & Lenny Brown Finish: 'Disco Ball' (Small Package) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> A New Alliance After the match, the Pain Alliance decided to fight Robbie Retro and Lenny Brown, as they had the upper hand when Retro locked up Laramee in his 'Disco Ball' finisher... The fight was even, but Brown grabbed a bottle of champagne from under the ring, and threatened to hit Laramee over the head with it...!! Big Smack Scott pulled his partner back, and there was a momentary stand off between the four men... Until Des Davids showed up behind Brown, and snatched the bottle from his hands!! Now 3 on 2, Davids, Scott and Laramee took the fight to Retro and Brown, but the two fan favourites stayed in it with the crowd very much behind them... However... The three soon became four... when Primus Allen arrived in the ring... Allen's arrival was devastating for Retro and Brown... The dominant big man threw them both around the ring, and changed the momentum completely... Eventually, both Retro and Brown were put down by running powerslams from Allen... and he and the other three men celebrated together in what was a well-orchestrated attack... The announce team suggested that this must have been what Davids and Allen were talking about last week...!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ Jungle Lord [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy Jungle Lord continues to impress in the ring, and he carried DeSousa here. Joe Sexy's client still has tailbone issues, but he managed to 'bravely' fight through it and eventually hit his 'Widow Maker' finisher! 55 Winner: Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy Finish: 'The Widow Maker' (Reverse DDT) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Wright Of The Dragon We cut to Supreme TV General Manager Jack Bruce's office next, with an announcement for a singles match we'll be seeing next week... Jack Bruce: “I wanna follow up this huge edition of Supreme TV, with another one... and to make sure next week starts with a bang, 'The Dragon' Mikey Lau will be in singles action... He's got a Dragon on his back... But across the ring from him... will be 'The King of Charisma' Robbie Wright...!!” Another big match for next week... but we still had two Main Events to get to later on tonight... Remo up against Brandon James... and Rogue taking on Tommy Cornell... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Brett Biggins & Oliver Kobb [vs] James Prudence & Sammy Smoke A fun match here, with Kobb's Baseball player gimmick which is very over with the fans, on full display. The best bit of the match came when Sammy Smoke threw his deck of cards at Kobb! Kobb was ready, and he had already picked up his baseball bat. He swung for the fences and connected with the deck, sending it flying into the crowd. Smoke was stunned. But it didn't phase him for long, as after looking extremely impressed with the hit, he threw the 'Ace In The Hole' Throat Punch and Kobb collapsed. A win for Prudence and Smoke. Smoke now has an 8 and 0 record in 2020. 55 Winners: James Prudence & Sammy Smoke Finish: 'Ace In The Hole' (Throat Punch) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> And Now For Something Completely Different 'The Show Stealer' ZWB was backstage next... Ready to announce the stipulation for his SWF North American Title Match against 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez... And to do it... He asked that Hernandez join him... which he did... ZWB: “So... I wanted to do something... a little different... because... I like to Steal The Show... and we can do that... So... Thanks for joining me... for this...” Jimmy Hernandez: “Whatever, man... Just spit it out...” ZWB: “I know you LOVE... your little A-Frames... and marker pens, right...?! So we're going to have a match, where we're tied together... and we have to WRITE our names... on little A-Frames in each corner of the ring... First man to write his name on all four, wins...!!” Jimmy Hernandez: “Ummm... I...” ZWB: “Do you hate it...?! You hate it don't you...?!” Jimmy Hernandez: “No, I... wait... what...?! So it's like a Strap Match...?!” ZWB: “Yeah, and then we write our names on the a-frames...!! In each corner...!!” Hernandez complained... His name is 'Jimmy Hernandez'... whereas ZWB only has to write three letters... ZWB thought about it for a moment... ZWB: “JIMMY... and ZIMMY...!! You... We write the same letters...!! It's perfect...!!” Hernandez did not think it was perfect... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ 'The Beast' Remo Richardson [vs] 'Big Money' Brandon James w/ The Heroes Guild A very big match, featuring two very big men. Remo and James slammed into each other to start things off, as if two planets collided in space. As the match wore on, and Atom Smasher yelled instructions at James, it became clear that 'Big Money' was reluctant to do Smasher's bidding. In the end, the veteran fan favourite became distracted by the man who 'owns' his contract. It allowed Remo to hit his 'Destroyer' finisher and put James down for three! 75 Winner: 'The Beast' Remo Richardson Finish: 'The Destroyer' (Batista Bomb) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> A Glorious Rescue An angry Atom Smasher ordered American Machine to attack Remo Richardson... While Machine took Remo down, Smasher berated the fallen Brandon James... While Smasher's back was turned, Remo began to gain the upper hand on Machine, and then surprised Smasher by clubbing him on the back of the head... Remo punched Brandon James, who was just climbing back to his feet, and then went after Smasher again... This angered 'Big Money', and he took Remo down... The Heroes Guild battered Remo 3 on 1, but not for long... because Remo got some help... Matty Faith and Masked Patriot ran to the ring to make the save, and they ran off The Heroes Guild... Faith then got a microphone... Matty Faith: “Big Cat... We know what Atom Smasher has over you... We don't know what he has on American Machine though... and why a guy that WE looked up to, would just turn his back on us... turn his back on the fans... and join a guy like Smasher... So next week... Six man tag... The three of us... versus the three of you...!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> African Hammer Backstage, the fun-loving tag team known as Hawaiian Crush (High Flyin' Hawaiian and Ekuma) were talking with backstage interviewer Squeeky McClean... High Flyin' Hawaiian: “Yu know what McClean... Ekuma is NOT afraid of Makutsi and his sledgehammer... and next week, he's gonna prove it... by facing the 'African Assassin' in a singles match...!! And he will CRUSH... that Makutsi...!!” Ekuma vs Makutsi, next week...!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ w/ 'The Scoundrel' Rogue w/ Valiant & Willy LaRoux [vs] 'Rough Justice' Tommy Cornell w/ The Keith Twins What a night for Willy LaRoux. Introduced earlier in the show, and now he gets to stand at ringside and watch an instant classic, with the best seat in the house! Rogue and Cornell sized each other up early on, and the slow pace let the crowd know they were in it for the long haul. There were the odd murmurings of shenanigans at ringside, but the four men around the ring were used to build tension rather than to affect the outcome of the match. 'The Scoundrel' was controlled by Cornell for much of the contest, as the veteran former 8-time World Heavyweight Champion dished out his version of 'Rough Justice'. The pace quickened when Rogue hit a beautiful super kick, and both men were down. When they got up, the finish of the match was in sight, and Rogue hit a flurry of offence. In the end, he went for his 'Crashing On' double knees, but Cornell was able to get out of the way. As Rogue staggered and turned around, he was hit with the 'Guilt Trip' and pinned! 87 Winner: 'Rough Justice' Tommy Cornell w/ The Keith Twins Finish: 'Guilt Trip' (Rock Bottom) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> A Week In The Making As soon as the match was over, a furious Spencer Spade ran to the ring, and tackled Tommy Cornell to the floor... The Keith Twins saw the attack coming, and were on him before he could do any real damage to their leader... but Valiant instructed his new protege Willy LaRoux to help him stick up for Spade... Rogue was down and hurt after the match he just had, so it was a fairly even 3 on 3 fight... That was until Eric Eisen brought Robbie Wright out to the ring with him... Eisen had a few kicks for the fallen Rogue, while Wright threw the rookie LaRoux out through the ropes... Valiant fell victim to a 'Guilt Trip' from Cornell, before the Keith Twins were able to hold Spade, and let Wright kick him to the ground... Spade was angry that The Trust took his girlfriend Dulce Moreno last week... but he should have had a proper plan to handle the dominant group... </div> Overall Show Rating: 81 THE SHOW IS OVER, BUT IF YOU FANCY A CATCH UP, CLICK THE LINKS BELOW Supreme Stars | Hall Of Champions | Previous Episodes of Supreme TV and PPVs </div>
  6. Loved the show! Really succinct and easy to follow. I do not trust Ricky... not sure why! Princeton Pryce could be really strong for you. Especially under Shooter's guidance!
  7. That's okay, I know they've divided opinion, but I'm writing a diary for me because I enjoy it. I enjoyed making the worker pics. I enjoy making the PPV pics with .png full body renders, that all match in the same kind of style.
  8. I love the little graphics behind them when they're previewing an upcoming singles match... like Rogue, Valiant, Mikey Lau's dragon... Not sure about Gilmore's... Seems like he's, self destructing?! Maybe?!
  9. Sean McFly vs. Jared Johnson CWA World Tag Team Championship: Dynamite Express © vs. Thunder & Lightning Amber Allen vs. Jessica Conroy Lee Rivera vs. David Stone
  10. "You've still got it" made me feel old, and "old friend" doubled down But thanks guys, I appreciate you! On we go... <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> April 2020, Week 3… On Commentary: Duane Fry, Ana Garcia and Franklin Fumier <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Sins Of The Champion We opened the show with the man who headlined The World Is Watching... 'The Eighth Deadly Sin' John Greed... flanked as he has been in recent weeks by 'The Dark Reaper' Scythe... Greed didn't look happy, after coming up short against Rocky Golden... John Greed: “One year... Rocky Golden, has been SWF World Heavyweight Champion for one year... And my question is, how many times has Rocky Golden SINNED in that 12 month period...?! HE... will tell you he hasn't... But you all saw what he did earlier this year... Capitalising on the lights going out in his matches... You all saw what he did to me at The World Is Watching... He has sinned, in front of the WORLD... But... He can atone...” Greed said that he had a special challenge for Rocky... A chance to make amends for his sins... and carve out his own destiny as his one year reign continues, and The Supreme Challenge approaches... John Greed: “Next week... We're going to see a match that the fans have talked about throughout Rocky's twelve month reign... Rocky Golden... versus Scythe... man to monster...!! If Rocky wins... I'm officially challenging Rocky to a 1 on 1 match at Master Of Puppets... If Scythe wins... It'll be Rocky... versus Me... versus Scythe, in a Triple Threat Match...!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> 'Sensational' Steven Parker [vs] 'Platinum' James Prudence Parker was fired up tonight, and took Prudence down early and often to show off his MMA background. Prudence is a canny veteran though, and he used the rope break rules to his advantage to stay out of Parker's grasp for too long. In the end, Parker was able to lock in a front facelock, and as Prudence attempted to wriggle free, Parker dropped him with the 'Future Shock' DDT! 68 Winner: 'Sensational' Steven Parker Finish: 'Future Shock' (DDT) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Master Of Destiny We cut to the office of SWF General Manager Jack Bruce next, where he had an announcement regarding the Master Of Puppets pay-per-view... coming in a matter of weeks... Jack Bruce: “At Master Of Puppets, the CHALLENGERS for each Championship, will be the Masters of their own destinies... As each will have the opportunity to determine the stipulation in their match...” Earlier tonight, John Greed confirmed that if Scythe beats Rocky Golden next week, he'll be added to Golden/Greed II and make it a Triple Threat Match... Bruce confirmed that if anyone wants to make their Title opportunity a 'Handicap Match' situation, then they'll need to give the Champion the chance to fight their way out of it...!! Jack Bruce: “I will be giving ZWB a re-match for the North American Championship... While Valiant and Rogue WILL get a Tag Team Title opportunity at Master of Puppets... We'll hear from them all next week... as they confirm the stipulations for their Title shots...” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ Faith and Old Glory [vs] Atom Smasher & American Machine w/ Kristen Pearce & Brandon James An excellent match here, as the fans showed their hatred for Atom Smasher throughout. He now has a big 300lb American Machine as a willing partner, and a 340lb beast in Brandon James as an unwilling disciple. In the end, Machine won it by locking Masked Patriot in his 'Old Glory' Sleeper – ironic against the patriotic masked star. Patriot had to tap out early before he passed out! 74 Winners: Atom Smasher & American Machine w/ Kristen Pearce & Brandon James Finish: 'Old Glory' (Sleeper) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Your Heroes Kristen Pearce handed Atom Smasher a microphone, as 'The Radioactive Wrecking Machine' had something to say... Atom Smasher: “Looks like you all need to have a little more FAITH... in me... and my methods... American Machine and Brandon James are now in the Heroes Guild...!!” The reaction from Machine and James couldn't be more different... Machine kneeled down next to Smasher, looking around the crowd as if to look out for danger... James stood with his hands on his hips and shook his head... He did not want to be there, but Smasher beat him last week at The World Is Watching, and now James works for him... Atom Smasher: “FORGIVENESS... Unlike those arrogant Sharp Shooters... American Machine... this man... this MACHINE... forgave, me... for attacking him... He said it was the best thing that could have happened to him... and next week, 'Big Cat' Brandon James makes his BIG impact... as he takes on Remo Richardson for me...!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Jungle Lord [vs] 'The Con Man' Sammy Smoke The veteran Jungle Lord was all over Sammy Smoke early on, but Smoke's usual tactic of throwing his deck of cards at his opponent worked wonders, as it bounced off of Lord's head. 'The Con Man' then hit the brutal 'Ace In The Hole' and pinned his opponent for the win. 60 Winner: 'The Con Man' Sammy Smoke Finish: 'Ace In The Hole' (Throat Jab) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Stealing The Show, Stealing Hearts We cut backstage next, to former North American Champion ZWB... ZWB: “Man, as much as I hate to say it... 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez is your NEW North American Champion... and I gotta give him a ton of credit for beating me at The World Is Watching...!! I've got my re-match at Master Of Puppets... So we'll see if he can do it again shall we...?!” ZWB showed a lot of respect for Hernandez... Which is strange given their rivalry... But the laid back 'Show Stealer' must have his reasons... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> King Of The Ring Next up in the ring, we had Everything To Gain Contract holder Spencer Spade and his girlfriend Dulce Moreno... Spade was victorious over Eric Eisen's friend Robbie Wright at The World Is Watching... But after the match, Eisen brought Tommy Cornell and The Keith Twins... claiming to have formed 'The Trust'... and claiming that Cornell would be challenging Spade for his lucrative Everything To Gain Contract at Master Of Puppets... Spencer Spade: “I'm a little beaten up... But I'm okay... 'The Trust' huh Eric...?! Wow... Okay... Well... You think you're smart don't you... You think, that you can just 'announce' that your boy Tommy is challenging me at Master Of Puppets... But what you forget, is that I have all the power...!! I don't have to accept Tommy's challenge... I could just cash it in as it is... and get a World Heavyweight Title Match with Rocky Golden...!! In fact... I think...” Before Spade could finish, the group known as 'The Trust' made their way to the ring... Spade and Dulce got defensive and ready to fight... There was no sign of Emma Chase...!! Eric Eisen: “Oh Spencer... We ARE The Trust... I believe you've met Tommy Cornell... Greg Keith... Matthew Keith... and of course, you know Robbie Wright... I don't think I'm smart... I KNOW, I'm smart... and you don't have ALL the power... I'm the one with the power around here... I'm an Eisen...!! And... I... didn't want it to come to this...” Eisen sent Cornell, The Keiths and Wright into the ring, and they attacked Spade 4 on 1...!! Dulce Moreno got out of there, and screamed at her man to leave... but he couldn't... She fell into the arms of Eric Eisen, and tried to wriggle free!! But he had a tight grip around her, and picked her up off the floor... she kicked and screamed as Robbie Wright came out of the ring, and pulled out some handcuffs!! He locked up Dulce's wrists, and he and Eisen got out of there... dragging Dulce with them... Cornell and The Keith Twins left Spade in the ring, and strolled up the ramp...!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ 'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Eighth Deadly Sin' John Greed w/ Scythe Lau and Greed showed excellent chemistry out there, but the big monster Scythe, who is a foot taller than Lau, was the difference. Ahead of his touted huge match with Rocky Golden next week, Scythe showed how menacing, but also effective he can be, when he hit a brutal chokeslam on 'The Dragon', on the edge of the apron! He rolled the fan favourite into the ring, and Greed hit his 'Crash Diet' German Suplex! 83 Winner: 'The Eighth Deadly Sin' John Greed w/ Scythe Finish: 'Crash Diet' (German Suplex) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Rocky Road To Master Of Puppets As Greed and Scythe stood in the ring, Rocky Golden appeared on the big screen...!! In a live feed from his house... Rocky Golden: “Congratulations on the win John... You might think your little challenge would make me worried, but it's the opposite... I have been looking for an opportunity like this, against Scythe... and if beating him next week, means it's just me and you at Master Of Puppets... Then I guess I'll just have to beat him next week...!!” Rocky said he can't wait... and a big smile crept across Greed's face... The announce team suggested that if Scythe is added to the Golden/Greed match at Master Of Puppets, surely Scythe will want to win the SWF World Heavyweight Title...?! But Greed seems to be able to control the 'Dark Reaper'... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Fix The Unleashed Rat Pack were backstage together next... all eight of them, hanging out and shooting the breeze... Randy Unleashed: “WE tricked EVERYBODY...!! The Awesomeness... are my BEST friends... Hollywood... is my BEST friend... WE... as a group... are the strongest group in the world of professional wrestling... and when two of us are the SWF World Tag Team Champions... We are ALL the SWF World Tag Team Champions...!!” Angry Gilmore and Joey Morgan of The Sharp Shooters arrived, and the Unleashed Rat Pack got ready to fight... Angry Gilmore: “Relax kids... We ain't here to fight you... yet... We want the Tag Titles... But since you Awesomeness boys are already busy at Master Of Puppets... how about we bring (Steven) Parker along... and fight any three of you guys...!?” Joey Morgan: “It's okay... You don't have to answer now... Just let us know which three it'll be next week...!!” Morgan and Gilmore began to leave, but Spencer Spade came around the corner, and was panicked... Spade asked if anybody had seen his girlfriend Dulce Moreno... To which they all shrugged and said no... Spade then asked about Eric Eisen, or Tommy Cornell, or anyone involved... Again, nobody knew and nobody even seemed to know what he was talking about...!! He ran off to continue his search... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Bad, Bad, Comeback Next up, we headed back to the ring, for the return of 'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown...!! Brown has been on the shelf since Nothing To Lose (over two months), after hurting his ankle in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match... But he strolled to the ring here, to a big ovation... Looking like he'd shaken off the injury... In the ring, were multiple bottles of champagne, and Brown popped a cork, spraying the contents of the bottle up and into the crowd...!! He then grabbed a microphone... Lenny Brown: “ALRIIIIIGHT...!! We are going to have a party tonight...!! 'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown is BACK...!!” Brown didn't seem like he was finished, when the music of Robbie Retro hit...!! Retro grabbed a bottle of champagne too, and popped a cork... Joining in and enjoying Brown's party atmosphere, Retro too asked for a microphone... Robbie Retro: “One day... Robbie Retro and Lenny Brown could headline A Supreme Challenge...!! But right now... There aren't many men on the SWF Roster I respect more, than you...!! Sooo... How about, your first match back is with me, next week... as my partner... against The Pain Alliance!!” Brown took a few moments to think about it... and then said an emphatic 'YES!', before shaking Retro's hand!! Next week, Brown and Retro against Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee of The Pain Alliance... a duo who attacked Retro at The World Is Watching...!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ Hawaiian Crush [vs] Makutsi and Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy Four RIPW graduates with a bright future in SWF doing battle in tag ream action here. Makutsi was the star though, dominating High Flyin' Hawaiian, and even fighting Ekuma man to man. Ekuma gave Dominic DeSousa's tailbone a good work over, and Joe Sexy's client was in a lot of pain having recently recovered from a tailbone injury. For the finish, he was complaining to the referee about his treatment, and it allowed Makutsi to use a sledgehammer on Ekuma's mid-section behind the ref's back. As the referee turned around, 'The Affrican Assassin' hit his 'Out Of Africa' cutter to win it! 68 Winners: Makutsi and Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy Finish: 'Out Of Africa' (Cutter) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> An All American and A Former College Football Standout Backstage, Des Davids and Primus Allen were shown talking... The cameraman got a little too close for Des Davids' liking, and he told him to leave... threatening him, before continuing his conversation with Primus out of earshot of the camera, and eventually out of view too... But once again, Spencer Spade came around the corner frantically searching for his girlfriend Dulce Moreno... Spade was panicked, and asked anyone who would listen if they'd seen Dulce, or Tommy Cornell, Eric Eisen etc...!! Nobody could help... and he was getting desperate... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Can't Miss The announce team talked about what will potentially be the biggest edition of SWF Supreme TV ever next week... We're going to see SWF World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden take on 'The Dark Reaper' Scythe... If Scythe wins, he'll be added to Rocky/Greed II at Master Of Puppets, and it'll become a Triple Threat Match...!! Rogue and Tommy Cornell, two veteran Englishmen, who have never gone 1 on 1 before, will also do battle... And Atom Smasher's 'hired help' Brandon James, who is a reluctant ally of the Heroes Guild, will battle Remo Richardson, in a battle of two 300+ lbers... James 'works for' Smasher, and while he doesn't want to fight Remo, he's the type of fighter who will have no problem beating 'The Beast'... Three huge matches, which could all realistically Main Event a pay-per-view, and they're all happening next week on Supreme TV!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #fafbff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ w/ 'Every Woman's Dream' Valiant w/ Rogue [vs] Randy Unleashed w/ The Unleashed Rat Pack Another potential future Pay-per-view Main Event here, and one which could have gone either way. Many people have called Valiant and Rogue's relationship into question, and suggested that Rogue should not be trusted. But he proved his allegiance to Valiant with a very helpful performance at ringside. He punched Hollywood Bret Starr at one point, and then did a brilliant spot where he hit a steel chair off the floor, and threw it to Justin Sensitive. Rogue then dropped to the floor holding his face, while an angry Unleashed Rat Pack were left with their pants well and truly down as the referee's attention was gained by the chair hitting the floor! The ref had no choice but to send every member of the URP to the back. Rogue laughed and waved at his rivals from the floor, and Randy Unleashed was also furious with the decision! In the end, it directly lead to Valiant hitting his 'Patriot Missile' as Randy couldn't capitalise on his offence up to the point his group were sent to the back. 86 Winner: 'Every Woman's Dream' Valiant w/ Rogue Finish: 'Patriot Missile' (F5) </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #cccccc; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Favour For A Favour After the match was over, the music of Spencer Spade hit... and the Everything To Gain Contract holder came to the ring... Still panicked, and still without Dulce Moreno... Spencer Spade: “Boys... you don't owe me anything... but I need a favour... I'm going to call out Eric Eisen and his group, because they have my girlfriend Dulce... Ironically... I don't 'Trust' them... And so... I need to ask... Can you all stay and have my back...?? If you do... and I end up becoming SWF World Heavyweight Champion, I will give you all a Title shot...!! You have my word... If you stay... I... I won't forget this...” Valiant and Rogue shook Spade's hand as Randy Unleashed recovered in the corner... As Randy got up, he shook his head, dropped to the floor, and sloped away... Spade knowing he had some strong back-up out there, but was still outnumbered... Spencer Spade: “Eric Eisen... Tommy Cornell... FINE... Okay... Give me Dulce back, and... I'll give you what you want... You got it okay... You got it... Spade versus Cornell at Master Of Puppets...!! Winner gets a World Heavyweight Title shot whenever they want...!! Okay... Come on... Do the right thing...” Spade and co. didn't have to wait long... because Dulce Moreno staggered out through the curtain... Moreno looked unharmed, just a little shaken up as she came out onto the stage... Spade leapt from the ring, and ran up the ramp to her side... She repeated that she was fine, but Spade was furious... There was nobody to take his anger out on though... because Eisen, Cornell and the rest of 'The Trust' never showed up... Valiant and Rogue joined Spade on the stage, showing him they had his back... but there was no fight... </div> Overall Show Rating: 84 THE SHOW IS OVER, BUT IF YOU FANCY A CATCH UP, CLICK THE LINKS BELOW Supreme Stars | Hall Of Champions | Previous Episodes of Supreme TV and PPVs </div>
  11. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> NOVEMBER 2001, WEEK 3… In The Booth: Michael Cole, Jonathan Coachman and Tazz <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Throwing Rocks At Tables The Rock: “FINALLY... The Rock HAS COME BACK... To Smack... Down... The Rock is out here, to address the actions of The Undertaker, Steve Austin and Vince McMahon on RAW... You call yourselves MEN...?! The Three 'Man' Power Trip... Really...?? MEN...?? Men wouldn't do that to Triple H, and try to end his career... Let alone his Championship Match with Austin at Survivor Series... Tried to break Triple H's leg... Ran a damn motorbike over Triple H's leg...!! So The Rock says this... 'American Naughty Ass'... 'Stone Cold' Steve... Vinnie Mac... The Rock DARES you... To try all of that... On 'The Great One'...!!” Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley strolled onto the stage, and told The Rock their plans for later tonight... Put The Rock through a table, and soften him up for Undertaker to use the bike on HIM!! Once 'The American Badass' does a number on The Rock, his Survivor Series team will be severely weakened... Allowing The Dudleys (members of Undertaker's team) to pick up a big win this Sunday!! The Rock reminded The Dudleyz that he has a very supportive team this Sunday though... Kane, Big Show and Rikishi arrived on the stage behind The Dudleyz, and the Brothers ran off, leaving the three big men on the stage with no one to fight... However... Kane was going to be in action for our opening contest... Against 'The Belt Collector' Chris Jericho... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> 'The Big Red Machine' Kane [vs] 'The EgoManiac' Chris Jericho Kane and Jericho showed great chemistry as opponents tonight, and the match could have gone either way. In the end, Jericho rolled Kane up to score a near-fall, but as Kane popped out of the pinning predicament, Jericho had hold of his mask and it came loose!! As Kane covered up and tried to re-set the position of the mask, Jericho locked in the 'Walls of Jericho', and the 'Big Red Machine' had to tap out!! A huge statement victory for Jericho. Kane doesn't tap out to anyone!! 79 Winner: 'The EgoManiac' Chris Jericho Finish: 'Walls Of Jericho' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Wrestler's Wrestler Kurt Angle, who thinks that all wrestlers aspire to be as good as he is in the ring, was standing by with Jonathan Coachman next, talking about his recent match with Eddie Guerrero from RAW which got the wrestling fan community talking about how great it was... Kurt Angle: “I have to give a ton of credit to Eddie Guerrero for that match... He really is an exceptional talent, and if he wasn't already on a team, I'd have considered him for my Survivor Series Team for this Sunday... However, if Eddie gets a ton of credit for the match... Then I get TWO TONS of credit!! See me and Eddie, we're competitors... We do our talking IN the ring... We wrestle ... We don't do a D'Lo Brown, or a William Regal or Dean Malenko, and run around chasing after Hardy Boyz at the 'Hardy Compound'... and we certainly don't hide behind tag team partners, like an Edge, or a Christian here!!” Edge and Christian were just minding their own business in the background... but at the mention of their names, their ears perked up and they decided to respond to Angle's claims that they 'hide' behind each other, with a challenge, that Angle respectfully accepted... Edge: “Tell you what Kurt... You think Eddie Guerrero is impressive...? Well so do we... But why don't I show you how impressive I can be... Tonight!!” </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ Marty Jannetty & Spide Dudley [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri Terri's Boys were dominant here, despite being up against a spirited fighter in Spike, and the Light Heavyweight Champion in Jannetty. For the finish, Perry Saturn, who had done a masterful job of cutting the ring in half for the entire match, made Spike tap almost instantly as soon as the 'Rings Of Saturn' was applied. A dominant win, and a demoralising one for Jannetty, who heads to Survivor Series to put his Title on the line against Jerry Lynn in a Falls Count Anywhere Match! 62 Winner: Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri Finish: 'Rings Of Saturn' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Hardy Compound – Part One In a pre-taped, cinematic style video package, seven WWF Wrestlers pulled up at a very large house on a lot of land, and William Regal proclaimed that this, was the Hardy Compound... The Hardy Boyz had evidently pooled their money, along with Lita, to buy a mansion and they must have been doing pretty well for themselves... The group of seven decided to split up, because otherwise this was going to take all night... D'Lo Brown, Dean Malenko and Regal headed around the back... Haku and Umaga headed off into the land that the house sat on... while Too Cool (Scotty Too Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay) walked up to the front door, and knocked... A big looking man in a mask opened the door and instantly scared Too Cool with his mere presence... His name appeared on the screen for the fans watching at home: 'SENIOR BENJAMIN'... Grandmaster Sexay's first thought was to grab his partner Scotty, and shove him into the masked man!! Sexay took off, just running down the stairs and across the driveway into the night!! Scotty was in the grasp of the big man, but not for long. He picked Scotty up, and threw him over his head with a T-Bone Suplex!! Scotty landed hard, and was out of it, while Senior Benjamin grabbed his leg, and dragged him through the front door and back outside the house... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Survivor Series Main Event The Main Event of this Sunday's Survivor Series Pay-Per-View should be Triple H versus Steve Austin for the WWF World Heavyweight Title... However, the match has been thrown into doubt due to Austin, The Undertaker and Vince McMahon running Triple H's leg over with his motorcycle!! No news yet as to whether 'The Game' will be there on Sunday, but thoughts are he'll hobble out on crutches if he has to to get his hands on Austin for trying to end his career!! </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Viscera An excellent nights work from both men here, in somewhat of a 'dream match' between the two. If Perfect was 5 years younger, and Eddie goes on to have the career everyone expects him to, this one could easily headline an event like Survivor Series on Sunday! Eddie was too quick, and too slick for the veteran tonight, winning it with his 'Frog Splash'. 84 Winner: 'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero Finish: 'Frog Splash' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> New Generation Test The three members of The APA: Faarooq, Bradshaw and The Godfather, were sat playing cards in their room with a door, but no walls... When Test arrived... Walking 'in' without knocking!! Faarooq: “DAMN!! You need to learn some manners kid!!” Test just smirked at Faarooq, as reinforcements arrived behind him, in the form of his entire Survivor Series Team... Bradshaw: “Alright then... Let's do this...” The APA carefully placed their half full bottles of beer on top of a filing cabinet behind them... removed jewellery like watches and rings, and turned back around to face the music... Eddie Guerrero was just in action in the ring, so he'd be no help to them tonight... They got beaten down by their four attackers, but they put up one heck of a fight... beer bottles were smashed on Faarooq's head, while Bradshaw ended up with the filing cabinet on top of him!! Godfather was slammed through the table they were playing cards on... Eddie Guerrero's Survivor Series team were taken out by their opponents for this Sunday... Looks like Godfather's plan completely backfired... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Hardy Compound – Part Two Haku and Umaga came across Senior Benjamin next, outside the mansion... The masked man looked small compared to the two big, strong Samoans... but he still looked menacing as he told them to charge at him!! They obliged, and both men suddenly disappeared, falling into a whole in the ground that was covered with leaves and sticks etc... Senior Benjamin disappeared, as the camera revealed Haku and Umaga laid out in a heap at the bottom of the whole... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> w/ Edge w/ Christian [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle Another excellent outing for Angle here, this time against a young up and coming tag team specialist in Edge. It was a back and forth final few minutes, with both men earning near falls. Angle locked in an Ankle Lock, and Edge made it to the ropes, but as he climbed up the ropes, still in the hold, Angle pulled him away from them and hit the 'Angle Slam'! A great sequence to end it. 78 Winner: 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle Finish: 'Angle Slam' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Crash Fast Crash Holly: “Alright guys... Exercise didn't work... Dieting didn't work... If I wanna shed the near 200lbs I need to to earn a Light Heavyweight Title shot, I'm gonna have to do things the old fashioned way... Between now and Survivor Series, I'm just gonna not eat anything!! I'll fill up on water and the occasional glass of milk... Tonight, begins the Crash Fast!!” Hardcore and Molly thought this was a terrible idea... but there was no talking Crash, who still believes he weighs well over 400lbs, out of it... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Al Snow [vs] Funaki This was a fun little throw-away match between two lower card guys. Al is a veteran with 18 years experience under his belt, and he showed his class with a great win over a game Funaki with his 'Snow Plough' finisher. 70 Winner: Al Snow Finish: 'Snow Plough' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Japanese Buzzsaw It's time to get Tajiri's WWF Theme in your head again... If you can't remember it... click HERE!!... We saw a promo video package next, for one of WWF's newest signings: 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Yoshihiro Tajiri...!! Better known as just Tajiri, and hailing from Tokyo, Japan... the 190lber will fit in well with the WWF's Light Heavyweight Division... He can kick as hard as anyone in the business, and has a wealth of experience to his name, despite being only 31 years of age... No news yet on when we can expect his debut, but thoughts are it won't be long... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> The Hardy Compound – Part Three Round the back of the house, D'Lo Brown, Dean Malenko and William Regal had cornered the masked 'Senior Benjamin' in the kitchen, and he decided that the only way out of this predicament was to drop to his knees and throw his arms out wide... giving up and expecting to be attacked... However, instead of attacking, Regal slowly walked up to him, and removed his mask, revealing the identity of the man as developmental talent: Shelton Benjamin!! Regal and co. were shocked to see Shelton here, but they soon got an even bigger shock when The Hardy Boyz and Lita burst into the room!! Lita was wielding a Kendo Stick, and she chopped Malenko down at the knees before smashing him over the back multiple times... The Hardyz took D'Lo down, eventually sending him flying over the kitchen island and into some pots and pans... Regal and Shelton fought, before Shelton grabbed the British brawler and shoved his head into the sink, which was full of water... Regal could barely breathe as he came up for air, and was soon knocked unconscious by a Jeff Hardy Kendo Stick shot!! The Hardyz, Lita and Shelton dragged the lifeless bodies of D'Lo, Malenko and Regal out to the front of the house, and laid them out next to Haku, Umaga and Scotty Too Hotty... The Hardyz chanted: “Never Come Back” over and over again... One by one, the men all woke from their unconscious state, and staggered into the vehicle that brought them there... D'Lo started the engine, and drove them away, leaving the Hardy Compound only occupied by its inhabitants... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Rikishi & The Rock [vs] The Dudley Boyz Amazing Main Event, featuring two teams of Family members. Rikishi and Rock haven't always gotten along, but on this night they were on the same page. They needed to be too, because Bubba and D-Von Dudley were like a well-oiled machine throughout. They isolated Rocky, and left the big, bad, Rikishi on the apron pacing and trying to get the crowd into it. In the end, 'The Great One' made the hot tag, and Kish started cleaning house! He super kicked the Dudley Boyz like the move was going out of fashion. In the end, Rocky came back into the match and put Bubba down with the 'Rock Bottom'! 90 Winners: Rikishi & The Rock Finish: 'Rock Bottom' </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Step Two, Take Two After a hard-fought match, 'The American Badass' The Undertaker rode his bike to the ring... The Captain of his team, which includes The Dudley Boyz and Mr. Perfect instructed the Dudleyz to grab The Rock, while he took out some aggression on Rikishi at ringside!! 'Taker's big right hands strike fear into the hearts of most men, but having just gone to war with a team like Bubba and D-Von, this was the last thing Rikishi needed... Bubba and D-Von were being taken down by The Rock in the ring, until 'Taker slid in and put him down with a big boot... Undertaker told his troops to grab The Rock, and bring him to his bike, while he took care of Rikishi, who had climbed into the ring... However, once Bubba and D-Von got to the bike, Kane's entrance music hit, and the other two members of Team Rock arrived!! Kane and Big Show made light work of the Dudleyz, while Undertaker hopped the guard rail to safety as The Rock and his team assembled in the ring... This Sunday promises to be a heck of a night for the WWF, with three colossal Survivor Series Matches... and three very important Championship Matches... </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Quick Results: Chris Jericho [def.] Kane Albert & Perry Saturn [def.] Marty Jannetty & Spike Dudley Eddie Guerrero [def.] Mr. Perfect Kurt Angle [def.] Edge Al Snow [def.] Funaki Rikishi & The Rock [def.] The Dudley Boyz Show Rating: 91 </div> </div>
  12. I just wanted to stop on here, and say a huge thank you to anyone who voted for me or my work in DOTY. I came second a bunch, for this diary, my previous RAW diary and WWE current day diary... and for my two-player WWF vs WCW WAR against Togg... But to win Writer Of The Year, when there are so many great writers on the boards, is a huge honour. These boards are amazing right now! The quality is better than it's ever been! I'll wait to post the show, because there's still a few regulars to predict
  13. Oh wow!! Honoured to have won Writer of the Year!! So many great writers out there, and you all deserve the recognition you got. I don't think Togg should have won Outstanding Contribution... All he's done is co-write a WCW vs WWF diary, run DOTM for four years, DOTY, make a load of graphics for people, been on the team for some of the biggest real world mods for TEW, created pic packs with 10s of thousands of images, hosted the HOPW site!! If that's not an Outstanding Contribution, I don't know what is. Fully deserved, multifaceted, work!
  14. I always found it strange when people tried to hit a posting schedule. Especially how busy my life can be at times Glad to hear you're enjoying writing it as much as I'm enjoying reading it. What I like to do is write a few shows, and get them 'in the bank', fully written and formatted, ready to post. That way, I can slow down my writing or take long breaks, and still post shows
  15. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Quick Picks for Supreme TV, April 2020, Week 3 'Sensational' Steven Parker [vs] 'Platinum' James Prudence Faith and Old Glory [vs] Atom Smasher & American Machine w/ Kristen Pearce Jungle Lord [vs] 'The Con Man' Sammy Smoke 'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Eighth Deadly Sin' John Greed w/ Scythe Hawaiian Crush [vs] Makutsi and Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy 'Every Woman's Dream' Valiant w/ Rogue [vs] Randy Unleashed w/ The Unleashed Rat Pack </div>
  16. Love the graphics so far, and the prologue. The King In The North Tournament is a great name, wish I'd thought of that!
  17. Primus High Flyin' Hawaiian Spenny Lenny Rogue? It's got to be a stacked Battle Royale given the reward, and the rest of the card being fairly mid to upper mid card talent only. Really looking forward to this, as you know
  18. 5/11, not terrible Thank you for the comments though. It's certainly an interesting time, and I'm so glad I've got you second guessing whether Spade or Cornell is going to win, or if Rocky is in on The Trust, or if Cornell and Eisen have beef already...!! I've been trying to blur the lines between babyface and heel with most of the Main Event scene, to keep you all guessing, so I'm glad that's worked so far
  19. Thompson is a STAR. I've had him in a number of long-term projects, and he's never let me down. Got to be one of the most underrated guys on the game.
  20. I think it's testament to how much fun this has been that lots of people have told you not to quit, and OGpistolpete spent so long constructing a post to give you ideas about how to carry on. Whatever you do next, I know I and a lot of people will check it out. Whether you come back to this, or go elsewhere. Just thought I'd pick up on this one, even though he didn't ask But I just thought, as someone who has had a fair few long-term diaries, there's a few things I do to overcome what I call 'writer's block' or 'burn-out'. 1). Write ahead of where I'm posting - I always write at least 4 shows ahead of what I post on the boards and keep a few 'in the can'. That way, I can take a week, two weeks, even more at times, off writing completely and you guys wouldn't even notice. It takes the pressure off thinking you HAVE to put a show out. Right now, I have 6 SWF shows fully written, and for my two player WWF vs WCW diary with Togg I have 14 fully written, fully formatted, and ready to post. 2). Take what I call 'graphics breaks'. I tend to spend 2-3 days (I don't mean all day, I mean 2-3 hours over a couple of days) making graphics for my next PPV. I might then extend that, update some worker pics, dividers, anything graphic related really. Before I know it, I've not written a single word for the diary in two weeks! Things like this help with writer's block for sure. 3). Realise that it's only a game, and a bit of fun Try not to take anything too seriously, and just enjoy it. If you're enjoying it, take a break and come back to it. If you're not, then finish it and start something else up. It's really that simple. As I said, and others have said, I've really enjoyed your work on this project.
  21. ...carriers of the Gold, and lineage... <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> SWF World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden (6-time World Champion, 1-time SWF World Champion) Defences: 12 Reign Length: 341 Days Prestige: 90 (Down 1) Won From: Rogue (3-time SWF World Champion) [Apr 19] </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> SWF World Tag Team Champions The Awesomeness (3-time SWF Tag Team Champions) Defences: 1 Reign Length: 29 Days Prestige: 62 (Up 1) Won From: The Dallas Cowboys (2-time SWF Tag Team Champions) [Feb 20 – Mar 20] Fame And Money (2-time SWF Tag Team Champions) [Jul 19 – Feb 20] The Dallas Cowboys (1-time SWF Tag Team Champions) [Jul 19] </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> SWF North American Champion Jimmy Hernandez (2-time SWF North American Champion) Defences: 0 Reign Length: 0 Days Prestige: 66 (no change) Won From: ZWB (1-time SWF North American Champion) [Feb 20 – Apr 20] Des Davids (1-time SWF North American Champion) [Nov 19 – Feb 20] Lenny Brown (1-time SWF North American Champion) [Nov 19] </div> <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> SWF Everything To Gain Briefcase Spencer Spade Current Contract Status: SWF World Heavyweight Title shot Won in a Six-Man Ladder Match at Nothing To Lose Defended and Upgraded at Awesome Impact Defended and Upgraded at World Is Watching </div>
  22. Not an easy one with the really dark patch on the right. Hope you like it
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