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Everything posted by BrokenCycle

  1. <p>I'm pretty proud of this gimmick...</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="77cym4L.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/77cym4L.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Here's my Battleground show... </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="PbTueTA.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PbTueTA.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  2. The only way to do this is to disable "New Colored Styles Lists" in Your Preferences.
  3. I would never push Lau to a title run simply because there's never been a lightweight champion before and I don't want to break the gimmick.
  4. The closed promotions are in the 2020 database, by the way. Have you check on the ones in there?
  5. Big Magic (a Kimbo Slice type character that is designed to fail after a few fights) beating Toby Sorkin (a guy that typically becomes a title contender).
  6. No. I meant that you could just search for road agents with a general "Good Road Agents" search.
  7. In 2016 you could very easily search for road agents in one of the dropdown menus.
  8. One more thing that I like... championships actually change hands now.
  9. Could you just do one thing and change Nicky Champion's star quality to where it should be, please?
  10. Here's how I interpret it: Major stars: Clear cream of the crop. Your absolute top guys Stars: Lesser main eventers and upper midcarders that are hot. Well known: Lesser uppercarders and midcarders. Recognisable: Lower midcarders Unimportant: Jobbers
  11. <p>WMMA has less stuff to worry about, but the UI is much more organized than TEW. WMMA5 has more small icons that give relevant information, and it makes use of hover boxes over text or icons that TEW lacks for whatever reason. For example, you could hover over the icon that shows an increase in popularity and it tells you how much popularity they gained.</p><p> </p><p> You can also... like... fire people from the contract screen?</p>
  12. <p>The blue is awful, yes. </p><p> </p><p> I wouldn't be surprised if that was the only blue available to him and he's working with a 6 color palette.</p>
  13. Ending storylines no longer "boosts" your wrestlers. How good they do in a storyline in shown in the Storylines page you'll notice with Good, Fairly Good, Poor, etc. and is only a guide of how well you have booked them. They will gain momentum and popularity naturally through your booking. The EWR "boost" is no longer in the game.
  14. Definitely perception but it's hard to tell how good it is in the demo. If it works how I hope it does, it will finally allow you to phase out the main eventers you want to get rid of, and the fluid ever-changing dynamic of the roster seems really cool.
  15. There's a few minor things to turn off and a major one. The absolute major thing to turn off is Strict Storylines. Even veterans of the series have issues with this one. I feel like it stifles creativity, and makes me anxious and reliant on the "money" angles that I stop booking stories how I think they should be told. The minor ones are: Overuse Penalties, Production Effects, and Worker Morale, in my opinion. Please don't turn off Crowd Management as someone suggested. That is the fabric of the game that you should learn. But you can't just try to learn it willy nilly-- you need to make an effort to see what works. Crowd Management is how you create flow to your shows, and manipulate the crowd. The basic idea is that you hook them with really exciting stuff, then with boring stuff, then with exciting stuff, then boring stuff, then blow them away with amazing stuff. There's a lot of depth to it that should be practiced. Go over the results of WrestleMania X-Seven to see an example of how to do this. It's implemented amazingly well in this game. Don't turn off match ratios either, or booking times. You're not dumb. That is so easy to understand. The biggest thing is just to accept that you'll suck and use the editor to fix your issues. If you lose popularity and money, edit those and move forward. Just keep playing and playing lots of games.
  16. How has Jaylon Martins been in the company for nearly two years and is "Unimportant" with 10 popularity? That doesn't seem balanced at all.
  17. I thought it would be terrible, but after playing the game and seeing how unique it makes a lot of promotions, I think it's an overall positive for the game. I could see how using the feature for modmakers would be a slight pain.
  18. You search for handshake deals, then do the mass edit to Written.
  19. This is not very good advice. Your economy and industry would remain the same every save, as well as, I'm assuming, all destiny rolls and possible chemistry.
  20. There's been several fixes to mass edits. We're in patch 10 now.
  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Cyhort" data-cite="Cyhort" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Two days past the original release date and the issues fixed in each patch have already started dwindling down to a few rare crashes and glitches and a couple nitpickey changes to how the game works. I'm not seeing anything happening here that we needed a delay for. I hope we get some communication soon about what changes are coming that made a two week delay necessary, because if this is it then the game should be out already.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Dude. Chill.</p>
  22. You guys could download the TEW 2016 pic pack in the meantime before he fixes the link. TEW 2016 pack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/cfe68pecbzut21j/2020Alt.rar/file
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