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Benoit Dead


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Dont know if anyone caught this at all.... This was posted on Saturday on Canoe Slam! [quote] Calgary's Biff Wellington (Shayne Bower), who was a major player in the '80s Stampede Wrestling and a regular in Japan for years, has died. He was 42. Bower had major health problems over the last few years, mostly related to his back, as he talked about in a 2004 interview with SLAM! Wrestling. "Shayne's been having major health problems the last two years. He's had multiple strokes. Nearly died last year once," said his best friend Devon Fielding, who wrestled under various names for 10 years. Fielding talked to Bower Sunday or Monday of last week. "Everything was great. His daughter had just moved out here and he asked me if I could keep an eye on her," Fielding said. "I couldn't get ahold of him on Wednesday or Thursday. I phoned his dad, and his dad said, 'Well, I'll just wait to see if I hear from him.' Friday, nobody had heard from him, so I phoned again. This morning his dad called me at about 8 o'clock and said that they had found him and he was dead." Bower was found dead in his bed. "His dad said that the initial report was that they think he had a heart attack. He said they don't know if they are doing an autopsy. I know it wasn't drugs, because I know Shayne. He'd had a real battle with drugs, and he'd been clean for the last two years," said Fielding. The Calgary, Alberta native trained with the Hart Brothers in the mid-'80s, but said his primary trainers were Mr. Hito and Hiro Hase. Childhood friend and neighbour Milad Elzein (later Abu Wizal) was his "in" to the closed business. "My best memories of Shayne are growing up with him, and then watching him break in and doing really good. He and Jeff Wheeler were the only ones coming out of the Hart camp. He was an athlete," said Elzein. "I've known him ever since we were 10 years old." Even today, Elzein's parents live next to the Bowers, so he kept in touch and updated with Shayne's trials and tribulations. Being a babyface on the Stampede roster was a tough go, having to fight the popular Owen Hart for screen time. During his career, Bower was known at various times as Biff Wellington, Beef Wellington, and Bobby Hart in the Maritimes. He worked a few ECW shows, had a couple of tryout matches with the WWF, and made a couple dozen trips to Japan. "I did all my best work in Japan, by far. I had some great matches with Liger, Jushin Liger. That would probably be the highlights," he explained to SLAM! Wrestling in 2004. "Actually, one time me and Chris Benoit had a match. We were always tag partners. We were on TV and something happened in Sapporo, Japan, and they put me and Chris against each other and gave us 15 minutes of live TV. I'll tell you, that was probably a highlight. We had a hell of a match." "I worked with Biff/Beef in Japan a few times and really appreciated his skills. He was very good to be around as well. I always wondered why a guy like him never got a big break somewhere as he was as good as many of the top stars in the '80s and '90s. Actually, he reminded me a little of Dynamite, only bigger," said referee James Beard. "I recall being really surprised at the things he could do in the ring and his style as his appearance and gimmick name seemed to suggest something different. He could move, he was technically sound and had a great feel for the psychological aspects." Fielding concurred. "The stuff that he did in Japan, I've got a library of tapes that would blow your mind." With was with Benoit that Wellington had his biggest North American exposure, working on June 22, 1992, against Jushin "Thunder" Liger and "Flyin'" Brian Pillman at WCW's Clash of the Champions XIX. The Wrestling Observer rated the match *** 3/4 stars in its June 29, 1992 issue. "Not a match of the year, but still a very good match. Liger and Benoit weren't at their best, but both still looked very good. The fans just didn't know how to react to Benoit & Wellington early but they did eventually get into the match (one of only three matches on the show that can be said for)," editor Dave Meltzer wrote. "He could have been bigger. A lot of what happened with him, he somehow screwed up in Japan. I don't know what really happened," said Elzein. "It's the drugs, man, I'm telling you, it's the pills. He was a great worker when he broke in, and he started taking that ****, and things started going for the worst. Then when Benoit made it and he didn't, it got even worse." Though emotional, with voice wavering, Fielding emphasized the good memories of Bower. "I never met anybody in the world who enjoyed a good laugh like him. The good ribs, that kind of stuff, not the mean ones you hear about, just the good funny ribs," Fielding said. The Biff Wellington name had outlived his era, said Fielding. "The impact that guy had in Western Canada, 10, 15 years after Stampede Wrestling ended, we'd do an independent show, and people would still mark out for Biff Wellington. It made me laugh. We'd be in the dressing room, laughing, half of these goddamn kids wouldn't even have been old enough to watch Stampede, but the name lived on. He's no Hulk Hogan by any means ... just for some reason, he had a real cult following in Western Canada. Then when did that ECW couple of spots there, it really seemed to cement his name." He is survived by his daughter Alexandra Shayne Bower, his mother, father and brother. Funeral arrangements are still being made, with the service expected late this week, or early next week. Bower will be creamated. [/quote] [quote]Bower was a top worker in the days of Owen Hart, Brian Pillman, Chris Benoit, Hiroshi Hase and so many others. He was also Benoit's tag team partner in what is believed to have been Benoit's first major U.S. mainstream match match as part of a WCW international tag team tournament.[/quote] I know its totally unrelated, I hope so anyway, but bizarre that two wrestlers with an old connection passed within days of each other
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I just want to give my condolances, I am so in shock. Benoit has been one of my favorite performers for so long. I am almost in tears. I pray whoever did this is caught soon. There is so much a peron feels and wants to say, but words can not even say what I feel. Benoit 4 Horseman 4 Ever RIP
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[QUOTE=angeldelayette;250341]I hate to say it or even think it but maybe Kevin Sullivan finally snapped. Maybe he never got over the loss of Nancy.[/QUOTE] I thought that too, but then I think A) why Daniel? B) When I saw him on "Where are they now?" on the WWE site, life seemed alright for the Taskmaster.
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Oh my God... I come onto the boards, start checking the dynasties I read... Take a look at the last post in NWA: Return to Glory and think 'WTF... This can't be real.' Google it to make sure... I'm in shock. And it could've been homicide? Who would do that? Why? This is insane... RIP Chris Benoit, one of the best.
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BTW has anyone heard when he was diffently last known to be alive for sure? Just wondering if the family emergancy he went to, if he knew his family was in trouble, like them being held for ransom. Also have thoughts like Kevin Sullivan could he still be angry about losing his ex wife Nancy. I also hope if they do not have who did in cusidy by Sat that AMW airs this story and hopefully that helps solve the case.
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This is kinda fitting now [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjkRFF6zabI"]Benoit waves goodbye[/URL] For the Yanks, theres a sports show in the UK called "Soccer AM", its mainly about soccer but they have completely random stuff too. Anyway, at the end of the show they allways have someone random waving goodbye. Thought it would be nice in a way to post
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benoit's death Yes guys this is true about benoit's death. The police are investigating this as a homicide. Go to foxsports for all the details on this. It happened around 2.30pm today. Note: I would like to say that I don't usually post comments or threads here so I just want to tell you that the other post on benoit's death can be removed. I would like to apoligize for the mistake.
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[QUOTE=irabowman;250373]BTW has anyone heard when he was diffently last known to be alive for sure? Just wondering if the family emergancy he went to, if he knew his family was in trouble, like them being held for ransom. Also have thoughts like Kevin Sullivan could he still be angry about losing his ex wife Nancy. I also hope if they do not have who did in cusidy by Sat that AMW airs this story and hopefully that helps solve the case.[/QUOTE] I don't think it's as glamourous as a randsom kidnapping or Kevin Sullivan gets his revenge or anything like that. What I've been thinking from the beginning is the "family emergency" Benoit had to attend to could have been Woman leaving him or something, and obviously that didn't go over well with Benoit. At this point there's so many different rumors going around thanks to all the dirt sheet sites, who knows what truth has been leaked out yet. Sadly, I don't see how this couldn't have been a murder suicide... and that sucks...
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Not to worry, Fred. As I said in the other thread, it's a natural mistake. The thought that these deaths could be homicides just seems all the more surreal. I remember when the news came down that Miss Elizabeth had died and what the circumstances were. I haven't been able to look at Lex Luger since. I'd hate to think that someone in the industry could be responsible and be forever ruined for me the way Luger is. With Nancy gone now too, that probably both of the most beautiful valets I've ever seen around a wrestling ring gone. And man was it great seeing that match from Hog Wild. Benoit & Nancy working together and with the only female manager who could surpass Nancy's beauty in Elizabeth. That's how those three should be remembered. Doing what they did best.
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well now that the legit news media has picked up the story, hopefully we'll be getting some credible info from now on and not have to rely on Meltzer, wrestlezone, and all the other hack rumor sites for info... [url]http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,286673,00.html[/url]
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Someone posted this on another message board thought I'd pass it along to you guys. Not trying to start anything speculation just posting what I've seen... -Oh wow...Just got finish watching Fox 5 news in Atlanta updated report. Investigators truly believe that this was a murder suicide case based off the evidence that was gathered. They believe Benoit killed his wife and son a couple of days ago, then returned home and took his own life yesterday. Benoit was found in his weight room. His wife was in the master bedroom and the son was his bedroom.-
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It's been a fairly tasteful tribute so far, though I'm somewhat annoyed they decided to show a match Benoit lost as part of it. Wonder who's idea that was? I wish they could've cut out all the advertising though, it's sort of distracting from the tribute y'know? Advertising of the WWE product I mean. They have all year to advertise, tonight should be all about Benoit.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;250394]I seriously hope it wasnt a murder suicide. And I doubt it too. Nobody has ever said anything about the two having troubles.[/QUOTE] From what has been said about him he seemed like such a family guy and I doubt it was one too.
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