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SAVE_US.222 (minor spoilers)

Moe Hunter

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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;296069]To be fair though, you could see it coming a mile away. They were trying to get him to give them a high five, they were over-reacting to helping him, etc... and they ARE the reason he didn't get pounded down in the first place, as the other's were getting the best of him. Then after moments of anticipation he acts as though he is going to shake a hand, and instead does the bidding... The reaction was humourous, and the crowd reaction to it was great. I don't remember anyone going "boo" or everything just stopping and people acting as if they are thinking "WTF?". They were ready, it was done pretty good. Fact is, HHH is not a good guy. He is still doing the DX thing, but he's not really what I see as a "Face". He's still going to get that sledge hammer out and beat the crap out of you even if he gets disqualified and lose's the match. It's the character he has been for the last couple years, even before the DX thing, he was making jokes... Remember the Spirit Squad jokes?[/QUOTE] Meh, that's fair enough. It's a subjective thing, it just left me cold. It seemed an awkward crowd reaction rather than a great one. Sure people popped to a point, but then the live crowd popped for Mae Young trying mount Vince a few weeks ago, that doesn't make it compelling TV. Out of the whole thing, I just ended up caring less about the other workers and no more about HHH. This is going a bit off topic from the other vignettes, but prior to his return, I really liked the rebuilding HHH hype videos and was hoping for some sort of compelling return. Instead it's just DX HHH, without HBK and feuding with Vince in something that was done to death before anyway. It's not terrible, it doesn't suck, but it's just of no interest to me yet and doesn't show any signs of changing. A six man tag team match, I wouldn't have minded seeing, even if HHH had still had to pedigree both Kendrick and London after that. Instead it led to a poor steel cage match, with Vince escaping and HHH destroying Carlito afterwards to remove any chance of him getting any sort of rub from the result.
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I believe it has something to do with his song as well.... Looking at if from a guitar sheet music. [B]CHAMP_HARD:[/B] (Former WWE Hardcore Champion?) [B]SMACK_BROUGHT1[/B]: This made me think of the Rock, but that other video with Jericho's debut, makes me think of Jerico's Debut. [B]CD_VOLUME4_1:[/B] Of course, WWF music volume 4's first song was Jericho's them. [B]WM00_MATCH[/B] [B]WM_MATCH_TRI:[/B] Not sure. Some say this was because of the triple threat match with Benoit and Angle. I believe that was WM 2000. [B]LIVEWIRE[/B], Of course as has been pointed out, a track from Fozzy, Jericho's band. WWE Livewire was a show as well. [B]TALENT_PRE:[/B] I have no idea. Former WWE talent is what's said. Possibly Premium, or premiere talent is what I thing. [B]BAT_ASS_WEEK[/B] - Somehow that has been intrepeted as Jericho on VH1's Best Week Ever. Some say just Jericho being funny. To me it says Bad Ass Week. Only because I can't think of anything else for BAT (unless he used one, or maybe a reference to Sting?). [B]PROMO_99[/B] - That's when he did that promo on the rock. His debut, in 1999. [B]_OCT[/B] - No Mercy reference. [B]KOR_QUALIFY13-60[/B] - [B]K[/B]ing [B]O[/B]f the [B]R[/B]ing. Jerich qualified twice. [B]DISP_CHAMP [/B]- Undisputed Champion? That's what they say it's in reference to.... [URL="http://www.chrisjericho.com/index1.htm"]HERE[/URL] . A nice little pic of him for you, with reference to this. In the bible, Joshua 2, Verse 2 (Joshua 2:2) says: "The king of Jericho was told, "Look! Some of the Israelites have come here tonight to spy out the land."" One more thing I'm not sure if anyone picked up on... But if you really concentrate on the middle number's during the promo... You clearly see 4, 3, 2, 1.... Just saying, that it's there if you really look hard enough. It starts after the "I'm Back" is heard, and goes to the end, like the last few seconds of the promo, then it's over.
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Yeah, the 5-4-3-2-1 countdown thing's been mentioned a billion times already. to be fair I don't think there are any more clues to be found in that video. I'm eagerly awaiting what happens tonight on RAW, I'll be pissed if they play the same video again :D
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;296416]Hell, that could be the only important clue about the 222 part![/QUOTE] Pretty sure thats bassically what the whole thing is centered around... 220 Bible 221 Old Testament [B]222 Historical books of Old Testament[/B] 223 Poetic books of Old Testament 224 Prophetic books of Old Testament 225 New Testament 226 Gospels & Acts 227 Epistles 228 Revelation (Apocalypse) 229 Apocrypha & pseudepigrapha 222 Historical books of Old Testament Specifically: 1990 222.1052 B644r book of J = Joshua, Judges? Jericho is mentioned in all of these. The specific phrase they picked out becuase of the 222 mention I guess, but I figured it was because Jericho is in allot of these historical books. The Walls of Jericho, his finisher (for those that might not realise it), is a direct link to Jericho the city. This is the city (in the bible) that was only beaten by the sounds of trumpets all around the city. No weapon could bring it down, The Walls of Jericho were thought of as impregnable or invinceable. Thus, the Walls of Jericho has biblical meaning to it, and is the reason we put two and two and two together.
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[QUOTE=Lostrelms;296448]Just ran the same one again on RAW.... nothing updated, just the same thing.[/QUOTE] No, it was very different. It looked the same, but some of the file name screens were a bit different. Also, "Save_Us.222" was only in one or two frames. The major focuses of the video this week were two lines, though one only was there for a few frames, but long enough to stay for two screens. The first, which was the major focus, was: 8.2.11/Savior_Self The other was: Grand_Slam1.moc Now, the 8th letter of the alphabet is H. The 2nd is B. The 11th is K. Thus, HBK. The video is about the return of Shawn Michaels, not Chris Jericho, like we all assumed. Though, the matrix-themed videos don't seem to fit Shawn Michaels, which makes me wonder if it will be the same HBK, or if his character will be changed. These two lines, along with Save_Us, could be taken as major hints toward HBK. First being the numbers 8, 2, and 11 translating to HBK. Second is Grand_Slam (Michaels was the first "Grand Slam" winner, being the first person to hold four separate belts in WWE). Third is the references to Savior and Save Us, as they can be taken as references to Shawn's religious reawakening years ago. Unless this week's hints are swerves, I think we have our answer.
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I don't know if anyone else has noticed it, but WWE.com has both videos on the site. Go to the main page of WWE.com, and scroll down to the very bottom of the page. Under the WWE copyright information, you'll find links to the Save_Us and Savior_Self videos. Also, in seemingly random pages, the words two, save, and the number 2 are links to the Save_Us video. I don't know if any random links have been added for the Savior_Self video yet. One other thing to note. "Savior Self" sounds like "Save yourself." So, "Save Us," "Save yourself." Sounds like a heel character for HBK.
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[QUOTE=Lucied;296465]I don't know if anyone else has noticed it, but WWE.com has both videos on the site. Go to the main page of WWE.com, and scroll down to the very bottom of the page. Under the WWE copyright information, you'll find links to the Save_Us and Savior_Self videos. Also, in seemingly random pages, the words two, save, and the number 2 are links to the Save_Us video. I don't know if any random links have been added for the Savior_Self video yet. One other thing to note. "Savior Self" sounds like "Save yourself." So, "Save Us," "Save yourself." Sounds like a heel character for HBK.[/QUOTE] While I certainly hope it's Jericho instead of Michaels, I could see it being Michaels. Pure speculation, but was Michaels "put out" with a concussion? If so, perhaps they are going to play a brain damage/schizophrenia/split personality gimmick for Michaels. Like I said, pure speculation, but it might explain the save_us / saviour self thing. Just a random thought. Also, a little off topic, but relates to something djthefunkchris said earlier about the New Hart Foundation. Am I the only one who thinks WWE should bring in Matt Bentley for this? HBK's young relative vs. Bret Hart's young relatives. I think a small Teddy Hart/Matt Bentley feud could elevate both guys as they have about a decade worth of heat to work with.
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[QUOTE=i effin rule;296469] Am I the only one who thinks WWE should bring in Matt Bentley for this? HBK's young relative vs. Bret Hart's young relatives. I think a small Teddy Hart/Matt Bentley feud could elevate both guys as they have about a decade worth of heat to work with.[/QUOTE] Yes, you are, because Bentley doesn't have the skills to do it.
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[QUOTE=ubernoob;296478]Yes, you are, because Bentley doesn't have the skills to do it.[/QUOTE] I disagree. When TNA was first starting up I was a huge Bentley fan. I think when more and more "big names" came into TNA he was pushed out of the way and underutilized in the X Division and then lost in the stupid stable. He doesn't have top notch mic skills and could definitely use someone to talk for him, but I think is his a good performer. I will admit though that I am basing it on Bentley when he was still Michael Shane and winning X Division titles, as I've rarely watched TNA since around that time so he could have fallen off in the ring for all I know. I was always a Bentley fan however.
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Yes, Bookshelves to me is either: a hint about Jericho's new book, or furthering the reference to 222 in the Dewey Decimal system. Also, there was mention of Oct 7th? On the 7th day, that God fella rested. I think this HBK thing is pretty strong too. Maybe next week will be something about Edge, and the whole thing is actually centered around Cyber Sunday? Who knows.
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[QUOTE=justtxyank;296599]I don't think it resembles y2j at all though.[/QUOTE] The only letter that looks weird is the "S". The other two are obvious... If you can't see that, I can't really help you out, sorry. EDIT: I'm looking at the stuff as if it is a puzzle. That's not uncommon in a puzzle, for exactly those letters.
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I don't think it will be HBK... [url]http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/2007_/articles/1191397504.php[/url] [QUOTE]There is a lot of concern within those in WWE regarding Shawn Michaels; future. Michaels was expected to return from his knee surgery next month but has made it well known that he is enjoying his life right now, with his family. Along with spending time with his family, Michaels is also able to devote more time to religion, which is his passion. He has basically disconnected himself from the wrestling world, with the exception of close contact with Triple H. Triple H brought Michaels to an OVW taping a few weeks back with the feeling that it may bring the fire back to Michaels. Several wrestlers were surprised Michaels agreed to go on the trip. Michaels told Triple H that he is on the fence about returning and doesn’t know how much wrestling he can do. His knees feel bad and he doesn’t feel he can work the full-time schedule once again. If he were to come back, it would be on a lighter schedule. (Credit: WrestlingObserver.com) [/QUOTE] I still reckon it will be Jericho. Imagine if he came back and won the vacant WWE Title :eek: :D Oh well...Atleast I can dream.
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