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[QUOTE=Thomnipotent;373688]The spreadsheet is dead. Long live the spreadsheet.[/QUOTE] I'm still gonna use my spread sheet to track chemistry. My color coding and the match rating with the chemistry note is just so easy to read. This is a feature I will probably never use espcially if it's as annoying to get into as the current notepad. I prefer the outside source of notation like excel, word and notepad to any of these in game things. My question becomes it syas "every time you discover a new piece of chemistry in the game " but is this just for As Opponents or will it also log Tag Team chemistry and Manager chemistry.
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[QUOTE=SWIFT;373711]Hmm...maybe it'll be be something under a worker's info in the booking area screen that shows all workers they have chemistry with singles/tag wise?[/QUOTE] If this is the case then I definately won't be using it. My spreadsheet is a nice chart all on one page. If I have to go into the workers profile and then into the chemistry section it's just too much clicking for me for something I can have at the touch of alt+tab.
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[QUOTE=SWIFT;373638] Oh yeah, hours of writing down info with grandpa tools (notepad and pen) only to loose it the following day...good times courtesy of TEW. Use I could've used the in game notepad, but it's in the corner and 95% of the time I don't even notice it :([/QUOTE] Okay man, you're pretty new here. So I'm gonna cut you some slack. I will assume you're trying and failing to be funny rather than having a go at me. But tell me this, have you ever tried using the notepad for all the different tasks you could do with it? Like pre-planning cards and keeping track of key contenders to your titles and chemistry notes and future feuds you know you want or need to run after your current ones and so forth and so on? If you don't dedicate your Notepad to one task and do the others either on paper or third party program, that Notepad becomes a real bear to use effectively. Better yet find a copy of TEW 04. Play around with that for a bit and tell me the Notepad function hasn't taken a step backward in the last four years.
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Great to see the Developers Journal up and running. To be honest, while it's one of the smallest features announced, the Champion Replacement feature is probably the one that I most like the sound of. Through TEW, I've come to love two things - juicy storylines and cool, tidy title lineages. This will please me in both of those aspects. If The Firm haven't self destructed in MAW this will be awesome (though The Firm having self destructed in MAW would be equally awesome). The Chemistry Store also sounds like a very nifty feature. Once the notepad fills up after a good few months/years of play time it can get really hard to bother checking whether or not two workers have good or bad chemistry. Hoping that each worker's chemistry matches are in his/her profile (or at least having a list of all matches that we can filter by worker) well be very useful. One feature that I'm not completely struck on is the potential stat, to be honest. I find that, although there's certain things like injury that could affect how the game world blossoms, with a potential stat each worker's path might be set out a little too clearly. I personally prefer things more random, with how a certain worker's stats change effected more by things like who they work with, rather than a stat. I can understand why people would want to use it, for the purpose of historical mods, but as somebody else mentioned I hope that there's an option - perhaps during the game's setup or via the database options screen (where starting economy, young lions ect. is decided in the editor - can't remember exactly what it's called and I don't have TEW07 licensed on this machine) .
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SWIFT ain't new, and I'm pretty sure he was saying he never uses the notepad.....and nothing he said seemed directed as an attack on you, not really sure how you got to that point. I think he was saying he's lost stuff he's written down for TEW before and that the notepad icon is in a bad spot, and he never notices it because of it's location (top right corner with the exit, help and back buttons). If thats not what he meant he will be around to decapitate me and defecate down my throat. EDIT* Almost forgot I love the potential stat, as for historical mods we can say this guy got this good so this is how good he can get, yet it still doesn't guarantee it. And I like the Chemistry thing, i don't mind it's location as I don't book my shows from the booking screen, my cards are planned out for the most part long before it actually happens, so viewing it from profiles isn't too bad for me, though I'll probably still keep it on my spread sheet along with every other thing I track out of game, which is pretty much everything.
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swift hey dude, still owe you an ass kicking from rage and nww ;) but back on subject........chemistry stored will be great i think. I have a word doc open all the time to copy stuff like good chem bad chem good matches and so forth they get very long after a while.
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This is a good addition that will help out the average user. Not everyone wants to keep track off all this stuff themselves. As a side note I noticed a lot of you saying you used spread sheets or notepad to keep track of things. I used those until I found two programs that really work well for me. The first is [URL="http://theguide.sourceforge.net/"]The Guide[/URL] which allows me to keep all my information in one place. The second is [URL="http://www.hyperionics.com/"]FileBox eXtender[/URL] which allows me to keep the guide on top and roll it up and down when needed.
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[QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude;373838]I find that, although there's certain things like injury that could affect how the game world blossoms, with a potential stat each worker's path might be set out a little too clearly. I personally prefer things more random, with how a certain worker's stats change effected more by things like who they work with, rather than a stat. [/QUOTE] That's not how the feature works. The way a worker's stats change hasn't been altered, the only difference is that rather than their stat caps being figured out by the AI, there's the choice of giving them a nudge toward a certain level. The only effect it would have on a worker's "path" is if players decided to use their knowledge of who has potential to hire workers more likely to have high caps.
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Actually, that is one of my favorite Features, the "Potential" stat, so far. My favorite feature of course is the New Worker/Worker files being in the same area, where we can keep full relations between the new and the old. The work-a-round... The only thing I could think of was to use a "fictional" or "Non-Wrestling" relative to be in the data, to connect people in the new worker files (A brother and sister, or two brother's, etc..) so that they come into the business as related. It's a huge improvement for mod maker's.. Especially when dealing with historical mods, and having people in the Mod that might not be active at all, and have no real place outside of connecting relations for new worker's. It allows a great deal of flexibility for anyone NEW to Mod Making. It's something I hope to capitalize on myself.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;373955]That's not how the feature works. The way a worker's stats change hasn't been altered, the only difference is that rather than their stat caps being figured out by the AI, there's the choice of giving them a nudge toward a certain level. The only effect it would have on a worker's "path" is if players decided to use their knowledge of who has potential to hire workers more likely to have high caps.[/QUOTE] Does that mean workers still can't improve past the person with the highest default stat in the game?
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Game regions, some good news with the readdition of Australia, Ireland being tacked onto the UK kind of works. Yes I know technically the republic of Ireland isn't part of the UK, but geographically and from a wrestling business standpoint I think this works. Europe bugs me a little. Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Mediterranian and Central Europe being the four regions. um ... Western Europe? Does that still exist? will it be split into countries like Germany and France or remain as one region that perhaps Mr. Ryland forgot to mention?
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[QUOTE=panix04;374333]I have to admit although i'm glad to see the australian love in TEW08, i'm a little dis-appointed to not see a state system implemented. I can understand it after seeing the list of drawbacks, but it would have been a really nice feature.[/QUOTE] I'm happy with any additions in this area, but I'm in the same position as you are. I understand why, but I'm also disappointed. I kind of figured that might come up for some reason (the balance issue). So I've gone over in my head trying to think of a way around it, but nothing really does. The closest thing I could come up with was, adding states, but using the regional system for popularity for the companies. The problem is how do you do that, and keep the reason why having all the states in the first place..> Which is so we could have more of a hometown hero effect. There was something I thought of that might help (although technically, I have no idea if it would or not), and that was to break down the states into separate area's. My drawback on this was that... the states would then be easier to get to National, without being National.
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[QUOTE=Self;374342]But who's working Australia?[/QUOTE] Modders, lots of modders. Actually, last few years Australia has been on an upswing, the indies here are getting a bit more professional, more international talent making the trip down here, a few Aussie workers appearing in the US and Japan. Still a wrestling backwater I guess, but improving slowly.
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;374334]Europe bugs me a little. Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Mediterranian and Central Europe being the four regions. um ... Western Europe? Does that still exist? will it be split into countries like Germany and France or remain as one region that perhaps Mr. Ryland forgot to mention?[/QUOTE] Central Europe = Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Belgium, etc. Scandinavia = Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, etc. Mediterranean = Portugal, Spain, Italy, Fance, Greece, Turkey, etc. Eastern Europe = everything east and south of Poland that isn't already covered. It isn't a perfect breakdown as some countries have been fudged into imperfect categories, but without splitting it into separate countries (which would be ridiculous) that is the best method.
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;374346]Modders, lots of modders. Actually, last few years Australia has been on an upswing, the indies here are getting a bit more professional, more international talent making the trip down here, a few Aussie workers appearing in the US and Japan. Still a wrestling backwater I guess, but improving slowly.[/QUOTE] Is IWA still on TV? They only made like, 13 episodes or something, and it was really, really bad (I stopped watching after about 4), but still, TV's TV. Also, I'll be playing Australia, even if I need to make my own company :D
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;374346]Modders, lots of modders. Actually, last few years Australia has been on an upswing, the indies here are getting a bit more professional, more international talent making the trip down here, a few Aussie workers appearing in the US and Japan. Still a wrestling backwater I guess, but improving slowly.[/QUOTE] I'm sure there are guys out there working Australia in real life, but I'm thinking C-Verse. That's what has me excited.
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