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Okay, so first we get a calendar that shows when people aren't available, now we can negotiate to bring people from another game area into ours ... excellent ... add in being able to negotiate with workers on written contracts with another company within the 28 day negotiation period that their employer gets, and talent exchanges being based on relative overness (hello trading someone like Cameron Vessey for Samoan Machine in INSPIRE) instead of solely the overness of the worker you're trying to trade for, in the game area the other promotion is based in, and our roster management problems are over!
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I'm really happy about this latest feature. There are a lot of times I see a young Japanese worker who isn't being hired by anyone in Japan and thin but he'd be perfect for SOTBPW or OLLIE but I can't hire him, but I've never been one to make everyone available in all regions.
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I'm pretty excited about this Seeking Foreign Workers thing myself, can't wait to get some use out of it. Guess I'll find out just how loyal Masaru Ugaki is to his beloved PGHW. If he sticks with them after he sees the cash I'll be offering to bring him to California, he might just have my respect for life. :)
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I love this new feature! This way I can go after a lot of the Japanese legends and try to talk them into wrestling in the states. Very very cool feature. The more and more these new features surface the more and more it's become hard to continue with my 2007 game. hah. I want this new game! :)
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Yep, to me this is the most exciting announcement so far. Just hit National with ROF in my diary game and am the 5th biggest promotion in the World - the idea that at this stage in a 2008 game I could feasibly attract some top overseas talent to join is really enticing. Whereas now I'm left with the UK dregs and guys who haven't even worked an indy in 2 years (e.g. Dusty Bin, Mad Dog Mortimer) to 'better' my roster! :D
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;387115]The more and more these new features surface the more and more it's become hard to continue with my 2007 game. hah. I want this new game! :)[/QUOTE] I know what you mean! Just the multi-advance next day feature would do me right now. Waiting for monthly shows sucks
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;387117]Yep, to me this is the most exciting announcement so far. Just hit National with ROF in my diary game and am the 5th biggest promotion in the World - the idea that at this stage in a 2008 game I could feasibly attract some top overseas talent to join is really enticing. Whereas now I'm left with the UK dregs and guys who haven't even worked an indy in 2 years (e.g. Dusty Bin, Mad Dog Mortimer) to 'better' my roster! :D[/QUOTE] If you hire dusty bin and make a legitimate athlete out of him you'll be my hero.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;385975]am I the only one who thinks the calender feature is kind of a drag. I mean, I see the draw of it and I like it... its just with all these "helper" features, it seems this game is getting too easy.[/QUOTE] I know that Nick has already been pretty thoroughly savaged for this post, but I can't even begin to understand the mentality it takes to write something like this. The challenge of a TEW game is supposed to be in the quality of the opposing promotions, your own attempts to build new stars, and trying to keep a locker room of egomaniacs as happy as possible. An improved interface doesn't make the game easier so much as it makes the game [i]playable[/i]. Pong would be a lot harder if you couldn't see your own paddle, but there aren't too many people who'd call that a "challenge" and not a "crappy design decision."
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Guest The Aussie
Hey, I actually think that more improvements have been made so far then in the entire Smackdown vs RaW series. The foreign talent negotiations is another sweet addition.
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[QUOTE=The Aussie;387254]Hey, I actually think that more improvements have been made so far then in the entire Smackdown vs RaW series.[/QUOTE] Except SvR was awful to start with (you can make that track back to the old RAW and SmackDown! games), and they didn't bother change anything but a few models and moves. Though granted, so far I'm interested enough to buy the game, and only part of the new additions have been revealed yet, go Adam! :)
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[QUOTE=Basmat01;387470]OMG THIS IS THE BEST FEATURE YET I CANT WAIT FOR 08! sorry but I thought I'll say it just in case no-one saids it for this feature considering someone always saids it when a new feature is posted lol[/QUOTE] LOL I definitely hear that. Thing is though there are so many cool new features already, it's often not a stretch either. The sick bay is a wonderful idea and I look forward to seeing it. I'm not to all caps about it but the wait sure is getting to early Tom Petty song levels.
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