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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;387699]And boy howdy could some cool stuff be done with this feature. Turn a never-used, inactive region in your mod (Australia, for example) into a "holding tank" of sorts for other types of workers and all of a sudden it's that much easier to simulate the addition of workers from other media. Want a rock star or a reality TV personality to show up at your next event? Fine, but it's going to cost you.[/QUOTE] Wow...that is an awesome idea. A real world mod could do this to simulate the way the E brings in big names around WM and a CVerse or any other mod could create fictional big names in other media (like maybe some fictional CornellVerse Rock Star) to be used as a special attraction. I know I'm just re-stating your point but it's a great idea. I wonder what kind of bump in popularity bringing in a star from another country provides (if any). Also...in conjunction with this idea, how cool would it be to be able to re-name the regions?
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;387756]Wow...that is an awesome idea. A real world mod could do this to simulate the way the E brings in big names around WM and a CVerse or any other mod could create fictional big names in other media (like maybe some fictional CornellVerse Rock Star) to be used as a special attraction. I know I'm just re-stating your point but it's a great idea. I wonder what kind of bump in popularity bringing in a star from another country provides (if any). [B]Also...in conjunction with this idea, how cool would it be to be able to re-name the regions?[/B][/QUOTE] That's something I've always wanted to see, too. Would especially be useful in situations like your COTG mod!
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Actually there could be a "region" of workers who you could put as outside celebrities. Obviously there wouldnt be any locations there. That would be pretty cool. It would help you simulate celebs. Great idea! I would love it as some workers could be movie stars, or singers. Anyways someday maybe celebrities will be in the game.
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;387765]That's something I've always wanted to see, too. Would especially be useful in situations like your COTG mod![/QUOTE] Thinking the same thing! I know its not something Adam has talked about but it would work great with what SP mentioned. I have no reason why Adam should add it but *crosses fingers*
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On the subject of foreign imports, I wonder if they get an overness boost themselves when you bring them over. With the internet and ragsheets being what they are, if my National promotion signed some Japanese megastar, would he debut in America with no overness as he's never wrestled there, or would there be some hype over him being brought in with B+ overness in Japan? What do you think? If he starts with F-, I could live with that, but if he started on say D in all US regions instead so he's around the midcard, that would be great
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;387817]On the subject of foreign imports, I wonder if they get an overness boost themselves when you bring them over. With the internet and ragsheets being what they are, if my National promotion signed some Japanese megastar, would he debut in America with no overness as he's never wrestled there, or would there be some hype over him being brought in with B+ overness in Japan? What do you think? If he starts with F-, I could live with that, but if he started on say D in all US regions instead so he's around the midcard, that would be great[/QUOTE] The normal spillover popularity would cover that - if you have a wrestler with A overness in Japan, he is automatically C+ overness in North America and D+ the rest of the world - you can check this in the editor and then starting a new game. - Nobuatsu Tatsuko for example is set in the editor as 91% overness in Japan and 0% everywhere else. However once you start a game and look at his overness, he goes up immediately to 65.1% in USA/Canada and 47.1% everywhere else.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;387579]I just liked the challenge of having to look through all the promotions schedule, and have to write them down to get all my wrestlers there.[/QUOTE] maybe Adam can code a "special" version of TEW for you where that nice little feature gets removed. Along with sick bay of course cause that would make you so totally happy. :rolleyes: Then you can be on your merry way as we won't have this discussion..
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;387776]But for celebrities, why not just have a worker classification as such (i.e. Active Wrestler, Left the Business, etc.)? Of course, the "empty region" makes an effective workaround for now.[/QUOTE] Or have them set to On Hiatus - you can recall them for the right fee, but I guess afterwards they'll be back and wanting to take part again *shrug* Having Adam Sandler ringside at WM, say, and then dropping back into the free agent pool as a Personality with minimal useful talents (pretty much only overness, say) wouldn't be a big deal for me.
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Latest feature is the smallest of the small, and although whenever I've made a ratio mistake I've always been happy to accept the blame on myself, I have no problem with the inclusion. If it helps new players get accustomed to the game, all the better. [B]Thumbs up.[/B] In slight defence of NickC, I was half tempted to argue the praise of the Calender myself. Not because of the feature, but because of the overwhelming support for it. Seriously, you guys aeemed to act like the game was broken before. As with Match Ratio, advance booking guys who were working elsewhere on a particular day was a mistake I made occasionally, and I never had a problem with. It made me change things up, think on my feet, it was a piece of the drama that I crave in games. It was my mistake, and as long I recognised and learned from it, I had no problem making it. Although, yes, it could also be quite annoying. :)
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My opinion on most of the "small" things so far... I'm much in favor of taking away the tedious "little things". All these little features add up to MORE PLAY TIME, less TRIVIAL timesinks. These little things are going to be so effective I believe, that we will wonder how we played without them.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;388305]I have a question. Can these features be turned off? Like the helper ratio, so if we dont want to use them, they wont be in their.[/QUOTE] Nick... Most of these features (like the one your thinking of) would be available to you anyways. It's NOT making an easy mode, but just helping you play your promotion the way you intend to play it. I would recomment just playing the '07 version if you don't like most of these little things. They aren't going to make you win easier (See National battles, new AI bookings). They will just help you keep your promotion true to itself... Which was never something that was supposed to be hard to do (In my opinion). Knowing what percentage of match's vs. Storyline/angles is something you would know anyways. You just don't have to do the math now. Knowing who can work for you on what day is something they would for sure share with you in real life.... You would never have to go look at the other promotions schedules to get your worker's schedules. I didn't want to reply to your comments because I thought you were "getting it". Hope this helps a bit. Like I said, if you don't like the features, you can always play the older game and not have to even worry about it.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;388305]I have a question. Can these features be turned off? Like the helper ratio, so if we dont want to use them, they wont be in their.[/QUOTE] No. If you don't want to use them, you can just ignore them, I don't think anything further needs to be done.
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All these little features that help with organization will probably be very helpful once I get used to them. As it stands now I set up formulas in excel that so that when I input the match and angle lengths it tells me what percentages I have. I set up charts for what days my workers will be gone, which is static for most feds until they add or remove TV shows but fluid for Touring feds that change working days every tour and I always have to look them up again. So although I obviously "can" do all the leg work myself not "having" to do it will certainly give me more time to play and less time to organize. In other words all these organization features rock.
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