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[QUOTE=LoganRodzen;390096]The internet feature is one of the biggest things TEW fans wanted to see come back from the EWR series and now we have it. I wonder if Adam got all tingly inside when he knew so many people were going to be happy with his journal update today. ;)[/QUOTE] I doubt it, since the Internet was also in TEW07.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;390345]where? There is no internet section. There's a media section, but no internet section.[/QUOTE] I really don't see a difference currently, except for the 1/6 or so of that page that is taken up with Media buttons. The rest is an "Internet page".
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So, what's the thoughts on the new owner goals? Myself, I like them. The fact that we can break the preference goals and such is good, and the range of owner goals adds verisimilitude without taking away from the fun aspect of the game.
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Although I never had any problems with owner goals in 07, I think this is a great update - it's much more realistic In 07: Owner: You can't sign anyone over the age of 40 Booker: Oh......ok :mad: In 08: Owner: I'd prefer you not to sign anyone over the age of 40 Booker: But I want to sign Steve Flash, who can wrestle rings around everyone on the roster, and will help them all improve. Owner: Well i'm not happy about it, but if it increases the bank balance and our popularity then ok - but beware if it all goes wrong and costs me money!
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Hoorah! I hope that owner goals can be tied to relationships. For instance, it's said that Vinny Mac likes CM Punk. I hope that in TEW you may see a goal relating to CM Punk's momentum, something like "Vince says keep Punk's momentum around B+" because Vince has taken a shine to him.
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Wow! The Owner Goals posted today is the update I've been waiting for! As if I weren't sold already on buying 08, it's a sure thing now. The goals in 07 had to be one of the most frustrating aspects of the game, especially when you'd get a game all set up, advance to day 2 and then get the "you can't hire anyone who works somewhere else" goal. Thanks for responding and addressing the owner goals Adam...can't wait for the rest of the updates and the game itself...of course ;)
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[QUOTE=Trackersan;390517]Wow! The Owner Goals posted today is the update I've been waiting for! As if I weren't sold already on buying 08, it's a sure thing now. The goals in 07 had to be one of the most frustrating aspects of the game, especially when you'd get a game all set up, advance to day 2 and then get the "you can't hire anyone who works somewhere else" goal. Thanks for responding and addressing the owner goals Adam...can't wait for the rest of the updates and the game itself...of course ;)[/QUOTE] IAWTP, I hated that goal atleast now there is a way to cirmunvent this.
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;390533]Is there any chance of an 11th hour add-on for progressively angrier e-mails from your boss as you blatantly disregard their wishes? :D[/QUOTE] I'd love something like this. Anything to evoke a genuine emotional response that would make me want to follow orders beyond the 'health bar' would rock in my book. Although the health bar is great, I'd love there to be more consequences... The owner firing random employee's when I disobey? Cutting my budget?
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I realize this was in the journal a while ago but I was wondering something about the ability to bring in people from other game areas: Will it be easier for, say, a European promotion to convince a worker based in the UK to come work for them than it will for a company in Canada because of the relatively short distance? If this has already been answered and I missed it, just disregard this post. Oh, and I absolutely love the new owner goals. I never had too many problems with the old ones, but this is definately giving them a whole new dimension.
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Add another huzzah to the list on the tweaking of owner goals. A lot of points have been mentioned already. But what I like here is how you can dismiss some of the owner's preferences for the good of completing the greater goals. Having that owner confidence bar and being able to determine if you can afford to bring in a talent older than the owner wants for the good of his pet talent's push is awesome. Makes the interaction between owner and player so much more realistic and immersive. Makes me curious how he might address things between player and roster. But for now I am pumped about how the relational end of 08 is shaping up. Was already looking plenty forward to 07 but this just takes things to whole other level for me.
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I love the new goals, it will make the game that much more fun as it is something to "work for" rather than just trying to become big. I also like the critical goals are gone, it made me mad when I failed it one time since then that game with that promotion is pretty much dead.
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