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[QUOTE=Akki;391230]It really does depend on the database that you're playing, but I can attest for the South West having at least as many promotions as the Tri-State area, maybe more. I think South East has quite a few promotions, too. I think the only places in the US you would be safe are probably the Northwest, Hawaii, and maybe the Great Lakes. But again, it depends on the database.[/QUOTE] If your talking about the real world, there are around 7-8 promotions running out of Washington and Oregon alone. We just don't get the coverage the larger/more popular regions get. ;)
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[QUOTE=KeyserSoze;391171]I have to questions about this feature. -In the regional wars only count the regional/small companies or it counts also the bigger ones? I mean if there are 2 reg. companies and a cult company is a reg-war or not? I can see good options in each side.[/QUOTE] I don't think the Cult fed would be counted, as it's too big. The idea behind this feature seems to be to simulate the difficulty promotions have "breaking out" from the pack in certain areas where the pack is large. For example, the Tri-State. A Cult company has already 'broken out', and so would be excluded from the battle. Everyone knows Ring of Honor now (and knew ECW), they don't really have to compete so much with the smaller promotions like JAPW and NECW (are the latter even still alive? :p). Besides, a Cult company has enough to think about with the impending National Battle, PPV deals, new TV shows, etc. [QUOTE]-The regional war is caused by where the companies are based or where the companies have shows? I think that the shows is a better option as it will give us a more options. If it is based in the location of the company the war is something unavoidable, but if it is based in the shows, you can try to "steal" a market to others companies going to war, or avoid a war (if you are a weaker company) going to less profitables zones and regrouping there.[/QUOTE] To quote the journal post "battles between Small and Regional promotions [...] who are within a certain popularity range". So I'd take that to mean anyone who is within a certain popularity in a region is involved in the battle. CZCW for example usually end up with a TV deal on Los Deportes Hoy, which after a while will give them popularity in Northern Mexico. So when they pass the threshold, they'll be involved in Northern Mexico battles with MPWF and MHW (when they enter the game), as well as in the South West. This addition'll definitely make it more sensible to stay in one or two areas and build your popularity up slowly, rather than touring everywhere and being, say, E+ in several areas, which will lead to being in several battles at once when you could be a solid D+ in one area, and only have to deal with one battle (plus any that arise from spillover popularity).
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The national war system can still be exploited by powergamers, just by stopping at the bring of national status, enhancing your roster and preparing to hit national with a load of stars. I still can't quite grasp the regional battle feature, but I guess it will become clear when the game is there. Adam must keep in mind that warring national promotions could be different in style, and people tend to prefer their style above the other styles, no matter how bad their show was, so the ranking system might have to take that into accord. Anyhow, things look good so far for the community. :)
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[QUOTE=Blackman;391413]The national war system can still be exploited by powergamers, just by stopping at the bring of national status, enhancing your roster and preparing to hit national with a load of stars.[/QUOTE] Well that sort of thing is a logical step one would take IRL, too. [QUOTE]Adam must keep in mind that warring national promotions could be different in style, and people tend to prefer their style above the other styles, no matter how bad their show was, so the ranking system might have to take that into accord.[/QUOTE] Well style is alread taken into account in any promotion's grades, which are then compared in the Battle system.
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What do people reckon, will workers be able to progress through the categories of injury? ie physically improving enough to allow them to participate in angles just before they're ready to come back and wrestle again. You could therefore hype up the worker's return before they're ready for their comeback match. This seems logical, but wasn't made clear in the journal.
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;391562]it actually is pretty clear. lets say wrestler A gets an ankle sprain. email says worker A can't wrestle but can do everything else. Wrestlre B gets a torn ACL. you would get an email saying he/she is unable to participate in your shows.[/QUOTE] Which isn't what the guy's asking - he's asking if, toward the end of rehab, when he can walk but not dropkick, a wrestler might be able to show up again and hype his coming return.
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;391563]Which isn't what the guy's asking - he's asking if, toward the end of rehab, when he can walk but not dropkick, a wrestler might be able to show up again and hype his coming return.[/QUOTE] That would be cool, or at least have them able to start participating in Off-Screen angles (which I still think ANY injured wrestler should be able to be in, as they don't actually have to do anything themselves).
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I'm wondering if the severity of the injuries and the specific injuries a worker can work through/make an appearance for is completely stoic or if it is tied into the worker's individual toughness/resiliency rating. I'm hoping for the later as some workers will work through a severely sprained ankle or wear a mask to protect a broken nose but others will not, a few will make an appearance with a torn ACL or a broken Clavicle, but most will not. etc.
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i LOVE this addition, but i just thought of a possible problem. Say for example you run a promotion that has few, if any angles. Then a Main Eventer gets hurt enough where he can't wrestle, but he can do angles. Is he going to be angry that he's not being used on shows, or do you have to put him in a pointless angle that would hurt the show just to make him happy?
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One thing while we're on injuries - I hope we'll be able to set Starting Injuries that are of either of the lower levels. I recently tried to start off Uncle Porker with an injury called "Porker Ribs" - that is, lasts over a year, can be worked through, 50% body damage. Unfortunately making it a starting injury forces him to take x amount of time off, and then he's healed. I'd like him to be available from Day 1, working through his injury.
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