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In real world data the smaller promotions tend to go bust within the first year. Usually around 4 or 5. I've seen WWE fall to Cult several times, and with all their money they're never in any trouble, but I've yet to play a game long enough to see if they make it back up to Global
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[QUOTE=Self;393479]You can sort of do most of that anyway, the only thing is you have to do it yourself. It isn't automatic. You can create a brand, you can set up PPV's. When the time times you can negotiate for TV Shows. IT's all there, you just have to do it yourself. (Actually, I'll give you the TV show thing as an interesting idea. That one could be a little awkward to sort yourself, but maybe it should be awkward) Realised I haven't commented on the feature yet. It's cool, but seeing as I've never seen a company go under, or bought anyone out, maybe I'm just not feeling the impact. Hopefully National/Regional battles will have some heavy casualties.[/QUOTE] Of course you can just make the TV shows and PPV's and such yourself, however they would start with the default normal importance and thus wouldn't truly be the same events they are meaning to represent.
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[QUOTE=Wildcat;393617]Of course you can just make the TV shows and PPV's and such yourself, however they would start with the default normal importance and thus wouldn't truly be the same events they are meaning to represent.[/QUOTE] Do TV shows have prestige/importance in TEW? Anyway... use your imagination. Maybe they don't seem as important to the fans of the old promotion now that they know it's under a new company. Maybe people don't care as much about the events now, because they don't think there will be the same "feel". Think about the Great American Bash. Does it have the same prestige or importance as it had 8 years ago? No way. It's just another WWE PPV now.
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[QUOTE=djlightning;393551]What I'd like to know is what happens to the workers of that promotion when you make it a Devolopment Fed, do they all leave, all stay or are we able to choose who goes and who stays?[/QUOTE] thats a very good question I'm wondering about that myself
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The Promotion take over feature is definitely one of the best looking new features. As much as I love playiing TEW, one of my favorite past-times is editing a mod and just sitting back and watching history create itself. I'm wondering if this is a user only feature or if AI controlled promotions will attempt to buy out smaller feds to boost their resources too?
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;393481]In real world data the smaller promotions tend to go bust within the first year. Usually around 4 or 5. I've seen WWE fall to Cult several times, and with all their money they're never in any trouble, but I've yet to play a game long enough to see if they make it back up to Global[/QUOTE] In my game, WWE made it back to National by 2009. Of course my game's a bit different in that it's C-Verse and RW together, and US-only, but it can happen.
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;393751]In my game, WWE made it back to National by 2009. Of course my game's a bit different in that it's C-Verse and RW together, and US-only, but it can happen.[/QUOTE] WWE made it back to Global within a year, fell back, and rose again to Global and have stayed there. They did raid TNA though. I've had very few small promotions belly up. In fact several has risen to Regional, Cult, or National status. Meanwhile RoH is still Regional and TNA is still Cult.
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While, as noted by Adam himself, the mail reaction feature is fluff, it's a nuance that really brings out character in the game. I only hope this goes one further and we have wrestlers suggesting feuds, tag partners or even gimmicks for themselves again. I really missed that in the last couple of games, but hope it can be expanded even more.
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[QUOTE=Hurrikane;393846]While, as noted by Adam himself, the mail reaction feature is fluff, it's a nuance that really brings out character in the game. I only hope this goes one further and we have wrestlers suggesting feuds, tag partners or even gimmicks for themselves again. I really missed that in the last couple of games, but hope it can be expanded even more.[/QUOTE] Absolutely. I can't wait to be surprised by all of the messages I get coming in. Also, I want to feel guilty about de-pushing someone. Like... Joel Bryant for example. Quality worker, but for some reason he doesn't appeal to me, so he works darks, and jobs a lot, and loses popularity. A message from him asking "Why?" could pluck at my heart strings enough to give him a shot.
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I'll be interested to see when these messenges comes in, having my top star say I'd really rather you not hire so and so, before he's on my roster would be a lot handier than having him say, why did you have to hire so and so, once the deal has been struck. What would also be nice would be the occassionaly, you should hire Antonio, I've worked with him in MAW, and he's a good worker, and I feel I have good chemistry with him. Although an email like that should be few and far between.
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I like the "new" feature. The relationships were a thing I rarely looked at when searching for new guys, sometimes I remembered to check but not always. This might help booking as relationships are revieled, if the booker wasn't aware of them already. It's just great to get a proper feature back from the good old EWR! Tomorrow's feature: "Sophie makes the awaited comeback!"
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[QUOTE=Self;393922]I'd love to have Politicians constantly messaging me on why they should be pushed and to hire their friends. Realism and drama in one excited/annoying package. :)[/QUOTE] Well to hire friends and the such I could see coming often, but as far as them saying hire so and so because I have pretty good or great chemistry with them should come less ofter, as too much of that would take a huge challenge out of the game, namely finding guys that work well together.
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It's been a while since I've been here, but after having a look at this year's journal my interest was all renewed again. And after reading hearing that the worker's emails would be back, 2008 definitely just got my hard earned (not really) dollars. Hopefully modders will be able go in and create their own emails to add variety to the responses you see, as well as make character-specific emails. I see a lot of potential for lols in that :D
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Free Spirit: "Yeah... I ran over a dog on my way to the airport. Then my flight took off early. I had to go to the other airport to get on a different flight, but that one got delayed because of snow. So I decided to take the train, but the tracks were broken. So I ended up staying home. Sorry." *coughxpaccough*
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