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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=Astil;394286]Just thought of something...C-Verse version of Hard Gay?[/QUOTE] Brains McGee is dressed up just like him... In the render thread there is one of Ben Williams that is dressed up in leather like that of Hard Gay.
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I can see Alicia Strong being gay and getting hitched to the owner of BSC. That way she can be tied down to an eternity of mud wrestling whilst the rest of the wrestling world looks on in jealousy at the most talented female wrestler in the game. Imagine the irony...
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;394417]Personally, I hope none of the "C-Verse" characters are gay. If you want one, make him/her I guess. I think this was more for the realworld mods more then the C-Verse.[/QUOTE] Yeah, that doesn't make any sense. Why would Adam make a change and then not apply it to his own data set? And since he created the data set, he can decide the sexuality of the characters, while in the real world, it's a lot harder for wrestlers to come out.
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I'm oddly excited about the prospect about seeing the first homosexual couple getting together in one of my C-verse games. It's like an brand new triumph for Gay Rights everywhere. Sadly, I've never seen anyone get together in my TEW07 games, so it could be quite some time for me. I just hope players and Mod-makers can be mature about this addition. Remember, if Steve Flash does turn out to be gay, he's still Steve Flash. He's still the guy who trained up all of your rookies. He's still the guy who carried your poor workers when you needed a solid match. He's still awesome, he just happens to use that awesomeness to trick [I]guys[/I] into bed, not girls like most wrestlers would do :) Don't be afraid to come out, Steve. I'll still love you. Not in that way. Well... maybe.
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[QUOTE=Self;394487]I just hope players and Mod-makers can be mature about this addition. Remember, if Steve Flash does turn out to be gay, he's still Steve Flash. He's still the guy who trained up all of your rookies. He's still the guy who carried your poor workers when you needed a solid match. He's still awesome, he just happens to use that awesomeness to trick [I]guys[/I] into bed, not girls like most wrestlers would do :)[/QUOTE] Just remember, folks - every gay guy is one less guy trying to pull your girlfriend ;) And yes - gay, straight or bi, I'd hope we'd got past caring. I'm sure there'll be little snide additions to mods with this feature - but you could always add same-sex relationships anyway. You just couldn't ensure that if the relationship broke up that they'd stay gay. Hmmm... DuBois and McFly. Thinking about it, some PC promotion could make a hell of a signing if both were gay and fired for it... ;)
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[QUOTE=Self;394487]I'm oddly excited about the prospect about seeing the first homosexual couple getting together in one of my C-verse games. [/QUOTE] I already played up a Chuck-and-Billy type angle, renaming the Damian Carvill/Owen Love tag team 'Un-Natural Love' ([I]geddit?[/I]), in my NOTBPW promotion. 'Course it does make a body wonder what advances poor Damian has had to put up with since being sent to prison in my game... Foxcutter.
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[QUOTE=MVP!;394245]Both of them have kids for that matter, but I'd be funny if Junior and Matty turned on their fathers and formed and homophobic tag team...then again...maybe not...[/QUOTE] Regarding Tommy Cornell's marriage... Among my gay friends / acquaintances, they've more or less confirmed that just because one has kids / family does NOT equal straight, nowadays.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;394484]Of course, if it's Big Smack Scott himself coming on to me, that's an entirely different quandary.[/QUOTE] I doubt that's even possible. Any attempts to tamper with BSS' sexuality would likely result in him jumping out of the monitor and paralyzing the offender with a botched piledriver.
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[QUOTE=Foxcutter;394503]I already played up a Chuck-and-Billy type angle, renaming the Damian Carvill/Owen Love tag team 'Un-Natural Love' ([I]geddit?[/I]), in my NOTBPW promotion. 'Course it does make a body wonder what advances poor Damian has had to put up with since being sent to prison in my game...[/QUOTE] That was an angle. I'm talking about off-camera, 'real', or as real as the C-Verse gets. Making it an angle (and calling it Unnatural) is pretty much the opposite of what I'm talking about.[I] Not that I'm judging your views are trying to get into any argument about homosexuality. [/I] That Billy & Chuck angle was good TV, Owen and Damian (I call him Quinn Carvill in my game, I forget why) would kick ass in that role.
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[quote=Mr T Jobs To Me;394526]I doubt that's even possible. Any attempts to tamper with BSS' sexuality would likely result in him jumping out of the monitor and paralyzing the offender with a botched piledriver.[/quote] You're probably right. Be looking for that BSS/Steve Flash Barbed Wire Hell In a Cell main event! He may get his neck snapped, but it will bring in an A*!
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[QUOTE=Self;394531]That was an angle. I'm talking about off-camera, 'real', or as real as the C-Verse gets. Making it an angle (and calling it Unnatural) is pretty much the opposite of what I'm talking about.[I] Not that I'm judging your views are trying to get into any argument about homosexuality. [/I] [/QUOTE] No, no, Self, I got what you were saying (and no offense was meant). My response to your own posting of the inclusion of this new feature of the game was that since I had already included an angle about just such a relationship on camera, it would be kind of neat to see what actual relationships existed off camera in the next incarnation of the game (sorry if I wasn't clear about that). I also didn't mean any offense with trying to show my own 'cleverness' at coming up with, and renaming, the Damian 'The Natural' Carvill and Owen Love tag team 'Un-Natural Love' in the VERY traditional NOTBPW market...something that I'm sure, in a real life situation, would draw them a lot of heat). So, again, I do apologize if I was a little unclear about that and you found it offensive. It wasn't my intent, honest. Foxcutter.
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[quote=D-Lyrium;394580]Because no promotion in the C-Verse is big enough roster-wise to support one? :p[/quote] Actually that just proves cyberkitten's point. Just because a feature is made in the game, it does not mandate that said feature be leveraged in the C-verse. It would not have taken much effort to add the necessary data to make one of the top companies large enough to support a brand split, but it didn't happen.
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[QUOTE=Astil;394279]Doesn't chang ethe fact that he has a virtual kid in a virtual game, so he probably isn't virtually gay.[/QUOTE] Hi, that's a load of bunk. Want a recent example? Google 'Jim McGreevey'. How many kids does HE have? [QUOTE=Actarus;394511]Regarding Tommy Cornell's marriage... Among my gay friends / acquaintances, they've more or less confirmed that just because one has kids / family does NOT equal straight, nowadays.[/QUOTE] Nowadays? You don't have to have gay friends to know this. It's obvious! Rock Hudson and his wife were BOTH gay, and it gets worse from there. [QUOTE=Wallbanger;394589]Actually that just proves cyberkitten's point. Just because a feature is made in the game, it does not mandate that said feature be leveraged in the C-verse. It would not have taken much effort to add the necessary data to make one of the top companies large enough to support a brand split, but it didn't happen.[/QUOTE] Actually, it would have involved increasing the size of the Cornellverse by at least 30%. Otherwise, SWF (or TCW) would have had to hire nearly every worker of note from all of North America and Mexico, to staff three full brands. And if that happened, who's USPW/DaVE/NOTBPW, CGC, CZCW, 4C, and the rest going to hire?
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[quote=Remianen;394651]Actually, it would have involved increasing the size of the Cornellverse by at least 30%. Otherwise, SWF (or TCW) would have had to hire nearly every worker of note from all of North America and Mexico, to staff three full brands. And if that happened, who's USPW/DaVE/NOTBPW, CGC, CZCW, 4C, and the rest going to hire?[/quote] OK, with 1,166 workers in the C-Verse you would have to add 350 workers. And you would prabably want to add another 100 new workers as well. I am reasonably confident in stating that if Adam had wanted to do that in order to have a tri-branded company in the C-Verse he would have. He chose not to. If you want to quibble about the contextual meaning of what constitues 'much effort' I guess you can, but it doesn't change the underlying fact that there are functions and features of TEW07 that the C-Verse doesn't use. Ultimately, it's the 'take it or leave it' nature of the feature that leaves me scratching my head as to why folks are getting worked up about this. You can build a database that has all straight characters in it, or all gay/bi characters in it, and [I]neither of those would be wrong[/I] so long as the user is happy. (That being said, if a diary entitled "The Duane Stone/Optimus Hardcore Chronicles" comes out later this year, it's probably not getting my vote for DOTM/DOTY. :p ) You can go into the C-Verse database and make Viv Jacobs straight so your male user character can date her, or make Steve Flash gay for the same reason. Or you can just play the C-Verse as is. It's all about the user's choice. Actually, the more I think about it, I suspect (though I could be wrong) that Adam will probably not have a bunch of C-Verse characters 'come out of the closet'. There's a few characters, as previously mentioned, that have their sexuality defined as part of their backstory, and there will certainly be new C-Verse characters where Adam has free reign to do what he pleases.
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Besides, there's only really a handful (I can only think of two) gay and out guys in the wrestling business, so I wouldn't be surprised if nobody ends up as gay in C-Verse. Two male workers announcing that they're together would obviously out them, so setting everyone to straight would be the only way to have everyone living in denial :p
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;394684]Besides, there's only really a handful (I can only think of two) gay and out guys in the wrestling business, so I wouldn't be surprised if nobody ends up as gay in C-Verse. Two male workers announcing that they're together would obviously out them, so setting everyone to straight would be the only way to have everyone living in denial :p[/QUOTE] That was basically my original estimate of the situation, as well. A lot of pre-game, Journal Discussion Thread hype, for maybe one or two in-game surprises... but it's such a curious addition -- even if Adam added it to be all inclusive of his gaming audience -- that I have to believe that, at the very least, it has something to do with a major C-Verse storyline revelation, in some way, otherwise why go to all the bother? Foxcutter
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