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[QUOTE=theaddicane;406397]I'm loving today's update. I often keep/hire guys who have stats like Basics and Psychology, and I'm glad they're gonna be more useful.[/QUOTE] Oh, yeah - regardless of what rules my owner sets for hiring, I usually won't higher a guy with less than a C in either stat. This is a fantastic addition, and very much the way a promotion should work.
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Great adiction Hope it works as those guys do not only help the young wrestlers they work with, but also, other who will ask for help (depending of their personality, they'll be more or less respectful and will follow more or less their advices). Depending also of the Good Worker personality, he would help more or less, he could be Tracy Smothers and watch every match of the card and then talk to the young lions about what they did right or wrong, or he could just have 100 at psicology and basics but don't care about what the other guys do.
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[quote=1PWfan;406408]I like this as well, especially for promotions like NYCW and GCG, who have a lot of this sort of character in place. My only worry is that you'll get that thing of characters moving up the card when you don't want them to,and you end up having to bury them to keep them where you want them.[/quote] This was exactly my first thought. I really like the concept of high Psych and Basics guys getting their due, but I'm curious how the game will handle them not skyrocketing in popularity when they are used. Indeed this is another layer that I'm happy to see, I just hope that it doesn't have some "unforseen consequences" (which is my favorite HL2 chapter by the way)
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The overness cap will play its part here - and I imagine workers will gain in reputation rather than overness if they're a ring general. To take Adam's example, Arn Anderson is recognised in the industry and by 'smart' fans as a superior worker - but he never drew main event money at the box office. Of course, your promotion settings will affect how far up the card he moves, but that sort of guy will always be valuable even in an Attitude era WWF.
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I died the other day in Mafia as Crychon, Disciple of Adam aligned Rage Filled Ryland Fanatic. I think it's safe to say that Moe Hunter is a Disciple of Adam for sure. I've often talked about the interference thing (and mentioned it again last week), and it has come to be. All Hail Ryland!
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Man, huge addition for those of us that create storylines. Will allow us to streamline our work and make more detailed storylines look less imposing on the selection screen now that interferences and such won't have to be treated as separate events. I've had some storyline ideas I've been holding off creating because of not having heard much on storylines so far. Will have to start outlining them but it seems I've done the right thing waiting. Keep up the good work, Brother Ryland. Can hardly wait to see what other surprises you have in store for us.
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This definitely will make storylines more dynamic and interesting. It will finally make sense to have the run-ins and interference during a storyline because it will progress the storyline. i never really got into having the attacks start after the match was over counting, but an interference causing a loss not progressing a storyline.
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[QUOTE=denzil85;406831]Doesn't life just suck, TEW 2008 has all these amazing new features and my exams finish the week before the game comes out....I guess I'll have to find a new reason for why I shouldn't get it![/QUOTE] Don't complain lol, mine start 3 days AFTER it comes out....I guess I'm going to be failing my A Levels eh? :p
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This is a great addition for people who use unchained storylines (of which I'm not one). In written storylines you could just put in a match that just one of the workers was in win or lose and it would count toward the story whether or not their was a run in.
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Love the run ins and guest announcers count to storyline. Used the feature to good use in 2004. Have Super Over Wrestler versus nobody in storyline. Keep having nobody run in against Super Over versus Super Over and it didn't hurt ratings much and eventually helped the storyline so when Nobody versus Super Over entually fought the ratings were good.
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Well bugger me sideways and call me Mary. And mama always tolds me that wanting don't mean me be gettings, wells mama, yous was damn-diggidy wrong on thats weren't you mama, 'cause good olds Mr Ryland, hes gone and done it and hes will gives me whats i wants! So hes gone and proveds yous wrong now aint he mama!Mr Ryland hes a very goods man, and mama, some peoples be saying he may actually be Gods....so dont you go upsetting him now mama. Anyway. back to the point at hand. This game is shaping up to be fantastic. I thought I loved TEW07, what will I say about my feelings towards 08 when it comes out? I may just take it down the chapel and marry it... Scary thought though guys, we are on post 60, so by my count that leaves 40 more reasons to stay in this summer. And again by my counting, I think that leaves us with 1 overall reason to stay in this summer, and next summer, and the 1 after that....and forever more. Good work Mr Ryland. Sounds like you are doing a fantastic job, and there is no way to express my praise for you through typed word. Have a good one all.
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[QUOTE=Woodsmeister;407218]i don't get the new forced push feature could someone explain as I must have missed the suggestion[/QUOTE] Example 1: If you had a lot of Road Agents or Managers and used the Automatic Push button, some of them would likely be pushed as a Personality instead. Now you can set it so they they will remain at the push you given them. Example 2: You might have someone who's a Midcarder but rotates between the Lower Midcard, Midcard and Upper Midcard (depending on wins/losses) when using Automatic Push. If you Force Push them as a Midcarder then their push wont keep jumping about. (and as if by magic, the message i'm replying to has disappeared?! :eek:)
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Guest Bolton
When I read the title, I thought it had something to do with THE FOOOOORRE!!! SO THE PEOPLE WOULD ALWAYS BUY HIS MEARCHINDISE!!! RARRGH!! Alas, it didn't have anything to do with Jim Force, so my Force outburst was for nothing.
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