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I just hope Peter Michaels doesn't have bad chemistry with the fellow SWF commentators, or worse. J.R. has bad chemistry with Jerry Lawler.
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[QUOTE=thedraem41;409117]Yeah that is a very interesting addition and adds more strategy to the game. I guess no more loading up 3 announce positions mindlessly for me.[/QUOTE] I also allways filled the table with a third guy, for example with WWE putting Heyman, Vince or etc. in there if there was no proper use for them as authority figures.
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[QUOTE=Woodsmeister;409126]can or will chemistry be added pre game for example jr and king have worked together for over ten years now what if it pops up they have bad chemistry assuming a real world mod is made, it would just seem a bit weird[/QUOTE] It's the same for workers, I've had the Briscoes and Christian&Edge have awful chemistry together in the same game (which led to Brian Christopher & Abyss being my top tag team, I would never have even thought of such a team in real life), chemistry being random adds to the difficulty of booking, makes every game different from the previous one, and forces you to be creative :)
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[QUOTE=Woodsmeister;409126]can or will chemistry be added pre game for example jr and king have worked together for over ten years now what if it pops up they have bad chemistry assuming a real world mod is made, it would just seem a bit weird[/QUOTE] My thoughts exactly. Also, anyone know if in game, chemistry is something that can be developed, or is it just that if X and Y have poor chemistry, they will always have poor chemistry, even if they work together each day for a year?
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Very nice new addition, something I think I saw requested a couple of times and I liked it then too. Here's a question, though, say I'm running Average Joe's Average Wrestling and I stumble upon an announce team with the very best chemistry, will bigger promotions try and poach them as a pair and use them on their shows? While it would suck for AJAW, it would be a nice touch.
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There's nothing to stop it happening, I guess - but I suspect it won't be an active strategy employed in the game. This is a nice little addition - JBL/Cole for positive chemistry, for example, or Coach/Cole for no chemistry. Cole/Tazz for neutral chemistry to cover all the bases :p
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a great nw feature just hope it doesnt have a negative effect and give bad chemistry to well know good pairs! Talking about this how many annoucers do you guys usually have for each show iv always used 2 but recently iv been adding in a 3rd so i have to commentators and 1 anouncer
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[QUOTE=BadFurDay;409127]It's the same for workers, I've had the Briscoes and Christian&Edge have awful chemistry together in the same game (which led to Brian Christopher & Abyss being my top tag team, I would never have even thought of such a team in real life), chemistry being random adds to the difficulty of booking, makes every game different from the previous one, and forces you to be creative :)[/QUOTE] I don't like it being completly random but I agree it would be boring if established teams/announcers always had good chemistry. Personally I have never found one established team that had good chemistry (always normal) which I always found a bit odd. Established teams with good to great team work should have greater odds for having good chemistry. Anyway, it's a nice little addition.
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;409281]a great nw feature just hope it doesnt have a negative effect and give bad chemistry to well know good pairs![/QUOTE] The game doesn't "give" chemistry to anyone. It's random. So in theory it's very possible for Ross/Lawler to have 'awful' chemistry. Just like it's possible in any given game for Flair & Steamboat to have 'awful' chemistry in the ring.
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