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This will really be great for smaller promotions that have limited number of workers. Now they can have more complicated storylines involving more people and the benefits to heat in a group or stable war could be great with multiple storylines all adding to it.
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I prefer to run smaller promotions and trying to grow them into national companies. And I've run into so many occasions where I've struggled because with only 10-14 wrestlers you so want to have crossover storylines. This addition is one I'm sure to take advantage of once 08 comes out. :) Love this one. :eek:
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;411562]its another great addition but to be honest i cheat and dont use storylines they take so long to do have to fill in the names of every angle (eg if you use to hypes both auto name hype 1vs1) and only bring down my ratings[/QUOTE] But with the ability to evolve unchained storylines, a lot of that is resolved.
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not really id still have to sit and rename each angle and without doing storylines an hour show can constist of 4 13min matchs all A's 1 bad angle would bring this right down! Still excellent addition im just lazy lol I have to say i never excepted so many updates crnt waite for the release
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;411572]not really id still have to sit and rename each angle and without doing storylines an hour show can constist of 4 13min matchs all A's 1 bad angle would bring this right down! Still excellent addition im just lazy lol[/QUOTE] This is why I started with NOTBPW. Angles freaked me out, although I still had Unchained Storylines to help boost the PPV matches. Nowadays I prefer doing Sports Entertainment stuff, so this added freedom is great. I never felt I [I]needed[/I] it, but there's a big, selfish part of me that loves it.
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;411600]Whilst we're on topic, what exactly is 'evolving' a storyline? I only ever use unchained storylines, and since you can't evolve them in 2k7 I've never really got to grips with what the term means.[/QUOTE] It's where the storyline ends, but it's still hot and you want to keep it going, you hit evolve storyline, then bring the people into a new storyline and keep the heat.
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Heh... fascinating to see people not interested in storylines. I wouldn't be interested in the game at all without them. Very nice addition, not that it will be HUGE, but it has been a hassle in the past when booking a long-term storyline, wanting to involve a wrestler in a couple months down the road, only to realize that he had a minor role early in a current storyline you were running. So yeah... very nice addition.
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[QUOTE=gazwefc83;411572]not really id still have to sit and rename each angle and without doing storylines an hour show can constist of 4 13min matchs all A's 1 bad angle would bring this right down![/QUOTE] Then your angles are too long. [QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;411599]I'm surprised by how many people don't even use unchained storylines. I mean, a number of products penalise you for that...[/QUOTE] Yeah, strikes me as odd too considering how many people love playing WWE or SWF. Several of these supposedly minor features become huge when combined and/or taken together. The storyline change has 'force multiplier' written all over it, for example. It adds a ton of extra functionality to the stable addition. Your midcard stable members can be a part of the stable's storyline (minor) AND their own individual storyline. Same for the stable's manager, who can be minor in every storyline the stable members are in.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;411704]Yeah, strikes me as odd too considering how many people love playing WWE or SWF[/QUOTE] I never play Sports Entertainment, so I guess I've never had a product that penalises it. In fact I use Remi's kickass product setting for matches rated on talent. I've always intended altering the product to more mainstream once I hit National and get some ME overness, but to be honest my games very rarely last long enough to make it to National because something else like World of Warcrack or GTAIV comes along and distracts me. Don't know why so many others don't use storylines though
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;411796]I never play Sports Entertainment, so I guess I've never had a product that penalises it. In fact I use Remi's kickass product setting for matches rated on talent. I've always intended altering the product to more mainstream once I hit National and get some ME overness, but to be honest my games very rarely last long enough to make it to National because something else like World of Warcrack or GTAIV comes along and distracts me. Don't know why so many others don't use storylines though[/QUOTE] I've never bothered with storylines either. Although I've played with promotions where ring talent is the key, much like you. It wasn't until I recently sat down to play as WWE where I've been doing them. I'm trying to create a couple of stars from them. For example. I have Taker in a title hunt with Edge and Edge always seems to have the odds stacked against Taker, yet Taker always manages to win. Thorn has been Edge's "butt buddy" and I've been using Taker to "make him a star" while at the same time, chasing the title and falling short due to interference.
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I'm loving the latest feature. While it's a small one it'll help me immerse myself into the C'Verse much more as I'll have a starting point as it 'should be'. It always kinda bugged me that I'd have managers assigned to the people I wanted them to be assigned to rather than who they SHOULD be assigned to and that it didn't exactly "flow" from the history into my game.
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