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Surely you don't need any experience with management sims to know that if you book the same two guys over and over, people will get bored? That's not management sim experience talking, it's common sense, surely? Think about your booking from a story-telling point of view, rather than a TEW Game Mechanics point of view, and you'll be fine. Also remember that just because it *happened* in real life, doesn't mean it *worked* in real life. Rock vs. Mankind became one of the most boring and drawn-out storylines I can remember :p I don't get what all the fuss is about. Seriously. I doubt most people would even notice the difference if it wasn't announced as a feature (and the road agents shut up for a while :p). The only people that will really get hit are the "I only have two good workers, so I'll book them in the main event of every card" crowd. And they deserve to, to be honest.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;413145]Depends on the size of the promotion. The smaller the promotion, the less exposure they have, the more repetitive they can be.[/QUOTE] That's the sensible way of doing it - I'm glad that the slack is in there for smaller and touring companies. [QUOTE=derek_b;413194]*sigh* The problem with some people is that they can't see the big picture... mind you, that's easy to say when you're testing the game. :)[/QUOTE] I'm sure we've warned you before about boasting. Once more, and you're going to be banished to playing WWE fantasy :p I think it's important that the penalty for running a fourth match in that six month period is likely to be slight - unless the match is so much worse than the three before it that it's a real blow to expectations. Also, you can change things up - gimmicks, road agent notes, hype... It's not "you will get penalised for running the same match over and over" it's "you must work harder to make the fans want to see the same match over and over." Even Samoa Joe/AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels got boring after a while. The one thing that makes me think this change is really going to work is the alterations to storylines - the overlapping of several storylines, and the ability to evolve unchained storylines. Consider SmackDown in 2002, with Angle, Lesnar, WGTT, the Guerreros, Edge, Mysterio and Benoit. Nine workers going back and forth in a string of stunning matches with overlapping storylines that basically amounted to everyone wanting to prove themselves the best. The odd match got repeated (and in the case of Angle/Benoit, probably too much) but the high quality of matches, and the innovative booking, allowed the arrangement to stay fresh for a long time. Consider the Batista/Undertaker series that WWE have run over the least year or so. Excluding anything other than singles, they've met 1v1 at least six times: Wrestlemania, Backlash, Cyber Sunday, Survivor Series and the last two SmackDowns. Maybe more. I know I fast-forwarded through their match last Friday. It's just the law of diminishing returns. HBK/HHH is another case in point - not just their series with each other, but their DX vs Spirit Squad/the entire Raw tag roster/Rated RKO run that saw them going over everyone in the WWE several times. As for it making the game more difficult... I've been concerned about some features of the game revealed so far insofar as they make the game considerably more complex. I don't consider this to be one of them. I have considerable experience of the 'depth = realism' argument spoiling game franchises (Championship/Football Manager, which is closer to a flight sim nowadays than the game I loved ten years ago) but I have confidence that nothing introduced so far is going to make the game so unwieldy and unapproachable that newbies won't want to play.
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Well to be honest and I'm sure I'm not alone. I personally thought that feature was already in. My booking style relies on tag team matches and triple threats before the big show down at the PPV to AVOID that kind of mistake I now realize never would have happened. My last comment was aimed at the people who exploit the flaw and then complain about it. These are the people who play a baseball game as the Yankees on easy then ask for a harder game.
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The amount of pages this feature has generated has been worth it's inclusion alone :D I'm also glad to see that the penalties are smaller depending on the size of the promotion. I didn't notice it the first time I read through (what with it being 4 in the morning or so), but that should massage things a little
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;413335]quick question adam. If the shows aren't televised will their be penalized if you run in different areas? such as Touring promotions?[/QUOTE] I'm not fetching the quote but Adam said that Touring Promotions will incur lesser penalties like other smaller promotions. It was just a page or two back if you want it
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[quote=AfRoMaN36;413316]Well to be honest and I'm sure I'm not alone. I personally thought that feature was already in. My booking style relies on tag team matches and triple threats before the big show down at the PPV to AVOID that kind of mistake I now realize never would have happened. My last comment was aimed at the people who exploit the flaw and then complain about it. These are the people who play a baseball game as the Yankees on easy then ask for a harder game.[/quote] You should have used the sarcasm ( :rolleyes: ) icon for your last comment. I think it needed dumbing down as I couldn't quite grasp what you were getting at :p I'm firmly on the side of this feature being added, as it no longer means lame repetitive bookers can get rewarded for putting on the same old match a zillion times just to pop a guaranteed good rating. I'm now happy in the knowledge that I won't be holding myself back in the game (ratings wise), by keeping things fresh. I certainly know in my BHOTWG game for 2007 I could have repeated Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Hooded Kudo or Elemental II vs Sensational Dragon a zillion times over with no variation and not really get punished for it, but I would have bored myself to tears doing so, and to be honest I can't see how anyone could get much enjoyment from playing the game that way. Can't believe this feature has already generated five pages worth of discussion since being announced this morning, just because a few out-there will now find their current booking practices to be exposed as being unimaginative and lazy.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;413335]quick question adam. If the shows aren't televised will their be penalized if you run in different areas? such as Touring promotions?[/QUOTE] I valid question which he already answered but so he doesn't have to answer again I'll use his quote to answer for him. [QUOTE=Adam Ryland;413211]The limits are more relaxed for touring promotions, and as I stated earlier, the smaller the promotion the less this feature comes into play.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;413043]Man, this is one of those discussion topics that I have a love/hate relationship with. On the one hand, I love there are several points I could discuss here. But at the same time, I'm no Multi Quote Moe over here. I've never quite mastered the art of quoting several different posts and addressing them simultaneously like Brother Hunter has. [/QUOTE] My infamy lives on outside mafia! I'm looking forward to this addition, it seems incredibly well thought out. I try to mix up my booking as much as possible, but of course if there are some guaranteed bread winners, I tend to "have" to go back to them sometimes (at this point in my game, any show under A* is bad for my promotion). This should be an interesting challenge at times, it will be good to think my feuds through more properly (in combination with the improved storyline features!). The only thing I'm left to hope is that Chemistry does play into this one a little bit. Bad chemistry would make people bored quicker, good chemistry would keep their interest better.
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[QUOTE=Johnny Fenoli;413431]i understand the new "trap" system and like it... but what about booking the same 2 vs 2 matches everyweek.... or 3 vs 3 match, etc? will this fall into the trap system?[/QUOTE] Yes. As explained in the original journal entry, any match involving the same competitors in the same match type will count. Match types are: 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4, 5vs5, 2vs1, 3vs2, 4vs3, 3/4/5/6-way singles, 3/4-way tag, 10/15/20/25/30/40/60 man Battle Royal. I've probably forgotten some (if I didn't, quite frankly I deserve a medal. Gimme my medal!), but you get the idea.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;413470]Yes. As explained in the original journal entry, any match involving the same competitors in the same match type will count. Match types are: 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4, 5vs5, 2vs1, 3vs2, 4vs3, 3/4/5/6-way singles, 3/4-way tag, 10/15/20/25/30/40/60 man Battle Royal. I've probably forgotten some (if I didn't, quite frankly I deserve a medal. Gimme my medal!), but you get the idea.[/QUOTE] Come on, everyone knows you can never get tired of 30 man Battle Royals. That's why every year I have 30 Battle Royals in a row to qualify people for the Royal Rumble. Now my whole booking strategy is ruined! ;) ;) ;) What am I supposed to do? Only have three Battle Royals? That's crazy. Who'd want to watch that?
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;413250]That would incur a penalty as it's four 1 vs 1 matches.[/QUOTE] Wait, specialty matches don't matter? I think that is a mistake. I can understand how the audiance might tire of seeing more then three regular matches in six months but specialty matches should be considered different matches. A cage or ladder match in my mind is just a fresh as a tag match. In fact I'd rather see two guys who have fought more then three time together go head to head in an HITC match then some 6 man tag.
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