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I'm with you on that one mate, it was never THAT much hastle going in and out of the editor but it'll make me much more inclined to create a new one to precisely suit my needs there and then rather than searching for whatever pre-existing one fits best, so to speak. Great stuff.
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I usually play feds that don't use any angles, but right now I'm trying out a CGC game and damned if I don't have to exit the booking screen every show to write at least one new angle. This is going to be very helpful. Here is the question though. Will these angles only be available for the saved game or is there away they can be added to the regular angle database so they are usuable the next time you play as well?
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Hmm, an Import to the database? Probably not unfortunately... If he could do that, then the save game discussions (*Being able to turn them into database's) would have been in by now I'd think. That was a HUGE request at many different points last time. One that I do not believe was/is possible, if memmory serves me right.
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I will say this last feature I love though. Being able to make angle's on the fly... I know it's not that big of a deal going in and out of the Editor to do them, but.... If you don't write it down, sometimes you would go there and make the angle, coming back only to find out that it was supposed to be a set up instead of whatever you put on it (Accidentally). That would become annoying, lol. Of course, I might be the only one in history that would NOT write it down, or make that mistake, who knows. Either way, it benefits me greatly, lol.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;415595]They don't override them, they [I]modify[/I] them. That isn't available, this is the best remaining solution.[/QUOTE] So if I have an ultra Family oriented product, with NO Risque, NO Hardcore, NO Daredevil, etc... and I assign a brand to "Hardcore", then that brand will be a kind of "hybrid" Family Oriented-Hardcore which is a mix of the two? A few followup questions: 1) Will we be able to see what the new frankenstein product for each brand has for settings (even if we can't modify them) so as to be able to experiement with the focus to get the results we want? Example Overal Product has "None" value for Risque Brand is tagged as "garbage". I look up the brand and can see that effectively the Risque for the brand is now "Medium? 2) Will the brands focus have an effect on TV negotiations. Obviously the family oriented brand and the hardcore brand from above would probably not appeal to the same people/networks. 3) How will combined shows work? Will they simply default to the main product settings? Thanks
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[QUOTE]Will the brands focus have an effect on TV negotiations. Obviously the family oriented brand and the hardcore brand from above would probably not appeal to the same people/networks.[/QUOTE] The brand focus only effects what happens on shows. Everything else refers to the promotion's primary product. It wouldn't make any sense to have it any other way, as brands aren't permanent. [QUOTE]How will combined shows work? Will they simply default to the main product settings?[/QUOTE] By definition, a combined show [I]is[/I] a non-branded show.
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The on the fly angles is another useful addition. I never created my own set of angles, but now I probably will now since it will be easier to do. One the whole, the game looks to have added realism and a great deal more ease of playability over 07...and 07 is one of my favorite games of all time. Is it June yet?
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[QUOTE]Is it June yet?[/QUOTE] Man i wish it was. haha. I love the new feature! I use to end up just using the same angles as that were in the database because I was too lazy to click out, create the angle, then click back in, and then upload... finally using it. So, very cool! :) I'm a big fan of this new feature! All in all, '08 is going to be an insane game! The "real world" won't see me for awhile after buying this one. haha.
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;415601]The angles-on-the-fly thing is very useful. I've often had to write new angles to accommodate my workers, and it's a lot easier to do it in the game rather than having to go through the importer.[/QUOTE] I'm loving this feature. I like playing with SE feds and being creative, that's really the main appeal of this game to me (I could care less about taking my promotion to the top though with good booking that tends to happen anyway). It was always a minor annoyance to have to go to the editor, create it, go back and then import an angle that I would most likely never use again.
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It'd be nice if you could save the angle afterwards... but if it's quick, then I don't mind so much, i.e. Argument > 3 participants leads to a on-screen segment that just says P1, P2 and P3 had an argument without us having to write the whole script.
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WOO HOO BABY!! Loving this latest bit of news. Interactive chatter with the backstage personnel. Absolutely love it. This has been sorely missing from the game ever since it disappeared in 05. Makes the booking team more meaningful and reinjects a much needed immersion factor. Couldn't be more thrilled with this announcement. Now if Adam can just be saving the roster side for another day to pad the journal, the coolness will be complete. If I was looking forward to the game before, I'm even more itchy to get to June so I can buy it now
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[QUOTE=crayon;416971]This feature = AWESOMENESS At least on paper, anyway. But I'm sure it'll wind up being everything I expected and a bag of Doritos.[/QUOTE] More than on paper. ;) For people playing humongous real world mods like T-Zone, this expands your WWE bubble a great deal, by cluing you in on workers you've never heard of who you can sign to FWA and work up. In fact, this feature may make it worthwhile to play huge DBs without cutting 1000 workers because you've never heard of them. Who doesn't like developing nobodies into international icons? Hell, I play this game almost solely to do just that. I've said this before in other threads, even with the features you might disagree with, you'd be cheating yourself if you didn't get TEW08. Anyone who's been here a while can tell you that I can be extremely critical of the game when it frustrates me (search the 05 forum for my posts heh). But this time around, Adam has taken many (if not most) of the frustrations out (or masked them extremely well) and replaced them with bonafide strategy mechanisms that will work your brain as much as your imagination. Just think of one of the frustrating parts about reaching National and above (what else is there to do?). Now, reaching National puts a big fat glow-in-the-dark bullseye on your promotion. 22 entries to go and, believe it or not, it gets [B][I]better[/I][/B].
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[QUOTE=Remianen;416995]More than on paper. ;) 22 entries to go and, believe it or not, it gets [B][I]better[/I][/B].[/QUOTE] There are a specific few that I am waiting on. If they are in it (everyone rated the suggestions very high in the old 07 suggestions), I'm going to be more impressed then I think I would have ever become. The one's concerning Time (from regular TV to now), etc.
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