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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;372227]Heidenreich challenge should be renamed I think. Considering Heidenreich is gone. How about... Giant Gonzalez challenge?[/QUOTE] I'm not sure, but I think Giant Gonzalez might be gone as well:rolleyes: . Could I reccomend The Great Khali Challenge......anyone?
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;372035]when he says legendary cards I think he meant a major PPV with legendary or historic importance. So if they headline wrestlemania or even the [B]royal rumble[/B] they get some points.[/QUOTE] This made me think, if you have the Royal Rumble match as the final match on the card, does that mean everyone involved in the Rumble will be recognised as headlining the event? Because that'd mean a whole load of undercard workers that never break out and do anything else could achieve HOI status just by being fillers in a succession of Rumble matches. Hopefully the required points to get in is high enough that "headlining" ten or so legendary or historic events isn't enough to get in so the likes of Funaki don't get in because they've been eliminated from a dozen consecutive Rumbles to boost John Cena's elimination count, for example.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;372191]Nothing. But, firstly, what on earth would be the point? There'd be no benefit to the player, just a lot of hassle. Secondly, if you wanted to "cheat", why not just use the editor to add them in yourself and save yourself the bother? Thirdly, you might as well ask "what's to stop someone giving their wrestlers nothing but 100% in every category and giving them such a God-like push that they end up in the HOI?" - if people are that desperate to put a guy in the Hall, who cares? It's their game. If they're dumb enough to cause themselves that much hassle to "achieve" something by manipulating stats, then they might as well just be left to get on with it.[/QUOTE] Well, as someone who finds exploiting game mechanics as fun(find a game mechanic that's exploitable, exploit that mechanic, wait for the programmer to fix it and find a new mechanic to exploit), I won't use the editor because that's too much cheating for me, the first thing I would try is to put a main event title on someone who sucks and have him defend that main event title a bunch of times in the undercard in one minute squash matches against other people who suck. So I'd only lose three minutes per show in the dark section and it would only affect other people who I don't want to put over. So would The Minor Annoyance be in the HOI if he got say 100-title defences of a main event title in a major company in dark matches in 3 minute squashes against crappy people just because he had enough points?
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[QUOTE=Slim Jim;372286]This made me think, if you have the Royal Rumble match as the final match on the card, does that mean everyone involved in the Rumble will be recognised as headlining the event? Because that'd mean a whole load of undercard workers that never break out and do anything else could achieve HOI status just by being fillers in a succession of Rumble matches. Hopefully the required points to get in is high enough that "headlining" ten or so legendary or historic events isn't enough to get in so the likes of Funaki don't get in because they've been eliminated from a dozen consecutive Rumbles to boost John Cena's elimination count, for example.[/QUOTE] This is a very good discussion here. How would gimmick events like the Royal Rumble or old-school Survivor Series fit in here? Like with Slim Jim's Funaki example here. In a case like that I could see a case for him being a cult figure on the strength of all these Rumble appearances. But I definitely agree there's a difference in joining the Curt O'Malleys and Barry Horowitzes in the jobber pantheon and being an Immortal. If you were putting together a promotion of the immortals might you want a couple Horowitzes handy for the Immortals to beat down? Sure. To hold that status themselves, maybe not so much.
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I don't know the actual answer but if it were me then you would only be considered to be headlining an event if it was Wrestler A vs Wrestler B in the final match of the show. I just don't see tag matches, Royal Rumbles or Survivor Series matches as being headlined by anyone as there are too many people involved in each to make a case of it being based around any particular people. Obviously arguments could be made for SOME tag matches featuring big stars or for 3 way matches and the like... but from my own personal viewpoint, I would only include singles matches. With a few notable exceptions such as HBK/HHH/Benoit from a few years back.
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[QUOTE=derek_b;372314]I don't know the actual answer but if it were me then you would only be considered to be headlining an event if it was Wrestler A vs Wrestler B in the final match of the show. I just don't see tag matches, Royal Rumbles or Survivor Series matches as being headlined by anyone as there are too many people involved in each to make a case of it being based around any particular people. Obviously arguments could be made for SOME tag matches featuring big stars or for 3 way matches and the like... but from my own personal viewpoint, I would only include singles matches. With a few notable exceptions such as HBK/HHH/Benoit from a few years back.[/QUOTE] DerekB, you just made me think of something else that could possible be included in the HOI. Someone mentioned whether or not managers could get in, but what about tag teams? I think it would be kind of cool to see tag teams that over the long haul are considered legendary teams be able to be considered as well.
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[QUOTE=BuddyGarner;372296]Well, as someone who finds exploiting game mechanics as fun(find a game mechanic that's exploitable, exploit that mechanic, wait for the programmer to fix it and find a new mechanic to exploit), I won't use the editor because that's too much cheating for me, the first thing I would try is to put a main event title on someone who sucks and have him defend that main event title a bunch of times in the undercard in one minute squash matches against other people who suck. So I'd only lose three minutes per show in the dark section and it would only affect other people who I don't want to put over. So would The Minor Annoyance be in the HOI if he got say 100-title defences of a main event title in a major company in dark matches in 3 minute squashes against crappy people just because he had enough points?[/QUOTE] "National Icon (Has reached iconic levels of popularity in a game area)" there must be something in place to prevent you from editing overness in the in game editor. Otherwise what's stopping you from setting a person to being A* overness or whatever the rating system will be in 08* which would qualify them for HOI?
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;372327]"National Icon (Has reached iconic levels of popularity in a game area)" there must be something in place to prevent you from editing overness in the in game editor. Otherwise what's stopping you from setting a person to being A* overness or whatever the rating system will be in 08* which would qualify them for HOI?[/QUOTE] It won't. It'll score some points, is all.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;372327]"National Icon (Has reached iconic levels of popularity in a game area)" there must be something in place to prevent you from editing overness in the in game editor. Otherwise what's stopping you from setting a person to being A* overness or whatever the rating system will be in 08* which would qualify them for HOI?[/QUOTE] As I understood Adam's journal entry, there is nothing stopping you from editing overness in the editor to give them "iconic" pop in an area, but for them to make the HOI you would also have to retire or kill them in the editor as well. This would seem very pointless to do in my estimation since there were no benefits mentioned to having several workers make the HOI under your watch and you would not be able to use them for any in ring roles (except referee).
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#8: Champion Replacement One of the new things that I love the least although I think that any that gives chances it's good. A new thing each day Adam? you are treating us too well. One thing, if you replace a champion it is "free"? I mean if it cause a loss of popularity or it doesn't bother the fans. Just for know it.
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I think the Champion Replacement feature is a great addition to the game, and it'll be fun to play around with the Freebird Rule. I'm just wondering how it affects the title histories. If I have a six-man team swapping around the tag team titles, do all three guys do get credit for being champions in the history books or just the most recent two? Just wondering. :)
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I'm pleased with this - things like having 'Vacant' for a first champion or having to vacate titles when a holder is kayfabe/really injured when a normal title history would just show a switch are small things that have bugged me slightly. I'm a bit obsessive about records... Actually, thinking about it: Adam, would it be possible to erase 'Vacant' from title histories? Say when a title is created, and you have a tournament for it... At the moment the first holder is listed as 'Vacant'. With the new add, will the first champion just be listed as the first holder, or is this something we could edit? I'm thinking we could have a match 'for' the title and then award the belt after the fact, which is a little unsatisfying but in the long run would get rid of that pesky 'Vacant'. Ditto for a situation recently such as the Cena/Orton switch, when the belt was vacated for a few days - could we have the record just show Cena > Orton, or would it still show Cena > Vacant > Orton? I did say that I was a bit obsessive about records... :D
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