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Alright, I guess I am an idiot but I don't like the sex appeal rather than looks stat simply for the reason that I being a hetero male have no idea what rating to give the majority of male wrestlers, and have always used the looks stat to equal hotness in women but how much a man "looks like a wrestler". For example, female friends rate Jeff Hardy as attractive and would therefore give him a high sex appeal rating. From my previous understanding of the looks stat though I considered him a little scrawny and would rate a generic WWE musclehead higher, even if they are not more physically attractive or sexually appealing. Superstar Quality I understand, some people have "it" and most others don't.
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I'm a male and a heterosexual, but I do not find it difficult at all to rate "hot" male wrestlers. I just find all you homophobes to be so ridicilous. "Omg, I can't set Jeff Hardy's sex appeal to be A* because that would make me gay lol". But if you are unaware, I can give you examples: Shawn Michaels is the god, master and king of sex appeal. There is and has never, ever been anything sexier in our planet than Shawn Michaels in late 1997. I would **** him in a heartbeat and I'm as straight as they come. Anywho, pretty much any man with long, trimmed hair generally gets A* sex appeal. Just ask my girlfriend.
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[QUOTE=TeemuFoundation;427064]Anywho, pretty much any man with long, trimmed hair generally gets A* sex appeal. Just ask my girlfriend.[/QUOTE] haha then I looked at your av and realized you are the king of Self Promos! :D
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[QUOTE=TeemuFoundation;427064]I'm a male and a heterosexual But if you are unaware, I can give you examples: Shawn Michaels is the god, master and king of sex appeal. There is and has never, ever been anything sexier in our planet than Shawn Michaels in late 1997. I would **** him in a heartbeat[/QUOTE] What was that first part again?
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[QUOTE=TeemuFoundation;427064]I'm a male and a heterosexual, but I do not find it difficult at all to rate "hot" male wrestlers. I just find all you homophobes to be so ridicilous. "Omg, I can't set Jeff Hardy's sex appeal to be A* because that would make me gay lol". But if you are unaware, I can give you examples: Shawn Michaels is the god, master and king of sex appeal. There is and has never, ever been anything sexier in our planet than Shawn Michaels in late 1997. I would **** him in a heartbeat and I'm as straight as they come. Anywho, pretty much any man with long, trimmed hair generally gets A* sex appeal. Just ask my girlfriend.[/QUOTE] Gee, thanks for the homophobe label you highly intelligent person. :rolleyes: I didn't realize that my belief that I don't know how to rate the hotness of men made me homophobic, simply ignorant of what those who are attracted to men would consider as constituting sex appeal. On a side note, I just asked a female friend if she thinks Shawn Michaels is hot ... she said "ewww god no". Maybe the long haired, skinny boy look isn't for everyone eh? :p
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From what I gather, this has been the case ALL along. All Adam did was rename looks to something more evocative. Based on this, in the past when someone like Andre the Giant was getting high looks, it was a complete misinterpretation of the ability.
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I have read the html help files and I thought Andre the Giant would have gotten high looks in the past, as it wasn't based on "Attractiveness", but actual... well, "Looks". Such as a Chris Master's getting over coz of his body.. but then now it's been brought into question I guess it could just be coz his body is physically appealing (questionable) while Andre's is impressive, it's still not exactly a thing of Greek sculptures. Superstar Quality or X-Factor I never really believed in from the start, though. Perhaps I just wasn't seeing all the angles but I always kinda thought that any superstar who you'd say has an x-factor about him could be explained with any of the other stats (and in their case, excelling in said stats, beyond 90% of other workers--such as you might say Ric flair could hit a 110 in charisma in TEW statistical terms)
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[QUOTE=crayon;427078] Superstar Quality or X-Factor I never really believed in from the start, though. Perhaps I just wasn't seeing all the angles but I always kinda thought that any superstar who you'd say has an x-factor about him could be explained with any of the other stats (and in their case, excelling in said stats, beyond 90% of other workers--such as you might say Ric flair could hit a 110 in charisma in TEW statistical terms)[/QUOTE] I see what you're saying, but, Eric Young has some Charisma, so does Shark Boy, and Jay Lethal, but they just don't have 'it'. You can't see them ever holding a title above midcard. Ric Flair doesn't look much compared to modern wrestlers, even back in the 90s, hell even the 80s I guess. He had a flash ring entrance, and could talk his stuff, but he had something else about him, he just had 'it'. Steve Austin, doesn't look amazing, I wouldn't say he had amazing Hulk Hogan Charisma, or even amazing A* mic skills, what he did have was 'it'. He just had a mixture of things that combined to give him something else. Likewise, my favorite wrestler of all time Owen Hart (9 Years today RIP), was a gifted all round worker, but he just didn't have 'it', as much as I'd like to believe in it, to make it past the WWF's IC/European Midcard Status.
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Nice discussion. In reality everybody knows, that there different taste for sex appeal. So there will never be common sense. - That's why, the Sex Appeal-skill only matters in term of what most people think ... or what the mod-maker / player rather would see. "Sex Appeal" won't change over time, will it? That would be a pity, because most people lose their attractiveness when they get older. In particular the pretty ones (most girls AND Shawn Michaels, who is not ... NOT!!! ... a "god of sex appeal" anymore, but a middle-aged, half-bald man, who has only his charm left). Some few might even develope and grow with time. [QUOTE=TeemuFoundation;427064]Anywho, pretty much any man with long, trimmed hair generally gets A* sex appeal. Just ask my girlfriend.[/QUOTE] I don't know, what you are talking about, but most girls rate sex appeal entirely by financial records. Long hair doesn't buy shoes, does it? ;-)
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[QUOTE=BurningHamster;427049]Alright, I guess I am an idiot but I don't like the sex appeal rather than looks stat simply for the reason that I being a hetero male have no idea what rating to give the majority of male wrestlers, and have always used the looks stat to equal hotness in women but how much a man "looks like a wrestler". For example, female friends rate Jeff Hardy as attractive and would therefore give him a high sex appeal rating. From my previous understanding of the looks stat though I considered him a little scrawny and would rate a generic WWE musclehead higher, even if they are not more physically attractive or sexually appealing. Superstar Quality I understand, some people have "it" and most others don't.[/QUOTE] It's easy, just ask yourself if you could see the person in question in the leading role of an action flick or romantic comedy. If you can, it's likely the person in question should have a high sex appeal.
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[QUOTE]I don't know, what you are talking about, but most girls rate sex appeal entirely by financial records. Long hair doesn't buy shoes, does it? ;-)[/QUOTE] D'oh, you win this round :D But no, no, no, Shawn is NOT bald and middle-aged, you're wrong, it's all an illusion! Shawn has full head of hair and is actually 23 years old. A-hem. Krhm. Cough. And yes, in all seriousness, the sex appeal stat should be treated the way the majority of the fans think. I think we ALL agree that guys like Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy and Chris Jericho are better-looking than Snitsky or Trevor Murdoch.
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[QUOTE=Jennie Bomb;427082]The current dicussion demonstrates exactly why most of you guys are single wrestling promoter sim players. :p[/QUOTE] OMG WTF A GIRL!!!! Gross, who let YOU in! :p Oh and Mr. Dracos, that is actually some pretty good advice for choosing the top guys. Problem is, how do you decide which guys are in the middle or at the bottom of the scale? What about masked luchadores? How does ethnicity/nationality play into it as I have not seen enough Japanese romantic comedies to decide if mid '90s Kenta Kobashi is dreamy or not?
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[QUOTE=TeemuFoundation;427084]I think we ALL agree that guys like Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy and Chris Jericho are better-looking than Snitsky or Trevor Murdoch.[/QUOTE] While keeping Snitskys and Trevors moms as exceptions in mind, I guess, we can at least agree on that. ;-) I'd like to complement Dracos example. If you [I]can[/I] see a wrestler in a (believable) role of a total prick, he [I]also[/I] has Sex Appeal. Being pretty and being self-centered should make the picture of "Sex Appeal" complete.
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[QUOTE=TeemuFoundation;427064]Anywho, pretty much any man with long, trimmed hair generally gets A* sex appeal.[/QUOTE] Damn right. ;) [QUOTE=BurningHamster;427070]Maybe the long haired, skinny boy look isn't for everyone eh? :p[/QUOTE] Oh. :(
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[QUOTE=Malioc;427088]While keeping Snitskys and Trevors moms as exceptions in mind, I guess, we can at least agree on that. ;-) I'd like to complement Dracos example. If you [I]can[/I] see a wrestler in a (believable) role of a total prick, he [I]also[/I] has Sex Appeal. Being pretty and being self-centered should make the picture of "Sex Appeal" complete.[/QUOTE] Yes, that is very true. A huge part of Shawn's "self-absorbed sexy prick" chacter in the 90s was the fact that he himself believed in it. That added to his actual sex appeal. Man, this is a weird conversation we're having on GDS. But I like it.
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With the new character-mechanism and the increasing realism in TEW 2008, philosphical and sociological discussions become inevitable, I guess. ;-) And if we go even further, even the barriers between "Sex Appeal" and "Superstar Quality" beginn to blur. Both depents enormously on self confidence and there are - more or less - two directions of the same thing.
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[QUOTE=Chriswok;427080]I see what you're saying, but, Eric Young has some Charisma, so does Shark Boy, and Jay Lethal, but they just don't have 'it'. You can't see them ever holding a title above midcard. Ric Flair doesn't look much compared to modern wrestlers, even back in the 90s, hell even the 80s I guess. He had a flash ring entrance, and could talk his stuff, but he had something else about him, he just had 'it'. Steve Austin, doesn't look amazing, I wouldn't say he had amazing Hulk Hogan Charisma, or even amazing A* mic skills, what he did have was 'it'. He just had a mixture of things that combined to give him something else. Likewise, my favorite wrestler of all time Owen Hart (9 Years today RIP), was a gifted all round worker, but he just didn't have 'it', as much as I'd like to believe in it, to make it past the WWF's IC/European Midcard Status.[/QUOTE] But then you'd never really give Eric Young, Jay Lethal, or Sharkboy 110 in charisma would you? And even if you would, they'd most likely be something else holding them back from being that earth shattering breakout star. Like you said, Austin had a mixture of things that got him so over, but was also that those things he did, he did really really well--beyond the measure of say, a gifted all-around worker, whose stats may be high, but not in that same class. I guess it just irks me a bit when you've got a deep statistical game that covers so much, yet then has such an intangible vague stat thrown in there. I prefer to believe that nothing is unexplainable (okay, maybe crop circles, but not the reason for a workers popularity), and I suppose this just doesn't sit with me. If anything, I'd probably prefer to have a Yes/No toggle for whether or not someone has that "it" factor. Not very flexable I know, but something so vague seems hard to give statsitical value, right? Course, it's all a matter of opinion I suppose. A solid merger of gimmick and personality probably plays heavily into these larger than life personalities connecting with the fans (explaining why people like Austin and The Rock weren't always over).. and even though i believe it's all explainable with stats, it may be a culmination of stats that aren't in the game and therefore just make it easier to have a one Superstar Quality covering everything. Who knows, I'm just rambling and it's probably not like it really impacts anything.
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[QUOTE=crayon;427099]yet then has such an intangible vague stat thrown in there.[/QUOTE] Superstar Quality could quite easily be renamed "intangibles", as that's exactly what it is - the whole point of the stat is that there are intangibles in wrestling, and they need to be simulated in some way. This is currently the best method. Whether you choose to believe they exist is entirely your business, but the fact remains that a number of key players in the industry have mentioned them during interviews, so at the very least they are perceived as being important and so should be in the game.
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