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[QUOTE=hakk99;427339]The only two men with A* Looks in the C-verse are Bruce the Giant and Marat Khoklov. Marat is a body builder so I guess he's believable if you think freakish muscles are attractive. Bruce the Giant weighs six hundred pounds. Jessica Gilmore has A* looks and is only a manager so there it obviously refers to sex appeal and not the look of a wrestler. At the A level you have long-haired pretty boys Byron and Jack Bruce, goofy middle-weight Randy Bumfhole, and puro stars Hoshino and Koiso. Everyone who has at least an A in looks also has at least an A in SQ except the non wrestlers and Byron, who has a B+ in SQ. OTOH 60 year old Sam Strong still rates a B- in the looks department. Most everyone with an F in looks (and most of them are old, so I assume the stat does decrease with age) also has an F or E- in SQ. We might also note that Brendan Idol, whose biography states that his main quality is the ability to make teenage girls scream, only rates a B+ in looks and a B- in SQ. "Pretty boy" Raphael only rates a B- in looks. Limiting "looks" to sex appeal definitely would make things more clear. Though will the "look" of Bruce the Giant or Sam Strong become part of their SQ stat?[/QUOTE] /nod, pretty sure that part of "Look" is in the SQ stat now. [QUOTE=sprinklefurball;427345]It may mean that the stat is a little bit different than the old version of the stat, and therefore will most likely change once this game comes out. I.E. maybe Brendon Idol and Raphael will have better sex appeal when the CVerse for 08 comes out.[/QUOTE] IMO people didn't take into consideration the "Good Looks" enough in '07, with some of the females that are constantly covergirls, rating very low in the "Looks" department. I would change every Diva just about to a more appropriate level... Looks = Physical presence AS WELL AS how well they looked... Someone that was totally gorgeous should have had a high looks rating as well... not just people that "Looked" like they could wrestle. [QUOTE=hakk99;427353]I would assume so. Will the "look" of a wrestler, as it was used in 07, be incorporated into the SQ rating in 08 now that "looks" has been limited to sex appeal?[/QUOTE] I am taking it that way. From reading the Journal, it seems it's much wider now, then it was before... All your Andre's, Hogan's, and Flair's would score highly here. [QUOTE=deathcroc;428348]Everybody must be out playing with the editor, as I haven't seen anybody mention today's journal update. :) On Topic: Quicker house show reports - I like it!!! Along with the new development changes and the B show addition, this is really shaping up to have even better long-term game play options, as far as wrestler talent is concerned.[/QUOTE] The editor is a joy to mess with. I like the new feature, as it will allow faster records of who has chemistry and who don't. Especially with announcer's having chemistry now as well, this will help out quite a bit.
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I love the idea of getting quicker "chemistry" reports. I'll probably use my house shows much more actively now. Of course, after the mention in today's journal, I'm also gonna add in a B show, just to see what I can do with that. And to go off-topic for just a minute... [QUOTE=Michael Wayne;427287]Jacobs is overrated. Forlan inflated his skills. Esp in the entertainment area. Jacobs isn't that great at cutting promos. And anyone who isn't a mark for AOTF who actually watches them can see it. And really, Jacobs has done a terrible job as a heel at being hated with the stable as a whole.[/QUOTE] I'm not a huge Age of the Fall fan, honestly, but that gimmick is crazy over (in ROH terms, at least). So I partially agree with you. Jacobs is only okay in the ring, and he's not the greatest mic man in the world, either. I just don't think he's as bad as you're saying. I like him a lot in pre-filmed skits and segments, so I typically bump his acting skill up over microphone. Though I did love his recent "I'm a tough guy" promo about Lacey leaving him for Austin Aries, after which he broke down crying. He's doing the kind of complex gimmick that plays well to the Cult audience in the game. Or at least that's what the editor told me they liked when I played around with ROH's product. See? I brought this back on-topic! Sort of...
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Not a bad little addition today with the popularity summary. But it does seem to be an indication we're nearing the end of the journal. It's not a terribly exciting addition either. Personally I'd have rather seen the popularity stats cycled so that your home region was always on top and then the rest of world listed in the current order. If I'm playing a promotion in the states things are fine just as they are. But if I'm playing UCR, the European popularity stats are at the bottom of the screen even though they are at the top of my mind. This may clarify some hiring thoughts and be nice in that regard. But it does seem to miss the boat compared to some of the higher profile entries.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;429206]Latest journal entry. I'm slightly confused... The Menace stat has not been changed, just the addition of using that for gimmicks, correct?[/QUOTE] Its always been for gimmicks, but now you can use it in angles as well, as far as I understood what had been written by Adam.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;429211]/nod, but under what? I'm not seeing it, or I'm missunderstanding it I think..[/QUOTE] Well, I'm guessing if you set worker 'x' to be worker 'y' manager/bodygaurd, when 'x' stands with 'y' during an interview or at ringside, or during angles his menace rating will be added to the calculation if needed. That's how I read into it, maybe I've read into it too much, but it doesn't seem that confusing to me. Guess we'll find out more whent he game comes out. Adam gave an example of Diesel standing with HBK.
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[QUOTE=Chriswok;429214]Well, I'm guessing if you set worker 'x' to be worker 'y' manager/bodygaurd, when 'x' stands with 'y' during an interview or at ringside, or during angles his menace rating will be added to the calculation if needed. That's how I read into it, maybe I've read into it too much, but it doesn't seem that confusing to me. Guess we'll find out more whent he game comes out. Adam gave an example of Diesel standing with HBK.[/QUOTE] In the editor, I'm looking for a way to make that stat stand out for an angle like that. I'm not seeing it on the dropdown list (rated on). I'm wondering what we use for that, in exactly the way your saying it works. Options are: Acting, Overness, Entertainment, Microphone, and Sex Appeal. I'm looking for "Menacing" or similar. That's where my confusion is.
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;429215]In the editor, I'm looking for a way to make that stat stand out for an angle like that. I'm not seeing it on the dropdown list (rated on). I'm wondering what we use for that, in exactly the way your saying it works. Options are: Acting, Overness, Entertainment, Microphone, and Sex Appeal. I'm looking for "Menacing" or similar. That's where my confusion is.[/QUOTE] Maybe it was left out of the editor, so as to not ruin the announcement?
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I agree with Showtime4Lajf, Not only is there a clear distinction between "sexy/good looking" and "big/scary" looking wrestlers now, but also it makes the Menace skill FAR more relavant then it was in the past. It may seem like a fairly minor change, but it could actually be a fairly big change in gameplay and how you sign and scout for workers.
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[QUOTE=Gigas;429335]Im not sure exactly what menacing means in the game. Is it just for monsters like Snitsky, or would "warped" characters like the evil Randy Orton have a decent menace rating?[/QUOTE] Menace was already in TEW 2007. It's a stat that's attached to a worker, not a gimmick. Randy Orton doesn't look super menacing per se, his "evil" character is menacing, but the guy himself isn't particularly scary looking, unlike guys like Glen Jacobs or Dalip Singh. Even when Kane is face, he still looks menacing. So Orton is still more menacing than someone like, say, Paul London, because he's taller, bigger, etc, but I don't think he should have a very high Menace stat.
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