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favorite finisher of all time?


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diamond cutter [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/righteous_slave/ddpdiamondcutsgoldberg2kx.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w257/mlb32001/DiamondCutter2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i178.photobucket.com/albums/w257/mlb32001/DiamondCutter3.gif[/IMG] rock bottom [IMG]http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd273/Sergiobc/Gifs%20WWE/RockBottomspart1y2.gif[/IMG]
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If you're going on the pure flashiness of the move, I have to say RVD's 5 star, since he could hit that from just about anywhere, and Jack Evan's 630. Although I caught some of Teddy Hart's work in AAA, and he does this wicked snap powerbomb over his knees. How he lands that without injuring everyone involved is beyond me.
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Stone Cold Stunner. I wasn't an Austin fan, but the move was wicked over. He could hit it on anyone. He could hit it out of nowhere. He could he hit safely, everytime, with it still looking great. The Diamond Cutter basically fits into the same catagory, but I was more into WWF than WCW at the time. And there's a warm place in my heart for the Sharpshooter.
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[QUOTE=Self;467037]Stone Cold Stunner. I wasn't an Austin fan, but the move was wicked over. He could hit it on anyone. He could hit it out of nowhere. He could he hit safely, everytime, with it still looking great. The Diamond Cutter basically fits into the same catagory, but I was more into WWF than WCW at the time.[/QUOTE] I'd give the edge to the Diamond Cutter myself. It's incredibly versatile, whereas there are only so many ways a stunner can be used. It's very tempting to add the Shooting Star Press to the list, but I've read way too many horror stories about it getting botched. I think a really great finisher should look great without causing any real danger. Case in point: Victoria's always-awesome Widow's Peak.
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I've always marked out for Edge's old Downward Spiral. I think its a cool looking move and it definetly has that "out of nowhere" appeal to it (and appears to be named after a NIN album). Unfortunatly it seems few feel the same way about it as I do. And, of course, the Anklelock has always been a favorite submission move of mine. Comes from my love of Ken Shamrock back then. I wish he hadn't gone back to MMA.
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Guest Ransik
The Jackhammer.... Goldberg version. I know, I know... bite my head off. But think about it... when Goldberg was in The Power Plant, he was told to pick a finisher he could do on ANYONE.... ANYTIME. So he immediately told Reese to "c'mere" and did it with ease... then they brought Paul Wight in a few days later and he did it to him. Every time you thought "no freakin' way can Goldberg lift this guy" he would not only lift him but HOLD HIM up before nailing the slam.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;467160]I've always marked out for Edge's old Downward Spiral. I think its a cool looking move and it definetly has that "out of nowhere" appeal to it (and appears to be named after a NIN album). Unfortunatly it seems few feel the same way about it as I do.[/QUOTE] I dug the spiral, back in the day when only Edge and Kanyon used it. Up until SvR07 it was my CAW finish. Then I just couldn't get over the lame-ness of the animation and switched to the utterly badass running Octopus Stretch... Which they removed in 08. The jerks. Too many people use the Spiral nowadays. Kaz, Angelina Love, Mike Knox, Mr. Kennedy, Shelton... It dilutes the impact, although Kennedy's getting it over pretty well.
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I love all those huge stiff moves in Japan.. Anything from Kenta Kobashi, I love. But from a FINisher point of view, The Burning Hammer. Tombstone Piledriver. Various Brainbusters and DDT's. Any top rope move also, Top Rope Tombstone Piledriver is maybe my favourite move ever. It just has that magic in it. Yeah, definedly. :)
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;467084]My fave finisher of all time was neither flashy nor incredibly exciting but I always had a soft spot for the Perfect-plex.[/QUOTE] The Perfectplex is another good one. It looks legitimate. I can fully believe that someone who's taken a Perfectplex just won't be capable of kicking out because [i]the dude just got dropped on his head and one of his legs is folded up[/i]. There's this very simple sort of casual brutality to it.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;467191]No love for the Vertibreaker? Yikes. Oddly, my other favorite is the not-flashy-at-all Mandible Claw...[/QUOTE] Vertebreaker, pffft! My favorite finishers: [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzjPgLxoIcM"]Kudome Valentine (aka Kudo Driver)[/URL] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcz4QIteI0k"]Air Raid Crash[/URL] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI6VFgBpg04"]Desecrator and Code Green[/URL] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td_ykQZuanI"]Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex[/URL] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afOuf7thfXc"]Sky Twister Press[/URL] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDSw2W1iWds&NR=1"]Victory Star Drop[/URL] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZrDxRM2k6o"]Royal Butterfly[/URL] [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUXsYruhrcU&NR=1"]Spider Twist[/URL] :)
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